Losing control?
Whats your favorite game where you make America great again?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game where you make America great again?
Other urls found in this thread:
I probably won't be here long…
Also, could use some company.
I only kill black people and hipsters.
Morning everyone!
TODAY IS THE DAY. The past year and a half has been so much fun. I never imagined it coming this far but here we are. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP AIRHOOOOOORN
Going to stream the results with the lads and get drunk tonight will be a lot of fun.
I've been fucking constipated lately, probably doesn't help I eat a shit load of cheese. But fuck me man mozzarella is just so fucking good.
Can't wait for the salt from whatever side loses, the left will get pissy, but the right will go full RWDS I believe.
Duality at work. Stay sharp and determined.
nice post exactly on the money
i think i'll be excited no matter who wins tomorrow, due to the shit storm it'll create from one side or the other
he gon do it again fam
Drink some pepto.
Happy birthday to me!~
how do you convince yourself that you shouldn't kill yourself each day, it's getting pretty hard anons
I like playing EU4 and purging all natives and setting up glorious Germanic empires in America
Well, tomorrow you're dead, so eh.
Fuck that, that shit is disgusting. I should eat some beans that'll probably help.
Happy birthday user!
Drink coffee and have a cig.
I can't wait for the waves of salt water that come from libtards after he wins. Its going to be the most beautiful sight ever.
No doubt. Its going to be great.
>find out that because I took so long to turn it in because I have a fucking job and kids and other things I have to deal with they want me to talk to a counsellor first
Anyway, how's everyone doing?
What are you 5? All medicine is disgusting.
Democracy 3. I like to challenge myself to solve as many issues as I can before the fucking liberals rain pipebombs on my limo.
Anyone playing Donald Trump Real Estate Simulator
Happy bday user! You are about to get the best bday present ever. A Trump presidency.
Checked fam but corrupt file.
so what happens when Hillary wins tomorrow
I'm confused to be honest; this whole situation seems like a fucking joke or something. I keep hoping I'll wake up to something better, but we just keep going deeper into the madhouse.
tump got em bof it look like
yo #cheeseproblems fam fo'really tho iktf monica iz gon b aight. gotta balance it out w/ dat fiber monica n sum bowel exercises n shieeeet.
vote 4 trumpo por favor
Hey user. It's 8th November, 5 pm, where I'm at.
I have news to tell you, Trump wins. Enjoy your wall.
I quit smoking and I'm not fan of coffee.
I'm a fan of Brain Force from Infowarslife.com
The Italians make some good food tbh. I always wanted to try that maggot cheese. Seems interesting.
I fuggin hope so.
Same thing is going to happen to Trump, at least its realistic.
I want to play his board game but have no one IRL who likes Trump really.
Its because instead of playing their game Trump dragged out all the dirty laundry. The worlds always been fucked but they used to be able to hide it.
low energy digits
hey fam
no idea
hotline miami 1
i wish it would have been 2016 instead of 3016 so i could really embody the liberal cause
I'm doing the same for the Election, but I'm wondering if I should even bother? I know it wont actually make any difference, and I currently really want to wank to this one fantasy of a big nordic woman who takes me as her slave and rapes me whenever she wants.
Do you have any pics, sounds like fun
They're never satisfied. In Tropico you can at least use mandates to kill their factions. Then you have a literal paradise Island of your dreams.
better than you it sounds like but only just barely
sorry for your trouble fam
We're doomed.
just fucking jerk off dude
I kinda want to try that stuff tbh
Gotta believe to achieve and all that. Don't let your memes be dreams.
I'll give you 50 (You)s if you don't.
That's probably it; it's bizarre as shit seeing all skeletons coming out the closet this early.
I do hope mail ins aren't fucked.
Remove Malice. Ricardo has to go back when they're done.
Got to love that screencap from some GTA hack that replaces the enemies with klansmen beating the fuck out of some nignog protag.
Happy birthday, faggot. My own birthday's later this month, so the Don winning will hopefully be a really nice early present.
i'm really excited to see Alex Jones reaction to the possible hillary victory. He's already on the edge of the abyss as it is
We must use all the magic we can get to combat the jews who will stop at nothing to steal this thing.
01100101 01110110 01100101 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00101100 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00111111
We're doomed. Globalism will win.
shit, I jus thought of this, but Hillary's logo could've been re-done in some confederate flare n get all dem nigguhz signals crossed up. shieet 2 late now tho i guess.
yo da nigga zimmerman say dat shit ammoniated n i don't think ya boi could abide dat shit tbh fam
wuz gud exo
dis nigga gets it
good 4u fam
Happy birthday user.
Howdy folks
Some obscure DS game where i was in a japan like nation run by lolis and i won all of my wars because enemy nations lost units to my stupid high defence
I've heard its basically monopoly but with 10x more strategy.
Makes all the "conspiracy theorists" seem a lot more legit. Alt media is going to grow a lot after this.
I'm just annoyed because I had plans to start college once I get that credit and now I'm going to have to rush everything to get the course done in time, and hope they mark it fast enough that I can squeeze in the January semester.
Happy birthday
Honestly I'm not feeling too hot about it. The FBI dropped their investigation again and that's going to be the last thing people hear before going to vote. She got the last word in
I'm pretty sure he'll win but I'm uneasy.
I did manage to satisfy them once but I had to run the country into the ground to do it
01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110 00001010 00001010 01110100 00101110 00100000 01000100 01101111
I'm sorry user. Happy birthday.
Just Cause 2.
Hispanics, Caucasians, Pinoys, Chinese. The game's quite multicultural when you look at it.
