Post your favorite album and videogame
Post your favorite album and videogame
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I guess I have a thing for manly traps
I'm not a very cool person.
How's my taste Holla Forums?
ELO is tight.
Good taste.
Here you go, OP.
bretty good taste in this thread.
Really good.
Even better.
I haven't given much of a listen to the Beach Boys, but I know Deus Ex is fantastic.
this meme is retarded, when was the last time someone bought a CD? Just post individual songs faggot.
Anyways pics related are favorite game and movie, favorite song is Zircon - Baroque Virus
I strongly considered ELO - Twilight as my song choice for this and I haven't played Earthbound, maybe I should.
When is the last time someone bothered to download or torrent a single song?
I see what you did there.
You download a shit ton of songs then find the best one and that's your favorite. Alternatively you find random shit on soundcloud or jewtube to discover music. It makes it much easier to recommend music if you recommend one song and it doesn't prevent you from specifying singles that aren't a part of an album which is the normal way of producing music now (at least outside of retarded mainstream shit or people stuck in the past).
Posting albums is like saying your favorite game series, and it's obvious why you would want people to say individual games because if you say "TES is my favorite series" you could either be a bethesdacuck or someone who doesn't have atrocious taste depending on which games in it you like. I'd gladly go and listen to every recommendation in this thread but I'm not listening to a bunch of different albums, just recommend songs you niggers.
You can still acquire albums without buying CDs, user. I torrent all of my albums, and I still enjoy buying vinyls.
B-Sides are often undiscovered treasures.
for what purpose? They are inferior in every way to virtually all other forms of media storage.
what if i dont have a favorite album
Then post a song, which is what everyone should be doing instead of this "muh album" hipster nonsense.
favorite game ost?
Good taste pal, Low End Theory is my favorite album too
Did they change the image upload limit in the last ten minutes? It keeps saying I'm trying to upload too many images, but I'm only trying to post two
An album and a series are hugely different, the closer comparison would be a series and an entire discography. An album is like a 40 minute time investment, get over it
I grew up around vinyls when I was little, so it's just something of a hobby that I've picked up over the years. I like the physical collection of vinyls, it's very much a tactility thing for me.
I still torrent .flacs of those same albums, so I suppose it's similar to owning cartridges of games. Sure, I could emulate my NES/SNES/Genesis library, but the tactile, physical feel of these things are so much more important to me.
How much music do you have?
In a thread that will likely contain at least 30 album recommendations
just post fucking songs otherwise noone will listen to what you post.
Holla Forums's being retarded and not letting me post more than one image, so my favorite game is Banjo-Tooie.
I feel that, but it seems like such a burden to have them kept in working order. Where I live I worry about all my mother's records melting, because in the summers it gets hot enough to at least warp them.
A couple hundred songs, I download albums or individual songs then anything that I find good gets moved to my music folder and anything else is deleted. I organize the songs by what state I would listen to them in, like a folder for when I'm working, a folder for feeling happy, etc.
Songs are collected into albums and discographies. How else would you get multiple songs? And if you like a certain song, the most similar songs to it will be in an album with that song.
It won't take you over an hour to listen to an album. An album is a whole piece of musical media. You don't listen to a movement and assume you understand a whole symphony. There is a reason that these songs were made and distributed together.
The best albums have songs which blend seamlessly into each other. What's the point of choosing only one part and ignoring the rest? That way you can listen to it in the context which was intended by the artist to select your favorite song.
Going off of your analogy, that an album is a franchise and a song is a game, why would you play the third game of a franchise without playing the first or second? I can't say that the best TES game is Morrowind without playing all of the others. I can't fully appreciate it without experiencing those games most similar with it. I can't appreciate a song fully without listening to the album it's in.
It's about the package it comes in.
Albums aren't just a random mish-mash of individual songs unless it's a greatest hits album, but nobody actually has one of those as their favorite, right?, the songs are ordered and designed to be delivered as a whole.
Think of the difference between song and album as the difference between level and game and it will all make sense.
Then you are a sad little faggot who lacks musical taste.
