Newfag here. I'm trying to create a NatSoc profile on (((Twitter))) and it's circumventing me at every turn. It should be known that I'm using Epic Privacy Browser and used a Protonmail account to create my (((Twitter))) account. Any help would be appreciated as I'm just trying to practice free speech on a public platform but I'm dealing with technical difficulties. Thanks!
How do I subvert (((Twitter))) censorship /pol?
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You blow up the physical servers or kill every moderator. It’s not possible otherwise. For fuck’s sake.
create a commie account and do everything you can to associate their shit with hate speech and break the bot
I figured if anyone could it'd the weaponized autists of /pol.
That's a great idea. Thanks user!
Nigga, we can’t even get around our own board’s kiked moderation. How the fuck do you expect us to take down a LARGE-scale jewish-owned operation?
I'll refer you to the butterfly war thread.
Have a nice seizure.
I believe in you degenerate faggots. Your meme magic makes the world a better place.
That's some tasty sauce! thanks user!
There is no such thing as free speech on privately owned properties.
This is the thing you all need to learn. When you go into a business or post on a business's website it is not government property, therefor what you say can not be fully protected by the law. If the business wants you to not say certain things there they have the right to remove you from that establishment. The government cant step in and say "You have to let them stay here". The only other thing that comes to mind is the whole cake fiasco where its more of a religious thing and a right to sell.
So seriously, stop trying to make things on sites that are obviously leftist and then wonder why you get taken down and banned. There is so such thing as freedom of speech when it comes to privately owned property. If you were inside a public building or land then you could say whatever the fuck you want, as long as you arent causing a massive disturbance. Gotta learn your laws. The only way you will be able to take down these places is to offer a better website or business that allows for more freedoms to be used and lure users to that.
This. Due to the fact that anything can be considered a "trigger" and thus be considered a form of harassment. Focus on reporting "moderates". No form of comment should be considered "inoffensive". Get normafag's account shut down by reporting anything they say as being offensive. Twitter will shut the normalfag's account without any real explanation as to what they were supposed to have said as being offensive. If you think such deception is wrong, you may be correct, unless you take the view that you are doing the right thing by "starting a conversation " about what can be considered offensive on twitter. :^)
You glow in the dark faggot.
I will say thats a pretty decent video.
I'm one of you user. Just a greenhorn. I'm on a proxy and just got banned for someone else's post.
It seems like the (((mods))) are cleaning house.>>11204887
If the cake shop that denied the gay couple a cake fails in its defense against the discrimination charges, a precedent will have been set. Any platform can be sued for denying anyone that has reasonable conservative views any access to their service.
I'm going to go with this strategy. I can pretend to be an SJW and get normfags taken down. thanks anons. Peace out!
I agree with this. Otherwise it's freedom for me but not for thee mentality.
Newfag you say? Just as likely could be some lazy, dumb payet from twatter. There's a lot you can do and I would share if I knew you, but I don't so am not disclosing hard earned (lots of time and accounts) knowledge just because you've asked. If it's important to you, you'll find a way. Stop being a bitch and asking for freebies.
you have to create clean accounts and run them for a while then flip them over to right wing propaganda, twitter is dying just like faceberg anyway so i wouldn't worry about it.
Just make sure the normalfag has a large number of followers. This will cause a greater number of people questioning why their friend's account was closed and what was considered "offensive". If you want twitter to shut down completely due to bloodshed, find accounts linked to cartels such as MS-13 and let them know that all of their private correspondence is being saved by twitter and through the use of network connection algorithms, many members could be singled out by law enforcement (point out twitter's willingness to give Trump's private messages to the FBI).
That's fair. I shouldn't of expected to be spoonfed. My bad user.
Excellent advice. Thanks anons!
Learn English before posting.
?Que? Ah Ci Senore. Lo siento!
Fuck off, lolberg. Monopolies are the nature of the social media sector. Do you really believe that normies will all jump ship and join Holla Forumsbook? We're going to have to nationalize, or at least regulate, some of these tech giants.
