Other urls found in this thread:
I see it.
good one
I'm at a lossa words. For all intensive purposes I need to play double's advocate and remind you itsl is a doggy dog world.
I want to fuck her just to hear her comedy routine in bed.
The punchline is your penis
Broteam looks like that crazy old guy who lights his beard on fire.
Posts like these are a diamond dozen.
I admit that people are shallow, but liking a certain person doesn't make you a villian, jesus fuck.
that 3rd image is so fucking hard to read. What the fuck is it saying? Is he talking about himself or other guys or other women including himself or other women including himself? the context is constantly changing with all these hyphenated words it's pissing me off.
The only good thing about this show about orphans is all the incest porn drawn of it. I’ve never seen the show.
This female comedian meme needs to end.
Silly shitlords, you need to be attracted to them or you're a FUCKING BIGOT but not too attracted to them or you're a chaser which is also a form of bigotry and objectification.
It's not complicated, gosh…
He's talking about how he thinks other guys see him, and then how he sees himself.
I didn't ask for it :(
Post that Oedipus Complex comic the artist worked on.
I don't get the second one
I guess it's when a strand of pubic hair gets caught in the benis
Why is he threading his benis
what the fuck came out of that?
Sometimes a long strand of hair can find itself wrapped around your glans, and if you try to yank it off instead of carefully removing it, it fucking hurts.
sauce: i'm a failed normalfag that used to fug grills, and their hair gets fucking everywhere
it never left early access
The guy with the Blue shirt looks like John
made a crop
I second this. Comic's name was Eddie Puss.
shit got those swapped around
Let me guess the artist is a "girl"-damn it
Every time…
Every single time I see this webm I ask myself and others: What the fuck is the context on this shit?
No one ever knows.
It reminds me of that trick where you slice a banana with needles without peeling it.
Last I heard there are quite a few ladyboys whore aren't trans. Like how there are traps who get mad if you call them trans.
holy shit nigger, talk about a blast from the past
Cannot believe they got away with that in a modern kid's show.
I'm a slav and I can't fully answer your question.
It's from russian long-running reality show about sluts and mansluts, but no way I'm actually watching that just to understand one scene.
It runs for 10+ years now too, the most popular shit in our country.
I can't remember if the memes fads were actually better then or if I just wasn't disillusioned about the amount of shitiness of vidya and life in general.
Are slavs actually white or are they just white skinned mongols?
Both. Now finland on the other hand, is mostly mongol.
So it's like a quantum superposition?
Also, 99% of people in Finland that I met were white Scandinavians, I think that SUMOI SAUNA SAUNA is just a meme tbh.
From what I understand, women are far more needy when it comes to sex then men. Men just have that reputation for some reason, despite being largely more controlled about things.
Meanwhile, cheating women is far more common than cheating men.
Might as well be at this point.
Oh boy, this cancer is even fresh.
No, just there's a lot of whites, and a lot of eurasians.
They're a weird bunch.
inglip came from 4chan, nigger
pic related
it's because women want to claim moral superiority
The article was a top 10 list of reddit posts, this post was not part of the list.
Well at least we know it takes around 3 years for content to trickle fully down to the bottom of the internet from 4chan. All things considered the shit we produce must take around 4ish years to reach shit like reddit.
Russia has a lot of them apparently.
how do you know? There wasn't much on here 4 years ago.
>we've already been here for over 2 years
Of course, most of Russia is in Asia.
Took me 10 seconds to find it. still, quite subtle
anyone got the full comic for this
Helloooooo replies!
I gotta real URGE TO PURGE right now
So what the fuck does he actually look like in real life? Since this guy is so fucking insecure about his looks, evident by his shitty comics, I doubt he's even passable.
do you have the one where the guy with the glasses goes apeshit with the scenegirl and eventually bends his benis
You ever notice how all the ugly trannies are the ones that keep making a big deal out of it? It's almost like if you actually put fucking effort into it you're able to pass and then LIVE LIFE ACTING LIKE YOU'RE A WOMAN, INSTEAD OF CONSTANTLY REMINDING PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT THE THING YOU CLAIM TO WISH TO BE MORE LIKE, FUUUUUUUUUUCK
There's a million of them, I don't know where that one is from.
He honestly looks like your typical feminine asian dude, pic related
Looks like Jackie fuckin Chan.
user what the fuck? Trim that shit
kek. nice
Pubic hairs aren't the ones that get caught, it's the long hairs from one's head. You can really only know this by either hooking up with women (hair gets everywhere) or being a faggot with long hair.
