Can you losers get a life already instead of chasing boogeymen hidden in your ass. How does it feel having your worldview being shattered to smithereens by actual facts and research? Hitler and his cronies were mentally deranged psychopaths who were fooled by a forged text that is still treated as a factual document by autistic neo-nazis to this day! Sad!
/pol btfo cry harder lmao gg no re
Nazi fags can't handle truth
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you?
Stay mad kikes. Your extinction is no longer being put off.
You are not even worthy of a reply.
Why did you post this? For example, what evidence do you have for the holocaust? I want a concrete answers, not "lmao isnt thay so obvious". Remember concrete and well argumented evidence. I would lile to read it, maybe you will change my view.
Ladies and gentlemen: jewish fragility.
I see nothing wrong with that page, after all.
Any dumbass and their autistic cousin can make a wiki page shlomo
There's plenty in the link I gave. It addressees and debunks all the revisionism and holohoax exposers arguments and includes direct quotes and official nazi documents detailing the nazi's "final solution" to the jew question (hint: it's actual murder, not evacuation). It can't be argued at this point. I don't know why you people even keep up the charade. The holocaust is real. It actually happened and it all started due to delusions of a supposed jew conspiracy propelled to public consciousness through propaganda and manipulation. en.wikipedia.org
That is a GREAAAAAT' buzzword you got there friend
SLIDE THREAD. Sage, report and filter. Do not respond.
Lm@oing at ur lyf.
Also, it's a snob fenceshitter site made by (((David & Friends))), they shit on communism too (HOW EXCLUSIVE).
Top kek OP
And lmao at you newfags letting this faggot get a rise out of you
Very sad indeed.
I'm in a state of despair
Nothing seems to fit my mind
And although I can't be there
I still know that there's a place for someone just like me
Will I ever wake up
Wake up to see the box I'm in
Will I ever stand up
I'm standing on the edge of inability
And though I'm trying it still penetrates my body
All these demons that I carry deep inside
The changing faces forces me to leave the traces
Of the stranger things that are growing in my mind
Oh I know that I have
Done this once or twice before
The names are still a blur
I'm arrogantly close to falling of the edge
I know I'm not insane
Though my head hurts on the inside
The images disturb me
I know I'm not insane, I'm not what they call me
They're no good - still surrounding me
Forcing my actions upon me
The blood just paints my world
They're no good - still surrounding me
Forcing my actions upon me
They're forcing my actions upon my deathbox
And though I'm trying it still penetrates my body
All these demons that I carry deep inside
The changing faces forces me to leave the traces
Of the stranger things that are growing in my mind
Now will I ever wake up
Wake up to see the box I'm in
Will I ever stand up
I'm standing on the edge of inability
Now is this a failure
My project kill is rigth awake
I'm all burned out from pressure
My thoughts have brought me to my knees
Awake in pain
They're no good - still surrounding me
Forcing my actions upon me
The blood just paints my world
They're no good - still surrounding me
Forcing my actions upon me
They're forcing my actions upon my deathbox
You will get so blacked pilled over the course of Trump's presidency.
No phones allowed in class, now pay attention
Are they paying these guys per post now instead of quality? Man they really must be panicing now.
I'm enjoying every second of every little tantrum they are throwing.
I hate this site so much. They are the exact embodiment of good goys going with the mainstream narrative and pretending to be smart while doing it.
You have to return the reparations money, Mordechai.
rationalwiki is still around?
If they couldnt handle the truth they wouldnt make a very good nazi now would they?
Its now run by a top youtube scientist called 'Kraut and Tea'.
did David Gerard finally succumb to AIDS or something?
On the offchance a newfag is lurking this thread, and legitimately curious about certain aspects of the holohoax, drop by the QTDDTOT thread and ask for clarification or reading material. Entire (((wiki))) articles have been counter-refuted many times over. They aren't being posted in this thread, because OP is here to push a narrative and disrupt, rather than to get to the meat of the matter.
On the offchance a newfag is lurking this thread, and legitimately curious about certain aspects of the holohoax, drop by the QTDDTOT thread and ask for clarification or reading material. Entire (((wiki))) articles have been counter-refuted many times over. They aren't being posted in this thread, because OP is here to push a narrative and disrupt, rather than to get to the meat of the matter.
The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.
Can you boogeymen get a life already instead of chasing losers hidden in my ass. How doth it feel having being shattered to smithereens by a world of fats and reeeees? Hortler and his frog cronies forged a Nazi text that is a factual document, and to this day neo-autistic psychopaths were fooled by mentally deranged jews! Sad!
narhtseez btfo cry harder lmao gg no re
Oh hey it is Mr. (1) and done!
What a cute baby!
I see through you OP.
Sorry i forgot
Still waiting for actual evidence.
The issue is that you're throwing strawmen to prove a point. In other words, you came with a boogeymen with their hypothetical argument to "debunk" them. It doesn't work that way and you won't convince others except yourself.
It is a fact that there are jewish politicians, journalists, activists, and celebrities who work against removing the right wing social stances of the west while enacting policies that favor them. That influential demographic even admits into combating "white supremacy" and the alt-right, so the notion that it's a "fake conspiracy theory" is stupid. From this board, I can find several instances of Jewish people enacting their power to prevent right-wing social stances and serving their own interests:
Harvey Weinstein was also a recent example of a Jew who used his power to get ex-Mossad agents spy on gentile women, you're obtuse if you can't notice that fact:
Kraut is a confirmed kike, which is why he took issue with race realists.
Thanks kikey!
There is a greater chance that OP will stop sucking cocks than of Communism ever working anywhere in the world.
Blow it out your ass.
brb jamming Mnemic
Pretty bad odds in Vegas on that one.
I had a 3 hour long conversation with a Jew I've known since I was a teenager yesterday
I was under the impression he knew how ridiculous his people's basis was, as he is an atheist Jew.
Turns out he not only believes in the shoah but also generalplan ost
I kind of felt like a dick when I would say something, he would tell me I was wrong, I would prove myself right, and then we'd repeat this for the next thing, over and over again.
and today he has gone straight back to square one.