Belgium has gone round the rim of madness

As burning Brussels descends into chaos, Religion of Cuck™ic "slam rapper" shouts down debate; audience forced to applaud

In the face of the Religion of Cuck™ic threat, of course, there is reason to be worried about pretty much every nation in Western Europe; but given the strange hollowness of Belgian identity, Belgium is a place of special concern. It is not only the location of the headquarters of the EU; it is, to quote the headline of a March 23, 2016, article by Soeren Kern for Gatestone Institute, "Why Belgium is Ground Zero for European Jihadis." As it happens, Kern's article appeared the day after members of ISIS in Brussels committed three suicide bombings, killing 32 people (not counting three terrorists) and injuring more than 300.

Four months before that, 137 lives were lost in terrorist attacks on the Bataclan Theater and other targets in Paris. The perpetrators were soon traced back to Molenbeek, a majority-Muslim neighborhood in Brussels….

Even the New York Times, of all places, ran an exposé about the ineffectiveness of Belgium's anti-terror efforts, pointing up the chronic laxity, buck-passing, and turf confusions that characterize every level of its government.

Of course, terrorism is only the most sensational aspect of the Religion of Cuck™ic influx into Belgium. In December, Belgian author Drieu Godefridi wrote of '''Brussels as a city "rapidly descending into chaos and anarchy." November alone saw "three separate outbreaks of rioting and looting on a major scale," exposing the fact that "lawlessness… is the new normal in Brussels." Soldiers patrol the streets, but dare not act: "should a soldier actually hurt a looter, he would probably be publicly chastised, pilloried by the media, put on trial and dishonorably discharged."

When, during a TV debate, one of the nation's few straight-talking politicians tried to address the obvious connection between this rampant disorder and immigration, "the moderator literally yelled at him that 'Migration is not the subject…. MIGRATION IS NOT THE SUBJECT, STOP!'" and then handed the floor over to a "slam poet" in an Religion of Cuck™ic veil who attributed the city's problems to its failure to welcome people like herself with open arms. "The audience was then instructed to applaud her." '''

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Kike free

Chekked and kkkek'd

I don't think that word means what you think it means, newfag.

Sounds like Mr. Damme has his work cut out for him.

Did they? If they did, were they complacent about it?

le happy diamond merchant must be pleased

I think Antwerp has lost it's importance for them anyway and they have moved on to other regions.

As a bonger I hope Brussels burns and all its people die.
With monkeymen rampaging through the halls of the EU, cracking skulls and raping everything with a hole.

I Shall not be satisfied until all of Belgium is aflame and the continent once again divided as punishment for its sins against humanity.

Europeans are just getting what they deserved, and it is a good thing.

The mythographers[who?] tell that Zeus was enamored of Europa and decided to seduce or ravish her, the two being near-equivalent in Greek myth. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and mixed in with her father's herds. While Europa and her helpers were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete

somebody hasn't lurked for two years


Kek wills it

Who was the moderator? Who was the slam poet?
Asking because a local "famous" blind, black female musician/poet recently died. Would be a coincidence if it was her.


Wtf is with you newfags today?

What did he mean by this?

So beholden to political correctness and multiculturalism that Muslims own and control it just like London, Sweden, Germany, and France. They don't have to be a majority. They're already in charge and European governments made it that way on purpose.

What's this actor's name?

Belgium needs to die, as it never existed. Flanders to the Netherlands, Wallonia to France. Glass Brussels in atomic hellfire of a hundred nukes.
It is the only way.

Brian Blessed

spotted the jew

Belgium is a non-country, it's based on nothing, it has no people and no roots, it's even worse than the US in that regard

t. 'Belgian'

He's also Augustus in I, Claudius, which is great.

This rhetoric is nonsense - DNA tests to assure native blood. Mass destruction in which innocent natives who are victims of history and circumstance are absurd. The same goes for Sweden.

Is there not another solution?
I fucking hate France.

Farage calling out belgium was fucking great.

