
Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for justice

Served her right. What a fucking mudshark of a whore.

missed first post, no shekel for you.

Excellent imagery. All that is needed now is a pack of niggers scouling in dey mugshots

She got btfo by her pets. Go white knight for kikes some place else.

I'm going to need some screenshots of the comments.

Not enough information, kill yourself.

You kill yourself too.

That doesn't look like getting beat up by six men, but girl with nosering lying or black violence is always a coin flip so she could be telling the truth. Needs more info.

My thoughts exactly,
with a nose ring she was wrong by default, white or not.

Her profile is public.

Regardless, we should be stringing niggers on trees for this kind of shit.



Make sure to prep Chad's balls next ladies nights out.

When will they learn? Around blacks, never relax.

Should have stayed home and watched some porn with me.


I'd rather not get a kikebook tracking pixel saved to my browser.

Shit OP. Next time put in some more effort.

Screams liberal to me because that's the exact same reaction I'd expect a white female liberal in-particular to say. Nothing red pills you faster than life experience.

When they attack Whites, sure. This nigger nose ring wearing thing doesn't fit that description.




I agree bro, killing communists is a terrible thing to do fam, specially when they are homosexuals tbh. Think of how better society would be if evil vargy wasn't killing sexually liberated communists. And think of the churches. A gay communist priest could save Europe. Instead we only have some old dude having white kids. wtf

Babies first redpill.

Her nose is probably just swollen.

Sounds like she relaxed.

This applies even to coal-burning kikes like her

She should speak at the next stronk grl march.

what does she look like without a busted nose?

Not anymore, down the memory hole it goes.


Go be a faggot somewhere else. OP made no effort. I pointed out the obvious living in a region littered with these shitheads, and I did so in a neutral manner. I hinted that she could be red pilled so why don't you go captain save-a-hoe her on facebook?

whites dont wear piercings apart from ears/belly and no tats.

Few things

1. Yeah this post sucks and I'm not clicking on faceberg
2. Nosering is the least important detail you spergs
3. Mudsharks don't deserve any respect, protection, or good things in their life, but that doesn't mean they can't be useful to us when shit like this happens
4. All of you are faggots

How do we even know she is a mudshark? Just a nose ring? I don’t like them but there are a lot of girls with those.

>Also learns a valuable lesson about the self-loathing cuckoldry of her (((fellow whites))) on facebook free of charge
Not every day a red pill comes so cheap to a girl like this. Hopefully she doesn't take her newfound wisdom for granted. Now take that metal shit out of your face and get your shit together.


really this shit happens all the time, though not always so far that stitches are needed
depending on her views beforehand, and knowing female psychology and the fact her friends are nig lovers - she could go the way of the women that get raped and then still blame someone else

she seems halfway there though, someone in her life is strong and is a hwhite man - she should listen to them next time

He should have had a bullet put in his head. Murdering people is what niggers do.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

That honker though

I hate this shit

yeah, they're whores.

belly rings are common, but stupid and gross. basically anything but simple earrings is larping as a streetshitter or some ubangi if those giant ones. all should be discouraged and shamed.

those are clearly skeltals in disguise user.

Varg has been based asf since before you were born. Fuck off.

Considering she pulled the "niggers are the real racists" card, I doubt she's a mudshark. She just went to a gas station, it doesn't appear that she intentionally associated with the niggers.

Don't be a retard.

Jesus wasn't a jew.

hey, I don't like or trust the cops, but if you've been around girls you'll know this is not how they treat real violence. I'm not saying nothing happened and I'm not saying I would side with the niggers. I don't even think just because she's a disgusting whore that she is a coalburner.

it's just she's useless for propaganda reasons.

Maybe in Tanzania or Commiefornia or wherever it is you live, nigger

Agreed. Too fugly.

Based as fuck people don't murder other human beings and then burn down historical churches with great cultural value. Varg is a degenerate. The only way it's morally acceptable to kill another human being is through a civilized government.