Holla Forums seems to not like multi-image posting right now, favorite vidya is Hotline Miami
well fuck me
Where's pigfucker and his monkey when you need em?
Favourite game is Doom, though Chrono Trigger is a damned close second.
Oh yeah the burger election is going on right now I'll bet Holla Forums is going crazy
Not true, with three of my five favorite songs I don't even like other songs in the album and with one of them I don't like any of the other songs he has made.
And you're still neglecting singles which are far more common in the modern era of digital distribution be it jewtube or soundcloud.
It makes sense but its unnecessarily limiting and it would be much more practical to recommend individual songs in the context of a thread that will contain 40 of these posts. And the songs are also meant to be listened to on their own, otherwise every "album" would just be a 40 minute continuous song. They might be intentionally positioned in the album to flow well but most songs are primarily made to sound good standalone otherwise they'd never get played on the radio in the old times or discovered on youtube/soundcloud in the new.
This album and Gothic 2.
I did that for about a year in high school, too. Apart helping accrue a high enough quantity of music (it's never enough), albums compete on a higher level. If I want to judge, or understand an artist I need more to work off than four to eight minutes of output. So the album format is helpful - a single song might not prove anything other than an early and embarrassingly short spurt of inspiration. I want the best.
Agree that this thread would be much more fun, or at least less pointless with links to individual songs however.
God, I've only started listening to music a few years ago and what I like is highly dependent on my mood so it's hard to decide a favorite album. I know I definitely love this one for chilling out or doing anything that involves scenic travel.
For vidya… Unreal Tournament is fun as fuck, so I'm going with that. Wish I had more people to play with though.
Picking one favorite is so damn hard.
If that's your argument, I could say the same about the game part of this thread, and ask that instead everyone post their favorite levels/segments of a game.
Might as well post favorite song anyway.
Surprised you didn't bring singles into this debate, even after introducing them in another
I don't have any one favorite game. I just like a lot of crazy beat em ups. Tried posting webm of it, server was hanging at 100%
Don't have a favorite album, so I'll just post one I'm really loving to listen lately
Not true for you doesn't mean not true universally. The genre and artist will stay consistent among most albums.
But that's not the case on Bandcamp which is a much more contemporary music distribution service. You don't sell music on YouTube or SoundCloud. There isn't even a built in download for YouTube or for every song on SoundCloud
I used to be exactly like in you. I was very picky in how I got music and it was a slow process that kept my musical tastes and experiences narrow. Getting albums expedited the process and expanded what I listened to for the better. There's a reason albums are the primary method of distribution for legitimate artists for so long now. I have thousands of songs now, each of which I love and there's still more I'm missing out there.
All that bring said, I completely agree with you in criticizing the choice of sharing albums in the thread rather than songs.
Hard to keep track of three arguments with different people at once, but yeah two of my five favorite songs are singles.
As for games this is a HARDCORE video games board and you can assume that everyone is at least somewhat familiar with most games that would be considered someone's favorite. For example I may not have played Earthbound but I'm reasonably familiar with it but I can't say the same for most of the albums in this thread. If people discussed albums on a music board then it would be just as practical as discussing games here.
Though your idea of having a thread about favorite sections of games is pretty interesting, I might make that thread once the image limit gets removed when Holla Forums calms down tomorrow.
That's fair and my primary reason for sperging about albums was that they don't really contribute to the thread. I understand that they have value and I think a discussion about favorite albums would go much better on a music board since they would have as much of a mutual understanding about albums as we do about games. The average Holla Forumsirgin not have played every game in this thread, but they are probably are familiar with it. The same cannot be said for albums.
Keeping them in working order isn't difficult at all.
So long as you keep your vinyls in shade, in their sleeves, and somewhere dry, they should be fine. Your vinyls will only be as good as your storage for them.
If worse comes to worst, investing in off-site storage might be something worth looking into.
Hell, you could just drop the /mu/ link and just ask people for their favorite game segments.
iron maiden powerslave
castlevania sotn
good taste user
Blame Holla Forums
katatonia's 'brave murder day/sounds of decay'
suikoden 3
would do images but site is dead
Favourite game is Doos Ex.
This and Devil May Cry 3.
