
I liked Pillars of Eternity, is this game any good?

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Its not even out yet you shill
Its probably going to be worse than POE


I don't have a problem with that
i thought it was different flavours of evil. theres so few games where you actually get to be a villain.

I watched someone play a promo demo version, it looked alright. Reminded me a whole lot of Black Company where everyone's an asshole but not coming off as tryhard.

Sure thing user. BC vidya when

It's about as good as your taste.

Well, at least his bait is decent

I also liked PoE and will enjoy this game, despite it's obvious lgbtbbq faggot gayqueer poz agenda.

Yeah, I can't feel the cutting edge across the screen.

is there really THAT much sjw crap in it?

Sawyer, like any good numale cuckold, is obsessed with rape.

When choosing your PC background one province given as an option allows only women to inherit land. Four of the six companions in your party are female, and all of them look hideous, one being a furry.

Also, if you had played PoE you'd know it reads like something out of a tumblrtard's fanfic.

ehh, i guess ill pirate it and see for myself

No idea but there will be even more than in PoE now that the faggot Sawyer has even more say in the company.

From the Codex:

Bravo, Obsidian, bravo!

Im actually pirating pillars of faggotry right now. Whats the most OP build?

The Uninstall Wizard is pretty OP

I find it fitting that this game releases right after a tyrant has been elected.

MAGA you magnificent bastards

If this game manages to pull off a proper gray morality narrative with adequately complex characters like what is found in the to go along with it like what can be found in the Black Company and Malazan book series then I'll be having a blast.

what sort of classes can you roll in this?

its always garbage



Pillars of Eternity was realtime with pause. Pillars of Eternity had morality. How could it possibly be worse based on that when it's obviously the same.


Wew. Carmack was better anyway.

Carmack is now getting circumcised ZuckerBERG dick

Eh, he loves creating new technology. I'm guessing he really doesn't care about Shlomoberg.



Meanwhile he's living in Scotland.

Remind me: they kickstarted, accepted pledges on at least one more site and published with paracucks, and they're still pulling this kikery?
Really? The fuck is a fatebinder? They couldn't make you a taxcollector or some shit, I mean at least let us wet our feet before you pull out the pretentious shit.


I find it amazing Paracucks is getting away with selling forum icons and fucking ringtones, this is some early 2000s shit.

All the "Certified Gullible Goy" badges makes their forums pretty pitiful.

wut? he was the original Coldsteel.

Obsidian immediately censored backer-created content in PoE after a tranny complained on Twitter. They lied about not having checked the content before putting it into the game, and told the backer to take responsibility for it.

Do not support Obsidian.


Holla Forums i hope you listen to me for a moment i love you guys but i beg of you don't turn into the new SJWs2.0

This political witch hunt like>>11197970 >>11197422 got to stop.

Judge vidya by the quality of the video game itself not by the political opinion of the devs.

Or maybe the problem is that devs are part of a crazy totalitarian anti-gaming, anti-male, anti-white, anti-heterosexual cult and spend more time tweeting "kill all white men" than doing any work.

Fuck off

I would love a BC game actually, and if it had been the Obsidian from the days when Avellone was head writer and made 90% of the story, I would be hype as fuck. Now, Obsidian might as well just be a shitty hipster indie group cranking out RPGMaker walking simulators about BLM.

He just wanted a daughterfu but she kept trying to fug

sjw devs cant make good games
sjw makes a game
thus "x" game is shit

its simple math user

Raven was pretty try hard fam

he was, but he just wanted a quiet life

Guess what, that shit is balanced to hell and back. Give yourself a break from that snorefest.

I dunno about you, but I stopped playing shooters. I miss twitch shooters, I miss arena shooters, I miss the big clusterfucks of teams blasting eachother in some giant mess once called "CTF" at 60+ fps. That genre seems to be dormant or dead, so I play what I feel like here or there but haven't really cared for a new release in a very long time.

It's a similar concept here; I'm not only jaded, I'm sick and tired of an "artistic" game turning out to be little more than eye candy if even that. I don't mean high poly, I mean one screen shot looked cool but the demo or trailer made it clear it was more garbage. SJWs tend to make "artistic" games that aren't even pretty, let alone fun or competent.

I totally agree, the ideological witch-hunt needs to be stopped, but the reason it started is still valid and I can't blame anybody for swearing off a company on that grounds. Look no further than Bioware on that one if you need an example. In fairness to you, however, I will concede that the addendum should be added that if a game should come out that IS good, it should be given its fair chance no matter who made it or how.

In essence I agree, but problems appear when the devs themselves shoe in their bullshit in a game.
Related is one of like five SJW tier dev games I can use as an example of actually being good. King of Dragon pass also works in that regard.

DO IT!!!

If all entertainment insists on being garbage we will continue to devote all of our free time to politics.

It's shit until proven otherwise via torrenting and testing.

