New Metro game coming out next year. According to the official website at
are the books any good?
New Metro game coming out next year. According to the official website at
are the books any good?
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Awwww yisssss
I read the 2033 and it was okay at best. If you have high expectations of your literature and can't patch up holes in the book with your adoration for russian settings where shit's fucked up then it's probably not worth much to you.
Its shit
Hopefully they use the opportunity to fix the flaws of last light
I read the first one, the author got caught up in world building way too much.
Sure we are heading to the climax of the story but let me tell you about the history of this station that is being stopped at for the night.
It's shit, the books I mean. Just to save time the author was more envolved in last light than 2033, so if you think the writing got worse he's your guy.
So is he responsible for the magical river scene
I don't much care really. Metro would work wonderfully as an underground STALKER game, but this is going to be another linear shooter with broken, buggy stealth and shitty gun mechanics.
A pity too, because I really do like the Slavtech thing they've got going with the guns.
I read the first book and thought it was pretty good. I appreciated the world building and it dealt with darker concepts that the game couldn't get across.
Only thing the game really had over the book is music.
I heard the latest book was shit and added CURRENT YEAR shit. If that's what this is based off of then prepare Metro: Socjus Edition.
Y-you're joking right?
I only got a few hours in in Last Light, not having played 2033, I thought it was boring and repetitive, just felt like a slav version of an AAA game.
This is where your shit taste starts.
You eighties are easy af to troll tbh.
t. true channer.
No, they're a mashup of bad sci-fi cliches.
last light was shit and everybody knows it.
Literal no u
How is Last Light compared to 2033? Is the story nowhere near as interesting or did they fuck up the gameplay in some ways, with no FoV slider on PC still?
have you learned nothing
I'll never give up hope. One day a sequel or new IP in CURRENT YEAR will be good.
what are you gay
i'll be honest when i say i didn't finish last light, so maybe something happens after the fifth hour or so that changes everything and turns it into a 10/10
that said it just doesn't have any of the charm 2033 had. it's way more stealth-focused to the point where if you're not sneaking you're doing it wrong, etc. mechanically it just wasn't nearly as good as 2033 and i had no drive to finish it, even though i loved 2033
I've read there's a stronk independent womyn on it, so I guess that's what he's referring from. I haven't actually read it since it sounded like shit compared to 2033, so take that with a grain of salt.
The story isn't as good, there's way too much blur, atmospheric fog and bullshit visual effects, it's absurdly linear and the gameplay encourages you to go either 100% stealth or 100% combat with absolutely no middle ground. There is a DLC where you play as the neo-nazis gunning down hordes of commies and mutants which is fun for a laugh if you're into that sort of thing, but other than that it's complete shit.
Is it just me or has the few recent weeks of pol shitposting come with an increase in posts that claim that X is being infested by agenda pushing followed by no sources?
Last Light featured one too, and the bitch had the gall to talk down to the MC, even after he saved the whole Metro.
And like others have said, it's not a terribly compelling game to begin with.
Holla Forums is a hub for newfags who have no interest in video games to infest the rest of the Holla Forums. it wasnt this bad when freddit invited reddit
Did you try turning it off and on again?
Essential reading:
No it isn't.
I hate these fuckers. They could easily top STALKER but instead they want to pander to consolfarts with MUH CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE.
I read the first book I liked it
the second game is less darker, they added more stuff to the gameplay like modified guns and shit, give it a try.
I remember playing Metro 2033 and not linking it all that much, and then several years later playing LL and liking it a bunch. Maybe I was too young back when 2033 released, or maybe the age difference played a part. I think it's interesting that so many people dislike LL or don't like it quite as much as 2033, while it's been the opposite for me.
Good. This one is open world according to the devs as well, they said they were working on an open world game but didn't specify what that game was. All but guaranteed that it's an open world metro game.
First few are okay, latest ones I've heard a garbage.
Next you're telling me Nipponese will stop drawing lolis. Here have some Russian tea.
and its shit
Look at this eternal cuckold being rectally reamed by the cosmically wrong opinions he's having.
Great, another linear scripted walking simulator. But I guess it's fine, because it's not western, amirite guys?
The "nazis" in the game aren't nazis at all, just a poor mockery of them.
It's not a walking simulator if you shoot things you idiot.
Have you ever been in a metro?
they should have gone for a more complex metro system and the opportunity to revisit areas, but they went for the open world meme instead.
