Scottish fake Nationalist Party AKA marxist kike traitors release propaganda video full of shitskins making audacious claims such as
Raid scottish government jewtube video
kike free first post
The total destruction of the jews can't come soon enough.
Right? It confuses the brain…
The "non-White but totally native Scots accent" 'trope' is a favourite of the SNP. In reality, most Pakis sound like pakis, most niggers sound like niggers, most Chinks sound like Chinks.
And always remember, well dressed White men are clumsy and stupid.
Even from a libshit perspective how is this a good thing? They're bragging about bloat like its an accolade.
This response video appeared on my recommendations, seems pretty nice
They confuse it with 'money succesfully spent to help/cure poor people'.
They never realise they are feeding a parasite infested corpse.
How can people live so far from reality?
To be fair the NHS in principle is good.
It's the execution thats fucked.
Right now its a procurement system used to buy healthcare off private companies.
The SNP arent nationalists, they are bolshevists or communism in one country.
You're lucky. I'm a fucking Circassian.
Reminds of that one about a nigger in a Scottish museum.
I work in a call centre in a call centre in Glasgow that has niggers in it. Not a single one of them has a Scottish accent. Also a helluva a lot more 3rd worlders roaming the streets of Glasgow with their inbred eyes bulging out of their skulls these days. I really fucking hate the way things are going and theres no one to vote for to help get rid of this pestilence.
I work in a call centre in Glasgow that has niggers and pakis in it. Not a single one of them has a Scottish accent. Also a helluva a lot more 3rd worlders roaming the streets of Glasgow with their inbred eyes bulging out of their skulls these days. I really fucking hate the way things are going and theres no one to vote for to help get rid of this pestilence.
no true scotsman.jpeg
You already know how it's going to end :)
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Im a Wallace
Im a Wallace
They're speaking English and I still need to read the subtitles
Just say you're a concerned Scotish Marxist who feels by calling themselves "Nationalist" is a slight against those who don't have a country like Jews and Refugees. Also Six Million somehow and I think they'll cave in the name, unless they are jews themselves.
Is this what "bread and circuses mean"? Every single thing they brag about is how they spent a bunch of money on some random program. No mention of how effective the program has been or how much it cost. At one point they literally brag about "increased health spending". As if increased spending was the goal in and of itself.
Is all euro politics this bad?
He'd be better off in the Glens getting /fit/ than revealing his power level to those bawbags tbh
Robert the Bruce and WIlliam Wallace would be fucking livid. England needs the gas
Double dubs confirms!
Marxist kikes disabled the comments of course. Can't have the goyim spreading wrongthink!
Scottish Dawn has a good article out on the SNP and their lies:
Alba Gu Bràth, lads
Why is that site left up? It's probably some sort of (((MI5))) honeypot by now, you should use for linking to proscribed orgs.
Shame that the jewnited kingdom banned all of the true nationalists; I'll never understand people who claim that SD and NA were controlled opp - why would the state ban their controlled opposition group? Zero logic.
Controlled opposition works well in several ways.
One being that the suspicion of something being controlled opposition alone will stifle the growth of organic organizations. Never play on assumption and suspicion alone. That's how they get you to do what they want, and get you to never do what you want.
SD and NA can be controlled opp, but should that stop you from joining them? Did the Nazi party have elements of controlled opposition in it? Most definitely, were those elements used to stake the claim that the entire organization was compromised? Probably. Any struggle requires consistency, and unity. Constantly branch out and spread yourself thin because of the endless possibility that something may or may not be controlled opposition means that nothing ever gets enough traction to make a difference. Sometimes you have to make due with whats there, and transform it from the inside out, rip out the weeds and corruption one root at a time. That's what (((they))) do to organic organizations all of the time. They sneak their way in, and corrupt it from the inside, causing the membership to leave and go into even smaller factions.
Look at 8ch. It started off organic, with some cripple writing the code, managing the site. Then came fat old Jim, with his connections and intentions. A hostile takeover later, Jim replaced the BO and mods of Holla Forums with his own filth, and here we are with a reduced potential. Yet many of us stay, because to branch out would result in losing the required number of individuals to make a board operate functionally.
Constantly conceding ground is not a winning strategy.
Ex-NA/SD Member here (pic related proof)
While I joined NA a year before it was banned, I was one of the core founding members of SD and unless the "Leader" was controlled opposition, which means all the shit we all went through was planned by GCHQ and the UK police, I can say without a doubt that atleast SD was NOT controlled op.
Like with NA ban, in the UK, groups like Hope not Hate, AntiFa and others were constantly up our asses on social media, news outlets and in demonstrations we were at. We had calls for violence done to us by individual lefties all the time but nothing was done when there were anonymous reports done about them (Only on 2 occasions were when ex-convicts were calling for violence, did something happen to them).
