There is a reason why so many people are turning to Religion of Cuck™, it is because too much freedom makes people feel neglected. In secular society with secular law, with spiritual atheism… it is easy for people to feel isolated, indeed alienated from themselves as a consequence of ennui resulting from our departure from tradition and the Christianity of old. This is true now more than ever, and young people in particular are looking for a religion that can regulate their lives, give them meaning, order, community, purpose. However much we dislike Religion of Cuck™, admittedly it is doing the job well. It is fulfilling, a remedy to the ennui of the secular soul. But, there exists a religion equally demanding, equally voluminous in its texts… Mormonism. Mormonism was the last bastion of good Christianity (>inb4 Mormonism isn't Christianity). It was ethno centric, promoted community and extensive family. It promoted physical wellbeing and successfully warded off degeneracy. Mormonism, I believe, could become a new player in the battle against ennui. But, alas, it has been afflicted… Or perhaps infiltrated, by egalitarian dogma, by the idea of appeasing minorities and distancing itself from its overtly racist, and at times anti Semitic, past. In this it has fallen into the ecumenical mire of mainstream Christianity. But Mormonism could be so much more, imagine if you will: That Mormonism succeeds in being the dominant religion in the West. The birth rates would quickly pick up, and in a few generations we could witness white majorities again. Mormonism has always leaned towards conservatism, and today the LDS youth are making haste to the Alt right. I believe potential exists in making Mormonism great again. Their doctrines on survivalism, their history of militancy and love of firearms can offer great assistance if only it can be weaponised, waking up the good white men and women within that religion. The book of Mormon explicitly condemns race mixing, and basically calls niggers inferior, lazy, and troublesome. It has so much potential.
Mormonism: salvation of the white race?
Other urls found in this thread:
Citation fucking needed.
Strangle yourself with your underpants, kike.
Here's a dreamy as fuck alt right girl called ayla that's trad as fuck
Her blog:
I unironically believe that whites would be happier under something like Mormonism than this degenerate Wiemar republic crap.
I agree. Mormons are extremely hard workers, even when they're not actually working at a job. Missionaries will almost always ask if they can cut your lawn, trim hedges to people who can't do it themselves or can't be assed to. Mormons and their history is very similar to Mennonites and the Amish, and some Mormon sects live just like them. Is it cultish? Can be, when I asked about conversion "what happens if I want to leave?" They said "The church has given me so much joy, it's such a great community. Abide by the scriptures and you won't want to leave." Apostasy is obviously serious shit for them, and if you have family in there they'll make sure they keep some of them. Can't blame them, a religion that doesn't shun or have consequences for apostasy will not survive long.
I don't think Mormonism itself is salvageable due to the Masonic Jewy connections and is on a one way street towards poz like Episcopalians, but many of the Anglo and Nordic mutt membership are easily red pilled. There's probably a lot that can be taken and learned from Mormonism to create an ideal culture for whites though.
Are you a current Mormon OP? Are the young guys really going white nationalist with Shitskin and Jew hate?
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
Mormonism is a disgusting heresy upon a heresy upon a heresy. What is imperative is that we return to our völkish roots, not that we adopt some new age bullshit
Mormonism isn't Christianity
Smith was a conman on the East Coast and was on the run.
Yeah, not the best one but sure. Young Mormons are dissatisfied with the way things are going and moving from conservatism to the alt right. Most think this but few espouse it.
GOO BOY thread
niggers are looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve
True, but the membership is mostly Northern European so it couldn't help but self organize into a NatSoc empire. The beliefs may be bullshit, but Mormon history is an interesting case study in Aryans creating a new ethnostate in an uninhabited territory. It's probably here to stay for hundreds if not thousands of years. So we might as well learn from it and subvert it towards being supportive of white nationalism.
I pretty much came to the same conclusion as OP 6 months ago.
I couldn't be happier, I feel like I'm actually doing something to save my people, rather then shitpost on chans. I'm actually moving towards putting myself together and starting a family one day.
If this video doesn't make you want to be a mormon, then you don't belong on Holla Forums.
Some verses from the book of Mormon:
2 Nephi 5:21-23
And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.
22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.
23 And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done.
Alma 3:7-10
And their brethren sought to destroy them, therefore they were cursed; and the Lord God set a mark upon them, yea, upon Laman and Lemuel, and also the sons of Ishmael, and Ishmaelitish women.
