The site states:
Warning: links to the the site contain interracial porn with captions intended to demoralise whites
The site states:
Warning: links to the the site contain interracial porn with captions intended to demoralise whites
Other urls found in this thread:
The cuck porn shit started over ten years ago.
The rise in cuck porn started 2 or 3 years ago.
Pure coincidence goyim :^)
They're to help usher in the 4th Reich. Good on them.
This line is the most offensive, since it is subversion by kikes and leftwhites that makes he case for Africanization of all white countries. If Darwinism were left to run its course, there would be a lot less niggers and sandniggers, especially when left to their own devices.
Jokes on you kikes, I only read out of print doujin for that stuff.
Yeah only if we fight back, yet anyone who does so is labelled a fed and dogpiled upon.
How did you even find this?
They should do this. The shitted-meme needs to go global.
There going to make people go to their site to get indoctrinated how?
Reminder that calling for the "Africanization of Europe" is a genocide crime punishable by death in any country in the world, given its international law. Reminder they deserve DEATH and nothing else.
What will actually happen:
Mudsharks take up mudsharking as fashion
Mudsharks pay toll
Remaining women realise far-right offers security and reject mudsharking as degenerate
lel retards. This will only further radicalize people. They'd be more successful if they created HD white man/(attractive) nonwhite woman porn, but of course they aren't going to do that.
Fucking retards.
Reminder that "international law" is a nonsensical concept and currently only serves as an excuse for kikes to kike.
Reminder that if its illegal under international law, and the punishment is death for the crime, that you are legally allowed to call for their death.
Even normfags are starting to ask "Why is is also some brownie fucking a white chick?" or "where's the article telling my wife to let me fuck some younger woman".
The jew never thinks that eventually when everyone else is eating your pie you'll start asking for your share and then their's.
nigger and other shitskin hoards around the world existence and size are what they are from christcuck's "for only a dollar a day" breeding program they've been carrying out for over a hundred years. "you're attacking christcucks, you're a jew shill!" Fuck you, I see what christcucks have done, are doing, preach, push for, side with and judge accordingly.
World Jewry at its most vicious since the 1940s. I can't imagine what it must be like to have the kinds of sickening thoughts they have day in and day out.
"International law" still is nonsense (you can't have law without an authority to issue them), but given that most people accept it nowadays yes, you can use it as a rhetorical tool to say "By their own rules, they deserve death." Kikes need to be eliminated regardless because they're too big a threat and kicking them out has been definitively proven not to work, but this is a decent rhetorical tool.
It just amuses me. If kikes were smart they would be pushing the white man/nonwhite woman angle hard. Men are always more likely to racemix — owing to the fact that men have the possibility of no mate while woman do not — and it would be by far the most successful way to encourage racemixing. But of course the kikes are too high on their own farts to be that strategic and too drunk on their hatred of white men to give them a modicum of power over nonwhites.
I suppose it also illustrates the concept "Propaganda is directed where their is least real-world effect" quite nicely too.
How did you even find this shit?
N-no, bad!
Even as a non-white (yes, I know I'll go kill myself) this is absolutely disgusting.
More like they'll pump their garbage out to other sites. Like how if you go to a porn tube and you'll see cuck shit/WFBM porn everywhere even if all you ever jack off to is solo blondes, etc.
If you're a nonwhite why are you even reading Holla Forums? Serious question. why do you care?
Believe it or not I actually agree with and sympathize with most things here.
Thinking probably isn't their strong point. They're sad fetishists who most likely spend all day looking at porn while wearing women's clothes and getting high off their own farts.
Have lists already?!
He knows where his bread is buttered. Any shit skin who likes the structure and order we bring knows once we're gone their world is gone too.
Okay. And?
Don't get me wrong, I know western/west society is the best and was created by and must be maintained by that group, however, I do just like white people in general. They're mostly good people, kind (often too much for their own good), and intelligent. I'd never want to see that go away.
Don't mean to get all blogposty or anything or sound "WOW SO BASED". I just don't like seeing people who are my friends (I mean real life, certainly not here obviously) be treated poorly when they're good.
Yea, and they banned nigger hate threads 2 years ago.
I mean you would kind of have to have nigger level intellect to fall for them taking "Alt Right" girls and blacking them anyway
I will never understand why bestiality is so popular among cucks.
That site looks like it's mostly beta males expressing their cuck fantasies online. Not sure how that's going to make white women not be disgusted by niggers.
Implying the blackpill doesn't make us stronger. Have fun memeing the 4th reich kikes the holocaust is going to happen for real this time.
Burger society is awful since a fucking century and you have to go back nigger
How's that been working out so far?
Why are you so fixated on cuck porn conspiracies? Can't get your mind off nigger dicks?
top kek
They think that shit actually works?
Probably? What doesn't make sense to me is why they would think that dos ebil huwite supremacists would watch interracial porn in the first place.
It was (((incrementalism))).
The industry started shilling IR garbage in earnest by the mid 2000's, then it devolved into "edgy" anti-white cuck crap a few years ago.
Nothing is free, not even internet porn. It has a 'hidden cost' baked into it much in the same way (((faceberg))) does; social access/engineering.
polite sage
let the wheel spinning commence.
But White Genocide is totally a conspiracy theory goyim.
Where did I say that? I said they'll spread it to other sites - these people won't actually try to target it as the "alt-right", they'll simply aim it at white people (in general).
Many white people are addicted to porn. We have women problems, Jews cause women problems, then hand white men porn as a coping mechanism… but obviously thats just as damaging in its own way.
(((pure cohencidence))) as usual
when we warned people about this shit years ago we were called "Conspiracy theorists™
It appears that those "Conspiracy theorists™" were Always right.
I like the toilet one at the end. The negative frowning face on the toilet adds another layer to the message.
They hate themselves.
I wonder if anyone can find the identity and personal information of the site owner? Let's ruin his life.
Lol get lampshaded, kikes
This is a no brainer all we have to do is post all the articles and statistics related to Mudshark Murder, Assault, dead beat Dad, Maternal loathing of half breed offspring. Their are literally no benefits to being shitted In fact the consequences are Overwhelming Negative. That’s because to negroids White Women are just toys to be played with then Trash to be discarded. Same reason why most Interacial Relationships end in failure at a higher rate than racially homogeneous ones, plus you are less likely to be killed by a nigger
Disgusting, victims of black crime and RH- redpilling is only 1 of many counters to such a psyop.
fuck off TORpedo kike, go back to >>>/oven/ where you belong.
Jews are going to be genocided completely. How do we go about it for real this time? Everyone knows the gas chambers are too costly in time and money. However, bullets aren't fun unless every white gets to pull a trigger on a kike.
Get out of your basement and make me loser. Or go to the gym/range/walk/run.
The war is NOW.
You must live outside of hipsterville.
Speak for yourself, faggot. I, for one, maintain a rigorous exercise routine (weightlifting, running etc.).
No one wants to hear your defeatist garbage. LEAVE.
i know i know
literally retarded
I’m with you there
It was like 2006 or 2007, precipitating Obama.
The creatures on that site deserve to be flayed alive if anyone does
But seriously can one of you wannabe ubermenchen honestly tell me that you have met a single person in the last few years who wasn't a complete idiot?
Vast majority of people are idiots because they're lemmings. It's always been this way. The majority follows along what the social superiors in the society says whatever the quality of those people.
Have you seen what they teach in the higher education institutions? Youre the dumb one if you cant put it together that we have been undermined by kikes.
No excuse if they are adults.
Stop making excuses for people. Hitler did it and he lost. Badly.
You can't expect someone to do something that's not in his nature to do. BY NATURE, most people are conformists. Simple as that. It's just how they are.
Oh great more reasons to kill them.
People all around me, alcohol, drugs, porn, video games, social networks, tv, phones, entertainment. Every waking hour they are hooked up to these things.
So then my point stands. Whiteness alone is not enough to make someone worthy.
Vulgar memes for vulgar threads.
Any info on Jewish involvement in this and race mixing porn in general?
To Black Men white women are toys to be used and discarded
To be honest, niggers are doing our job for us. We certainly don't want to bring coalburners back into the fold.
Black Men can never actually Love a White Woman on use and destroy them
well if you live in commiefornia i wouldn't be surprised.
shill life
This list needs updating, really bad
Biological Determinism proves that Black Men cannot be genuinely Altruistic towards White Women and even their own race mixed offspring
i dont understand this meme tbh
They're assuming that and the remedy you speak of that they'll try necessarily assumes alt-righters are porn addicted since that's their specific target for disruption, they expect alt-righters spending their time going to porn sights in general.
Black dicks look like shit logs. Not exactly complicated, my man.
Just Remember these the next time someone says we need to soften the death penalty, our tax dollars should be well spent Euthanizing Shithole Country Negroid Criminals like these
To White men these are coal burners, good riddance, and should be pointed out like you're doing and let it be known coal burners will not be helped, at all, they're already dead to White males.
Jokes on them the so called far-right don't watch degenerate pornography, that's the whole point. It'd be like trying to sour the melk for the lactose intolerant.
Agreed They knew it was wrong, but Government Tax Dollars should still be spent on Euthanizing the Criminals, No Prison Welfare for Shithole Country Nigger Rapists and Murderers
Of course, but you've left out the jews.
So they're simply giving us more ammo to prove our point to others to the effect that it doesn't even take researching connections anymore. Good job kike slime.
This is already ongoing. They do it on /gif/ all the time. They have bots or posters who post black porn all the time. You can tell the difference between genuine threads by post rates. There are like 5 BBC threads all the time.
It is about psychological conditioning. Since anyone can post a thread, they post all things which revolve around black porn. So they change the genre to BWC with asian girls. Asian fetishization, the only white on white porn is call 'incest porn' threads which are captioned white porn with incest lines. It is effectively a multipronged attack to influence the posters and how they think.
How so? The SS was effectively an aristocracy. No excuse-making for the masses there.
Jews are responsible for This interacial Pornography as Masters of the Pornography Industry and as Media Masters pushing Multiculturalism, they know women are naive and susceptible to this propaganda and Through Anti-Racist dogmas promoted in Marxist academia disallowed Our Institutions from adequately warning these women and thus are Guilty as accomplices to the Murders, In an Autocratic White Ethnostate they are to be Euthanized as well for these and many others crimes they made possible by way of Their Designs and Deceptions. ALL CUCKS AND ANTI-RACISTS HAVE THIS BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS
These would be so effective if twatter, kikebook and jewtube didn't heavily engage in anti-white censorship. Spamming these types of images constantly would enrage people quickly
well i dont study black dicks i thought it was a weird scat fetish started by canadians posters.
