Holla Forums used to be go-


Wow shame we don't have such real human beans around anymore

fuck off newfag

I have older stuff too.

Best of Holla Forums thread?


Holla Forums used to be gamergate watching breaking bad and the dark knight, no less, no more

I didn't say it was older stuff from Holla Forums.

Going through my old folder really takes me back.

TruthSeeker threads were the best.


Just how bad is Holla Forums right now.


I'm not gonna lie - it's gotten worse.

I always wonder what happened to the ANIME BELONGS ON /A/ sperg.

when i first went to Holla Forums in 2011 it was filled with tripfags and canned shitposting(crab legs, is that a scar etc).. But the reason I stayed is because they had Disney and more specifically Bella thorne threads that wouldn't get deleted. It would just be bellaposting until post limit. The first page of Holla Forums would usually be filled with Bella pics, and this was 2010/2011 Bella. The mods were much more lenient then. Good times.

And the comics and cartoons belong to Holla Forums guy?

Yeah, was it the same guy?

Dumb pedophile detected


I swear you Americans have a fucked up sense of humour


Paul Masson



That's not a joke, the guy behind those is a communist who used to shit up the board awhile back.

he wasn't a true communist

Fuck me, that's ancient.
Holla Forums really went to shit around 2011 from what I recall, something happened to the site around that point but I can't remember what.

did we ever figure out what the countdown was for? it was bellatap killing himself right?
also was it confirmed he the pedophile who went on daytime tv talkshows?

Got 4 minutes in, got bored.

Having posted on this board since late 2015 or so I have to say old Holla Forums looks like absolute garbage and o definitely wouldn't post there.

I hope it takes you back to cuckchan


It’s better than when we had the hilarious faggot trying to force memes all the time.

You why some cheese with that wine?


Don’t even claim it was Orsonposting.

Why, if he was hilarious?

old Holla Forums wasn't bad, but there was a disturbing lack of Bliss. good thing I'm here now to fix that.

That's an old ass image, homie.

Holla Forums is perfect, has always been perfect.
Holla Forums is the utimate imageboard and internet community. Always on the cutting edge. Always redefining where that edge lies.
When I look at Holla Forums, I see true art. I see a statement on the world in which we live.
Plebs wouldn't get it.


Wonderful post.

Used to be better than this, that's for sure.


Does somebody want a dunk surge?

Nice shoop.

I wouldn't mind dunkposting and louisposting making a comeback.

pls no

Dunkposting had a short but colorful life.


If it drowns out the waifufags, I'm all for it.


This is now a steamed meme thread

Me on the right.

I think the funniest thing about TruthSeeker is how he still doesn't understand that he is the joke. He is so fucking earnest it borders on retarded. Is autism a per-requisite for being a liberal?


Even if every single poster on this board talked incessantly about pedo ambitions this place would still be infinitely better. Also there were never really here that many pedos to begin with, although I do remember the BO clandestinely allowing child porn by not removing one webm of My Father the Hero.

Do you think the moderation gives one single solitary fuck about this board? If something isn't readily appeent as illegal content and no one makes a report the chances are extremely high none of us will notice. Holla Forums is exactly what you faggots make of it. Right now it is pretty great.
t. Knower and shitposter

Holla Forums has been shit for 2 years. If you think otherwise you're a newfag.

Is there anyone over the age of 21 left on this board?


Yet here we all are….

Young Emily Osment was something special. She didn't age too good.

The board has only gotten good in the last two years, Fuck your shit you leftist nigger.

Oldfag reporting in.

Kill yourself

oldfag here, ask me anything