Mount & Blade: Warband
Yes that is the intention.
Holla Forums is causing a shit ton of traffic right now for obvious reasons.
pretty good taste ITT
It's good for your soul
Sucks man. Also I cant decide between One way Heroics or ZOE2.
Megaman Legends 2
Now my favorite album
I love many types of music so It was really hard to choose just one, but I think I chose both a game and an album that greatly influenced my childhood and my tastes as an adult.
Thief 2: The Metal Age
Good taste.
At least your taste in vidya isn't shit.
good taste
ea games is influential
Thanks. Yours is, too.
dad pls
Did your Dad die when you were young or molest you or something? Also
The only one that's even slightly warranted is Pink Floyd because unlike the rest of the bands you mentioned both King Crimson and Pink Floyd experimented greatly with their music and established a the genre of prog rock. Without bands like King Crimson you can say goodbye to Tool and Mars Volta. I'm sorry you heard Money on the radio 100 times and your autistic mind associated it with being shit because of how overplayed one song in their expansive discography was.
That would be wonderful, describing both as "laborious" to listen to would be an understatement. Whoever thought those absurdly long and repetitive tracks with runtimes stretching to the moon and back was a "good" idea needs to be dragged out back and shot.
Favourite game is hard to pick, probably MGS2 or Silent Hill 2
Pic related is my favorite album and my favorite videogame is Ys :oath in felghana
I like this one
favorite game is ratchet and clank: going commando. some nostalgia, and its just a damn solid game
Early in the morning, risin' to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason, a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money's all gone
I got a dalmatian, and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a mother fucking riot
This is all I've ever wanted. The first pic is my first choice but the second is a very close second.
I like to look in discount/clearance bins and thrift stores and find things I never heard of, I find some great new music as well as albums I know and love for a great price. It's nice being able to rip them to my PC and still have a physical collection. Half the fun in music is finding new things to try
Essential skeleton core, Oingo Boingo is one of my favorites.
I thought you were a friend of mine, very similar tastes except his favorite Rush album is Caress of Steel.
Fantastic albums right here.
I also have to say I'm really glad that Holla Forums is full of metal nerds, just like I'd hoped.
Wonderfully comfy.
My only album for the end of time will always be Since I left You, hands down. Fave vidya is prone to change on the climate but for now all I've been playing and all I've been trying to accomplish is DustForce. I want to experience the glory of merely getting to the Difficults.
Also did Trump really get it? I just woke up.
After spending 10 seconds on the Catalog I got my answer to Trump. May you live in interesting times.
Same as you, but Donkey Kong Country.
Probably Exile 3 or R&C2 for game. It changes based on mood
For the game, either New Vegas or Yoshi's Island. Deciding even on those two was much harder than picking an album.
DMC3 and Peste Noire's eponymous album.
You don't happen to also like Serial Experiments Lain do you? If so, you got me into KPN. Thanks for that.
These are both really tough questions but I'd probably have to go with David Bowie's Low and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC/CoP. Though it really depends on mood.
My boy
You're my nigger forever.
You mean men?
No game in particular.
This and Deus Ex
picking favorite game is easy, favorite album not so much but probably this one
my nigga
My proverbial brothers whom share a skin tone similar to my own.
Since some of my favorites are already in the thread I'll put in Rising. Prime 2: Echoes is still my jam.
And Doom
Why are they entering that Mummy's vagina?
Gonna have to say Doom for game I suppose. I'd say some other games I've played have had a better fun/time invested ratio. But I've played Doom more than most of them and part of the reason I like it so much is the breadth of WADs and Mods available for it, nearly nothing else can compete with it on that front.
Now you fucked up
My Nigga
top-tier taste right there, lad.
this bait, it's intensifying to a point where we may not be able to contain it
Phil Collins more like FILL COLONS LMAO.
Great taste aon
Post your favourite album then faggot.
Game is hard to pick. Doom, Deus Ex and Super Metroid are tied so I guess I'll just say Deus Ex.