Might as well go out naked with warpaint and raid villages

The difference is that whites moved away from nigger behavior like this thousands of years ago

All the faggots in this this thread. Yeah, she's not attractive; yes, nose rings are degenerate. But ffs, she got beat up by a pack of wild niggers, posted to faceberg publicly that she was beat up by a pack of niggers, and specifically called out nigger racism as the cause. Ugly or not, this chick deserves a medal.
and she will likely despise niggers for the rest of her life

Euronymous was a Commie sociopath that had it coming.



White? With that nose? Oy! Look ovah there.



somebody tell Roger, I mean Q, that I'd like to talk with him…but I can see that on top of being a fucking fraud, he's also a pathetic coward. One way communication is for liars and pussies.

…and I bet his "Week to remember" will surely be remembered by the liar in chief…as he gets called out on yet another lie…and gets a little closer to the legal definition of obstruction.


anybody catch the name of the counsel that obama retained? No? Because he just made that shit up, just like all the other bullshit.

i think it might have been ally mcbeal though.

You can fuck off back to reddit namefag

Niggers love to attack women and children.

and miss interacting with geniuses like you?

somebody post some pictures of all the women and children that nutcase white guys love to kill in mass numbers. you fucking dipshit.

would love to hear one of you apes say something rational…but i guess your breed of ape finds that way out of reach.



How's that Storm thing working out, you fucking retards?


Uh oh, looks like we got a booty blasted Holla Forums tourist on our hands.

I think I saw HRC's ankle bracelet…oh wait…no, that was paul manafort in a fucking dress.




please, we're not all reddit

Oh shit nigger, that's 5 star post.




b-but a black heroin dealer was shot by the pigs!!

no, i'm not a tourist…i'm a secret agent man, directing global military operations through a public website. cAn't you [t]ell by my fAnc[Y] Code[z]?


i'd post a picture of white house stationary to prove it, but i lost it, and my google image search isn't working.



This. That pygmy viking wannabe is a welfare case and a moral void.


so cute watching you low primates gathered to suck each others' dicks.

first one to grunt to 3 gets to lick my balls!!

What's your political persuasion user?



no one cares




Did she make it up? The way you worded that doesn't make it clear if she did or not.

rational human being


my magic decoder ring is on the fritz, can somebody tell me where to get a new one…so i can keep up on what's REALLY happening in the world, down here in this dark hole with you circlejerk losers and the great Q?


Chill user everyone knows that Q is a LARP, got anything useful to contribute?


Das rite. We should get rid of 7 white niggers and bring the diverse-blooded communist back. Then our jewish (highly intelligent people btw) judges could tell if poor gay communist was in the right or in the wrong going around threatening people like a dumb white male. And think of the churches, it is very important to preserve the marks of occupation of our enemies. I also have great appreciation for the local mosque, it's 5 years old today but in 500 years it will be 505! I hope my grand grand children will look up to this mosque and say: "I'm glad my white race still has it's identity preserved! We should make another one, though; maybe on the spot of that shitty prehistoric church? Fucking LARPers and their crosses have no place in the XXVI century"


No such thing as white niggers, youre a race traitor or more likely non-white.

you don't know how happy (and surprised) i am to hear you say that…is this the general consensus?

i ask because i have a friend who is frighteningly deep into this Q nonsense, and from what i gather, there are a lot of people who don't realize it's not real.



Dont know why Im saging anyways.

You need to get Holla Forums premium. :)


additional information

Kristen Leigh McDowell
Kristen Packard


(has a son)
(Biloxi, Mississippi 39531)

(has multiple children)
(previous address: Weracoba Place, 1308 17th Ave, Columbus)
(Columbus, Georgia 31904 assumed)

(Photo and post still up, though the account is not)



confederate901 archive



the post is still up


evidently you do, dumb ass



this was taken with a mobile phone and facekike helpfully tagged the location



i can see the future…

all the biggest losers in society will gather in a dark hole, and suck each other's dicks to congratulate each other on how superior they are. then, they will rise up to assume their rightful place as kings of the planet.

sound realistic?


I can see the post but not the comments. It's probably a TOR thing.

All men believe that they are superior. If this were not so then how would women, advertising executives and politicians manipulate them so expertly?


think i found the location this happened. she was answering questions in the post comments. "St Martin" seems to refer to the a school, there's an elementary school nearby called St Martin, there aren't any gas stations with that name.

