Delving into the Lefty psychology

In the face of (((communist meddling))), how to bring society back to peace
Lefties are neither interested in common-sense nor balanced reason. Even simple logic for them only serves a purpose iff it furthers whatever social justice cause over which they are righteously outraging.
Lefties want violence. Lefties want something to be angry about. To varying degrees, they feed off of the emotional high of righteous outrage. When in this state of being, of wanting violence, of themselves generating violence, they can only be assuaged with violence. If Lefties do not get their desired dose of authoritarian violence, they will rage and throw temper tantrums until they do cause the response they desire: violence. This is what feeds their sense of righteous outrage, giving them an excuse for an emotional high.
Lefties abhor boundaries or limits. Anything which they think gets in the way of their manifesting their utopian pipe-dream, any bumps in their road to the communist ideal, should be torn asunder, and the ground salted that nothing springs from there again. Be it differences between genders, Nations, occupational specialties, even species, for them all is the same at its spiritual fundament, and so they mote it be in the external universe. With this motivation, manifesting an enlightened state of boundarilessness, thus do Lefties destroy.
Because their ultimate spiritual goal is an enlightened boundarilessness, Lefties respect only those other Lefties who are to their own Left, who have further drank more of the Left’s koolaide. The most respected Lefty is one who outrages constantly, advocates for every social injustice cause, treats all as equals, and respects no boundaries. Reversing the psychological damage of (((communism))) is a tedious process, more akin to deprogramming than to reasoned maturation. Only those Lefties who are truly gutsy enough to step back and wonder to themselves if they have been wrong about everything, and are willing to listen and learn as a child in life again, even if it means embracing an ethic of hard work when doing menial labour, are capable of making the transition back to listening to and considering common-sense. Such salvageable folks are not among the majority of Lefties. Most will not see the light until they climb through to the end of their own enlightenment process, and find that their escapism has wrought only a waste of time in their lives. Ironically, any Lefty who has self-determinedly reached the state of enlightenment will not be respected if he/she purports a common-sense viewpoint. It can said that Lefties are mostly inoculated against reasoned thinking precisely because they so believe themselves to be right.

Other urls found in this thread:

How then can the Left be brought to heel?
When they are increasingly outraging, ever chasing that elusive injustice in order to generate their emotional high, how can their addictive needs be met?


Their emotional needs are met whether they're fighting "oppression" or being oppressed. Their eternal enemy, the Evil White Man, mostly isn't interested in interacting with them, let alone oppressing them, so these days they're the ones who mostly initiate the violence so they can get their fix of self-righteousness. The oppression they seek, assuming current social and immigration trends maintain and do not stop or reverse, will soon be brought to them by Religion of Cuck™. However, because of the brown skin of most Muslims, they will be unable to protest the more extreme conservatism practiced by Muslims without becoming "racist," and being trapped in this very patriarchal, very traditional, very conservative, very religious society with no way out will be the punishment they inflict by their own hands.

wtf now i hate lefties

Yes, violence may best be checked with violence. To this, unfortunately, I agree. Some Lefties are so beyond redemption that their most direct course towards redemption is through reincarnation.

But I do not delight in violence. Arresting them, sequestering them, when they are trying to overthrow Western Civilization, to me this is the far better option. Let's build for them a reservation… in Africa.

it's simple really: you cut them off. Do not speak to them, do not help them, do not buy from or sell to them, hamstring their efforts at every turn and encourage other whites to do the same. They cut themselves off from the common heritage of our kind, treat them the same as you would any other non-white.

I dont know but emily Ratajkowski needs some feeding.

This will work if done by the majority.
Leave them to their cultist circles, they will become poor, unhappy and begin to compromise their demented fantasies, or fade away.

You misspelled "gas".