Album is even fucking harder. I'd probably pick something from Rush. 2112, Moving Pictures, Pressure/Grace are my favorites of theirs. Runners up would have to the Protomen (Act 1, act 2 and TCU are tied), Iron Maiden (Powerslave, Seventh Son, number of the beast are fucking amazing)
Any suggestions based on my taste? I would personally suggest the Protomen. Based on all the references here, I thought they would be cringy as fuck, but they ended up being really great
Top tier taste.
I'm shit at making music suggestions but if you like metal have a look at Sabaton.
My niggest of niggas. Underrated album
I already did. Most of this thread is entry level dadrock
Damn straight.
Another man of taste.
But I'd debate you on your Maiden choices
You should be proud user
Honestly, I'm not sure how anybody can prefer their other material. Like, The Enemy Within is more epic than their 20-fucking-minute-behemoths.
I didn't think someone could even BE this much of my nigga
That being said their epics do have a place. 2112 is timeless and Xanadu is one of their best works
oy vey
Damn right.
But like, that fucking drumming on the chorus. My dick, dude. 2112 doesn't do that to my dick.
I don't think I have consistent taste.
I know it's not so much prog in a traditional sense, but holy fuck listen to Don Caballero. This band is absolutely one of my favorites, the drummer Damon Che is like a fucking human octopus.
My nig
It's a tossup between these two albums and these two games
posting superior album
Pretty good if you ask me
top tier
Absolutely fucking great taste
It warms the cockles of my heart
Not bad, favorite track would probably be God Smack or the chorus to Hate to Feel.
I can kill two birds with one stone here.
but honestly I don't listen to enough of music to really have a pick for favorite album.
Fair enough, what kind of music would you say you like though?
Off-topic, but I haven't found anyone who actually likes Don Caballero and Dr. Octopus' drumming with good taste like yours. Mind sharing some of your other favorite artists?
My other favorites don't have so much of an emphasis on drumming, but I've got a few. For noise rock, definitely The Jesus Lizard and Blacklisters. The latter is very inspired by them in many ways, but very much so their own thing. Also can't go wrong with Big Black, they have made some of the most mind-blowing music I think I've ever heard. Other times I'll go for artists like Big'n, Pissed Jeans, Braniac, Hot Snakes, Flipper, and maybe a little Twin Stumps if I'm feeling really misanthropic. But the first two are my definite favorites.
Devo's early stuff is really cool if you like weird things, but you also can't go wrong with their later synthpop efforts. Lots of fun. Can't go wrong with Talking Heads either. Some other favorites I can pick out would be Truckfighters (fuzz rock) and early Weezer if I'm in the mood.
That's kind of a lot to take in at once, but that's what I like I suppose. I really like finding new music so if you think you have something I might like don't hesitate to send it my way.
I have an appreciation for many types of music.
my youtube playlist is just completely random shit. when ever i think "hey I like that one song that I haven't heard in 5 years" I add it to the list.
I grew up with the 3d Sonic's so i'v always enjoyed that kind of rock.
I also like Power metal and one of the few albums i'v listened to that wasn't video game related was from power man 5000.
but yeah as you can see from the playlist I listen to anything from the anvil of Crom form Conan the movie to Shawn Michaels theme song.
Oh fuck I forgot about that album, good taste m8
Alive 2007 would be my favourite, although other top tier albums include Daft Punk - Discovery, Justice - Cross, R.E.M. - Out of Time, MGMT - Oracular Spectacular and Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
I have a new favorite game every fucking week, here's what I'm feeling now.
Hey user. You might like this theme in FFXIV
That is a good song
It sounds like Powerman 5000 did it themselves so much so that I looked it up and they calmed that it's a rip off.
It's kind of funny
Good choices
Makes me rock hard
also just posting this to see who got the Hitler get
now this is top tier taste
Everyone knows Hunky Dory is the best Bowie album you tasteless twats
No music album has struck me yet, but I do have a favorite game box art.
Style > all
Runners up where Holy Diver and Thief.
Hunky Dory will always hold a special place in my heart because finding that album in my parents garage at age 14-15 is what got me into David Bowie.
I'm the guy who posted , just posting from a different computer.
