So, for quite a long time now I have been working on, with great success might I add, encouraging Slavic Resurrection. It is my firm belief that we are to be the ones that liberate / free Europe and take command of the decaying diseased civilization of Western Europe. Once we do that, we return the power to the rightful survivors and original inhabitants of those lands. But we must purge. We must kill in order to be free again. We must soak mother Europe's soil with blood of traitors and invaders to once again warrant it's plentiful harvest for generations of Europeans to thrive.
It would coincidentally happen that a person from my country shares this beliefs. Not only that, but has amassed incredible following and inspires an incredible passion among the youth.
This happens to be the latest video,
Be advised target population: gen z
While I'm not advising anyone from here to attend, already there are Polish brothers from Warszawa coming in the following days on a different event and it is heartwarming to see this.
Being Slavic is not only incredibly popular amongst our youth but it is also a sign of our evergrowing strength which we will put to work in the future.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kys subhuman Asiatic scum. Hitler should ha e finished off all the mongrels in Eurasia, maybe I will for him.
If the Slavs are the one's who save Europe - well, we all need to eat shit because that's just sad. And I'm not even doubting that this is how it's probably going to go down - I just thought we were better than this, but desperate times call for Slavic measures.
Squat with vodka over the bloody corpses of the West's enemies. When you gain power, put it in your countries' constitutions that Religion of Cuck™ and Jews are banned from entering the country, even for trade or to pass through to another place.
You are a fucking faggot if you think that war is somehow a win, even if you win you lose. You need to take down government and end (((usury))). Those are your only enemies.
Hey, that's no way to talk about Finns.
Kikel spotted. You will burn soon. :)
Well its not like Slavs were the eternal eastern shield of Europa who fought off the mongols invasions and ottoman empire.
All the anti-slavic shills should read, among others, the works of Alfred Rosenberg who said that the lowest elements among slavs may be more degenerate than germans of his time, the elites of them (and among which ranks our allies) are of noble blood and spirit - and indeed the same as us, and also share the same objectives.
Besides, due to the nature of communist regimes, they have been less exposed to jewish degeneracy - and we can exploit this - and they naturally reject the outcome of international jewry, bolshevism. The main problem with slavs is that they also fall for german attrocity-propaganda, made by the soviets and tend to despise everything western, even the non-degenerate elements, that is to say, the germanic european ones, in their pan-slavism, while also lusting for false solutions like "christianity" and "capitalism", due to their strong rejection of atheistic bolshevism.
The key here is to make slavs a part of our pan-european volkisch cause - then, they can become useful resources to our cause. The first step to doing this is to stop the "inferior slavs" tactics spread by kikes.
Blonde Slavs are more aryan than larping black haired whites.
Hitler really should have just cleansed the Mediterranean coast of all melanin pollution if he really wanted to get rid of kike infiltration.
If its tan without sunlight its not white. The darker the hair the less white.
Oh and don't forget to combat "Pan-Eurasianism" and the attempts by kike shills to isolate Russians, especially, from Europeans.
Yeah, no.
So black-haired Hitler should have cleansed himsefl? Most "mediterraneans" don't tan without sunlight and have pale skins. The slavs are more mongrelized than then, it may be less visibile because they are mixed with asiatics/forest peoples. Also stop say "muh larp" at everything - people helping our cause, especially.
I got the chills - Thank you for posting!
If you are Slavic I must warn you, this will make you cry.
Free yourself first, then we can talk. Up to this point you're as zog'd as everybody else. Only because the kikes put you under a wider leash so you can act as the antithesis to cucked Europes' thesis, doesn't mean that you're not part of the synthesis, i.e. a centralized mainland Europe. Free yourself, so you can't be used against Germany anymore.
Rusi so naši bratje
No. I think Blondes should stick up for them selves white or Slavic and that those outside that category should stay out of our business.
I also think Asiatic admixture is less aggressive than arab.
Blonde Slavic areas were never occupied by the mongols since the mongols had the same problem Hitler had when trying the take the heavily forested Novograd region.
It is really not in your control anymore.
This was written when we were born.
An army so great is gathering…
Wolf pack is coming from the east
Is it LARPing time again?
Up to this point only shit came from the east, so I don't have my hopes up. If it's a spiritual thing you have going there, then your god is shit, should have aligned with Hitler instead. Personally, I think the Germans will be at it again, as they have always been. But for a reawakening it needs to get worse than Weimar, by a lot, to finally overcome the false preconceived notions about their past implanted by All-Lies propaganda. But by overcoming it they'll be the most matured race on Earth. It looks like it'll get worse, I'm sure of it, with a probability of 102% plus/minus 2%. A self-fulfilling prophecy. They called him Herr Wolf.
This isn't really the problem. Actual Slavs resent the russians for invading them and the atrocities that followed, and they resent the west for feeding them wholesale to the russians without so much as a say in their own fate.
That sort of soviet propaganda does exist, but only in soviet (russian) spaces. The bigger problem you'd have is convincing Slavs that you'd didn't betray us, and that you don't deserve what's happening in the west right now because of that. I'm not pushing for D&C here or even suggesting that this is how things should be, but that is what attitudes look like when you attend the local nationalist rallies. And I suspect is a big reason why the only news items that make their way to the west come from Poland, because of their western facing disposition. The prevailing idea among a lot of these groups is that if we how to conquer western Europe to liberate it, why then shouldn't we keep it?
It actually worries me that not much is being done to repair our relations, but the germanic sense of superiority usually hamstrings any such effects that are made, as your rather exploitive language insinuates. If something isn't done soon, we may find ourselves in such a place that repairing our relations is impossible. To anything thinking they can flee the dumpster fire they've made of their countries and find prosperity in the east, I suggest travelling there first and seeing what kind of welcome you receive. Not from the lemmings in the tourist areas, but from the sort of people who believe the same things you do. Nobody really wants the people who voted for the caliphate to bring it here with them, not to mention past crimes.
The idea of a pan-European volkisch cause is exactly what makes our disposition so hostile. While we view pan-Slavism with some scepticism, at the very least most are willing to entrain the idea. But a pan-Europe idea would mean allowing the west to colonise us and bring it's problems into our own backyards. A pan-Slav bloc and a pan-German bloc could be allies, but they can never be members of the same union, we're simply too different and desire to stay that way. Look to the EU itself as an example of this.
Skin color aside, and questionable ethnic links, Slavs have a lot of nigger behavioral characteristics. If you could describe a group of people as being nigger aryans it would be them
The only major difference between Germanics and Slavs is the degree to which our countries have been Kiked at a particular point in history. Germany in the 1930s managed to completely un-Kike itself, which is why the Capitalist Kikes in the West joined forces with the Commie Kikes in the East and used their influence over Western governments to take us into war.
I thought that Slavs right now were in a similar un-Kiked position, but if you still believe the "Western betrayal" Kike mind-fuck, then you're not doing as well as I thought. Get it through your skull that it was all engineered by the Kikes, and if whites don't find some unity, we will let them win again.
prepare yourself accordingly eurobros
I hope you know how to squat
anyone playing the d&c fiddle among Europeans should and will ve purged accordingly with traitors.
It is not so much about us wanting to conquer the whole Europe as it is a must.
At current state, western tribes are too weak to do it on their own. We must help them. It is the only way. We must slaughter everyone in our path. The sick confused and all the weak. Only then can the remaining tribes rebuild their land and civilization.
Some may say this is a takeover. I call it a rescue mission
Give me a break. Germany will always outcompete all the others. This is the reason they are hated. Jews use this hatred for their own goals. Let me ask you this: Would Poland be ready to give back Germany if they knew full well that Germany would outcompete them in every way possible? Only the best from each nation could comprehend Hitler's goodwill & vision because they were in sync with their blood memory, their instincts worked, thus there were SS volunteers from most countries. But Hitler is gone. Are you sure Germans will adopt this worldview again with the same friendly outlook after all that's happened. And even if, are you ready to believe what they say? Or will you degrade back into petty nationalism?
Checked. I'm Slav-American and I unironically believe this too. I see it here in the States, an awakening of Slavic identity and pride. We are all brothers and sisters.
Take your discussions about history elsewhere. I am talking about future.
Much love. I understand there are many Slavs in USA?
Pozdrav, keep tradition alive and marry a Slavic girl to make many Slavic American babies )
One group of Americans that really surprised me and I think they have similar warrior mentality like us is RAM. Make sure to support them they are golden
Shit for brains, I guess. And you will free Europe? Good luck.
agreed, but you have to admit, slavs are the niggers of white people - snow niggers, if you will. they run around fucking mindlessly and killing each other like niggers, do stupid nigger shit that gets them killed like doing flips on top of buildings, listen to rap, form gangs, generally act like stupid niggers.
Extremely salty. Love it.
Here is me with my crew on enemy territory summer 2016. You can cry about this harder.
We fight eachother as practice. So when time comes to remove niggers like you, it is muscle memory;)
Yeah I'm not big on taking your fucking shit tier b8. What I told you is going to happen. it's not a question of if but when. That is the only parameter that is unknown. Have fun while you still can
It took literally one post to expose yourself as D&C kike. I see this word in every slav/pole thread, including the same retarded arguments.
Here are just a few of your "snow niggers:"
Science: Nikola Tesla, Nicolaus Copernicus, Marie Curie, Mileva Marić Einstein (Albert's wife–did all his math), Dmitri Mendeleev (discovered periodic table), Gregor Mendel (invented genetics)
Music: Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Dvořák
Literature: Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Stanisław Lem
Religion: Pope John Paul II, Saints Cyril & Methodius
Art: Peter Carl Fabergé (eggs), Andy Warhol
Lifestyle: Martha Stewart
Military: Peter the Great, Jan Dąbrowski, Tadeusz Kościuszko
Shall I continue? Those are just some off the top of my head that non-slavs might recognise. If they are your idea of "white niggers" then it would appear that you must think highly of niggers.
je výborne. mám to rad, môj brat. vieš Kotleba? je dobrý slovak.
You forgot Dimitri Shostakovich
Yes. I omitted many more than I included.
Pozdrav brat! I must say fair battle and no serious injury. You guys are fighters I love that. Love a good tear up. You know there is no hate between us. You have such a beautiful country and good people. You are always welcome here with us. I heard about Kotleba. 100% support
There is literally nothing wrong with being Finnish.
Finns are great. Consider yourself honorary Slavs=welcome at all times.
First to defend their streets were who? Soldiers of Odin.
Not forgotten!
oh please. I live among them. Yes, they aren't actually niggers and are white, but they act more like niggers than any other whites. You can cite all the historical figures you want, but they're not going to make up for the army of drunk, degenerate, tracksuit-wearing crypto niggers that actually exist there today.
Don't get me wrong, I would import them before any other non-white race, their women are hot and they aren't willing to cuck themselves over to rapefugees, but let's be realistic here, anons.
For using that Serbian Pepe
Haha, you retard. Do you really think I'm against what you wrote? I'm all for it. I'm simply asking if you've understood what will happen. Either Western Europeans will be friendly towards you and give you a useful occupation or someone who isn't as friendly as Hitler will push you out past the Urals because you behave like monkeys.
Do you want tell you how I know you are not from here?
I don't mean to counter-act what you said, slavics have indeed many great people among them but:
Gregor Mendel - German.
Chopin - Jew
Stanislaw Lem - Jew
Pope John Paul II - ? (not only head of the Roman Church but a CIA stooge)
Saints Cyril & Methodius - greeks
Peter Carl Fabergé - German
Some of the Russians you quoted are part Tartar too and some of the "achievements" of some people there are very questionable.
oh, and especially to you, I want to add:
you keep seeing this in these threads for the same reason you see actual niggers being called on stereotypes - they're true.
you could pick almost any aspect of human degenercy and you'd see it rampant in the slav world. Adultery, murder, AIDS, theft, nigger rigging devices instead of actually repairing them, drunkenness, violence, did I mention rape?, homelessness, men who abandon their families, idolatry, witchcraft, poverty, propensity to embrace communism.
keep calling me a kike. or did you mean a "racist"? you're no different from niggers unless you acknowledge your problems and try and fix them rather than accusing those who point them out to you.
lurk more
not an argument, pussy
lmao. next they are going to be talking about the guy who invented peanut butter.
and again, I like slavs. they are white. but they need to get their shit together and we need to point it out to them because they are prideful fucks who won't get a point unless you beat it into their thick heads over and over.
ahh, si slovinec? môja chyba. Slovinsko je dobré…ale Slovensko je lepšie :) Máme tu to.