This is the nearby gas station which also has a mcdonalds latched on to it.

i can see the comments without a login, i'm sure you need javascript on.

Nigger get a fucking hobby.


someone is posting damage control in the comments

sorry, but there is nothing at all rational about that string of nonsense words you grunted out. but even if i were to agree with what you're trying to assert…thinking you're superior is not the same as being superior…and you don't find a lot superior people in dark holes filled with losers.

she says she can't identify so maybe she doesn't want to press charges because she did talk shit and push the nigger first


You may call me a white knight, but the whore aesthetic is her father's fault. Also no girl should be raped by niggers, regardless.

maybe you are my hobby, ape man.


How about no one should be raped at all?

It's always good to get the facts straight before jumping into a fight.

It was a polite way of saying that perhaps you yourself are not as intelligent as you might think.

she can't legally carry a gun for some reason (3rd pic)

and here's a polite way of saying that perhaps i am.

try me.

Now, you appear to be a tourist. Either shut up and lurk for two years, or head back over to Leddit.
Since I'm in a good mood, I'll answer your question. Yes, Most believe Q is a LARP, and a shitty one at that.
All of his specific predictions have fallen flat. The only thing keeping his LARP alive is when his vague statements coincidentally align with some event. Even worse, he spouts loads of (((civic nationalist))) bullshit that the boomers love to spread around.
That of course doesn't mean that he isn't useful for getting the boomers to learn how fucked the political situation here is or getting some babies first redpills in, but he's still a massive faggot. At least they keep their cancer off of Holla Forums and on their own board for the most part.

Okay then buddy.

she claims to have been knocked out cold, and that one of her "best friends" fought the niggers off, maybe corroborates

"adam" is apparently the "best friend" and it doesn't seem like that's the boyfriend. "brett" seems to be the boyfriend per

well maybe i am a bit of a tourist, and i'll take a good mood where i can find one. like i said, my friend has gone a little off the deep end with this Q crap, and maybe hearing it from racists (like him), will carry more weight than me trying to wake him up about it.

Maybe there's a video…

Pools of blood dont just form on their own. Thats where her face was.

Explain yourself user.

If we started some paramilitaries across America I would love that race war to break out tomorrow. God, I’m so sick of democracy and the slow boil

Best friend "Adam Gabriel Underwood" confirms this location

Reminder people like this are really what destroyed cuckchan and you should report anyone who is rage trolling whites with anti-white bullshit.

You know what to do, metaphorically, of course.

All of you are going to pay until this stops and you exit my private life.

No bans will stop me. I will derail everything.

pretty sure this is it for the post comments

"nigger this", "nigger that" in a thread calling for a race war…am i missing something?

Where did I say that?
You sound a little bit like a Communist user.



adam's facekike


This may look like a retarded person, but in reality, its an advanced shill trying to reinforce the Q narrative by attacking the Q narrative from the position of a hated outsider. "Hey, Im anti-racist and I dont believe Q, what do you think of that fellow Polsters!?!"

Trips of truth. Checked.

i'm just replying to these numbers…everybody is user…and the general tone here is pretty overtly racist, so maybe i (mistakenly?) lumped you in.

and lol no, i'm not a communist.

Dont respond to obvious trolls like this, just report him and move on.

i'm not a troll…trolls make conflict just for the fun of it. i mean every fucking thing i say, and i'm here out of intellectual curiosity, to see what losers do when left to their own devices.

feel free to report me to your mommy, so you can go back to sucking each others' dicks in peace.

oops, forgot the number thing…refer to previous post.

guaranteed there's video, there's always security cam footage, good luck over seeing it though unless someone leaks it, but this will be memory holed quickly. facekike already shoah'd her page, 10k shares is a lot on facebook I think. They had to shut it down.

*always security cam footage at gas stations*

lol. interesting theory. i like the imagination.

A bit of LARPing going on from the randoms.
A fair bit of white victim going on (whether deserved or not) and perhaps a few too many white knights.
I would imagine the police would be all over this one for the above reasons.

Facebook censorship is the real story.

I wonder why the post and the photos are still up but the profile isn't. Can they not shoah a post if someone shares it, even if they nuke the account?