Now the thing with UK and its nationalists movements, it's practically impossible to be outspoken about it anywhere, including online. With the increasing laws against Anti-semitism that was pushed through in secret with the NA ban, Anti-right wing material viewing online with the SD ban and other orwellian nightmare shit the UK does ( Like that guy who criticized muslims and twitter reported them to the police and they showed up ), it's extremely unlikely any proper non-kosher movements will come up that will have any coverage or propaganda anywhere.
They have done a good job at putting up enough fear in us and normies to not do anything, which is why for now everything will be silent and underground if anything.
You guys can ask me anything about them if you want, the fucking cuck police or (((GCHQ))) can't do shit to me.
Nice sequence
Do you think it'd be helpful to the cause to be more outspoken?
I too share these feels. Growing up in Canada with Scottish grandparents, the old country seemed so masculine and traditional. I wore kilts to weddings and listened to my grandpa tell me about how my ancestors fought off the Romans and the English. I learned to speak Scots before English and a still bust oot the accent sometimes for fun. It was always a strong cultural base for me to place my heritage. I had an idealized impression of the nation as being full of lads who were masculine and didn't give a fuck yet gave the world some of its greatest scientists and inventors. Now all I see coming from the country is the same fucking anti-white shit I've been fed my whole life in Canada. And the people are just as cucked as Canadians. I thought there'd be no way the Fatherland would allow itself to reach this point.
I miss him…
Bureaucrats love bragging about bloat, they all do it.
What message could they be trying to send??
The NA speech in Darlington was a massive success. Even the normies who hate the "Nazis" over in the UK, could relate to the message we conveyed them. It was right after that also, that the Ban on them was proposed and put into place.
Based also on opinion from nationalists in general in the country, most are not outspoken since it gets you into trouble, but they form small social groups and a few have their own establishments in towns where they seek for other like minded folk and all make plans together. So in general the shit constantly going on is waking up folk but its extremely slow and that might become a problem considering the crackdown on "Right-wing" folk in general.
While at the start with SD we didn't have numbers, so we piggybacked on demos with SDL ( Scottish Defence League ), but it seems at times it did help. Only downside with piggybacking was, not all of the SDL members were proper people, a lot were just scottish drunks who hated the immigrants and thats it, often their speeches were really bad so when we had ours after theirs, people didn't often take us seriously, which is when we stopped that and went more into activism and training ( Fighting camps, community services, volunteer work at animal shelters etc. ) and that got us more folk than the demonstrations.
So in short, it's a Yes and No answer. It works if you get the right messages out with the right group of people with an aesthetic look, but not if you're small or in groups where it looks like a bunch of drunks.
Also will add, there was a Anti-Trump rally in Edinburgh late 2016 and a few of us from NA went as a counter there as Pro-Trump.When we were scouting them up before we went to the RV, we saw Antifa with a fucking VR set there playing (Pic related) The triggered lefties were grabbing their pussy, having pride flags on toilet brushes(Pic related) and crying on the speaker. When 2 families came out to see what was the noise at the location ( American embassy ) and when we told them how they were behaving, they sent their children inside and told them that is just wrong ( We had the confederate flag and NA flag out ). We even had that normal families support since "how can people act so disgusting in the public street?". We had more police around us 6 people there than the others since they were not expecting a "Counter protest". So it was a hilarious event.
Miss who?
I still don't understand this shit
fake news, panti-fa wouldn't be looking at anime vr-porn. it would be something much worse.
The purpose of government spending is to buy more government. You have to be careful here though – hire accomplished people, and one of them will inevitably rise to threaten you. That's why such huge numbers of single mothers, nigs, and various other species of subhuman apes gravitate toward those jobs: easy/little/no work, medium to medium-high pay, solid pension unless we can bring on the race war :^) and endless opportunities for loafing on the clock.
Productive men, meanwhile, are grist for the mill. We heave and sweat, and a fat sheboon has $1,200 a week for stamping papers in an office and complaining about racist supervisors.
To SNP cucks, this is awesome, and we need much more of it. If a Scotsman ever, God forbid, started a business, he wouldn't need the rations of slavery. If you can import hundreds of thousands of Barbary apes and put them to "work" consuming that white man's tax money, you've got a lifelong voter.
criminally unchecked
This was before panti-fa became a thing, so our editors decided thats most likely what they are watching.
Antifa does not welcome gentlemen of refined culture in it's ranks, there is no way they would be using that VR for the sort of works of fine art in that pic. They would be playing the interactive fully immersive 3D panorama version of Holla Forums BO sucking that cock.
It just takes the video file from YouTube and links to it directly without anything else that would normally be on the video's page, including ads
This has lulzy moments. Worthy of a bump.
The beer thing is pretty gif-able.
Most "right wingers" in general are drunken chavs. It's a really bad image. Atleast it's not America tier where you have drug dealers with facial tattoos and Dick Spencer as the face of the right wing.
I think culturally Wales is pretty nationalistic though, not as much political correctness as England, then you have the drive in certain places to learn Welsh, even if it's nationalist lite, it's still pushing identity. I think that's why it's not England tier.
Comfy as fuck
This is so blatant.
Well done lads