Parti 51 du Québec

New political party in my homeland, I think you guys will enjoy this one. MAGA

Why the united states rather than Canada ( for Quebec ? )

The american model has several political advantages, for example : equal representation in an elected Senate, separate branches of governement, separation of Church and State and a system based on the ideal that all humans are equals, without confering any special rights for religious, ethnic or any other particular group. The U.S. Constitution was conceived by the people and for the people.

The economic advantages are also undeniable, for example : a stronger dollar, a greater market, greater commerce, more affordable prices, taxation economies, less taxes, less bureaucracy, better access to financing and workforce, being safe from protectionnist measures, reduced transporation costs, etc.

The advantages for security, defense and mobility are also important, for example : abolition of customs, stronger army, more efficient security and intelligence services, to be able to travel everywhere in the country without passport and at lower costs, better protection of our land and ressources, etc.

Finally, quebeckers could take part in world shaping decisions. Indeed, as 51st state, Quebec could dispose of approximately 13 electoral votes, which in practically all recent presidential elections could have changed the result.


How to protect the French language in such a big English speaking community?

Contrary to popular belief, the United States have no official language. English, french, spanish and german have all been used at the governemental level in the United States.

Not only that no federal law prevents a State from operating in the language of its choosing, but the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids that governement service be refused to someone who doesn’t speak english.

Furthermore, a State member of the union is sovereign and therefore is endowed with a constitution. Section 2 of the Quebec Constitution makes french the official language of the State, insuring governement service, laws and legal acts in french.

Quebec already evolves on a continent that has been speaking english in large majority for centuries and it preserved its culture and language by its pride and resilience. Culture can’t be imposed, it must be passed on. It is first and foremost the responsibility of each quebecker to insure the preservation of his language and culture. With constitutionnal proctection, quebeckers have the best legal protection to do so.

Furthermore, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would likely apply to someone who doesn’t speak french and allow him reasonnable access to state services.


French interview whit the party's leader.

Other urls found in this thread:



Give it a fucking rest already, you fucking French fry.

Five years too early, mon ami. I'm not self-identifying to CSIS just yet, but it is coming.


It's just nigger shilling.




Makes me a bit sad tbh. You have your own country, your own history, your own identity. Don't be so quick to throw that all away.

Also this isn't 4chan. Things move slower here. You don't have to bump your own thread.

Dont feed the trolls

Its illegal to even suggest anything that would stop white genocide in Canada, there is literally no point in starting a party at all because youd be arrested.
click* cuffs on your wrists

Fuckoff we're full, give us nova scotia though


You're in a nigger shill thread. He isn't talking about stopping White genocide.

I fully support the annexation of Canada by the United States into 7 new states (sorry, Maritime provinces and Newfoundland/Labrador; you'll have to be combined into one state) and two territories (sorry, Yukon and Northwest Territories), ON THE CONDITION THAT A STATE OF TERRITORIAL STATUS BE MAINTAINED FOR A DECADE PRIOR TO FULL ANNEXATION. We have to clear out your worst liberals and ensure they cannot enter politics. You fucking retarded canucks won't vote for actual conservatives, and you barely would vote for the neocon Republican Party. We cannot afford any more Democrat senators or representatives unless they're outweighed by Republican ones, so Canada would have to be populated by some Americans first before we could agree to annex you.

Quebec, specifically, would be one of the bluest states in the Union. We would need guarantees that they wouldn't be alone in being annexed if we were to take them on. It's really unfortunate, because I want Canada to join her brothers to the south, but we cannot afford any more liberal power.

Frogs want to join the union?
I'll allow it, but the leafs have to take california in trade.


Fun times.

Well it should be assumed we are all concerned with white genocide/cultural marxism, and if you arent, you can get the fuck out.

First of all, you're clearly not a nationalist so no need to larp as one. Secondly, it's not a new idea nor is it a new party and you'd know if you spent any time researching this. You don't know because you're the sort of pleb that can't articulate a point of view or do basic research. Just keep on posting pictures.

Also in the advantages, you seem to have missed several important points. One example: The population having to go die for Israel for a few decades before QC gets official state status (if it ever happens). Just move to the US already and get enriched.

Just as planned.

10/10 post

And yes I did 0 research but it is also today was the 1st time I herd of this party so although it may not be new it is new to me.

* And yes I did 0 research but today I herd about this party for the 1st time so although it may not be new it is new to me.