Far-right boys are only a fringe at this time. We need a much broader approach to the problem.
And sluts are not rational, this will work only with a minority of them who still have some common sense.
Cunts mostly react to social pressure.
Then, if we want to change the direction of the tide, we also have to focus in the boys, make them understand that a coalburner is a NO-NO.
If girls "feel" that boys will refuse them even for only display sympathy for mudsharking, may be we have a chance to make a dent in the kike's propaganda.
Just proves our point
Our Enemies wilt before the Truth
this comment made me laugh more than i expected
You've never heard the term "shitdick" around here?
Finns, I believe.
Don't forget about cuckchan, cuckchan is now basically an entire image board dedicated to this kind of shit
This is Correct White Knighting for Mudsharks is Forbidden, the proper response to the Sexual Liberation Movement is to give No Sympathy to Women who are Consciously Destroying Their Market Value
>Are you an alt-righter lul
Top kek. Start lifting, faglords.
Just tell them that BBC pornstars wear fake dicks, and white men are the most desired men. Also mention that black men have more estrogen and lower upperbody strength. Also mention that Blacks have no Neanderthal DNA which makes them weaker.
The nigger kills the coal burner and all the mongrel abominations
We need more niggers like this.
Also Negroes Stink that’s why their mud shark Women always leave then can’t put up with the smell
Just A nudda Shoah
I still maintain that this meme should have been CRAPPED.COM
We need to make a black cuck website to fuck with them. We should consult /ebon/. BMWF cucks only have obscure fetishes and sohpistry. We have science and statistics. We could cause some of them actually an hero from system shock.
Bitch, pls. You're chronologically challenged or don't know shit about movies.
Interracial romance has been a theme in fiction for centuries (Othello was supposed to be black rather than Arab because Shakespeare assumed North Africans were sub-Saharan), but the landmark Hollywood production to put it on the map was Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. With the push for political correctness in the following decades coupled with Hollywood's fetishization of radical Black Nationalism thanks to the growing popularity of Hip-Hop, interracial movies fucking exploded in the '90s.
You don't get to proofread Finnish memes my dude.
The 60's was the start of the jew anti-White push that we're still in today, from movies, music, drugs to the 65' immigration act.
Fact is We know this is a Jewish Psyop meant to demoralize us, Plenty of Whites are bigger than Blacks, and most blacks try to “keep the myth alive” just so they can feel better about themselves and get laid, This is easily counter-signaled once you realize this is all just smoke and mirrors Jewllusions. Chadposting and Exposing Mudshark Murder and black criminality will make this go away. Let’s hit the Gym boys
It really is, muh holohoax!
/chad9k/ is the way of the future
no goy you don't understand his dick is just going through quantum displacement i have a degree in 4d physics :)
I've given thought to this race mixing and how to combat it. I too have seen a rise in this filth as of late. The jew is pushing it hard. I have started using the logic of white genocide explained as black genocide to them.
Everytime a black man mixes with a white, he loses another half of his blackness. Don't call yourself a king or queen. You're a fucking half devil. And when half devils like you stick your dick in another snow chimp, you're kids are even less black. Race mixing is how the white man eliminated the native populations they invaded. You're being fooled into giving up your blackness with every white girl you fuck instead of loving a real nubian princess. And still, as you get lighter and lighter with time, you lie to yourself and claim to be black. Pretty soon, you'll be calling pic related a "black" man. Oh wait, you already do. You're race will be extinct soon. Who's behind this? (name the jew) *points finger* This (((white))) man right here is pushing this swirl brain washing on you.
I've found it to be quite effective, so far. Hoteps are catching on. Oy veys intensify.
tl;dr Make the blacks view miscegeny as racial genocide promoted by the (((white))) man.
That's actually a pretty good pasta with talcum x.
Sorry, kiddo. You're not black. Have you looked into the mirror? You're a devil with a tan. Don't try to appropriate African culture just because your "23 and me" profile says that you're 25% black. They (((white))) man fooled your daddy into fucking white girls.
This will alienate half breeds and leave them stuck in the middle.
Meant to leave this pic.
Yeah, that made me laugh too. Women are such weak creatures, it's fucking funny. Swap that guy out with a more average guy and suddenly he's a racist, inhuman PoS.
Pic related…
A mongrel to be sterilized.
And you can also tie this in with the new Person Of Color™ fad. There is no black, asian, hispanic, or native person in (((their))) beige future. Just one big swirl of non-whites. Don't be a "Person Of Color." Be a black man. Be a black woman. Stand up for your black race and keep out the devil blood.
If you're serious about it, check out the interracial thread on /cuckquean/ (read: white man nonwhite women).
I just looked up Guess Who's Coming To Dinner and I am so fucking disgusted. Of course it's directed and produced by a fucking Jew. Right from that fucking title.
yeah, they wake up the next day and pretend none of it ever happened.
It takes generations to fix messes like these.
If I had any editing skills I'd make a poster depicting a tall, strong chad redcoat standing over the bayoneted corpse of a scrawny, weak zulu "warrior". In front of the redcoat there'd be a thicc black woman frantically undoing his trousers. I'd also add some caption that would make nigs, cucks, and kikes seeth with impotent rage.
"Everytime the negro has met the white man in combat he has always suffered a humiliating defeat. The inferior black "man" can never fight a strong opponent head on. The negro male is simply too weak and dim witted to face the superior white man in battle, and his women know it."
evolution in reverse
this fake black dick thing was happening in the 70s even
they've been at the same ploy for almost 50 years
But the evil culminates when the husband goes his own way from the beginning of the week and the wife protests, simply out of love for the children. Then there are quarrels and bad feeling and the husband takes to drink according as he becomes estranged from his wife. He now becomes drunk every Saturday. Fighting for her own existence and that of the children, the wife has to hound him along the road from the factory to the tavern in order to get a few shillings from him on payday. Then when he finally comes home, maybe on the Sunday or the Monday, having parted with his last shillings and pence, pitiable scenes follow, scenes that cry out for God's mercy.
I have had actual experience of all this in hundreds of cases. At first I was disgusted and indignant; but later on I came to recognize the whole tragedy of their misfortune and to understand the profound causes of it. They were the unhappy victims of evil circumstances.
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf (p. 23). Kindle Edition.
Very interesting pic tbh…that's unexpectedly lengthy. Not shocking, just a lot longer than I expected lul. I agree, where else recently has been naming the kike?
hadn't seen that soros one before
Well, shit.
Now the viral and incessant "suck a log of Andy Sixx's shit" threads on 4chan that have taken over Holla Forums make sense.
perhaps one could be a human centipede, with three of the women lined up arse to mouth, shitastic
One of the reasons I really like this (inb4 liking my own ideas) is because you can make it a red pill moment by telling blacks to watch tv and they'll notice that only light skins get all the fame and fortune and they'll see more and more half breeds and less black men with each passing day. (which is very true if you watch the media) And teach them to identify the jew. "Just watch, Tyrone. You'll find that a Berg Stein Rose Bloom Itz is behind almost all of this shit." It could lead to a massive black nationalist chimp out eventually. Bonus lulz when the blacks are the ones who final solution the kikes.
We don't want nonwhite geneflow. There's nothing to "fix." This is why mongrels are so dangerous.
==Do not breed with mongrels, no matter how far back their nonwhite ancestry is. They are nonwhite.**
Well, I fucked that up. Committing sudoku.
Checked and keked. Trips of accuracy user
Spoiler that shit, faggot.
the comic strip should be given to every boy when he reaches 13.
Well, you are right, it is a conspiracy, and you didn't say theory either.
Why are people on Holla Forums fixated on real conspiracies, as in malevolent plans organised by a group of people? well, a better question is, what the fuck are you doing here, you stupid fucking bastard.
Porn is a matter of its own, but masturbating IS good for you (in the absence of regular sex, of course).
One drop rule.
Why the hell not? If another guy is looking after the kid then there is no downside!
Just because you're a degenerate fuck doesn't mean everyone else is.
Have you thought this through?
Have you ever stopped to think that they're well aware of the fact that it will further radicalize certain people? I mean that is one of the core aspects of divide and conquer, (((they))) know it will cause a huge split, i mean how could you not honestly.
She will have the kid anyway. I might as well make it mine!
No it isn't, you retard.
Once western men develop the testicles required to walk away from any woman that tries this shit it will quickly disappear.
Yep, but it takes the active encouragement of better men.
Men! I encourage you!
Totally on point.
Stop mocking us goyim!
The BBC is true!
TRUE i said!
Then why aren't you racemixing!?
Do you really want us to call you rayciss!?
Racemix now you bastids!!!
Jews only have about 10 different tactics, they use them in different ways but the core result is the same. There's nothing magical in their strategy it simply comes from their nature and nurtured by their upbringing beyond that there really isn't much more. They're just doing what they've been doing for a really long time and jews might have won if it were a century ago but we have the tool of the Internet.
Honestly I truly think the jews believe if they just turn up the degeneracy it'll work this time but just like in 1930s Germany it didn't but unlike with Germany the message will be heard and understood how deep the jew goes and so there will not be a brother war this time and we aren't as nice as the generations who came before who thought if we just made (((them))) leave we could get on with our lives.
hahahahaha i've been screencapping posts from that forum for some time, and I've never seen a thread where every post is by a butthurt beta male. Shows how scared they are that they're talking about us instead of jerking off to the thought that women are so easy they'll fuck niggers or whatever
Have any of you spent any time around niggers? It’s awful. White women don’t like being around a bunch of niggers. The only ones who go black are fucked up social rejects. We have the truth on our side, so never be demoralized by Jew lies. We walk the road less travelled because we are superior, and we can endure the struggle.
The opposite of 1 is not 0 but -1.
The question is who the fuck in their right mind would fuck an aboriginal to begin with.
Desperate losers.
dude in the 1st section definitely knew what he was getting into, jesus christ
Show them what happens when you "go black".
People who procreate knowing their children are going to come out unlovable monsters should be executed.
That first one is a family full of future actors.
Steve Buscemi gets a pass from me,he's honestly pretty funny, and also because of the "How do you do, fellow kids?" shit, but goddamn I can't be the only one who hates seeing Sid the sloth (of any variety) rammed in my face.
