This thread is for the posting and discussion of various redpill images. Post what you have, save what you don't, request what you like.

ALSO: If you like this thread, please make another one yourself on both 4pol and 8pol. These threads are great for redpilling normies and adding quality discussion to the boards.

Other urls found in this thread:!eO4ABIyB!xe64xBuLRi5BmLuM-W1km_RPq-9bwpEbyUSMyxn3of8

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.



Beaver dump.
























/Beaver dump














I read that the radioactive effect of a nuclear war is way overblown, and that so long as nukes detonate high above the ground the fallout is minimal. I read that what's dangerous is near-ground or on-ground detonations which inhibit efficient burning of radioactive fuel.

So, is it correct to say that, after a major nuclear exchange between US and China/Russia, that the vast majority of death and danger will be from infrastructure and political collapse, NOT radiation?








I came for red pills, i found the new r/incels.
Well done anons.


I thought this thread was going to be about how atomic bombs dont really exist as we understand them. i remember seeing some videos about how the nukes arent what people think they are and are essentially used as a tool for world peace like a deterrent. Its like the raegan star wars system applied on a global scale.

anyone remember this stuff? it was posted maybe a few years ago when talking about NK.


A slide with a side of spam. Eat shit.



Don't send this faggot there; that board is fairly well organized and relevant.

What is going on , It died 3 times in the last hour for me

It's more than that. There's really no way to explain it to the uninitiated without your words reading like nonsense, no matter how hard you try it always comes out as metaphor. As above, so below, etc. Ultimately, everything is a dance between creation and destruction. Multiplication and division. Think about things you can empirically prove. When you sit down to create something, put a shovel to dirt, draw a picture, what ever, if you put your all into it and really give it a good what for, to the point of almond activation, you wind up experiencing the same release of chemicals as you do when you are giving your wife a good dicking trying to create a little Holla Forumsack.

Now, think about that… The sensation of almond activation… That you feel while creating with high energy… Doesn't it kind of vaguely feel like another sensation? A Mind Boner, perhaps? Could high energy thought processes be akin to busting a nut? Could we be literally mentally raping the leftists? :^)

That's right, Anons, we are all a bunch of DICKHEADS. :^)

Thats good stuff for the uninitiated but christ is that some hideous blackpill

Good to see redpill threads again. Got to save some caps I didn't before.

The third one here is too paranoid. Welfare and the govt's influence isn't as big or nefarious as the first poster in that pill thinks. The state actually aids the families in growing. Those that fail in raising their kids would have failed with or without the state.

Not a pic, just a clarification of the popular (mis)interpretation of the "end times" from the Bible.

The "end times" involve only the destruction of Jerusalem. It's not some global holocaust like in a scifi movie where a portal opens and demons come out and kill everyone. All "judgment day" is is the judgment of Jerusalem, basically the world powers surround Jerusalem and destroy it. This idea that the problems of the Jews are problems for everyone else is one of their oldest, most common, and most important lies.




Thank you for your hard work user, threads like this one showed me the light, and thanks to the cycle of post/save/repost, many others shall also benefit from these beacons of rational thought.


this one is very easy reading but highly potent because of how much is related to it and how little of it is commonly discussed on this level of rationality and argumentation

requesting proof jews own most american corporations both in CEO and board executives and if it can be found, through stocks



Why did you post this freudian garbage from Mr (((Epstein)))?

It's not freudian. It's scientific facts. If you fell for lysenkoist brainwashing when you were a young adult and still do now then that's your problem.

Really makes the birds sing.

While I don't disagree with the inforrmation posted, I suggest that you are wary of false information that might be pushed through by the cuckchanners.

Here's a bigass redpill for you…

I meant this

I don't know about your conclusions, but TGSNT is certainly propaganda of the half truth variety. It seeks only to polish Hitler's cock, when in reality he made many a mistake, and exhibited terribly flawed behavior throughout his career. He used to have people executed based on what he read in the newspapers about them, meaning a newspaper editor could get whoever they pleased put to death by accusing them of heinous acts where Hitler could see it.

As much as I fantasize about a glorious leader harnessing white culture for good again, I know the kind of power Hitler had will always get the innocent killed. I'm convinced somebody is going to have that power, though, so better to be the one holding it.

Bumping this fabulous thread to combat the anti-trump poster.

If anything it was a walk down memory lane to what Holla Forums was like right after the first exodus. Threads filled with effort posts was common and I honestly enjoyed coming on here and learning something new. I really miss what Holla Forums used to be.

Look at the dates of those posts. half/pol/ has been around for ages you newfag nigger. It wasn't always the cesspool of shit it now is.


Okay lads so some more follow-up. To those who were not aware Adolf was not only an illegitimate grandson of a Rothschild but also a theosophist disciple of Madame Blavatsky, enjoy the redpilled moment, cry reee all you want. It won't change the truth.