Close your door, nobody wants to see that, you coal-burning cunt. You don't dangle a white girl in front of a crowd of niggers and not expect them to rape her like the apes they are! You're implying they're capable of an elevated form of thought.

"You're implying they're capable of an elevated form of thought."

you mean like your elevated thinking?

it's like you can't even hear your dumb ass


Maybe it's a bug. Facebook is run by communists after all. I don't use it so maybe someone else can tell me?

so funny to hear an ape grunting, then to realize he thinks it's elevated thought.

there's no evidence of coalburning, the boyfriend is named brett and the whiteknight "best friend" is clearly white. she does have multiple kids though, it's unclear if "brett" is the husband, a father of one or multiple or just a boyfriend. i doubt she would be posting any of this like she did if she was at the same time banging a nigger or had niglet kids.

Maybe she deleted it herself after all the attention.

nobody but facebook is going to know, but looking into it it appears that when a post is deleted the shares are not necessarily deleted, almost like your posting to a hashtag but each hashtag comes with the full content of the share. the photo's themselves still have her profile id attached to them, so the photo's are still on the server attached to her account, if they shoahed the account you would think the photo's would also be deleted, the reports I found seem to say that if the share contains photo's and the share is deleted along with the photo's at a minimum the photo's should 404 when you click them, which they don't. This makes me think the account wasn't deleted, it was locked in an effort to shut it down. I wonder if anyone else can even share it or if it errors out when you try. I don't have a facekike account anymore so I can't try.



she seemed to want the shares initially. maybe she wanted to avoid nigger retaliation after it blew up. 10k shares on facebook, i've heard fake news claim something is "viral" for less than that.

(second pic)

Facebook does weird things when a person of interest is involved. Little glitches. Very subtle. I've seen them before. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

I think this is not made up. There are real injuries and there will be real footage (somewhere).

So shit was getting out of hand and Facebook preemptively censored it.
We have seen the same behavior from Twitter like when #MyBordersMyChoice started trending over #MyBodyMyChoice.
The big guys REALLY do not want this war.

white knights all here …..gtfo its all on her. If she said it was white youd not give a fuck quit finding reasons to help hoes.
if she didnt go to cops shes lying could be a new $metoo thing


I really wish there was an easy, safe way to assemble a local nigger extermination squad. Any ideas user?


might be more long term effective to announce to this board that you're having a dick sucking party in your trailer…then close the door…no one will notice when the air runs out.

kill yourself mgtow kike
anything that shows niggers in the negative light they deserve should be amplified
the #metoo point is correct though, and it should be supported

Instead of: "i'm a victim because of men! men are oppressing me!" this should not be supported.
they can now claim: "I'm a victim because I was white! Shitskins are oppressing me!" this should be supported.

These females will always want to claim victimhood and will find stupid things to be a victim about, trying to get them to avoid victimhood is a goal but difficult. If you can steer them towards "i'm a victim because I'm white", and get them to start attacking niggers shitskins kikes etc for oppressing their whiteness, this should be fully encouraged.

Thanks for the advice nigger.


any time, genius.


Wow a nig that acknowledges a white's superior intelligence…I might have a position for you shining shoes.

silly ape, bottom of the barrel people don't get their shoes shined. you had me going for a second though.

that's what this is about right? you guys are the losers of society, the bottom of the barrel. so, you blame everyone and everything, except your own weak minds, and your own weak wills.

so you gather here to suck each others' dicks to feel better about it.

am i missing something?

I bet I did…and I'm not even going to check those dubs you mud monkey.

Hey look Tyrone got Jamal to help gang up on the white boy…never seen that before.


Being stupid and lazy is a sign of judaism. Little retarded, bitch faggot.

Not a jew, nose is broken. Don't see where autistic faggots are getting that it was people she was with who did this to her.

It was night and niggers all look the same.

sounds like somebody could use another banana

Oy vey, I actually agree with D'shawn on something. I was right, you would make a great pet nigger.