Only the degenerate left even visits these sites. The jew fails, as always.
Nobody in hollywood gets a pass. They're all scum. They wouldn't have any presence in jew media if they weren't crooked.
Fuck off with your propaganda.
A lot of aut-kike men are probably already "BBC sluts".
And dinner. wew
If (((they))) want to make people afraid of political incorrectness, wouldn't that eventually make it deeply attractive to the blue-pilled?
How to make porn thats ultraconservative/anti-feminist?
Yeah ruined as in find out where their "studios" are and let them know you've found them with a few hundred round drums.
I recommend industrial sized meat grinders, the kind they throw cattle into.
The metamorphosis from "white privilege" after that failed, to "white supremacy" was hilarious. They realized they weren't winning the privilege thing, especially how even even a kike like Ben Shapiro was able to debunk it. The change in their paradigm along with the rising right is just exposing their idiocy even more easy and it's done now around the clock.
Looks like they've already converted one.
Elie Wiesel quote
Monkeys will always be the ugliest race on earth. Buys into jewish myth of blacks having big dicks
Blacked is pornography, not reality. The women are payed, and all have dead eyes and are fake blonds (just like real life mudsharks). Blacked is making any money for its jew-maker.
Can we get the Board Owner to put a little Israeli flag by ever TOR ID? It's basically the same thing these days.
To be fair it did work in Russia, so it's not like the plan is fundamentally flawed.
Mike “Wife a kike” Enoch
One drop rule is also good because it ensures that the women who are into bestiality get their tendencies taken out of the gene pool. If we accept people who have some nigger ancestry into the gene pool they take with them the ability of being attracted to niggers (aka having bestiality tendencies) so not allowing them to mix with the purer breeds prevents the incidence of bestiality in the population.
I see you are a man of highly refined cultural tastes. I salute you.
Yep, be very discriminating when choosing a woman. The first great(est) thing you can do for your children is choose a partner that will bestow upon them good qualities.
checking and seconding
It is the greatest importance to look into their friends, and past history to have an idea of the woman.
The proverb says:
"Tell Me With Whom You Walk and I Will Tell You Who You Are"
Not clicking that shit.
Whose an, 'alt-right girl'? If they could even identify such a group, how would they target them?
Really it's just a bunch of deranged ooga boogas lusting after White flesh. Nothing new there.
The fact sheets are good but any cunt already doing this is quite frankly lost forever. It won't be until she's old and used up that she might think about her actions. Facts don't work with Leftists. They operate on feels so shaming and mockery is the more effective route. Also targeting the families. These jew porn sites, ddos and hack them.
The first >>>/cuckquean/153 ran from 7 December 2014 to 15 July 2017
They're actually on their second thread since 18 August 2017: >>>/cuckquean/11628 but it seems to have been hijacked by elf / drow / dwarf discussion.
did u even read what i said retard
also mods can suck my dick
Racemixing is a literal holocaust you stupid goyim. Don't you push another holocaust on us. 6 million American Jews are literally suffering a fate worse than death.
This thread should be pinned
checking those digits
sieg heil
fucking do something then
lead by example
act and no words can undo that
speak and only action can bring the change you want
Sucks to suffer an unacknowledged genocide, doesn't it, kike? Good thing there are a hundred times more of us than you, huh? I guess we'll see who runs out of kendoshim first.
Also, checking trips of moral arc of the universe.
True (((they're))) historically effective but the Internet is greatly reducing the pervasiveness of the tricks. There is hope now more than ever to actually rid ourselves of jews because (((they))) are not as creative as us but instead only have a few natural tricks which have seemed to work in the past but not now.
They're a little late, this has been going on for years already. It doesn't demoralize though, it's just more evidence of what the far-right already says about degeneracy, the anti-white agenda, and Jewish involvement.
This is all projection as well, read again and you see by their own logic they want to be fucked by Nazis. Cuckolds and degenerates, they're sick people.
Only the most discerning of zoophiles.
It's called the stolen generation. Basically, they were forced to assimilate.
Thanks man
The kikes got me early. Exposed to sex at about 5, porn a year or two later. Bluepilled as fuck about race, heavily into porn at about 15.
Why would anyone watch this disgusting jewish shit?
Enjoy your nigger herpes!
Yeah, echoes are part of the world of sound.
In all honesty, it's the pushing of this shit that is also waking a lot of people up to the agenda. You'll always have conformists, it's human nature. But there's a lot of us who turn away from it instantly and are repulsed.
No-fap is a decent example of this. While I think no-fap is not attainable for most men, the idea of reigning in your out of control sexual impulses and transmuting them into something healthy, instead of tumbling down the rabbit hole of more and more degenerate shit, is an overall positive thing.
Also, in combating this content never underestimate the power of shame. Shame the fuck out of men who are into cuck and interracial shit by attacking their egos directly. Shame works doubly well on women being that their main motivator in life is to receive positive feedback by a man. The most uppity defenders of this filth are always the most insecure. They NEED to prove it's ok because deep down they know it isn't and they will do anything to avoid dealing with the truth about themselves and actually changing. No mater how much they claim you're wasting your time, remain smug knowing that you've planted a seed and it WILL keep them up at night wondering, even if briefly, what the fuck they are doing with their lives.
Cuckchan Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums etc. are full of nigger dick worship and embrace faggotry threads. It's literally the worst gayest shit ever.
I don't know how you can even be into that jewish shit even after becoming redpilled on race. I used to tolerate niggers but after becoming redpilled on race, within a couple of years I couldn't even stand to look at the face of one. They truly are inhuman monsters and the mixed race ones just as disgusting for how they look like a white person is petrified in a block of shit and trying to escape.
Yeah you explained why but if you were truly redpilled your disgust for the most nonwhites of nonwhites would override any degenerate inclinations.
Too bad she's taken. Would have been the perfect mate for hotwheels.
Yeah, sure, go ahead and advertise something that doesn't really exist, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Top kek.
When it comes to sex, nothing is a bigger turn off then disappointment.
When you hope for a nice pussy but you get an ugly one, when you see a couple of nice tits that turn out to be enhanced by push-up bras, you feel turned off and frankly, embarassed.
The same thing will (and does) happen to the BBC meme. It's pushed so fucking hard that when you actually realize that niggers are actually below average in terms of dicksize you don't want to believe it at first.
Now pair this up with the degree of disappointment that a woman feels when she doesn't get what she wants, and you can see how all this is a recipe for disaster for the enemy.
So go ahead, do your interracial porn with your midget niggers and 150 cm female porn actresses and encourage women of all races to be disappointed by the real truth of black dick size.
All women will thirst for the BWP from that point on, because truth is, it's the best.
Good Luck Kikes, iv transcended above 3dpd a long time ago.
I'm a weak willed faggot, that's why.
Are you guys actually autistic?
Yes you are obvioulsy.
You treat clickbait shit like this so seriously.
Do you honestly think you can "convert" people with porn?
Holy fuck man, you guys give me a headache with your stupidity sometimes.
Also IR porn is made by white men for white men. Mostly americans unsurprisingly.
Women barely watch porn but when they do they don't care about race.
If they do they usually go with white guys because they look clean and healthy usually.
People really need to understand this point you're making, because it's important.
Through the redpilling process, you initially think "I shouldn't watch porn because of social disapproval" but as you internalize the truth of how things actually are, the disgust becomes intrinsic. Soon enough, you find that it takes more effort to watch scatological comedy (because it's fucking disgusting) than to resist watching it (because you're still subject to decades of media conditioning.)
But retards keep insisting that not wanting to be exposed to piles of festering, maggoty shit is some sort of affectation.
I'm really sorry that all the other anons are arresting and prosecuting you, you retard.
Also, this so-called campaign is not effective. It's just pissing people off more.
Filtered for spam. Faggot.
You do know that over 90% of all aid comes from governments right? Most private aid is a pyramid scheme luckily enough.
and where do these governments get the money from, retard?
and where did the push for it come from? Why the same christcucks who are pushing for the government to have open borders.
The majority of the people who push for that are atheists, leftists.
I wonder how long it will take to convince all three of them.
Just a little reminder that more of their profiles are very, very public. Including emails, phone numbers, occupations, locations.
Don't know why they'd post that stuff online, the internet has some nasty people on it.
Women will follow as soon as real NatSocs start leading.
For now most of them are a needless distraction.
Darwinism is always running its course. It doesn't take sides.
Go 2D on porn.
How can you tell if a black man is well hung?
you can fit two fingers between his neck and the noose
I can't seem to grasp their train of thought.
How is this supposed to demoralise white nationalists?
All their doing is giving them more reasons to rally against them.
I know niggers are supposed to have room temperature level IQ but this is just to retarded for me to grasp
Porn is (((psychological warfare))), the purpose of which is to get society addicted to deviancy, their instinct to reproduce rewired into degenerate lust. This means that they have an irrational attachment to defending abnormal behaviours because it's been associated with the dopamine hits they get from the porn they see.
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are recieving a dopamine reward (because your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. If you continue to do this you will need more extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time
tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile
Every time I see IR porn posted I get super mad and motivated to develop myself physically and mentally. It has the complete opposite effect, see our woman basically being raped right in front of my eyes fills me with a emotion that can only be described as "wanting to go out and conquer".
I really don't know why this is how it effects me but that is how I feel.
You know how we can use demoralization tactics against them? Against the jew? Call upon the fallacies of their religion, about their missing levites, the missing arches, the shitty copy paste of their religion from the egyptian one. Maybe even more. But you fucks almost never want to try to do jew specific demoralization. Quite annoying you fucks are. I am trying to find demoralization content against the jew. I mention the above, try to inform the people of the pilpul, the tikkun olam (and tie examples to things like the elders scrolls series), yet it feels like I am the only one trying to find something.
Racist is just a synonym for White. So yeah, it is. Niggers don't get called racist when they murder White People for being White, only White people are ever called racist.
He's even worse than an animal. He's…
It's supposed to implant the idea that your women will leave you/cheat on you despite you being smart/rich/loving/etc and that none of that really matters in the end if you don't have six pack abs and a 10" dick. Basically you're just an emotional tampon/ATM that she fakes love/affection for just for financial security while the only thing she really craves is orgasm from a physically superior male, and reveling in primal lust - in the end rendering all your hard work/struggle/life meaningless since you'll never be able to truly satisfy her, or know true love.
