Did Sen. Joe McCarthy do anything wrong? how right was he? or was he just a paranoid egotist? Post McCarthy related material
ann coulter on him:
Did Sen. Joe McCarthy do anything wrong? how right was he? or was he just a paranoid egotist? Post McCarthy related material
ann coulter on him:
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He had a list and didn't just put the names out there.
McCarthy fucked up by not just naming the jew at a time when everyone still hated kikes
1. Lurk more.
2. Everyone McCarthy fingered was a communist or was paid by communists. Every single last one.
Jews threatened to assassinate him because he was naming too many jews, idiot.
Technically he was in the right, he was just a counterproductive moron who fucked up everything. Libs are doing the exact same thing now though, so hopefully history repeats itself.
Guess what happens when you cuck? You get nothing and die and they attack your memory.
Moral of the story: Fuck the kikes, never cuck.
hadnt thought of the connection to whats going on today, thats actually exactly whats going on
He may of pointed out commies, but his method was turned against non commies by commies akin to early projection, kinda like sjws and rapey soyboys who accuse others of the shit they have done.
He trusted a kike.