Just you wait, user. You will hate the game.
They need to fix the physics, damage feedback animations, boring enemy design, and pacing, which was too fast and ADHD inducing in 2033 whereas for an atmospheric game it needs to be slower. No, not the gameplay, the story and narrative sequences. LL was absolutely bullshit. Also, add skippable in-game cutscenes to increase the replay value. Also, better inventory system, more melee weapons, and AI. And lastly, fix the atmosphere, it feels overdesigned and unnatural.
Well, I'm not one of those guys who hate linear shooters. It's just the old metro games are quite flawed from gameplay perspective. Even King Kong from 2006 has better gameplay.
is what you said not describing something that is at least partly open world?
I'm sorry that you didn't get your 1 for 1 recreation of the Nazi Reich in the apocalyptic subway tunnels and all user, but they're pretty strong guys with swastikas who kill jews and communists, and given the circumstances they're as good as you'll get.
I never said it was open world only above ground, you fucking faggot. They'll likely have two open worlds, upper and lower, where you're out in the open on the surface or traveling them miles of subway lines that exit from a central hub.
bad game flags dont trigger if its slavshit
To add to that, this is the Moscow metro system map and the Metro 2033 map that Artyom had. It spreads across and entire city, and doesn't show the sewer system that is also used in the books/game, or the man-made tunnels that have been constructed since the end of the world.
This is the Metro 2033 map that Artyom had.
For some reason Holla Forums is one image per post now? It wouldn't let me post two at a time, throwing up a 'too many images' warning every time I tried. Weird.
Probably because the servers are shitting themselves because of the election.
But the King Kong game is the bee's knees
Metro could only take place in Moscow. The Russians are still digging tunnels under Moscow and they started doing it 80 years ago. It's really the biggest subterranean labyrinth in the world.
I tried playing Shadow of Chernobyl and these were fucking awful in that game. I can't be invested in this supposedly good gunplay if enemies fall down like they're taking a nap when I shoot them with a sawn off point blank.
It could take place in London, or Paris. I want a survival horror dungeon crawler ARPG game set in Paris catacombs. Probably similar to King's Field, but with improved combat and supernatural enemies.
y-you too
I liked the Metro series I hope for more
what is open world anyway? the term is not that defined that any game could fit in from Super Mario World to system shock 2
it would make more sense to use the metro system to get to access to different of the surface, also bonus points if you are not allowed to travel the surface when the sun is up NEVER EVER
trips confirm more metro vidya MOBA soon
I hope not, Deep Silver should know not to fuck around with their money makers.
I think the failure of Survarium has wizened people up to taking a Stalklone and messing around with it for a casual audience like that.
Can you read Russian?
Because the originals are good, however the translations are iffy.
Also Metro 2034 fucking blew and so will this game
Last Light, I mean. 2034 was the second book, which the game isn't based on.
It's fucking Hatred all over again
It's hard always being ahead of the curve.
But user, Last Light is better than 2033.
The first book is amazing.
Last Light is Russian Call of Duty
Its a breath of fresh air when you're all alone just so they can attach you a goddamned scripted NPC to you and completely ruin the atmosphere and the contrast between the lively stations and most of the cool shit is one time scripted events with the chase sequences being absolute shit tier, felt like I was playing CoD.
Khan is also completely ruined in that game.
Last Light was one step forward two steps back.
All of that describes 2033 too, though. In the book, it's basically extreme survival horror with very little combat, and Artyom is constantly vulnerable and weak, avoiding any conflict he can, but in the game he might as well be the fucking terminator. Even on Ranger Hard, assuming you don't autistically horde your APIs, and actually use them for difficult enemies and make sure to stare down librarians you can just roll through the entire game blowing everything to fucking pieces.
Last Light embraced that with a lot less false-spookiness (that always fell flat because of how powerful you were) and I think it's the better game for it.
you have worst taste
They're both mediocre games with a nice atnosphere.
2033 has a better atmosphere and doesnt go full Call of Duty so its the better game.
I have been told that before, yes. I also think the Redux versions of both offer superior gameplay to the originals, although unfortunately come with mild aesthetic downgrades.
I wouldn't say mediocre, unless you're working with the gaymes journo approved sliding scale of 7-10.