Give me a down payment of 25 now, 25 when it's done.
wuz good nigga ain't seen ya in a minute tbh monica
u got sum tank ass lolli's monica?
Fucking kikewheels.
Ain't that shit really expensive?
Them dropping the investigation doesn't mean shit. Its just going to make more people realize how corrupt everything is. Plus not really enough days for the shills to spam it to make a difference.
Why don't you go make some dumb dolls, you autist?
that's horseshit< why are you such a downer tonight?
not much monica
was planning on doing some projects and was goign to ask in the thread what people need help with software and tech wise?
I've decided to put together a guide for basic user tech stuff like what anons would find useful and stuff
howdy howdy
were you failing or anything?
I ask because "taking too long" sounds like a bullshit reason that you could raise hell about
Only family member I know that personally likes Trump is my dad (who started out preferring Doc Sleepy Negro). Mom dislikes both Trump and Shillary, my aunt and uncle are hardcore Commiefornian libshits that moved out here and brought their ideology with them, and I can only assume the rest of my extended family are left leaning too, given that they're in Commifornia, Washington, and Colorado. Not sure how my Grandpa would have voted, he departed this plane as of last year.
And unfortunately for me, Dad left for a state where I'm not sure his vote will matter much at all compared to here.
Yeah I'm going to be watching his stream a lot tomorrow night. Hes probably going to be amped as fuck either way.
Thats like 2 waifu figs though. And nips hate globalists too mostly so.
Michigan will win Trump the presidency.
I would if i knew
I'm used to it I guess. I was born the day Bush Senior was elected.
Typically licenced games don't have much depth especially board games, I want to see this board game
Holla Forums is biased, the people aren't that smart nor the electoral.
that doesn't answer my question fam
You liar, Kanji.
It was mostly due to my nations walls of defense.
literal walls.
I just don't have hopes in the people.
Nips are a bunch of degenerates. The first tentacle rape drawing was made in like the 1800s. They're sick sick people. Worse than globalists.
fukkin wolverines man, dem niggas make me rabid tbh monica
yo I am worried about trump but hopeful fa sho monica. my (((spidey))) sense tinglin tho
I mean, dey may hate em but dey cain't get dey dik out that mouth neither tbh.
is today a safe day?
No, they just set you to "inactive" if you don't turn anything in for a while. I couldn't be failing because I hadn't turned work in. They give you a bundle and you do it, then bring the work in to be marked. I get up before the sun, I drive an hour, work my ass off, drive another hour, take a shower, make dinner, sometimes I have the kids and have to help them with homework or stop them fighting or whatever. By the time I'm done all my shit for the day I just want to go to sleep. No energy for fucking math work at that point. I'm only up now because I have two weeks off. I was going to use them to polish off more coursework.
okay i kinda know how
My dad was your typical cuckservative but at least he went Trump along the way. Mom is kinda politically dumb but shes going Trump too. Little sis is probably voting shillary because vagina. Funny thing is my sister could have registered to vote in NC instead and have her vote actually matter compared to TN but shes an idiot and didn't.
Yeah I think its more about bidding on property instead of just dumb luck like landing on it. Lots of trading and buying from each other too.
I guess that makes you a Bush baby!
You have been cursed by the Dubs of Defeatism. High spirits and patriotic fervor will come to you but only if you thank Based Bezmoniv.
let's find out 2 getha brotha
hoping is like praying, it doesn't actually get shit done
why aren't you getting shit done fam? what are you some sort of nogunz
OH GOD, I think that's how they wrote it some times
I hope so. I'm going to try to wake up a littler earlier than normal to go vote, make myself a nice American breakfast, then grab some American beer for the election stuff you've got planned
honestly I realized I needed to dial it back a bit anyway, no sense for me to post reactions with every post, takes the power out of it and I'm not trying to avatar fag
I was one nation that they all wanted to gang up on. now i own half the world by being a neat and maximizing the economy of my loli japan nation.
Can you not read? I never said I had hope in the people.
They also great the most pure things in anime too. They concentrate the degenerate shit and pull it out of the pure stuff.
At least for the most part they are still racist and care about their race first. Though they will probably fall eventually too.
I stayed up all night so I could take a nap after the thread then go vote, then sleep forever until the stream starts.
Damn really wish I had the cash for some murican beer. That'd be so comfy. Gonna have my folks pick up a lot of extra burgers for the night though at least.
I looked it up and it looks like that Trump being the Chess master he is, didn't realise the skill level the normalfags are so the game is too advanced for them
this election
Where's the rest Ristu?
I want my (You)s Ritsu. Don't fuck me around. Give me my fucking (You)s. Where are they???
is that even a question?
what are some vidya gays with based presidents?
I've asked dad before how it is that he didn't turn out like the rest of my west coast dwelling family, considering while he'd been all over the place since his dad was military he's mostly been California growing up. He said working at Northrop did a lot to reverse what he'd picked up on growing up. Not sure if he's redpilled exactly, but he's solidly in the Trump camp, hates the establishment and the media, and likes his funs and thus finds the push for gun control stupid.
He claims he used to be able to keep mom's vote in line with his own, but considering they split up years ago, he suspects she listens too much to her liberal brother.
no, you said you DON'T have hope in people, as if hope made a difference, I was telling you it doesn't
wut gaem? i gotsa flash cart thang.
they sum panda type niggas tbh fam. they gon b on sum dwemer shit n accidently become 2d n hang w/ kek n da hieroglyphs or sumn monica
Pic related. He dindu nuffin
I like to imagine him making the board game just to be able to play it with young baron when he was 3 years old.
you go ahead fam, I love you work
I just know they aren't smart people and the masses, as much as Holla Forums says they are, they aren't gonna care for corruption. They never did before.