These are the two important points, it would be worth reposting this whenever the topic comes up in order to inform others.
You'll see that if they aren't screaming or contorting their faces in that way, they are uncontrollably smiling as they wind up someone in authority or someone rational or with opposing views.
This makes me think that it comes from weak parenting, that when they were young children, they cried or screamed and their parents would attend them, and reward them with something to 'calm them down'. The parents should have left them, ignored them, so they were not fed this attention, calmed themselves down and spoken like a normal person.
I think this might be a factor.
So many weak permissive parents unwilling to discipline in the 70s and beyond, it might explain the exponential growth of these tantrum throwing adults.

I feel like the left's "outrage outlet" at this moment is just a facade. They aren't being nearly as uppity and destructive as they were during, say, Ferguson or that Unite the Right rally. Maybe it's just cold out in their welfare hellholes but they seem lethargic lately.

Yes, Religion of Cuck™ is a sticky, tar-baby problem. That's probably why the Jews import it, protect and promote it.
And Lefties are drawn to Religion of Cuck™, ironically enough, because it is so strongly rule-based, and subconsciously crave the order that they fight against.
The simplest answer with Religion of Cuck™ is to ban it in the West. That answer has been effective in the East, notably Japan. However, protecting our citizenry from manipulative ethnic religions, aka Judaism, means exposing them to it… lest we be like the wild animals of the Galapagos Islands, unafraid and vulnerable to the machinations and camouflaged schemes of ideological predators

At least until the West finds its manhood again, emphasis on continued exposure of our young folks to the true intent of Semitic religions seems the best course of action for now. Memes, infographics, redpills, through this, open conflict with those pushing the poisonous religions will develop in a generation or so. In such a conflict, as long as the destructive capacity of the Semites is not enough to destroy the planet, the West would win.

I think the main problem of the increase in "tanthrum throwing adults" is more likely due to the
economical imbalances and a rigid framework as you see today. The SJWism is a perfect manifestation of this because it is mainly a huge bubble they blow up in their tanthrum throwing, also in a lot of cases those that blow up said bubble are mainly (still) middle class educated people that have ingested certain ways of behaviour that is actually successful in non crisis enivironments. Hence the way they are rebelling, so they are mainly a threat to the status quo in a passive way instead of an active one.

They subconsciously crave the order they fight against because they know that all they do is throwing a tanthrum which amounts to nothing.
Given certain environments that need correction (because they instinctively sense that, economic imbalance etc.) which creates a certain vaccum of active vs passive, the religion of cuck is filling said vaccum.

gotta think about that for awhile

but the kitchen does, bitch.

I honestly think a large part of the modern leftist's world view comes down to "I was bullied in school, and I'm angry at the world".

The modern leftist worldview is mainly a catch22 due to identity politics which amounts to nothing, because this retarded shit is now the main talking point instead of the general critique towards the framework.

A whole jewish system designed to demoralize people, only autists or the strong and lucky survive. Psychopaths join in on the jewish game. Normalfags never stand a chance.

One thing about "identity politics": Identity is whatever you are even when you stop believing in it, just like reality is whatever you're left with when you stop believing in everything. With the absence of all belief comes truth.

You say the semites but then I ran into this.
I know (((Peterson))) and such, but if the jews are smart, doesn't it follow that they'd be in high positions? Obviously, if they innately lean left that would indicate their insuitability to live in western civ, put what he's saying here doesn't SOUND wrong. Seems more like fate than conspiracy.
Call me a shill if you must, but I'm not sure how to argue against this

Required reading:

I never understood why Kaczynski mailed bombs to people. Did he actually do it, or was he merely a patsy, an example of what dark thoughts we shouldn't entertain?

We're making broad generalizations about whole groups of people, here. Among more diverse populations, there are more outliers who are improperly characterized by those broad generalizations. For example, men are more diverse, and have more outliers, than women.
Jordan Peterson makes alotta sense to me. He's certainly trying to approach these questions in as grounded a manner as he can. Still… he avoids the JQ's broad generalization. It's probably best for now as most people can't yet handle that truth.

The economic realities of modern society do seem to me to play a large role in generating more Lefties. Everyone needs to create in life, each adding their own unique signature to our mutual social contract. As society progresses, because of its built-in efficiencies of scale, increasingly individuals are having a tough time making their statement. Both Left and Right are chafing at this inevitable process, but Lefties are more prone to temper tantrums.


