He did nothing wrong

This guys goes out, actively advocates for white race and has fun while typical 8cuck foams at his mouth when confronted by this beautiful physique.

btw, new TDS is out


Scared, mongrels?


why are you shills trying to associate TRS with Spencer? He has quite literally nothing to do with them and their cuckshit.






Youre the civic nationalist negrophile faggot zionists, just because your Jew leader accuses other people of being what he is doesnt mean youre not a race traitor.

Look, it's trying to form sentences


TRS is for larping, please go.





So here's the thing, you're a faggot.

fug x-D

Physique? PHYSIQUE?! Spencer? OP, you are a fag. I don't just mean in the sense that OP is always a fag, I mean you eat semen.



Every woman you impotently lust after would spread her legs for Chad Spencer


So why's he only fuck trannies and niggers?

He's plowing everything because he can.

Just remember youre the mongrels, and you will never be white.

That's exactly what a mongrel that never went out and did anything would say.

Yeah, and that "everything" is other men. So what are you trying to sell here? Spencer is a loser. Holla Forums won't even hear him out after all the people he got hurt in Charlottesville for no reason. He can go die and so can you.

I'm waiting for "Spencer is Jew and CIA" guy to show up










I don't hate Spencer, and don't think he's a fed.

I just think he's wrong. His worldview is extremely shallow, as has been pointed out numerous times. I mean for fuck's sake he defended child porn on air with the same horseshit Jewish argument "it prevents pedos from raping".

And "at least he's doing something" isn't a shield against criticism. Doing something isn't enough, do better or we lose.