8 And this was done that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren, that thereby the Lord God might preserve his people, that they might not mix and believe in incorrect traditions which would prove their destruction.
I'm a former Mormon myself. Left about 10 years ago. I kind of wish I would have stayed in and influenced others from the inside, despite no longer taking the beliefs too literally. Lots of good Aryan stock there to have community with.
This is my experience as well. I joined the church almost a year ago.
I intend to get a wife and have many children, knowing that my children will do the same. Imagine, if I have 10 children, let's say only 6… and those 6 have 5 each, those 5 have 8 each. You see the pattern, I think Mormons could take shit over if they really were conscious of the power of breeding like rabbits.
That's the issue with LDS, They're accepting niggers, gooks and spics. The church does openly sat you should breed within your race, and if not Mormons know it anyway. I've yet to see a mixed race Mormon couple.
Went to Elders quorum and networked for my business yesterday. The LDS Church has provided me with enough business to buy a house. My ward is 100% white also. Mormonism will simply eclipse other forms of Christianity in America within 100 years due to in group preferences in business practices alone.
The founding stock is 100% White. But yes unfortunately in the last few decades it has become a spic and Afro nigger colonizing empire, which is why I'm very skeptical that Mormonism as an institution is salvageable to promote white interests.
It was written not too long after the revolutionary war, Americans were still conscious of it and the country was still very much a frontier. You can sense that pioneer spirit, the defend liberty at all costs, protect your family and property, etc. It's all in there. Smith let it out for sure, it seeps out from beneath the religious stuff. Scientifically its better than mainstream Christianity.
Sort of related, but along the way I met Nathan Damigo a little over a year ago, he told me he read the book of mormon while in prison, and said it was the most "red pilled" religious text he'd ever read.
That made me curious and I started reading it for myself.
I can testify that that first quote is real, I came across it during my reading. There are also a bunch of quotes about jews and what they did, and why no one likes them.
Linked below are the two songs I picked for my congregation to sing at my baptism. It was a truly life changing event for me.
If they actually said that, then our local temple (or whatever the fuck they call it) wouldn't be Spic City
This is true.
This is also true. I've got relatives in Utah and have visited many times. The "salvation for white people" meme is for the unobservant who only see superficial things. Yeah, they produce quite a few white children, but this is just the residual culture from the years when the Church™ still supported racial separatism. But since the Church™ is actually a for-profit corporation and will move wherever the social tide goes, they abandoned that policy. So, literally the only place on earth you will see Mormons producing white kids (of good racial stock) is in the very last holdout: Utah, a state getting more spic-filled by the day thanks to missionaries.
This policy changed about 15 years ago I'm afraid. The church used to hand out a pamphlet that said you should marry within the same class, race, etc.
I have seen some mormons who are in interracial marriages, but it is pretty rare.
t. LDS
How has your experience with the church been so far? Do you have any stories to share?
How funny would it be if someone took a baseball bat to that kids head. Then when the parents run over horrified, they just say "What, I'm smashing white supremacy! One huwhyte debil at a time!"
Fuck this thread is gay. This thread is gayer than two mormons taking turns sodomizing each other in a barn.
Filtered and reported. I posted that picture to demonstrate Mormon cuckiness, not give you an excuse for your sick violent fantasies.
You sound like a butthurt secret combination fag.
I'll tell you my story. I'll put on my trip in case anyone knows me from Holla Forums. I got kicked out of high school and spent a lot of time alone in my room. Video games, shitposting, etc. Just your average user. I lost all my friends when I got kicked out of school due to lack of social media. I went to college and made one friend. Sadly he was a drug dealer which meant I ended up on drugs and alcohol a lot.
I had depression pretty bad for a while after getting kicked out of high school, losing my friends, my girlfriend, etc.. After doing way too much molly, and making things much worse for myself I decided to improve my life. I decided to get into better shape by lifting regularly. I got onto a strict diet. The more I hung around Holla Forums instead of Holla Forums I stopped watching tv, movies, playing video games. I quit porn. And then one day a couple of cute sister missionaries came to my door.
I listened to them speak, and the aura of hope was too great to resist. I decided to take lessons with them. I was baptized a month later. The church rebuilt my confidence through continuous socializing, public speaking, and serving in callings. I gave my first talk in the summer in front of about 150 people or so. My ward isn't very big, but before I joined the church you couldn't have paid me to do that. And apparently I'm a natural speaker, according to everyone I've talked to. I've spoken a few times since then, and every time everyone loves it. The amount of things the church does to help build you up as a person is one of the greatest benefits. I only wish I was young enough to have been able to serve a mission.