It's mostly pushed on males through porn, and women through TV/music. How many white girls "ironically" like rap music? Netflix is riddled with BMWF propaganda - American Horror Story, Black Mirror, fucking all of that shit that normies consume on a religious basis and hold as "normal" or "culture".
The one thing they forgot is how badly it makes me want to gas kikes.
There's only like a million Buddhists in all of America, and they're almost all in California and Hawaii.
But look at those Jewish, atheist, and agnostic numbers for Clinton. We need to holocaust these people.
It only works if you have a predisposition towards being easily subverted. Only weak willed individuals fall for these tricks, but then again its not really falling.
I know what are you trying to say, but still…
IR porn works alongside propaganda meant to make niggers seem like alpha males. Primates exhibit a reaction to seeing alpha males have sex with females. It turns them on, but only because males desire the alpha role for themselves. Your anger is due to seeing a lesser male having sex with a female. IR porn primarily works on lesser men.
They are marketing this towards desperate liberal men. It is similar to how Holla Forums clung to the picture of the nigger with the flamethrower.
LOL at that profile on 2nd pic
We should make a porn company of our own called "COLONIZED". If any anons have money and live in Cali/Florida they could probably start it. We would have non-white women having sex with white men in high quality, but there's more: te videos have the pornstars portray historic events. Like, we could have Manuel Ferrera play Hernan Cortes fucking Montezuma's daughter or some shit. There's a little story that goes with each video like they have in all interracial ones, like the video starts with the female giving a narration:
"When the Spanish came to my city, they took all my gold from me. I don't even have earrings. My husband lost his job sacrificing people to the gods. I hated the Spanish, they took our fun, but they were so hot. Especially this one named Serge who visits or house. The thought of wrapping my lips around his big, juicy, white cock made me so horny I couldn't stand it. I had to have him." (Cut to Aztec chick giving guy in conquistador armor a blowjob.)
And so on, you could have:
"Lonely Matabele wife pleases big white dick"
"Colombus day special: Colombus and the natives, Oils and Spices"
"Caught in the attic! Anne Frank Gangbang (starring Abella Danger)"
"Pussy for Wampum part one: Charlemagne and Shawsheen Cockfeather"
Or whatever. It would piss off the Jews, Feminists and non-whites all at once.
If you live in a city, and you're a white male, you are not the alpha. You work like a slave for the overwhelming nigger population of the city. In order to pay for hundreds of thousands of apartments, hundreds of thousands of nigglet children in school, hundreds of millions in food stamps. If you live in a liberal city, more than half of your overall income goes to taxation, in one form or another. Every week when you're at work, and you're staring at the clock dying to go home, just remember that two and a half days every work week are strictly devoted to paying for niggers. You are the slave, and the nigger is now the plantation owner.
So yeah, we're seeing strange manifestations in the psyche of these bugmen. They must, on a subconscious level, understand their role in society. The exist merely at the pleasure of the alpha black man. If the alpha black man decides to rob, beat, murder a white man, that's actually justice for 4 billion years of slavery. Especially if he alleges that you called him a nigger. The bugman has to internalize all of this, and accept it, if he wants to live in the city.
Implying oil-drilling is any better.
This is a good thread to mention this point:
Racial humiliation videos used to be ok, and now they are taboo to the point where no 'clips4sale'-type site will touch them. So if you are a content creator, saying bad things about minorities is now made impossible to make money off of by the jews.
Once Spankchain becomes utilized, these jews in porn will have much of their power taken away by the blockchain.
Fuck off with this shit.
Oh believe me, I think it’s just as bad. Don’t get me wrong. But this is just to piss off Jews and the left as a whole in one stroke. The negative press buzzfeed and all the other dumbass news sites would give it would create a meme. And when porn becomes a meme (Mia Khalifa is a good example) people watch it, aggrivating the left more.
I’m not saying you should go race mix, but the men in the porn industry (such as the aforementioned Manuel Ferrera and Charlemagne) have already racemixed and aren’t exactly going to have white children any time soon, so it’s not like we’d be forcing a white person into a life of porn to sleep with niggers, just using who is already available, get the most masculine looking ones, and turn the weapons of the Jew against them. Since right wingers, NatSocs especially, don’t watch porn, it won’t affect us, just the redditor porn consumers and curious memers.
They have a choice. They can be beta faggots and pretend that the nigger, instead of the kike master, is the alpha, or they can be alpha, get a wife, and have kids.
Everyone knows that niggers are niggers. The women on that site like the fact that niggers are too stupid to be feminists in bed.
The thing about BBC is, the niggers that do have big dicks end up as gigolos. Even so, you look at the porn posted by those people, the BBCs are actually completely average size.
It is claimed that they're alphas because Uncle Sam the Big Pimp pays women to have the babies of gigolos. In reality the women on that site, most of them, talk about having nigger babies and cheer for each other when they do, but you'll notice they only have feelings about White men. The niggers are completely interchangable and referred to as BBC.
In the end, the fact of being a nigger and fucking a human is taken as proof that the particular nigger is an alpha and being dominated gets women's rocks off.
Some of the women were fed to niggers by their Boomer parents. That isn't going to happen to GenZ. Fucking niggers, and divorce, are for Boomers.
Pathetic. Get used to talking to girls faggot
I think that the things the drug cartel do to people are absolutely disgusting, that is until I see jews and niggers pushing interacial cuck shit. Then i feel like that isn't even enough. It's going to be so fun humiliating, and destroying these fucks down to their soul.
Your taxes, mostly.
The christcucks in question aren't even christian. Just like how the Puritains' descendants are all atheists now while their Cavalier rivals are as religious as ever the modern televangelists are just social signalers. They just want to look nice to other faggots who share their little circle of faggotry, they believe in nothing.
The simple solution is to kill not only all libshits and signalers but also anybody with a shred of empathy. And I'm not just being edgy here. The Nazis cared about animals, they wanted to save the maladaptive members of their own race from their own shit decisions. I think that such an approach is folly.
If the kikes and libshits want monsters then I say we give them what they desire. The holocaust didn't happen but much of the white rural population today, the only population I know of that breeds at above replacement rates in an industrial society when in sandniggers and spics can't manage it after a single generation, are so heartless and cruel it makes the hollywood caricature of and SS camp guard look like a choir boy.
If the chain breaks they'll learn what real monsters look like and they'll pray that they were facing a bunch of cartoon nazis who bothered to torture them. Instead they will be facing people with enough bullets in their possession to kill every human on the planet three times over. They'll be facing guys like me who make nerve gas recipes for fun.
Natsoc as about the love of ones people, Americanism was about hatred of ones enemy. They'll see the difference first hand and quail when they realize just what they are dealing with. I know guys who would pay to stop the skulls of nigger children to jelly, and these aren't stupid skinheads. By ensuring that everybody who was even slightly liberal didn't breed or mixed with kikes/shitskins they have ensured that the only whites left are the most brutal bastards yet conceived, the more I talk to white men under 30 from all classes the more I encounter utter contempt for human life in general and shitskins in particular.
I propose Holocaust themed porn with Jewesses getting ARYAN'D. Then each scene ends with them put into showers and coming out fine.
I wish the mods would fucking kill themselves.
are niggers really the alpha in that situation? they are like children or retards having to depend on others to look after them because they are unable to take care of themselves
what happened to shitted? it's excellent propaganda but I don't see it being used much
Are you just trying to win the argument or stupid? The genesis of this came long before when Americans came in a variety as long as it was christcuck.
Masturbation is a perversion of your natural sexual instincts to procreate by directing those instincts towards fruitless pleasures rather than procreation and intimacy with your wife.
It's a dead-end. Porn merely facilitates that dead-end.
Nope, try harder, yid.
A problem there is they could just lie about it.
Oh what the fuck?! My entire argument just went out the window now! :^)
You realize that demographics don't change that rapidly over two years, right? Hell, we still use crime stats from over 4 years ago
My sides
What a bunch of retards.
Here's an updated version with all 360 times
Is the opposite of "blacked" "blanched"?
Not sure if we benefit from playing this game. Even cuck porn of blacks watching is a losing game.
The nazi-jewess idea is slightly better though since normalfags think jews are white.
Your fetish makes me laugh.
You guys wanting to fix this?
Here you go:
1) Definition of a species: population that can produce viable offspring. Rh- mothers reject Rh+ fetuses unless they are given rhogen injection. Pic related if you want to know the types of people with Rh-. Meme it. Genetic devolution through classical conditioning by Freud's cousin Bernays.
2) Testosterone increase by root tongkat ali, no porn or masturbation, increased mental fortitude, high intensity interval training, dietary health, reduced exposure to xenoestrogens, and virtuous UN-demoralization through community and conquest. Sport, business, family, creating. Speak up, get out, be healthy.
It seems we've literally meme'd cucks 'diversifying' themselves out of the genepool.
Also, friendly reminder that white men will (and always will be) the most preferred male of the human subspecies.
Fuck off back to the FBI you annoying asshole.
Do you have a hard source for that? I’ve heard similar statements made specifically about cross-race babies, but haven’t gotten evidence. And what about the other way around? Not all whites are Rh+, after all.
nice, thanks user
Women are vain as fuck, as long as your face is'nt too bad ie not akne-scarred chinlet or something it's enough to just lift a lot for a while to get big biceps and they flock at you.
I tend to lift a lot when i eat like shit since it makes me feel better so the unhealthy trash goes to my muscles and those times it's not that uncommon for me to have random hamplanets way past their prime approaching me, touching my arms and overall slightly sexual innuendo while looking at me like was a piece of meat BUT when i got it together like body&mind in good shape, keeping up with a balanced diet&exercise and so on where my muscles are smaller due to low-carb&less lifting the interest the "fairer sex" has at me vanishes in thin air since i look… normal, not bad but yeah average.
Not that i miss the attention of vapid hamplanets or such but it really makes one think, is my value really nothing but how big my arms are?!
"Hey girls come on, date a nice person of color like me, trust me I'm a nice guy"
Yepp because this has usually worked right?
I think "not even cheating BC he was black :)" is typical of the actual thinking of these people
You do realize this shit is written by divorced middle aged white guys LARPing out their fantasies, right? Why do you convince yourself this is real?
Those responses are informative. It's literally just bog-standard taboo breaking.
