I want to get red-pilled on the holocaust. Where do I begin? I would like to be able to find out weather it happened or not. I recently looked into the David Irving case and well this is the result. What do I look into now?
Holocaust argument points
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the result?
Anyone asking that needs to lurk 2 years before posting. Anyone replying without sageing, should fucking kill themselves. Same for this influx of hooktube niggerfaggots acting like denying clickshekels does anything to prevent video shoahs for future viewing. You're all part of the problem.
Start with Germar Rudolf's response to that troll's Ted Talk.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Not the place for you to be spoonfed.
Look here
Ask here
I was in your shoes just a few months ago, OP. I've been thoroughly redpilled, now, at least I feel so. Here's just a little to help you out; there's so many sources I could point you to.
“You shall return minus 6 million"
You dont actually need anything at all to completely destroy; witness testimony, gas chamber narrative.
Zyklon B when released as a gas would be toxic to anyone coming into contact with the room, the bodies, the air. Cross reference this fact with kike testimonies. The kikes the germans forced to load the ovens were inside the gas chambers plucking teeth from corpses, shaving heads, putting the bodies in ovens all without gas masks, or chemical suits.
It never happened, it could never happen the way its told, and their is not one part of the bullshit that stands up to scrutiny.
Here you go, OP. Some threads for your education.
Holocaust handbooks and more >>>/zundel/18
Collection - Adolf Hitler >>>/zundel/1873
They drilled the holes in the roofs of the "gas chambers" during "reconstructions", that "Nazis" allegdly "threw zyklon b into, to kill jews". Fucking kikes.
Simple: wheres the teeth? 6 million dead * 32 = 192 million teeth unaccounted for. They last in the soil a very long time, as evidenced by the fact that you continue to find them littered among the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. Burning does nearly nothing to teeth. When you imagine modern ashes, that is after the bone fragments and teeth have been thoroughly processed through a ball mill (the same thing Hillary used on her email server HDDs). Last I checked, not even the kikes are audacious enough to imply that there were massive ball mill operations where there clearly werent. So, wheres the teeth?
I'd recommend the book Debating the Holocaust by Thomas Dalton. Should be easy to find.
Welcome home.
Go on archive.org, search 'another voice of freedom', and get the collection of episodes. Ernst Zundel is the king, and he brought us the information we need to end the jewish agenda. This solution lies in ending holocaust propaganda and taking the cuffs off of the Germans and Poles, so our proper western representatives can relay anti-jew/anti-zionist red pills to the world.
Quality German engineering.
user, you don't prove it DIDN'T happen. You would need proof that it DID. The burden of proof is on holohoaxers, and they never proved shit. There. Done.
Sorry nazi, but we have eye witness accounts.
moshe dont be so open
Also German (and other countries) had literal gas chambers built on train tracks for killing smaller pests than jews. If they wanted to gas the kikes they'd use that instead of disguised showers, camps would get a train full of corpses and burn them, instead of counting every prisoner, giving them haircuts, food, etc, then gassing them and burning the corpses.
Eye witness accounts that if they had done what they say would of also died from zyklon b. Gee i wonder if they are full of shit.
It's best to just out-shout Holocausters:
20 - CDEFG - stalin, communism
20 million Christians Died in Exile, Famine, and the Gulags, at the hands of the worst human to ever live, Stalin, and the worst ideology to ever exist, communism.
You may speak of your minor events of history, but the one we must always speak of first is the 20 million. And we MUST NEVER FORGET.
have some OC
Don't forget (((Churchill))) and (((Eisenhower))), boys
< confuse your message
No, fuck you.
I won't let the 20 million be forgotten. For too long Christians have allowed themselves to be slaughtered - NO MORE! I WILL NOT FORGET THE 20 MILLION!
Nice churchill pic btw.
Note the nose on the dude to the left
Elaborate, user.
Not sure who the heeb is, cbf digging
Mike S. King (18 Files) >>>/zundel/1206
David Irving (26 Files) >>>/zundel/1382
Patrick J. Buchanan (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1199
James Bacque (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1279
Report: The Effect of Israeli Tear Gas on Palestinians (5th January 2018)
>The effects, Haar told Al Jazeera, are especially harmful on “the most vulnerable, including pregnant women, children, the elderly, and people already in ill health”.
>The Israeli army did not respond to Al Jazeera’s request for comment on the study’s findings.
We sure do, shill. We sure do.
Here is a summary of Holla Forums's stance, with linked pages going into more detail on minor issues:
That kike on the left looks like the grandpapa of Ezra Levant.
Spotted the newfag and/or shill
You know that eye witness testimony is the lowest form of evidence, right?
If you went to court accusing a person who was already dead of murdering someone who no one can even show existed at all with hearsay and the dead man's hateful ex-wife as a character witness saying "yeah my dead husband would totally murder someone and here are examples of what that would look like" despite a complete lack of other witnesses, physical evidence, or even possibility that the alleged murder took place you would be laughed out of the courtroom and fined for wasting public money while everyone would just be confused at how you even got such idiocy past the police.
The Nuremberg trials literally said you don't have to prove anything to prove that it happened.
Will take you months to watch all the video and read all the articles.
No gassings happened. Henri roques disproved the gassings 30 years ago and the kikes got so pissed they stripped his PhD away from him (the only instance of this in french history)
Also the greatest proof for the holocaust never having happened is the fact that it is illegal to question in many countries worldwide. The truth does not fear scrutiny, only lies do
Why transport and process and feed and give them clothes and more then use vast manpower to kill 6million?
Srsly a bullet to the head and a death pit.
It makes no sense its to ineffective and wasteful for Germans of all poeople to use 20lbs of coke to burn a body.
The fact is they were treated well. The soliders faced severe punishment if they abused them.
They had pools and a maternity ward and sports teams a fucking theater and instruments.
this is what the thread looked like before shill mods got here archive.is
do not link to /zundel/, you'll get banned
Holocaust Handbooks & Related
Austin J. App
Paul Rassinier
Germar Rudolf
Gerd Honsik
Udo Walendy
Benjamin Weintraub
Richard Harwood
Collection - Adolf Hitler
Joseph Goebbels
Léon Degrelle
Hermann Göring
Otto Dietrich
David Irving
Alfred Rosenberg
Gottfreid Feder
Robert Lay
James Bacque
David F. Crew
Tim Ripley (Hitler's Praetorians; The History Of The Waffen-SS 1925-1945)
John Colin Campbell Jordan
Benton L. Bradberry
Heinz A. Heinz
That example of kikes inflating the number of dead in a pogrom by over 10000% is relevant to the Holohoax, unlike autistically drawing red lines on the UN logo. And the image you posted just now is a sloppy fake meant to poison the well, the stripes the on the pants give it away.
It is interesting to see the kikes trying to fight the holocaust narrative via deception now.
Do you think you can honestly win with an occasional shoah thread?
youre a weird kike, don't talk to me or my son ever again
Never repost supposed Holohoax fakes if you can't find documented sources for both versions. But you wouldn't even need to do any research to see that this is an intentionally sloppy fake.
Bump for important thread