It could be a strand of your own hair that falls on it while jerkin' it, user, honestly if it comes down to that just lick your finger before touching it.
But the dev keep updating. No NPC yet tho
Meh. Looks like a spaz though.
This shit kinda pisses me off for some reason. If I had to guess, on gun point, I would say the double failure, in comedy and what being trans means, is what does it for me. Complete failure in comedy and being so far from the reality, is just harmful for young people. Fuck that shit.
They've been selling the game for what, 6-7 years now? At this point I don't think it's ever going to be finished.
Chink faggot
user that's not Microsoft, that's Sony.
He shouldn't even have hopes to pass for a grill
its the sonic one
pls post
Anons I keep it trimmed, but when I'm lazy I let them grow and sometimes I get them traps between my gland and skin
And I like grills, real grills not pussbois
Never had head hairs trap down there
where you both trying to suck your own cock or something?
I know, but I want to hope….is really one of the few good zombie game around
unless you're a white person who visited the ghetto
Look at here Aren't you a half full glass faggot?
one of the few rage face memes I still enjoy
Really he wouldn't have been happy with her anyway his raifus all he needs
This looks exactly like what I would expect a storyboarder from Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon to draw like, and it's making me fucking furious. None of the expressions resemble humanity and this he-she beast gets paid a buttload for it. What am I doing wrong?
President Trump should force Americans to read Loomis before drawing any cartoons.
Why must every LOL thread devolve into transgender comics?
Because they're fucking degenerates
We can always have fun with "That Tails Comic".
trannies are easy and fun to laugh at
It's rather disappointing in all honesty. I want shitty video game comics, not this.
What's the joke? I was one shotting these draugurs for 2 hours before uninstalling that piece of shit. And that was on some supposedly high difficulty setting.
Who does this nigger think he is?
A they.
Don't have that one, sorry user.
At least they haven't slapped a 1.0 on it and called it finished yet.
>implying tranny comics aren't the ultimate form of humor
Here user, have some top-tier standup to make you feel better.
HE edit when?
Trannies are hilarious abortions of society that you can point and laugh at.
Is that real? Is Nickelodeon is stealing our dank memes?
Does someone have the "That's not how biology works" song?
The joke is that enemies in Skyrim scale with your overall level, so if you train up the non-combat skills like smithing and lockpicking, you end up under-prepared for them. Except it doesn't matter what you level since todd chose a "let the player do everything" BS approach that every open world game uses these days. So the joke doesn't make sense.
Not to sound like a 'it's 2016!' faggot, but at this point who really cares?
You're not getting away that easily, degenerate. You will always be hated.
Priorities user, furfags come later. Focus on (((them))) and their antics.
You're also a pleb for posting SJW-letter Media.
Why focus on niggers and furries separately? They're both degenerate animals.
Some people are just plain stupid.
Even if furshit is terrible.
Not quite. Niggers are animals that happen to be degenerates. Furfags are degenerates that pretend to be animals.
You don't fight a war by just targeting one part of a horde, fool.
Go back to reddirt.
Something's got to be driving them to hide in their fursona or whatever.
I don't know why you faggots congregate in LOL threads so much. Go back to cuckchan already.
I love redditors who suddenly became zealous Holla Forums converts. Stay triggered.
Do they? I remember the scaling in Oblivion being so bad that you could fight a group of enemies and break your weapon from fully-repaired (125% durability with high armorer skill) because of how damage spongy enemies would get once you leveled up too much, even if you already maxed your combat skills. I don't remember anything like that in Skyrim except for the dragons sort of "tiering up" as you level., although I've only played through it one and a half times.
I was about to say something similar. Seems to be trying far too hard to fit in,
They are. It's watered down bestiality and what may as well be a normalfag-tier fetish.
Yeah, it does. Not quite as badly, but enemies become tougher and tougher, with the addition of overpowered tier stuffs.
All while using shit gear. At least Oblivion gave you good loot for killing those scrubs.
So this is how Holla Forums dies, not with a bang, but with a yiffer.
Sorry I invaded your safe space, reddit. Feel free to get triggered by cartoons in a lol thread next time.
I never got this either. I'd love if someone could explain why they hate it so much. When was the last time there was any kind of major furry drama? Especially here.
Furries were proto-bronies, basically. Everything ever had to be made furry, even if it wasn't a good idea.
Let me guess, its about the guy who created Dilbert supprting Trump rather than any actual criticism of Dilbert.
What do you mean? What's an example of this? Do you mean edits of existing things?
I fucking hate Bors. Everything about his comics disgust me.
Edits of existing things and smatterings of more…unique ideas.