Anglobros should watch this too…it's got subtitles.
Everything you mentioned indicates you live among degenerate slavs. Let's say you grew up in california and only experienced degenerate whites, does that mean all whites are shit? Use your head a little.
Saw this. Great stuff
You may be right. Strike him from the list.
Really? Wikipedia bases his birthday on his baptismal certificate.
you're correct. Strike him from the list.
Okay. but a slav, right?
I doubt that. They were sent as missionaries to tne Slavs because they knew tne language. Why would Greeks have grown up speaking Slavonic? Anyway, wikipedia says it's unknown.
Seems you are correct. Strike him from the list.
Thank you for the corrections!
pic related.
A slav who worked for the enemy.
You know, people can learn the language. They also knew arab and hebrew… Their work also isn't exactly an achievement, are you going to put every slav who do shit on that "list"? There is nothing to sugest they were slavs.
Given that it's indeed an achievement, it's not like they came with it out of nothing - they adapted greek script, mostly. And they were greek, and had several subordinates…
Stay humble, my Slavbros. God has kept you from much sin and weakness with what must have seemed like pure tragedy and misfortune. Never forget this, and pray that you may stay strong and walk in wisdom always even after your fortunes are shown. May we all live in peace someday.
go away christcuck
Well… There is also a distinct difference between West Slavs(Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) and East Slavs(Russians, Ruthenians, Ukrainians)
Although in the end all of us are more advanced then the niggers from africa. Also we are capable enough to actually maintain huge empires, be it the Russian Empire or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
wtf is this video? lol never heard of holy roman empire? this is pathetic you're not german, you have inferiority complex. berlin is berolina in latin and derives from germanic bero (bear) and guess what, thats why berlin has a bear as its city heraldry
slavs can do what they want in their own shitholes but I don't really want them here anymore than the niggers
huwhite pan-racialism is mainly an american right wing thing (since that's all the identity they have left after centuries of mixed European immigration)
America is an Anglo nation.
[© h = © k = d]
Bratislava and Žilina were very beautiful.
For Žilina and Goral I can say fighters (we beat them but respect) it was 35 to 60 approximately, for Trenčin (trenchtown)- antifa and coward faggots-no respect
Is Kotleba getting elected? What is the situation? I watched his videos and I think he has an excellent program
You might have missed the fact we are talking aBout Europe, not USA.
Either way fuck your d&c.
Love to all my Slavic brothers. Let's connect. No one can stop us.
Ibrahim-Ibn-Jakub on the Slavs…
(Some.sandnigger warchief in.the 10th century)
Or jewish merchant
and why he doesnt stay ;)
"n general, the Slavs are violent, and inclined to aggression. If not for
the disharmony amongst them, caused by the multiplication of factions and
by their fragmentation into clans, no people could match their strength. "'
cry me a river
Cute. But you have just broken your teeth. I started using this comeback.
How new exactly are you?
Kikes are afraid
You're on the wrong board.
Do u know de wae home?
This is your first and final warning. Move away from here or suffer the full consequence.
They really are. I love it
Be strong brothers
We need your aggression and violence
We euro-mutts can bridge the gap
We have no connection to ancient rivalries
We are part everything over here
It is time to bury all white hatchets, take our lands back kick these parasites to the curb and then go into the stars.
If we can pull this off we will restart the year count at 0.
There are alot of slavs and mixed in the usa.
i had 4 russians on my football team
best friend growing up was a pole
Thank you brothers. We are all part of mother Europe's sons. So we will never ever leave you alone. You are not forgotten and help is coming.
The reason I am posting embeds because I want people to read the comments. Rebirth and such immense positivity. To me personally as Slav I have two main objectives. 1. Unite our people and gather the army for the inevitable battle 2. Save our Western European brothers who have been intentionally genocided, mercilessly attacked and left for dead
I need you to know there is an army watching you and will never abandon you no matter what. We will defeat the enemy together
Pjevaju: Tatjana Buha, Paul Markotić, Damir Markotić, Bojana Čibej
V kameňoch je zapísané,
a v krvi našich otcov podpísané.
Zaspievané skrz vietor a dážď,
po veky tajomne bolo snívané.
Огњем је у ноћи запламтело
и песмом вука светом пренело.
Муњом сјајном небом разгласило,
да никада није то нестало.
Teraz powracamy, ognie rozpalamy,
wielkich przodków wysławiamy.
Teraz powracamy, ofiary składamy,
ponownie swych Bogów wychwalamy
Da se vračamo, srečni pojemo,
se pri starem izviru napajamo.
Da se vračamo, Mater prosimo,
da nikoli več ne odidemo.
U stijenama je zapisano
I krvlju djedova potpisano
Vjetrovima, daždom otpjevano
Vjekovima tajno dosanjano.
Ognjem je u noći zaplamtjelo
I pjesmom vuka svijetom prenijelo
Munjom sjajnom nebom razglasilo
Da nikad nije sve to nestalo.
Da se vraćamo, vatre palimo
I svoje slavne pretke štujemo.
Da se vraćamo, žrtve dajemo
Opet bogove stare hvalimo.
Da se vraćamo, sretni pjevamo
Na izvoru se starom pojimo.
Da se vraćamo, Majku molimo
Da nikada više ne odemo.
Tekst: Deniver Vukelić
Prijevod: Stanislav Gubančok, Damir Markotić, Kacper Witkowski, Marek Łomowski, Nejc Petrič
Glazba: Damir Markotić
Thanks a lot, I'm doing my part by studying Law. I also plan to join the army as a method of training.
Corneliu Codreanu is my hero, Europe definitely needs men like him more than ever. His premature death is such a shame.
technically we weren't
a good portion of the slavs got conquered by the ottomans
vlad barely discouraged them
we were a meatshield at best
Fill the vacuums.
Sounds a little Maoist to me. We have history worth remembering, not relegating to the past. Revive it, dont discard it. Back to the before time, when niggers were something you read about in a book on animals of Africa.
And the Polish Winged Hussars under the King John III Sobieski fucked Ottomans so hard in the ass they probably lost the last chance to ever conquer Europe after the failed Battle of Vienna and also lost Hungary in the process. The Decline of Ottomans then began around the time of the Russo-Turkish war and Ottomans additionally lost shitload of their European clay because of rebellions of the southern slavs they previously conquered. At this point Ottomans were so weak they finally collapsed in WW1. Slavs were neither meatshield nor did they just discourage Kebabs, they were probably the most important factor of their downfall.
Definitely. Look, anons, I was never saying that Slavs aren't white or are the equal of niggers, but I was saying that you've got some nigger-like behavior and that's most of the reason your countries have in the past dipped into near shithole level living conditions.
I'm pointing it out because you guys need to shape up. You may well be the future of the white race and it'd suck if that future is inherited by a people who behave like niggers and never grow out of it because their prideful asses can't handle the slightest amount of criticism.
wait…*smacks lips*…so you be say'n…
[© h = © k =d]
We must make them proud
This is the truth. I'm from Slovenija and I vividly remember in elementary school teachers teaching us about the ottoman invasions and the horror they did to our people. Until we organized and blew them the fuck out. Not once ever shall they walk our land again.
And we will once again we are going to an incredible battle once again. I love it. I thank and praise Perun, Svarog, Veleše Mokoši and Morana each day for giving us this rare opportunity.
I'm sure most of you already know that a large battle is coming. For this we will need every good man and every fighter.
Spend the time before it wisely and strenghten our ranks.
Know that spirits of old warriors are with us.
Tisoč v nebo je junakov klicalo,
preden poslednjič zaprli so oči,
v krvi in mukah roteče kričalo
Morani, naj pride, da smrt jim stori.
Prosila dekleta so mladih vojščakov,
da prizaneseš nedolžnim možem,
oni pa v bitkah klicali z očakov
nad horde sovraga so tvoje ime.
Ko veter zapiha in gozd se stemni,
se s strmih bregov v doline spusti.
V megli in snegu sestopa z vrhov
krvava boginja v spremstvu volkov.
Thousands of heroes screamed to the sky
Before for the last time, they closed their eyes
In blood and torment they pleadingly cried
To Morana to come and end their lives
Girls of young warriors begged and begged
to spare their loved ones from claws of death
Meanwhile in battle they summoned her ghost
The one who would slay the hordes of their foes
When winds blow and darkness engulfs the forests
From hills to the valley a shadow descends
Through mist and the snow the bloodied goddess treads
Followed by wolfpacks that tear them to shreds
Tisoč v nebo je junakov klicalo,
preden poslednjič zaprli so oči,
v krvi in mukah roteče kričalo
Morani, naj pride, da smrt jim stori.
Prosila dekleta so mladih vojščakov,
da prizaneseš nedolžnim možem,
oni pa v bitkah klicali z očakov
nad horde sovraga so tvoje ime.
Ko veter zapiha in gozd se stemni,
se s strmih bregov v doline spusti.
V megli in snegu sestopa z vrhov
krvava boginja v spremstvu volkov.
Red Pill 101, Jewish Bolshevism broke Eastern Europe, especially Russia. They killed millions of their best people and now their societies don't function as well as they used to or should. It'll take many more generations on National Socialism to really recover.
Hopefully very few so we can more easily absorb them when we switch back to mostly Nordic migration. This is a Western European nation, as my father's intended and I will preserve it for my children.
Warning-I got to much into war planning
As I am reading through this
While yes we must unite against nonwhites and for wartimes all (x ain't white) should be put aside
There are a few "issues"
Do "we" as Holla Forumsacks unite with nonwhites against jews ,and what is the plan after that? in my head it's kill all nonwhites , but some seem to be more into ethnostates for each race-which won't work because technological and economic drive will cause it to mix just like the first time
A whole other issue is starting it ,I't won't be easy to make polish people start killing , we are more into defending and avenging.Our history makes most people "aware" of geopolitics-If USA starts a war with Russia , they might fight on our land again ,it's better for them than risking their own countries ,We have already armored USA units on the east flank and half a country to Russia,all the americans have to do is ,start riding into ukrain ,which Russia has to react to ,and then lure them either back to us or fight in ukrain,
Then you have all the "Middle East"never ending USA training war,making military bases ,now russia joined the game and they also want to have the Middle East flank just in case,making bases and doing deals
The North Korea that is discussed as a last stop before invading China and then Russia-from what I read in some threads,that it's the best way to get logistics and attack the capital city by land,other thing being that North Korea has artillery set on Seoul and said to use them at a sing of attack,which would make South Koreans blame USA for casualties and likely start hating and possibly sabotaging any USA logistics used to support further war with North Korea
ISIS is practically done for , they don't have media coverage , so the USA is in need of a new training war,they have NK set up for nukes , Jerusalem issue and possible nuke transfer for Israel(I only saw the thread name so I can't give any details)
Back to Poland ,another bogeyman argument the recent Israel kvetching about polish people not wanting to be blamed for the holocaust ,the "polish death camps"issue
From what I saw on the news , the jews have a problem that no new holohoax facts could be added and that they won't be able to tell a story of any polish people that actually sold jews to the germans
This is a possible redpill ,if anyone thinks to himself"What do you mean they have a problem ,fuck off back to your country ,we rule here"
Also I hope that our politics see the play and won't bend , The jews only need 1 dude that sold a jew to germans and they will make an entire franchise out of it,if they want to accelerate the poland is the new bad guys view.Since PIS looks like it will stay in power for 2 reasons , actually making real some of the promises they made during the campaign-firs time that happened in my life and the total non existence of a usefull opposition-including publicly working with the EU against poland,being seen in private meetings with people(like judges) that they are legally not allowed to conspire with ,and having pictures taken with Soros
This might be the first time in history that Poland is going to play the long game
German, Anglos are Teutonic stock as well. Most of our stock however, and what well have to to rebuild with is Anglo Germans.