No, that is where all those of the past have failed. So long as one leftist, one commie, one jew still exist the infection can still spread. The only solution is complete extermination. It is not a matter of delighting in violence. These things, and they are things, not people, want nothing short of the destruction of all that is good in the world. It is a matter of survival. There is no other way. For the good of ourselves, for the good of those that come after, it must be done.

Tell yourself to harden yourself for what maymay needs to be done.
However, truth be told, if it's got a human brain, it's got a human spirit.

The poor people who inhabit these bodies, the argument can be made that their souls are begging for release from their unnatural form. But y'all don't know about this stuff yet.

You don't delight in vanquishing your enemy? Absolute faggot. You're part of the problem.

You are right, that they crave order and also crave an identity.
Organised religion fell apart and left a hole in western countries since 1950. People seek to be part of a group, homosexuals on pride marches, sjw, anti this anti that, vegetarians and fags, alternative religions, reiki healing, yoga, buddism etc.
I think it is a very human element, that 95% of people require some kind of structure to tell them what to follow.
That I think is part of the plan, to destabilise the previous structure, fragment it into a myriad of unsatisfying groups as mentioned above, and then destabilise the society and conditions in general, so that the people beg for order, and then the total control is presented to them, one world government or whatever is planned, and the people rejoice that they have it.
30 years ago, no one would have accepted any of the restrictions and domestic spying, the lack of privacy, the levels of control and submission.
It is like a long, population-wide psychological torture and condtioning. If you read about interrogation techniques, this follows it on a societal level.


What is the JQ?
As I see it, the Question most brought up when discussing Jews is that of immigration/integration, one of the most pressing questions of our time.
Jews do not like to be kept out, as they see it, to be ostracized. Although Jews hypocritically prefer their own institutions, coteries, Kevin McDonald's in-group preferences, they also prefer to 'invest' themselves in the societies of other groups.
Among humans, Jews are an invasive species. To me the JQ concerns their ambitious vindictiveness, not what their relative intelligence is.

And honestly, I doubt the veracity of stats which shows average Jews IQ to be 15 points higher than anyone else's. Jews are well-known to blatantly skew statistical data to their favor.

Mental illness would have been fine OP. That's all it is. So start treating them as such.

Hence the idea of putting them on reservations in Africa, where they can help right the social injustices of black Africans to their bleeding heart's content.

TIL Ted was /ourguy/. How have I never seen this before?


Reminder that Emily Ratajkowski is a member of The Tribe.

Lefties consist of blind followers, parasites and opportunists of today. They're the easiest controllable part of society. I bet everything i own that within 2 years you could transform them into hardcore national socialists if you take control over media and social relations and distribute the correct propaganda and benifits. For eugenic reasons it would be better to get rid of them though.

The truth is, as long as they still live, they can still complain. My goal isn't to stop their complaining, only to stop their influence upon Western Civ. Your's might be different.

Hitler and crew had some serious missteps in their command structure when members high in authority took brides with sketchy pasts (prostitution), or were credibly accused of degeneracy (faggotry) themselves. These members were forced to step down from their positions in spite of their merits, because the infection is that dangerous.

Go ahead and isolate cancer all you want, I want it eradicated, and sympathizers along with it.


I mainly sense two kinds of motivations among leftists. The first type are individuals that, when they look upon white civilization and the achievements of its contributors, perceive a great chasm between themselves and contemporary white culture. Either through having substantial feelings of inferiority or no real sense of identity amongst these surroundings or simply being afraid to try and fail, they begin to walk down a path of mutual destruction. They never try to achieve anything or contribute in a meaningful way to society. They sabotage their own success and forge an identity around failure and being oppressed. Regardless of their upbringing, they will gravitate towards minorities and the working/under class; not because of any shared values, but because on some level they identify these people as lesser in the grand scheme of things. They hate themselves and they hate those that they believe have forced them into this hopeless existence. They go back and forth between acts of self destruction and lashing out at the dominant culture. These are the antifa, the "fuck you dad!"s, the human pin cushions, the bawling feminists, the trannies. A lighter shade of this type are the apathetic, rootless youth who don't know what the fuck is going on and exhibit some of these mannerisms in a kind of prolonged adolescence or happening upon this ideology as something to fill the void. These aren't true leftists though and should straighten out once they get a job, start becoming invested in society and see what inhibiting obstacles the pushers of this type of lifestyle are.