Metal Wolf Chaos
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Rising Revengence
Donald Trump Real Estate Simulator
Also someone should make an Andrew Jackson video game, it'd be fucking great
where are you when the conditioning gets even stronger
Spectral force genesis
its a VERY DEEP STRATEGY GAME. just becareful dude
but he's a senator, not the president
they'll care when Hillary starts world war 3
Pretty sure some old guy made some game about capping Indians a while back, if that kind of counts.
That'll be too late.
I don't really have the money for it either. I'm planning on going to the shady looking liquor store and grabbing a couple tall cans of Blue Moon or something. Hopefully not spend more than five or six bucks
he was running for president though
Eh that's cool but a game with Jackson dueling with banking Jews would be fun as fuck
I think you mean right on time
why are people so deadset on her absolutely starting the third world war. Even if she did intervene in Syria its doubtful that its going to go full NUCLEAR immediately, or ever really
all he needed to do was actually break the president in two with his bare hands
Northrup is where they keep the UFOs right?
What I would give to live in a 2d world with cute 2d girls. SoL makes me more depressed the more I watch it.
I did that the other day when I got 10$ randomly from my pa. Wasn't thinking ahead.
Gas stations around here have two tall cans like that for 4$ its nice.
Because her plan is to shoot down Russian planes
What the fuck do you think Putin is going to do when Hillary is focussing her fire on his planes
He could've went pro. If he didnt join the navy
She's got those beady eyes set on Iran and Russia too.
watch this for the first 20 seconds
bitch will not shut up about russia and thinks they are out to get her not to mention she is a bloodthirsty warmonger whose friends die from suicide by 6 shots to the back of the head
She wants to intensify a proxy war we already shouldn't be in. Proxy wars can easily lead to real ones.
It won't go "LAUNCH ALL THE NUKES" immediately but if one side starts losing bad it could happen
its going to cause a major international incident and lead to a breaking of diplomatic ties between the US and Russia. At worst the US targets anti airctaft systems locking onto their aircraft establishing their "safe zone". It'll cause problems. But its unlikely to be the impetus for the next world war.
I think you mean Area 51, so no, unless they're connected. Northrup was (is?) stuff like the Stealth project. never really did ask dad much about what went on there.
A lot of people in power in the US, Trump aside, seem to be pushing for aggravating Russia. In turn, from what I've heard, Russia's been holding SHTF drills in preparation, but is possibly holding back from doing anything rash on the off chance that Trump gets in and dissolves tensions. At least, that's my take from what I've read in the past on it on Holla Forums.
also have some stuff from Holla Forumss anime thread
That's 18 now. You're fucking holding out on me. Might just have to make cummies regardless, teach you a lesson?
I'll keep the (you)s you've given my so far. Pay me what you owe or kiss the presidency goodbye.
Earlier today I got $20 from my grandmother in a late birthday card but spent that on a haircut.
I very seriously considered blowing it on booze but I needed the cut.
Those are some garbage tier webms. Who the hell encodes their shit?
hey, hows london this time of year?
no idea
I just like that that ones propaganda nice spider by the way, you should use that one more
Where do you think they got the stealth tech from huh?
The secret is it isn't really alien tech. Its from Atlantis, why do you think we never could find it?
I really really need a haircut. Its waaay too shaggy. Tempted to just take an electric razor and do it myself.
Rapey, I assume. Unless it's too cold for the gangs.
Russia isn't even in a state of being able to handle a prolonged war
Not only do they have an economy weaker than fucking Italy, demographical, infrastructural, political and geographical problems make a prolonged invasion of USA hard to maintain, let alone the idea of simultaneously defending against an American counterstrike on Russian soil. In the case of a nuclear war, Russia would be the one more likely to survive considering they are more adequately prepared for it, and have sustained their nuclear bunkers which can hold up to 40 million people, whereas bunkers in America are already falling in a state of disrepair.
That's more like it. I'll uphold my end of the bargain.
I'm going to boost the payment from 50, to 65 now thanks to you fucking me around. Don't like it? It's your own fault, nobody but yourself to blame.
very nice
I already voted for trump days ago. Also, does anyone have a good recommendation for a windows vm on my linux in place of wine?
there's afew pictures I don't really use because there's no good situation for um
did you draw them?
Go download that shit. It's great
That's pretty much what I had them do. I used to get fancier ones but the place I used to go to closed and the woman who cut my hair works at a really expensive place now
Well Putin ain't someone who when attacked will do nothing, I think he'll keep goading the US until either they stop shooting planes or Putin decides to unleash project Satan
Checking those trips.
I haven't watched the show, but from what I gather, jap girl is visiting Britain, and hence speaking Engrish for the visit. More than some beaners are willing to do here for their illegal lives in the states.
Ritsu, honest 2 god monica, that make u sound like a addict fo'real.
b/c she a woman
it's actually more about regional hegemony than global. America is isolated in the sense that although we can project our power globally it places a great strain on us as well as our host nations particularly politically as what are seen as unjust wars are prolonged. Also the more wars in mudshit regions we have the less we can invest in things to make our economy better because unlike SEA they don't make for good colonies. Not with respect to Afghan opium production, of course.
das so fukn cute tho monica
ye ye dis fam let a niqqa kno
either way its a zero sum game considering the entirety of the nations infrastructure and economy would be destroyed by engaging in a nuclear exchange. Think about the interests involved here - even if Russia was routed in Syria and there was some sort of ground conflict with the US. They lose a port on the Mediterranean and an ally. Syria strategically is more important to Iran than Russia, so why would Russia go all out with nuclear weapons for the loss of an ally that they could recover more easily from, than from a nuclear exchange. I don't see either sides leaders putting their fingers on the red button over events in Syria - they're not important enough for either sides interests.
