Remember the time Congress voted overwhelmingly to force Trump's hand on sanctioning Russia for 'election interference'? The deadline for implementing them passed and Trump just sorta, didn't do it.
Remember the time Congress voted overwhelmingly to force Trump's hand on sanctioning Russia for 'election interference'? The deadline for implementing them passed and Trump just sorta, didn't do it.
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Shit, he's on a roll now. Also, kike free first.
Sanctions for what again?
Really funny when shit like that happens. The jew's entire source of power is from telling people what to do and them actually doing it. Don't do what they say and you'll be surprised at how naked they feel.
When is Congress going to sanction Mexico for election interference via illegal voters?
Wtf this confirms russians hacked the election, impeach drumpf now!
looks like he's doing a good job
with the muh Russia narrative being btfo they will have no more leverage against Trump on this issue
the sanctions were fucking retarded anyway
Crimea has been part of Russia for centuries and no one gives a fuck about faggots
They probably don't have a narrative yet. I expect it'll show up by tomorrow.
So the other sanctions are still in place or have they been removed as well?
I'm going to laugh if Trump starts doing this with anything he doesn't like.
Wow, so based!
never mention sholom rubashkin, goyim, putin is your friend, chabad does not exist
For Killary not winning.
We about to Soviet Surplus once again? I wanna pick up a belt feeder parts kit to build a display model :^)
I would absolutely love to partner with Russia and together completely wipe the globe of anyone even remotely connected to those terrorist types while, at the same time, coming together and truly delving into space for the betterment of the species.
It's fucking retarded that we aren't bro allies with our fellow whites in Russia.
oh thank fuck, a lot of the sanction choices on that list would've possibly cut off a lot of Russian ammo imports
Wait, isn't this the vote which had super majority approval by the congress?
You're a few posts too late.
Drumpf could build a 40 foot high wall, deport every single illegal alien, and Drumpf still would have "cucked out" some how.
Hey, if they don't earn their paychecks they'll be barbelled.
This is just further proof that Grognard Flumpf is a Russian agent. We need to march on the capital and overthrow this puppet government!
Checked. I love 7's. Hopefully Trump goes full Andrew Jackson.
Look at that face. You can see the hatred brewing.
Do they force everyone who goes to this stupid wall to wear their dunce cap or something? Its like the pedo blackmail scheme but with jew hats.
Drink once each time President Trump:
1. Says "believe me," or claims to be the "most (something good)" or the "least (something bad)"
2. Pulls out a "some of my best friends are Haitian" line, or in some other painful way denies being racist. Drink twice if he does so and then also talks about building the Wall.
3. Talks priapismically about the Republican tax cut package, or hints at the great relationship he enjoys with the GOP leadership, causing a cutaway to a mortified Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell, as each struggles over whether or not to bite his glass cyanide capsule
4. Mentions ExxonMobil, Walmart, Apple or any other corporation that reportedly is investing in America because of Trump's tax package
5. Uses the "pinchy hands" gesture (up to a maximum of three times)
6. Sniffles with suspicious vigorousness (again, maximum three shots)
7. Pulls a Kobe special and overcompliments his wife in embarrassingly public fashion in the wake of the Stormy Daniels story
8. Says something is "tremendous." Drink twice if the thing in question was totally not tremendous, e.g., "What a tremendous first year this administration had."
9. Causes a lawmaker to walk out mid-speech
10. Makes veiled/unveiled threat to North Korea that increases the chance that Guam will be annihilated before the end of the speech
11. Mentions the 702 Surveillance Reauthorization. Drink twice if you see members from both parties cheering
12. Mentions Jay-Z, Meryl Streep, Michael Wolff, Steve Bannon, "Fake News" CNN or Dianne Feinstein. Double shot for "FBI lovers" Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, "Dicky" Durbin, "Cryin'" Chuck Schumer, or "Crazy" Jim Acosta.
13. Mentions a "witch hunt." Wrap arms with your friend and "collude" to drink each others' shots if the word "collusion" is used instead
14. Mispronounces "Nazarbayev" or some similar personage. Double shot if he mispronounces Davos or talks about how much the Swiss love him
15. Mentions in admiring fashion Dr. King, Abraham Lincoln or some other defenseless dead person. Take a vote within your group to decide if Bob Dole counts
I believe so. It's pretty much the same as any other stupid "native" shit heads of state get stuck doing whenever they visit countries outside NA or Europe.
That's not hatred, it's effiminate submissiveness. Putin and Trump has always cucked out for the Jew.
Cool game Holla Forums, don't you have a dick to be sucking?
Genuine Holla Forumsacks that hate Trump would at least actually be funny about it .
Haul your sorry ass back to whatever online shithole you crawled out of.
Good, now I dont have to worry about 7.62 ammo being retardly expensive.
Are there no domestic producers of 7.62 or is it pretty much all surplus that makes its way to civilians?
Underrated post.
Was reading that the sanctions specifically hit a company that is the distributor and import of Russian products, and they bring in Wolf ammo. Just that one brand not being sold would have crashed the supply.
There's more than one type of 7.62
There is a hilariously cancerous thread on /r/the_mueller right now about this. If anyone has the stomach, I strongly recommend poking around as a form of exposure therapy.
you copypasta'd that from yiddit?
>>>/gaschamber/ && >>>/oven/
Excuse me while I go to the package store and get a case of liquor.
Reddit’s usual suspect boards are blowing up saying this is against the constitution because there was 98% support in Congress, and it’s his job to enforce what is the law, not pick and choose.
How true is this? Without going into whatsboutisms (I know Obama didn’t get congressional approval for war in Libya, and he rewrote a section of Obamacare after the bill had been signed).
Inb4 “earlobe spacing gb2 reddit” I only go there to look at the opposition and I’ve posted like this here and on halfchan since before the exodus. I was watching when Jaffa called.
how dare you suggest not sanctioning a hostile(?) foreign nation
excuse me while I import hostile foreigners into america and treat them as citizens
russia is probably the largest exporter of ammo to the US market, everything would be effected from a import ban.
7.62x39 has some brass cased production here, and former eastern bloc countries could start up more production, and some of the russian companies are clever with assests so they could move tooling out of the country, but it would be a big hit if it was shut off.
Surplus is pretty much non existent, dried up at this point. 7n6 5.45 was still coming in but the ATF banned it from import
5.45 is even worse, pretty much only russia is making it, shame since a AK74M would be nice to have.
It was against Rostec, the whole network is complicated due to stuff like this, but it most likely could've at the very least effected tula.
I'll probably buy a WASR now since I was avoiding soviet calibers right now due to the sanction possibility.
Nope, we're the one's getting cucked. Mattis announced the war on terror is no longer our top focus. Now it's Russia and China.
Now that Israel's enemies are manageable it's time for the US and Russian goy to kill each other.
maybe you forgot user but China is not white and is not our friends
I don't know whats more satisfying shit like that or the kikes realizing that their witchcraft is powerless.
Wasn't it passed as a referendum and not a law?
The time will be soon. Isis needs to be destroyed first
American eagle makes it but they charge a lot for it.
I hope he holds strong to this. Sometimes he backs down after there's a media shitstorm. Also there's this conflicting statement from Mnuchin.
I think it's plausible. I mean, why would the WH release a list of 210 political figures/oligarchs if not to sanction them like they did not long ago with other political figures/oligarchs.
I don't want to go to war with Russia but China needs to be nuked out of existence