Fuck off. Your meme failed because your logic is retarded, deal with it.

Is it made in Unity?

I've seen niggers claim Toady is a liberal because some users on Bay12 are liberal despite making a game making fun of liberals.
That was then claimed to be made Unironically which just shows they will lie about a game rather then be wrong.

Use your strawmen as much as you like but its true that there are faggots here who scream SJW when none is present, that's not the case of course with POE.

This reminds me of an interview avellone did where when he was asked if Obsidian were to make another fallout game, would he return? He said no, citing issues with management. Apparently most of the devs at obsidian are alright , it's just that there's a big management issue.

He also mentioned Bethesda usually tries to buy companies they like but didn't actually try buying obsidian, and obsidian management is actually looking to sell

It unlocks at 11AM eastern. It looked pretty neat so I got it since it looked like an actual RPG instead of the FPS garbage that passes for it now.

I'll buy and not buy based on whatever the fuck I want you retarded apologist. Get ass cancer and die.

isnt horseshoe theory that every extremist wants the power to control others absolutely?

No, it states that extreme left-wing policies and extreme right-wing policies become similar again.

It's a meme for slaves so they become afraid to question the status quo.

Pillars of Eternity already was boring as shit and only the angry priest was good.

Avellone left, so nobody there can write anymore and they fucked him hard on PoE.

Its going to be painfully mediocre

I'll definitely be thinking about pirating if there's some sort of overwhelmingly positive feedback coming from here. But right now I don't intend to even download it unless people start praising it as one of the best RPGs ever made. PoE was mediocre or downright awful in almost every aspect from combat to story to characters to abilities to dungeons. The only good part really was the angry priest like you said, everything else just sucked.

Torrent is out. Downloading.
Will report later.

magnet here 8af3faf9f1ed0e385c955ae9915917f8da0b6b2f


Do you have any evidence to support the claim that he was made to redact his content?

they asked him politely, then the joke was changed to make fun of SJWs

Did Sawyer do that? Fuck him. He is not a citizen of the United Kingdom, he has no right to condescend to myself and tell me what this vote means.


The very first thing I see after the intro.

Yes, I know it's most likely just a random character but still, this is too fucking fitting.

reminder to Holla Forumsirgins that Myth and Myth II are about as close to a Black Company game in feel as you're likely to get. (Myth 3 doesn't exist.)
From the grizzled narrator talking about the casualties of the campaign to the main enemies being Taken with the serial numbers filed off, it's good times.

You need to check your privilege

Seems like fetish material instead of real inclusion. Liking the manly shoulders though.

i will find you and end you, you little nu-male cuck

If the game is good and the person who made it is shitty I'll be playing the game but you can be sure as fuck I won't be paying for it.

That description is hilarious.

If you don't tell everybody you meet that you're not racist, sexist, etc how will they know??

Wait obsidian made this? I thought it was biofail. That changes things

Yeah. If the sexes were actually completely equal physically, mentally and in society, there would be no chance to signal virtue with oppression stuff.

They are doing that fucking text thing again where you can get tooltips for various terms in the lore.

Not really it doesn't.

Honestly, it sounds like cis white male patriarchy to me

Oh well. I'm not really hip to all the latest developments in the quckly degenerating world of videogames

Okay this "Conquest" thing where you determine the history of your character is pretty extensive shit. I like it.

Chris Avellone is gone.
Sawyer and his progressive autism is in total control.

Im not sure whether this was common knowledge. Looks like you're technically not even working for the evil overlords.

yeah the overlard guy is more 'do my bidding or die'

You work for him, just not for his armies. You're basically an inquisitor.

The spell creation system looks neat.

balanced or is one op?

Well, the combat UI is killing me already.

I can see it. It's like those small nigger village communities where women are forced to organize the daily life because the men are too lazy to do anything.

The level of detail in the level design looks pretty poor.

First companion is a strong black womyn with a mohawk.

Can you elaborate a bit more on the spell creation system?

Muh early access/beta/pre-release. Just preorder it already!

Actually, the very first character you meet is a black woman from the Overlords army.

It looked like garbage in its reveal. Not even hot garbage either. Just regular, boring garbage.

can you give her the dick?

You can select your element (For starters there is Frost, Lightning, Vigor and Decay, the latter basically being healing/buffing and debuffing.

Then you select how the spell should affect the world, right now I can only do damage spells basically.

Then you slot in extra stuff like more range or AE to create the spell you want. The more you ramp up the effects the more Lore skill you need to cast it and I suppose cooldown goes up too.



Ghoul does make some good memes tbh

in the trash it goes

Nice job stealing your olde tyme vocabulary from GoT.

Both Sawyer and Marting are cucks so it makes sense.


Even the faux Latin name is similar. It's like out of a half-assed parody. What next, king in exile named Aratorn?

who is that guy exactly?

There's some cringe-y shit in here so far but the combat at least seems better than PoE's, although it's also similar. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly is different.