Hard to believe it's been ten years since the first ever foxtaur NASCAR event.
That's what I don't get. Why not just laugh at it? It's just some autistic drawing. I've seen furry drawings that look a lot better, and some that look worse.
My favorite thing about that pic is how the description of the Foxtaur Racing driver has a species section to remind me that he's a Foxtaur.
It was a different time when the most we had to deal with was just being annoyed with how pervasive furries were with changing everything to suit their fetishes.
Yeah, I can understand that.
Every time.
Look at me not caring over here.
Trans is a race now?
I think the artist meant she was taiwaneese where apparently there are a bunch of 'ladyboy' folk.
Luan is lewd
Yes, one that belong in a oven
Well he is asian and he is a tranny so I think he means asian shemales/ladyboys are his people.
Well, he, rather.
Holy shit that design
totally unclockable
Then you miss some episodes where they are aggressively trying to make Lincoln a girl. It follows typical episode structures based on the girls stereotypes. One of the better shows on Nickelodeon. That ain't saying much since its a low bar to pass against stuff like Kuku Harajuku (this show overuses the word kawaii that you'll get a migraine listening to it). Outside of the channel just being a giant Spongebob Hour Block, it only has Miraculous Ladybug and its live action shows holding it up. It has an awful tv version of School of Rock as well.
Worst case you can decompile the game and work on it yourself.
Draugrs are supposed to be the peon swarm trash no matter what the difficulty setting. The trouble is that they all scale individually to become powerful, while never losing their swarm numbers. In practice, it means you eventually end up fighting an entire room of minibosses come level 60 or so.
user… That's some really ancient shit, did you save more of them?
Because these threads, like transgenders, are a cancer to the community that hosts them. They should both be purged with fire.
sauna in suomi
The following is a random keyword the ADL monitors: Ben Garrison
I think I saw an image of the kitkat tumblr making a loss joke.
That's bretty good, ecelebs doing something decent for once
at least be thanful that it's not accompanined whit diapers
Holy shit that's still going?
Just give me the sauce.
Got anymore fucked up comics like these.
I quit it when the art was really shitty and nothing was happening. Now that I know it has lots and lots of rape I am for some reason interested.
Apparently the artist is hanging around in /rule34/ posting the newest pages there. It's likely the only active thread on that board, now.
Degenerates. Are you new or something?
I never really correlated them together but seeing Eddies design I can see ut now.
Man, he must be proud of what he created with the Loudhouse considering all the incest porn it spawned.
Doing Gods work
You are not even trying to hide the fact you're Holla Forums rejects anymore.
probably true for a lot of trannies but since trannyism is comorbid with depression most don't really have the motivation to do anything except contemplate suicide and make whiny "comics"
All I remember to that effect is that genderswap episode and even then it's presented as a one-off "what if"
Not bad, but I've seen much better looking trannies. Seems those who get their transition in the mid-20s don't end up looking like botched plastic surgery cases.
Stop acting retarded and spewing so many bullshit assumptions.
He´s not even supporting trump, he´s just not towing the line.
Asians also look more feminine.
He said Trump was an excellent public speaker but that he officially supported Hillary in defense of his own life.
He comes here now? I thought he was on 7chan.
What the fucking fuck is going on with the "art" on these comics? I can't believe it. They are making mad dosh making the most unfunny jokes ever with terrible art. I've learned how to draw much better in one month and they do it for years and learn nothing, those fucking lazy fucks.
doesn't that make sense? the game should be getting more challenging as you progress
and if you didn't prepare for it, it's your own fault
welcome to earth, pussy
He officially switched over to Trump when he found out Hillary's new tax plan.
You deserve it for being such a queer.
One day I got a pube stuck in my urethra. I don't know how it got in there but pulling it out was painful as fuck. I don't understand how there's people who think pulling something out of your dickhole is even remotely pleasurable.
Don't fuck your own hair, moron.
I stared at that for probably a good 2 minutes.
Holy shit, that is incredible.
Yeah that's a great source. A bunch of kikes and normalfags writing about an ancient internet culture that spawned at Star Trek conventions.
I don't get it.
No suprise here. This pathetic pseudo-intellectual sophist hasn't changed his liberal views no matter how many times people point out obvious flaws in his shitty ms paint comics.
What indeed
Kind of cute, shame about the penis
People on tumblr are just physically incapable of drawing themselves accurately.
They see a Disney character and think, "Wow that just like me! I do that too, it's so much like me! If I draw myself, it's going to be like that because I'm cute and petite just like this likable cartoon character!"
