I come from a conservative (and Protestant) family, converted to Catholicism and am moving further right with each additional red pill. To add, I am more Conservative than my Conservative and Libertarian peers but I still have a few questions.
With that said, can there be such thing as an Alt-Right aligned Catholic, given that we believe ourselves to be the true continuation of the Jewish tradition (seeing the Jews as having gone astray) and so have separated ourselves while thinking of them more as cousins?
**Disregard the Muslim-loving pope and the "alt-right" group Church Militant, though I do follow that group. **I am aware of the Libertarian-to-Alt right pipeline and that the alt-right encompasses more than just the cliché national socialist
Focus on your asceticism and don't fall in with Jesuits.
Luke Morgan
Why?* *aside from the obvious reasons
I am aware of the issues with them. The local priest is a Jesuit and I can certainly see the Liberal tendencies in him.
Leo Russell
1. Lurk more. 2. Stop being a ✡catholic✡
Jackson Harris
All Jesuits are liberal, it is an explicitly liberal anti-traditionalist order. They're college professors at a pulpit, no actual connection to God.
Jackson Wood
>>>/christian/ This board is about the racial struggle, not your kike-worshipping, race-blind desert religion.
Chase Jackson
pick one
Logan Robinson
Lurk for a few more years. Christianity is a Jewish religion, put down the bible and pick up Mein Kampf.
Levi James
1. That's what got me here. 2. That would defeat the purpose of my conversion.
The politics thrown into the homilies were irritating from the beginning.
Chase Scott
Catholics caused the Dark Ages by killing smartfags Catholics diminish White race by making nun and priests stay single Catholics grow nigger population by sending missionaries and aid. Catholics grow nigger population by banning contraception. Catholics grow nigger population by telling European goys to welcome rapefugees in the name of Jesus Prove me wrong
Jason White
Hitler and most of his top ranking officials were Catholic.
Thomas Edwards
Matthew Martin
One Christian represents all Christians apparently. Catholics are allowed to have their own opinions.
I don't have to pick one. Popes are not always infallible.They can also be excommunicated. Don't think Francis is a king.
Daniel Jenkins
By who Jesus?
Nicholas Green
John Myers
Are you talking about the Bishop of Rome? He doesn't represents all Christians. He represents Jesus.
Owen Fisher
Look up population of catholics in 1932 Germany and vote for Nazi ratio.
Jace Wright
Catholics caused the Dark Ages by killing smartfags.
Catholics diminish White race by making nun and priests stay single
Work to have a large family of white children like myself.
Catholics grow nigger population by sending missionaries and aid.
Catholics grow nigger population by banning contraception.
Catholics grow nigger population by telling European goys to welcome rapefugees in the name of Jesus
It is not my fault Francis is blind or that whites will not breed as much.
Matthew Jackson
german prot cuck shills on suicide watch lmao
Ryder Brown
Fresh off the boat from cuckchan or just trolling? It's hard to tell between the two. I mean, even a cuckchan nigger would be able to reply properly, so in the end I'm going to have to go with shitposting.
Kevin Ross
I had heard Hitler was a Christian but he did try to exterminate the Jews. If you can reconcile that, I'd love to hear it.* *That isn't meant to sound sarcastic.
He can be excommunicated by Cardinals and other Priest.
Christianity is the foundation of the West and has done and given us many great things.
The original, Greek meaning of meekness meant to be able to use violence but to resist doing so unless necessary. Not all Christians are arrogant assholes. If you really believe these things about Christianity then you haven't studied enough. Your probably thinking "Yes, I have. Fuck you." Christianity wasn't meant to be weak. One can find a lot of evidence if you dig past the pacifist lies.
I'm taking about user's insinuation that one Christian (myself) represents all Christianity.
Not shit posting. Just not bothered to reply that way.
Gavin Young
Reported for intl spam. Try again.
Aaron Cox
1. Reported for intl. 2. So why are jews censoring and blocking Christianity, shlomo? archive.is/l1Gey
Lincoln James
1. Reported for intl. 2. “HURR DURR MUH KIKE AGES” was disproven centuries ago. 3. Try harder.