Will play tomorrow and report more shit if the thread is still alive.

kill yourself

I was about to pirate it but this thread made me ditch it.

Some faggot working for the NSA

Obsidian is just as cucked up as BioWare.


You piece of shit

No thanks.




I don't know man, i guess communists simply can't fuck off or control themselves and they have to push their humanity ending ideologies into EVERYTHING.
I mean shit, all i want is to play a game, not get called a rapist and shitlord for being a white man, just stop.

Please do elaborate.
I know a lot of people on here whom have it on their GOTYAY list so there ought to be something about it.
I've never played FA2.



Because the basic gameplay is garbage and so is Legion as a faction.
Also numerous base game issues left after it got converted from fo3.

Too many issues. Combat is ass, very buggy/crashy and needs mods and community patches to be playable, Legion is unfinished being the main ones. It's a good game (7/10) on its own and great with mods (8/10) but it certainly isn't a masterpiece. When I finished it I didn't feel like I had played a masterpiece; I didn't look back and think to myself how amazing the game and how badly I wanted to go through it again to experience it again.

Did you just quote me?

Oh huh maybe I should've read the other replies to that guy's post.

SJW devs deserve to starve to death

I was going to pirate it, but no, I'm not going to willingly play a propaganda game

Do we actually know it's leftist trash or is everyone flipping out over nothing?

Having a character in your game who is leftist does not make the game itself leftist propaganda, depending on how they're portrayed, etc..


Like, as long as it doesn't try to force you to do leftist shit it shouldn't matter.
Honestly I just want to know if it is as boring as PoE was. That shit started off pretty good, but damn did that quality just drop after the first hour.

The chances are high that it will be trash like PoE. As far as I know, the reason why PoE was such trash, was because sawyer made a lot of executive decisions, such as cutting a lot of avelones material out of the game, because he deemed it too "risky". With avelone now gone, and no one to reign in sawyer, chances are, this game will suck.

Okay thanks for arguing as to why I am actually wrong, wish you luck in the future.

I played it for two hours now and its painfully boring and worst of all:
Bland as fuck

You get shit done for the evil who is just 'yeah do what I tell you or die'
There are two factions, one is HONORABLE ELITE and the other is ASSHOLE MERCS.
They each have a little gimmick, like the horablu having some kind of magic that protects them and their leader feels their deaths, but its barely explained and they don't do anything with it.

There aren't any personal hooks, the game just explains lightly what trope each faction is, lets you do decisions that affect your favor with said generic faction. That is it.

These kinds of games, especially with factions that you can't like because they are evil need really good strong NPC characters to latch onto and give an emotional hook.

But the quality seems to on par with PoE's shittier characters, like that faggot elf with the split personality and was a spy. There just isn't anything there other than the very obvious stuff.

Obsidian is pretty much done.

Its like the Morrowind ui fucked the Rome 2 ui and had a a retarded FAS baby

Sounds like a Bioware game.

PoE was terrible and I'm not saying that because of muh sjw backer characters, I'm saying it because there was NO BUILDS and the writing was boring as shit.

I dropped the game when I realized that the first sidequest they give you is to resolve a dispute between famers and merchants about the quality of grains. The whole time I was expecting it to get interesting like the merchants were hiring mages to curse the grain to kill everyone or some shit but nope they just want to make more money selling a subpar product and that's the whole fucking quest.

What's the point of making an RPG with a cool fantasy setting if this is the shit you put in it? And what's the point of having character stats if nothing matters every stat is equally helpful to every build? What's the point of having defined non-custom classes in a computer RPG without the limitations of pen and paper (the reason classes exist in DnD is because it takes fucking forever to make characters so classes expedite the process somewhat)?

I always got the feeling that Avalone was quite the lefty himself, though I still quite liked his writing, or at least the stuff he took credit for.

Not trying to be pedantic, but are there any sources / screencaps / whatever that indicate that his leaving was due to being stifled? This is the first time I'm hearing about it. I thought he was still working there until this thread.

I just pirated it. This shit has the most boring combat I have ever seen in an rpg.

Avalonne was a SJW but unlike other faggots he actually managed to be professional about it.



CA: No. While I like the developers and wish them all the very best, there's too many other problems at the higher managerial level to ever consider stepping back, especially when you could make a step in a direction that mattered for the franchise. Even leads at Obsidian have said as much (most after departing), and they told me they felt helpless in their roles to do what they felt was the right decision.

thats a redundancy of a redundancy

Hmm. That's too bad. Disappointing to hear that Obsidian is going to shit.

Thanks for the link.


If you are paying more than $50 for a game you better be getting something physical and tangible.

Let me guess the tyranny is the evil white man trying to civilize them? Please tell me I'm wrong.