I hope not. We need to help ourselves.
If a people lack the will and capacity to survive they will not survive. Nice sentiment though, but we must survive through our own strengths or die through our own weakness.
Preposterous, Pierce implied the same thing should happen in the Turner Diaries after they gassed China. A new era for our people going forwards, this is not the discarding of all our history but just an era of our absolute dominance over our environments and the world.
I can't be sure if Western Europeans feel this too? Mother Europe's call.
For us Slavs it is - hard to rationally explain, but we hear her. Maybe it is our DNA bound to our earth, but when she calls we answer.
It is painful to watch germanic and nordic tribes grow so weak but my.definite resolve is that we must help them in their hour of need.
It is not a question of choice but simply one of must
I don't believe in giving up-ever
American of proud Polish descent here naturalized year ago
If you know any Slavs chances are that they're already quite redpilled. In family/friend gatherings we openly talk shit about negroes, gays and muslims.
I have to say, the guys in that video is not the image that comes to mind when I hear those words.
Women should not be raised to be men.
Question regarding 'slav' and/or 'slavic' and wolves.
I made wolves. They answer to Man, to God's image. Why do some of the slavs/slavics use the wolf as an avatar? I do not get it. Man is his own; The avatar of God is God on this earth, etc. Wolves are. Man is. Both exist. Neither is equal to the other, etc.
Perhaps it's just hard for me to accept redefinition of wolves away from '90s autism boy' memetics from days past.
Still, any elaboration on any special slav/slavic and wolf avatar symbols that I may not yet be aware of would be appreciated.
don't get your panties in a bunch
I don't remember who but it was some politician or political clairvoyant who said that uprising of third world war will come from the Balkans
Top Kek
Try this one bro, although I can't guarantee anything
I literally read your post after I posted the reply.
Kek works in misterious ways
The Dutch created more important figures then all the slaves combined, yes even in music.
Fuelled by food taken from the mouths of working-class British and German kids and money taken from the pockets of their fathers.
For a reasonable influx of White genes we can arrange a peaceful transition between western and eastern Europeans paradigms, stupid barba- I mean… fellow White people…
Actually shoring up Slavdom in Russia is very much in Western Europe's best interest if they ever manage to overthrow the Jew-puppet governments they currently live under. You need someone to trade with for fossil fuels and other natural resources, and a Slav-dominated Russia would be more likely to cooperate than a Mongrel-dominated Russia.
oh wow is that don jr? i thought melania was a lot younger she looks great for her age.
I am Ukrainian and I know that my true desire is to fight and die.
Yeah that's Don Jr.
Love this kid! Also Melanija is such a great woman. Barron has a great Mom and Dad
Hey bro, I actually an Ukrainian kid today. Looks completely aryan though blonde hair blue eyes, kid's a fighter though, he is on an ultra path trying to make his own little squad in the army. Kinda looks up to me so I will try to look after him. Anyway respect to Ukraine!
You know this really hit home for some reason. I long battle too. Each day when I'm not facing the enemy and charging him head on seems like a day lost.
People called me crazy and fearless or insane for getting into fights with 5v1 6v1 all odds stacked against me
I wonder does anyone else feel the same
At the end you have to be proud of yourself. It's a Slavic thing
Ukraine and Russia are brothers. They should bury the hatchet really. Every single white country needs to bury the hatchet at least temporarily to push out the judeo-bolshevik scourge plaguing this world.
Founded by Anglos - Populated and built by Germans.
Was trying to (((google))) the map / infographic that cites this but got pic related instread.
People like you are so dumb. Been hearing it for 20 years. Congratulations, you just got rid of 85% of the Slavs in that video
You don't sound edgy.
You don't sound tough.
You sound like a woman.
Go play in the mirror and paint your nails.
im into classical music and hes like a classical period soundcloud rapper.
they gave us waffles and the NewKids movies, i cant think of much else
ever heard of the "map of europe"?
Excellent analysis.
You win the internet.
Nietzsche claimed all good that came from Germany was and is because of Polish blood in the German population.
nietzche was screaming at horses
I am not suprised. Nietzsche lost his Prussian citizenship because he was a faggot. Of course he hates everything that was German.
He did NOT hate Germans.
He merely claimed that Poles had better genes, or that the good genes Germans have are the same most Poles have.
What do you wish to imply?
Good luck among Slavs. They view Christ in the same light we view Hitler.
Ha, stupid polak
They have nothing to show for, so they have to claim other people for them self.
He was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to the Baltic German jeweller Gustav Fabergé and his Danish wife Charlotte Jungstedt. Gustav Fabergé's paternal ancestors were Huguenots, originally from La Bouteille, Picardy, who fled from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, first to Germany near Berlin, then in 1800 to the Pernau (today Pärnu)[1] Baltic province of Livonia, then part of Russia.
Initially educated in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1860 Gustav Fabergé, together with his wife and children, retired to Dresden, leaving the business at House of Fabergé in Saint Petersburg in the hands of capable and trusted Peter Carl; he possibly undertook a course at the Dresden Arts and Crafts School. Two years later Agathon, the Fabergés' second son, was born.
Gregor Johann Mendel was a scientist, Augustinian friar and abbot of St. Thomas' Abbey in Brünn, Mendel was born in a German-speaking family[3] in the Silesian part of the Austrian Empire
Born 20 July 1822 Heinzendorf bei Odrau, Silesia, Austrian Empire
Died 6 January 1884 (aged 61) Brünn, Austria-Hungary
Around 1900 Brno, which until 1918 consisted in administrative terms only of the central city area, had a predominantly German-speaking population (63%),
the end of the war, ethnic German residents were forcibly expelled. In the so-called Brno death march, beginning on 31 May 1945, about 27,000 German inhabitants of Brno were marched 40 miles (64 kilometres) to the Austrian border. According to testimony collected by German sources, about 5,200 of them died during the march.[4
Stanisław Lem = kike
Poles always boasting and claiming the achievements of other peoples
ever heard of Polish parasitism and criminality?
If Nietzsche claims something it must be true, God being dead and Wagner a vile anti-semite.
He was not only a faggot, but also a crypto-jew. Because his nature is wholly Judaic, he by definition hates everything German. His inferiority complex got the better of him. You're pathetic btw, find a way to cope with the fact that you're not a German and that your ancestors fought for the jew.
People not believing in God don't believe in his existance implicitely, so to them he's "dead". When that's the case the only foundation of morality is man. When the only foundation of morality is man, so it's up to the greatest man to excel and excert control. In the end the over-man (Übermensch) will be victorious because he remembers the past, plans for the future, and lives in the present; he thinks and he feels; reason and intuition.
Did you even read his works? He outlined the master race idea pretty well.
Verry funny. Also, Jews fear the German over his active nature, and absolutely hate the Pole over his undeceivable stand.
What's pathetic is that first you falsely claim he's Judaic, or any of his works are; that you project your Jewish shill inferiority on me; and that you believe I'm not a German-American who can perfectly well read and understand his work.
Und jetzt raus, Schilling.
Nietzsche is a Jew and it was well known in folkish circles. Most of his works aren't even written by him, it's a conglomeration of themes that were talked about in said circles, i.e. it's a proto-tabloid for the feeble-minded interspersed with Jewish subversion.
Don't pretend his work is coherent. Maybe it's true in your mind. Or are you well-versed in Method Acting by imagining you're a wicked Jew? If you have Germany blood you should instinctively feel disgust after reading the whole body of the work that is attributed to Nietzsche in addition to the original authors he stole most of the topics from.
chopin was a known anti-semite and thats a single drawing of him more of a caricature. chopin was particularly sensitive about his big nose because of the assumption that big nose automatically=jew. heres the only photo of him as well as two other depictions. he came from polish nobility (which did not mix with jews) and his ancestry is well documented. listen to Mendelssohn and feel the jew then listen to chopin. Chopin was a slavic genius.
Why do you consider him solely Slavic if his father was a Frenchman? Why don't call him a French genius by this standard? He had Slavic and French roots, this is not something you can simply ignore. This is not a trivial matter in racial theory.
Look this is simple, the outcome is simple.
Western Europe is being forcefully invaded with full support of their governments.
This means whether it happens in time for a full healing or shortly after it gets so bad that a massive purge will occur for a decade instead, the new powers will be completely separate from the (((modern))) (((democratic))) governments.
Countries least fucked over by this will be sending in specops to help light the flames.
War is already laid here the only questions left are where will the first sparks hit and how hard will the first flames burn.
fuk off shill
No. It was very off-putting at first because I believed, and still believe, in a good god who created a perfectly well ordered universe in which there's no place for humans calling themselves superior to all life and thusly entitled to rule over them.
His works, at least in his native language, sounded like some sort of conclusion to the a-theist problem: if religions isn't were morality comes from, then who makes the rules? If Man made religion and can discatd religion, so Man can come up with other rules, and the most insightful and most "foresightful" plan their own morality to follow the iron rules of nature.
I should note he used a special level of poetical wording that's lost in translation. The word for iron can be used for strength and a slight alteration sounds as if it's connected to eternity.
As long as Slav countries are controlled by Zionists, Western Europeans will get as much help as Rhodesia. You'll sweep up what is left. Don't kid yourself.
And that is exactly what we need to work with them, so to install in them the National Socialist position, and a real identity, that of the blood.
Oh that was a mistake on my part then, I always had a feeling that he was a jew because I somehow tought his real name was Szopyn or something and the picture… Still half french and not fully slavic, though.
your point is fair, his french father could also explain the nose as well; chopin wasnt considered particularly handsome. I call him slavic because his work his character were decidedly polish in influence. he was born and raised there spoke the language and I think he took more after his mother. there was no genetic analysis done on chopin but he was a polish nationalist who spoke polish and developed his ability wholly in the slavic sphere of influence in poland. he was a slavic mutt, he was more a slav than a frenchman
polish people are not solely slavic
but poles are considered slavs. i would not claim that chopin is a pure blooded slav but that he is slavic. i did not exclude his partial french genetics in acknowleding his slavicness.
I get the sense that you imagine chopins ability derives from his father being french, and that he was a great pianist despite being slavic. what are you some swarthy mediterranean?
Of course you can find stuff that is interesting because he used all the themes of his time. Which doesn't mean that the endproduct of consuming his work is good and not a waste of time. "His" work is written in a style explicitely for the masses, hence a big publishing propaganda campaign made him so popular after WW2. In regards to your topic, yes, it's interesting to think about this. In my opinion it is Aryan idealism that inherently permeates our being that transcends a rational explanation, it is a kind of nostalgia for something we lost way back in time (beyond time?). I always see this in great art, there is something the artist longs for, i.e. this kind of nostalgia. Like finding your Muse, it's like there is someone waiting for you somewhere, someone pure and seeing your Earthly Muse you get a fire burning inside of you because you remember it somehow through this sort of "copy". For me it is of no importance if a religion is "implemented morality" based on this longing or if some Semites brought this religion to us and we then, through the centuries, morphed it into something that was more akin to our being. In some way we will always strive for this and if there's enough room to breathe for a folk and superior Aryan people are able to rise to the top, something sensible will organically develop. Those rules of nature which shouldn't be broken are exactly those that protect us from losing/masking this inherent idealism to create something akin to our longing (or maybe go back somehow?).