I'm being facetitious, in case you couldn't tell.
even if it is, everyone knows that niggers aren't serious boyfriends and fucking a nigger is degrading but not romantically serious. The niggers are gigolos, not even pimps. Kikes tell us to feel threatened by niggers fucking humans, but the niggers are actually pathetic and laughable.
If you've ever seen a mud "person" with a White "gf", you know how terrified the mud is of losing her, which it knows is going to happen when she gets bored or finds a human to trade up to.
Racewar Now
That board is nuts. They have threads on shit like pushing white superiority as an excuse for interracial harems, and the white femanons mostly fantasize about their husbandos fucking nonwhites and vice versa. It's like 3DPD finally realized how useless they are and instead of trying to improve themselves, they started fetishizing being fuckups who can't satisfy white men.
Don't fuel their fantasies. Cuckshit is cuckshit no matter what sex is getting cucked.
I don't want to get too blogposty, but you're fucking right. Not related to the BBC meme, but I'm starting to get disgusted with any kind of pregnancy porn where the woman gets even a little physical or psychological damage, and it's all thanks to one user that posted in one of the abortion threads about how it's one of the most disgusting things that exists in this reality. Fuck it really makes me hate the jews a lot more.
If you're even lurking this thread, thanks man, you really helped me open my eyes to a horrible truth
I can, I'm a quarter kike, born to a white christian family and only learned the truth 10 years a go. It's brutal, because its like a parliment where the majority is good honest caring people, then theres this party that has a quarter of the seats trying to ruin everything at all times. Sometimes they take control for a tiny bit just to flash horrible unwanted thoughts (Imagine your mother sucking your dick. Or gruesome ritual sex sacrifice that lasts but a fracion of a second.) at you or put you on autopilot long enough to stare at a giant pile of dogshit on the sidewalk or a child's ass, knowing it fucks with you. It is like having a guy welded to the backseat of a car that sometimes tries to seize the wheel and drive you into a ditch. It's made me hardened, and I've come to realize that every full Jew is a literal tentacle of Moloch, given orders via forced mentyal imagery, because I've met halflings and 3/4ths and the stuff they see in their heads is increasingly more intense and horrifying and immersive the more kike they have in them. Hell, all of them have that part of them that wanted to be molested as children, just picked up by a stranger. I'm betting that that's actually part of kike sexuality.
Nothing will stop me from destroying this utter evil, it must be pulled out by the roots and burnt!
damn, I'm no jew, but I'm southern italian, and I know the sort of feeling your talking about, stay strong user, we gotta fight the fight mane, don't let the shills tell you that the dark part has to win
Day of the helicopters when?
>Problems with the Rhesus factor occur when the mother's Rh factor is negative and the baby's Rh factor is positive. This is called Rh incompatibility. These problems usually don’t occur in first pregnancies but will arise in subsequent pregnancies. If the baby’s Rh positive blood manages to mix with the mother’s Rh negative blood during pregnancy or labour, the mother’s blood will create antibodies against the Rh factor, as though it were a harmful substance. This means the mother becomes ‘Rh sensitised’. The Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby’s blood, destroying the red blood cells. This causes hemolytic anaemia, which is when the red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be replaced. If this occurs, bilirubin (a by-product of red blood cell breakdown) builds up in the baby’s bloodstream. >After birth, the baby can appear lethargic, have low muscle tone, and yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice). - See more at:
I doubt this notion of "ideas running rampant in the mind" is worthy of a thread, but I know it as well. You have hard morals, things you wouldn't do in a million years. Nevertheless, due to your knowledge of the misdeeds that can occur, in that instant, a fraction of a second, the currupt thought invades your mind. Now, this part, I don't know if anyone else has had it happen: you're laying down in bed, and your thoughts start to run rampant. You think of things that (with respect to your morals) are deemed evil/wrong. It becomes impossible to clear your head. You literally have to open your eyes (and process visual information) to break the "program"'s execution.
I'm no assholes and Elbows. i'm doing my best to out their shit, and using my ability to withstand horrible imagery to expose sick fucking shit, like the porn site where you can pay a hundred euros to watch a guy cut his own dick off, and if you pay a hundred euros for a years membership, they'll castrate you in london for free. No joke.
guys who are into cuckqueen shit should ask themselves: what will being raised by a woman with no self esteem or self respect do to your children.
Makes you wonder if he looks at HIV as a 'sex toy too'.
Well thank god the stupid and physically corrupted will be purged soon when the AntiVirals run out. We should have never made AntiVirals so that people could 'live while they spread HIV to others' we should have let it kill all the fags and blacks quickly. We were foolish in the extreme.
I think (continuing thought) that HIV made jew faggots nervous because they could clearly see it targeted blacks (since they are 40% african) and their males are almost 100% homosexual deviants that it targeted them for DNA destruction via their 'black african' DNA and disgusting immoral practices.
A regular cuck is pathetic, no doubt what you describe, but are you seriously telling me that cuckquean is in any way the same thing?
A woman who's into sharing her man, is in no way the same thing as a guy into sharing his woman.
It's shit tier in both cases.
Where do you think you are? Leave this place while you still have a chance.
How is cuckquean anywhere nearly as shitty as cuckolding?
Because both are not a part of our culture or morals. Both are risking the life of your partner for something as transitory as sexual novelty. It is a shitty thing to do to a person that you have a life contract with…both destroy life bonds and families…both are dishonest and fucked up when it comes to honestly communicating with your spouse, you chose something else (THE CHICKENSHIT COURSE) instead of manning or womaning up and being an adult.
They are both indicative of weakness and pathetic degeneracy. Novelty is what happens at the beginning of a relationship, love is what happens at the end of your lives together when you have burn through everything and held it together. To be a CUCK means that no one will ever love you, because you are rejecting that life bond for what is temporary, novel, worthless and fleeting instead.
IT IS COMPLETELY STUPID and shortsighted and shows defective genetics and someone without long term intelligence and the ability to delay gratification. It shows a character that is animal and NOT ARYAN (twice born) someone without HONOR and no ability to ever achieve honor because they are only a STUPID ANIMAL.
Kind of late to the party, fam. Just ask Sargon.
Are you sure they aren't just intrusive thoughts user?
the irish
Not surprised at all, I use to lurk around on gurochan. I don't think it's still up currently.
Last time I was on there, in the discussion board I saw they had a thread about a "Globalism Fetish". I bet a good deal of jews go / went there. Also saw a thread on there about "what are your political leanings?" mostly left wing marxists and authoritarian technocrats who resemble many of the (((other))) people i've read about.
delete the comma
shoo shoo, jew
Fucking retarded. You'd be killing every white woman on the face of the planet.
We've had the r9k demoralization campaign going on for years. -D
Anyone remmeber the shitted memes? Get the folders ready or make new ones if you have the skills.
Someone else gets it!
Good to see degenerates self-selecting out of the gene pool.
We've had the r9k demoralization campaign going on for years. -D Anyone remember the shitted memes? Get the folders ready or make new ones if you have the skills.
Someone else gets it!
Conservaties: We can´t let those poor degenerate scums remove themselves from the genepool like that. If they believed in christianity, they would breed instead, truly a tragedy!
Me: Nice!
"We'll destroy their circuses, what could go wrong?"
Hearty kek.
The problem here is that women actually cannot tell what size something is. In fairness it can be difficult for men as well, especially when you are looking at something from different angles. You can tell a woman that you have a 9 incher when you really only have a 6 incher and chances are she'll believe you. Even if she does not believe you, she will still tell her friends it was big for that slut-cred.
The next point is that women can be satisfied by almost anything. To them sex is far more mental than anything else, so as long as they believe one thing about a physical encounter - the truth of it does not really matter. Basically a dumb slut can be satisfied by something very small, and then re-imagine that she had sex with a giant - and it will be real in her mind. And even if women do realise it is not big, they can still be satisfied by small things. The porn industry has really screwed with people's perceptions.
The main problem here is that most niggers are apathetic about the whole thing. The main effect of this would be to piss off a very tiny section of niggers, the very who can actually use computers. What does this gain us? Nothing.
If you must do something porn related, do stuff like this user
When young white men who feel 'small' realise that most of what they see on the internet is lies, they will no longer be demoralised by it. I had thought that maybe we should do something about convincing women that niggers are bad, but all the data points to the fact that most women already believe that and are far more interested in white men. So the focus should be not on making white women hate niggers (although if you want to do stuff regarding that, it won't hurt), not on making niggers feel bad for having tiny nigger cocks (why waste time hurting their feelings when they are not behind this stuff in the first place), but on exposing that the niggers actually are not 'sexual supermen' for the purpose of negating the demoralising effects that whites feel when viewing it, as well as (OBVIOUSLY) exposing that it is Jews who are pushing this filth.
It's a strong possibility, just look into it I suffer the exact same thing
R9k detected!
How do (((they))) not correlate the Rise of Ethnic Nationalism to the same timing that they went all out with promoting this chuck shit? Why can't kike's ever put 2 and 2 together?
Use deepfake/fakeapp to replace the white chicks with obviously jewish-looking women, and pop a star of david watermark in the corner. For images, add a star of david necklace or tattoo.
We can also easily btfo the "rational arguments" by pointing out that outbreeding is bad just like inbreeding is, is using that icelandic study showing that third and fourth cousin marriages have the most (and healthiest) offspring—objectively proving that outbreeding is suboptimal. So unless your third/fourth cousin is of a different race, racemixing is an objectively inferior reproductive strategy.
(And that's just on a purely biological level — never mind psychosocial factors impacting the couple and/or their children.)
This reminds me. Thanks to regression to the mean, interracial children will be made dumber, depending on the racial IQ mean of the less intelligent parent. East asian x white kids should theoretically have a racial IQ mean that splits the difference between white an AZN. Same if it's white x subsaharan African.
The effect seems to be proportional. Black Americans who are descended from slaves are more intelligent on average than black africans. Why? Black Americans (in the USA, anyway) are on average 25% white.
That 25% white DNA makup gives American blacks an edge over pure, unadulterated, high-octane Africans.
Obviously, this is only dealing with population averages; You can accurately judge large groups based on generalities, but you can't accurately pre-judge individuals, thanks to the normal distribution of most human traits. (Meaning there's a big clump of people around the average IQ, but you still have outliers like Sleepy Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell.)
So individuals will vary a whole hell of a lot no matter what group they belong to.
Basically, marrying down in terms of group IQ averages means you'll have dumber kids than you otherwise would, (even if the individual you marry is fairly intelligent,) thanks to regression to the mean.