The first hour I'm thinking cool this is pretty good

Second hour (I'm swamped (with lore (in the game))) to the point I don't care. I had to meet some guy somewhere but who can remember with all the fantasy names and places thrown out

I appreciate them for making a new IE engine, maybe they should just release that and make it highly moddable so people can make good campaigns.

actually one of the answers to a question from a parlyaing enemy "what gender is the overlord" "I have no fucking clue, does it even matter who is slaughtering you all in the end?"

yuk yuk yuk


Oh you poor soul.
Let's give it a look:
Do I need to go on?

I played Swtor and DA2 I need to see how horrible this is.

gee I wonder whose opinion that comic is trying to represent as the right one
you cuck

What leftist bullshit does it have? I am playing it right now and I haven't really noticed it so far but maybe that is just because I haven't encountered it yet.

People who aren't neutral?

I literally just gave you a brief list. The entire fucking setting is propaganda user.
If you in spite of that can't tell, well, keep playing. Enjoy your hot garbage while you still can.

i saw that, Holla Forums is getting really fucking retarded.

We should take screencaps while playing and post them here so we can make infographics about the game.


While I agree, I do not wish to actually play through that crap just so some retarded user can have an infographic because apparently the info available and the word of an user aren't good enough.

This reminds me of tumblr comics that we would dig up in LOL threads when Gamer Gate started.

Cop out. They should have really blown some minds and said it was a Black Transgender who identifies as Female.

Oh god it is painful even just the opening cinematic. So far to the chargen screen.

This is definitely not good so far I fear for my sanity.


This is very problematic and needs to be patched out.

Also why does my characters face look like a pouty bitch? All the men faces are either negroid or femboy

user why does your character not have a neck?

if they go with
they deserve goes to banckrupt. abyone whi goes and insult their audience dont deserve be sucsseceful

Another thing I've noted is in every picture in the game where there is a crowd they try to make it with as many different races present as they can, it really has a negative effect like the warcraft film.

Why is he/she wearing a hajib?

Another poorly written, boring as fuck game where Sawyer made sure to make the gameplay as boring as humanly possible. Another Obsidian game where the female NPCs are ugly, unlikeable bitches made to appeal to the tumblr audience. Another pretentious wet fart from a company that seems to think they actually have a shred of talent left among their workforce.

Obsidian by now is merely selling on nostalgia and reputation, their two past games being complete gimmicks ("Baldur's Gate 2.0" and "RPG where you can be evil"), both being boring and shit. Hopefully they gather up all the BioWare fanbase fleeing the sinking ship, they certainly deserve each other.



Get this okay are you ready. He gave magic accuracy and tied it to dex just like physical weapons.

Sawyer can sure make a system can't he? I'd like to lock him in a room with Age of Decadence and not let him out until he beats it so he can see what a real CRPG system looks like.

I'd be fine with just locking him.
Extreme autism has to be contained lest it spill over schools and churches.

So the exact same problem that PoE had. Constant lore dumping nobody cares about because there is no context.

So they wanted the Holla Forums audience after all?

Well shit, I was hoping for a good cRPG. Guess I'll go back to Divinity: Original Sin.

How's Original Sin 2 at least? I know it's Early access but is that at least worth a pirate?

What's Avellone working on now?
Hope he's working on something good.

Didn't he sign up for Prey 2?

Ya, he's working for the enemy now.
Fuck him.

One thing I did note is that they almost had a good idea. They added in the visual novel like quality of characters reacting to your speech in a small window they will get different postures and facial expressions. What they did wrong was that it shows their entire torso and legs and uses in game graphics this looks really sloppy like something a child would do.

Better idea would be like Shadowrun having portraits but with different emotions.

The dialogue is slick and the hover feature for reminders on factions and people and your past decisions is good but so far interacting with the characters.

Oh this is the torrent I am using by the way (rarbg.to/torrent/av2qstx).

I would not advocate purchasing or supporting this game so far.


Well thats was one choice, they actually did have "well while I don't know, they have a good supply of both in the royal harem." so they could be a depraved bisexual man.

Having acquired the game via torrent, it's a significant improvement over PoE.

Not being tied to a predetermined class helps the combat a ton, especially since things like javelin+sword work as you would expect them to(you throw the javelin at range, and dual wield it with the sword in melee).

The writing is shit though, and so far(early act 2) about 70% of the characters are stronk wimin.

The graphics look like the sims.

The Sims has straight relationships.

We Harry Potter now.

The real kicker is that AoD was VD's first game ever, and he managed to gather a team and make a game by being "just" the idea guy and writer. Sawyer is a supposed industry veteran and can't twice in a row has made combat as boring as humanly possible.

Not just no lore context, but no catch, no reason to care. Why does your character care about any of this? Why does the game keep throwing all this shit at you when you don't even fully understand your place in this world.

Take New Vegas, you start the game by getting shot in the head and surviving. You don't know why someone tried to kill you, but you want to find you, and the game organically slowly shifts you from a personal quest of revenge to your character playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Wasteland.