It has in many respects, I think. As for Brussels, the kikes and anti-whites that run it will probably quietly start moving offices and operations elsewhere while keeping the city as the nominal "head of the eu".

missing the point, there are almost no innocent natives left in Brussels, only invader plebs and traitor elites. Purging it in fire is the correct answer

second this as a 'belgian' it is a non country, which is disintegrating into two regions all by itself


Give it to poland

Shame too, I really enjoyed "Free your mind" and "Start the reactor".

This. Belgium is a non country, similar to Austro-Hungary which at least had the common decency to die.
The only role that Belgium had, was to be the buffer state for France after the Napoleonic wars and to deny the Dutch more power.

Honest question user. Who else would want a bunch of frogs in their country?

Really merchant?

Don't worry those images of you being thrown into an oven in your dreams will be reality very soon.

what did he mean by this

Sucks to be you Western Europe

kek, always stay true to yourself anglos

jews taking over europa obv

Second this as well. Don't know about you guys, but Flanders still has potential for a revival. Langemark when.

It's a shame retarded word filters have turned what was probably a interesting post into an unreadable pile of garbage.

Well if the continent is united it will attack us.
If the continent is united it will demand we be absorbed into its homogenising endeavours.

We like existing. Ergo we must oppose any attempt by the continent to unite.

Seriously back in 14-15 we did swoops on judenbook, finding and doxing first typically one (((isis))) member/fanboy, that in turn running some tailored scripts found another 2-3k of them.

Yes straight in the open as people support soccer teams(which they also always do btw), they were supporting the (((shitslamic state))).

So you had
I hope I caused many to be arrested and lose their jobs, but it's belgium so they prolly did not hing in fear of been called homophobes


well you see if the mods didn't add a wordfilter to islam then we'd all convert and change our names to muhammad

How can you not be proud of your country and your people?
It's not natural, I don't understand.
I get it that you hate the gov and politicians, who doesn't?
But to say
It's against everything in nature, how can the jews have jewed you this hard?

It's as is you all just want to die…. You are only givee one chance at this. Well more, granted only if your offspring survives,then you can comeback. If not, you are on the other side for ever. And with that mentality Freyja and the valkyries are not coming to pick you up for the hall of seats or hall of chosen(to fall)
Have some damn self respect!

Because Belgium is an artificial construct, like Esperanto.
They don't want to die, they want to split and rejoin their racial and linguistic homelands.

Rock music, flight, space travel, TV, the internet, GPS, Nuclear bombs

we only said the first line, you are infering the other two
when we say belgium is a non country we mean it in the most literal sense it was an invention in 1830 just to act as a buffer state between france and prussia while curtailing dutch power, all orchestrated by the eternal anglo

never did i say we are nothing, we self identify with our volk and linguistic cultural identiy which can be summarized as dutch without the prostestant addon
and when this shitfest collapses we will return to our old kinship, which will most likely resemble the burgundy confederacy
the sad part is that both 'dutch' and 'french' part to say it quickly for the international audience are very similar in culture/decendency other than the language, the main problem has been the marxist/socialist party control of the south part which as you know of these politics is corrupt and failing beyond believe, hang the traitor politicians and we can talk

now imagine for instance if Nafta was made a political entity following a clinton victory and all mexico and the us were made one country by chinese arbitrators (canada was also in there but nobody would give a fuck), washington dc was made a bilingual spanish enclave while every politician was fluent in taco but barely could speak english and always espouse the mexican lifestyle, while local politicians always legislate to dump american taxdollars into mexican pueblos
would you feel any kinship to this nafta country and its values/leadership or would you say burn washington to the ground and lets be americans again?

space travel both burger and soviet were captured nazis
nasa didn't get rockets of the ground before they put von braun in charge of the thing

but in regard to the topic at hand
you should look in closer detail how you build these and who gave you the tools to do so


Pretty much this.

Careful Poland, if you're too safe the commies will flood your country as they flee the collapse.


Also surprised no one made a please clap joke.



Jesus if Europe wasn't my ancestral homeland I would be laughing at you fucks. As it stands I want you to succeed in uncucking yourselves. This is the first step where Europe starts to wake up from a long and safe dream only to be confronted by a nightmare. When your enemy views kindness as weakness you have to man up. You cannot afford to be good to these people, that won't solve anything.

Europoor here, if there is one place that this would fly other than Sweden that would be Belgium which by all accounts is one of the few truly artificial states that exist solely for geopolitical reasons and not to serve a nation of men.

