Microsoft donates millions of dollars to Clinton Foundation and other globalist organizations

Why do you still use Xbox and Windows, Holla Forums?

Join the Linux Gaming master race today!

The problem is how few games support Linux right now. Instead of asking gamers to switch over to Linux, you should be asking developers.

Which is what I'm doing with my shitty indie project I have nothing to show for.

Because Windows is actually supported by game developers. Call me when you convince devs worth a damn that your communist turd is more effective at both gaming and DRM the industry is reliant on to ensure enough sales to justify continuing to produce worthwhile product with more complexity and depth than your average indie game puddle.


Because windows has the most compatibility with most software. I pirate windows though so its fine.

And the FSF is straight up communism. Fuck that.

here's whats going to happen

every single time

Wew lad, I hope you're being ironic.

Ill move to Linux when support for 7 ends in 2020.
Till then Im comfortable as I am

Everytime I hear this, I imagine that there's a Microsoft employee on the other side, hoping that no one notices their entire business model relies on the US government socializing the cost of enforcing their intellectual property.

Fuck it, since the thread's come along, I need a new PC. Is System 76 good to buy shit from? What's the best distro to get to grips with? Either settle in with Ubuntu/Mint, or struggle through others to learn.

How well does Dark Souls and shit run?

The FSF wants to take a programmers work and say "nope, everyone should have access to your techniques and hard work". Sorry it doesn't work that way and fortunately it hasn't worked that way nor will it ever. They are insignificant nothings. Go develop in China.

Free software isn't collectivized, and you can make money off selling it.

It's not communist. It's free market.


god forbid you have to innovate instead of inventing one technique and collecting royalties off a patent for the rest of your life

I dunno about Dark Souls, but I've heard that System76 isn't too bad. The build quality is good afaik.

All I got is PlayonLinux saying it's good to go, but rather have an anons opinion that plays it. That's good at least, might pick up an Oryx or shit at one point.

Communist development of an operating system would be the government coming in and saying every programmer must work on this one system and what you work on is controlled by higher ups.

This is pure capitalism, everyone is competing with each other and there is no intrusive copyright bullshit in the way.

Nobody is going to pay for a product that is legally required to be distributed for free. This is like saying a library could want to charge you $5 to walk inside, but you're legally not obligated to pay that amount, therefore hardly anyone ever does.

You forgot

Get rid of proprietary software, and you'll get rid of every programmer that isn't a massive cunt.
Enjoy your open source (((experiences))) and (((community))).



Why not just pirate a copy of windows 7? Then you're still denying them revenue.

Open sores community is filled with literal marxists and pussy whipped males. By even using such software you are supporting their ego. At least you can pirate windows and not pay a dime to microsoft.


If the FSF really gave a shit about my rights, they'd push to legislate the right to reverse engineer everything, decriminalize piracy, and get rid of software patents. Instead they just push their meme license and contribute to the growing shit heap.
Kick lawyers out of software altogether instead of inviting them and playing by their rules, before everyone starts suing one another over code from Stack.

people still use that shitty kernel to run the GNU OS in this day and age? Wewlad

My windows 7 is pirated and it's a bastarardized version which is a lot smaller and updates are broken on it. Do I have to care?

because this is the video games board and not the politics or the tech board.

The "Free" in FSF doesn't mean it costs nothing you fucking twat. You ever actually read what they're asking? They're asking people to share the source code, so that developers can add to, improve, and build on each other's work.

They're just taking the mentality of the scientific research world and applying it to programs, as opposed to the patent bullshit that happens in every other industry. It's not hard to understand.

the fuck does this mean?
You do realize pirating Windows 7 is completely unnecessary right? All you needed was an official ISO activated with Daz Loader/Microsoft Toolkit

It's the whole free as in freedom thing. Not free as in no money.

You don't know? A lot of people in the FSF today are straight up anti-capitalist SJW's that hate free speech. Some guy even advocates for including non-profit licences as free software licences, completely missing the point of the organisation he's in. Stallman somehow turns a blind eye on all of that.

I've been a linuxfag for ages and there are plenty of games I want to play which aren't on it. You're better off keeping a computer running Windows soley for vidya. It would be nice if devs released Linux stuff but some of them are so entrenched in DirectX and C# that they couldn't port even if they wanted.
Linux is much better as a work OS. I've had my Windows turn on automatic updates and update itself when I told it not to. I've had it hard reboot while I was working. I've had it whine about how I wasn't using Windows 10, and spam me with popups. And this was 7, the so-called "good" version.
An OS's job is to stay back and handle the inner workings of a system, so that you can get on with whatever you want to do. If it can't do that it's shit, and this applies to Windows and Linux.

Tried getting a GPU Passthrough to work however in the end I always just go back to windows like a cuck. Some games like SS13 are supposed to work with wine however those cuck me as well.


The people that want to blackbox their source code are the cunts actually.

Information should be peer-reviewable.