Your uneducated opinion is trash
I don`t think I ever finished Last Light, is it worth restarting on Redux for `survival mode`? I know redux fucked 2033 hard, but did it have any real problems with LL?
that is not what a shill is about, user.
i killed everything in ranger hard.
no its not, hell they even changed the watch 3 lights warnings to 2 lights "you are visible" "you are invisible and a ninja"
some minor changes in LL about graphics, but nothing important
That's not how it works here, lurk more until you understand newfag.
Survarium is almost fun now, they fixed the gunplay and most maps so it actually plays okay, all they need now is to FUCKING FINISH FREEPLAY and it might be alright.
Hahahah, wait, wait. Are you sitting there unironically trying to argue that "shill" hasn't become warped to "every opinion that I disagree with"? It's the new "autism".
Also I guarantee I was here before you second exodus cucks
Yeah, she was a whiny bitch until
Not a bad character if you ask me.
t. Survarium Dev
Shill is used for anyone who promotes/supports something, not someone who dislikes something. You'd know you'd never get called a shill for shitting on something and only for liking something if you lurked more you retarded faggot.
I don't recall their ever being downblouse in the game. You get cleavage a lot in vidya, occasional full-boob, but never really downblouse nipple shots. Good on them for that.
And just what is it with slavs and striped shirts? If it's not tracksuits it's blue and white striped shirts with them.
The army wear them.
You're trying way too hard to fit in, leddit. Here's an oldfriend tip: The more you throw around "newfag" the more you expose yourself as a newfag :^)
You'll get it eventually, cupcake.
Oh, so like the tracksuit they stole the stripped shirt from the west as well. Good old slavs.
Here's your reply, I hope you feel like you fit in now. Just make sure you learn when the word shill is appropriate so when you make up bollock greentext stories they don't reek of faggot who needs to lurk more.
Sweety, you're still trying too hard. Honestly I'm embarrassed for you at this point.
Don't you mean culturally appropriated товарищ?
come on, user, her father is not THAT retarded.
Go be a white nigger elsewhere, slav.
Triggered by the White Nigger'd.
Both books are ok (it's not great but it's fine).
First game is great and follow book 1 (canon ending is you kill the niggers).
Last light is an americanized POS that roughly follow the plot of the 2nd book (or more like in between). The game is way more on a rail than the first one (pun intended) and it's SJW edition with good ending and everything, which is disgusting. It's also canon breaking in all the worst way possible.
It's never explained in the games, despite being there, but the spartan order are only pretending to be member of Polis rangers, in fact they're the remnant of the GRU spetsnaz tasked in securing and maintaining the metro as a whole. While everyone has makeshift weapons, gear and poorly trained fighters, the best being Hansa since they control trade. Reich and Reds are not that strong. They failed to take Polis, despite it being way smaller, because Polis military is in fact the remnant of the FSB/KGB (hence why they work with Sparta but don't really get along). The thing is ultimately every leaders aware of the Spartan is terrified of them because they, unlike the others, are the best soldiers a superpower had to offer, with the best gear that superpower had. When the spartan order is on the march nobody stops them, nobody even dare to speak to them, it's hundred of guys all clad heavy ACTUAL composite armor with full mask/helmets, not jury rigged steel plates, all armed with real (pre-war) machine guns and every piece of tech you can think off. They can cut through red or reich like butter. They don't because it's not their job. In the end they're one of the bogeyman of the metro, purging entire station with flamethrowers to quell epidemics, murdering entire cults or assassinating leaders that are risking the metro integrity. There is no fucking way in hell a bunch of conscripts equipped with shittier gear than WWII weapons is assaulting them.
Also fuck the story of the poor nigger kid that survived and all that hope and nice feels. Metro books are utterly devoid of that. The literal last page of the first book has Artyom realizing the niggers are only trying to communicate but can't really since they're a telepathic race. That yeah they're terribly advanced and want to cooperate with the humans to try to re-conquer the world and they can clean up radiation and hostile monsters, etc… Except when it hit him it's because he's in line of sight with their hive. Because he just put the laser designator on the top the tower. And the missiles are already in the air. And the hive is bathes in flames and explosion. And he can't hear their voice anymore. THE. FUCKING. END. Artyom becomes a normalfag. The second book is the same, possibly worse. It ends in a pointless massacre and possibly the only genuinely good person in the entire metro losing her mind, because too much trauma, right before.
It's Russian entertainment. Death. Despair. Misery. Yay.