I got a shitton of tattoos before I found the path. Not gonna remove them. They didn't have any meaning when I got them, but they do now. They're scars of ignorance. Seek and spread the truth, always.

and nope, i don't need any help with you mental defectives.

gotta run…it's been a pleasure.

feel free to grunt and suck amongst yourselves

Fuck, I'm sorry sir, I mistook you for some uppity nig I was having bantz with.



How retarded are you, on a scale from 100 to 100?

No-one white should be raped. I don't really give a shit if non-whites rape each other tbh. They're animals, beneath our consideration.



Any shill faggots claiming she's a mudshark for [insert reason] are immediately proven wrong by her rhetoric. She believes racism exists, but not by whites, against whites. If you take that stance, you're inherently pro-white. That makes her okay in my book. She clearly has expressed a sense of victimhood and has her altruistic nature appropriately aligned. I don't know her as a person, and what her views are, but that post expressed a deep-seated, subconscious admission of a feeling of being victimized for her skin color, which means she acknowledges the trend in society.





All this fucking information…publicly available. All my whys…

checked but spoiler that shit, you nigger.

stfu you absolute faggot




..I give up. Anyway, would be great to have an imgur folder with all of these. Or even better a website.

All symbols are what we make of them, user. I am glad you found the path.

I thought this was supposed to be better than that half board. Pathetic thread by a lazy nigger OP…
And just look at all the responses. God help this board.
Fucking SAGE.


looks like a jew to me and even if she is white what was she doing close enough to niggers to get assaulted?

There's a guy that is going to build me a website so I can upload my work there. When that happens, I'll post a link.

I post my newest infographics on Gab.

There is a pastebin link there that has links to all 6 archives (1-750), but it's from 12/18/17. I'll be uploading newer archives at the start of the month.

Now we've got a lot of things, a lot of racism in the world right now, Who's more racist? Black people or white people? Black people, you know why?

There's a civil war going on with black people, and there's two sides, there's black people and there's niggas. The niggas have got to go.

Could we meme this back to life? Could redpill some normies


Whatever. You're the asshole giving this shit lazy ass thread (((You)))s. Seriously, this motherfucker put next to zero efferot into this thread and provided zero evidence of any of it even being true.
None of the Kikebook reactions and now the FB page in unviewable. This shit happens every fucking day and we all know that. Does there really need to be another thread shitting up the board when there are monumental things going on in much higher places at the present moment? Is anyone on this board really getting redpilled from this shit thread? Fuck No.
Keep being lead around by the nose like a fucking jack-ass.


Also you're a one post faggot. (((Who))) could be defending shit threads on this board???

4 1/2 hours stronkk, you earned it

Yes, God help us indeed, fellow imageboard user.
honestly, who's training these astroturf clowns? it's embarrassing.


Whoever it is sure has these retards dialled in. It is truly unbelieveable how the salt flows here from such a worthless thread. It is as if our brothers on board have lost their ability to control their emotional response to this shit. Or maybe too many newfags thinking that raging about nigger shit is the cool thing to do. I wish I knew. Not that it would change much of anything if I did. I rarely go deep into the bunker boards, but this type of shit has been pushing me further and further lately. I just want to find a place where I can reliably find ratioanl human beings who are able to control their emotions and yet have common decency and compassion. I suppose that it is telling of our times that this is becoming harder and hrder to find… Thank God for my family. At least I can attempt to grow people of value and character.

This is not how you motivate people to act. People love being victims. They don't like to be a joke. Let's take a look at that Facebook profile
I'm only waiting until I find her posting anti-White shit and it's the perfect storm. If I put this out there in different form, don't claim that I'm 'lifting posts off Holla Forums'

Awesome! This is some great work!

Thank you for your praise. I've made 810 so far, with so many more to go.

I'm starting to see a pattern. She sounds like a good candidate for the Molyjew.

Holy shit dude. D.e.d.i.c.a.t.i.o.n.

Hilarious. I laugh my ass off.

This woman has boys entrusted to her care…

I love my people, and I rage at what's been happening to them.

