Kentucky school shooter failed high score

1 dead 7 hospitalized in kentucky school shooting at 9am today

Sorry for the shitty OP, a coworker just broke the news to me

Other urls found in this thread:

From Fox:

Land whale rampage?

Sounds like an actual nutjob rather than another false flag. Not that that will stop them trying to use it to steal guns.

Oh good, it's probably going to be a leftist.

inb4 anti-2a hysteria, I cri evr tiem

Is that a picture of the supposed shooter? Beta Uprising NOW.


Why is this being (((slid))) HARD?

because it's not the bloodbath the kikes like to air.

Leftist land whale rampage. We can only hope the fat bastard is trans too and like Colbert on kikebook.

Definitely looks similar to the one in the picture from Fox. How old is the image from twitter. He looks like he put on about 30 pounds in the Fox photo. Anyone got a name?

no idea, i'm lucky i found that on twitter through the sea of gun control and mental health gun confiscation shilling

Tineye gives no results, so this photo was a single upload from a relative or it was pulled from a private facebook.

And the shooting happened around 8am so they have had ample time to shut everything down.

Relatives facebooks should still be up if we can get a name. Shooter is under 18 I believe so i'm not sure what that states laws are on releasing a juveniles name.

because the kikes don't want us to know about how he was subject to multicultural bullying

this is why you need to lift

The (((spin))) already:

school pages are in full shutdown mode no mention of the shooting at all.

Maybe there is a facebook page for the band of that school?

Also, with only 2 dead and it happening in the morning, I guess you could say that everyone else was saved by the bell

why do these retards shoot up schools? no one likes that. but if they would go and shoot up cnn or google some would see them as heroes. such a shame.

He almost looks like a chubbier sam hyde…

original tweet

apparantly the pic is off some community page and some random twitter goy says it's over a girl

Do we have any info on the demographics of the area? I just tried checking the racial dot map and it's down.



because these are all patsies.
some cianigger was probably grooming this kid for months.

Found another picture of him on the schools facebook page.

I fucking love that natural and organic meme! We whites should be using it more because it's so ESOTERIC! Only real oldfags know the rich history behind that meme.

I remember when a month ago when I was with the kids of high school (I'm a teachear of history) and the class was filled with young but tall white men. I forgot my laptop was connected to the screen and everyone saw that picture. Everyone knew about it and knew about the dangers of immigration from brown countries. We spend the rest of the year talking about fucking shitskins stealing from our country, killing our children, and raping our women. It was so fucking based knowing just this one class was filled with people willing to die for what was good on the Day of the Rope. Kikes and shitskins are finished! We're winning.

shit thread tbh

Ease of access and a low sense of self-efficacy. If they believed they could get into a position where they could start greasing CNN or Google employees they would have better ways of affecting change. No way for a kid to get to Google HQ and coat the walls. Also he didn't kill himself so he probably has an external locus of control; probably though "they made me do this" the entire time.

I'm keeping an eye on you kike! My comment predicted your coming


KYFag here. It's all over the local news. CBS and ABC news websites have it on their top stories.

Meanwhile, at CNN, it rates below some NFL bullshit.

Something is definitely up.

Its real news, CNN only reports on fake news, duh.

why are they featuring the ultra-rare employed negro in this science experiment

It's such an obvious falseflag! You have to be retarded or a ZOG zombie to not see it!!(chronic shitposting)

>FBI (((mysteriously missing 5 month text disappearance)))
>(((conveniently))) there's suddenly a school shooting
(((Pure coincidence.)))


i'm sure by now facebook and google (kek) already have an algorithm that can indicate a possible chance of some kid shooting up a school.

the question is how someone else could find these kids and push them in the right direction

this is highly suspicious

filtered kike

give it time

>hurr durr durr 56% white is the same as 100% whites, this (((FAKE NEWS))) says so
I'm so smug at how easy it is to spot shills

you are right, enjoy your filter.

And here's (((Drudge))) without a single mention.


I'm using my eyes not a camera

why should there be any mention?