The other main type are those who don't focus as directly on attacking the dominant culture, but lament the plight of groups that they perceive as being downtrodden and shortchanged by the dominant power. Within this type of leftism, there seems to be two motivations that bleed into one another: a) the desire for absolution and moral uplift. b) elevating social status by appearing morally superior, possibly to the extent of gaining positions of power in society. On the surface, it's often difficult to distinguish between the two, as they both sing the same song, "THE POOR X, Y & Zs!! HOW COULD YOU??" As mentioned before, there can be a mixture of these two mindsets within one individual - feeling some genuine call to duty whilst reveling in the sea of approval for doing the right thing. Those that are more motivated by feels will tend to be the rich kids, full of white guilt and misguided females. The momma's boys who do whatever they think they're supposed to do to be a good boy, fall somewhere in the middle. The status graspers aren't truly dedicated to the cause and will change their allegiances as social trends dictate. These are the social media virtue signalers, politicians and gamer girl equivalents.

Ethnic minorities can't identify with the host society, so they will logically gravitate towards leftism unless they are being very well served by the status quo. Then there's always just psychos. As we know, there's always exceptions to the rules, but I feel like these groupings generally account for most of the characters that crop up on the left. Nothing new here to Holla Forums. However, I think that understanding why a person aligns themselves with a set of political beliefs can be useful. Some of these characters will be susceptible to certain arguments from the opposing side, depending on what makes them tick. Some of them can only serve as targets of ridicule.

okay yeah just klicked on post instantly, anyways, Jonathan Bowden did a good talk about the matter and how the ideology plays out with the different types of leftists, definently worth a listen, even if you're already well versed on the topic, Bowden had a talent of formulating ideas in a very potent way


Is that why (((they))) are doing it to whites right now?


those life reject, reject life.


That was basically the whole plot of a "24" season.

Liberals cling to communism or the democratic party out of their insecurities. Their ideology is based on covering their own insecurities. They rather drag everyone down to their level through a basic income than to let the market sort it out.

Republican voters are much less likely to attribute being fat to genetics than democrat voters. There was a study done on this, but this little piece is important because most democrat voters blame other factors for their sorrows instead of taking personal responsibility. They don't want to feel less, and if they do they try to drag everyone down to their level through the government. Democrat niggers whining about 'white supremacism' and other stuff like that is mostly about them being very insecure about their own position.

The modern leftist, the democrat, wants to do these things out of insecurity of their own flaws. Their entire platform is based around nobody else getting more than them, not getting society ahead as a whole.

Reminder (((Dennis Prager))) cares for nothing more than he cares about Israel.

Another utterly confusing thing I have to note is why would communists claim to be Muslim and then claim to be a pro-LGBTQBBQAYYLMAOBENIS:DDDDD+ homosexual at the same time? We all know their idea of fighting off this so called "bigotry" is just their way of establishing wrongthink to even the most confused "centrists" like Sargoy of Mossad out there, oh yes even they think the fat bastard's Literally Hitler.

Sorry I forgot about the screenshot of rustled gommies because of Jonathan Jones. :^)

second pic isn't really a contradiction. Its like saying "I think X is shit and hate it but don't want to see it banned"

All life is will to power. Lefties generally come from the losers of society. Rather than trying to improve themselves, or in the alternative simply accept their fate, they attempt to use populism and guilt to gain the power they think is rightfully theirs. If you could genetically engineer them to be Chads and Stacies, Marxism would die.

