For some jewish reason, the Holla Forums mods are promoting a book by the nephew of (((Sigmund Freud))), and tavistock/frankfurt/bilderberg puppetmaster, (((Edward Bernays))) . This is an insult to Holla Forums. Secondly, mods have linked '200 Years Together' on /pdfs/ but it is the censored version, which has about a quarter of it's content removed (go here >>>/zundel/1466 for the full version and more works by Aleksander I. Solzhenitsyn). Thirdly, the mods are once again insulting our intelligence by linking us to kikepedia of all places to learn about forum ethics. I don't mean to complain, but I could go on about the obvious treachery of our mods and the slow death of the board. Even the ziocuck Jonestein crowd knows that Bernays is evil - COME ON.
Though, seeing as they were sensible enough to include Hitler's works, it might makes up for the clearly unironic stupidity in the rest of that sticky. Read Hitler's own words instead of going to outside sources. If you want to learn about propaganda, you can find many authors at /zundel/ who are legitimate and benevolent (look for eugenics-related pdfs there too). Holla Forums is always right.
Mein Kampf (Stalag Edition)
Mein Kampf (Colchester Collection Version)
Zweites Buch (Sequel to Mein Kampf)
Adolf Hitler's First Writing on the Jews
Adolf Hitler's Last Political Testament
L. Craig Fraser - The Testament of Adolf Hitler
Alfred Konder - Adolf Hitler's Family Tree; The Untold Story of the Hitler Family
August Kubizek - The Young Hitler I Knew
Enzo Collotti & Riccardo Mariani - The Water Colours of Hitler; Recovered Art Works Homage to Rodolfo Siviero
Friedrich Stieve - What the World Rejected; Hitlers Peace Offers 1933-1939
H. R. Trevor-Roper - Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944; His Private Conversations
Joseph Goebbels - Adolf Hitler; A Chilling Tale Of Propaganda
Seeing as the Holla Forums HTML header is changed to "On the jews and Their Lies", I thought I might share this:
Dr. Martin Luther - The Jews And Their Lies (1543)
Previous thread nixed -