Just be glad I cut the second part of that post. The warning stands though.

Makes you wonder if they had all this planned out back when they make Belgium.


At least not all of you are morons, excluding you specifically.
Poland appoints ex-banker with Jewish roots as prime minister

I'm sure its purely a coincidence.

That's a myth older than any kike.

if we are what we eat, what is that?

The future they chose.

Yeah, read it earlier OP. Shit is surreal. I thought it was a goof at first but it's an actual group. The fact the cuck running it is a former minister of something makes me think it's really the government at work. It's just too fucking nuts not to be shutdown.

these same costume wearing monsters have been leeching off humanity for thousands of years, off europe for 2,000 years.
it is incredible that they haven't been dealt with.
then again, cockroaches and bed bugs are nearly impossible to remove too, especially when they've made nests.

Better check your own government and elite, I'll guarantee they are infested, and if you are in the US, as is usually the case, a thousand times more than any other country.
10 million jews in the US, more than even israel.
Most european countries have a few thousand as a skeleton crew for their schemes.
Much easier to kill a few thousand than 10 million.

More than that, if each country is separate as it should be, there is no chance to easily replace the governments without direct war or assassinations.
In the case of the EU, they have universally infested almost every country with immigrants because of the sole will of one demented jew communist ogress in germany, though not being german herself.
Only poland and hungary have resisted, and now they are being threatened in various ways.
Without the EU, none of that would have happened.
Europe still exists no matter what, the EU is a disgusting corruption of the name.

To be fair to him why do you think the kikes became so well entrenched here in the UK?
Our overall goals aligned.
The Jew hated white people and we wanted to keep Europe divided for the sake of our own safety.

If the continent wasn't so obsessed with uniting under a single tyrannical ruling body and then attacking us. We wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

checked, let them try

That's a pretty stupid logic, considering that Commies are the most hated group in our country. Commies and niggers(and Russians)

a mixture of processed meats and plastic

Daily reminder that there is no solution but the final solution

Here's something another user posted some months ago:

"Majority of the problems that morons on Holla Forums blame on Anglos can be blamed on the jewish "cousinhood", i.e. the zionist elite in Britain associated with finance, elites, and politics. That anti-anglo Holla Forumslacks rarely mention them goes to show just how garbage anons' knowledge is on the history of the jew (or that they are shills).

Go read the books The Divided Elite: Economics, Politics, and Anglo-Jewry, 1882-1917 and The Cousinhood: The Anglo-Jewish gentry. Both are scholarly literature and not garbage. Alternatively go read the historian John A. Hobson from the 19th century who wrote a number of books showing the connections between imperialism, colonialism, and jew elites. His analysis of the role of British Jews in the Boer war is very interesting, and generally ignored by most. Another ignored figure is Moses Montefiore, a historical figure rarely mentioned but very important in British Zionism and the eventual establishment of Israel. Guy had connections and influences all over the place, pushing pro-Jew shit among literary elites, media elites, foreign politics, financial elites. Basically the same shit happening today.

Yet morons on Holla Forums solely blame the anglo. This how you lose. By not learning from history and how the enemy operates."

Another good example is how the rothschilds took control of the bank of england.
The jews have never been for any english interests, just like they have never been for french, russian, polish or american interests. If you really start reading into historical reports, transcripts and such, you'll find that most of the people in those governements as well as most of the nobility, were strongly against anything the jew had planned. Yet it happened, because they are inherently deceitful, they've bred and trained it for 5,000 years in their thief cult.
Another example, the King and most of the government were against churchill, a puppet of (((them))), being in power. They were planning to have him removed, then he declared war on germany, gave his public speech, and so they were locked into sticking with him until the war was over. By that time, it was too late and the empire was destroyed.
Look into the opium wars in china, there was one man responsible for those, a jewish opium trader. The chinese tried to shut him down, he threatened them with invasion from the british, as he had zionist buddies in england, and look what happened. That was his personal interests as a drug dealer.
The same applies to the various other countries they have used.
Once you read enough, you will realise that they are a parasite which eventually kills the host. They then move on to the next host and repeat.
Montefiore was from italy, Rothschilds from germany - in reality, not from either of those countries, or england. They are vagrants, parasites blown on the wind like the fleas of the plague rats.