No, this is your projection. If what I said is in some way false or unscientific, please point this out to me. Obviously his French roots influenced his being. As well as his Polish roots, which might well be responsible for his musical genius, who knows, maybe it was exactly the combination that produced it, plus hard work of course.
i know you are a kike because you believe the "jews control everything" forced meme
how is it obvious his french roots influenced his music? you seem woefully ignorant of chopins life. he was born in poland learned piano from his slavic mother he studied under a czech composer in poland. if a writer never speaks a language could it be said its culture was influential to him? chopin never even spoke french properly. Chopin arrived in Paris in late September 1831; he would never return to Poland,[33] thus becoming one of many expatriates of the Polish Great Emigration. In France he used the French versions of his given names, and after receiving French citizenship in 1835, he travelled on a French passport.[34] However, Chopin remained close to his fellow Poles in exile as friends and confidants and he never felt fully comfortable speaking French. Chopin's biographer Adam Zamoyski writes that he never considered himself to be French, despite his father's French origins, and always saw himself as a Pole.[35] Zamoyski (2010), p. 128 (loc. 2027).
I am not projecting my opinion as I have already said chopin is that chopin was a slavic genius I believe his father being french was unimportant in his development. you think chopin was a frenchman so you are misinformed just as i suspected
everyone that wasnt a peasant was german speaking dumbass.
ive heard of the eternal anglo
also a fun fact for everyone
when RUSSIA was liberating europe and Constantinople form the muslim turks, the ETERNAL ANGLO came in to help the turks and fight russia
thanks you West, for bringing them here
copernicus had a german mom who got dicked by copernicus' polish dad. you are claiming copernicus was not slavic the same way that someone might claim chopin was not polish, that because of his having partial ancestry his achievement is to be wholly attributed to that ancestry because youve already assumed slavs are worthless and are just projecting in trying to take way from the accomplishments of the slavic world
just typical dnc, ignore them
look at germanys soccer team, niggers and turks; historically they used polish players to achieve their victories and then they boast of german sporting supremacy. joachim lowe used to have to tell podolski and klose to stop speaking polish because it was bad for your arleady shit morale. go fix your cursed nation you butthurt kraut
they havent been around for centuries in europe
unless youre hungarian. and we know how that went back in the 50s
It was part of Britains "no one power should dominate Europe" Policy. Criticise by all means but at least get it right.
They were already there. For quite a while actually. Hundreds of years in fact. In the west too.
INB4 But they were jews not zionists!
it was part of britains "everyone,even allies must be weaker than us so we can rule the world" policy, aka Eternal anglo scheme
no. all the jewsih banking, media, wars etc comes from the west.
bolshevism rose with the help of wallstreet money and german intelligence operations
neoliberalism and modern degeneracy are purely american exports.
youre dead fucking wrong
this is correct. the power of jewry has come from their positions in the west the rothschilds were seated comfortably in england financing revolution in russia and germany
The FLOURISHED in the west. But they mostly CAME from eastern europe to America.
In any case the jew is the jew wherever they are, i assume you know this.
We have all dropped the ball, user.
This post is why I don't like slavs and will never see them as brothers. It is a very common sentiment among you to lay all the actions of the jews on us as a whole as if it wasn't a horde of slavs that destroyed this world greatest chance at victory over the kikes. Everyone who posts about Poland being the savior of the white race has a short memory.
They arnt bad lads really.
We have all got some explaining to do and hard truths to come to terms with. we bombed civilians they raped everyone Some times its just easier to blame someone else. Can get a bit annoying though.
You know this quote is bullshit, and that Hitler called it out, right?
>"He forgot to add that the same horde is on the Isar, the Elbe, the Main, the Thames, the Seine,the Hudson, the Neva, and the Volga. And all of them with the same deceit toward their neighbors. Our charmers and wizards, however, distinguish between respectable and not-so-respectable, between settled and newly immigrated, between western and eastern Jews, and ifworse comes to worst, they shrug their shoulders and mutter, 'Every country has the Jews it deserves.' It means nothing to them that it was a Jew who coined this fine-sounding phrase. Nor that in the case of Germany, considering the quality of the Jews we have 'deserved,' it becomes a resounding slap in the face. 'All Israel stands openly in the British camp!' announced the American union leader Samuel Gompers in 1916. And that includes the German Jews too, as the American, Ford, well knew. He has written of the faithlessness of the so-called 'German' Jews toward the country where they live, of the fact that they have united themselves with the rest of the world's Jews toward the ruin of Germany. 'Why?' jeers the Jew. 'Because the German is a vulgar scoundrel, a backward, medieval creature, who hasn't the faintest idea of our worth. And we should help such rabble? No, he has the Jews he deserves!' Such arrogance is indeed staggering to behold." (Dietrich Eckart - "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and me")
And that guy, who isn't a slav, couldn't help but christcuck…
they came from eastern europe because they are khazar ashkenazis. they migrated from the caucases to the west, thats why theres so many jewsih communities in the line from the caucausus (which were later i$Iamised), ukraine, poland, checz, germany, northern france to britain.
the notion that the major modern jew sects are descendant form the biblical tribes of israel and moved to europe via some magic way is absurd
thanks for pointing this out to me, my apologies, I did not know this and will not repost this as I am sympathetic to the victims of jewry, especially the germans, and take heed of Hitler's words but there is still some truth in the sentiment that jews require traitor for their power is in corruption. I am not romanian nor was I under the impression that they are slavs but was codreanu really jewish? source?
oh come now that was jews in charge of poland and russia forgive us slavs for being useful idiots, we learnt a lot after ww2 it wont happen again. look how grateful the jews have been portraying the poles for example; they will get the version of us they have wished for
she didnt pronounce shit correctly lol
Me the Czech who always slav squat and wear addidas track suit and eat Borsch before I knew these things were memes even. Literally squat in computer chair all the time because that was more comfortable. I am stuck in Ontario Canada though and there is like only one other Holla Forumsack here also I can't drive so I can't really do much.
Just wondering… how fucking retarded are you?
Have you ever had a thanksgiving?
sez u
There is some truth to it, but to blame the actions of the jew, the most abominable thing existent, on the actions of the ones he robs is not ideal… And Codreanu wasn't a jew, he was just repeating a phrase that was really coined by jewish elements of the bourgeouis parties of pre-1914 Germany…
Very informative post, user.
prove us wrong then
Fair point.
Talvisota happened more than half a century ago and we still didn't get Karjala back.
thats because america and britain wanted to make sure their new ally stays their ally.
he got fucked by the americans after the war too and lost a bunch of land to italian fags that we annahilated in the war.
*we got
Here are some Blue/Blood supermoon pictures for my Slavic brethren and the rest to enjoy and draw energy from
If that is so and I believe it could be, there is absolute bloodbath and victory in the future.
South Slavs unite with East Slavs. Not one power in the world can stop this.
I predict all Slav attack and retake of Europe
Coming through your house like an earthquake
Due to the strange cross alliance between NATO the turks and russia, there's a real possibility of retaking Constantinople, if we can get the turkroaches to fall into infighting, and hit before the (((UN))) can decide what to do about it.
Our boy is mixed TGEoM and SLAV warrior DNA. I can not exactly say what yet, but this boy will be an EXTREME VICTOR. He will achieve mindblinding things. support and give energy to witness amazing things
We must protect this boy. At every moment. I can no emphasize how cruicial this is
Extreme extreme power
What is going on is by no means coincidential. Those who fail to check 444 are afraid. With good reason.
A great army is gathering
What went back when?
the guy was using the mongols as a tool to ridicule slavs. the only european nation even remotley related to the mongols are hungarians, since the mongols settled in the area at the time of their maximum expansion in the middle ages.
what happened in the 50s was the hungarian revolution, where the local communist party went against the policies of the USSR, which resulted in escalation from protests to a warsaw pact intervention to a small civil war.
long story short the warsaw pact (mostly slavs) drove tanks all over the rioters (hungarians, aka mongol golden hord descendants).
Get your facts right son. Hungarians have their historical roots in steppe peoples indeed, but arrived to Europe at least centuries before the golden horde. By then hungarians had a christian up and running and in the 13th century badly clashed with the mongols.
The link between hungarians and the golden horde is more of a historical steppe-dwelling lifestyle thing than anything else.
I like the "prank" /social experiment video in sweden when a muslim guy starts publicly abusing a girl in the subway.
Pretty much every people just cucks away from saying a thing, many many horrified onlookers hurry by, when eventually a glorious pole worker shows up and nearly breaks the jaw of the mud.
thanks for the correction. i remeber most of those things from history class and a trip to hungarys cities where they had a statue of a mongol horseman, and i kinda put it into this context
This kid has SS but he has also all Slavic. Tribes guarding him, this must be clear to everyone. This is /ourkid/
If you are Slavic,
You must guard the kid with your life
It's not as extreme as I remembered it, but still worth a watch:
most anti immigration is former Austro-Hungarian territory.
Because of genetics…
Prawda. Biali Rosjanie są tak samo Słowianami jak my. To nie oni byli komunistami, tylko (((ludzie))) w Kremlinie.
Wolfpacks represent determination, aggression and cooporation. This by itself shows why many use it. Other than that, if I remember correctly, in Slavic paganism the origin of the Slavs is from an ancient white wolf.
The Teutons gave it their all to liberate you guys. We would definitely appreciate the favor being returned.
May the white races surge throughout the galaxy so the stars is ours to conquer.
Praise Kek - T0 the stars and beyond!
it was the romantic musical are you dumbfucking idiots
the teutons wanted to occupy and christinise (strip of identity) slavic lands.
and the favor was returned after WW2
No, you dumbfuck. Chopin made music with the capabilities that he was given by nature and which are based on genetics, gtfo blank slate marxist faggot.
While those are nice dubs, that isn't true. Hitler's aim was to overthrow the bolshevik jews and settle European Russia with the slavs and breed one super masterrace. All of the bullshit about deporting the slavic population and enslaving them was postwar propaganda backed up by partial quotes taken completely out of context.
1) the teutonic-slavic conflict has been going on since the 9th century with the rise of christiandom
2) deportations did happen and they happened where i live. the educated were deported first, followed by entire populations of settlements near the border. they were deported mostly further away from the german area, but prominent individuals and revolting citizens were also deported to concentration camps.
i havent heard any stories about mixing nations to create a supernation yet either
[© h e © k i n g] this beautiful post
the guy cited hard work/development as being key to chopins ability yet claims his piano playing ability derives solely from his genetics, that his music was not shaped consciously by his identity and development but by some freudian subconscious mechanism where his french piano playing genetics wrote his works. he thought in slavic he thought of himsef as a slav and he was born raised and trained in poland by slavs where he was already accomplished before going abroad. his french genetics take the backseat and are deserving of a passing mention as they normally are. he is always referred to as a polish composer not to sow divisions between the polish and french but to foster them because he made his music for poland when it was in political turmoil and france became his refuge. do you imagine "marie curie" was french? because many people do and that is actually to take away from slavic achievement. the irony of this is that chopins music is amongst the first composers to produce what was to be seen as patriotic or nationalistic music in the sense of having a distinct dedication/identity. chopin was polish i guess poles have some french blood amongst them as well as some german scandinavian baltic etc. what was the point you were trying to make again? that piano playing ability exists without civilization and that its potential is so neatly expressed genetically that it can be cited/credited as the inspiration for a persons work?
i suppose alexander pushkins works are to be attributed to his partial nigger genetics
i got a good question for someone knowledgeable on the subject, how dominant/recessive are slavic genetics relative to western european groups?
should have left him out
from what ive seen when my nationals breed with "darker skinned people" the result is still pretty "white" looking kids with a darker tone of skin. the hair is ofcourse always blond in the childhood, but darkens while growing up.
strenght of genes usually relates to physichall and reproductive strenght of the average national. kinda like that rat experiment, where warrior rats breed the most and made the best offspring, and in a few geneations when there was plenty of rats, all of which werent very agressive, the rat colony died out.
you should look it up, its an interesting social experiment where the rats in a box with all needs met are representing people in a modern society
Hello cocksucker, didn‘t you get the memo?
The Polaks are in bed with the kikes:
Netanyahu was meeting with the leaders of Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland, known as the Visegrad Group.
Netanyahu also had one-on-one meetings in downtown Budapest on Wednesday with the heads of governments of the Visegrad Group, or “V4” — Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. He had met the previous day with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who arranged the visit of the V4 country heads.