Thread died really fast. Hope its because people went to sleep early TO GO VOTE
Good job
Damn I haven't played a driver game since 2. I should check that shit out.
I had really really long hair until a year or so ago. Still not used to having to get trims all the time.
nope actually these ones I got drawn for me or found them
it's a jumping spider, cute mother fuckers them
Lads I'm going to ask you not to bully me for this, I know it's not amazing, but here's a collection of all the Trump related stuff I've made.
its pretty much certain Putin would retallitate - but its more likely he'd put more pressure on the situation in Ukraine or involve himself in the Baltic region / Finland more than he would immediately position himself for nuclear war because of set backs in Syria.
Actually the thread was alive for a bit.
I just appreciate and seek to be comfy. And its obviously the most comfy life.
I ain't clickin that shit
Only americans are genuinely so retarded to think Russia wants, or is even remotely able to sustain WW3.
They're in this constant pathologic need of finding the next "bad guy".
There isn't a fucking "bad guy" anymore, there hasn't been in years, all the people left that hate the US are either US citizens themselves that hate how the entire thing is run like a goddamn shitshow, and foreign dictators, warlords and military forces that used to be financed by the US and want to bite the hand that feeds/found better allies/changed management and now want to fuck you up/lost the puppet that was in charge and went berserk.
What a bunch of fucking morons.
checked and I don't understand man
that's unfortunate fam, they look pretty good, not that your stuff is bad
what you on about? my shit is right bad mate
Actually he might put pressure on Alaska
Though that said the reason why I think it's likely for Putin to start is because Russia has the best Nuke and Anti-Nuke tech in the world, with America falling back pretty fast since Barry got in, they probably have worse Anti Nuke tech than China now
hmm iz on da lis fa nao. look neat fa sho at least.
but if it's true dat it b makin u depressed, u realize it, n still seek it out I mean das sum self-destructive type shit monica. u get me worryin sum time rissu das all monica
don undeerstand wut monica wuz good family?
thread is moving along moderately fam
decent work fam, have a few extras
Yeah then like instantly died.
Nah it feels good when I'm watching it, just has a harsh come down after its over.
u b8in me nycka?
Well, I doubt we will have problem getting to bump limit.
don't understand why its funny fam, jus not registrin
what the fuck man
glad to help you out with it man. Hope you enjoy
yeah but you do it quick right?
huh what never
what you mean fam
I usually drop out around 6am. Haven't seen us reach bump limit in ages.
Holy fuck have another this one is gold
It's fucking sweet. I haven't been smiling and laughing playing a game since I started playing EDF
it wouldn't have an appreciable effect in the instance of a full scale nuclear exchange - its impossible to intercept the number of warheads that would be exchanged so both sides get destroyed.
neither side can really cancel out the other nukes - even with recent upgrades to Russia's Satan ICBMs, its not exactly a game changer in any regard. The same issue of mutually assured destruction still applies. Russia doesn't have the naval capacity to pressure Alaska seriously - and their air assets are all easy to intercept from our bases there
Losing control?
Trump's game.
They usually continue onto bump from what I see.
I hope so 2 monica
iz a picture fo ants man n iz a picture w/ a ant on it
ikr monica wuz on topic 2 tho
u playin dis addict thing up nao i mentioned it monica don't play dat 4d chess w/ me fam i b a gran wizard @ dat
happy america great birthday user
you got banned didn't you
I was going to suggest a sad panda doujin that was incest related
the faces in it are crazy good and would probably shoop well
Video Games
I'm sure yours are somewhere in my collage video!
Tell me Captain, if DS9 is so good, why aren't there any movies of it?
yes but even if I spend time on it it'd still be bad
Well at the very least we're getting closer to MAD being gone
Ritsu why did you title the thread like that, Now we're getting fucking ctr in this thread.
lovely user
jesus is it me or does that really looks like DMX
I would be interested in knowing how it was on topic
it's good for quick work fam
becasue star trek died
didn't you ever see nemesis?
Thanks! I've been really needing a good drifting game to have fun in. It got any fun nip cars in it?
You caught me.
Though its kinda true tbh now that I think about it
they're just shitposters user
>Found cheapish DVD copy of part one of FMA: Brotherhood after dinner today.
Two parts down, three to go. Why in the fuck Funi opted to not refresh the western licensing rights to a franchise that's been popular for like thirteen years out here now, I have no fucking clue, but I can only see it biting everyone in the ass given how demand isn't likely to meet supply at all as things progress.
Up yours, kike.
I seriously wonder if they're just going to vanish after the next few days or stick around to constantly shill for the establishment, paid or not.
checked for the man who comes after
thank you thank you. people seem to like that one for some reason.
doubtful. in fact whats changing isn't the reality of MAD but a trend to reimagine nuclear weapons as getting smaller and more precise in order to find a real use for them - minimizing their fallout, making them more precise, increasing efficiency of the reaction.
this coming from former missileers in the air force as well as experts in nuclear weapons policy
Would b nice.
Cut to Quark's
Mort str8 chillin like a G
idk it'd be da shit tho
it does not look like DMX and do not evne JOKE about dat monica, mods got me feelin like anne frank up in dis shit monica goddayuuum. dis worse than when i was squattin monica
wasn't nemesis decent and insurrection the real bad one?
were not talking about star wars EU here buddy
were talking about the DIVERSE star trek
have you ever seen the movie Dr. Stranglelove?