Also, it is documented who were the ones that planned out the 'european' union, I'll give you one guess who they were.
The more you look into things, the more the same answer repeats.

I've been in a live audience. They pretty much force you to clap and if you don't they won't show you on tv

A dumpling

if there is one thing i have learned is that when someone on Holla Forums says look into who did something that it is the jews
Are nukes just another jewish fairytale?
Were Einstein and Oppenheimer just kikes making shit up to DnC the planet and consolidate their power over and through the major world powers at the time?

Britain is already part of the EU. The EU wasn't planning on attacking a part of itself and Britain is leaving of its own accord.

A very unwilling part of the EU.
And the EU is already planning to use military force against Poland and Hungary. Both member states.

england bent the knee to the jew long before europe was even thinking of uniting

Because when Rome first invaded our response to any kind of outsider was to skin them alive and maybe eat a bit of them.

Submitting to literal raiders from the north can hardly be called "skin them alive and maybe eat a bit of them".
You are really desperate to absolve yourself of your sins and weaknesses.

Stein, heim, you tell me. Relativity is kabbalist Judaism.

These are good posts. No more brother wars.

Van Damme is a jew, he's not on your side.

I blame their shitty weather for their behavior

While I agree with the basic premise:

So long as Anglos remain accomplices of jews, they will continue to be blamed and rightfully so. Thinking they shouldn't be is literally dindu tier logic.

whojew says he's not jewish. Where's your proof? Not that it matters, all of Hollywood is comprised of race traitors, and jews. They'll all pay.

In the future, try doing a quick google search or checking wikipedia instead of asking other people to spoonfeed you like a goddamn brain dead motherfucking newfag.

What are you talking about?
The picts who were extremely cannibalistic and rarely bothered leaving what is now Scotland?

Rome meaning continentals are the ones who brought Jews here.

Well soon as the continent stops trying to conquer us it won't be terribly difficult to get rid of the jews here as there'll be no more aligned interests.
But oh look the continent is still obsessed with taking over Britain.

she is right

Remember the Oil crisis?

That is when the mudslims became rich. To buy the whole of European politics would have cost them just pocket change. Some 100.000 here some there, goes a long way in Europoor politics, but wouldn’t pay for one fill up of their yachts.
Speculation, yeah sure, but also most likely. Not just speculation was the money the arabs brought to Europe to buy companies, real estate.

Next time you wonder why your establishment, media government is promoting |slamisation, just follow the money…

Yeah sure…

Hello Anglojew, you meant Austro-Hungary you tried to kill for more then hundred years?

Nobody attacked you, it was usually the other way, like in the two world wars and before (Denmark?).
I hope you enjoy your “liberal democracy”, you fought so hard for, destroying the “tyrant”, so the little English rose can be picked by paki dick – Beware of the raving nigger hordes!

But be carefull what you say or write in your free and liberal airstrip one, you don‘t want a visit by MiniLuv.

Anglojews push even here their retarded spiel of little innocent blight y that is totally unjustified mobbed by big nasty Euro-meanies

Britain begged to be part of the EU.

De Gaules said no.


The biggest hive of mudslimes and kikes in Europe is London, after that comes Paris.

You don't get it because as is typical of a continental you only think in the short term.

World wars are recent history.
Anything post medieval is fairly recent.
We're remembering shit going back to before Rome conquered most of the continent and it is Rome and the Holy Roman Empire that informs our general thinking in regards to the continent.

In both instances the continent sought to control and homogenise us.
And constantly since then we've faced attack or the threat of it whenever a major power dominates the continent.

So we actively seek to prevent the continent falling under the control of any one power.
Video related pretty much explains it for your continental mind.

>implying brits are not the source of the (((financial cancer))) that is destroying europe
>implying (((brits))) and (((rothschilds))) have not stuck their noses in everyone's business to hold everyone else back because any great nation is an (((implicit thread))) to (((british hegemony)))

Just admit it; brits are basically jews hoping to jew everyone all the time because they can't stand anyone looking better than them.