I got my first date in over a decade with a gorgeous Mormon girl. Things didn't work out, but I've met other girls since then. I know for sure that I will be married some day very soon.
I was ordained an elder a couple months ago.
You forget about Jacob 3:9 Bro?
"Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, which is the word of God, that ye arevile no more against them because of the darkness of their skins; neither shall ye revile against them because of their filthiness; but ye shall remember your own filthiness, and remember that their filthiness came because of their fathers."
Nice try Satan.
Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844):
“Had I anything to do with the negro, I would confine them by strict law to their own species…”
- Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., January 2, 1845, History of the Church, v. 5, pp. 21-218
Prophet Brigham Young (1801 -1877):
“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so. The nations of the earth have transgressed every law that God has given, they have changed the ordinances and broken every covenant made with the fathers, and they are like a hungry man that dreameth that he eateth, and he awaketh and behold he is empty.”
- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 10, p. 110
Prophet George Albert Smith (1870 – 1951):
“Your ideas, as we understand them, appear to contemplate the intermarriage of the Negro and white races, a concept which has heretofore been most repugnant to most normal-minded people from the ancient patriarchs until now…. there is a growing tendency, particularly among some educators, as it manifests itself in this area, toward the breaking down of race barriers in the matter of intermarriage between whites and blacks, but it does not have the sanction of the Church and is contrary to Church doctrine.”
- LDS First Presidency (George Albert Smith), letter to Virgil H. Sponberg (critic of the anti-black ban), May 5, 1947, quoted in Lester E. Bush, Mormonism's Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview, p. 42
Apostle Mark E. Peterson (1900 – 1984):
“We must not inter-marry with the Negro. Why? If I were to marry a Negro woman and have children by her, my children would oil be cursed as to the priesthood. Do I want my children cursed as to the priesthood? If there is one drop of Negro blood in my children, as I have read to you, they receive the curse. There isn't any argument, therefore, as to inter-marriage with the Negro, is there?”
- Apostle Mark E. Peterson, “Race Problems – As They Effect the Church,” Address given at the Convention of Teachers of Religion on the College Level, delivered at BYU, August 27, 1954
Apostle Bruce R. McConkie (1915 – 1985):
“However, in a broad general sense, caste systems have their root and origin in the gospel itself, and when they operate according to the divine decree, the resultant restrictions and segregation are right and proper and have the approval of the Lord. To illustrate: Cain, Ham, and the whole negro race have been cursed with a black skin, the mark of Cain, so they can be identified as a caste apart, a people with whom the other descendants of Adam should not intermarry.”
- Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 114
I'll give you Young and later, but Joseph Smith was rather tolerant of black people for someone back then. It was Young who reversed that trend when a Black Mormon was marring a whole harem of white women.
Joseph still believed in racial segregation by force and taught they were cursed. He even wrote letters defending the institution of slavery. He knew they were a separate species he just didn’t outright say to kill them.
Half the reason the locals killed him is for his abolitionist positions.
Thanks user, truly inspiring post, and congratulations on becoming an Elder! I'm working on getting my Aaronic priesthood atm.
muh giants
Give me a break. Masons killed Joseph Smith for completely betraying them.
As a mormon, this could be true depending on your definition of Christianity.
Are you perchance in utah?
That is a really awkward song to explain when you bring a new person to church. But also one of my favorites.
The only real advantage to Mormonism is they embraced the Biblical position on polygamy, ie a prosperous can (and probably should) take multiple wives. This is a good thing and would do a lot to support the 14 words if it were kept just to Whites. But it's not. Mormonism is openly accepting niggers into their ranks now.
Apart from the most fundamental problem they are a fucking cult, this trend can't be a good thing for them.
I'm in Oregon. You?
After joining the church, the biggest reason I would recommend anyone from here to join the church is because of the structure. I assume most people here are between the ages of 18 and 31. This is the age range required to be a part of an LDS young single adults ward. What this means is you will go to church with only single adults in that age range.
This makes meeting girls and asking for dates as easy about as easy as it gets. Then on top of that, YSA wards have tons of activities that are designed specifically so that you get to know people in your ward and also other wards within your region. We just play little games that encourage socializing. After every activity there is food, and more socializing. The amount of opportunities you will get to meet good people is one of the greatest benefits of this church.