I'd guess they have already discovered that he publicly supported antifa or something. Maybe he was a Holla Forums user or participated in campaigning for Clinton during the election. He certainly looks like he fits the bill.

Well shit, I don't know, let's see:

Did someone find out they have been lied to? You WOKE now? kek

Anti-slide bump

what's the name of that thing, a trombone ?

Kentucky was the first state to jump into common core. Cucks.>>11182545

I believe it is a Tuba, just upside down.

Yep a lot of people tend to think of marching band sousaphones when they think of tubas.

You don't have to hit their HQs, that's a dumb idea as there's plenty of security measures that they place to prevent those events from happening. You have to either make them come to you or target them when they're in public areas. That's what Dylan Roof did and he nailed a senator.

You would be pretty surprised by the amount of multimillion dollar CEOs who attend the Folsom Fair or UpyourAlley, but those event planned ahead by having a clothing check up along with security detail. Additionally, due to the amount of homeless people in NorCal, you can expect many stores/restaurants to implement a policy to deter non-buyers like they do in LA. A good long term goal would be to meme the left into reducing their security by making them think that security is oppressive. We've reached success by making them reduce it for illegals.


< not homeschooling


dubs prove he should have shot up his homeschool

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

CIA agents are attempting to implant thoughts of suicide in the WN movements and generally in the mind of whites. An example CIA post is seen here:

must have been a leftist kike shooter

Where do you get your news? Nothing fucking works. You can't get a general sense of the important things going on … from anywhere, anymore. Fuck BB, their attacks on America I shall tolerate no more than the NFL.

The shills are out in full force today…

checked, and shadilay, my brother!

Nice k/d ratio, scrub.

Eh, but he survived. That's better than most.

Checked and keked

< goes to the store with her retarded brother
< TMZ: "hot babe scores fatass boyfriend - can YOU compete?!"

lol the goddamn tuba player haha and an autistic fatty at that. Retard should have just killed himself.

So the CIA is running an operation to implant thoughts of suicide in members of the WN movement. Here's but one example:

It's very widespread, and involves Twitter as well.

CIAnigger, please.


and pic related.

The shooter probably hated the "cheeto headed plumpft" with an autistic rage


Activate your almond seriously hyper autism holds power lad




someone please shoop a gun into his hand
that image is meme worthy.

You better be from Spain or else you probably don’t belong here.


Stop posting that feral cocksucker; god damn that's disgusting.

Use white bold impact font, goddamn

Don't worry, it's just an anti-gun psyop.

What about hitting their house or planting a bomb under their car? Heck, you don't even need a bomb, just steal a truck and crush it into their car when they drive home.

I knew I should have worn Armani.
School shooter should have too.

Do I look like memegenerator to you?

I just realized… This fat bastard shot a bunch of niggers. This was caused by uganda knuckles.


that is a badass tuba

Alright fags.
I am a Marshall Countian.
The kids name was Gabe Parker.
I graduated from that high school a few years ago, and what the local rumour mill has fed me is the following.
This kid was being heavily abused by family and bullied at school. there was a snap going around of him crying that was used to bully him heavily.
I was also told his father died just before the incident, but I can only verify the snap aspect.

Not a false flag, just a really fucking sad kid.

this was the first twitter account to post about the shooting. If this isn't some fake account, I dont know what it. So far looking into Denton I find military people and Freemasons. Denton high school seems to have a high density of special needs kids. whole place looks like a containment zone. SO I am not suprised if Gabe was getting abused, since every kid I see in the story looks like they all have mental problems.

Reported for posting a thumbnail image, a forum degradation technique.

No, you look shittier. There is artful shitty, there is no effort shitty, then there is you.

here is video from when everyone was escaping or whatever. It's so fake and bad


fuck off

these goddamn lazy people need to get gassed

here is their youtube
I was browsing around and just click on this video, which is about United World College
and the one & only comment from a year ago was

shit reminds me of like those weird kid camp videos or Auroville or Monarch schools


Well, at least he knows his stuff, but i wish he had rampaged some more important place.

The fuck are you on about