Tyranny has none of that, it overloads the player with stuff without giving him a reason to care. You don't care about the factions or their motivations, you don't care about your goal/duty, you don't care about your party members. It's boring, and what's worse, it makes you feel apathetic.

It kind of feels like Invisible War. While Deus Ex immersed you in its world and made you care for what was going on, and the conspiracy you slowly found yourself entangled in, IW was just off kilter enough to be too weird and simultaneously not weird enough. It wanted to be grounded in reality as DX, but also push the envelope towards a more futuristic take of cyberpunk and accomplished neither.

Honestly the game is ok. I'm 13 hours in. The setting is a bit fucktarded sometimes but these are all southern traditions and it's my job to fucking slaughter them all anyway so I don't really care if in the south women own land. I just kill all the stronk womyn followers and characters I come across. There are plenty of chances to do so.

One I enjoyed was the whore daughter of Graven Ashe who let the son of the regent of Stalwart fuck her and actually gave birth to a baby. I lifted the Edict without killing the baby for which she was eternally thankful but then I made sure to humiliate Graven Ashe as much as possible while breaking the news of his whore daughter being a racemixing whore so he killed them both.

Combat is much improved from PoE, magic buffs are finally worth a damn, and spellcrafting is pretty good, albeit a bit simple. "Evil" is shaded well enough, options run the gamut of lawful through chaotic, you even have some chances to be a decent guy sometimes. Companions are clichéd but Avellone is gone so I'm not sure what anyone was expecting. The writing is not as pretentious as PoE (oh look at me with my invented languages and 30 minutes long expositions of events that don't even matter) but it does get wordy and it isn't all that good.

The one thing I'll say against it is that it's easy. You level skills really quickly (or the alternate dialogue options/world interaction thresholds are set too low) so there really is no option closed to you if you have 4 party members. Combat is easy too.

It's worth a pirate.

How is that the embodiment of evil in the current year? Xer might as well be straight out of tumblr. Evil is evil for the sake of evil, and that's it. How fucking original. Give me back the bad guys from FO1, Arcanum, Bloodlines.

Now, Caesar and his Legion, that's how you trigger the leftists. Imagine forcing Obsidian's (and BioWare's, one and the same) audience to play as the all-conquering, cishet, Aryan god-king agent, meat to subjugate populations, crucify the faggots and send their women into sexual slavery.

The story doesn't make too much sense. I am a greedy evil mother fucker who was governor of the place that makes the godlike iron gear and yet I decide to show up to a conflict dressed in rags?

Well done.

Whores don't get a second chance. I'll be killing Graven Ashe ASAP now. If he can't even lead his own family he doesn't deserve my support.

Same problem Mass Effect had. You're the space inquisitor with your own advanced stealth ship prototype but have to scavenge for equipment like a nigger.

They could at least bother rectifying the dissonance between gameplay and story, or make a prelude arc that explains how you got the top spot.

Fuck this I'm re-rolling. Adding accuracy to magic is just incompetent so I'm thinking the power build is just a ranger like PoE. That way I'll hit all the time and do it quickly.

What the fuck are you even complaining about here?

Ironically, this sort of apathetic "Who are these people and why should I care" even seems to be a valid roleplaying approach for your character.

I think he's juggling Prey and Divinity Original Sin 2.


Pointing out the fact that this isn't just an RPG, it is an RPG viewed through a Marxist lens.

How many video games manage this if they don't take the "you are a peasant that quickly becomes a demigod" route? For all its faults, AoD had pretty different character progress archs depending on your start.

nature doesn't like regular shapes'n'round numbers in chaotic places aka public opinion
neither do I

I am going to cleanse that world of subhumans.

So, both are shit. What choices they give us.

Seriously, props for this.

But you're not actually in a top spot. You're essentially a commissar glorified messenger that got forced to do some shit before the bomb that you're carrying goes off.

Can I not have more than 19 in a stat naturally or something? Am I being Sawyerd right now? I have a free stat point and cannot use it in str.

I think it takes two points after 19.

Gee whizz the gameplay and system is a downgrade from PoE and this UI is just horrible to look at.

I played this the whole night. Every faction is shit. Every thing is shit. I control the tower now and will play more later. Oh and the game is very superficial and shit. The only good/interesting faction didn't even have it's presence you are its only rep.

Yeeeea after playing a few more hours, I have to agree. The system is just bland and boring as fuck.

It doesn't seem to play as well as PoE and I miss my pimp hat wearing shotgun cipher. Shoot once cast top tier spells.


On one hand its way better than PoE. On the other that's not saying much.

In what way is it better than PoE?

No shoe-in kikestarter character/stories for one. Also spell making and the lack of shit classes in general.




so its not 100% shit, any pics on the furry?

Bows suck I'm re-rolling again…. What is good?