Because I don't disagree, retard.
Create a platform that can replace twatter with the promise of no censorship?
It would have to be a very exclusive bulletin board only available through invite on the dark web.
I said replace it, not make a hyper-autistic no normies allowed clone.
Normies would never tolerate a NotSac social media platform. We need to create an untraceable platform where we can find each other and collaborate on how to achieve our goals.
Get a lawyer and protect your civil rights as part of an ethnic group.
Im a firm believer in capitalism. If you dont like the way something is, make something better. You do realize that this is what exactly happend with 4chan right? 4chan became shitty and denied users what they were always used to and performed strict draconian censorship practices and everyone jumped ship. 4chan was a social platform believe it or not. People went somewhere else. People are always willing to go to something better you just have to show them what it is and why.
you have to start somewhere user, twitter didn't become big by only catering to normies and their short attention spans, only to slowly become subverted by the jews for the purpose of social engineering wrongthink censorship.
That would be true but my counter to that would be fuck jews
I've got an off-topic question for the ausfags on the board: Where can I buy a burner phone within Australia? I mean a phone that I can register, pay for and use, without giving the phone company any personal details whatsoever.
kill the floor level workers there at twatter OP. just bust in with some rifles and homemade kaboom and kill as many as you can before you are killed
t. the fucking FBI
Try post it on twister
The easiest way to ban evade is by pretending to be a lefty but end up mocking lefties and saying rightwing stuff indirectly. For example i see a normie and a lefty arguing in a discussion, i would go in and say shit like this to the normie:
It's very easy to distribute redpills that way. I also use this to call out kike jouranlists in article comments but in a lefty way like:
>"Notice how it's always jewish journalists who call out the faults of white people, truly the gods chosen
This wouldn't be a shit argument if companies like Twitter not only refused to enforce governmental laws on free speech, but also refused to enforce governmental laws on its censorship. Stop thinking about companies like we're living in a free market utopia, because that's definitely not the case you lolberg fag.
No such thing as a utopia. Capitalism has major flaws such as profiting off of the work of many so that only a few truely gain but thats how it is. Its a better system than a lot of other things out there. In reality we need a semi capitalist society where we have a smart government that can make decisions on what people can do and cant do. Like if society has an issue with fast food (which we do) we just ban the ever loving fuck out of it. We ban tobacco as well due to it being nothing but a shit stain, ban alcohol consumption due to it being detrimental to society and the fabric of daily life and kill those who continue to perpetuate it after its been outlawed. Thats the problem we had with the prohibition, we were too lenient. People who consumed got slaps on the wrist and they went after the sellers. You gotta destroy both the user and the pusher.
But honestly the main problem is that people still dont realize that when you post on someone elses page and not their own, you are under their dictatorship until we have laws stating that they can not impose on civil liberties. Then by doing that you are dictating what people can and cant do with their property. Its all so interwoven its a nightmare to do anything.
It would be just easier to instead shoot people who support communist and liberal practices (practically killing off all of social media) and therefor never have to worry about this bullshit. But then you get into the freedom of speech argument. I swear fascism just just so much fucking simpler. Someone speaks out about their rights to fuck some nigger we could just tell an SS officer and have them hanged. But instead we get to debate on what we should be able to say some some shitty social media site. We have really progressed havent we?
The ultimate tactical philosophy to use as your guiding star when combating censorship is to force them to expand the defining parameters within the censoring algorithms so as to start seeing large swaths of unrelated, unoffensive Normie content being caught up with all the various means we use to currently bypass them. That level of censorship will be untenable at a business level. Just as zebras blend in with the crowd, so must we weave our language into that of the Normies in order to best avoid algorithmic censorship. An example of this would be recent Chinese censorship of Winnie the Pooh after comparisons between Pooh and President Xi went viral.
