So Emily Youcis just came out with an alt-right cartoon pretty much aimed for an audience from 8-12. And I have to say this is is so important to winning the young generation because there is no need to discuss HBD and history for endless hours with a young kid.
ANYWAY - THE POINT IS we need to spread this stuff on big platforms. I know alot of you guys own group pages whether it be on facebook, instagram, or twitter, but its crucial that this type of content needs to be peddled out.
Yeah, we don’t care about the alt-right. Fuck off.
Wyatt Richardson
why dont you care about the future of kids?
Blake Young
God I fucking hate you people
Jeremiah Perez
you dont see the big picture
Hudson Reyes
this has so much potential you dont even realize
Gabriel Howard
Nobody ever teach you how to use a shift key? Fucking retard go back to cuckchan.
David Roberts
plz dont bully
Josiah Edwards
Post a webm or link it, faggot.
Gabriel Sanders
okay working on it now
Easton Fisher
Nice id
Nathan Sanders
Learn how to type properly.
Ryder Morgan
Gabriel Bell
Sage and report.
Hudson Hernandez
Kill yourself niggerfaggot
Chase Cox
if the language was cleaned up and the drinking and smoking scaled back and the gore toned down… might be acceptable for a child. the way it is now no one should show their 8-12 yr old this filth
Dylan Martinez
That was a pretty good cartoon.
She mis-spelled straya "stralia" though.
Will help to spread.
Thomas Hernandez
This is shit. 'Take Back Our Future' was simple, concise, and aesthetically pleasing. Even if someone didn't agree with the content, they at least wanted to see where it was going. This, on the other hand, loses me in the first 30 seconds on some Flash 1.0 type animation.
Isaiah Campbell
Shut the fuck up Satan shill, this is the shit we need to win and you need to fucking lose.
Charles Edwards
Joshua Gray
Yo i literally put it through a converter and it didnt work
Jason Roberts
some serious kiking going on ITT
P.S. fuck the shift key
Liam Mitchell
Judging by the OP and the replies, I'm going to assume this you posting, Emily. Kids aren't going to relate to a washed-up adult character. Focus on a protagonist that is the same age as you are trying to reach. Also focus on a faster pace, Gen Z may be based, but they're attention spans just as shit as Millennials, think of the social platforms you listed.
Gavin Lewis
LOL, "Deutch can take them, remember when he took on us and almost won?"
Truly how times have changed. Don't know why this is anchored, though no way I could show this to my 10 year old.
Nicholas Stewart
Doubt OP is the author, the author didn't try to make something for 8-12 yr olds. Not even close. OP doesn't understand the author at all.
Oliver Martin
I gotta admit I have a soft spot for her, shes a cute. Regardless I don't care for any eceleb drama.
Thomas Carter
I appreciate your creativity and effort. Anything that imprints White culture into the normies minds has my approval. I will help to spread it. 1488
Nolan Sanders
This. We want to be spreading hope
Oliver Gomez
I love how quickly the shill patrol jumps on this. At worst, it should be ignored. Making cartoons that appeal directly to Holla Forums types with a bunch of imageboard culture thrown in should be encouraged. Looks like a decent amount of effort went into this, it's not perfect but I give it a solid 6/10. Keep going.
Carter Davis
Juan Jackson
keep it up
Wyatt Adams
Got around to watching it and it was pretty funny.
Juan Baker
Fuck all the negativity in this thread; this is actually pretty good, though I think it's more suited to an audience 12 and above. pewtube, on the other hand, is an utter piece of shit that won't let me download the file.
Robert Stewart
this is way too gay for roblox, what the fuck were you thinking OP?
Liam Bailey
Emily who?
Kevin Morris
Instead of being a contrarian sperg why don't you try to wrestle the term "alt-right" from the media? If the media is trying to label you then you make that label either serve you, or you make it meaningless. You are doing neither.
And before you reply with it being a futile effort one only needs to look at Trump to see how he stole the media's labels from them.