I've been doing excel programs for a contract lately so I'm stuck on Windows and wow, the cancer of Win10 impresses me. And I'm using the Pro version. Update popups that hijack all control, updates causing automatic restarts, Outlook dropping service until I update ("no work email for you lel")… holy fuck.

Meanwhile I do dev shit in linux and I get this easy, seamless experience sans cancer. Feels good. Why the fuck is Windows so shit?

Many of the games I like still don't reliably work on any forms of Linux. Sure as hell don't have an Xbox though, or Windows 10.

Chill the fuck out man. Clinton foundation gets donations from countries. Germany donated 200,000 euros, for no apparent reason. And that is 200,000 euros of taxpayers money. All the hard work of the people gone to political favors to boost the politicians careers at best.

Back to topic. Linux will never be a big gaming platform because it is not meant to be one. Like Mac OSX, you can play shitloads of games but it is not he target platform. Macs are for work and normal family computer apps, not games.So why the fuck would anyone insist of having all the games on a platform that is not for games? Just think about it.

Hmmm let's see today I

Played a Japanese videogame
Ate Italian food
Wore pants
And I'm currently posting on the internet

I kinda like globalisation OP.

I hope one day you'll be able to pull your head out of your ass and realize that has nothing to do with globalization.


For me, I'm hoping that Trump unfucks the UK after their economy becomes unstable since they'll officially leave next year. This way my Europoor country can stay stable and profit from Greece shitting itself.

That is not what globalisation means, you stupid fuck. Globalisation means that you play a corporate videogame, eat corporate food, wear corporate approved pants and post on controlled internet, on a controlled Babylonian stargazing scripture boards.
Globalisation means to get rid of diversity. To make everyone part of the same culture and nation. How are you so stupid not to see this?
We don't get to go visit other countries and learn their unique culture and habits, if globalisation goes unchecked.

fucking fag

Valve is pushing Linux as an alternative as a show of force, to show Microsoft that Steam isn't dependent on Windows. Competition is a nice thing to have, and if there was another viable gaming platform Microsoft would actually have to put effort into making Windows better.

I am just to fucking lazy, I have the first boot of Windows 7 and blocked everything. As for Linux having no games, I have heard nothing from all my tech friends who use Linux about it being bad. Maybe after this month I will give it a whirl. Just to lazy to switch.

I'm gonna do all those things in your stead for less money

I just use Windows 7 for Video Games and GNU/Linux for almost everything else, On one hand, the distro i currently use has a shitty older """"""stable""""" packages rule, packages so shit it can't even run PCSXR at least it doesn't use shitstemd or gayland, nothing screams "I SUCK RED HAT DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK" more than that shit
One of the biggest problems with gaming on linux is not the lack of DirectX, but that there are many differences on how each distro works, one distro takes bleeding edge easy-to-break packages, other uses old ass packages for the sakes of stability, other requires compiling, other doesn't have the required drivers, and many other problems, one of the reasons why Windows has more games is because all versions are the same, same reason why casuals pick consoles over PCs, simplicity over choices.

On other hand, and while this might be personal autism, Windows feels too boring for me, i rarely ever run any software other than games, web browsers and media players on it, i don't ever install any new software on it because "it just werks" out of the box, can't rice it to make it look beautiful for the fear of getting a virus or wasting up even more memory than svchost.exe already does, and powershell/cmd are useless since windows has always been heavily GUI based, once you try linux, even windows 7 which is supposedly the best windows according to most people in Holla Forums, feels like a baby's toy rather than a Operating System.

If you get around to fucking with it use virtualbox. It's pretty much PC emulation. That way you can't fuck up your current Windows installation by mistake.

I agree on everything you said. Steam Box was a clear sign of wanting to get games off the monopolized console market, and get a healthy economy on devs and pubs. Win10 having all the xbone games seems to point to that way too, but we'll see.

They do.

If you want to put in some time and effort, use CentOS and virtualize (Kali+Win7+OSX+XP) with KVM. It's fairly easy and it really gets shit done. The performance on KVM just blew me away. It's really good, but fairly hardware dependent. Anyway it's worth to try.

ebin bait

What vidya you fags have installed right now?

90% of my vidya is on my W7 installtion.


It was supposed to rattle sabers until Microsoft had a few exec changes post Ballmer resignation and Valve were invited to be a consulting company on Windows 10 after being shut out on Windows 8 when Gabe wanted the same thing.

Now SteamOS is just an afterthought and not even a good Linux Distro in the first place because Valve has what they want. Backup from M$ that they will be the largest gaming ecosystem on Windows.

Currently I have installed:

Linux is my only installation.

like nigga I'm a bit more open minded than most, but I can see why normalfags don't use it.

Granted, it's probably easier if you aren't using ancient hardware.

Because Windows 7 looks pretty, smooth and colorful.