This is why immigrants belonging to races with low mean IQs have low IQ grandkids — NO MATTER HOW SMART THE INDIVIDUAL IMMIGRANT MAY BE. Let in genius subsaharan africans, and within 3 generations, they'll be back to the average IQs of subsaharans.
Worse user, they are walking moneybags for the kike, and the one white man that invented their scam, even he repented of his sins and sought penance by outing their scam.
Here, watch Marjoe Gortner expose the entire industry that funds Israel, note the way he speaks and how he uses the music to get rich.
Backstory of first pic?
Almost no race mixing occurs in real live.There were some recent statistics showing that about 0.5% of white women were married with a black man.
Women are driven by their breeding instincts and the math is not there that it is beneficial to marry black man. This will continue into the future.
A good way to counter the in flight of useless immigrants is more white babies
that is actually really powerful for having women make the right choice
They are now psychologically targeting individuals online now though. That never happened in the past.
I think what you mean is that THIS IS THE HISTORY THE TRAITORS AND JEW CHOSE FOR OUR PEOPLE…Do you think you will exist unaffected if this is done to your women?
Not a single European woman who is bearing the brunt of these attacks was even alive when the Kalergi plan was settled on as the genocide of Europe. How are you 'people' still holding AND GOD DAMN BLAMMING your own people for the weapon of their destruction that was put in motion long before they were FUCKING BORN? Sometime I hate you guys for your inability to think logically and just go along with single stupid POS propaganda that OUR ENEMIES pull out of their FUCKING ASSES.
If you can stomach it for a few minutes it's surprisingly easy to de-nigger stuff from blacked. In photoshop the quick selection tool easily picks out the nigger since they purposely have the the coon contrasting against a white woman in an all white background. I imagine that background wouldn't even be too difficult to chromakey out if you want to do something ridiculous like a giant space nigger being shot by the death star. Anyway just use the content aware fill tool and see the hottentot disappear. I don't know what the purpose of this would be, I don't see throwing back their degeneracy at them really working and I don't even like having this stuff on my hard drive.
The web is a problem because the most subtle of the criminal mafia's attacks against our collective psyche and our people are MADE HERE and we have know way to tell who is our enemy. God damn it!! they are literally 'writing their narrative into your minds' in subtle ways by saying this STUPID SHIT and you guys are capable of catching the problems fast enough and recognizing the logical failures…how could our FUCKING WOMEN be responsible for a plan that came into being long before they were born?
According to some of the comments here, nobody hates White women like some of the males on Holla Forums hate White women…no wonder none of you will defend us or your nations…even when we beg you…you hate us and you hate your nation's…you hate your own people for the criminal mafia leadership that has been forced on all of us…forced on the women even more than the men, because WHITE MALES aren't bearing the brunt of violence and rape…so you are being taught to hate White women because they are being destroyed…isn't this fucking fantastic…I honestly never thought I would live to see the day when White males would hate women because they were being victimized by outsiders…how has my race fallen so low morally and ethically…fucking hell…how has this happened? I have had enough here…
This is ridiculous. The girl getting fucked by a black guy looks like she's about to cry and the girl getting fucked by a white guy is enjoying herself.
They can't even find one attractive woman that enjoys interracial sex?
Hello Lady,
I don't know if you come here on Holla Forums frequently, but threads run for weeks and thus I hope you are still around to read my answer. As it seems the men here are not eager to tell you why we hate our women so much. The answer is pretty simple and I will surmise everything in one phrase, pay attention:
*We will not fight a war to come back home and be demanded to sit down to pee.*
If you wish to discuss the matter further, drop a line, otherwise try to be a worthy woman and you will find a worthy man and a worthy community to take care of you.
Just in case you don't know how to show the phrase. Hover your mouse pointer over it.
I always wondered when this would come up. It's an open secret that sperm banks reveal the true racial preferences that everyone wants for their children. Basically, everyone wants the sperm of the guy who's a 6'2 aryan supermodel. Nobody wants shitskin sperm for their baby.
Holy shit, never thought of that angle:
How about spreading news on the fact that, in reality, there's about 60 million Jews on Earth and most tallies don't count those that live without an Israeli passport, just so that people can stop identifying them as a fringe?
I remember some drawfag made a comic where Plank is actually Johnny's brain trapped into it as they tried to lobotomize him to keep him from using his mind powers too much.
Aren't you forgetting about crossing over?
All the things you listed are in the Jew mind, which is fine, but consider something biologically Jewish like Tay-Sachs. Tell the Jew Tay-Sachs is on the rise, that race-mixing won't stop it, there is no cure, etc. Tell them warning signs and make a long list of normal Jewish behavior. Create a rabbi persona or organization that talks about these signs and directs Jews to resign from public service than risk destroying 6 gorillion years of Jewish legacy. Create a fake org that wards Jewish possessions of the afflicted.
tldr; create despair in Jews and convince them to give up their wealth and power to whites
Hate to break it to ya kiddo, but you were born of the earth too, a descendant of the original lair and murderer, the offspring of the miscegenated Cain, and God suffers no bastards of His creation even if you were to be the first kike to to resist the tug of your genetics. We'll make the gas extra potent to ease your passage, though.
So much denial here, and I'm not talking about people being secretly pervs. Most of you are deluted, and think blacked-propaganda doesn't have a massive effect on people's sexuality.
You guys keep ignoring these attacks like you and alt-right are immune and above all of this. You guys keep saying that only gay people watch BBC, yet every user including Holla Forumsacks who happen to lurk boards are exposed to it and sees it without their concent. It will wear you off psychologically, because you become aware of it's presence. And thus it has an effect in long term what ever you like it or not.
To say "I'm not gay", "only degenerates watch it but we are not degenerates so we are fine", or "good it'll sort the weak from the strong" are extremely stupid things to say, and are just ignoring real attacks that are effecting us. Anyone who tries to brush it off is eighter stupid or enemy shill.
Since the exodus I tried to warn you guys. You people didn't take it seriously then and it seems you guys arent taking it seriously now. Sexualized memetical attacks been effectivly spreading pervertation for long time, but never like this. And no, you are not above this. If it's not effected you yet it will if we aren't able to effectivly counter it memetically or attack those who are activilly spreading it. Both are losing battles at this point, as it has taken a deep root in the collective memetic counciousness, and to counter it memetically it would need far greater organized effort of meme forcing then it's been put out. And as we know memetics cannot be greated and forced out of nothing. The best thing we could come up with was "shitted"-meme, but I'm affraid it doest have the hoped effect. It's too weak meme simply because it lacks genuine humour while it's going against very powerfully sexualized memetics. Humorized memes could work against sexualized memes, but it reguires powerful humour which we havent been able yet provide. The truth is that sexuality as a psychological drive is pit too primal for normal humour and thus is stronger then humour. If we cant find better counter memes then "shitted" then we are fucked.
The only other way to stop these attacks is to physically prevent them from spreading it. Yet it will leak into "our safe space" and be in our conciousness as we were already aware of it, and while we could build a wall around us, the normie world around us will burn. The only way to physically hit back is to doxx and expose networks who are actively spreading it and go "day of the rope" on their ass, and still it wouldnt stop it, as there are communities and memetic pockets still spreading it that you cannot be easily removed. There are too many people infected it to go away. You could ddos or hack their server or physically remove them, but they will re-emerge.
The truth is that, the jewish pornsite in question has it right, and is right about the psychological effect they are discribing. They have been able to weaponize it effectivly. Something in our evolutionary past has made it so, that all humans and their sexuality can be memetically hijacked. Sexual memetics is a real phenomenon, and that's why they promote gayness, pedophilia and interracial sexuality in MSM since the 80's, and successfully build small communities around internet and specially reddit. Before 80's they just focused on normalizing sex by hedonistic outlook.
Gay, trans or 99,999% of the fetishes in porn today werent invented 100 years ago. Even "gay identity" as we know it today (glorizied feminized homosexuality) was invented in two phases, 1) in weirmar germany by jewish psychologist in jewish brothels, there they did almost all the research into sexuality and how to mold it. 2) phase was in the 80's when they launched Pride movement. But before pride-movement they had to build the groundwork for it. It wasn't even possible to achive it until they had done the groundwork for it. They had to traumazise enough children sexually and promote feminine homosexuality to their victims that when those victims grew up they would have enough pitterness, confused feelings and sexual frustration that those victims would later become so big of a pool to initiate gay activist from, that even if just 1/10 of those victims accepted the gay lifestyle and become an activist they would have enough people to start a movement.
Holla Forums has to understand that there was no fem-gay-identity. It's complite lie. The term homozexuality was not even invented until 1800's. Most of the gay men all through out history were pedophiles that were themselves victims of abuse in their childhood. Gays were mostly sexual criminals who raped boys and other men. Never were there sexualized feminine gay communities and never was it seen ok to let men fuck other men in the ass. Even gays didn't like getting fucked. They wanted to be the one doing all the fucking. Gayness itself was more to do with sexualized violence and domination of other men and boys rather then idolizing femininity. Most victims of gays didnt enjoy it. Rather they fantazised getting back at their abusers sexually. It was in weirmar germany where they figured out that they could fetizise femininity in men and market it as a lifestyle/identity, and after WW2 jewish psychologist, tavistock, with the help of CIA and punch of sexual criminals they were able to build it and sell it during the 60's cultural revolution as a just way for altetnative lifestyle. People here dont even grasp how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to PSYOPS, 60's and boomers.
When you look into the abyss the abyss looks back. You cannot shield yourself against sexualized memetic attack without counter memetics. And especially the kind of attacks and magnitude like cuck-bbc-blacked memes and not be effected. There is no ignoring and laughing it off. The best way is to hijack it and direct it, but right now Holla Forumsacks across boards are not doing anything about it.
You have to let go of the lie that sexuality is genetic. Yes sexuality is genetic to a point. If you have functioning sexual organs and they are wired correctly you are going to get arroused. Now if you are able to get arousal going then everything is about sexual memetics. The key to understanding sexuality is to understand that everything in it symbolizes feminine or masculine ideals. There isn't a sexual fetish that isn't following this principle of feminine-masculine divide. In extreme forms it means submissivness and dominance. There is no sexual act without the fetishising of roles. Even gays and lesbians take roles, even thou they represent totally opposite sex roles. There are no gay gene. It's a lie to get the gays the same civil rights as niggers by claiming genetic predisposition. Even thou it's a lie directed at something completely different it has had a huge impact in the open public research and understanding that has hindered our view wrongly. People can be cured of memetic viruses, but it's extremely hard as we havent actually build memetic tools to do so. There are many things that have to line up in order to change memetic effects in sexuality. Even psychedelic drugs could be used to brake the ego and self image, but it would be ineffective if we don't have propper counter memetics in place.