In remarks following the meeting, Netanyahu invited the four prime ministers to visit Israel, stating “Next year in Jerusalem.” The leaders all accepted Netanyahu’s invitation.
“Next year in Jerusalem.” is a traditional greeting among jews, expressing their wish to be united in Israel.
Oh vey the hollow clause
Poor oppressed Poland
No, you retard, but if you're French and grow up in China and become a genius, it's not because you consider yourself Chinese.
Go and read a book moron. Genetics is the potential you have. If you maximize it or not lies in your hands, i.e. your willpower. Living in slavland doesn't increase or decrease your potential.
Pushkin's great-grandfather was a nigger. This doesn't make him a full-blown nigger. He was probably more European than a nigger. So yes, his nigger blood decreased his potential. I read Pushkin, his books are shit to be honest. No wonder that Russia went to shit if their over-achievers are partly nigger.
Guys I have extremelly good idea and I want your honest answer how it would do on Slavic markets:
Pls no steel / bully: if I see a person with it I will have to administer slav thug beating (most unpleasant)
Clothing line and apparel
Does it have market appeal?
I am trusting you not to steal this. Is good idea?
Shills: kill yourselves.
You can not stop us.
Slavic brothers this bread is blessed with extreme energy. Do not let it go to waste. Love you all
Bravo, brat!
Nič nas ne more ustaviti
Go hard and fight
Because (((they))) want to ruin you
Go hard and fight
To final victory
Through your fight create heroes
Who are fearless
Winners write history
Losers believe it
(((they))) want to eradicate us all
while you "cry" for theirs
Raise yourself and educate others
So they won't be slaves
By your force create heroes
Who fear nothing anymore
She looks rather weird, is she sick?
I wouldn't think so
YK : Special forces / FSB
type of girl you don't want to meet in the forrest.
Unless she is cooking meal for you in your camp
She is master at changing looks
Her eyes look inflamed.
no, but its probably not because youre french. the white lower class is living like gypsies in south africa even if they are european.
So does your brain.
Want to know the best part?
In the comments there is a female, sounds british by accent of the single video on her channel, that comments "wow polish guys are hot".
In the same comment thread a discussion starts.
She later basically says all the lefty talking points, word by word
So you can literally see the inner workings of the average lefty.
They love strong men to protect them.
The females get wet when strong men protect them, or show any display of aggression and success combined.
Yet they have this deadly disease called leftism.
Yet they crave a strong hand to force them to the ground and to make her obey.
You can see why eastern nations are not overrun by immigrants. Their men are still men and any lefty sentiments of the women are kept in check.
fucking huge eyebags, she's probably one of those slav women who looks kinda hot but then the wall hits extra hard
Top notch.
Poles really are TOP removers
Video related
No, you're thinking about your mother.
don't cry on me white knight
Jesus christ they're claiming THEY WUZ TSARS OF RUSSIA too?
Fucking hell, they're claiming they WUZ EMPERORS OF CHINA AND SHEET too.
I'm retarded I keep forgetting to put sage in all fields
Your LARPing is making us look bad, faggot.
I've been thinking for months now just to go back where my blood origins from. I'm trying to improve the situation where my grandparents migrated to. But they went back too and the west gave me nothing but unhappiness for the last years.
I don't want to sound like a traitor to the country I was born and raised in, but I can't see any improvement, only decay. When I talk with the original population here, I'm the funny 'Nazi-migrant'.
Maybe I should go and return in a few years with some good men for the final battle of Evropa.
That is normal and a reason why all this migration pushing is shit.
It produces uprooted people who are not in balance with the world.
The jew loves it, because he can take advantage of it.
Czezchia/Česko/Češka ❤
You're not happy where you are and you have identified the problem.
You could have said he spamming propaganda out of context was making him look bad, but you had to go into a buzzword "duh larping" and "muh optics"…
There is nothing "LARPing" about it and sharing images and propaganda, stop saying this to everything like a retard - that, is something which makes one look bad.
I'm Slovenian and I just have to say when I first visited Višegrad countries I felt right at home. Such incredibly beautiful architecture. Not to mention nature and people. Visit us brothers, you will feel right at home too💚
Srbija / Serbia
(More coming!)
Austrian here.
I have to say that slavic people in Austria have hugely contributed to electing our conservative parties. We Austrians can be glad so many slavs have migrated to us or we would be in no better shape than Germany.
Brother the feeling is mutual. We support Austria really big and watch you closely. People are immensely happy that you elected this government and applaud it, saying we must do.the same! so.much for.this post.! All the best to Austrian people!
Slovakia/Slovensko/Slovenská republika
I have been here and athough we fought (little ultra thing) I must say this is a beautiful country and I know will return
(more coming!)
my neighbors ❤
it's the cold air, hard living and poor diet. take her to america and she'd stay gorgeous. also, american girls get the eyebags too. makeup, dude.
So what the government does it? It’s the same all over Europe, change has to come from the people, the folk, not the corrupt politicians.
Hello cuck, remember Ortstaferlstreit?
Fuck out this thread.
Crna Gora/Black Mountain
What I know from a Slovenian mate is that in Corinthia there's actually a ORF (Austrian main television channel) hosted in Slovenian language, because after I think WW1 a part of Slovenian terrain has been made part of Corinthia for w/e reason I'm not into that stuff. But basically there's a part of Austria, located in Corinthia that doesn't speak German as mother tongue.
And still they prefer our 'right wing' conservative parties over muslim cock loving wannabe communists so actually what is your argument.
You're so welcome! I hear so often people just shit talk on slavs for whatever reason but those idiots don't know what they are talking about.
There is no place for slavs in Austria
Even less right do they have to vote in Austria.
So fuck off.
You dirty Balkan nigger murder hundred thousands of Austrians after the first and second world war. After the second world war you tried to anex half of Austria, same in Greece.
There is no Slovenia, that is an artifical construct created in the 1990 on territory wich rightfull belongs to Austria, allways was Austria.
That is called Vienna and they speak Turkish.
Yeah the occupation regime serves the occupants who would have thought that.
So glad to hear this. 100% support. You know you are always welcome here neighbor!
We move to Makedonija/Macedonia
A country not often talked about but certainly important and in my opinion up and coming
I will get back to you later as I finish the.countries and explain on the matter as you've made a very good point.
The torpedo trying to derail is leftist scum/antifa shill don't reply to him
Last but in no means least (we started with 2nd largest and we end with largest)
Rusija/Mama Bear/Россия
>And still they prefer our 'right wing' conservative parties over muslim cock loving wannabe communists so actually what is your argument
You have brought up an excellent point. It is true we call them zamejski Slovenci and they are a minority in Austria.
Historically there were always good relations with Austria and these are honest hardworking people. Like majority (All Slavs) though they are wise to the subhuman sandnigger filth and poz/communism/racemixing/degenaracy/nwo agenda.
In Slovenia there is also large support for your new elect conservative parties with majority opinion being it is the only correct way forward. Soon we will have elections and elect a right wing gvt that will work beautifuly with your leading party and all the Višegrad countries.
Things in 2018 keep getting better.
Bright days ahead!
Cossacks in the Civil War.
Great pics and thank you for posting. To the Ukrainian Anons, I would like to say I didn't leave out your country presentation intentionally but because it hasn't been made yet. I will talk to Slavic Affairs about making it. The war was such a senseless act it tore my heart. But let's not talk about past, see first picture name. Future is looking bright _ Love you all
Want to preface this by saying this is not D&C
I am Quarter slav and love my white slavic history and my white Russian wife.
this is me
I was just wondering about cossacks two days ago. I know they have a pretty badass stroy of how they got aligned with the Tsars, but that they were also nomadic barbarian warriors - and thats about the extent of my knowledge.I was wondering whether they were slavs or something else. Do they have some Turk in them (ottoman empire?)
Historically they leached on the cultural and economic prowess of the German people only to literally stab them in the back after 1918, murdering them and trying to drive them out of their own country which was partial successful, by the foundation of CSR in Bohemia and Yugoslavia in Carintia.
Both were foreign, Anglojew, artificial constructs, serving only one purpose to harm and destroy the German people. Similar the occupation of large parts of Germany by the new invented Poland. “Poland” before it became dissolved was not a national state of the “Poles”, but in it’s last incarnation a republic of nobility, the Szlachta who were the only one considering themselves Polish. The general population was considered bydlos goyim and wasn’t “Polish” at all:
The nationality of the peasants is a complex issue. A number of sources describe them as Polish.[27] Hahn notes that the peasants in the region affected by the uprising were not Ruthenian, but rather "Polish speaking Catholics."[8] Others, however, note that the peasants had little national identity and considered themselves Masurians; to quote one of the peasants as late as end of World War I: "The older peasants called themselves Masurians, and their speech Masurian… I myself did not know that I was a Pole till I began to read books and papers, and I fancy that other villagers came to be aware of the national attachment in much the same way."[28] In turn Wolff prefers to talk of "Galician peasants".[20]
The peasants also aided the Austrian army in defeating the insurgents at the battle of Gdów.[14][21][22]
Peasants attacked the manor houses of the rebel noble leaders as well as of suspected rebel nobles and killed many hundreds of the estate owners and their families; about 90% of the manor houses in the Tarnów region are estimated to have been destroyed.[15] At least 470 manor houses were destroyed.[13] Estimates of the number of lives lost by Polish estate owners and officials range from 1,000 to 2,000.[10]
As noted by several historians, the peasants were not so much acting out of loyalty to the Austrians, as revolting against the oppressive feudal system, of which the Polish nobles were prime representatives and beneficiaries in the Galician region.[2][12][16] Wolff takes a different stance here, by noting that it is likely that the Austrian authorities held greater sway with the peasants, who saw improvement in their living conditions in the recent decades, which they associated with the new Austrian rule.[20]
Back to “hard working Slovens” in Austria. It was recently discovered that the heads of the representatives of the Slovene minority in Austria were agents of the Yugoslav secret service. They faked “hate crimes”, bombings against Slovens in Austria to create a pretext for foreign intervention, dispossession of Austria.
Hey Sloven watcha doing?
If one looks at Vienna, one realize that a large percentage of the population has Slav roots. Slav who came there around the turn of the 19th/20th century as workers during industrializing.
Vienna is also the traditional center of socialist/communist agitation and uprises since that times. Till today it is socialist governed and by far the most pozed place in all of Austria. Easily competing with the worst in the rest of Germany only slightly behind the capitals of ZOG Paris and London. Jewish influence was also very strong in Vienna since 19th century, as already Hitler remarked, who was equally appalled at the Slavs and jews influence on Austria.
Descendants of jews and slavs in Vienna are also the main protagonists in Austria for anti-German propaganda. Vienna were the state TV ORF has it’s seat, the broadcaster who likes to portrait traditional Austrians as backward, creepy hillbillys. Best examples are in the crime series Tatort, were ever the scene leaves Vienna the “natives” are portrayed not unlike Southerner in US media.
So the place were the most Slavs live in Austria are also the most pozed, not different to the rest of Germany.
That is not only ideological, but criminal as well, Yugo crime and crime syndicates, drug dealer white slave trader, pimps, were the main crime source already before the opening of the wall.
That is the background of the “Ortstaferlstreit” in Kärnten, which is not funny. That is like the Russians demanding Cyrillic street names in Berlin.
Cossacks are Slavs. Any genetic mixing is low and only due to captured women taken in raids being integrated into the culture. Cossacks are free men, and serfs who no longer wanted to be slaves would leave the mir to be a free man, to bear arms against the Turk. When the Jewish Bolsheviks took over the government, the Cossack hosts were the first to fight them. They hated the Communists so much they fought with the Germans. They scare the Jews, and rightfully so.
The future belongs to those who take up the torch of the previous civilization. I pay no attention to those who say we are entering an Asian century, or an Religion of Cuck™ic future awaits us. Certainly, the West is falling away, but our Eastern cousins are picking up where we left off.
Just as Rome did from Greece, and Europe did from Rome, so the Slavs will from us.