Witch karen are you?
is this you?
please stop posting that
I'm usually pretty lazy when it comes to the pic I use and try to keep the same format but today is a special day.
You really telling me you wouldn't rather be a cute 2d lesbian hanging out with a bunch of other cute 2d lesbians as a cute 13 year old for eternity? Thats heaven fam
ez pz fam, it wuz a morrowin thread n niggas was talkin bout dat damn ole mentor's ring. a cool constant effect having ass ring dat wasn't really all dat gr8 but sumn dat could b easily obtained early on if u jus did a lil xplorin ryt ch'yea in da lil seyda neen type area monica
I'm going to keep posting it.
squattin monica?
Insurection had a high budget and really cool effects and everyone looking fly as fuck
Nemesis had FAT Richer fighting a not romulan on a bridge over a bottomless pit inside a starship
Insurection was the good one that came before
who just wants to live out world war 3 in the subways and play comfy guitar music while you forget about the hoards of mutants trying to eat you
yo I ain't sayin i would or wouldn't but till it b-come a viable option it ain't rly worf considering tbh monica u kno
iz like, i'd b down 2 b a t-rex too but dat ain't happenin monica
rei a best
Ok Seeing as you're a Millitary guy I guess you might be able to Answer this hypothetical
If Russia and the US go full Nuclear war do you think China will attack Australia to take it's resources while no one is looking and blame it on debris of the Nuclear war
n a young tom hardy tho tbh. big guy even back then.
So far just some Nissans but you unlock more cars and songs as you progress so there might be more. I doubt there's an AE86, but there is a DeLorean which is at least aesthetically similar
Honestly if it gets too hot I'm planning on fleeing south. I like my odds in Chile
I bet they'd take southeast asia at least.
I like you.
i'm not in the military
but i'm not sure - because China could just negotiate itsself to a position of dominance over Australia in that instance. I think China wouldn't want to have to actually invade and occupy Australia with how fucking big it is - and how determined people would fight against them. Really i think they'd pressure them more, but the logistics of actually going about invading them is so complicated and expensive i'm not sure they could actually afford it and tolerate it while still maintaining control over their own people as their largest customers just basically killed themselves
flattery wowill get you anywhere
welp, i'm heading off to sleep.
If kek is with me I hope trump wins and we enter a new world of greatness
I really hope all of this is a simulation and that whatever ayyys created it allow sentient creatures to own a tiny slice of VR heaven after death.
Ayyy Nissans are pretty slick. Their Z series cars are nice. And I like the 240SX a lot. If I had a few grand thats what I'd get IRL.
China doesn't really have a blue water navy. I bet they'd try to take Vietnam and Taiwan though.
It's a Stanley Kubrick movie
he made a bunch of good movies including but not limited to
Stanley Kubrick is a Holla Forums approved director and Dr. Strangelove is a Holla Forums tier comedy
you should really watch it fam
G'night user. Pray that trump wins
Night user, vote today if you haven't already.
As it stands we're on 65 (You)s.
unless you want it to go higher you'll compliment my OC even if you don't like it.
2001 a best but I'd have to recommend the book over the movie tbh monica cuz it make da shit make that much mo sense tbh.
I see I see
well now I gotta check it
have a good ngiht fam
I don't watch movies much (or TV that much in general), but am I missing out?
man I don't have enough of her saved that isn't porn
My nigga.
nice saving these.
Fair enough though seeing as South East Asia is the gateway to Australia and some fucking retard sold our Darwin port to them a WW3 will see Australia turn yellow a lot faster
Didn't want to vote for Hillary, but I understand how unfit Trump is as a candidate. Wish I could vote for another candidate, but thanks to how retarded Trump is, I was forced to vote for Hillary.
I'm pretty sure it has those. It's kind of a pain to check.
They're well constructed films. He's not my favorite director but his stuff is worth watching
Yeah yeah ok. Heres your (You)
Nice bait
Watch Strangelove and Eyes Wide Shut at least.
Heres your (You).
Heres a (you).
Dr. Strangelove is one of the funniest movies ever made.
Thanks. Hope yall didn't vote for the manchild who doesn't understand international politics. Like you.
da director changed it on purpose fam, make it more cinematic
2001 space odyssey is pretty hard science most of the way and is a classic in a lot of ways, futurama references it for one
The Shining with Jack Nicholson is the DEFINITIVE version of the shining
Lolita is an old book and honestly I never watched it but it's about a doctor that obsesses over a little girl and I believe even marries her mother to be closer to her, it's where the word loli comes from
Eyes Wide Shut is incredibly relevant but I never really watched it. It's about secret societies and the director, a jew, died soon after releasing it, Holla Forums likes the guy because he was pretty much a self hating jew who spilled the beans a bunch
I just want to be autistic and drive.
Don't get greedy. There are starving kids who could be eating this (You) instead.
Yeah I didn't vote for Bill Shorten
I'm so ready for the river of tears that will flow on the 8th. No matter who wins the election my thirst will be satisfied for months.
double dubbs overide no dubs
Southeast asia has quite a bit of economic potential, if they controlled that I doubt they'd even want australia, which is mostly uninhabitable.
Checking dem digits man.
You already got your (you) now begone.
you're half way there user, now you just need a drivers liscense
Well you are already here so you got the autism part down. Whats stopping you from getting a car?
Tons of shit references it. It's totally embedded in our culture.
Probably bait, but if not traitors hang first.
Huh, maybe I'll ask my dad if he has any of them since he's coming down to visit soon. Would make a nice things to do together.
