Been playing RF4 and having a blast. I heard XSeed might continue the Rune Factory series but that was long ago. I hope they tweak the controls to be more responsive.
Why is Forte so cute Holla Forums
Been playing RF4 and having a blast. I heard XSeed might continue the Rune Factory series but that was long ago. I hope they tweak the controls to be more responsive.
Why is Forte so cute Holla Forums
will this fuck ever lower his prices down?!
If you say so
Rune factory 5 will never happen user, best to just accept it. Also post you're waifus.
All I need is one Phasmophobic waifu that I bring to Obsidian Mansion.
Long blonde hair, blue eyes, much gentler than she gives off at first. It's a fucking great combo.
Also, I never got an answer for this last time I was in a RF thread, but someone said something about being able to play looking like the npcs and the whole town actually reacts to that? Where do I find this?
If you're talking about emergency care, how do you have so much trouble fighting shit?
If you're talking about his shop prices, are you buying like 30k of each item for chemistry?
Either way, git good son.
Scared forte is the cutest I suppose. Did you not play the other games in the series though?
/agdg/ here, im making a farm game similar to RF/HM
Which features would you like to see in a game like this that games of the genre usually miss?
Some features i will have for sure:
>no combat, focus on creating a peaceful relaxing setting at least until the second expansion
does this mean you can make a real harem in your game?
Monster taming and combat.
at launch about 5 will be serious possible love interests, but when im finished they all will have love events, some might not agree in being part of a harem though
second expansion maybe…. depends if i can make enough money to drop my job and work on this fulltime
Fair enough, can't wait to see the finished product either way.
don't expect it in less than 3 years unless the Indiegogo goes really well and i can quit my job
Not yet, RF4 is my first introduction to the series. How are the other series though compared to RF4? Are they similar in gameplay or vastly different?
Combat would be a nice addition. But nothing like Stardew Valley's shit combat. Something like RF would be nice. Dodging and timing feels great. Monster girls
Gameplaay is similar, but 4 is the best in the series. 2 offers something unique though in that after you get married and have a kid you play as that kid for the rest of the story.
If i added combat it would be turn based and girls that you befriend would join as party members, each with a unique skillset
And most of the girls will be monstergirls
Make it look good. Not necessarily anime but Starjew looked like absolute shit.
Also one thing after getting basics right is lot of content. I eventually stopped playing RF4 because I finished main story and were left with repetitive boring stuff.
I would even prefer for shops to be populated by stickmen and instead got some nice depth to everything. Just make sure it is both useful to go in depth and there is content to be unlocked.
Maybe if you have some fantasy setting make some magic plants that you can breed together and maybe are able to make potion from them and rest of plants.
Generally alchemy would be nice. Instead of alchemy station add a lot of stuff like distillery that produce some alcohol each day. Now I think about it adding more production chains than just grow->sell would be nice.
Something like:
Maybe also make it like in Farming Simulator where certain goods can be sold for higher later and storing them is also problem. I need to play Farming Simulator one day.
One thing I would also advice heavily is good setting. RF4 expansions were no fun, you lived in castle and got prince title in your first day in the city. Something like Frontier would be much better.
Monster girls seems extremely stupid and like porn at first but it is actually quite smart.
I will assume you will want quire simple characters in your game. Making them something special would actually make them interesting, them being a monstergirl would be actually something like this.
Alchemy is planned for first expansion, will be as deep as the cooking, speaking of the cooking im releasing the new version this weekend (added raw preparation, stuff like dough, sandwich, sushi, etc… and now finished dishes can be used as ingredients)
Brewing/Distillery will probably be made through the Fermentation Tools (last part of the cooking system)
I have a nice setting planned, comfy fantasy like in Konosuba
I'm actually also attempting to make a farming game, but I'm alone and shooting for a smaller scope. Basically just Harvest Moon with quality of life improvements, a couple added systems (like a meat industry) and some sort of interesting setting I'm still playing with the broad details of. I'm going to attempt at least to make it mechanically similar to Harvest Moon but feel much different.
It's really just a hobby for me at this point. I'm trying to break my pointless hobbies, like videogames, and get constructive ones like making videogames and learning the violin
Maybe I'll try begging for internet money once I get the world populated completely and am just writing character dialog, setting up pathing, and events but that's years away.
Good luck user
Im shooting for my dream sooner as possible, i really want to drop my job and do what i love.
The best
I'm going to try to crowbar a monstergirl into my game if the setting allows for it. Probably just an elemental or goddess, though. Trying to get snek in would be difficult to make natural.
the snek in my game will take a while to implement because of the lower body animations and length
worst decision ever made
just fuck my shit up
don't make this mistake, at least have the player be a guy or a lot of people will dump the game right there
What are you, gay?
the player is male
When was doing the right thing easy? We can build her; we have the technology. Godspeed.
Yeah have fun with that. Either you have to shorten the tail to be retardedly short or you have to deal with a character who occupies 6-7 meters of space all the time
And yeah the animation is going to be a pain. Maybe not the slither-cycle but some of the blending might be an issue.
I shouldn't want to slap my player character constantly for being a stupid bitch, but I do and it hurts my enjoyment of the game.
Yeah, that's probably going to hurt sales as it'll get seen as nichebait
My issue isn't with ease of implementation, my issue is that adding snek to the world will hamstring worldbuilding because you need a world where it's not weird to just have one of the villagers be a huge snake with a cute girl as a hat
Why would snek wear a cute girl as a hat? This a yuri thing? :^)
Why? First you can go full monster girl, second you can go muh kami and make her special, unique and unlockable via some event. Third you can go how RF handled elves, a rare snek from a land far far away.
player customization will be there… eventually… maybe
I do have a setting that makes sense for Monstergirls to exist (wizards made them as the ideal "familiars", the wizards eventually died out and the monstergirl species survived)
Those are fighting words.