Come on lad you can't have good, strong, interesting characters, that's too "risky", have a nice strong independent poc instead.

Great. Make it all furbait, even. Furfags and this tasteless shit deserve each other.

You fucking retard, they're the ==CANCER== and must be removed!


How's the dialogue? I was looking forward to a game where you got to be 'evil' but everything i've seen just makes it look like HBS' recent shadowrun games with more edge

Found ice to be truly broken also what's wrong with bows? built the blood bitch as an archer and she's pretty effective

You usually get a lawful (evil), a chaotic (evil) and a cop out option. And each character/faction usually has a preference and a respect/fear tab that goes with it.
It's also less pretentious and prone to rambling compared to PoE.

Its pretty shit. Locations are small and unity engine is garbage. Characters are shallow and boring, lots of faggots, dykes, bisexuals. Combat is boring as shit, companions are boring as fuck nothing close to planescape torment or NV companions. Also
>wrathful god allows gender 'equality''' and sexual freedom
its shit and not worth playing.

You know, when looking at PoE and this… Even the NWN2 companions were better.

mask of the betrayer is like god tier compared to this shit, this is the last obsidian game I've played. Thank god for piracy.

Vanilla companions were shit except for the evil warlock guy who was ok. MotB companions were all pretty good.

The OC companions were clichees but at least they didn't feel forced.

Obsidian hasn't been relevant for years (If they ever were), drop those fuckers already.

When will vidya be good again?


I hope your asshole is prepared for the shitshow Torment is gonna be.


holy shit you fucking faggots can't read. That's the situation in the land you're conquering.

So according to you guys the writing is shit but you fags do go overboard with seeing SJWs everywhere. How's the game play?

That makes it worse, now it's a story about a patriarchy conquering a matriarchy. Expect lots of "muh peaceful culture" and "if women were in charge, war wouldn't exist".

Better than PoE, but still not a good combat system.

It says women can rent property and own land while men own the sea and can be captains and shit, ya niggers. Which is still stupid because the Tiers are not some sort of island nation like Britain.

Oh, no, that's so last year user, nowadays to be evil you merely need to be egalitarian, which the conquerors are.

Even their leader is a bisexual degenerate that wants both boys and girls in xer's harem.

that would apply better to tumblr comics or comics by… whatever the name of the guy who self-inserts as the blue bear is

One of the first things you're told by the "good guys" is that they indeed fought wars between each other all the time.

We are currently an egalitarian society that gives women more that equal opportunity yet feminists still believe we live in a patriarchy. Egalitarianism is just an MRA meme shitlord. :^)

Men can not own land, they can rent it.

So is basically every piece of lore Obsidian shits out these days.

Egalitarianism was a mistake. Women are not equal to men.




Nah nigga we wuz prezidentz

Where do you think we are? What do you think the reason people come to Holla Forums is?

So skip it.


Seriously, it's like the game doesn't WANT me to have fun…

Yeah sure you get the opportunity to act like an asshole from time to time, but I still don't feel the freedom the game promised me.


kek, best post in the whole thread.

That's Sawyer's design philosophy. Fun is for icky, white, cishet grognards.

are there any games, CRPG or not, that give you that freedom?

I would actually play that game if I had an option to play as sexy trap

Actual roleplaying games.

Alpha Protocol made in a time when Obsidian was good.

Don't tell me that's a man?

yes it's a man

Your character is just a functionary of another albeit more senior archon that was ordered to cast a spell that will kill you to if the army failed to perform. It sounds like you were overstepping your authority and pissing people off recklessly.

its a woman with a penis :^)

Science sucks.

So you can be buffed BEFORE the combat? What a relief!

lol @ the black guys dressed like pimps


Hopefully one of these images will accurately convey how much I'm listening to you.

It's fucking trash, but I'd like to see how shit it gets.

Americans are truly a disease

To be fair Holla Forumse have a couple of goon-lites doing their best to shit up a thread the moment someone mentions rpgs and it's not like that's a hard job for a obsidian game

Really makes you think.

I don't see a redhead

What's funny is that you can kill most people so far, except the fucking faggots.

Fuck off leftist cuck. Don't you have some immigrants to "welcome" by which I mean let fuck your wife and children?

You are some evil agent and you can't kill a subordinate that asks you to help with picking a prostitute? Or even be rude at all? I'd be annoyed even if it wasn't about getting someone's shit pushed in.

Ugh, looks like the colorist scum have arrived. Maybe its a transred huh, did you ever think of that you nazi?!

fag detected

So besides the poz shit that Obsidian is filled with, hows the gameplay like? and the customization?

Can I make a harem party?

Can't be triggering, now can we?

Shit and no.

It plays like shit and it's boring as fuck. Can't customize shit except for your banner which you barely see. You pick a 2D portrait after creating your 3D character, so all that customization servers no fucking purpose whatsoever.

Well, thank god I avoided it.