The same thing can be done to other sexual fetishes, but we need propper counter memes, and especially to meme normal same race heterosexality into something sexy again.
Go on……..
Alright, so what would be a good first step? Something to properly lay the groundwork for countering this?
So you have same opinion as me. People too insistant on boasting about prideful resistance to interracial cuck porn rather than coming up with a counter
I've been saying something like this for a while. As it stands, white music is numale as fuck. That's gotta change fast. Rap is a notable contender in the culture war. Blacks are portrayed as alpha, all their music is about being what they perceive as successful - lots of money, lots of sex, lots of drugs. It's bass-heavy and aggressive, some people are even scared by it. White music is about getting cucked, getting your heart broken, and generally about being a pussy. I love country music, but it doesn't turn women into the lustful whores that rap is doing across the world. Even "good" girls will do it "ironically".
A lot of this roots from the self restraint of whites, thinking of everyone else before yourself. This is a reason people like rap - it has a "me first" mentality. People like that. Fuck everyone else. It is critical that whites cultivate a "myself first" mentality if we are to survive this war. White aesthetic needs to get pussies wet again. Whites need to be shown as sexual powerhouses again. Personally I think ultrafuturism is the future of white aesthetic.
The stats & realities are only relevant in a natural environment. The unnatural (((progressive))) environment will reward these race traitors with our tax dollars to raise their nigglet offspring at our expence. Additionally, their nigglet offspring will be give preferential social & economic benefits via affirmative action. The jews have, temporarily, removed the natural consequences of breeding w/ sub-standard niggs, and actually made it "beneficial" to these dumb cunts.
All that future electronic music and -wave shit is still way too cucky and faggy. It's far too airy and abstract like most nu-male cuck music.
Whites have a predominant masculine form of music, and it was heavy metal.
user, you actually made some good points there, how to counter this shit you ask?
This other user made some other good points:
As for the rest, yes the "shitted" memes may be disgusting but i agree with you that we need something better.
I think you mean "empirically." All current theories already point to outbreeding being detrimental (worse than inbreeding, to be honest, because it's harder to correct) but observations validate it.
Woman in Malmo, Sweden who got culturally enriched the other day. Groped, tried to leave, got hit over the head with a bottle. Standard multiculturalism.
That's a bit like saying you shouldn't treat a Jew with suspicion because he personally hasn't been working against whites. The fact of the matter is that women, as a demographic, have been instrumental in the Jewish destruction of our civilization. The fact of the matter is that women's instincts and preferences run counter to civilization and they must be held accountable for this.
Resenting women is easy because of their nature and it's not hard to see why some anons fall for it. Those feelings vanish with a good wife but those are rare these days, a choice women made.
This is why we need Metal.
what about swapping out raw gore and violence against white women by blacks and simply keep the url? is gruesome more powerful than sexuality? can this meme form get past the censors?
You can just continue to spread out the big black dick hoax, it always worked:
That is the kind of gore we need. The meme can be used with it but those owning may scream copyright infrigement to take down your posts because you used their trademark. Simply use just "blacked", then there is no copyright for kikes to scream about.
It is a pity the woman I replied above never came back. Your point is the point I wanted to make with her. Where are the powerful womyn that need no man? Aren't their dykes enough to protect them? A few months ago a bunch of blue haired feminists made a protest in Stockholm demanding that men should protect them against muslim harassment. Why should the men that they have been bashing for decades and that they hate so much, protect them? Why should we care about them? It is women voting that brought us to this disaster. It is women that protested to open the borders. Now they got to own it.
The only ones worth protecting are the women that switch their freedom for security. If she wants to stay home, have kids, care about it all and stop nagging, she is worth protecting. Otherwise she deserves every single punch and kick she will get from the muslims.
My mother was a feminist. I have first hand experience of what feminism is really about. Small, naive and weak, dependent on her, my mother vented on me all her anger towards men. Because women are cruel and cowards, she would never face my father but alone with me, it was her cruelty that ruled. Tell me how can I not hate white women when it took me 15 years of chadding around to find a decent white woman? And by decent I mean a woman willing to put effort to grow good children, because as a wife she is a disaster, she has not made our bed a single time in 4 years of marriage. Our home looks like a warzone. But at least the children are well cared for and growing very educated. The third one might come by 2019. We plan at least 4.
There is none to be found. You may find an acceptable one for breeding, but you will have to put up with the rest, I tell you it is not easy at all to put up even with a modern "conservative" wife like mine.
We have to disown the rob halfags, joan jerkoffs, and rob zombiedicks taking stage and diverting the energy through their weak, degenerate message. The only message whites should project through heavy metal is total domination by seeking out and killing all opposition of a white ethnostate.
Excellent, it will trigger the streisand effect and make them look like whinny butthurt faggots.
Don’t think that’s necessarily possible. Even if they do go through with it, all it’s going to do is make libshits look even more insane to normies and piss off the right.
possible meme idea - shop the happy merchant into the background of blacked porn and change the logo to "kiked"
Why isn't there an Israel section at the bottom of that site?
"Feminism" is demonstrably Jewish in the USA and this guy you link here is describing how the goal wasn't liberation of women but destruction of white men as the power holders.
I am ready for the next holocaust to happen
Generally speaking interracial porn is the last stop on a porn actresses career.
While you get those who dive in right from the get go, they're a minority.
Meaning most women in said movies are in their late 20s to early 30s and as such are on the way out of the industry. Since at that point their value is all but gone. What beauty they had is being lost to time and their genitalia? Well lets just say that a long career in the porn industry is not conductive to maintaining healthy equipment down there and the appearance typically reflects that.
It rarely pays well as the movies in question are rarely popular.
literally nobody is stopping anyone, go ahead, but you have to be the leader, first to start it. otherwise most people are going to just keep waiting for more options until there are no more.
also, the left is so unbearably retarded
I knew metalfags were going to reply.
The most culturally impacting metal we have is Dethklok and Metalocalypse. While the next big sound will have metal influences, I think we shouldn't stick to a premade form. It's got to be heavy. Really heavy. Deep, deep bass so the listener is physically impacted by it, masculine singers that not only can express deep hatred and anger, but also soothing and healing. Rhythm needs to be able to make girls dance. Whites have always had strong dance cultures, and now it's been stolen away from us by faggy pop EDM and nigger music. It's time to stop looking at the old forms and create something new to dominate the rest.
Well lets figure it out:
Why do people accept memes and are susceptible to them? Because they are absentminded and will not or can not use their energy to critically think about things that are considered truth by a group. Secondly, they may be in a precarious position withing a group and it may benefit them to pretend to accept, internalize and testify to the veracity of what pillars of the group say is the truth. Even if this hurts them they may be concerned enough about making waves and making enemies that they just keep quite and refuse to share doubt.
So how do we stop people from being lazy thinkers, willing to compromise group unity and also share doubt if they think a meme is untrue?
something derived from djent?
the best way to combat this is to rape jewish girls.
dude dancing is satanic. just put women in wheelchairs.
Fuck your Jew bible. Dancing and singing are what girls are for. We used to have Scottish line dancing and square dancing, but you Jew-worshipping assholes destroyed this essential element of our culture to let it be replaced with bongo bongo nigger twerking.
Respond with porn of white dudes beating the shit out of black women.
Meme slave porn into existance
or better, remember that Shaka Zulu's waaagh of orks managed to overwhelm a small White army, once, and Halle Sellassie, who looks as Black as Ahmadinejad, with French military aid, held off the Italians, and that is the entire history of Blacks winning against Whites. Custer's Last Stand is remarkable because it's the one time indians actually won a battle. The history of the Crusades is a history of sand niggers getting roflstomped, but then christcucks thinking they can "convert" them instead of colonizing the middle east (it is NOT our holy land, that is the place the Corded Ware culture lived, northern Europe) let it go over and over.
White versus mud, 1 on 1, ten on ten, a hundred against a thousand, it's no contest, and never has been.
Don't show abusing captives, since they can abuse us right now thanks to the kikes and traitors who worship kikes. Show us defeating them.
We have a winner here. lol
bro. conquistador porn. conquered natives sexually submitting to their Aryan masters. also kikesses sucking Aryan cock, everyone knows they love to do that more than they love writing blog posts about White privilege
four chan /gif/ board is plagued by black men on white/asian/eurasian boy.
I don't understand why the "left" worships the physical traits of the negro, do they want a "law of the jungle" scenario for the future?
the rumors of such are greatly, greatly exaggerated, during the progressives' attacks on the aristocracy
You mean the half jew half chink abomination that spams cuck shit 24/7?
pic related
who is the left? Jews, who need a golem to smash the Aryan man and think niggers can do it, and Jew-worshiping white traitors, who see any defense of our people as such as a sin, and delight in catching out Aryans in the sin of caring.
This pisses me off so bad.
If my woman left for a nigger I wouldn't have lost anything.
also notice how one profile is called (((Rachel Weiss)))
this is what Boomers literally do
Been there, experience it regularly. What's most disturbing is that it doesn't phase me anymore. I just observe it passively now, almost indifferently. Sometimes i even probe it or further it (like im playing a point and clock adventure game) to see how far it'll go (I've seen some dark shit in my mind's eye).
Funny thing, i feel like I'm always at my most degenerate late at night. Disgusting porn i've watched at night will disgust me totally if I think about it in the morning. Perhaps a good way to escape degenerate behavior is to get to bed early like 830 or 9 and wake up early as fuck.
Porn is (((psychological warfare))), the purpose of which is to get society addicted to deviancy, their instinct to reproduce rewired into degenerate lust. This means that they have an irrational attachment to defending abnormal behaviours because it's been associated with the dopamine hits they get from the porn they've see.
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are recieving a dopamine reward (because your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. If you continue to do this you will need more extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time
tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.
Interesting, almost as if by race-mixing, these women become nothing of value.
By that logic, only the jews who came up with the refugee programs themselves are responsible for their existence, not the one's who promote it, donate to it, etc. Sorry, not only 1st "generation" traitors are responsible, so are 2nd, 3rd, etc.