What caused Neverland to go bankrupt when the game is so successful? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
One would think.
Not selling in Europe certainly helped. I'm still salty I get no physical RF4 Dolce seemed cute as fuck. Fuck the protagonist though, they needed to be more masculine.
It was only a modest success, but I don't think modest successes are known to cause bankruptcy, so that doesn't really answer the question. Apparently, most of the key staff went back to Marvelous, so I'm still not giving up hope of a sequel/spiritual successor.
this looks like an Alex Ross painting
Just how hard is it to get married? I beat the main story and then put the game down for a bit. The second act was really easy because I had already explored the late-game areas before I ended up triggering the dialog that starts it.
Japs don't really like manly main characters. Case in point: Nier
Once I get a modded wii, I will play it after finishing oceans
Elves are whores, but Meg seemed pure enough. Clorica is best anyway.
That's pretty gay, user.
Make sure you cheat to give yourself tons of runeys or just make it so areas never deteriorate (if that's possible).
Elves are whores, but Meg seemed pure enough. Clorica is best anyway.
That's pretty gay, user.
quality site
i played
it was frustrating
They went to Marvelous? Why the fuck for?
What about the popularity of Jojo and Beserk?
I also liked her(Raven) comment about Elves looking the same.
amber is the only one you can marry and not feel cucked with because no matter what your children will have green hair
Neverland was a subsidiary of Marv. The proper phrasing would probably be they went back to Marvelous.
The implication of the image is that Neverland might be a casualty of one of Inajewne's scams via siphoning money out of Marv and forcing them to drop their less profitable ventures to shore up their losses.
because Forte will go on adventures with you without needing to be bribed. So you can have fun immediately. The rest where gold digging whores and manwhores.
Why is she only wearing a visor from a helmet? Where did the rest of her helmet go?
RF5 when
has there even been another statement since that one time after they went under?>>11191087
Lost in anime
Also, here is the objectively best girl
Are the DS games worth playing?
Of course, they are a must play
It can be a bit hard to get into the first one the DS if you played the ones for ps3 or wii, because of quality of life improvements and all that, but it is worth it if you can deal with it
But if you cant handle the more simpleness and clunkyness of 1, theres no danger in trying the newer ones first. I never even finished 1 before i had finished 2 3 and 4
I think also, because harvest moon / rune factory tend to have around about a 50/50 split of female to male players, so they didn't want to alienate their female fanbase. Though of course 4 had both, so I guess it'll never happen.
The solution is obvious. Get us a cool guy who would be your bro for the male protagonist, and a qt who would love you for the female protagonist. Then add in a trap and a reverse trap.
No tranny shit of course.
trap and reverse trap for two more options* My bad.
That's why I took a liking immediately, her being involved in my quests makes her really great. She tends to leave the party mid battle though.
Then they could make the main mail those hot but masculine characters at least instead of making you play a shota.
I plan on trying 3 next after I'm done with 4. I heard the Nurse is worse then Dr.Jones?
Literally who? The guys who made Rune Factory were Neverland though. They died, and some of their guys are now at Marvelous.
Never touched Rune Factory. I'm familiar with the history with Harvest Moon, but I could care less about a game exclusively about that sort of thing- sell me on RF, though, it seems like it could be fun, like that one Atelier game I played. I heard about that one part in one of the games where the game changes to hard mode if you aren't a little bitch, that seems pretty nice.
Damn I never gave MN9 any money but I was looking forward to that pirate game so bad and I'm so so mad that they canceled it.
RF is alright though, give it a try, but be warned that 4 has the worst waifus.
Ah, lovely. RF threads are rare enough we all have something to say when they come around.
Here's my situation
but I haven't played in a few months. After I realized all I had left was NG+ or harder difficulty I just kinda left.
Not only you're a faggot, but that's one of the main faults of the RF games.
Letting you choose difficulties defats the purpose of crafting stronger stuff or wanting it.
Easy mode is too easy with even the weaker gear, so there's no point in trying to get as strong as possible.
Yet in hard mode, you can struggle and try to get stronger skills and gear, but that's only because you shot yourself in the foot with the hard difficulty, a much easier way to overcome any challenges is to change the difficulty setting, as you can freely do during your playthrough.
I understand.
Hear me out - I played on Easy because I was told (falsely) that the difficulty didn't change AI, it just made everything beefier.
Only recently did I discover Hard actually makes all AI more responsive and challenging.
I'm also one of those people that usually does my first run through on low difficulty to enjoy the setting and story, learn basic mechanics, and see if I want to go again.
Lots of games aren't worth the second run on harder modes, RF4 definitely is and I think it's a great game.
If I do a second run, which is up in the air because I have a big 3DS backlog including both SK games and EO4, it'll be on Hard, no dual sword cheese, and focusing more on building up my character in synergy with a companion I haven't used yet.
What I don't look forward to is the extremely slow acquisition of skill levels. Having to farm Runies to get any progress kind of made me lose interest in pushing stats.
Inventory/item management system that isn't complete shit.
Seriously they had the entire fucking bottom touch screen to create something with MMO style hot keys or something but instead you have to fuck around with the shoulder buttons and scrolls through your crap with the d-pad making switching weapons and using items on the fly cumbersome as fuck in RF4.
Amber got the best plot, the artist apparently liked her best too. He was right
You don't get active waifus in 1, and proper children only show up in 4, so be warned.
Nigga i'll fight you.