Then there's institute which is another thing available to young single adults. It's basically free church classes. You will basically constantly be meeting new people.
The best thing about the people you meet is that the girls are pure. The girls do not have sex before marriage because they must maintain temple worthiness. They are not allowed to date until the age of 16, and they serve a mission at 19. The majority of good Mormon girls are virgins into their 20s. They do not drink, they don't smoke, they don't do drugs. This pretty much completely solves the problem we have with our women today. And the amount of cute unmarried white Mormon girls is almost criminal. I urge everyone that can to take advantage of this for our race.
You're welcome, user.
Thank you
That's great to hear. Take every chance you get to pass and bless the sacrament in your ward, it's really a great experience.
I would really like to see the LDS church become the faith of our movement. This whole black sun worship thing is evil imo.
The LDS church made some anti-nationalist, pro universalist remarks during their last general conference. Have fun worshipping Jews.
I live in utah.
Thank you, I'm going to do this.
If you don't mind me asking, what state are you located in? Also have you read the BOM? D&C? Pearl of great price? Also have you done baptisms for the dead at your local temple? I was told to do this by my missionaries…
This sort of attitude helps no one. So we should never take advantage of something that is already established unless it is perfect? That's loser talk, and it's why the cultural marxists have dominated the culture war for so long. They didn't tell each other not to bother with certain groups because they disagreed with some parts. They infiltrated those groups and encouraged their way of thinking until they could eventually snuff out the opposition completely from those groups rotting them from the inside.
A lot of these posts read like the fucking testimonials for infomercial products. The mor(m)ons needs to improve their shilling tactics if they wanna fit in around here
Reported, kike.
That's kind of how we mormons are, we're not being fake, we're just being friendly and honest. It feels great man. : )
Utah fag here.
Mormonism is absolutely false.
Joseph Smith never had the gold colored tablets, he made up a story of a few guys chasing him through the woods and he barely escaped by leaving the tablets behind.
When his wife caught him fucking Fannie in the barn, Joseph made up a story about how an Angel made him do it!
And God didn't even help him "translate" the book of mormon, Joseph used a "SEER STONE" that he found while digging a hole.
We can also talk about the contradictions in the Book of Mormon, the design of the boats, the incorrect geography and biology.
I have read them, its been a while though.
>Baptisms for the dead
I highly recommend this. Especially if you are able to do some family history and do it for them.
Regardless of the validity of the doctrine, the values and community are beneficial.
I used to mod Holla Forums so I don't really want to give out too much information. If I would have left my trip off I would say.
Yes, and I read from it every day. I still meet with the missionaries every week as well.
I've read part of it, but not all of it. It's quoted from pretty heavily so I've probably heard the majority of the best stuff by now. I will finish it at some point.
Same as D&C. We are going through it briefly in Gospel Doctrines class for Sunday school right now.
I have done it once. I'm almost at my year in the church, so I'll be able to be endowed soon. That's when the temple gets really interesting.
No, just blinkered and bovine. If you were honest, you'd admit your "church" is run by internationalist anti-whites, and there's no sign that's going to change.
We're speaking in terms of massive generalizations, but it's a lot easier to infiltrate a social or political group if your goal is to promote a universalist ideology that accumulates power through numbers, not a separatist ideology that requires an audience similar in thought and phenotype to the promoter, in order to succeed and be heard. How do you plan on promoting white nationalism, of any kind, within a "church" not only filled with shitskins, but run by anti-whites?
Mormonism is basically a satanic cult in disguise.
My father was a Mormon, and he was/is a piece of shit.
Dang, I'm almost finished with 2 nephi. I was reading it every day for a while, I need to get back on that pace.
That's awesome, sounds like you've got good missionaries.
What are you most looking forward to? I've seen some of the hidden camera videos on youtube, can't wait to enter myself.
Go back to Holla Forums, hex
Blood oath ritual to vow serving the Zog. I was raised in the LDS church and made the conscious decision to leave once I became of age to induct myself fully to the church through this ritual. As convenient as member would be with its social perks and camaraderie, I couldnt bring myself to overlook the obvious lies within its history and doctrines.
Smith also ripped off that great bastion of kikery known as Freemasonry. I don't remember if he was a mason or not. The one example that comes to mind is that they used to have Masonic symbols on their holy underwear. The guy was a regular L. Ron Hubbard. Or was L. Ron Hubbard a regular Joseph Smith?