You mean a case where the movie adaptation outshines the original work (wasn't The Shining a book first?), or is it a case where there's multiple film adaptations?
Arturia a shit.
China's hard-up for farmland since they've poisoned all of their own and it wasn't that great to start with.
There's been a great string of articles about Chinese billionaires buying Australian ranches and having to deal with shit like zoning laws and physical labor for the first time in their lives.
You've come to the wrong thread.
Australia is one of the most mineral rich places on earth
I didn't give you permission to save them!
Seriously driving around on back roads is the funnest shit you can do while not in your comfy room.
I'm glad we can still hivemind
I know, I just wanted to make a recent example
multiple films, jack is really creepy in it
I actually like driving at 3 am when nobody is around, feels good man
They did salinate it didn't they, but are they so desperate they'd be gunning for Australia?
Too late.
i cant wait, its going to be fun
Yeah, but nobody can do anything with it because you can't survive in the outback.
Do you drive manual? If not you don't know fun tbh.
user you do realize that america is the police of the world right?
Also, if you like Full Metal Jacket, check out Apocalypse Now as well. Personally I think it's better than FMJ but they're both totally worth watching.
Yeee fam
Fine I'm sorry.
Not Europe though. Europe is heavily influenced by American 'culture'' which is why we're in just as much trouble as them right now.
But most of the other first world nations are already falling due to those problems listed. They'll be full on Shria law by the time America falls.
bitches will get whats coming either way
Well they have shit tonnes of natural resources as well as NSW and Victoria having land ripe for huge farming industries of many kinds which it has
I feel like nobody points it out anymore because we can check digits
Checking that (1)
Checking that trip
Used to do that a lot when I was shuttling a friend back and forth for game night since they didn't have a license. Some of the roads here get pretty dark when you leave the suburban areas and get more into the vacant stretches.
Doesn't Apocalypse now have its own prequel/sequel of sorts? I suppose I need to start making some lists of movies I ought to watch, even if it's not a medium I'm real big on these days.
Except they do, there are huge mining operations which the chinks are slowly taking over
Huh, didn't know that.
Didn't know that either.
They're desperate enough to be gunning for Africa. Australia's got a lot of good farmland and even more good grazing land. I don't think they have the power projection to make a try of it though and they won't for a few decades more at least.
And if it was just salt that'd be one thing. It's chemicals and heavy metals from decades of horrifying negligence in mining and industry.
pretty sure arthur c clarke wrote a similar short story. Kubrick called him up wanting to make a movie, they wrote a screenplay based on the short story, then Clarke wrote 2001 the book. Not sure what changed through the process but I remember them being almost identical except you didn't get quite as much detail on stuff cause there's almost no dialogue for 2/3s of the movie.
don't jinx us nigga
yo i would play dat shit
I thought those fucking abbos did a real number on the arability of the land for you guys.
i cant wait, its going to be fun
Nice numbers nigga.
Can't tell if I woke up early because the ceiling fan was turned off or because I'm still slightly drunk
Also I missed voter registration for this State. Still registered in Commiefornia but was too lazy to mail-in
Moon is an actual DS game and I've heard one of the better FPS on the system. Of course, it doesn't star Moon Man.
Oh they fucking did but not many abos in NSW, Vic or Tas (In fact they went extinct in Tassie)
did that a lot as well
weekend game night I would drive my friend 30 miles north to his house and then 15 south back to mine in the dead of night, good times cruising with chill fucking music at that hour
(check'd and kek'd)
This is 99% of the people on this site. Thanks for proving a point.
Sort of. There's a documentary Francis Ford Coppola's wife shot alongside the making of the film called Hearts of Darkness. It's also really good and adds tons of context that makes the final product even more impressive.
They actually filmed in a war zone, Martin Sheen almost died, Marlon Brando was a huge tool, etc.
Yeah, the boot camp shit is great and that's what everyone watches it for but it falls off once they actually get to Vietnam. There are much better movies about it
The fruits of foreign investors who don't give a shit and a government that cares about gdp at the expense of everything else.
eh, mo dependent on what you lookin fo tbh. Apocalypse now is a total Copolla flick, long, drawn out, Brando, some find it boring, others enthralling, and it's based on a novel, a much more famous and ripped off story than The Godfather.
FMJ is much more in your face about a lot of the stuff. The drill instructor is iconic, but the ending is sort of, idk, depressing, but that's obviously the point, so even if it was a bit hamfisted I can't knock it for trying to hit the point home really.
Deer hunter pretty good I guess, long af tbh, and like Sgt. York the actual war is not a very big part of the story.
u welcome nycka
welll shieeeeeeeeet monica
they had to use Sheen's brother for the intro scenes b/c he almost died tbh lol
for real. I'm genuinely happy you are so retarded
Wouldn't have made a difference, fam. May as well have written in Jeb! and contributed to the coming Guac Surge.
thats honestly a pretty fun game, especially with mods
There aren't any more (you)s for you.
You mean that part where he punched the mirror and all that? That was Martin
Why do people like you even exist.
I just preferred the quiet sound of the road at night, aside from talking to whoever was in the car. That doesn't happen anymore for me.
To be the retards on this site who spread Holla Forums
Breaking my balls. Making OC, refusing to fap so that Trump wins….
and for what? a measly 65 (you)s…
that makes sense
I just like the movie tho, pretty much the OG for crazy AI losing it's shit
2010 a shit
sounds good man, also checked
good morning man, good webm, makes me smile when I see it
I know that feel fam
No, friend, that was 100% pure Chinese greed and short-sightedness. I wonder if it's just being around so many people that breeds that mentality.