Actually that third one has a point, there are a FUCKLOAD of cucks that want to take it up the ass from a ladyboy for some reason.
it's almost fucking scary when you think about it
Do you have a foreskin?
If you don't want little children to see porn, then don't let them use the internet, fucking retarded moralfags moralfagging.
Is this the furry, incestous version of Le Petit Spirou?
How do I edit it to make it look like they have a boner?
You want to make us play a game of "Do you recognize that bulge"?
No, just "degenerate faps to 2D men that look like men instead of boys for once, staring 10b1c0".
Is the guy who made Dilbert even on there?
I didn't see Scott Adams' name
These honestly made me laugh.
No no, an article about Dilbert. Second pic, around the middle.
These comics are just so ugly. Forget the tranny shit. Can't you get some basic drawing right?
I love seeing hypocrisy like this, it's so satisfying. Of course, if you try to bring this up to the hypocrites in question, they just block you and pretend it didn't happen. But that's why we have archives.
Also, isn't it funny how Obama did a total 180 on transparency as soon as he was in office? FOIA requests are taking years to be fulfilled, if at all. For someone who was supposedly so committed to transparency, surely he'd be trying to figure out what the problem was and get it fixed, right? Of course not.
I really don't get it. There's that thing on the carpet that looks like a crack pipe but is probably a microphone, and that's it. Where's the funny?
It just shows how easily influenced by media that faggot is, I bet he boasts how commercials dont have any influence on him.
disregard that I suck cocks
the comic in the upper right corner of the frame is a Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomic entitled "Loss" about a miscarriage that became a may-maystill not sure why it's funny but I'm kinda new here
Its funny because its not. Get a joke?
How does such terrible bait get trips?
I'd fuck Jackie Fuckin' Chan. Wouldn't you?
Not the Tranny Chan though.
And then Trudeau did the same thing. It's almost like Canadian politics are roughly 8 years behind American politics.
This is a cool as fuck idea when it comes to horror, but every time I see this comic I have just one question.
For what purpose?
Why not?
Anybody got the loss edit?
3 is so classic. from the good old days.
got any Ddddrrrrr DDDDrrrrr?
I saw a thread about this on /34/ or whatever the board is called. Everyone was sucking the creators dick and people shitting on it and the board moderator were getting banned.
Fucking newfags
Thinking you are the opposite sex is a mental problem.
almost as gay as 3DPD
this more to your liking?
Goddamn it. Why can't we have nice things?
It's funny because the clintons and clinton foundation have been getting human traffickers off the hook since Bill's presidency and making them the heads of organizations for "helping children", and now there's links between the clintons and serveral "food establishments" that use pedophile symbols according to the FBI's own info, whose owners are linked to more sketchy shit, and whenever there's a natural disaster and a clinton funded organization gets involved news articles pop up about thousands of kids going missing
there's nothing to LOL about
so how do you get to work for the clintons, in the food establishments sector?
I thought putting your symbols everywhere you could possibly cram them was more of a Freemason/Illuminati/Satanist thing.
Was one of the first stories I actually bothered to remembered. Makes me want to read it again
At least two pizza parlors use a symbol to indicate child love, one for boys and one for girls, one of the establishments uses neither of them but has bathrooms behind hidden panels and portraits with peep holes cut into the eyes, and despite being a "family friendly restaurant" appears to have their entertainment area in the fucking basement with paint peeling off the concrete walls, and the owner's sparse facebook page shows a child's arms taped down to a table, a notice in a club called L'Enfant Cafe for "la boum boum room", and a regular entertainer of the aforementioned family friendly establishments is called Heavy Breathing, whose music and videos are rife with suggestions of child prostitution and occult practices
John Podesta highly recommends the restaurant Comet Ping Pong, maybe afterwards you can head over to Tony Podesta's house for the AFTER after party co-hosted by Marina Abramovic for some spirit cooking.
There is an array of symbols the FBI has known about for years, but commoners would never think to look up such a thing. It's in the same vein as homosexuals using handkerchiefs of certain colors to advertise kinks to each other non-verbally.
Podesta emails are full of talk of cheese pizza seemingly out of context, thinking nobody would catch on to the same lingo that was used on chans for ages.
At least two pizza parlors?
Was that sketchy as fuck place in the southwest that got posted on here AND on reddit one of those parlors?
yeah what are those simbols
they were posted in the last LOL thread, and basically a triangular spiral for boys, and a heart shaped spiral for girls.
That's a fucking reach if ever I've seen one.
oh no you missed the great parts.