I definitely encourage you to finish the whole thing. I finished it after about 2 months. I'm actually in 2nd nephi right now as well in my personal reading. After I finished reading it my first time I took a long break, and now I try to read at least a chapter a day. This tool is pretty useful for helping you keep up with your reading:
I've gone through quite a few missionary teams at this point, but one of the nice things about the church is that they encourage the missionaries to visit with recent converts regularly to keep them involved. When I first joined I was a bit nervous that eventually I'd lose my missionaries. I also go out with the missionaries on lessons sometimes which is another cool experience.
I hear great things about the celestial room.
No u
Just on the LDS website, they had an article saying that the church supports DACA. All you need to know.
Absolutely beautiful. The whole temple just has a different feel about it. Nothing quite like it.
Ironically, this site has motivated me fix some things in my life and to renew my temple recommend and actually go.
Early Christianity over came this. Whenever Rome would declare official persecution of Christians many would leave rather than be fed to the lions. Then again, leaving meant you would not have eternal life, according to their beliefs, so from that point of view you're right.
It isn't Christianity. Christianity believes God is eternal. Mormonism states otherwise. These two views are not philosophically/theologically compatible.
Oh you mean the statement where they said this?
I can't wait to experience it. The baptismal font was amazing to behold, I can't even imagine what the rest of the temple must be like.
But God IS eternal. I am unaware of where you get this idea that mormons don't believe this. I have heard a lot of argument that mormons are not christian, but this is not one of them.
They have no defense against muh jesus loves all the little children of the world equally. How can a Mormon or any other Christian denounce:
There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage, for we are all one in Christ.
It is at least a 700 year old statement by evidence and all the bulwark made against it has failed because there are traitors in the white race who always open the gates of our fortress or think it is truth to give up what took many millennia to build in the cold hard North for a pamphlet of jewish stories if not written by jews then written by (((their))) gentile venerators in (((their))) honor.
They both emerged in similar eras of large growth, social change, and thus an increased interest in spirituality, which of course attracted scammers like L. Ronnie and Smith. The latter was part of a whole generation of Protestant revivals led by guys like Lyman Beecher (related to Harriet Beecher Stowe, a whole clan of anti-whites) and christcuck takeover of educational institutions (like Yale under Timothy Dwight). It was the time of the Benevolent Empire, church reform, and the blending of Christianity with direct social reform in regards to race, with tons of evangelical offshoots like the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (nigger lovers), Unitarians (super nigger lovers), and overall a democratizing of religion. Americans became waaayy more religious in the 1810's onward than they had ever been in the colonial period, and cults like the Shakers, the Cochranites, the Bullard Pilgrims, or the Robert Matthews followers abounded. Smith was just one of many who happened to be more successful.
Same for Hubbard. The 50's were awash in self-help and pseudo mystical groups, especially in California, the kind of shit that eventually devolved into Laurel Canyon-type fuckery in the 60's. L. Ronnie's brand of conjob just hit every right button to attract directionless, upper middle class people.
We should make Mormon chan a thing. She'd basically be like Christchan, but cuter.
You seem to have a lot of knowledge on this subject. Can you point to some sources for study? Also, what is your opinion on when Christianity was wholly subverted into a nigger-loving, Jew-worshipping, globalist husk? Based on my own understanding it was roughly around the 60s during the major social upheavals that have brought our society to its current degenerate state today.
I get the arguments there but the purpose of Christianity was to discredit and supplant rabbinical Judaism and their oral traditions and mysticism.
I have the Mormons. They say they go on missionary trips but guess what. All they do is go knocking door to door trying spread their religion.
Unlike Christianity where they go to Africa and help niggers make a well or something.
I would love to see this happen
Joseph Smith was a money digger con artist. Why would anyone believe his shit?
I wholeheartedly support this idea.
Hair must be blond. Maybe green eyes.
Hey, you found my board. I wasn't going to shill it here, but since the thread is already bumplocked… If any of the Mormons in here want a board to post on, there it is. I'm the only Mormon that is active so far on there.