Don't be so afraid, my demoralized faggot. Non-Slavic Europeans start out with far larger populations to begin with. So even if they become a minority, there will still be more around than the sum of all Slavs. After the redpill process is accomplished and the invaders are driven out, they'll also come to free all Slavs from their Zionist occupied governments. I'm sorry, but to take up the torch of civilization, they'll need to have the potential to be culturally superior. Simply taking over after watching their "brothers" disintegrate and picking up what's left won't happen. Only very naive people, and there are a lot of them, believe in the false chronology fabricated in the Middle Ages and Spengler's further developments.
This is really bad shilling and you should renove yourself from the gene pool as precautinary measure.
No one ever suggested what you said. Thread states multiple times we are all Europe's sons and we fight together
Brothers, read comments under this video.
Chills running down my spine!
Nice little fantasy. You talking out of your ass won't make recent history disappear. When the time comes and you have to act, you will behave like you always did. Experience is build upon observation and you have been observed countless times. Try not to die in Slavic tribal wars. It's only a matter of time until one of the Western peoples breaks free and comes to organize your societies so you have a solid foundation to build upon. Yes, we'll leave again, so learn as much as you can.
We have a.salty.shill right here )
Enjoy your ban
This is long overdue. My brother! You have not forgotten about Motherland. Motherland has not forgotten you!
You are always welcome to return. She!
have this, Czechs in Norcal, especially for you
All Slavic Brothers visit
Watch this video and read comments to see what power is gathering. Traitors of Europe your end approaches. Swiftly
We are coming
Bow down to no 1
To je naš čas!
Respect to RAM
All right, soy boy. Btw, what's up with all those autistic punctuations in your posts?
Do you believe in Slavic Native Faith?
to play piano you need more than genetics, you need a fucking piano; you need the provisions of civilization and his were all slavic. i guess his partial french genetics may have limited his potential as a pianist but he is still the greatest piano composer ever.
theres a lot more to potential than genetics, especially when it comes to artistic development. stop trying to denigrate slavs you dont sound like a german you sound like an utter jew
russia went to shit because of your people and their contempt for slavic lives. youre a fucking jew.
Remember what is valuable.
Your lies have no power here.
Please stop quoting jewipedia.
Read the comments.
Incredible energy
In case this is SA:
Thank you so much brat. To kar počneš je neprecenljivo, ne najdem besed kako sem ti hvaležen
What you are doing is absolutely stunning
Patrician taste
0:17 Good Boy
You must think Napoleon had nothing to do with france and that the napoleonic wars are simply attributed to italian genetics right? he wasnt french not one bit not in your book. have you ever tried to create something artistically? you need inspiration. substance not just method; your genetics might be a lens of sorts but what you see is what is around you not what lies within your genetics which are expressed only ever in the context of their given environment. your environment and its peoples influence you, moron, and I call you a moron deservedly because this is so obvious from human experience that your EXPERIENCE is shaping you albeit that experience itself being shaped by genetics. do you really think that french and polish genetics are so dissimilar that you would question his ability coming primarily from his being Polish? he wrote mazurkas and polonaises around the time of the polish uprisings, the sadness of his music came from the situation he was in as a pole. before he died he asked for his heart to be removed upon his death and sent to warszawa. I think the man had some say in who he was and some understanding of where his feelings came from.
id also ad that his father nicolas came to poland as a child spoke only polish to his son and considered himself to be polish. he even fought in the first uprisings for poland and refused to fight for the french army. this isnt a fifty fifty split, all you can do is point out that polish people had some french genetics flowing in from time to time but he is most definetly /ourguy. im really curious as to what you are but im almost positive its a jew.
I am not praticising your faith. Many pagans are killed during the old age so there is not many pagans left today. Is your faith helpful for the slavic people?
His faith is his people.
Universalist religions are no faith, just money and kikery.
Sorry, robotnik, but it weren't mainly jews who ran through Eastern and Central Europe pillaging and raping women of all those nations. It would've been easier for them to crush their own elite than to amass the biggest army ever seen on the German border after annexing all of Eastern Europe.
You've already answered your question yourself. It was an Italian who organized France in an innovative way and not a Frenchman. Why? Because his specific genes made him a genius. You're a fucking Marxist.
So you're okay with a nigger living in your country, as long as he considers himself a Pole/Swede/whatever. Wtf you stupid moron, this isn't a fucking feelings contest. You're a SJW. There is absolutely no difference between the current degrading trends and your stupid thoughs brought to its conclusion.
As wonderful as it sounds…
I highly doubt anyone would give up power.
Although I do believe that the absolute optimum is a world of nations rather than a nation of the world
Communist ideology and its administrative leadership were jewish. The soldiers were russian but they were under the control of jews. I guess we must attribute what is happening to germany today to german genetics just being shit.
Youre the marxist jew who equates swedes and frenchman with niggers. You also doubled down on saying that the sprawling events of the Napoleonic Wars, which involved millions came down to one mans genetic profile there is no complexity to it at all. You are being viciously hypocritical and drawing a false equivalency as all of napoleons men were french whereas the bolshevik leadership were all jews.
Youre not okay with a minority of europeans mixing with each other? French shouldnt mix with swedes? Poles shouldnt mix with french? God forbid we might get a Chopin right?
Robotnik? Put down the asimov kike and stop larping as a german you are embarassing yourself
You dont name the jew moishe thats why you have been named, JEW.
I think national identities are constructs and that there is no racially pure country of slavs germans etc, but that we are of an indo european family group that allows for healthy cohabitation and genetic confluence. Niggers asians basically all the groups jews want to miscegenate us with to make a eurasian negroid slave race that is what i abhor. Jews like you who would have germans and slavs kill themselves again for your interests, as well as your subhuman minions who you would demand we let into our home countries thats the problem not slavic genetics not beautiful europeans getting together but you ugly nerds
"Your feelings mean nothing you own nothing goyim you dont know who you are let me tell you though" there is such a thing as racial consciousness. I have some german blood for example but I know I'm a slav through and through; I have a slavic soul. You dont believe in concepts like God or the soul though do you?
I ask germany today to crush their own (((elite))) but im not holding my breath. Since youre a kike who uses insults like "stupid moron" i will say it once more if your reading comprehension are lacking. Europeans are fine interacting with one another comprehensively. We will work and live together and some of us will even procreate, being welcomed into each others cultures and further enhancing our bonds and familiarity in a healthy natural process which shapes our identity as europeans. There really is a dream of a united europe but its one without jews and genetic outsiders. A germans progeny can be french and a frenchmans progeny can be german in time, we are not so different, there need only be genetic admixture and an adequate experience. European genetics are all of a high quality and this is why its silly for you to cite napoleons italian genetics as being the reason things unfolded the way they did. You think french and italian genetics are so different? You dont know a goddamn thing about genetics other than yours are jewish.
What specific genes did napoleon have that allowed for the schematics of his campaigns? Italians arent exactly known for their organizational/administrative skills. You seem to want to attack me personally and are larping as if you have great genes. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Now show me yours jew.
What made Napoleon a "genius" and im being careful here with that term because it is really just a designation of success, was countless factors the least of which was his italian parentage. You cant attribute success solely to genetics less they be markedly different relative to their peers (mostly white niggers for example) that is a VERY jewish idea, one which explain away the jews superior position in society, attributing it to his superior genetics/ashkenazi iq bs instead of the dynamic he partakes in. Slavs have not had favourable conditions to flourish relative to western europeans any disparity between the two in terms of achievement is most likely this and not genetic inferiority. I would attribute napoleons success to the french people and he would have as well.
the only faggots who want asian to miscegenate with whites are the beta white faggot cunts who love anime.
From what I can recount of the last 1000 years, Slavs have had to defend from steppe peoples from the east and from muslims in the south east. The one time the rest of Europe defended from Religion of Cuck™ it was a joint process of multiple nations in the mediterranean and Spain.
So yeah, some slav development may have been impacted.
Yet I don't see a disparity. Lots of contributions of science and arts were made from slavs and lots of intelligence and bravery shown.
We must all fend off communism.
As a beta white faggot cunt who loves anime I feel offended by lumping me with 3DPD fucking miscegenating degenerates.
Ahh, a fellow member of the 3D-PIGGU-POO-SMELLING-ASS-AFTER-SHITTING-PIG-DISGUSTING brotherhood.
I agree that we are very much in equal standing and slavic accomplishments are not lacking, i really meant any discrepancy should one observe it, not that I think it really exists. in my experience western men are very willing to acquiesce that in terms of physical prowess slavs are superior to them but this is done with the thought that with physical inferiority comes intellectual superiority; how jewish. From this sense of physical inferiority I think there is this feeling in the westerners that slavs are somehow intellectualy inferior. they are afraid of our masculinity and so they imagine us to be stupid. slavs are genetically chads.
As far as I'm concerned it is the most kiked ones that play those arguments if not kikes themselves.
As a nationalist I only see goodness to our neighbors.
I don't think sacrificing anything of ours to "save" the other western nations that let themselves fall too far is worth it. Every single time it is thankless except for a small minority of people who are drowned out by the masses that still think allying with russia was an honest mistake for the "allies".
Anyway, i wish luck to everyone.
Slavs do not belong in my country.
Jews controlled them to rape Eastern and Western women and to bestially kill children. Of course… Get a grip.
Are the Germans of today roaming Europe and raping women? I don't think so. The only thing you can blame Germans for today is being too passive.
You're a stupid nigger. I use extreme examples so you can understand it.
Napolean use the genetic stock of Frenchmen, so yes, they were obviously part of it. But in the same way the Third Reich was only possible "through" Hitler, France of that time was a product of Napoleon.
I am of the opinion that under normal circumstances intermarriage of Europeans was never a problem in the past and also won't be in the future because there is no possibility that a people will go extinct. So no, I don't have a problem.
I never read asimov, but I understand Russian and I like to use it as a term for automaton.
It's obviously enough to differentiate between the capabilities of each folk up to this day and age. Don't think I'm anti-slav, I still ponder the possibility that slavs are non-christianized east Germanics. I see more similarities between Germans and Russians for example in regards to how they see the world, the only difference is that Russians behave more primitive because of dysgenic effects over the centuries. If you give them time to breath as a folk, a lot would change.
I don't care about your feelings. Study your ancestry and make a dna test (inb4 jews get my DNA). A culture, religion, etc. is the collective genetic expression of similar people. End of the story.
>I ask germany today to crush their own (((elite))) but im not holding my breath.
They already did this once. So based on historical experience it's more likely that they'll do it again (after it becomes bad enough) than taht you'll do it.
Look retard. You can't learn to be Napoleon, you can only be born a Napoleon. As much as you want to improve yourself, you'll never be a genius like Napolean or Hitler. If you are a genius, then you'll probably know it by now.
If your genes are of no importance than go marry a nigger, faggot.
You do not belong on this board
as a slav it might have some appeal if you think up a nice logo or a good meme focused marketing strategy
pumba was a huge hit here
Thanks man!
You get the first hoodie ;)
If you want to, setup a burner email for and check it in about a month.
I already started process of
sure, [email protected]
good luck, look forward to hearing from you
Saved man, I am working on it. I have majority of things worked out as a plan and resources. Will definitely hit you once product is ready. Thanks for your feedback!
loled hard
Only for Slav / Buddies
First two hoodies to you two, but that is what I can do at start lol. If you want to drop a burner and I will get back at you in a month
Well fuck yeah!
Thanks user.
Give to those who are unable to eat, our brethren.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
nice spam
why do you copy paste it 4 times instead of once?
Do you know any non profit slavic organisation that produce supports to the white people? I am tired of seeing the traitors offering tons of helps to the non white constantly while the white people are left out.
i know of them in slavic countries
in places like america, no
Please tell me about the slavic organisations because I wanted to support them.
Beautiful digits
c h e c k e d
I will look into it, meanwhile, have this:
This is very nice.
Watching it in full
Do you know You Must Murder by a.ny chance?