They believe there's a cannibal MK Ultra CIA black project to hypnotize children into being eaten by showing them a rabbit.
Feels good man. Remember defeatists saying we'd all go crawling back to the cuckshed just months in?
You are talking out of your ass
>>>Holla Forums8119966
>>>Holla Forums8115580
And there are even more threads in the catalog, Holla Forums became bluepilled as fuck.
Oh shit is this like that spoopy building Holla Forums freaked out about once?
Yep, and it all leads back to the Clinton Foundation and Obongo.
I agree, that part is a reach. What isn't a reach, is that comet ping pong has hidden rooms, secret panels, paintings with peep holes, and they put a lot of emphasis on trust between their customers and their business. The other two places using stylized pedophile logos are more concerning than the ping pong paddles.
You sure you don't mean the spirit cooking dinners hosted by Marina Abramovic, with attendees such as Lady Gaga and Hugh Jackman, or even being held at Tony Podesta's house, where a mentrating woman is submerged in, what hopefully is chocolate sauce, and people taste the liquid off her naked body with children also brought to the occasion?
There is some real surreal shit being brought to light.
Posting is fucked, trying to post 2 images and it says too many images.
Lord have mercy.
This election is for our sins.
That thing in the tub is a woman?
I'm actually afraid of both candidates, and can only pray for a total congressional block to keep anything from getting done.
I don't want to go fight the Russians.
Just get conscientious objector status or burn your draft card, asshole
Well Trump doesn't want to fight the Russkies either, and with how things are going, he's on track to win. But then again Putin might do something stupid anyway so who knows.
If Shillary won, we'd probably be in WW3 in a year. She's mental and a warmonger, which is never a good combination.
Don't worry user, Putin actually stated that he likes the cut of Don's jib, after the Don said he'd punch Putin in the face.
Little known fact is that the clinton foundation has been giving uranium to Russia through a deal with a company in the US that mines uranium, and this deal has been in place for a while.
People said for years that reality is stranger than fiction, but then when faced with reality suddenly self preservation kicks in to maintain their sanity.
The man who tried to make a move on Trump during the Reno rally, is pro hillary on his facebook, his brother admitted voting in several states, and they're related to a woman who has been deceased for years but still sent in several mail-in ballots. The man's name appears 7 times in wikileak docs, his house looks like a dungeon and has a "day care" entrance in the back.
Burning my draft card would get me in legal trouble and I probably don't have a case for conscientious objector status.
My plan was to become a monk at an Orthodox monastery in Arizona.
I don't like any of this.
O Lord, save those who fear Thee and hear us!
I think you could do that and have a case for conscientious objector status.
I never came to that conclusion.
Thanks, user.
For those not paying attention to the boob tube:
So it's over?
Aside from the deluge of salt, of course.
It's the end of the beginning.
Tomorrow's gonna be fun.
All I know is people are getting upset and that's the sign of a good democracy at work.
He's now at 269 thanks to NH.
I'm calling this case closed, stick a fork in Hillary because she's extra crispy.
We may yet live to see a return of ethnocentrism and the death of the multicultural meme.
And how.
I've seen PSAs urging people not to kill themselves if Trump wins.
Everywhere I look it's still saying he's at 244 against her 215. Maybe shit's not updating for me yet, but yeah, this election is winding down
Those PSAs must have been funded by Clinton.
I'm going to go to sleep now since I have to get up in less than five hours. God fucking speed.
G'night user.
I'm doing the same.
looks like they want to counter meme magic.
They obviously didn't account for all the virgins being actual wizards capable of memeing Trump into presidency.
can we get a Clinton election LOSS edit to commemorate God Emperor Trump's election?
I would if i could user but I have the drawing skills of a fish
Tune into this stream:
It's showing the clinton campaign HQ and everyone looks either miserable or half asleep, meanwhile trump's entire party is standing, ready for the big announcement. Hillary's party has lost ALL hope.
oh I am enjoying every second of it
It's just so satisfying to see their hopes crumbling right in front of them, as they were so smugly cock-sure about Hillary getting the win. This is like Christmas.
>for a few seconds the stream started glitching and showed Trump 284
What the fuck?
What? They've lost and now this? What is going on? What happens inside the liberal mind?
They started playing that "Aint no mountain high enough" song to try raising their spirits, but clearly it was shorter lived than the orgasms of all the numales in their HQ that jerk off to their "girlfriends" getting fucked by bulls.
When in doubt, dance.
Trump won PA according to NYT, he's at 286 electoral votes, it's official
Donald J. Trump is the official president of the United States of America.
Happy Birthday, America.