A Must Read -
LEET (1337) is a written language or cipher used in online gaming, e-mails, text messaging, tweeting, and other electronic communication. The root of the term "leet" is the word "elite"–translated as 31337–and 1337 was initially developed as an exclusionary language: a way to encode text so that messages could only be read by the initiated. The defining characteristic of 1337 is substitution of symbols and numbers for letters (for example, in the term "1337," 1=L, 3=E and 7=T), but the language has also developed to include intentional misspellings, phonetic spelling, and new words. If you want to familiarize yourself with 1337, or if you're just curious about it, this article will explain the basics of how to read and write in this ever-changing language.
As with L337 Speak, there are already numerous foreign languages that have their own unique alphabet with letters that largely look like ours. In order to have a censorship algorithm, you have to program the parameters, and do so in such a way as not to censor content you're not intending to target, lest you generate outrage amongst the Normies. So, when "Religion of Cuck™" is used as a "Hot" word to pick out which pieces of binary to target, did they also program into the algorithm filter to look out for "Religion of Cuck™", or "Religion of Cuck™", or "Religion of Cuck™", or any of the other possible combinations? In this case, you'll want to envision the word as a scrolling character padlock, but in reverse. Their job is to program in every combination to block the access of your speech. Yours is to keep shuffling the characters till you find a combo they haven't thought of yet.
Likely Not.
You can find keyboard apps with these characters or the manual work-around, C&P a full list of extra-English characters to a notepad app, create your word word, C&P to any text input that triggers predictive spelling, program your custom word into your personal library. A few uses will give it priority in program.
George Carlin has a popular bit he did on euphemisms, political correctness, increasingly adopting terminology designed to dehumanize and sterilize language through increasing syllables. Often to the point of inanity. It's time we begin using that against them.
I would encourage everyone to digest his analysis and apply its wisdom & lessons to outsmart censorship algorithms designed by people who think stringing long words together qualifies as a substantive argument.
Keeping in mind the above, a thesaurus and dictionary will provide constant work-arounds for the censors. Another aspect is in altering the terminology we use, in order to;
1. Reclaim ground previously lost by allowing our opposition to define and determine the terminology we use to discuss controversial topics. Any normal person who uses "cisgender" in anything other than an analysis or satire, is an example of this.
2. Bypass "Hot Words" by using terminology they haven't taken into account yet, including Normie terminology. If we can't talk about "Religion of Cuck™", maybe we can talk about "mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeranism", or the "Cult of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker".
So, we find our memes being censored as well. Now, I have noticed that posts that are deleted after being reported, but before being adjudicated, do not result in a Zucking. When engaging those whom we think likely to report us, posting a highly offensive meme is risky business, unless you delete in within 5 minutes of posting, after you intended target has seen it, after its done its job, but before you can have it used against you.
I think its pretty clear that there are certain "Hotwords" that trigger especially capricious interpretations of their Codes of Conduct. Thusly, it would be only logical to presume that they have "Notwords" that trigger a more lax interpretation of the Code of Conduct, in order to prevent their Leftist Lapdogs from being caught up the same filters that catch us.
Based Pepe Le Pew is looking for help fighting the globalists from First Amendment protected Based 'Mericans. The two team up, combine their efforts to develop effective memetics in French, with the American being the one doing the posting. Being unable to prosecute us Americans will inspire many tears of impotent rage amoungst the EU authoritarians, whilst red pilling Euros. This will better translate the successes we had with Brexit and Trump to non-English societies.
Remember that Bill Nye Junk Stuff video, it starts off with the DJ giving a shout out to all the fellow bipeds who identify as yada yada. We know "Rape" is a definite 'Hotword'. I've been Zucked for 3 word posts with that being the only possible 'Hotword', has to do with the rape epidemic thanks to the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran invaders. "Bipeds who identify", instead of "People" is an example of breaking down communication and concepts to their most basic building blocks. That tactic can be used to sanitize language and communication. To sterilize it, as well.