I have to say this is an excellent thread. I love the cohesion. I have no doubt about our future anymore. Slavic power once united is unstoppable.
We have to make many Slavic babies and cultivate them in warrior spirit of our forefathers.
Meanwhile be prepared to go to war at anytime. To protect homelands and Europe as whole.
Very.good way to stay connected and support all our Slavic brothers politically is actually here on Holla Forums because this way no one can name us to a particular organization. I also suggest taking up MMA classes.
It doesn't matter which organization although I like what White Rex is doing in Eastern sphere now.also.connecting with Casapound, French and others.
I will link videos which can help you prepare at home also/train with your buddies off the radar
(((EU))) is falling they know it so they made an (((eu army)))
Stay prepared and keep vigilant Bratje.
Andrei Arlovski's doggo:
Ok brothers so now we will start with videos to prepare yourself at home/train with your buddies (i strongly commend this make your local cells which onlyyou know) and stay off radar.
Following will be available for saving on device
also encourage Tengri resurrection
Interesting. Could you explain a bit more as to who particularly it relates to? From my understanding, Finns/Magyars?
It would make easier to connect into whole, especially to those as myself not familiar with it
> (((EU))) is falling they know it so they made an (((eu army)))
It's little bit too late for (((them))) to have EU army to protect their dirty bums now because there is too many problems popping across the Europe and white majority countries. They did not have the forethought for this. Anyway just purge the traitors and (((them))) with no remorse.
I hear you. I can not say I am afraid. This is really not the description. I know they are shit. But I also never underestimate anyone. And you know they have massive.massive resources. Rotschild and cabal is bankrolling (((them))). We come from forrest mountains plain concrete and air. I want action as.soon as possible. It needs to die. Conventional warfare does not worry me at all. Especially with Russia and Poland on our side joined by bloodthirsty South Slavs
All fucking traitors need to die. Don't get me wrong though. Like Don plays his enemies we need to lead them to their own demise. Accelerationism? Yes. Outright attack? Not just yet
Okay Accelerationism thing need to hurry up.
Thank you for checking my special dub mate.
so now we have level post/image count,
self admitedly I'm somewhat ocd about it, I'd ask future posters mantain it
[© h ÷ © k ÷ d
Yes I agree. Basically we are witnessing the fall of (((their))) empire. We must accelerate it, but also not jump the gun.
One thing I believe will signal start is the first time (((eu army))) will be deployed against nationalists in their own country.
Then, our war starts.
Remember that eu army has authority to be deployed in any eu country without it's previous request/ or approval
So there will be no warning.
Get fit get hard lads.
Yeah I think the warnings are already.l plentiful see.the escalating (((brussels))) rhetoric and actions towards Poland.
It is increasingly threatening. Final.result ofl that is war. I think kalergi brussel kikes know they would outright get fucked if they went to war now. This is however reason why they are doing everything in their power to many africans and sandniggers into Europe. To strenghten their ranks and invade unsubordinate Eastern Slav Europe.
We need to support our brothers politicically while we can, and streengthen our ranks as you said get fit quick. Make no mistake war is coming.
What is coming is inevitable.
I look forward to it.
All warriors I think will too
I dont believe the whole "strengthen their ranks through African troops" as no African or middle easterner will give a shit if the country they are parastiting off will be invaded, they'll just move back to Syria or wherever
Who do you think they plan on employing then?
I highly doubt professional soldiers from national armies will want to join. The only motive I can see for them is financial.
This is a joke and no amount of pagan images can remedy that. Yugoslavia failed, take a hint.
Fuck off kike
spice and krokodil
Listen kike, Brazil is around 50% white. And remember that the redpilled Germans (including Hitler) went all over Latin America to retire and have families. Reported for "x isn't white" d&c!
This tbh
Read the lyrics on this one
Very nice
(((anyone else)))
[© h ÷ © k = d]
Lol that guy was a leftypol faggot from what I gather.
Meanwhile Hungary is shown to be 100% on same mission. We can safely.say Magyars are honorary Slavs
War soon.
Your words are meaningless.
Big respect to Polska
I am so fucking proud of Poland.
It has to be said Poland starts the fire.
I know Polish people and are good Friends with them.
When everyone was going against them.I stood for them like my brothers. Now this is paying dividends. How strong.are we right now?
We are incredibly strong.
It’s called a particularist revolt.
How did WWI work out for you, Yevgeny?
Things really are looking up. There is this sense of awakening and unity which I first thought was just me, but then I see alot of other signs Slavs are really coming together. This joys me to enormous extent. For instance Polish and Russian relations improving, Serbian Croatian relations improving
Half a year ago, in Slovenija under ski resort.
Wow. I'm amazed.that you shillls are still trying. You do know there is nothing you can do to sow discord among us anymore?
Wolf pack approaches from the East
I will say the following, get prepared
Things will get bloody
Western countries need to join us if they have any wish of surviving
Thank for the positive story.
This scares them the most.
Even foiling one of their other plans to try to sow division amongst us, they can not succeed.
Can you imagine a physically inept, mentally neurotic and paranoid kike realizing his words have no power?
Why are the few posts deleted? I am little bit perplexed.
Czech republic
Bosnia Herzegovina
Slavic Unity
Slavic Family
Slavic Brotherhood
good question.
short answer:
because mods have their flashes of sanity (far and few between) and actually do their job
long answer:
they are undermanned and just delete shit on random when they wake up from their drug and alcohol induced stupor without really knowing what the fuck they're doing.
either way, that is a different topic altogether.
pic related is Holla Forums mods
If they are sleep deprived then maybe they need to hire more mods.
That would be the logical conclusion. I keep saying that!
Your tripe numbers proven you are right.
i dont know i want to see how this american thing turns out. mods would just slow everything down, but the infighting and shilling would still be happening
I wouldn't stray much of course, mods have treated this thread fairly. But what they need to do is
coming from heart
really, systemize their work, namely assemble 1.attack vector list+organizations attacking
in excell
2. follow that to the letter and ban systematically
3. establish 24h presence
People are more than willing to help them. But they need to step up their game.
I have been thinking of this for a while now, so I will go from words to actions to get it started. Give me half - 1 hour.
the problem is mainly they are overworked, and disorganized.
I believe they mean good, but they lack systemization to deal with influx of shills.
They are completely ill prepaired for such situations, but it is not something which can't be fixed. It can be dealt with very efficiently and quite simply as well.
Maybe we pay the mods with cryptocurrencies so they can have 24/7 modding for this board. I am already sick of the shills.
This is a great idea tbh
Not just great this is a downright excellent idea. I am surprised I didn't think of this
I am new to the cryptocurrencies so I am unsure how to obtain one dollar.
alright, so i made this.
attack vectors
-the zionald
-gb 2 reddit
-zog emperor
-chabad lubavitch
-bibi netanyahu
-any meeting with israel politicians which is standard diplomacy
-bump stock ban
-kushner shills
-children are married to jews this somehow implies they control him
-daca (which Don is fucking ending)
-wall not built (which is getting built)
-jerusalem acknowledged (which is causing massive turmoil in the middle east) muslims say they may lose mecca
-amnesty don
-88d chess
-go back to r_thedonald
-you're controlled by jared kushner
-I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss
-don't vote
-trump has betrayed us
-two parties, doesn't matter who you vote for
-trump is controlled by jews
-over the top calling everyone jews
-alt-right sliding
-trs eceleb shit
-calling everyone trssodomites
-every real movement is CIA/controlled opposition (without any proof)
-character assasination related to former (without any proof)
-character assasination by association (i.e. this person met that person once, therefore they are jews/subverted/untrustworthy
-dicky spencer eceleb shit/slide
-any eceleb aggressive slide
-shareblue/ mediamatters / american bridge21 / David Brock PAC former CTR
-various antifa
These attack vectors demand immediate ban and deletion. Save this and have it open while you mod. I suggest increasing site presence to 24hrs. Anons are possibly willing to fund increased manpower, work effort.
I also encourage everyone to go through the list and add something I might have missed.
Good job user.
He is a fool for trusting the jews.
Touched a spot?
I am talking about Spencer in case if you don't know what I am talking about.
I never trusted Trump, spencer, or any of fthese anti-white faggots.
Me either but they pretend to be nationalists so we have to watch out for that because this is how the jews survive by co-oping with us.
thanks for confirming it is spot on.
wew, go back to the_zogald any time.
Why, then, are the Rothschilds spending so much money to go against him? You don't spend billions merely to make things harder for your own shill, even if he's controlled op.
The same reasons they fund both sides of every military conflict - it makes them money.
Niggeress can never complete against the slavic beauty.
Based Poland fighting the (((Neo-Cons))) wars
Based Russia celebrating (((their))) victory over the Nazis
Sound track, some Slav nigger raping to US nigger music.
Holla Forums the anti fascist web site
I think you might want to recheck your translated English. We need to promote the Slavic unity by posting some positive stories about your aids to Slavic people from the different nations. Cap the posts and turn it into anti-d&c propaganda. What is your thought on this idea?
What's your political ideology?
Granted, Poland fighting the jew’s wars is not something exclusive to Poland, among the vassals of ZOG. But, Burger /polacks wouldn’t celebrate their soldiers dying for israel in pointless wars.
Russia celebrating their (((Stalinist))) victory and the events that ultimate brings the white people on the brink of extinction, the final victory of judaism just show (((who))) is realy is running the show in Russia. I don’t see nothing “uplifting” in that, lying to the Russian people for now more than 70 years.
Rap music can be tool of propaganda among normies for us, if made by us, but it not a type of music /polacks should listen to.
Rap music was created and promoted by the jews as a tool against nigger and to make them their tools, promoting degeneracy and crime. The real objective of rap music is to use niggers against white people.
This guy fucking gets it! Subversion
I rarely listen to rap but this
Is a perfect example of what you just said.
I really suggest english sp3akers to translate this lyrics. It will make the hair on your back stand up. Slav people are passionate their countries. Everyone should be!
Edit:jewgle.translate is a shit. I will translate it myself.
You're implying that a type of music must necessarily be about degenerate shit.
Check this video, faggot
would protect
kek me too
would protect /10
To be completely honest my ideology is war.
Love for country, my Slavic culture and our way of life
War on enemies of our people, our countries and Europe
Very well said.
Thanks for the song, looking up the lyrics right now!
Coincidence would have it (this thread has magic)
Yesterday I met an Ukrainian
lad. Dropped by with a friend of mine. Basically just chilling drinking beer and yeah the guy speaks perfect Slovenian with an domestic accent. Kek So I ask him are you from this and this part of the country, he says no actually I'm from Ukraine been living here since 7 years. Honest guy immediately we spark of a conversation about (what do you think) Slavic people, Pan-Slavism and Slavic brotherhood. Needless to say 1 hour later, we're already agreed to go on a trip to his hometown to west Ukraine with some of our boys in the summer.
What I do remember and I perhaps want to emphasize (To any Holla ForumsAnons lurking) is we were talking about Poland briefly while we both agreed Polish are standup guys, he said they are incredibly good for accepting Ukrainians and that he is very thankful for that.
Also, a bit surprisingly at least for me both concluded-Nato and (((EU))) are guilty for the war, not Russia. Lad if you're reading this godspeed. Slovansko bratstvo
Thought I'd share this
When we unite, there is nothing that can stop us
Careful, the internet shill army for the jew is trying to play up bandera and sow extreme division here
Appreciate the warning, though
They can't do shit anymore.
This thread among many other develoents is living testament to that.
Ibn Jakub in 6-7th century said, beware of Slavs. If they should ever unite, they are a warrior force so fierce there is no stopping them
[it is happening]
The time where everyone fears us returns
I can count on my hands the number of slavs aged 15-35 that I met in my whole life who were not fit or very active. I've travelled.
soros isnt the rothschilds. infact i think soros fucked the rothschilds over back in the 90s when he hustled the bank of england
Let that be a happening.
