Hispanic Dreamers Storm Chuck Schumer’s Home in New York. Footage
Hispanic ‘Dreamers’ Storm Chuck Schumer’s Home in NY
Something something golem something something jew
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Cuck Schumer's the one who wants all these illegal beaners and more of them. The Democrats getting torn new anuses by raging Aztec mobs anytime they don't get their way is hilarious.
Did anyone call I.C.E. on them?
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
it's pretty weak tbh.
all of the "dreamer" protests are weak as fuck.
why would they storm the house of a democrat?
because they are actually retarded
op here, it's my video (literally uploaded it 20 minutes ago) plz drop a like instead of hooktube
to please the spics the democrats are going to have to allow every single illegal spic in the country citizenship and dissolve the border so all the spics friends and family can come in and get welfare, and that's too far left even for the average democrat.
i don't think you know where you are
Why would someone advertise a meetup for whites on a white nationalist board and then tell white nationalists not to come?
It's Politically Incorrect not White Nationalist. The Turkroach made it WN only for the Jews.
You still didn't answer my question from last time
I really think mobs of spics are just political mercanaries for hire from the highest bidder
ya maybe not, but the dems are clearly not pandering hard enough to please the spics, and i don't think nigs are particularly found of them either.
where the fuck was ICE during all this?
I wonder if the jews will ever realize their mistake. Shouldn't have taken our leniency, compassion, grace, and whiteness for granted. It takes a yid to think giving your enforcers a pay cut, selling one of his kidneys, and schtuping his sister is a good idea.
Well, we tried.
Oy vey this is a pogrom and a hate crime.
It's like a meme
Hispanics are minorities and intelligent and doctors and body shop owners, not things to be looked down upon by a white man.
pandering never placates. So fuck them. Why can't they dream of a better mexico? Maybe if they ask nicely the US can carpet bomb the cartels but in return we own mexico…. new wall, deported further south. get fucked bean.
If you are politically incorrect and white you may as well be a white nationalist as far as everyone else is concerned.
I mean its for a whites only group so you've already excluded all nonwhites. Seems redindant to me.
so they're autistic?
I mean, juss cause we have corn doesn't mean we like pogrom. Always gets een your teeth.
don't forget at most of these protests they're waiving mexican flags and viva la mexico signs, half of them are demanding that california and texas actually are part of mexico, while at the same time screaming that sending them back is literally a war crime.
An autistic bean would be a sight to behold. Felt like someone walked over my grave.
For anyone that doesn't speak spic, they're chanting, "Schumer listen, we're in the fight"
t. took spanish in high school
schumer caved, daca died!
Discúlpame por favor, ¿qué guerra? Did they just declare it? The wall can't come soon enough.
He should be happy theyre all there, house dont need borders, anyone should be able to come and take what they want. Right Chucky?
Ay yi yi.
Wouldn't be such a bad deal if we could drink the water without shitting ourselves to death
cuckchan Holla Forums tier post m8
This is pretty comfy
They would never have been booted out of more than 1 country if they could learn from their mistakes.
This is SURELY going to get them oodles of sympathy.
Pretty funny. But seriously, kick the little faggots out already.
This DACA thing and the wall are a Jewish plan to divide and conquer. Men vs women White vs Mexican vs Black. See how they keep rolling it out and scaring people, stoking tension and then extending it.three weeks. Stick together, Latino's Arab's Muslims Blacks Whites and Africans are all getting Jewed. Rally around this common enemy. We wouldn't have a refugee or immigration problem if it wasn't for the Jews. Stick together! Educate others, divided we will never win. Only then can we turn Israel into the worlds largest open air prison.
Stephen Miller has ties to this manipulative group.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Nonwhites hate those who've failed them more than those who oppose them.
just maybe!, dividing is a good thing.
Aren't they running out of white people to protect them?
Load of disinfo bullshit trying to encourage us to accept globalism because the "elites" (jews) want us to divide. YES, I want to divide from all non-whites, they are not our kind. Don't kid yourself with nogs and shitskins "TAKING DOWN THE SYSTEM" either, maybe asians can do that but not them.
Ok well you may have enough people to march in charlottesville. I want enough people win elections, to end the federal reserve bank. Stop the Palestine genocide and seize some of the money Israel owes us on our $20 trillion national debt, the real enslavement, the cause of all the strife.
I liked your shit my nigger. Good Stuff.
Because it's actually a sound tactic. Putting pressure on those with whom you share a spot on the political spectrum with, to make them move further along that spectrum.
Check this site out, he has it right. We have to stick together.
Fuck off you civnat faggot shill. Nobody's going to your honeypot site.
agent provocateur
That site has it right, we don't have time to fuck around.
Chill out, he's not an e-celeb. It's as raw footage as you can possibly get. But it should get webm'd for when it gets shoah'd.
OP did you shoot this yourself or find it somewhere like on twatter?