I'd only use windows on a shitbox I built myself.
About 4 cores and 8 gigs will do. Maybe a poorfag tier GPU. I dunno.

Why aren't you playing a game that respects your freedoms?

Pic related is also a Microsoft creation. Created and funded.

That fat fuck is a Shill to that commie Bernie

But that's exactly what libraries do, user.


Because i d9nt wamt to

Microsoft and Rand Corp.

gotta be pedantic sometimes

Never owned an Xbox. Pirated Windows. The only money MS has gotten from me is when I bought a 360 controller w/ PC adapter. Which I regret, because the 360 controller has the worst d-pad known to man.

As much as I hate (((globalist))), I hate Jewish Bolsheviks more. When you fat lazy Ubuntu users actually develop some good games maybe people will consider using your open source trash.

I don't. There's loads of games with native builds these days and Wine runs almost everything that doesn't use dx10/11.

I use windows because the alternatives don't have support for my hardware.

I'll never get tired of these threads.

Nah, I think I'd rather play some video games instead.

Can't fug a microsoft but I'd still fug her tho

(citation needed)

Who cares a dick, she'll be in prison soon enough.

Because Microshaft wants your money, your data, or both.


But sure, yeah, we should just let pirates sink the market the way they did in the late 90s and early 00s that led to the draught. People aren't entitled to compensation for their labor or anything, right?

>>>Holla Forums

This place just keeps getting more like reddit each passing day

I don't like taxes, but I recognize why I need to pay them.

I could have taken you seriously if you only brought up windows getting developers, but DRM heavy companies like ubisoft lose customers, while small companies that don't go heavy on drm, have people pirating then buying their games afterwards

is this some new form of CTR tactic?

what are you going to do when trumps inevitably fails to fulfill your dystopic authoritarian nazi tier fantasies? when you realize he's yet another zionist stooge?

Is this the new "Trump wont win the election"?


just saying that if you wanted to live in a totalitarian shit hole so much you shouldve voted for Clinton.

I want to switch to Linux, stop being so shit Linux.

Linux will never stop being shit. That's why you should switch to GNU/Hurd or TempleOS.

tsk! tell me some'n i dont know sista

What is so shit about it? Linux is already perfect


A blatantly evil corporation known for fucking it's consumers over since the 90s has a monopoly on games…..

Therefor we should continue to support this monopoly.



None, but I managed to successsfully install


(((Red Hat))) is windowsifying Linux left and right, making it more "user friendly" aka shit. Their systemd, pulseaudio, and networkmanager are literally everywhere. And then there's gnu, which is also shit. You thought getting rid of systemd was a pain in the ass? Good luck replacing glibc, faggot. At this point you either install something like Alpine Linux, hardened-musl-Gentoo, or you switch to *BSD.

It's inevitable in this modern, monetized world no matter how you hate it. Why don't you live without electricity if you truly want to stop giving your money to the globalists.




This shitter is trying to be legitimate by using trump pics while spouting the stupidest shit. These low effort shitposts are at least going to be slightly different now.


I thought I was already dead inside and could not feel anymore. I was wrong.

retard. Just because you don't want megacorps fucking your butthole doesn't mean you're a commie.


rofl spot on

anyway, rms is a commie, no good

i wonder if developers will take up vulkan more? gaming on linux lives and dies on that



My wingblows is pirated.

Do you mean to tell me there are people on Holla Forums who actually pay for their OS?





I haven't played both, what's the difference?
What games do you have installed?

AC +R Has some new mechanics like slashback and force breaks, introduces new characters, existing characters have expanded movesets and has more Daisuke Ishiwatari musical goodness.
If you want to play it I'd recommend you get someone to play against, but otherwise the CPU is surprisingly competent.

I may download it and play it, but I've been having trouble with my fightstick not wanting to work at all on my new PC.

Goddamn it devs, get your shit together.


But you are. You're giving them marketshare.

Globalization is literally what made my country rich. And trade protectionism is what will make my country poor.

Though if you live in the Rustbelt mileage may vary.

Anti-globalisation reeks of a bunch of sad nationalists and communists talking about the glory days.

Nice try MS.

Because macs and Linux have less games then the Wii U does.

This is bait.

no, they are not you retard, if I tear down trumps wall am I entitled to compensation for that labor?
lets say I do something actually usefull like make a game, I am STILL not entitled to compensation unless someone has previously agreed to compensate me upon completion of the game.
the only world where labor is equivalent to entitlement is using the communist labor theory of value.


Try harder, shill.


but they do

begone knave

I'll install Linux when good games like Doom 2016 and Skyrim get ported.

i've been living the "why learn and do something when others do it for free and won't make any mistakes"? doctrine long before i knew anything about spergman

nearly fell for it

Because he installed GNU/Hurd instead. :^)

I joined the linux gaming master race and put on 110 lbs, grew a greybeard, and haven't showered in 3 months

Thanks linux!

I have a feeling you need to go back you globalist shill.