Even if you could, I don't see why you would. Obsidian follows BioWare's model when making female NPCs, and by that I mean all the female party members are ugly, opinionated bitches that seem to have walked out of a feminist class.

Man I really need to play through that game again. I just wish it had a different save system so I can save scum my way through it and see how differently everything plays out depending on what you say.


well somehow it's even worse than I imagined

absolutely disgusting

You are the servant of the avatar of justice, killing people for no reason is not justice, this is exactly the type of bullshit an avatar of justice would have to put up with. "Oh this guy isn't letting me get my sleep, deal with it avatar!"

I will say the small amount of time I've been giving, I've been liking it.

Now the problem with me though is that I have UNBELIEVABLE shit taste. I can enjoy almost any game, I can enjoy almost any movie, almost any tv show, I have a taste that is just 1 step above stagnant pond scum.

But meh, I'm enjoying it.

I liked Pillars of Eternity and am looking forward to Tyranny.

good for you man, can't help what you like, if we all did we wouldn't have any variety, it would be call of duty 24/7/365/infinity.



Does anyone even give a fuck about this game? The reception so far has been one big meh from every side. There really is nothing to make the game stand out besides the supposed premise, and even that is underutilized.

So can you be so cartoonishly evil that even a DS KOTOR Jedi would be impressed?

You can kill lots of cishet people. :^)

Be serious, it can't be like that. SJWs don't play video games, why would you ever make a game for them.

Didn't stop BioWare any, and now that Obsidian is hiring writers from the same place things are bound to go the same way.

Well that's a shame. I really liked RPGs.


There's plenty of good RPGs out there. Age of Decadence and Underrail are two recent good ones, no pozz and combat that isn't complete shit.

If you want Fallout a Czech mod got recently translated, Fallout 1.5, so you can look that one up.

IIRC Bethesda hired Avellone

How is this even more boring than the fucking Pillars of Eternity? "Being evil" boils down to either being an asshole or being a raving psycho, the game guides you to being nice anyway, the plot is unfocused and not really interesting, dialogues are all shit reeking of pretense (also, ALL female VAs sounds like insufferable cunts. ALL of them), the characters are plain uninteresting and generic, their archetypes used in hundreds of games before, the whole setting seems schizophrenic in what it's trying to accomplish (one moment it's adamant about the overlord being utter evil, the next it praises her laws for being the best shit since sliced bread and an improvement for everyone. There's gray morality, and there's fucking contradicting yourself), and the combat is terrible

Okay final final re-roll.

This time I will go for full diplomacy skills and magic.

i accept your right to have shit taste.

You know I would cut the game some slack if you could just straight up murder everyone until the world is empty.

10/10 my dude. Weirdly enough after replaying since I am older I like the druid girl a bit more but next playthrough I'll use the restoration patch.

That reminds me, we should really get a thread going about good NWN and NWN2 modules.

freedom of speech and shitposting

black and white?

pics of that, please.

the who bought pillars of eternity? who is going to buy tyranny?

i think some old game let you do this, for shit and giggles.
how so?
can you make a webm of the combat?

tell me more.


Adds the cut Neeshka Romance and other stuff maybe. They got a chick to read the Neeshka lines and do a voice that is spot on so it is legit.

a man fucking a man? thats gay tho

can you give me a link? i cant find shit about the patch

You must be deaf then. What I heard doesn't resemble the original VA at all.

Jump to 24:30 and prepare for cringe.

I'm gonna use next playthrough so only skim read about it didn't install last time.

Compare with her introduction by original VA.

i can mute it
Oh vey!

Just terrible. I cannot honestly recommend the mod after hearing that.

It's like they took pictures of their faggot friends and had some art guy who liked to huff his own paint photoshop them
I knew there was a reason I kept shadowrun HK installed

Not a single blonde hair blue eyed male character portrait. But like 50 black ones.

upload the patch on the mega and give link please.

It is on gibberings but here anyway.


Wasn't that basically Leela's job on the first episode of Futurama?

oh, it was that one, no wonder i couldnt find it, thanks friend

Great idea for a civilization. Where exactly does the next generation spring from? Do they grow them in fields or something?

I know it's fantasy but this shit is completely immersion breaking.

Presumably the ones with jobs and land have the kids. If the poor ones with no means of support are pumping out children that are just going to die before reaching useful maturity it's just a drain on resources and you're better of drafting the shitters and making them haul supplies for the army or whatever.

And the kids just raise themselves magically with no parents supervising. Got it.

Presumably they're raised and supervised by their working parents, like all children of working parents for all the years of human history where said parents didn't have access to public schools or daycares to drop their kids off at.

dont confuse honest Holla Forums anons who left halfchan of their own accord with Holla Forums shitters who got kicked out for their inability to have 2 sided conversations on their own boards subject

You know why people left Holla Forums right? I don't know if this is trolling or b8 but it is very silly.