He'll end up being hailed as the savior of the Mexicans. The pissed off Bernie people are running candidates who don't accept corporate money. Schumer and Feinstein are facing tough primary challengers. Anyone who wants to halt immigration should vote for any corporatew stooge..
it was posted on breitbarts facebook page, but i dont follow them so i dont know anything else about
this tbh
I wonder how many of those people are going to be killed by the State
They will never, ever learn.
It won't take long to shut it down. The kikes funding the spic demonstrators will simply threaten to defund them if they demonstrate against a member of the tribe.
It'll be like when Femen tried to go to Israel and their funding got yanked. If the golem bites the hand that feeds it then that golem will be threatened with starvation.
They are literally a cult.
They're dreamin' mate, they're dreamin'
You'd be wise to follow their lead, you think these corporate stooges are going to secure the border haha Bernie's not the Bolshevik front man. Trump Kushner Manuchin and Gary Cohn led their gullible lambs to slaughter. You wait til the Trump tax plan hits, you just wait. It kicks in in 10 years.
Kek. It would be entertaining if modern mob violence by shitskin golems lead to the public death of their masters; torn limb from limb with shredded clothing, and his entire face pummeled completely beyond recognition.
Why are those angry anti-semites attacking this 2nd generation hall-of-cost survivor? He can still feel the tug of the masturbation machines his grandfather was hooked to by Mengele himself, Oyy vey! Give us your biometric data so we can end this travesty!
(absolutely wasted)
They all think kikes are all ebil Whitey which still indicates they want to see us getting outbred, shows how fucking retarded they all are for thinking race is only skin deep, I guess the hooked nose wasn't enough to tell the difference between Whites and (((them))).
These subhumans have no sense of honour. Working with a nog, sandnigger, chink, spic or pajeet will tell you a lot about their obviously disgusting behaviours. They're all here because they all accepted to be personal golems for the kikes along with Leftists, who might bite the hands that feed them at times but their hatred for Whites will never go away. Stop accepting them as good """"""""""people"""""""""", you're no better than civcucks who go around saying "MUH FUCKING BASED DINDUS!!! XD" if you do.
OK, they didn't actually show up at his house. They showed up "near", which means like… maybe within a few miles?
Right. There's one reason we can't get along: kikes.
Meme antisemitic beaners NAO!!!
no the divide and conquer tactic here is bring non whites and forcing whites to interact with them, thus lowering racial solidarity
Any race would hate kikes, not even other Semitic subhumans like them despite their similarities (i.e. the cutting of foreskins and not eating pork) . I might even suspect that not even the supporters of kikes or even the supporters of Israeli giga kikes like them. It's a very big stretch to assume but it could be plausible. Niggers are a different story though. I don't even know what's their exact sole purpose in life is. If the answer is muh dicking your way through every animate and inanimate object you come close to, behaving worse than the worst of chimpanzees, being welfare leeches and destroying superior infrastructure, I don't know how they even survived in the fucking open savannah.
You can't divide that which cannot naturally coalesce.
They're resistant to malaria. So, if you need someone to work on a railroad through a swamp, you have but one option: niggers.
top kek, mein sides cannot handle it anymore
I'm pretty sure a gorrilion worth of nogs die off from the disease every year. Besides having niggers around in an ethnostate defeats the whole term of an ethnostate. Niggers and kikes like to keep telling the goyim that le ebil gnatzees want to take back slavery as if their were many slave owners back then. Not to mention the first slave owner in the US was a nog himself.
The day… the DACA died
Bye bye dirty beaners goodbye
Drove marauders to the border, with walls tall as the sky
An good ol' boys all stopped beliving the lie
This'll be the day the kikes cry
This'll be the day the kikes cry
I'll check that.
Your nose is showing shlomo
Hahahahahahahaha, you're way out of your league here, kike. Try peddling your lies somewhere where the users aren't redpilled about race. Whites, spics, and niggers are divided because they're different species all competing for finite resources. Just like zebras, alligators, and hyenas are divided in the Serengeti. It's the rules of nature that divide us all.
You kikes will exploit this natural division, sure, but you didn't cause it and there will never, ever be an end to it until one species of hominid wipes out the rest.
No. It is such a bizarre loyalty to behold, particularly among "Conservatives".
and on and on…
I like that this framed as okay but tiki torches are terrifying. It's the hair split between a bunch of people who disagree with the way society is rallying together to prove they exist vs. a bunch of people who believe you've failed them coming to your fucking house and demanding that you walk the line they expect you to walk. One is about freedom, the other is about over social control.
You guys ever think that mob mentality is the jew?
Hahahaha that would have been awesome.
Could still be awesome? Are they still there?
Checks and keks.
throw a firecracker near them and watch them burn down the house
It was only matter of time it boiled down to this. At end of the day spics only care about spics. Nogs only care about nogs.
