Post your profile picture and I'll Put a MAGA hat. Here's some MAGA hats if you wanna help.
MAGA Steam picture
Other urls found in this thread:
Make it good, cowboy
I have some more templates, if you don't have these already.
Post your video games and I won't put doubles.
Thanks bud
Also, if you're making OC, I'd like to request OC of these.
i'm more of a top gun kind of guy
Yellow please
do it i dare you
This is the only good hat
You may try
Video Games
But user,
My steam picture already has a hat!
Go wild lad
Don't you have PS installed?
This one fam
yes but i want user to do it
Thanks much, you're a cool user. I'd grab you by the pussy if you had one.
Sorry for the thumbnail. Didn't realize it was so tiny
wew lad
Hell yes OP delivers perfectly
can someone put this hat on my avatar, thanks
This if it's easier.
OP your job isn't done yet
you sly devil
Making me pick up these fucking pieces.
Thanks famalam
also this
this one pls
Being a smug fence sitter is the greatest because no only am I never wrong, no matter who wins, I win.
Thanks in advance.
No Matter who wins, the losing side is going to be the biggest salt generator in human history.
So when are the election's results? Not a burger
The night of November 8th
At least vote for Trump if you're american, but you do have the right idea.
I wonder how butthurt the kek-worshipers on Holla Forums will be….
about 28 to 32 hours from now.
Polls start closing in about 24 hours; results will begin rolling in after that. Could take anywhere from a few hours to almost all night to declare a winner depending on how close it is.
might be tricky
I hope you're sending it to Wheaton.
thanks user.
Honestly Hillary supporters have a lot more to lose and will be dramatically more butt blasted if she loses. Trump supporters have almost nothing to lose: if Hillary wins the status quo remains in place and life goes back to kind of shitty normality. Hillary supporters have everything to lose: if Trump wins their entire ideology and vision of America's future comes crashing down around them.
Well obviously. (((The media))) is much bigger than a board on a korean pictureboard
Is there a rainbow colored hat that says "Make America Gay Again?"
Thank you
I just want to see if you can.
I don't use steam, or anything with an avatar anymore.
People anally ravaged by Trump winning:
People bum blasted if Hillary wins:
The latter would be a mildly amusing salt mine. The former would be a salt apocalypse of the like possibly never before seen in all human history.
Now I'm kind of excited.
Requesting OP.
more OC pls
I don't even have a steam
kinda curious as to how this will turn out
Now I'm voting Hillary and it's all because of you.
You do .gifs too, right OP?
i've been saying it since before the democratic primary.
hillary is going to win.
his face when he gets cucked by one of the most disliked candidates in recent history
fuck off
For tomorrow pls:
Thank you for correcting the record fam. :^)
sorry fam xd
Who are you quoting?
10/10 would racemix
you misunderstand.
i typed that post with one hand because my other hand is holding the barrel of a pistol to the roof of my mouth.
outta here with that
The ghost of Christmas past.
I am impressed. Thank you MAGAnon
Good thread tbh
Thanks, user.
Youre a good guy OP.
hows Macedonia bruj?
I can't fucking wait for the butthurt of the decade.
where have you been
Needs one for Neumeyer too.
OP is not a faggot tonight
tfw too lazy to open krita and do it myself
thanks again, user.
Do one for best 2hu.
It would be much appreciated
That doesn't look like Yuugi
pls fit hat op thanks alot
Give the fat kid and the dog a MAGA cap
thx centipede
I would really appreciate it.
This please, he just has the perfect smug face.
pic relate
Thanks a bunch, user
Bro, send one to me and mai waifu~
Do you guys have a Donald Trump face template?
I hope you do as much as possible OP, I'd be EXTREMELY grateful.
Oh man that's some fucking cancer right there.
Holy shit. I fucking love these
Thank you OP.
at least post the better version fucker
Shouldn't be too hard.
sage for not really vidya
Well I'll be going off to sleep for tonight. If the thread survives, I'll be back doing more pictures after I vote in the morning.
Please and thank you, OP.
thank alot m8
should be fun to see…here's my profile pic, OP
Here you go
I haven't seen a halfchan raid this cancerous in a long time
much appreciated
Maybe the fact that you're spamming and your first post in the thread was ponyshit led to them thinking that.
Not an argument.
Take your pixels too
been working in the chinese labor camps
I have a better screenframe, would be happy if you fixed it here instead.
Jokes on you my Steam picture already has a MAGA hat. My dank OC of course.
attn: that meme has been deprecated
please update to the latest version
smh tbh fam kys
Is OP still awake?
Thank you kindly user!
Doing god;s work OP. These are pretty good by the way.
Oh damn
You are kindly welcome.
If it weren't for NieR Automata I wouldn't even have one.
I can put a hat on by myself, but thanks for the templates user!
do it OP
You know, OP. The guy doing this. These all have been pretty good is what I'm getting at.
Thanks OP.
Got a few, do one or do em all, I don't care. I do love these kinds of threads though.
Thank you
OP is a very kind user, I hope his wishes and dreams all come true!
I wish I wasn't so lazy; so I could learn to do this sort of thing myself.
Fuck now you make me want to find my copy of Rocket Slime, fuck was that good.
I might even make a thread with it in the OP now, thanks user.
thank you
Do it!
The game doesn't get half the recognition it deserves!
this is perfect, thank you user.
An attempt was made. I'm not good at airbrushing, but I tried really, really hard. How shit did it turn out, Holla Forums?
It's good except for the white edges around the hat.
The life fibers are too thin and the text is backwards, but I like the concept
It's perfect, danke user.
Some shitty small ones i made.
Please fix.
t. Paint
Magnificent, Thank you very much
We need funny valentines with MAGA hats.
I can only use it if Trump wins though.
On the day of the cake you'll eat last.
I should've known to flip the original rather than flipping the hat. This any better?
Sonic is pretty high energy.
Looks good to me if you use it at that size.
Excellent, I'm tempted to steal it but I kind of like mine
forgot one
Thanks user.
>tfw nobody got my shitty pun
You're doing God Emperor's work op. Here's an autistic edit.
Hat me bro, you are doing the God Emperor's work.
Please and thank you
shit i was actually just watching brazil
If you could find some way to put a hat on top of the gameboy, that would be greatly appreciated
Time to MAGA!
Dude fucking thank you. You rock so hard.
Thanks user
Okay then, how bout this?
You're a real hero, thanks for the extra consideration of keeping the shimapan.
Can you put Trump hats on the Clintons? Maybe all of them, I don't know.
Thanks fam
A black one for the gothic dude please.
user, that's amazing. Thank you
pretty please, red please
I made one myself just now.
I think I will use this tomorrow.
appreciate it bud
much obliged.
Thanks so much friend.
i agree
Thank you very much user.
I just wanted to share what youtube recommended me
Ishida really needs to pick a style and stick with it already.
jewtube recommends shit based on your viewing history and habits while using it so you already know exactly how much of a faggot you are
His name is not important
I'm pretty sure it's only because I've been looking at Xenoverse videos and Super clips but I'm well aware
what the hell? this isnt even a real thread. anyone can use gimp or or photoshop
thanks very much
He actually did it the absolute madmen
Bumping this shit with MEME MAGIC
Found a better one. Can't delete the other for some reason.
Trump for the trump god
reving a dead thread and hoping OP is still around to shoop this with a red MAGA hat if you can.