New political party in my homeland, I think you guys will enjoy this one. MAGA
Why the united states rather than Canada ( for Quebec ? )
The american model has several political advantages, for example : equal representation in an elected Senate, separate branches of governement, separation of Church and State and a system based on the ideal that all humans are equals, without confering any special rights for religious, ethnic or any other particular group. The U.S. Constitution was conceived by the people and for the people.
The economic advantages are also undeniable, for example : a stronger dollar, a greater market, greater commerce, more affordable prices, taxation economies, less taxes, less bureaucracy, better access to financing and workforce, being safe from protectionnist measures, reduced transporation costs, etc.
The advantages for security, defense and mobility are also important, for example : abolition of customs, stronger army, more efficient security and intelligence services, to be able to travel everywhere in the country without passport and at lower costs, better protection of our land and ressources, etc.
Finally, quebeckers could take part in world shaping decisions. Indeed, as 51st state, Quebec could dispose of approximately 13 electoral votes, which in practically all recent presidential elections could have changed the result.
How to protect the French language in such a big English speaking community?
Contrary to popular belief, the United States have no official language. English, french, spanish and german have all been used at the governemental level in the United States.
Not only that no federal law prevents a State from operating in the language of its choosing, but the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids that governement service be refused to someone who doesn’t speak english.
Furthermore, a State member of the union is sovereign and therefore is endowed with a constitution. Section 2 of the Quebec Constitution makes french the official language of the State, insuring governement service, laws and legal acts in french.
Quebec already evolves on a continent that has been speaking english in large majority for centuries and it preserved its culture and language by its pride and resilience. Culture can’t be imposed, it must be passed on. It is first and foremost the responsibility of each quebecker to insure the preservation of his language and culture. With constitutionnal proctection, quebeckers have the best legal protection to do so.
Furthermore, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would likely apply to someone who doesn’t speak french and allow him reasonnable access to state services.
French interview whit the party's leader.