But it can also be used to enrich communication while sanitizing it from specific 'Hotwords'. They want to stop us using such triggering words and terms to avoid triggering the emotions that come from those words and the ideas they convey. Bad idea. Because the counter to that is abandoning those terms and using colorful, vivid, descriptive terminology to paint graphic pictures of these evil deeds they don't want spoken of. We must paint a picture with words. Thesaurus tool multiplied by foreign characters tactic feeds into the Expanding Perimeters Strategy.
If you sense a particular person is going to be especially 'problematic' or risky, don't be afraid to pro-actively cut them off. Mind your privacy settings, and don't be opposed to reporting those who report you before blocking. That's about the only use I have for the feature.
Re-uploading censored or limited state videos back onto their censorious platform, as well as other free platforms is a key method of resisting censorship.
Digital Re-Affirmation Of The 1st & 4th Amendments To Apply To All Communications Tech Providers
It's not private property. It's a commercial space, to which the public is invited - the public at large. Indeed, where but with Twitter has there been a more obvious invitation to everyone in the public to come? Twitter isn't a private club. Private clubs can ban blacks, can ban whites, can ban women, jews, or anyone its controllers please. But Twitter isn't a private club.
Consider the legal protections offered to Twitter and other companies: incorporation. They are defended from personal liability in most cases. Such an entity necessarily loses rights at the same time, as it is not the property of a single person.
Do this
hear hear!
This is piss easy.
1. Register it as Antifa or other Marxism bs Twatter loves.
2. Tweet NatSoc.
3. If anyone challenges you - you identify as a handicapped, POC, transgender, lesbian, and are the spiritual reincarnation of Hitler.
4. You're welcome.
I've been lurking user. I'm well aware of the JQ and their (((agenda))).
Excellent advice. Thanks user!
There are services that require pay for this type of service that are excellent efficient. (Ironically many jew v jew based in Israel) But i am assuming you just want to post non marketable info… so yeah u gonna be having to do the old fashion way of building accounts and flipping them to the dark side… unless u happen to be a trust fund kidde or have a second revenue stream you are willing to donate to the cause rather than paying for bullets and MREs
I've made accounts in the past acting as a practitioner of the most holy and esteemed Judaism. Only got banned after I expressed resentment that the IDF wasn't mowing down niggers. Still made some Zionists angry, though, as they believed I was really an Israeli rabbi who hated their (((Christianity))) and acted proud of killing Jesus.
secret agent man is right, but this place is the lesser evil on the clearnet. Twitter is fucked m8. Just like fb, gogle and everything else silicon valley cucks and kikes promote.
I have an NS twitter and only got banned once for a week for calling a famour jew, can't recall who, a kike and I called sean king a faggot. I was never banned for NS things though. What are they blocking you, what content? Is it a picture background or tweets? What is an example of a tweet they harassed you over.?
Then you have not taken the redpill yet.
Capitalism and communism are both sides of the same coin. Everything is just material, nothing has value except what it can be sold at.
You understand that only bad things lead from this logic and the small amounts of good that can result are incidental at best, right?
Don't use Twitter.
The deep web has been cleaned out the last time I checked. It still has great potential but it's a shell of what it once was.
This is a good solution but some people just can't help themselves.
you misunderstand. anons call it getting banned on twitter because their 'your account is suspicious you need to confirm that you are a real person by entering the text we sent your phone number amounts to a permaban when you are using burner phones to set up accounts.
>Holla Forums becomes a super weaponized decentralized alphabet soup-like agency without the fail and furries
>>>/bane/ shitposts on the official accounts
At least he admits it.
I love how commies can remove metaphorical niggers from their metaphorical restaurants. In case you haven't figured it out by now, that is a shit argument.
Make sure to keep making normalfag accounts that look like you're not concerned about privacy (so use proxies but don't obfuscate your identity further or they ask for more verification). We can at least fuck up their algorithms. I personally feel like we already won the speech war on Twatter so I stopped making accounts after the Shuttening.
Not an argument. It's a double standard, just like how they openly discriminate against Odinists even in the government (which is over 9000% illegal, but the fucks do it anyway).
See for some ideas
Search "Antifa checker" and you will be in for a surprise.