I should've done that shit.
Ah, what a shame.

It's pretty bland.
Your followers are "GENERIC HONOURABLE KNIGHT", "An bitchy slut who needs no man", a "DUDE, INK, LMAO" druggie, a "MUH WIMINS" mage and a beastman. At least, that's what I've got so far.
There's choices that lead you to just kill them straight up. Sadly, you can't do it at any time and that's just disappointing.
I'll probably drop this game. It doesn't have flavour. Not once have I said "hey, that's a pretty interesting character".

Which one is Verse? I'd have called her "Twisted fucking psychopath female edition."

The bitchy slut one.
I gotta admit, I kinda ignored her after getting the oathbreaker mage cause she always opposes how I do things. My choices are always lawful evil so that doesn't gel well with her.
Does she even end up being interesting? I never found anything particularly cool about Verse.
Barik might be a generic knight but at least him being stuck in pieces of armor and weapons gives him an interesting quirk.

easier to dump porn, webms with sound, riveting conversations about a pretty decent burger joint. i guess halfchan was bought out by mcdonalds at some point. you know they give you complimentary peanuts. theyre just sitting around in barrels and you just grab em

what does it take?

Aww is Verse a slut? I'd just thought she was a psycho but if that is the case she'll be getting the boot for The Archon of Song. Since she's only like 15 she can't be that slutty I guess.

Yeah Barik is cool A good piece of meat and iron to stand infront of my mage. The spellcrafting is imba so far I can gib anything with a 1-2 shot of op custom spells.

Saluted to the user who suggested frost magic.

*rolls eyes*

Take your pick, bud.

Some Lawful Evil followers would be nice.
The knight-guy's too Lawful neutral.

Emoting something is cancerous on purpose.

Does this make sense that you get wounds when your HP does not even fully deplete?

Seems kinda Sawyer.

This is hilarious coming from Murricans. Don't you have Jamal's dick to suck? You are the ones who spread this SJW shit to the rest of the world, not us.

You've got to admit you would have to willingly ignore some of the stuff in this game to not notice it.

I guess it would help you like the game more but it is a slap in the face each time they do something obviously stupid.

I can just go play Duengon Rats again if it gets too bad to cleanse my palette anyway.

So far the only thing that could be seen as a dev forcefully shoving their political views in to the game was in Dragonspear with the tranny bullshit, the Gamergate mention from Minsc and maybe one or two other things. PoE, whatever its faults are, is really not as bad as Holla Forums makes it out to be.

Its fine if you want to keep your head in the sand but dont go preaching about knowing jack shit while blaming other boards

Don't be a cuck. You have clear cases and then you have spergs being spergs.

Their criticisms of PoE are quite valid. The horrible horrible companion characters all written by the same 'writer' pretty much anything written by "Carrie Patel" is pure cancer.

It is immersion breaking to the extreme and what prevents PoE from being anything more than average.

Yeah but as I mentioned, the characters being shit is more of a problem of quality and not forced political views.

That isn't really a valid point. The characters and parts of the game written by that person are not only in poor quality as you say but they also force a political view or harbour an inorganic agenda for the game setting.

That is absolutely a valid point. A lot of people here try to display the game as if it was Dragonspear, Dragon Age 2 or fucking Sunset in terms of pandering and PoE is quite clearly not.

A quarter of the content being blatant propaganda is still a quarter. The reason why people are disappointed is because formerly obsidian was capable of good things and this is literally the beginning of the slippery slope.

You do remember the decline of Bioware going from BG2 to DA:O to Da2? Right now Obsidian is half way between DA:O and Da2.

I am inclined to believe you, but that is quite the claim. Could you provide proof of that?

I absolutely agree that Obsidian is declining in quality. If PoE is their new standard then it is a low standard indeed.

Well PoE had 7 writers and that one I mentioned is the one who made the hamfisted agenda characters I read in an interview on RPG codex that she only wrote the two characters, so that means for certain at least another writer is compromised.

I'd bet some of the same names are in the Tyranny credits the poisonous ones at least.

Alright, that is great and all, but I need actual examples of her work that could, at the very least, viewed as propaganda. We can dance around it all day but I am not really inclined to believe this whole theory if there are no actual examples.

You want me to re-install PoE and screen cap every idiotic thing a character does or the story forces down the players throat for no reason? Let's just say PoE isn't high up on my backlog.

For examples that writer wrote Maneha and Sagani that should be enough for you to make you mind up about her.

from here or cuckchan?

I loved that episode

The evil overlord is a woman, they're the only ones that can own land.

It's the place you're conquering where only women can own land, the place the Overlord comes from has entirely different rules.


it was shit, boring, spelling errors fucking everywhere, and in the end you don't even fight kyros or w/e her faggy name was

lol at this faggot white knighting obsidian. theyre fucking over man.

Thanks for the spoiler…. Do we at least get to see her?