Pardon my poor sentences, I should read my posts before I post but ive been telling myself that for the past few years.


>>Quebec join's the USA

There's kind of a joke movement in russia where siberia wants to break away and potentially join the US.



When I was younger (and a brainwashed semi-egalitarian), I was totally in favor of massive expansion of the US system to anywhere on Earth which voted in the majority to join the US (and if their government adopted the republican system). And today I still am, but only for white, non-muslim regions of the Earth. Additionally with the stipulation that socialists are kept from power. I really want to see the US grow again. I do. Additionally, annexation of land as spoils of war needs to be restored for ALL nations. To do that, and allow the US to grow any more, we have to get rid of the UN and restore the nature of white nations. African reconquista will happen. Just maybe not in our lifetimes. But we could maybe see some more US states join from around the world. Belize is white and speaks English. So is Guyana, for example.

43.45% Indian
30.2% Black (African)
16.73% Mixed (including Douglas)
9.16% Indigenous Amerindian
0.2% Portuguese
0.19% Chinese
0.06% European (non-Portuguese)
0.01% Others [1]

53.9% Mestizo
23.9% Creole
11.3% Mayan
6.1% Garifuna
3.9% South Asian
4.6% European
1.2% Other white
1.0% East Asian
1.2% Other
0.3% Unknown


OH RIGHT, the bongs imported a fuckton of pooinloos, didn't they… Well, French Guiana is a little better. Maybe they'd leave France since they're technically an integral part of the European Union and if any spic crosses the border there they're legally allowed to travel anywhere in Europe.
Fuck's sake, is it? Goddamn it, Belize. You were better under bong rule…

I've attained terminal brainwashing.

''Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one's own need to think.
-Otto Adolf Eichmann

Srila Prabhupada hold's the final solution

Fuck off criss d'amoureux des nègres retourne en afrique avec tes singes.

No, we're good, Hoss.

Don't fall for this kikery Ameribros - they'll just end up begging for free tuition and voting in an even faggier version of Bernie Sanders. But he'll be named Bernard Sandier'.

I posted a quote not an unilateral endorsement.

As a Nova Scotian, why would you want Nova Scotia?

Fishing rights, I'd expect. New Brunswick and PEI (which we'd give its original name) would be folded into it, of course.

This. You're just going to make it easier for American niggers to move in. Hows that better than the pajeets and chinks that the rest of Canada is getting? You might as well go for full separatism and nationalism so your culture, language, and religion can be preserved. If you think the US federal government would give a flying fuck about any of that then you're delusional.

Maybe if the USA solves their issues with the southern border and spics and niggers then we'll all just join them, but before that what's the point?

"We perceive that" we would have greater liberty over our own destiny as an American state than as a Canadian province. Also it would solve allot of issues/insecurities like the military currency and so forwards that a souvrein nation faces. AND WE WOULD DIVORCE THE QUEEN. We would be part of a better federation and enjoy more sovereignty so it could unite both sides of our divided nation ( Souvreinistes and Fédéralistes ) allso it has the potential to unite the anglo and the french. We allso have 43% non-participation in the elections.

We are living in the age of globalization. The environment is a global issue, just as health, economy, organized crime and terrorism. Corporations are now giants that exceeds frontiers, just as crime syndicate and terrorists.

The threats to free and democrtatic societies have never been greater. The Quebec nation is proud and holds both a fascinating history and rich culture. How can we face the challenges of this globalization while preserving the flame of our great nation?

OPs thread is shit and he is senselessly spamming the shit out of it, but that being said, i think this is a great idea for a number of reasons.

for one, quebec was the economic breadbasket of canada all throughout its history. i cant remember the specifics but some quebecker told me that the canadian government essentially fucked it up, big time (perhaps someone ITT can help me out here).

also, quebec is fuck huge and absolutely full of resources/rare earths etc that we could use. getting access to that as a country for free (ie no payment or war required) is an absolute bargain.

in addition to all this, outside of montreal urbanite yuppies, most of quebec is more conservative and very much involved with their heritage and culture. they would be a quality addition to the states, and even with the US being as fucked as it is, they will undoubtedly be better off under US federal government, than canadian. another thing, i heard in the last quebec thread that are many french european families who have been fleeing france. these are wealthy, well educated french people who were aware enough to GTFO when they still could. they would absolutely be a huge asset to our country.