Because you didn't lurk the requisite two years. And yes Ted was spot on.

Kaczynski took the fall for the others he was doing it with.
His finger prints were found in some of the bombs, but other fingerprints were found on the devices that were not his. All of the devices had 'FC' scratched into them, FC meant 'Freedom Club'. onec Kaczynski was captured the bombings stopped, perhaps he was the one who chose the targets, perhaps there was an agreement that once on of them was caught the rest would stop. Kaczynski used a very sophisticated code for his writings, so he may have been able to keep his club secret.

see vid related. One of the better videos on the subject, I've red pilled a half dozen friends with just this video alone on the JQ. Prob why the high view count one got shoa'd

Jews are less than 2% of the population and there are 200+ million whites. There are more genius level white people in the US than there are Jews of all IQ levels in the US. Even if you take their IQ as claimed it still doesn't explain their over representation. Nepotism does.

I like this theory, think of it like training dogs. The satisfaction of getting what you want when you do x will create that neuropathway and teach you that behavioral pattern. It may be even more effective as a kid, idk, I'm not a scientist. Someone should do a study on it.

That's a good fucking video. Anybody have a webm?

Absolutely. Our first 5 years are crucial. We're never more interested in the world, or more purely logical. Naivety exploited by adults fucks us up, though, so we conclude many wrong things

The kike went around saying on a JewTube video about why communist massacres aren't always mentioned on the (((media))) as much as the Holohoax but he then goes on to say that said massacres weren't as bad as their said stupid Holohoax fairytale. Typical kike subversion. Here's the webm.

If there was one person I could erase it would be Uber Rabbi Marx.

Typical jew tricks. Total omission of jewish leadership in communism, and 6 million jews (supposedly) being exterminated is worse than the 100+ million dead under (JEWISH) communist rule because reasons. I hope Prager lives long enough for someone to kill him and hang a sign around his neck.

Shit audio quality but very relevant.


But we know what this creates if you do not kill the prisoners.
It creates people with a purpose, to destroy those inflicting the pain.
It is a self correcting problem, it creates the process that will correct it.
All we have to do is become the process.
Are you fit and hard yet? Is your mind as sharp as steel and your will as tenacious as leather?

worth it, thanks

This part is very interesting to me because it seems that other than maybe the jews and their games there is no lefty Holla Forumsacks ,nothing on "our" level of CIA type intelligence or "our" /k/ level of war planning
They seem to not even notice that they are actually helping the people they believe they fight against.I mean how does lefty recruitment even work?"Hey white men , there are these evil companies doing evil things run by evil white men,and uh slavery and holocaust happened ,help us fight them"Then as some "war strategy" or logic would command you learn about your enemy to be able to fight him better and at that point there is no way to not see that their are jewish,and if you bring it up to you comrades they have to react in some way.Do leftards kick out or call in mosad assasins on anyone that actually decided to move up to real war? They had all the media support , all the jewish money and connections , they could probably go away with doing anything , and nothing happened.They are either more useless than the jews thought or there is an even more spooky plan around the corner

I didn't like your image so made some minor improvements.

Imagine for a moment, that you live in a world without Holla Forums. Imagine if you had all of your Holla Forums knowledge and you were surrounded by leftists, apathetic normies, and dismissive right wingers. Any attempt to vent your frustrations would either be shouted into an oblivion that no one would hear, ignored as the ramblings of a lunatic, or (((shut down))) if need be. And the entire time, you could see the ruination of the world approaching in every newspaper, every advertisement, every little thing that you can see happening now, but when you try to point it out, you are treated as insane. And to top it all off, you were a test subject of M.K.Ultra.

Ted Kaczynski was an user who was cursed to be born before image boards existed.

Ayraps are simply part of a mind-trick cult that they think works for them. We once got one to admit that if the place pictured were "allowed" to get nuked, they would think it had no real power to begin with and slowly discard the meme. But we all know they aren't known for being the greatest masterminds, operatives, nor pilots. Obviously many factors in play.