Lurk more faggot. After 2 years, make sure you break up your links and archive as well.

We've not imposed anything on the continent except disunity.
So long as you're divided we're safe and ergo happy.

Every time you fall under the sway of a single power you inevitably attack us because we're a threat to said power.

Exactly as they intended, and exactly as was expected: jews create the problem, and then their solution happens to be just what they had wanted to do in the first place.

Funny thing is, everyone saw this coming decades ago, but most of us thought it was "old, right-wing white men" behind it.

Maybe Britain needs to wake up and realize none of their historical enemies exist anymore and start participating in the politics of the 21st century.

Anyone saying JCVD is not "on our side", or at least aware of the real things, is a shill and/or a retard

Oh please…

Those evil Germanic tyrants…

Britain's problems really started when the Roman no longer oppressed the locals. When they just left…

The Holy Roman Empire of German Nation never ever did Britain any harm.

Hey, maybe, just maybe, you should have a look into a history book.

Yeah, like the German Reich after 1871, was suddenly “threatening” you like Denmark before. Neutral Denmark which was attacked by Britain, burning their Fleet and capitol Copenhagen.
Yeah we remember that “threat”…

What did they think, those Germans? Is being a cheap source of canon fodder for British imperialism not good enough? What reunification? We can’t allow that, impertinent continentals!

Oh, oh, now we are becoming closer to the reality of Britain being a permanent menace, rabble rouser, a backstabbing scheming jew.

Scheming as you did against Austria-Hungary, paying the mason Garibaldi, friend of fellow British mason agent Bolivar, to undermine a continental power which had no bad faith, ill-will against you.

>implying (((brits))) and (((rothschilds))) have not stuck their noses in everyone's business to hold everyone else back because any great nation is an (((implicit thread))) to (((british hegemony)))

Is it the Anglojew? I don‘ say it is the Anglojews, but…

It is the Anglojews!

Chase out the Walloon and hand it to the Netherlands, too. They'll make a kickass wildlife reserve out of it.


Looks like Bone comic books I used to buy.

Elephant seal or manatee with a puree of chink babies.

I don't think Western European societies like Belgium and Sweden are prepared for the pure barbarism Religion of Cuck™ will bring. Homogenous low crime societies are not used to this level of crime nor are the police.

Where is the damn video of the rapper shutting down the debate

You don't know too much about Jews, do you?

But the youth which isn't feminized nor criminalized will see the happenings. People are indeed waking up but it's slow and people need to be able to shrug off the decay in the urban areas on a daily basis, unless it leads to fear mechanisms, which can take over the rational mind and fuel the degeneration.

It's like some sort of process. Everyone starts off feeling something is terribly wrong, and most people just become a normie when they just try to pretend everything is alright and adapt the slave mentality and let off the steam on the next generation, like it's commonly done, because living next to fresh and unsullied minds, bodies and spirits are the most effective way of confirming you're 'wrong' or 'crazy' for living the life you brought up to be living.

Those who can see past the pain will be able to endure the suffering. For example. Can you not fear the mudslime, the mudslime may have the means to not fear you, too. The fact he's already here is something we often have to deal with, and its always the fear that we have to deal with.
If you indeed do fear the mudslime he will have everything in and around him telling him he's wrong for being what and where he is, and will feel 'wrong', as we create our own reality. Abdullah the sixth child from some illiterate and down-beaten breeding cow probably haven't experienced love and forgiveness as much as Hans the second from a culturally rooted and homogenous state society.

The fear operates on so many levels. Many normies are addicted to the MSM exactly of that fact, while they sip their coffee or drink their wine or go watch the next Van Diesel movie that really gets their adrenaline rush going. Or they find some other loophole to get stuck in.

It might be seen as a trick, but I am able to recognize the fear mechanisms and thus create my best point of view upon them.
Criminals who are deeply identified with their inner victim often are criminals in spirit because they have 'victimization' in them. They can't see past that. Everything and everyone else who haven't 'experienced that part' are not able to recognize them and as such are imposters on their ego. Here's the trick. You don't see them as criminals. You don't see mudslimes as mudslimes, even if they act as "mudslimes" actually do, or indeed are both criminals or mudslimes. As long you don't play along on their tunes or game you're completely safe. As long you don't make them emotionally attached to you you're safe. The one person in the whole world who haven't treated you like a criminal might be the only link to a sane point of view, even as you might only be the neighbor. He might even not be interested in being recognized as anything else but a criminal or mudslime, and then you can't do anything about that either. If you treat the obviously stigmatized and self-inflicting criminal/victim like one, he's fully aware of it as he looks for another scapegoat for his treatment, which again fuels the process. It's the ego mind.