This man speaks a hard truth. I know for a fact some of you niggers talk a good game but immediately switch windows to fap to some ghastly shit. The sexual psyop runs deeper than most people think. The 60s sexual revolution and MKUltra may have been it's apotheosis, but the game goes back much farther than that. I disagree about the futility of acting above it. Because we are above it, and you become what you meme yourself to be t./fit/
As for how to combat it, from my point of view it will unfortunately be a war of attrition. A campaign of REmoralizarion. We are the mirror opposite of the phenomenon described by Yuri, the older generations are lost and kiked to the soul. We need 20 years to bring up a generation of youth right, and it's fairly evident that we have achieved at least partial success on that front without even trying. Some of you have little shitlords in your family and can attest to this. It's a long con, but if we play our cards right you'll be an old man in a better world.
As for the here and now, Shitted is a good meme even if those fucking spurdos did fuck up the name. The association of race mixing with the instinctual disgust towards excrement is a powerful subconscious association. Just because it's not some secret anime move that instantly unraveled the concept of cuckoldry from all timelines at once doesn't mean we shouldn't be shoving it in the stupid fucking normalfag NPC's faces at every opportunity until the idea sticks. Chances are it will inspire some autist to think of something better at some point anyway.
shitted is actually a good name because it feels disgusting to even say it
I went from softcore, to hardcore, to threesomes, to creampies/breeding, to only being able to jerk off while actually talking to women, to having a stable gf.
That isn't more extreme degeneracy. Breeding "fetish" porn is the least degenerate type.
I think this is a natural progression that we can help people complete, not just by telling them to skip all the steps in between. Tell them that nothing is hotter than the possibility of making another you.
It's always the same shit with you, blow it out your ass, men have done nothing but sacrifice themselves for you for as long as humans have been a thing.
What kind of bullshit psychology is that ? The reason some men dislike you is because you keep fucking things up and blaming everybody else. Nobody put a knife to your throat to ass rape your men in divorce courts, you did that yourself. Nobody put a knife to your throats and force you to welcome mudshits, you did it yourself. And no, I don't hate women as a whole, I hate feminists, including the ones that don't call themselves that but act like the rest. Kill all kikes and traitors, and if you're one, that includes you, man or woman.
sauce on left girl?
I had the same thought. I used to degenerately look at /gif/ all the time. But I would instantly lose interest in the view of one of two threads:
Both of these I found were more powerful.
How can you be redpilled and still watch that garbage?
How can you be on Holla Forums and enjoy that jewish filth?
Get your shit together, seriously user.
If you can't really help it, kill yourself
Man even before getting redpilled i have Always found the idea of niggers getting close to white women revolting, really vomit-inducing.
To watch or even worse, ENJOY that vile shit after knowing the truth about it, it's simply unexcusable.
Im porn-free, no fapping this whole shit. Its been 2 months since I started the high road and the only one who has my authorization to touch my dick is my wife. Sex life has never been better.
I encourage all anons to take, wherever you are from, whenever possible, the Ubermenschen journey. Get fit, no fap, no porn, eat healthy , learn useful and new stuff (arts included, creative expression is oh so liberating), and enjoy your sex life with a healthy-as-you partner (you can make her/him healthy, remember, there are she-anons).
In no way feel discouraged if you fail, (((them))) have ingrained your ass pretty hard to make it hard without porn. You are going to be tested, with shit food, shit porn, and shit lifestyle. The true chararacter we should value the most and exalt the most is ZEAL, to keep going in spite of failure, never quit and be sure-footed in every step of the way. Conviction, strength of the body, mind, and soul, and courage.
The changing the future starts with the present, changing the present starts with yourself. We can make this the best timeline ever…
he has thread the path of light now, he can never go back to his normalfag ways, like so many of us
No this genre exists too. Mostly with asians and partwhite girls.
And yes, men of all races in general are more likely to mix due to the inherent difference in sex ratios of reproduction, as well as paternity uncertainty and the kind of evolutionary psychology this created. See pic related. Even on degenerate dating websites, people who'd be more open for whatever reason of sex degeneracy (novelty seeking etc.) white women are still quite high in same group preference.
White women are least likely to mix and the vector really being used to try to pressure, coerce and force it is things like not prosecuting paki rape gangs and disemploying white men, affirmative action/set-asides/quotas etc., no-white male only scholarships, educational opportunities etc to make white men non-financially solvent and unable to attract mates, which more drives down our birthrates than pressure racemixing among our women really.
Yes, white dicks are on average like 0.1-0.3 inch bigger in measured (i.e. not self-reported where one can lie) than blacks. It's asians and especially Pajeets that have significantly smaller dicks in this measured testing studies. Also I don't envy the people who have to take these measurements.
Apparently porn stars (the women mostly) are allowed to pick and choose who they work with and most of them refuse to fuck blacks even if they're non-white. Interracial porn in general is nonprofitable. They take a loss on producing it since no one but the most fucked up weirdos will pay for it.
Most blacks are too dumb to understand this and the thought process doesn't go beyond ooga booga muhdick. Wasted effort.
Oops forgot the pic related. Preferences.
Behind the Green Door (1972) was one of the first pornographic films to feature sex between a white actress (Marilyn Chambers) and a black actor (Johnnie Keyes).
But it pre-dates even that.
pic related.
A long time ago now, whilst I was at university it became a semi-frequent occurrence that when drunk, my shirt would come off and I'd start chanting whilst beating my chest. A lot of other guys joined in, and it would range from cliched shite like "THIS IS SPARTA!" (with Sparta changed to the name of the hall we lived in) followed by the "AROO, AROO, AROO!", to stuff like the Manowar song 'We're warriors! Warriors of the world!", and often followed by "ENGLAND TILL I DIE! I'M ENGLAND TILL I DIE. I KNOW I AM, I'M SURE I AM, I'M ENGLAND TILL I DIE!"
Anyway, my main point here is that there is something very primal and masculine in chants. Stupid shit like "WE ARE MEN! WE ARE MEN! WE ARE MEN!" when aggressively shout-chanted by 4 or 5 guys feels fucking amazing and is very enjoyable. It might well be worth looking into some more basic kinds of music that have a slow drum-beat and simple, chantable words that any man can join in with; and that ooze aggression, pride and masculinity.
What the fuck user?
This guy gets it, honestly, I thought this was common knowledge on Holla Forums these days
They always seem to double down rather than take a step back and look at the situation they have put themselves in. Spoiled children to the last.
Not a bad idea. Someone should start shopping the logo on all of those horrific white on black crime infographics from the other thread and start spreading them around.
Jesus fucking christ. That's what I get for posting this early in the morning.
idiot. What does a bugman think about that? He rolls his eyes and explicitly thinks, that's nazi propaganda, it's not representative, but he internally thinks, they really can destroy us. The bugwoman thinks, they really can destroy us, how can I offer sex for protection?
Conquistador porn makes the bugman think, that was so horrible we did that, but internally where he doesn't want to talk about, he thinks, we did that, we only stopped ourselves, we can do that, and the bugwoman thinks, White men really are the most powerful, how do I exchange sex for protection? And the answer for the bugwoman is to date a nazi, and the answer for the bugman is to be proud of our race.
The irony is that they don't even understand what the appeal of interracial for a significant amount of women is. White women submitting to black men is a degradation fetish and only works because they consciously or subconsciously think black men are inferior to white, which is what makes it more defiling to go so low as to submit to a black man and even then it's for most mainly a fantasy along the line of monster rape.
Black men on white women porn is basically the real life version of elves being raped by orc hentai.
t. /erp/
fetishes are created by combining stress hormones with arousal hormones, since stress and arousal have similar physical symptoms(increased heart rate, temperature, breathing)it can feel like a kind of super arousal. Fetishes always involve some kind of stress; hatred, embarrassment, disgust, fear.
Until a few years ago interracial always was branded as a disgust and/or embarrassment fetish(the cuck angle). Blacked is an attempt at re-branding it as something glamorous and fashionable and the tube sites have been pushing it super fucking hard for ages - this is the degeneracy propaganda shifting up into the next gear, the end goal being normalization. Don't fall into the trap of thinking we are the only guys playing with memes, blacked is a deliberately designed meme and we need counter memes to neuter it. Shitted is good, it works particularly well as a defensive counter but it's not good as an attack, we need a shield and a sword.
It is far, far more disgusting than orc/elves
You can twist it anyway you like, but you're still promoting interracial porn.
Further proof that mongrels (in this case spics) are the most dangerous. Also, that Asian women responses are hilarious.
Don't try to make me feel bad about jacking off to orc x elf porn, chucko
Green niggers are still niggers. White women with pointy ears are still white women.
They've been doing this for years already. It will have no effect.
Only in fetishism websites.
Except on lefties.
It will be a sort of eugenics really.
Even if you're not asking /monster/ orcs are a few miles above niggers in most fantasy
Could we fuck with them by chromakeying the niggers green and drawing the women's ears pointy?
Orcs are capable of seriously threatening elves in battle. Niggers are garbage at fighting. Their pretended sexual prowess comes from their pretended martial prowess, which is why we need to tell everyone about how worthless they are in meme form. If not semi-pornographic images of their women submitting while they run away, then just images of us bringing civilization to the lands they occupied.
I have an idea, what if instaid of using the blacked logo, we make a similar logo called Jewed, then we put klezmar music on the background and photoshop a Jewish head on the nigger?
I mean, associating interracial porn with the Jew is far better.
They don't need to marry niggers user, they fuck the niggers until they have a couple of kids, then they set out to find a white man to take care of the kids
Most white women in major cities have fucked at least one nigger in their lives, in rural areas it is probably 1 out of every 5
/monster/ uses ecchi porn to slowly condition posters to desire monogamous relationships and family life. It was without a doubt one of our more successful psyops.
I know this isn't true, but sometimes it sure feels like it. I live in one of the blackest cities in the US though. Talk about depressing.
john bettendorf = tenda lung-spencer
And the bugman thinks, joke's on you bigot, jews are White, while the jew thinks, lol, I love fucking White women.
No, we need nigger on jew porn, and to tell the bugman, it's ok, she's a jew, to help bugmen see jews as muds.
I thought Hotwheels died, wasnt he murdered by Philippino prostitutes or something?
What's the point of going there then?
This. 3D is PD.
is this even a thing?