HYC >> silico = immersion
I don't know dude, when Ged goes I SEE THE HAND OF MAN ARISE I get hard every time, and the drumming just as they start the gallop in Overture, or the Chorus in both Temples and Presentation can all cause a full erection if the mood is right.
The same feel, really. More people need to hear Stargazer.
Don't forget those sharp opening riffs in Overture that cut into the silence after the synths fade. That shit really rises my fire
Niel is a tireless motherfucker. One of the most skilled drummers I've ever seen and he kept it up for decades. Not to mention that drums are the most physically tiring instrument to play
The three faded a little towards the end but god damn they really kept their form.
I know, but I wanted to see them one more time before they ended it. At least unlike most of their contemporaries they went with class.
I really enjoy the Armored Core albums. but I think my favorite is ACfa simply due to how consistently enjoyable it is. I'll just post my favorite off that album and just for fun Day After Day and the only good thing about AC:Nexus, it's OP song.
Kota Hoshino's kinda underrated, especially these days with his improvements in song composition
Watch out, top tier taste coming through.
ohh man ohhhhhh mannnn
I'll have 30 wives too someday.
Edgy little SJW faggots.
There's those words again.
Nice real music. I LOVE neutral milk hotel too! Most of the other kids in my class don't listen to as progressive music such music. IM glad there are people on the Internet just like me!
People Who Can Eat People was a better album, but Knife Man is alright. Prefer the acoustic stuff to the rock stuff.
People Who Can Eat People probably was a the better album but Knife Man holds a special place in my heart.
These are almost identical posts.
My nigger.
Anyways, I don't have a favorite album of all time, so I'll just post my favorite album of the band I've been listening to again recently
This entire thread is to shitpost on taste, let's not pretend otherwise
Since we're stating the obvious here, you guys got dubs.
I really want to like them, man. I want to like their catchy tunes and solid instrumentals, and there are some great lines in their songs. Especially the line, "I wanna put on my sweatpants, you know I'm trying to quit. I wanna give a shit again". But they are just such unbearable faggots the rest of their time. They even changed their name to just AJJ because they're so limp and weak, and don't want to offend Muslims who think having the word "Jihad" in their band name is wrongthink. That is pure cuckoldry if I've ever seen it.
They are kinda faggots sometimes which is a goddamn shame. I try my hardest to separate the art from the artist but god damn. They made a post on their site saying the name change was because they didn't care for Andrew Jackson anymore and I really want to believe that and not the muzzie shit
Like that would be any less gay.
I´ll just butt in and mention that Pathologic OST is one of the most beautifully haunting soundtracks I have ever listened to in a video game. It captures the atmosphere of a small town dying from plague JUST RIGHT, and is also enhanced by the in-game sounds. such as cricket chirping, sounds of a fight between robbers and patrolmen, wailing of the infected and so on. I wholeheartily recommend everyone to give this game a try.
there is no such thing as separating art and the artist
top tier taste
I really don't like Andrew Jackson Jihad that much, but I was really impressed that The Michael Jordan of Drunk Driving managed to be a really great song despite only lasting 22 seconds.
That's another one of my favorite albums of all time but I never played a monster hunter game. I apologize.
Yoshi's Island is a masterpiece.
Well, what do we have here: the Majora's Mask to Dark Side of the Moon together with the Wish You Were Here to Ocarina of Time.
I love the Capcom 5. All four of them.
Yoshi's Island remains the best birthday present I ever got.
Obscured By Clouds is the better album though.
The Wall is overrated plebshit along with Darkside.
Top 5 Pink Floyd:
5. Meddle
4. Animals
3. Wish You Were Here
2. Saucerful of Secrets
1. Piper at the Gates of Dawn
posted my 2nd favorite game and album
Outta my way pleb fucking shits
Meddle,Animals and Wish you were here are pretty good albums,glad someone knows that theres other good albums that they made besides what the normalfags listen to.
Not bad, but this "Song name! With pointless exclamation marks!" thing needs to fucking stop.
Damn good. Listen to both regularly.
It's not some indie fag shit like Godspeed! The song title means Rumble! rumble! The spirit of thunder.
god mang, i could only get through Xtal and Tha on that album. almost every other song doesn't have as interesting an aesthetic.