You though you heard the last of Tale of Tales?
Im sure they wont run with the money
Sunset devs are back
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopes to bring back the magical deer sim
You can't bring back something that was never a thing.
How the fuck did I manage to not greentext that?
Jesus christ, it's a multiplayer walking simulator. Why the fuck is that a thing?
Because WoW and Second Life
Wait didn't Broteam play that and it turned out to be just you playing as some animals walking around in a randomly generated forest
Did programming really become so easy that any shit poor lib arts majors can do it?
Yall know the drill, just smile, pretend you are butthurt and warm up those memes for a good ol internet mockery
It's fine. OP's picture is all we'll ever need.
These sites are licensed shills and not much else
what matters anyway is that they saw my comment no matter what
I await the grand opening of a new salt mine.
really? where?
make a comment through disqus
You can't make this shit up. Good lord, I hope Hillary wins and Russia nukes all of USA into oblivion.
They aren't from the US
Of course.
Where are they from, so user can wish for Russia to nuke that country?
I guess I should only blame myself for actually thinking Marxist cockroaches were physically capable of leaving us in peace.
I swear to god you can't make this shit up 👌
I wish the Tale's of Tails team the best of luck in their future endeavors.
I wish for another tantrum. It was basically the most entertaining thing they ever did, and I didn't even have to pay a cent for it.
They really are just like the 8 year old kid threatening to run away from home
Kikestarters always have a surge in their final days, this doesn't mean much.
but they have an even bigger on the first day
This is the first I've heard of Tale of Tales.
Remind everyone of how they truly see the industry & it's consumers.
Kindly tell them to crawl back where they came from.
Does anybody in this fucking industry go bankrupt anymore? Why do these people continue to shit out… well, shit?
At least in canada these shit companies get government funding, no idea about other countries but I heard there were a few with similar things
I saw a screenshot of this earlier and the thing that stood out the most was the giant, gaping anuses on the animals.
What the fuck.
gamers don't understand, games like super mario 64 are children's toys based on needless violence, true art is going around in a place and having someone narrate deep thoughts into your head that will no doubt emotionally affect you because we're forcing it
But thats rape
You make it sound like it's rape (which it probably is in some way). Should I complain about them on Twitter to raise my victimbux on Patreon?
Thats the joke he was making
They'll just move to the Bahamas and play table tennis with Sean Murray.
It takes assholes to know how big an asshole they can make before people start complaining.
Five bucks says they will charge premium AAA price for their shit game
Anyone who seriously claims this is retarded and this thread proves it. The games these people make aren't even le evil popular AAA games so I don't get why the elitist hipsters here hate it.
Said nobody ever
not the ones i care about
So it's basically a big scam to grab gubbermint grants. Once the game fails, you just move on to the next project, possibly under a new name.
A typical leftist money making scheme.
His patreon has changed a lot:
Reminds me of those people who think people like Saarkesian wouldn't thrive without people attacking her (regardless if they are edgy flamers or just undercover SJW).