I heard from a friend that you guys don't like interracial couples. Something about them stealing our women. But what if she clearly wants it? Can't you just be happy for them?
I don't think I'll change everyone's mind, but maybe just a few. I'll post some examples of fictional romance so you can see it's not that bad.
Is it wrong if she's the one who wants it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Global report.
Don't be racist.
This is why Overcuck threads even if they're ones bashing it are pure fucking cancer.
gas yourself OP :^)
That's not very tolerant. At the very least, let's discuss this. What's wrong with it? Marcus does take the lead, but it's not like he's raping her. She wanted it, too.
The dude seems to have some African features, but they aren't very promiment. It almost seems like that of a half-breed. It makes sense, unlike the doujin where the guy is an ugly guy (which, for some reason, is a genre), this seems more normal and can be subversive.
Hopefully it doesn't actually affect the japs and it at worst stays as a shitty fetish at the conventions Comickit(?))
Comiket (Comic Market)
Calling it a fetish implies that it's something to be hidden away. If two consenting adults want to be together, that's nobody's business but theirs, and they shouldn't have to feel like they need to be furtive about it.
You say that like it's a disease to be spread, but it's more like a different culture to be embraced. Look at picture I'm including. See how by being with a lover from another background causes her to broaden her horizons? Western European and East Asian cultures aren't the only ones in the world, you know.
Zero effort.
From you?
Sorry. My friend said to spoiler them, but I don't know how.
OP do you like nigger dicks?
truly degenerate
Jesus christ, I literally laughed out loud.
Oh boy this thread was rediculous.
Don't use that word; it's extremely insensitive, and it's a relic of an age gone by.
But no, I don't like black men's penises. I just don't think anyone should think it's wrong to want to be with another person of a different race. You should be happy for them, regardless of skin color. You shouldn't try to separate them by color like some kids these days separate their Lego blocks or Skittles by color.
the author?
Well, I have to be going for now. I'd love to continue this discussion some other time, if this thread is still around. It seems threads on this site expire over time, unlike normal forums.
Please think about what I said about being tolerant of interracial couples.
The comic it by Atage, and the one with Bunny and Rusty is by markydaysaid.
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
And I'm bumping this thread to make sure everyone sees as much.
Global report.
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Why the fuck should I you cuck?
Is this the new spambot (FISH BOL, move to polk, etc etc)???
Check out this guy, his wife and "his daughter".
It's like he never had a child at all.
No, you stupid cocksucking faggot. Holy fucking christ, pay attention.
didn't get enough sleep sorry
Notice here the lack of faces given to the niggers. That tells me an essay's worth of words about the mind of the artist.
calm your tits
His wife also looks dull and basic as FUCK.
This mans bloodline has ended and he is now stuck with some dumb, mentally diminuitive broad.
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Why are you idiots trying to engage a fucking shill?
These fucking literal faggots and trannies and mudpeople make a thread like this, and you fucking imbeciles will sit here and argue with them, as though they're acting in good faith from the start.
They're not here because they believe in X, Y or Z, they're here to try to demoralize you by defacing your board with propaganda and to try to manipulate your mind via that propaganda.
This thread has been up for nearly two hours, and the mods should have swept it by now, but it only becomes harder to get them to do so when you fucking idiots sit here and engage them.
Oh, and don't forget you fucking mongs! Proxies exist! So just because you see someone ELSE engaging the fucking homosexual or deviant or nigger or whatever the fuck these cretins are LARPing as at the moment, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD, you fucking idiots.
Its called proxies fuckface.
Do you only post on one IP? You must be gone fucking good goy, because the mods are right proper cunts, and they do a piss-poor job - which I am coming to believe is not by accident or incompetence, but rather the opposite in both cases.
That fucker stole my idea. Oh well, there should be literally no competition for me atm as there are very few immigrants there.
Most cucks are just closet homo/bi
There is a portion of people in that fetish that are just pathetic and get off on the humiliation.
But most of them just want to suck dick/get fucked, and are unwilling to admit it.
So their mind rationalizes this big "slave to my wife who forces me to join in with her on another male" fantasy
drink bleach
why are you switching proxies before they even start banning you ITT?
To demonstrate my point, you fucking idiot.
You are even kvetching about the fact that I'm posting on multiple IPs, without realizing that I just fucking warned you about how people can and do employ such means - not as I have, mind you, to ensure I don't care if the IPs in question are banned, but to pretend to be Anons, and lure you into engagement.
And I started kvetching before you warned me:
me kvetching
you warning me?
Commence with the incoherent rambling and kike accusations BEEP BOOP BEEP
and it fucking took my sage off fuck
To demonstrate my point, you fucking idiot.
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Why is there a thread, right now about nigger dicks? - 78 replies
Why is there a porn about 'fake porn' with porn right in the fucking OP? - 263 replies
Why are there multiple LARP threads? - hundreds of replies
Why is there a thread claiming that this board will share the same fate as cuckchan? - 7 replies
Checked for I was explicit in my warning only after you exhibited that you're an idiot.
God damn you should be embarrassed but you're probably the nigger who made this fucking cuck thread, so go figure.
halfchan is leaking
pic related
the bots broken
And in this case dealing with shit software BEEP BOOP I get to check my own hitler dubs
bot confirmed
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Why is there a thread, right now about nigger dicks? - 78 replies
Why is there a porn about 'fake porn' with porn right in the fucking OP? - 263 replies
Why are there multiple LARP threads? - hundreds of replies
Why is there a thread claiming that this board will share the same fate as cuckchan? - 7 replies
All in the first three rows of the catalog.