It's no secret that both of them hate kikes with passion. They are compliant due to gibs they get.
top fucking kek
As they regard it as a divine right they believe it is our mistake for not recognizing that right. So no, not unless they stop believing they are the special children of God chosen to lead, use and abuse us as they see fit.
Reminds me of this.
I hope she felt every ounce of their gratitude.
When shouting down Pelosi:
Kek. Can't argue there.
Now remember folks, United We Dream is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundations.
For a quick Holla Forums poll, what do you think is going on here?
Is it
(Been awake for 40 or so hours, I'm likely overlooking some options/didn't spell these out right)
This is just what they do in Mexico, anywhere in Latin America really. The beaners were expecting the Democrats to give them DACA and amnesty, and that didn't happen, so they're mad because Schumer cucked and they expect him to do their bidding to atone for his original sin of racism. I don't think there's much else to it. Soros is probably paying for all this crap but I don't think the beaners care about the motivations of anyone above them as long as they get amnesty and welfare.
There needs to be some way to track when and where they were put together. Could you imagine the asspain if there was irrefutable proof that politicians manufacture this shit overseas months in advance on the taxpayers dime?
O M F G ! M Y S I D E S !
I'll celebrate when they get deported
I guessing Schumer, like most politicians, lives behind several walls to keep the results of his globalist agenda far away from his private life, property, and family's comfort. Dealing with consequences is for the plebs.
Haha, hadn't seen the comments… Wow.
While dreamers are sweating it, it's laughs and story time for American liberals. I would be mad as hell. But I'm not.
Glow in the dark.
Cryin' Chuck BTFO
It's not over yet Chuck. It's not over until you're dead.
Your gravest mistakes were:
1. Threatening Don with CIA/DEEPSTATE
2. Going against his and our will.
Kek demands blood
If only you had known which powers you crossed, you would have discarded the money and ran away into hiding,
But now it's too late.
Foolish rat
It's not over yet Chuck. It's not over until you're dead.
Your gravest mistakes were:
1. Threatening Don with CIA/DEEPSTATE
2. Going against his and our will.
Kek demands blood
If only you had known which powers you crossed, you would have discarded the money and ran away into hiding,
But now it's too late.
Fuck the spics. Organized and disciplined whites in the Aryan Brotherhood (AB) – which constitute less than 1% of the prison population, end up controlling all the niggers and spics in every prison AB is in.
Prison is natural law at its most ruthless, and a small group of whites end up running the show where spics and niggers are the majority? That's a true testament to white IQ.
You ain't shit nigger. Ask any nigger who did time about the Aryan Brotherhood. He'll tell you not to fuck with whites, period.
Ask any Crip, Blood, Gangster Disciple or MS-13. Who do they NOT fuck with? Aryan Brotherhood (AB), end of story. Ask any one of them.
My friend went to jail and basically joined as an underling of AB, because they're selective as fuck, and in prison you need protection and each race sticks to its own.
Why isn't there diversity under natural law, meaning in the real jungle, aka prison? Because races aren't supposed to mix.
My friend did fucked up shit, got tatted, and when he got out and I was a bluepilled cuck at the time, I didn't know why he had (((white supremacist))) tattoos on him.
He said: "You stick to your own. The outside is a fucking fairytale." He redpilled me and it's like seeing the fucking Matrix.
Ask any nigger or spic who did time in a U.S. prison, who do they fear most? Ask a Blood, Crip, Gangster Disciple, MS-13 – who do you NOT fuck with? You don't fuck with the white people / AB. Every minority will tell you that. Whites are the most intelligent, organized, disciplined and ruthless under the law of the jungle (aka natural law) in the most hostile environments.
Wake the fuck up, this is why everyone – even the kikes – hate us. Whites were born to lead. Everyone else plays the fucking victim card.
1488 / Heil Hitler!
Chuck "dreaming of a white christmas" schumer
Nancy "coal burning roastie" pelosi
The irony would be palpable.
I'm glad your proud of your friend. Now go be an edgelord irl or something. Your post is trash.
When you came into the house, the door was open. But if you are welcomed, you will want to close it behind you.
user, I could have used some spoilers on those images. Beer bellies and tattoos are not really my idea of aesthetic. I thought your anecdote was a good tangential contribution.
If you're ever in the mood check out a dragon ball video's comment section, that's where the spergma beans dwell.
Unfortunately I won't be able to discern what you mean. I don't know how you want your statement interpreted.
I stand by what I said however. AB might be the top gang or w/e on the roost, but they amount to little more then drug dealers and thugs. The post implied respect for them for reaching the top, and because of that the post is trash. There is no respect in what they do.
Too add.
Being welcomed into a house implies the host closes the door after you, no? Also, a polite person would close the door whether they were welcomed or not, it's a courtesy.
I understand the 'game' played in their situation requires them to act in a specific way to maintain the top position, or any position for that matter. But they themselves i'm sure would agree that it isn't a lifestyle worth respecting, nor wanting. To praise it isn't tact.