Lmfao listen to this bros,
it starts out light enough but ends up complete savage
redpilling like a boss
The absolute troll madman
fucken kike shill, might as well promote open european borders for africans
dont let (((them))) sell you the slavic trojan horse
remember slav rat as soon as we get the chance we will eliminate your race
gaslight harder kike
You are an very bad goy! :^(
So DnC kikes can't wedge anything between slavs, they are now stepping up anti slav repetition (I would not even call it rhetoric because it is not quality) in any thread discussing americans of european ancestry or northwestern europeans
just a heads up
Thank for the warning. I noticed that the kikes are getting more desperate. I guess the Jew Cyber Defence is shit now.
hurdur Slavs aren't white lel
and besides what about Turanism? you gonna say Hungarians aren't white either, shlomosexual,?
That is radical. Be careful because the racial patriotism is frowned down by the lying rats.
magyars are honest, they are friends of the slav
US Special Operations Army Veteran here. The national socialists of the world all recognize Slavs and white brothers. The only reason Hitler invaded the Soviet Union is because the Bolshevik JEWS had taken over the country and were genociding Christians en masse.
germany invaded the USSR because a war between two continental powers was inevitable. the fancy ideological pretext had little to do with it besides propaganda. noone in berlin was stupid enough to fight in britain and africa while having a superpower behind their back
What an awesome thread this has turned out to be.
Love it
That's a badass tattoo, brother
Actually, WWI was the international and intentional fuck up of war treatises made up by the kikes and their shills during the late 19th century. European Aryan power never recovered from this, except we, my based Aryan bro's, are doing something effing amazing. Hitler simply stopped the encroachment of the bolshevik kikes; Stalin purged the Sovjew Union leadership of kike influence. If Stalin and Hitler hadn't been there, the lives of us, the members of the supreme Aryan race, would have been very different. I hope I need not remind you of the Holodomor. That one actually happened with regards to the Holohoax.
Based Aryan brothers, we are united.
What the fuck is this?
Look kid, this place is 18+. No offense but please leave. We want the white youth to be strong, not demoralized. Come back in a few years. For now stick to T_D and Jordan Peterson. Stay away from Ben Shapiro though
we will never prosper as long as G*rmans exist
prettymuch this. butr WW1 was intentional because the rothschilds needed another massive war to acquire debt from powers. not to mention the industrialists that got richer with the war demands
Topielica will drag racemixers into the bog.
Step 1: ditch Putin
From June 6 to 14, the third annual Slavic Brotherhood exercise between Russia, Belarus, and Serbia took place in Belarus. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed the goal of the exercise was working with Belarus and Serbia to fight international terrorism.
Despite the rhetoric of counterterrorism, open source investigation and military analysis of the exercise provide reason for skepticism of this claim. The equipment and tactics used during the week-long exercise are more commonly associated with counterinsurgency or large-scale military conflict, as opposed to narrowly tailored counterterrorism operations.
Too big for small conflict
Evidence shows that some of the equipment used in Slavic Brotherhood 2017 does not fit the swift and precision-based approach associated with counterterrorism efforts.
Tactical truth
A number of tactics used in the training do not fit with the nature of counterterrorism operations. The following are four examples of tactics — again — more commonly used in broader conflict.
Troop convoys are used to transport large numbers of combat-ready troops over unfriendly territory. This tactic is used to invade or defend large territories, not to counter terrorist attacks.
Amphibious infiltration tactics are used to cut into enemy territory and are designed to achieve a surprise effect on enemy troops. Such tactics are generally not used in friendly territory because of reduced speed and increased vulnerability. The need for a surprise attack with heavy artillery is rare in friendly territory or limited counterterrorism operations. Video footage clearly shows a large amount of machinery transported using this method during Slavic Brotherhood 2017.
Airborne operations are used to populate forces within enemy territory. The use of such tactics during Slavic Brotherhood 2017 suggests troops participating were training for operations behind enemy lines in territories ground troops are less able to access.
Troops in Slavic Brotherhood 2017 used a full-frontal, attack-and-support infantry approach tactic, an offensive approach that is used to overwhelm and neutralize an enemy and that gives little consideration to collateral damage. In other words, the approach assumes all-out conflict with a concentrated enemy, and thus the likelihood of collateral damage is high.
During the attack of the terrorist encampment exercise, troops were constantly suppressing the enemy with fire, while others attacked and moved closer. Notably, troops did not appear to use precision-based hostage operation tactics.
This suggests the troops approached the encampment as if it were a regular enemy military force.
Offensive Operations
The weapons and tactics used by Russian, Belarusian, and Serbian forces in the Slavic Brotherhood 2017 exercise would be more appropriate for fighting organized military forces, rather than terrorist groups. Even the opposing forces (OPFOR) participating in the exercise scenario were armed with automatic rifles, machine guns, and anti-tank weapons — suggesting the OPFOR may have been imitating a foreign military force.
No clear signs of special operations forces or hostage rescue operations were found from the open source material available on the exercise. The bulk of the training force came from the airborne branches of each military — the 76th or 104th Airborne Assault Division associated with the Russian base in Pskov (Rus. Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ), the 38th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of Belarus’s Special Operations Forces, and Serbia’s Special Brigade. These troops are similar to the U.S. Marines, whose primary role is expeditionary — to infiltrate enemy territory and make way for conventional troops to follow. Furthermore, the tactics used by the troops at Slavic Brotherhood 2017 were offensive — as if with the purpose of infiltrating hostile territory.
Jews fears united bad goyium.
It would appear Slavic military is preparing to BTFO (((eu))) army.
>(((eu))) army with niggers, aids, and sandniggers with a month craschcourse on how to shoot a gun
Facts to consider: niggs and camel sheppards have never seen a forest let alone how to survive in one
Who wins?
I am father.
I can see in his eyes the vision I have.
He will feel what I feel and know what I know, certainly more.
How great it is to secure our future.
Truth, Honor, Beauty.
And the white race, no need to thank us.
This thread has gotten an absolute beast to load :D
Great energy is with us. Together we march
Most people shy away from war. But when you have people like us. We want it.
It is better to fight than run away from it.
You know it is inevitable
When this force comes through… my brothers I weep. Not for the traitors. I cry for the strength we gather. It is so large nothing.can stop it.
Respect your Slavic brothers. Go to war with your ranks and honor the warriors that enabled us to be here today
Slavs will not rebel, simply because this doesn't affect them. Most people wont risk their hide to save somebody else, not even of their own people. We need to start looking to ourselves rather then hope for some slavic crusade in Europe.
welcome stranger
we are slavs here
dont worry we dont do it for some misplaced altruism
but it needs to be done and we will gladly strike our foes before they multiply into a locust swarm
I know that is a slavnigger feel good thread, so I don’t want to interrupt the mutual wank fest.
I have the impression you here don’t understand the nature and danger of the threat.
Yeah we know your wet conquering fantasies and maybe that thread isn’t the place for an unwanted realism shock, Living in a fantasy world is a favourite pastime. Problem starts when one tries to enact their pipe dreams in reality.
If only France transforms in an !slamic republic, that alone would be a power the assembled Slav world can match, save for Russia. Russia a favourite object to to wank here is the biggest muslim state in Europe with 20 million mudslims.
France has nuclear weapons, on submarines and planes. So if France becomes the goatfuckers religion dedicated playground you are going to have a major problem. It isn’t France alone, there are the United Emirates of Britannia (nuclear too) and since 2015 Germany as a candidate for Califat.
You Slavnigger like to laugh about decadent Westerners, but check their population numbers, their economic power and than that of pure blonde girl in wheat field country.
You might think, because the kike Friedman told you, that then your time has come … that is not totally false, but probably much different from what you expect.
When Byzantium did fall and the Turks took over, the resulting state wasn’t weaker then before, it was much more dangerous, as the ancestors of some, many of you had to suffer.
So better don’t hope for big bounty after the west has fallen, because it might your arses, who are literally at stake, the mudslimes renewing old bad habits selling you into slavery
western europe is cucked anyway so if it falls eastern europe can rise. the russians probably know what theyre doing and know how to run such a big country with dozens of minorities, and the world needs a counterwight to the neoliberal US and EU. when those collapse theres a nice opportunity to reach for power in all the countries that are now just vassal states under the EU
>It would appear Slavic military is preparing to BTFO (((eu))) army.
All putin has to do is hold on for 10-15 years while europe and the US are busy destroying themselves. I think this is why the west has ramped up their rhetoric so its global vs eating themselves alive.
You, particular the Polish fraction, seems to be under the delusion, that France degrades into a kind of Kongo the moment the mudslimes take control over it.
That is not going to happened, it didn’t happened when the arabs conquered Spain, nor did it happened when the turks conquered Constantinople.
You, all that central European inbetweens, are going to be in the same situation, then orthodox remnants of Byzantine empire on the Balkans were, about to get your ass fucked!
You, particular the Polish fraction, seems to be under the delusion, that evil westerner, particular Germany holds you down, the only reason why you are no super power.
You, particular the Polish fraction, seems to be under the delusion, that the moment that impediment is removed you are going to be all kangs.
Nothing in your economic, sociological, intellectual situation does indicate that. Fact is, Britain as degenerate and run down it is, as far from former glory, is still a massive more attractive county for Poles than the other way around, that while Britain is all but in name a !slamic state.
>It would appear Slavic military is preparing to BTFO (((eu))) army.
A slavic army does not exist. All that exist are some pan-slavic wankers on a cambodian basket weaving board drooling over Russia’s armed forced, while at the same time their home countries armed forces are a joke, need welfare from the “degenerate west”. Fact is Poland of all countries cried for help from Germany when Russia invaded Ukraine.
Meanwhile Putin opened Europe’s biggest mosque in Moscow, mudslime occupying public places for prayer – like in Paris. Putin allowing unimpeded immigration from muslim partner countries of the former Soviet Union.
It isn’t so because Russia is such an insane economically competitive country. While Russia’s “partner” China had an incredible ascend, Russia at best managed to stabilize the situation. China is much less depending on Russia, particulary in military goods, then it was before. China has much more options than it used to had, while Russia is more depending on China as a client.
That is because many countries make free trade agreements with China.
Hey user.
My mother is slavic (Czech).
She openly has attacked hijab wearing mudslime women and she's not even particularly redpilled.
You don't understand. Slavs will kill their enemies for fun and without putting too much thought into it either.
I have faith in my people. No minds even really have to be changed. The warrior type was not eliminated from the slavic race; it dominates.
My own lineage btw is rapists and assassins on my slavic side. They are extremely violent and think nothing of it.
im not polish
your bot is broken
You do realize the darker features of Southern Europe are due to higher Early European Farmer admixture (Northern Euros have it too, just not as much), NOT from MENA DNA, right? There are only a few smaller areas that have MENA admixture.
Slava brat
New time starts now
Our fight is just beginning. It will be glorious
Stick tight, support your Slavic brothers and sisters.
Wrath on those who oppose us, enemies of our homeland, and traitors of Europe
Blame it on Asians They used to attack Slavic people frequently and stolen the women long time ago. That is why the slavic people always hide the women in the houses.
nice dnc
If the slavic countries decides to create a Confederated States of Eastern Europe then the population will be about 400 million Slavs and the GDP will be 3 trillions dollars but it's impossible to achieve this goal.
Don't forget that all neo-pagan stuff is created by Zionists in attempt to get us away from Christianity.
God bless.
christianity is just a smaller form of globalism.
Don't forget Christianity was created by Jews.
Well eastern Europe already has the CIS.
Problem really is the whole nobody trusts the Russians thing.
Maybe redirect their distrust and hatred of the Russian thing on to other thing.
stunning-thanks for posting
nothing is impossible, if we wish and will it.
I think an expanded V4 Coalition is a real possibility, Intermarium even
Depends really, my country for instance has great relations with Russia and they are always welcome
Polish Eagle? Spoštovanje brat. Where were you serving if I may ask?
I want to thank you all for contributing to this thread it is absolutely stellar. (I might make a second one) keep an eye on the catalog
Hvala vam,
in vsem
Final bump for this thread.
thanks mod
What gun is that?