Depends, i m pretty sure given that le white man is on top of the dating ladder, he probably has access to the best niggresses.
So that means the beta niggers are trying to emulate the alpha white, whereas the white cucks embrace nigger culture as a favour. Which means the beta niggers are trying to act on the stereotype of being niggers, which means their art becomes shit. On the other side the real niggers are not trying to act out on stereotypes but are trying to make real art, which means the stereotype niggers vanish greatly because the real niggers are real niggers.
to be honest I think the OP is ironically shitposting, the mods are doing a shit job of handling it though
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Why is there a thread, right now about nigger dicks? - 78 replies
Why is there a porn about 'fake porn' with porn right in the fucking OP? - 263 replies
Why are there multiple LARP threads? - hundreds of replies
Why is there a thread claiming that this board will share the same fate as cuckchan? - 7 replies
All in the first three rows of the catalog.
I have seen people banned - myself included - for must less-shit ironic shitposting, with the reason "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting".
Not an excuse, and does not address my commentary on the noticeable shift in the appearance of these sorts of threads.
because shit software creates said threads
the uses vpns to simulate trolls and arguing
then acts like Holla Forums is fucked MUH BLACKPILL
Did Shareblue buy you? Their shit budget would explain why you suck so much ass bot.
Try bigger bait
Why are you bumping this thread?
Shill, user. user meet shill.
because its malfunctioning
Is this the one translated by ATF where they became pussy cuck faggots who changed it from nigger to black man? (I think they've translated one or two of these types)
Sounds about right.
Literal jew
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
So its seen.
I am now convinced you are the OP.
And here comes the torfaggots to shill, knowing any further support of this thread will result in insta-bans when the mods eventually stop cucking.
Then why are the fucking mods? US weekend late-night is one of the highest posting times for forums such as these.
I'm not actually addressing you, just using you to demonstrate my justification.
Yep, totally a bot. Hence why I sage'd and reported the fucking thread.
Are you a fucking idiot? I saged the thread since it is a trash thread that shouldn't exist. Nevertheless, I still wished to ask if this is the one ATF cucked out on in translating. kys (for somehow coming to the conclusion that I'm shilling for anything).
you act more like a controlled opposition shill than a Holla Forums user
bot or not, you are not from here
You do realize that you're contributing to which you are supposedly against. right?
sorry user
It seemed like it just switched IP really quick to distract
My bad
-t op
It's basically irrelevant when a single bump brings it back up.
Hi bot
goddamn it
There has been a noticeable shift in poster demographics over the last week as regards threads like these.
Namely: Cuckchan-tier threads.
Now, either some autist got banned and is shitposting here now, OR a new shilling outfit has targeted h8chan (probably as result of being mentioned in several recent media artiles as the 'more extreme' version of cuckchan).
In any case…
The mods allow this.
Oh, my bad, I thought 'ATF' was someone who translates weeb shit.
… So, the actual ATF translated this shit? If true, Jesus Christ…
Seems legit faggit.
Gods willing, they start doing their fucking jobs.
I suspect they're complicit, hence the absence of action - after all, it appears to have been posted shortly after the last time a mod was active, and the faggots who run this place have been shown to be pro-pornography and likely not White.
I'm contributing to it being seen, and my posts demonstrating what it represents being seen, rather than falling down into the 7th row of the catalog… And then being bumped again… And then falling into the 7th row of the catalog… And then being bumped again.
The faggots who run this place allow that shit to go down regularly, and this is a good way of making that infeasible.
I should probably change IPs so they don't just delete posts by this IP and let the thread ride though, so I'll go ahead and do that for this post.
This nigger gets it.
Just because you sage something and it seems like its dying down doesn't stop it from getting rebumped a week later, because the mods never deleted it. Usually someone (like me) shows up and starts bitching about it though, and that's when they have to end up anchoring it - but if nobody calls them out? They leave that shit to fester for weeks.
That's because you're either a fucking idiot, or you're the OP.
Evidence is pointing toward a fucking idiot… But wow, that sure is convenient how you 'accidentally' bumped the thread when I stopped posting, isn't it?
Because its REALLY easy to 'accidentally' stop saging a thread, isn't it?
There's a special place in hell waiting for you OP.
you too nigger
and here
Yeah its called refreshing the browser with a whole lot of security (Umatrix, HTTPS everywhere, ublock, etc)
Are you a bot? Anyways,
You're on an imageboard mate. Regardless of what you say, it's weebshit inherently (IRC and forums may not be, but imageboards are). As for ATF, no, you're right. It is a group (not a person) that translates doujin. Their version 1 (of this, or another like it) used nigger in place of black.
Honestly, if even up to page 2 happened IRL, I'd kill someone (but luckily it wont FBI since I don't have kids/wouldn't let them near blacks in the first place). Honestly, it reminds me of those fucking Swede/Fin picks where are those shitskins are cohabiting(?) with a white family feeling up their daughters (young, e.g. ~10 years old).
Shhhhh, shh shh shh, its over now OP.
Whatever man.
that why you:
Its all ogre now OP. Shh.
maybe you should try another "forum"
loli + interracial, why doesnt it surprise me that OP doesnt just post interracial but also loli.