You see him as a person and ignore the rest. If you see a chimpout you're probably not strong enough for this trick to work, but on a personal basis it's highly effective. Don't acknowledge the criminal, the victim, the shitskin part in him. Such a guy has only experienced stigma and probably only will act like what he's been cultivated as.

The moment they try to act anything else but what they truly are - human beings who are able to be kind and compassionate - they aren't human.

That's what really stings. The fact that he's not just some walking time bomb, but a person who are able to make his own best judgements and be able to respect others. Some are past that point of redemption, though.

People need to know how fear mechanisms work and how the Ego mind is using it to feed itself.

Rome wasn't Germans.
What is even your point other than you hate us and want us under the continents thumb?

It's not happening.
We're not European and we have no interest in being ruled by you lot.

We anglos have no choice but to fight with Europe this time.
This isn't like Rome.

The problem is they will inevitably attack us again.
Why should we give away our future so they can have one?

Because neither of us will have a future if we simply attack each other. Dummy.

Well if there's no future for us why should there be one for them?
Fuck the continentals. They've never done anything but attack us and cause us misery.

You're suffering from pathological altruism.

If the continentals ever get their shit together and start acting like people instead of rampaging murderhobos. Maybe then there'll be room for us to work together.
Till then. Britain stands alone and we're just gonna have to solve all these problems on our own.

More blood for the blood god.

Are you implying we treat the animals kikes are importing as human and forgive them and this will magically make them introspect and stop acting like animals?

Fucking belgium

Yea… ias a dutchman i dont really want it… i want our colonies in Indonesia and south africa and new amsterdam and brazil to be white homelands again … i am so sick of this defeatism and retreat and defense … i want fucking offense again and motherfucking crusade dammit… i am gonna be 80 and old by the time anything fucking happens at thsi rate… and i will still charge to battle with sword in hand and dick in the other

That's the spirit Laddie!

What's that old saying? Shoot the traitors first? There are Englishmen, Scotch, Welsh and Irishman all over the world, a hundred million of them. The ones that stayed on the isles these last 300 years have been a party and an accomplice, willing and eager, to every manipulation and scheme of the Jew. Of those that remain on the British Isles, not 1 in 10,000 have any loyalty to their blood or shame in their treason agains their kin. The Welsh and Irish are of old Pictish stock, but the English and Scotch have only to look to the lands of the Norse and the German to find their brothers.

Britain for the last 300 years has been the great traitor to all European peoples.

I say, before we harm a single hair on a single Jewish head, we destroy Britain. Completely. Never, not once, have the Anglos that remain on the Isles showed any shame in what they did, nor any acknowledgement that it is leading to their own destruction. They only care about hurting their brothers.

I say, even to the Anglo Saxons across the world, to the Scottish, Irish and Welsh diaspora, that what brothers and sisters you have remaining in the old country will never stop trying to engineer, ours and yours, the genocide of our people.

We kill them all. We exterminate Albion with nuclear fire, and suffer whatever death throes they fling at us, for it is less than would suffer if we let them live.

Say that to Colonial America, which only asked you choose your brothers over your adversaries, say that to the Boer Republics, which were no threat to you, say that to Germany which only want, which REALLY wanted, to not be invaded by every one anymore, tell that to Russia, which was going to end the Muslims as a power once and for all.

Your soldiers are still heavily armed and of a proper military mindset, because the Jew doesn't fear them, your soldiers will never gun down the shitskin civilians, they will eagerly gun down their own kin, because that's all British soldiers have done for 300 years.

At least the Continentals, if they ever rebel, hardly have any local military to contend with.

Kill Britain.

In 60 years, Europe won't have any white people in it. At all.

nice dnc kike

Perfidious Albion in one sentence.