In my library, I have half a dozen books that conclusively prove beyond all reasonable doubt the Hitler, Himmler, and Goering were all rabid disciples of Russian H.P. Blavatsky. Many of their early correspondence was "cleansing" the Aryan race from inferior bloodlines - which is a key component of Eugenics spawned by Blavatsky.

"But the concept of root races, which [H.P.] Blavatsky, the Russian progenitor of theosophy, talked about, never gets brought up as an actual basis for belief in “superior breeding” or race war among the liberal or conservative parties that run the government in Britain and America. It clearly is not influencing Roosevelt or Churchill’s view of social policy or foreign policy. Yet it did with Hitler

But in Germany so many of the people who joined the Nazi Party or supported it are using language and ideas directly borrowed from these occult and border scientific doctrines. “Tschandals,” the lesser races, a Thule civilization."

I have studied Blavatsky - she was literally a witch from hell. The core doctrines of Nazism are straight from Blavatsky's demonic play book.

More later in a future post. Until now, chew on this.

Did you even read it? Infantalization is a devastating weapon really obviously being wielded against our people.

More followup lads.

Listen to this 2-hour broadcast from tonight and let Dr. A. True Ott PhD tell you in his own words. Other friends of yours are also on-air for this show. We cover a number of topics, this one comes up toward the end of hour 1 and continues on into the 2nd hour. Mwuhahahahaaaa

Anons, please contribute ideas/narratives based on these infographics (if any) over at

Redstick is fucking gay. Get out in the world and actually debate people, you faggot.

So the most important part of your argument is Hitler was a Rothschild for which you post no sauce. Also, most Wise's are Non-kike Brits so again, try harder faggot. Also why would (((they))) make such a well produced documentary to get whites riled up and asking questions, at a time when (((they))) had already silenced most holohoax revisionists? You said you'd post proofs, but the only source you've given is an interview by (((Rebecca Onion))) of some German-American soyboy about occultism in the Reich. This was A no secret, and B, kerlander was raised on Germanic guilt from birth. Try harder or freshen your latka breath with bleach.






Nuclear red pill?

I made a rightwing philosophy video on death. It's part of a project I made to red pill and motivate whites with philosophy red pills. No e-celeb shill.







Taoism and Buddhism, which one's better?

Buddhism. Taoism is more chinked at this stage.

Sauce on that Iran pic?

I wouldn't spread the Racial Program infographic around. The wiki article says that the essay/book is a fabrication and that the work cannot be found in the Library of Congress, not the quote itself. The congressional record quote in the archive link is the same quote referred to in the first paragraph of the article.

Anyone have redpills on the kikes in the Reich's military forces?

Anyone have screencaps on actual orthodox doctrine on self preservation of race? I need to spit in the face of a soybean minister that uses My kingdom is not of this world as an excuse to flood Canada with niggers, as in we go to heaven why should we care about the planet? Or our soil?

Can someone post the "left wing vs right wing" vs natsoc "the nation is…

Has anyone created a mega zip with all the redpills

here's a fresh one disproving flat earth. this shouldn't even need to be a thing but i like to fuck up psyops

Anyone have any redpilled youtube video playlists? pls gib

the north and southern hemispheres are exactly the same hemispheres idiot that proves nothing.


And some cunt always has to bump this shit.

The earth is round.

Some stunning stats about faggotry in there.

As for the following quote:

'Homosexuals fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and ingest semen from about half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the blood stream, so this is the equivalent to ingesting raw human blood.'

The back of my head involuntarily touched the heels of my BLEEEUUURRGGH


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can someone redpill me on how being gay isnt something your born with and something your taught or trained to be? most gay people i've talked to seem to wish they werent gay in the first place (meaning they probably arent doing it to destroy western civilization)