as to their language laws being respected, a majority of people in quebec with even a high school diploma have some fluency in english.
and people who have any sort of higher education are always fluent. also, places like california already have tons of government officials who speak english as a second language. with majority spanish speaking populations in some major cities. i cant see how this would be any different (indeed it would likely be much better because quebecois arent retarded).

finally, in response to those saying that it is dumb for them to not just secede and form their own nation, it is likely much easier to secede as a US state than it is a province of canada. moving into this position as a US state could indeed simply be a stepping stone towards actual independence. they know they have to leave canada ASAP to avoid further destruction, so it is easier to just join up with the US, until they can get their shit together enough to form their own sovreign nation.

the fact that if this happens i can just go on up to quebec whenever i damn well want to is just a cherry on top, as far as im concerned. quebec is beautiful, and the summertime up there is paradise. the only real question is what the fuck are they going to call the montreal canadians afterwards?

I agree with most of that, but two things stand out.
1) A conversation leaf is still going to be far to the left of even an ordinary neocon burger. That's just how things are right now.
2) White flight does nothing to change views. The French fleeing Europe won't actually admit the problem is muds, they'll instead say it just wasn't handled properly.

That said, in the event of joining the US the frogs deciding not to learn English and establishing a French only state would be one of the best things that could happen to the US. It would set a precedent for other states to drop English. Once the regions can't communicate as easily tension is going to skyrocket, and even lemmings will start to feel the strain.

Neocons are literal revolutionary communists. That they have been conditioned to see themselves as otherwise doesn't change that.

That was pretty much my point. Being right leaning in a very left leaning country results in you still being very left leaning, even if you're not as far left as the people you'd be leaving behind. In fact, even the commies in the republican party are further right than most European style conservatives, though not by much, just look at merkle's party as an example.

You're a fucking idiot.

Enjoy the cuckservitives then my friend. It'll be ethnonationalist or bust for me, though.

And this thread is bullshit.


J'ai regardé. avec une certaine attention ce qui c'est passer au Québec avec la meute, qui est supposément un movement de droite mais qui ont rien contre les immigrants, et sont contre l'immigration illégal… ( ILLÉGAL IN CANADA.. Fuck me ) sont contre LReligion of Cuck™isation du Canada mais pas UN MOTS contre les juifs ou les noirs, meme a chaque fois qui se fond posé la question ils répondent toujours avec la phrase typique Hey, Ma blonde est noir ou Mon chum est noir tout en ignorant les preuves accablante des crimes violents par les gangs NOIRS a montreal et partout ailleur.J'ai jamais entendu un Québecois parler des Native European, Only MUUUHHH FRENCH QUEBECOIS.

Just la crise des haitians parlait d'elle meme,
Y'all bend over hard… PAS UN n'as osé dire qu'ils avais pas d'affaire icitte.. noooooon ca serais trop racist… y peuvent rentré légalement c'est ca ? Fucking Cuck

Haaa pis le féminist au Québec Hahahahaha A FUCKING NIGHTMARE ! Les femmes are fucking dominating all, ta jamais remarqué ? ou tu pense trop avec ta queue ? on as un GROS PROBLEME FÉMINIST ! .

Dans 30 ans, Un Québecois Typique vas être un noir ou mulatre d'origine Africaine ou Asiatique. BRAVO CLAP CLAP CLAP.

And for all the other on Holla Forums, don't fall for their bullshit, if you have to do something about Quebec, it would be a liberation of the White Native European Land or a massive immigration of Whites in USA.

Otherwise Here a good video for these fucking cucks.

And so the Manifest Destiny begins.

I would be glad to welcome anyone of European descent who decides to embrace the freedom offered by America into the Glorious Union
To me, that is what America is, a place for any European to come and forge their own destiny.

Quebec and all the faggots in it can get glassed for all I care, what a fucking shithole.


Kill yourself, faggot. One of the reasons we're in such a bad position right now is that our Prime Minister's adoptive father gave in to you fucks and let you have your way. I hope you guys DO become a state, just so that we don't have to deal with your bullshit, anymore. Plus the added bonus of watching the Americans tell you to shut the fuck up when you go looking for handouts.