As you read through these, take note of how many times you read about a nigger being out on parole. Suffice it to say, the media covers for our rigged & failing justice system. If you read from from 1 on, you'll think you've seen the worst at various points in time, but you'd be wrong. It only gets worse… nightmarevisiongoggles.png

Any other post than this is kike-level wittolism.
The equation is simple, negro attacks our civilisation, negro is dealt with.
If you see "shades of grey", and think that it should be up to the negro to decide which of your people need beating/killing/raping, then the new has already won because your mind is their property.

Okay upon closer inspection, I have come to a different conclusion. While she indeed does have issues, she doesn't make for a good example. I recommend telling her that what happened to her can in no way be real, and don't forget to throw the words 'fake news', 'right wing propaganda', 'racist' and 'conspiracy theory' in there.

She's really pretty. Sounds like BPD at the least.

nigger level reasoning.
While such things are distasteful, someone of your own people is always of your people and is to be dealt with by your people.





Haha Holla Forums got duped. Why are you wasting time protecting a feminist (and probably a jew) from niggers?


You glow in the dark.

And shlomo? you know this is a slide thread. When your argument is an adhom you know you have lost.

off to Holla Forums


except when there is actual proof… women not even once

Around blacks never relax. I say it every time I see one of those dark skinned ape-creatures.

I always check my hardware after looking at a thread like this.

It is good Holla Forums exists to even give one idea or truth to a normie is a victory.

Well, maybe she'll pull that bone out of her nose, become a real woman, and take the redpill.
I'm sorry it happened to her, but it could have been worse, and now…she's been warned.
Anything that happens after this will be the result of her not being armed, and her own stupidity in believing "not all niggers…"

Let's hope she's learned her lesson.

you support this, are you one of those LARPers that pretends to be a viking?

Yes, if you kill the enemy, they win.

Whites are waking up to women's lies.

No white should be devolving back to primitive self-mutilation. It's unhealthy and disgusting.

Retarded Femenist cunt just got enriched. We've warned about this cancer for years and they still don't learn. One of my friends also had to learn the hard-way, even when i told him in high-school of the dangers of hanging out with spics and niggers, until he got a broken jaw. Anyone who willingly hangs around the animals is bound to get enriched, all it takes is one remark taken out of context and they stomp on your ass. If these victims don't die at the hands of their pet niggers, they either double down on their ideology or they become withdrawn from society, few actually do a 180 and become anti-migration fighters.

Blaming someone for not being informed by the current (((media))) is not a correct path to take.


LOL OKAY, then why are you advocating for his death via bullet through the head NIGGER?

Well we've got her on board now, and most of those cucks on her FB castigating her for being attacked by monkey's will probably slowly yet surely become red pilled by sheer exposure.

Very soon every church including yours will have a black baby jesus. Enjoy ;^)

Top fucking kek. Where did you even come from?


The Christcuck cries as he strikes you.


In your underdeveloped nigger mind, what did you envision yourself accomplishing with this cringey tempter tantrum?

Happiest place on Earth, but as many visitors frequently learn, unfortunately it is in the middle of shithole Orlando.

If Walt knew how bad things were going to get in Florida he would have built in Wyoming or something.

Keep your fetish to yourself.

Samefag. Go to halfchan for your daily dose of human contact.


Boy, you really got into my head with that one. Really turned it all around on me. Brb converting to cuckstianity right now. Do I have to bend over to let the power of christs love in? Is that how you guys do it?

We know.

Nigger, nature is racist. It isn't a time sensitive subject. You're (((out of alignment))). Get racist.

Fuck off room temperature IQ idiot.

Why you so angry little buddy, you need to talk to someone?


Damn son you are straight up infatuated. Like, you could just turn off the computer. Go take a walk outside for a bit and maybe even talk to g_d about what's bothering you. God cares, user, god wants you to stop namefagging. We all do, and we are all here for you.

Jesus fucking christ.

You should have capped those, I dont even see it on sheeki forums or whatever. Probably worth a laugh.

If I screencapped all the cancer I saw on a daily basis I'd have shelves full of maxed out harddrives and no room for the shit I actually want on my PC.

You'll tire yourself out eventually. Or, you know, get distracted by grape drank.

Decent point I guess.

Don't forget, you're here forever! :^)

As sure as this is my last reply to your sorry ass.

We get like, three retards like you a day, minimum. You'll make more progress trying to sweep the ocean back with a broom.