Alright, serious question for pic no. 2. I 120% agree with you, although my woman got fucked up by her father. He went overboard in terms of discipline and strictness. She is overtly independent but needs me for emotional support. Is this somehow wrong? Because for me, as a male, sometimes you need that emotional support but yet we are men so we bury the pain. Who do we look to for relief? Or is it just the burden of manhood. Been with her for almost a decade and still no marriage or children (I support raising children and am pro-life but our current country is anti-white and a literal shithole and I couldn't imagine raising a white child in a country where we're a minority - as much as I yearn to be a father, I think it'd be a cruel and unimaginable future i'd be imposing on him or her). Regardless, when do you know you're going too far? In a sense of being the alpha… Where do you draw the line on decision making? She is older than me by a few years, better with money and very logical. I'm the opposite and have always worn my heart on my sleeve. I am however a strong believer that the man is king of his castle. I am not a pushover and i'll never let a woman dictate me. She knows this well and it's caused a lot of tantrums but I will never falter. I'd rather state my claim and leave it at that. Wounds rarely heal but i'm curious to know if you or any other anons have a healthy relationship with their spouses and if so, what's the dynamic like? I feel - first problem for my right there, that i'm often too soft… but I go soft on her because she was raised in such a dysfunctional environment. I'll never let her mow me over, but her personality is very strong and I often feel like have to be a real dick towards her in order for her to listen. Trust me, it does work. Act like a man and you'll be treated like a man… But does it not get tiresome for many anons? I look at family members who have been married for years and are miserable. I don't think divorce is a good thing, nor do I believe in promiscuity… but this life is kind of sad to think that the jews have enslaved us to force ourselves to wake up every morning in order to survives, pay bills, provide, etc. Where is the happiness in this world? I'll reckon mine is at 20% and I'm asking if this is normal? I am contempt. I love her. She works hard, man she works so bloody hard. We're poor. But we're both decent people and we're fucked together in a ZOG society. Just wanted to know if I am being unrational in thinking like this or if there are others who could relate. Listen guys, you make your bed, so lie in it. Take responsibility for all your actions. To me, that's what being a man is about.

sorry for samefagging
Problem is that pic no2. in this specific post is that only whites are falling to these tricks. The sub-humans cannot be programmed, their OS is dusty and they cannot compute, so this is how (((they))) are fucking our society. Leave the women to be, make them the equal of male and essentially create a power vacuum for nignogs to take over but have the IQ of a retard. This is why Europe needs to wake up, as well as the USA. This is why you never hide your power levels no matter how unpopular it makes you. You need to learn that you will never satisfy everybody but you have to remain true to yourself no matter the cause.


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Requesting redpills to counter the idiotic but insanely common claim: "Race isn't real because almost any one arbitrary allele can be mostly found in almost any race"

And then they ignore that race can still be 99% reconstructed from multivariate analysis because they just keep repeating "race isn't real buzzfeed told me." I know it's probably because they're just too stupid or it's simply a last ditch coping mechanism like a mule who sits and refuses to move any further. But I'm hoping there's a simple graphic to rip away with false pretext from these cucks.

How were they supposedly keeping track of all the gas they used and all the jewish prisoners they gassed if they destroyed all the records as they went along?

When people say that race is not real or that it is merely a social construct you should ask them if species are a social construct.

Of course, they will insist race and species are two different things. Then ask them why different languages exist and HOW DIFFERENT LANGUAGES COME INTO BEING. Language, culture, and genetics are divergent. So the differences between Africans and Europeans exist because the two groups were geographically separated for long periods of time. Even if this is not true, most liberals are out-of-africa, they think it's true. But at least it is true that genetics are divergent. The point of all this is that given enough time what we call races today could become whole new species if people are not forced to intermix. How do your liberal friends justify opposing the natural evolution of mankind? Do they think we should just stop here and stay the same forever? Is this a realistic view to hold?


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Hang on, what gives? That book gave the same number for Jewish population in Europe as Wikipedia gives, 9.3 million

Bump a day keeps the kikes away

Post them then, faggot.

Here's my contribution. It's a 1&1/2 hour video and I haven't been able to get a good webm out of it that fits in 16 MB (ffmpeg won't even process the video in any reasonable timespan on my pc, so I don't have a webm), so I'll embed it and leave a mega link for an MP4 I downloaded, feel free to repack it if you can.
As a short synopsis, the video uses chemistry and source texts to prove that the gas chambers did exist, but they were exclusively for clothing, due to the lice problem. These "concentration camps" certainly existed, but they were simply work camps- given that Germany was cut off from all exports. Greatest cause of death of both (((inmates))) and German guards was Typhus from lice, leading to the requirement of constructing these chambers.!eO4ABIyB!xe64xBuLRi5BmLuM-W1km_RPq-9bwpEbyUSMyxn3of8

