This is new. Contacting the Whitehouse is no longer a possibility. Someone has changed the procedure involved in sending President Trump an email, letting him know what's been going on…
Now, a password is required. Who gets the password? (((Deep state…))), no /contact-sf-t /
There has to be some way to get around this.
January 22, 2018 - 11:22
list of tried and denied: password 1234 OldGlory America 1Trump AmericaFirst MAGA MkAmericaGr8tAgain
January 22, 2018 - 11:31
No HeilHitler? Disappointing.
January 22, 2018 - 11:35
Be real. I really want to Contact the Whitehouse, per usual.
January 22, 2018 - 11:37
more denied attemps SchumerShutdown AmericaFirst PresidentTrump AmericanEagle AmericasEagle SilverEagle GoldenEagle
January 22, 2018 - 11:45
Hillary Jackson AndrewJackson Andrew MartinLutherKing
January 22, 2018 - 11:51
OneCoolBird RussiaDidIt 2scoops Hairspray BSoetoro Forgotten OilnWater SaltandPeppa
January 22, 2018 - 12:01
Time to call the Russians.
January 22, 2018 - 12:03
just set up a tower meeting with Jr
maybe if John Podesta was anywhere near the White House
January 22, 2018 - 12:04
Hackthis StolenElection shutdown Molesta theWall BrickintheWall CorruptMedia LyingMedia FakeNews
January 22, 2018 - 12:10
Burger StarsandStripes randomlettersandnumbers
Maybe I can communicate through the password request: NoDACA NOIMMIGRATION ZEROIMMIGRATION NOAMNESTY SENDTHEMBACK
January 22, 2018 - 12:17
eey i remember who made that flag i was part of the people brainstorming for it
January 22, 2018 - 12:28
(space) * *** … . ' 1 1=1 DeathtoISIS
January 22, 2018 - 12:31
> /contact-sf-t /
It still works the faggot op just provided a link to an actual account login trying to get anons in trouble for trying to access a password protected government account.
January 22, 2018 - 12:35
DACAgotoHell pissonDACA DACAisShit noShit DACAsucks
January 22, 2018 - 12:37
> /contact /
OP is an ironic faggot. Mea Culpa.
January 22, 2018 - 12:38
check Those crazy Russians hacked obamas toaster.
January 22, 2018 - 13:00
I shit you not: "TheHolocaustDidntHappen"
January 22, 2018 - 13:05
Shutdown remember? Everything is locked until they are officially reopened.
January 22, 2018 - 13:42
Fake news, OP is a faggot and an agent trying to get anons v& for trying to hack into government accounts through an incorrect link. Reported.
January 22, 2018 - 16:18
I reported this. I conclude now in favor of those saying op is a kike.
January 28, 2018 - 15:46