Also the word in Russian for the "dark ones" or smthg is really nigger and meant as a racial slur.
I haven't played it but how'd it get less dark? Isn't it based on 2033 book ending?
No, it's not based on Metro 2034, only part of the plot it's somewhere in between 2033/2034.
And it feel fucking forced to negate the dark tone of the first and in fact retcon the dark tone of the entire thing. Can't have a post-apocalyptic world be shitty user, think of the children.
da fuck are you talking about?
he an hero at the end, he took off his mask and went to his home station that is already burning, so he died, right? havent read the next book
well the first game has a brighter tone than the book, i guess they just follow that in the next game.
But yeah, i agree, people would have remember the metro games if they stick with the dark tone, everything is dispair of the books.
would had been funny shoving pig shit and bypass the guarded gate with no guns and shit.
there is hope for the future but im a sucker for the an hero ending in last light, so compered to the first book tone, the game is really bright.
This, last light was shit.
I'm glad they printed that in the 2033-2034 novels. I always loved flipping to it as I read the story to see where they were.
First book was great, second was boring waifushit.
I guess. I really think the first game was all we needed. Last Light was fine, but it kind of just felt like more of the same. Also, weren't they supposed to be making some other game?
The only good person is fucking hunter, and he goes absolutely mad even more than before.
Metro2034 is okay, kind of goes too fast.
no it will be great! or i will kill the devs
Im sorry user, its dead
If I wanted a good FPS, I'd play Serious Sam.
If I wanted an atmspheric post-apocalypse, I'd play STALKER
These two are literally 6/10 and 5/10
These memesters hyping up the third entry in the last five years (read: becoming cashcow franchise) need to kill themselves.
nice meme
Right, it's not just good. It's up there with the greats next to Doom.
I read 2033, when I was stuck on watch. It was alright, I guess. I can't say it's an experience that stuck with me, but giving Arytom some character was alright.
SS is boring as shit. No level design, mediocre gunplay, shitty damage feedback, and tedious action. You gotta be braindead.
Doom is a shitty meme game
user there's fucking millions of skeletons down in the catacombs. The only genre that'd be appropriate is rts
4A Games are the devs, user.
the fuck are you talking about?
It's open world this time.
God damn it I hate hearing that word these days. It just means a bunch of shitty repetitive quests tossed in to try and pan out the length.
Open world, you know, like a Stalker 2 would be.
Look'it this fagit.
Let me fix it for him then
and most importantly
Holy fuck you spastic child calm down. All I said is that it's open world, making it the closest we'll get to Stalker 2, and that it's not an MMORPG or based off games that are. Calm down and stop it with this temper-tantrum it's embarrassing.
2033 was fucking dank. Last Light was fairly shit.
But if the new metro game lets me kill more marxists then I'll at least give it a pirate.
Metro was a level based shooter with some open areas, but no quests and you HAVE to move on. It does not count as an open world game because you cannot go back and the "towns" where you can buy shit are interludes.
Stalker is a straight up open world, though.
At the very least it should be moddable, even if only barely so you can at least switch the textures of the commies and nazis so that if you can't join the nazis (which I don't think they will let you) it will at least look like you have for you.
Yes, and? I never said those weren't, I said is this new Metro is open world.
What the fuck are you on about? Can you not read before you reply? Are you just looking for an argument for the sake of argument?
2033 was pretty good, didn't care for 2034. I guess I didn't enjoy to new set of main characters he introduced.
what games didnt do this?
Did he hurt your sodomite feelings, dear?
user, did you know that the Metro 2033 engine has its SDK baked into the game itself? That was something that was discovered when a development build of the game was leaked a couple years back, and do you know what that means? That the game never got its SDK publicly released doesn't mean that the developers just forgot or something, but that the developers to deliberately went into the game's source code, tore the SDK out, and then tore everything referencing or depending on the SDK out, all in order to make sure that people would not in any way be able to mod the game. Then there are redundancy checks on the game's user settings files to make them hard to change, and…
Off the top of my head open world games that don't have collect 10 bear asses type quests at least as the common type of quest:
They do exist, user. You just have to bother to play games to find out :^)
Nah I got both games separately on console, it was before I got my new pc shut up. Shame. Hopefully being forced to flee the Ukraine shook up their management enough that they'll keep it in this time. That said, if it doesn't, a game doesn't need mod tools all the time, some you can just mess around with textures regardless.