People aren't coverting to Religion of Cuck™ in numbers.. So your entire premise is flawed. It has one of the lowest conversion rates in the Western world. But it also has one of the highest birth rates of any religious community - so that may all change. Christianity is the roots of our Western civilization, I am not a Christian myself but there in lies our salvation. And no modern Christianity is not Judaism, it was moulded and is highly syncretic - carrying on through at the very least allegorically every valuable portion of Paganism; with one failing caveat - the traditional heroes journey - but that has also been one of the only uniquely Pagan traditions to be passed down intact and that is because our Christian ancestors recognized the pragmatic virtue of their forefathers Gods. Whether or not they viewed there being any validity and moral structure. (Which there absolutely wasn't.) Paganism lives on in the traditions stolen by Christianity - without that, it would most likely have been forgotten all together like so many other non-centralized faiths.
Well a lot of sources are of course from pozzed academia, but are nonetheless well researched and well informed. Progtards are capable of telling deeper truths than they sometimes realize. If you want to know more about American religion, the book Everyday Religion isn't bad, as well as The Democratization of American Christianity by Nathan hatch. You'll have to really gird yourself to read these smug academics, but you can learn a helluva lot. Just not take the lessons from their work that they would want you to.
That's a damn good question, and like you said we could argue all day about the inclinations to racial egalitarianism already present in the Bible, to no avail. Just looking at American institutions, I'd say you're about right with the 50's, maybe a bit earlier in the 40's. Segregation first really started falling when the Divinity Schools in places like Duke and Vanderbilt started allowing in niggers at about that time, passively condoned by a generation of cuckish deans like Harvie Branscomb. Thing is, that whole process was complicated by the fact that Unis were growing more reliant on funds from organizations like the (((Rockefeller Foundation))), which put ungodly amounts of pressure on southern institutions to make them pariahs if they didn't cuck.
So it's a complicated issue, one I'm still researching and finding answers to.
Of course, everyone has a bias and angle they're trying to push, the goal is to use critical analysis to reap the good fruits and formulate your own opinions, but I appreciate the heads up and information before going in.
I'm looking forward to your own thread and synopsis on your findings one day if you so choose, this particular subject I imagine is a greatly contentious subject for many an user and desires a concrete form of events and conclusion. I've been trying to find more research on Semitic groups such as AIPAC that have donated/bribed evangelical and protestant churches as well.
I think there is also a fair case to be made that Modernity itself transformed Christianity into the abomination we see today. Our society through it's wealth created more opportunity for oppulence and hedonism - and with the onset of Nihilism post industrial revolution the place of God was gradually supplanted by Enlightenment Progressivism - and the church surrendered to this in order to try and stay relevant in our increasingly decadent society. (It doesn't help that most of the Clergy benefits from this too.) Back in our past people used to actually read the Bible, or if they were illiterate they would memorize scripture and psalms. The "Everything Goes Jesus was a Hippie who says it's okay to be a Human doormat" isn't actually what it says in the Bible at all. It is a cherry picked modern development by post-Enlightenment thinkers in order to secularize Industrial Europe. And we all now bear the brunt of it too. Our Christians aren't Christian - they are atheists who go to Church. You can't honestly read the Bible and interpret it the way the Modern Church does.
fuck it. that's it. i'm converting.
Sounds like weasel words they leadership actually 100% support amnesty, but don't want to piss off their members who don't. So they won't be explicit about it. The reality is Mormon congregations often have illegal spics in them and they are often provided with the church's own welfare services that help with rent and food, while many Mormon business owners especially in Utah and Arizona like to hire illegals to save money and feel good about themselves for being (((progressive))) on immigration, despite a few years ago campaigning to stop fag marriage. Maybe Gen Z Mormons will rebel against it somewhat and meme Mormons to being white nationalists again. I doubt it, but st least they will be a significant source of above replacement White breeding families for another generation at least, which can be recruited to some extent.
Exactly. So did mainstream Christianity. Mormonism was just more recently structured that way.
Who gives a fuck if Mormons are going alt-right? It's always been for fags and shitskins anyway.
Technically miscegenation is rebellion against god
lol that troll didn't even try and hide that he is a jew
I don't remember anything particularly bad about Jupiter. Don't know as much about Roman gods, but Jupiter is the Roman counterpart/equivalent to Thor.
shouldve posted on >>>/new/
This is a shit thread. All mormons in said thread should read this
what is (((jesuits)))
>what is (((church of england)))
The Bible is hard core raciss. Kikes subverted the Church and introduced universalism to promote (((globalism))). Get your facts straight.
And tailored ones too, made to fit Holla Forums's demographics