Julian Assange posted this today, I see a lot of Jews. Maybe they need to wear their Judenstarr.
Julian Assange posted this today, I see a lot of Jews. Maybe they need to wear their Judenstarr
"American" empire
Fucking faggot is in prisoned by kikes and still blames me and my forefathers instead of the Muzzie-Kike-Commie-Christian continuum.
This was a good boy thread
This is as far as I got, I'm tired there is a lot of them, if anyone adds any reup it here and I'll pickup tomorrow.
Any evidence of that claim?
I think he intentionally didn't include most of the jewish talking heads at CNN, some of the big ones are missing.
the whole image needs tweaked tbh
yeah I think you're right, it was hurting my eyes as is, I'll fuck with it tomorrow after work
Are you too much of a blustering cunt to acknowledge the problem has gotten so bad that the jews control America? Oh but no one better bad mouth America. Meanwhile, what else do you call this? Jews have built a media empire in America, using American laws which are probably also put in place by jews to facilitate jewing. Hitler was right, drain the swamp.
Can't change it too much, we want to use Assange and "Swiss Propaganda Research"'s authority for whatever its worth or else the existing jewish media info-graphics are definitely better.
Might have been a case of not being able to put enough on one infogram but I see what you are talking about.
It doesn't specify who the empire belongs to only that it is american and does the american people control the council on foreign relations? Does the united states governement control the trialteral comission or the bildberberg meetings? I think its just his way of showing the (((empire))) in america, thus establing that there is one that actively controls the US people while simultaneously hinting that there are (((empires))) elsewhere. The big nine will fall one way or another.
He intentionally didn't do it because the image has absolutely nothing to do with CNN and also he has no interest in exposing the jews. If he was, he'd post this image.
the guy is dead or a kike shill
This meme is old.
Why would Assange post an old meme which he didn't even create?
I assume the most pozzed ones, Time Warner and Disney were first created by whites and then got fucked by jews and now promote anti whiteness as revenge?
As so often is the case.
The Warner Bros were hugely Jewish
that isn't a finished version, is it user?
Sopped at 101.
and one big fat sidestep to all that jewing is the internet.
On Jewtube
That was outside of the Ecuadorian Embassy. This is outside of the Magistrates' Court.
Bumping for rare quality bread
was the love instead of live in the first pic intentional?
Yes. Yes it was.
First Draft Completed, s second pass on the 'goy' should uncover a few more.
user plz