You mean your game nights stopped too, or they built up the roads with more shit for people to be coming and going to at night?
fuck off nobody cares about you
Your family made dinner and you choose to eat alone in your room because your dad is an asshole.
Fuck off you dumb bitch.
Cali might be an extremely small possibillity
Remember Reagan was at 47% nation wide in the Gallup Poll before his crushing win as is Trump
the chinks are the architects of their own suffering
o guess he jus did sum voice over's for it. n got dat crossed w/ sheen actually bein drunk af during the intro scene. tiger blood tbh
all da books are tight cept the last one kinda out there tbh. 2010 movie is certainly disappointing monica
It's okay, My son. Have a (you).
You think their industries would fund themselves? Investors like cheap skilled labor, they don't care about the fact that its only so cheap because of a lack of standards. They could have put their money elsewhere.
I was going to say I don't drive late any more but not that you mention it my game nights stopped too
working night audit has some disadvantages
it's sure cool hard science with the ships but Saturn turning into a sun is shit along with a lot of shit around that part of the movie
Japan and South Korea managed to run the same playbook without turning all their water into acid.
68 (you)s I think
You can post all the short clips you want, I think Apocalypse Now is the superior film. I also prefer The Deer Hunter
There's so many cool things about the production of it. I love that even the crew wasn't sure what he was doing. They were capturing a genuine inebriated crazy man
they didn't have a communist revolution and they had BEST united states era providing oversight while their infrastructure was going up
make me
fine but don't call full metal jackets Vietnam section bad fam
never actually seen anything about it
Reminder that we have Ctr's Dox info
are you burger
And that we have done nothing with it.
With the ones I was part of, half the group decided to just fuck off, and one us remaining three has been too busy with work and competitive three players generally winds up with someone being ganged up on just because that's how it works out. So now it's just me and one friend, and we usually just play single player stuff after an hour or so of Toonami on Saturday nights.
Hopefully they never live their shame down. It's hilarious the difference in quality of shitposting, between shills that are slightly paid and treated like shit, and anons that do it for the Don for free out of love for their country.
reminder that everyone on their team thinks they are loser virgins
what's to do, they live lives worse than any NEET
Send them MAGA hats after Trump wins
That would be funny.
Send them the hats I guess, trips commands it.
shieeet pic related monica
gotta do wut da numbers say man n das real family
das real fukkn family
I didn't. The movie definitely peters off once they get there though. Ask pretty much anyone what their favorite scene from that movie is and they'll tell you the opening bit with R Lee Ermey
It was one of the first bits of popular media that delved into PTSD and what it did to veterans.
Seeing that come out of the leaks was fucking hilarious.
user I envy you there, that sounds chill as fuck
I have a project where I'm trying to set up a CHIP computer to run SNES games when I have the time
the plan is to set up a SNES emulator on it and use USB controllers
my USB hub came in the mail and it seems liek it will both power the computer AND allow it to use a keyboard so I assume the USB controllers will work but I gotta test it proper when I have the time
the CHIP computer comes with a video out that goes from 3.5MM jack to 3 composite jacks (yellow white red RCAs) so I'm realyl lookign forward to running TUBE SNES games again
glad I didn't bitch out and try to get that because those trips are gold
My favorite is MickeyMouse
checked and keked
i am
Gets me everytime.
clearly you aren't
foreigners like yourself are more interested in american politics than i am. in fact, it affects you more than it does me
An excuse to drop this again.
Felt great to come across the thread the night that word dropped, with my NEET ass sitting in a chair at home and eating some tendies with orange sauce.
It's been my first time watching DBZ, since they've been airing that Kai recut. Friend's an old DBZ fan so he gets to relive stuff too. It's been pretty fun, but it still feels really fucking long, even with the bulk of the filler apparently gone. If I'm feeling that way with the recut, I'd hate to have had to sit through the original run.
Thank you user.
Now go ask 20 more people and see what they say. Hell, just google Full Metal Jacket and look at the image results. Majority of the stills are from bootcamp scenes. Same with video results. R Lee Ermey is the first person mentioned in the cast list, before even the leading man.
familam please
I'm west coast and voting right even though my state votes left so much that people just take it for granted
you don't want original or newest remake run fam, you want second run
I'll bet.
fair argument I guess
Take a look kids.
These are the retards who spew their opinions here. Learn to think critically, and read with a critical lense. Absolute morons are allowed to spew whatever they want here. It's a blessing and a curse. Almost all of this trump shit is meme garbage. Anyone who ACTUALLY takes him seriously is fucked in the head.
Some kike wants his view counts, I guess.
Now go watch The Deer Hunter. I never thought I'd ever take Christopher Walken seriously until I saw that movie
thanks for the confirmation
Upset no one bit your previous bait? I'll give you a precious (You), but only if you dance for it and oink like the fat little piggy you are.
Thanks for comfirming
sorry fam
heres for the easy youtube.com
Oh look, another opinion without a justification. Nigger I'm not going to write the wall of text I would need just to explain why trump would be the best choice.
clearly, the west coast of russia
Well I don't need to effort post for people who won't start with an effort post
you don't have to (((he))) did
I wish, then there would be less mexicans and chinks
I started to paint one of my Orks today
i gotta imagine you go through a lot of green paint
what are you talking about
Seeing as I also have Dark Angels, IG and Nurgle Deamons then yes
Kirino mosaic I think.
ded thread
so it goes
check em
we did just fall to page 2
We're past bump limit so it's whatever.