Indeed, it's pretty much all or nothing as far as this permissiveness goes. The girl is white, regardless if you like her lifestyle choices. And if it's subjectively okay for niggers to attack one white girl, that bar can easily be moved for them to attack another. They should be hung for it, and the girl should get her ass beat by a white man for the piercing, which is a separate issue entirely.

dubs confirm we should help the enemy win by killing them

Holy shit, alot of people love that closeted fag Varg. Kill all the fags you want, but don't pretend he wasn't a piece of shit Satanist

Any response aside from this is probably poisonous kike-inspired self-hatred of the white race. Idiotic white girls just need proper discipline to put them in place. They don't need to be thrown to the niggers. That's EXACTLY how kikes want you to behave.

>>>/out/ you damn nigger lover

YHWH is a semetic deity

Surely the OP archived the page and comments. Surely he did his ONE JOB. Surely he isn't a fag.

Just filter and ignore them, user…

what is this from?

I look forward to cataloging your transition here in your new home.


Tell us about your first book. I'm riveted :^)



Daily reminder.

This is pretty much what red pilled me, I got jumped by 6 tree niggers. That's like taking a concentrated red pill dosage straight to the jugular, enough to make any liberal think again about society.


Will the new book have lots of impotent butthurt about cartoon frogs and dubious (((academic))) social science to cite? I'm fascinated.Will you be the shill to finally parse gondola down for the normalfags? Is you a kang?



The nigger always tends to behave like that, one would hope that the relatively better conditions in which the American nog is raised with would mean an improvement over the behaviour of their species but they keep showing that they cannot be better if left alone.
Some cultures only thrive under the dominion of others.

I think you missed the point….

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin', Chris.




You can have exactly one more from me. Please make sure to come back when your niggerbabble expose on imageboard culture gets self-published so we can all have a mighty kek.


lol…i see you cowardly "pretend to be raw" bitches are deleting my posts.

lol, welcome to the deep state, you fraudulent assholes.

gotta run…i'll come back when i feel like it, to fuck up your day as i please.

(and next time, board operator, i won't make it so easy to search/delete on 'nonaq', so be ready, child)

I personally think that most of the nigger threads here are astroturfing and that in the long run racism is a divide and conquer stategy used by the elite to keep the lower castes infighting. I also think that leftism is absolute cancer that blinds people to the danger that certain individuals present because the blinders are on sooo hard.

But you just sound absolutely pathetic right now. If you want a debate, then come with some facts or statitics and start a real debate. Stop whinig like a child.

It's all so tiresome

Asiatic commies aren't people



Every time.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

Said the faggot defending devolved behavior of self mutilation, probably so he can get more tattoes or piercings.

Jews did 9/11

., no to fighting , be peaceful virtuous , the phrase ' race war ' lies about the intent of genocide , please wakeup to the realization that being is provided from the same source , The Difinity , The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , and avoid trouble , and respect that humans advance their civilized nature with the group , everyone working on their own personal lives which do socialize in echoic cohesion with the rest of us , including you and those whom you angst against due to the pain that exists around the planet and cosmos , there is plenty to learn , avoid harming yourself and others , trust being peaceful virtuous as guided from the one true source of peaceful virtuous life , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.

., ψλεασε σαυ υεσ το Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ασ υου αρε ψεαχεφυλ φιρτυουσ γυιΔεΔ , ανΔ νο το τρουβλε , σταυ σαφε ,.

We should string them up for simply existing.

California Woman Sues Walmart for Racism over Products in Locked Cases

A California woman is suing Walmart, claiming that the store’s policy to lock certain products subject to a higher rate of shoplifting inside glass cases is racist.

Jan 27th, 2018 by Warner Todd Houston
on Breitbart


So your argument is blacks are being divided from whites, and you think anyone believes you arent just a shill?

Holla Forums's jewdar has gone to shit since the 2016 election.

Absolutely degenerate.


What? Sex is a good thing.
Throw your stupid bible in a fire and forget it existed. It would be better.

The nose knows. :^)

yeah makes sense bucko, those Christians were all commies, which is why they sought to eliminate religion by being religious!