Attached: bbcd1712b7401c07bcd9c5d015128dbd502eff97ecca9d45fdcc3d422ab92f86.jpg (768x1024 90.93 KB, 273.05K) - Jack Otto - Forbidden Knowledge - In Shadow - A Modern Oddesey - 7 Days of DeepMind A.I. - Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard - Interview - Behold a Pale Horse - AudioBook - Bloodlines of Illuminate - AudioBook - Tool - Right In Two - Protocol Of The Elders Of Zion - Black Ops Operator, Cody Snodgres, Comes Forward And Tells All - Mr Teslonian - Alternative Energy & Technology - Crash Course - Normie Friendly Education Channel (Only For Tech and Sci) - Voluntary Seasteading Communities - Polyface Farms - Sustainable & Organic Agriculture - Bright Agrotech Aquaponics - Alt-Ag Tech - Radical Mycology - Fungi, Mushrooms and Mycelium
________________ - "- Timaeus -" - Wide Ranging History Channel - Urban Gardener - Subsistence Alt-Ag For Cities - Accelerated Crash Course 2014 - Peak Cheap Oil - Energy Economics - Understanding Assest Bubbles - Demographics Bomb - Future Shock - What Should I Do? - Pension Heist Pt. 1 - Pension Heist Pt. 2 - Pension Heist Pt. 3 - Russian, Hillary, Uranium One - Amran explained - Vegas Inconsistencies - Google/Facebook Created By CIA - Petrodollar - 2018: PAX AMERICANA & Europe STARING into the ABYSS - The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary - Aquaponics Academy Playlist - The Crash Course - 2014 - Jack Otto - Forbidden Knowledge - In Shadow - A Modern Oddesey - 7 Days of DeepMind A.I. - Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard - Interview - Behold a Pale Horse - AudioBook - Bloodlines of Illuminate - AudioBook - Tool - Right In Two - Protocol Of The Elders Of Zion - Black Ops Operator, Cody Snodgres, Comes Forward And Tells All - Mr Teslonian - Alternative Energy & Technology - Crash Course - Normie Friendly Education Channel (Only For Tech and Sci) - Voluntary Seasteading Communities - Polyface Farms - Sustainable & Organic Agriculture - Bright Agrotech Aquaponics - Alt-Ag Tech - Radical Mycology - Fungi, Mushrooms and Mycelium
________________ - "- Timaeus -" - Wide Ranging History Channel - Urban Gardener - Subsistence Alt-Ag For Cities - Accelerated Crash Course 2014 - Peak Cheap Oil - Energy Economics - Understanding Assest Bubbles - Demographics Bomb - Future Shock - What Should I Do? - Pension Heist Pt. 1 - Pension Heist Pt. 2 - Pension Heist Pt. 3 - Russian, Hillary, Uranium One - Amran explained - Vegas Inconsistencies - Google/Facebook Created By CIA - Petrodollar - 2018: PAX AMERICANA & Europe STARING into the ABYSS - The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary - Aquaponics Academy Playlist - The Crash Course - 2014

Lies. But I am sure his mother picked up a lot of useful information as a servant in that Rothschild house. If he was a plant, why did he volunteer in WW1 in the most deadly job the army could offer? With overwhelming odds to die?
We know about theosophy here, we discuss it all the time. Blavatsky and the Nazis were influenced by the same sources, this doesnt mean Hitler or Goebbels were members of her cult.
The Nazis had no DNA testing, so most of their Ahnenerbe research seems borderline scientific today, they had to rely on the old myths delivered by fairytales and esotheric circles, early archaeology and things like body measuring. It was not that accurate, but they knew they were onto something, and they were right.

not as much of political redpills but nutritional redpills - calories matter? story of fat gut microbiome and mind - fasting and eating less

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Up you go

Any more from "Leader" user?

What book gave? Have you personally seen a physical copy of the 1936 edition, first printing? Or did you just go to their website and look for what it “says”?

Believe nothing without physical evidence or internal logical consistency.

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"Leader" was the replacement for anonymous on the gamergate boards for a while, still might be.

That second post was me, glad someone saved it. Wish I could have written this better, not knowing someone would screencap it.

the solution to the nwo cancer is taking out their leaders

chop chop, heads off

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I'd like to create a "redpill wiki", a single source in which all the necessary studies, stats, and historical facts required to make the best possible case for any redpill can be found.
Instead of having to lurk on Holla Forums for these threads, anyone who is, say, trying to convince a family member over email, could just go over to the wiki and grab the required text, images, or videos off of the site, and send them to the family member.
Basically, I want to create a single location that contains all the objective information required to argue any redpill, or to respond to any counter-arguments that may be made against the redpill.
No opinion or philosophy type stuff, nothing subjective, just cold hard objective data, if you have that, the conclusions will naturally follow from it.
Pages could include pills like:
Race Realism
Sex Realism
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Realism
Trans Realism
The Jewish Question
The Muslim Question
The truth about the Holohoax
The truth about Jim Crow
The truth about Africa's Colonization
The truth about America's Slavery
The truth about the Crusades
The truth about the Inquisition
The truth about the Ancient Rome and Greece (Rising demographics of non-whites caused Rome's fall, and Greece as well)
The truth about the Golden Religion of Cuck™ic Empire (they were majority whites, and declined when arabs outnumbered them)
The truth about Ancient Egypt (they were also majority whites, and overcome by numbers of nubians)
The truth about Ancient Mesopotamia (whites as well, until by non-whites demographically)
And so on….
what do you think?

Don't ask just do, user


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