I'm heading off to bed. Remember to vote you fucks
have a good night fam
I still can't shit and my ass hurts.
how much fibre have you been having?
have you been drinking water?
you suck
try a laxative maybe?
you know these images make me want to try watching that shit agian
Stop taking benis
Do it.
u got a secluded place u could try squattin in? das a mo natural shitting position than on the toilet. trust me mah nigga u dun wanna go to da ER w/ no compacted ass bowels u kno monica
Ignore this
don't strain too hard though, you could give yourself a prolapse
DMX I thought you were a Nigger not a Curry Nigger
I really need to, just to say I did
heil, could not watch it when it came out, could not get past shitty chocolate pastry end eating part
I assume Azumanga was much better
smh tbh fam
I don't put things in my ass so it won't fall out of me.
It can happen even if you don't.
It was.
it was my first slice of life and the standard by which I measure slice of life
Daily Lives of high school boys and today in class 5-2 were good too
man if u gotta shit fam u gotta shit n take some extra-ordinary measures monica
most toilet seats ain't built fo a real man to squat on monica
oh shit monica sum1 call da burn unit
You can just squat on the toilet itself. You're not so fucking fat you'd break a porcelain throne are you?
shiiet hell naw monica i gotta perma high metabolism buff from cocaine usage monica
but i ain't puttin mah feet on dat shit.
I'm not.
wut's it about monica? it got sum deep lore n shit fam?
Its an anime about nothing.
like seinfeld nothin or mad about you nothin?
Cute girls.
You shouldn't believe faggot/whore propaganda
girls in highschool or middleschool or whatever
I had a hard time getting into it with how same face it is and slow compared to azumanga
where were you in the witch thread?
Its not random, its a result of prolonged periods of straining.
And getting fucked in the ass.
It's highschool. I like the slow pace, it's quite comfy.
I was there.
I supposed if I wasn't so stressed by by disposition to make use of my time I would enjoy it more, but we'll see
Play any vidya, user? Maybe accepted Jesus as your Lord?
Influent when I have the time
m8 i highly doubt you got anything better to do.
Hey reg. no images today?
So you can save your soul and live in peace, of course.
Not a chance.
I'm killing time at work, not much to do really, just did payroll in like 10 minutes
god will do what god wants regardless of my actions user
but while were on the subject, who is my brother?
Images went funny on me.
You gotta try it user, He was the greatest thing to happen to my life, I'm sure it can be the same for you.
What are you doing on a christian board then?
Correct, but God wants you to be His son in spirit and truth.
What do you mean?
It just wouldn't be a night if you didn't STAY UP ALL NIGHT
says you
I guess jesus must really really love the little children then
Its not for me user.
evenign fam
Says the same Bible you claim I don't read. Furthermore, the brother question can be taken in various context. You have a biological brother, yes, but if you are a follower of Christ, you should treat other believers as brothers as well.
He is for everyone, user. Because you feel it doesn't fit you, doesn't mean it shouldn't. God loves you and wants you to follow Him regardless.
But I don't want to follow him.
2 Timothy, friend. Peter calls on Timothy to treat the church as his family, the widow as you would a mother, the older man a father, the other youth a brother, etc.
Why not?
Because I read the bible and don't like the god it portrays.
not the priest not the banker but the man that helps you in your time of need
What books have you read through? Older testament books that include Gods wrath and judgment on the nations take a certain context and understanding of the Lord to digest properly. You have to remember, aw were created in His likeness, but are not like Him. His anger, love, jealousy, mercy, they are vastly different to our terrestrial understanding of them.
Why? Is it because you're too lazy to stop sinning you fucking reprobate?
Peter elaborates on the things Jesus talked about, and makes them clearer. Listening to Peter doesn't mean you stop listening to Jesus. On the contrary, it's important you listen to one to understand the other. I could have mentioned what Jesus says about this topic, but Peter tackles it more specifically.
According to your unchanging god a man who throws his own flash and blood to murdering rapists for the sake of a pair of strangers is just.
it's wrong and it contradicts what jesus said
When? Refresh my memory.
Lot throwing his daughter out to protect the angels. Apparently he was pure enough in gods eyes to deserve to be saved despite that.
were doin this, though it turns out I already fucked up
25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
When Jesus reached the famous well at Shechem and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink, she replied full of surprise: "Jews do not associate with Samaritans” (John 4:9). In the ancient world, relations between Jews and Samaritans were indeed strained. Josephus reports a number of unpleasant events: Samaritans harass Jewish pilgrims traveling through Samaria between Galilee and Judea, Samaritans scatter human bones in the Jerusalem sanctuary, and Jews in turn burn down Samaritan villages. The very notion of “the good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37) only makes sense in a context in which Samaritans were viewed with suspicion and hostility by Jews in and around Jerusalem.
Peter blown the fuck out
A fair point, and while I wouldn't have done that to my daughters, you have to remember God sees the hearts of people. He saw the intent in Lot; in his heart, Lot was doing all he could to protect the messengers, and by extent, representatives of the Lord. And for that, Lot saved him and his daughters.
old testimate god is a cunt lad
Abraham and the ram
He had no idea they were representatives of the lord. Besides, doesn't it also say that those who refuse to care for their families are worse than unbelievers? Shouldn't it be sin to abandon ones own progeny for the sake of a stranger?
I still don't know what that song is- it's driving me insane. It better not fucking be some soundcloud track that's gotten taken down, like they always seem to be.
no idea fam but I've been playing it all night, it's good so I reposted it
thank you fam
Love you long time bby
Apologies, I go to class at this time. Expect a response later.
have a good one fam
Bailing, have a good night fams