This is completely true. Quebec would be the greatest champion of the restoration of states’ rights and the 10th Amendment.
You realize that we’re completely insolvent, right? So is every western nation, but at least the US is the only one that can survive the crash. And we have guns! You’d get guns, too.
Fucking finally. You should’ve joined in 1774. Imagine the history of our great nation then…
The biggest problem is that you’re all fucking socialists and you’d all vote for the Democrat Party.


it'scalled vinlan the beautiful and markland.
I think this song is aboutt 1000 years or so

Trips of truth

Eh, technically that's true but people have been trying to pass an english as the official US language thing for quite a while. Most right wing states, not even one's that have racial conflict have passed laws stating that english is the official language of that state (my home state utah for example) and so it's already sort of existient that most true red blooded americans want english to be the official language of the US.

I'd say this qoute by teddy roosevelt expresses the views of most true red blooded americans:

"We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…"


Speak American

We can't even get the spics to speak English; I think the Quebecois will be able to retain their Frog.

I'm all for it. I believe our (The United States) manifest destiny applies to the entire continent.

Tabarnak these were just a bunch of illiterate useful idiots led by some boomer with a mohawk tatoo. The leftist Montreal media is more than happy to have these fags to point and laugh.

Atalante QC and FQS are absolutely Holla Forums and these Québec Nationalists interact and work with other Euro-Canadian nationalists, not just muh frogs

Also, fuck off with your d&c

If Quebec leaves Canada, doesn't matter if they join the US or not, Canada will collapse. The Qubecois don't realise the power they have over the future of Canada. If Quebec leaves Canada, two things will happen very quickly:
Atlantic Canada will leave, now that they are completely cut off from the rest of Canada.
Western Canada will leave, as now Ontario will hold an overwhelming majority of seats alone.
This will split Canada into 4, possibly 6 different nations. Some will join the USA, some will remain independent. Either way, they will become US satellite states.

That is what Canadians need but how do we know that the quebec people are actually going to fight for independence from Canada? They tried the democratic way and it did not happen so the solution is violence.

This is pure wisdom. We will need to work together anyway in the coming race war.

c'est l'fun de voir un post qui parle de notre beau Québec

The democratic way didn't get the required majority it needed to leave. So, the democratic way hasn't really been tried yet. If Quebecois vote to leave, Canada legally can't stop them. But you may have to worry about (((fixed))) elections.

Why would you want to join the US? I know canada is cucked but the US isn't much better and atleast in canada you have self determination. The US will turn you into yet another multicultural samey shitstorm like the rest of the country.

How would you feel is instead of being the 51st state, Quebec is split into two states with capitals in Montreal and Quebec City? It would give you more senate votes and possibly be easier for the US to manage.

Get the fuck out.

You are infinitely retarded.

I mean as a subculture, subculture in the US has been eliminated besides a few predominant groups. The US is just a different type of cuckold

AQC are friends of mine, and are absolutely in tune with everything discussed on this humble Laotian hand jive board.

If Quebec finally did become the 51st state, then maybe I could visit there without getting arrested.

Quebec is the Jewish strong hold of Canada, fuck off.

Montreal → New York → LA → Florida is a Jewish trifecta
This is the political leader



This is terribly innacurate because everyone knows everything west of Quebec is now Chinada

Do you want it to get flooded with niggers and spics?

Do eet.

Mind editing the pic with the maritime provinces being "new china" since they would have to become slaves to survive a split that isolates them from centeral canada

Eh not really, just Vancouver. Pretty much everything east of Ontario is just empty land, chugs and whites.

French heritage stems throughout the USA all the way to New Orleans and Quebec would fit right in.

And filipinos. I dont know about the rest of western canada, but in Edmonton- north and from southern bc-north there has been a huge influx of filipinos. Lots of people getting filipino wives and then them bringing over their families later. My city it is so bad that its hard to get a job anywhere because there is a never ending supply of them. Same as the town I lived in in Alberta.

This. Also they better be forced to payback every single dime of equalization payments that were given to them. Trudeau Sr highhandedly screwed this nation.

The tiger will bite you to death if you are trying to ride it.

It will with that attitude.


We have common friends mon nègre

Comme c'est patriotique de ta part Pierre

Ever go to any gigs?

Now you know what it feels like in California. Those little island spics are everywhere here.

Oh oui

This is now a bob gratton thread.



Quebec is a parasite. No province has done more to turn Canada into a marxist shithole. Notwithstanding, they are also the #1 recipient of "Equalization Payments". The whole province is literally on welfare, sucking the life blood out of the rest of Canada.

Deprive them from the welfare so they spergout and break away from Canada but Canada don't want them to be weaned off.