Do you think SNK will make it or or fail terribly?

Do you think SNK will make it or or fail terribly?
What does everyone think is SNK's best franchise or game anyway?


Extremely difficult to judge right now, it all depends on how they want make their modern presence known.

Metal Slug is SNK's property and if you disagree you are wrong, and also possibly stupid.

Who knows.

[citation needed]

That's good news if true. I agree a source would be nice though.

we need a new Metal Slug

Wake me up when KOFXIV is on PC then I'll care

I don't think they'll be able to bring back every old games, even fighters, they've worked on in the past and will fall into the AAA slump of pre-ordering and cutting out for DLC like every other AAA company does.

All that will say is that the company wants more money next time and can't experiment with their old franchises again forcing them to continue making KOF and nothing else.

I don't think Metal Slug will ever get the successor people expect, many people have no idea how crazy expensive they are to make and I think the closest we could get would be one made with tweened animation (like Dragon's Crown). Tweening gets a lot of shit but in the right hands it can look quite nice.

You want nightmares?

Oh my child, we've already experienced the worst thing in Metal Slug.

You don't know current SNK that well. While I suspect some form of DLC is on the way, they only have 2 costumes as DLC for KoF14, and seemingly no plans for anymore. They've already said they want to limit the DLC for every game so that when you buy it, you get all the content.

Metal Slug sprites are nowhere near as expensive as fighting game sprites are, They still do sprites for metal slug defense/attack that are on par with the actual games, plus the whole Metal Slug XX team still works for them.

That being said Heidern and Maxima better be playable in Metal Slug 8

As much fun as that would be, given Leona, Ralf, and Clark are in it, I want pic related. It could even play like Classicvania but with a shitload of route choices.

What pic

Oh boy, can't wait for more pachinkos, mobile games and paid emulators quality PC ports of old SNK games. And if we're really lucky, they will kitbash some old sprites together to make Metal Slug 8, and then re-release it as XXX.

Out of all the non ikari-related KoF characters; Maxima would be the one to fit the easiest in Metal Slug. I just really want him so his close quarters attack/knife slash is his M-4 Vapor Cannon

Nigga SNK dropped out of the pachinko business.

Call me when they drop out of mobile business as well.

motherfucker website. It told me it couldn't post.

They barely do anything mobile anyways, they've got metal slug defend/attack and then a handful of ports.

After Heidren, she's probably next up for getting into a main Metal Slug game.

I hope so. I know she's in MSD along with Heidern and others. They could replace her standard melee with a longer range one for whipping, or just make her whip her default weapon instead of a pistol. If she can use it grab people, that'd be even better. Then she can also get the half ammo penalty Ralf gets to attempt to balance her out.

The devs can make as many promises as they want and publisher just make them do the opposite. I hope it doesn't happend but we've seen this too many times.

I''ll believe it when I see it from them.

As a kid roaming Seattle's arcades in the late 80s/early 90s, I was always excited for the NEO-GEO collection machines. The characters in SNK's games just seemed so… alive. Even the sillier games like King of the Monsters. My favorite was probably Samurai Shodown II.

Don't really know Neo-Geo all that well outside of some of the arcade games, i want to say Aero Fighters, but they probably don't own that so i'll just say Metal Slug.

Good thing SNK is their own publisher in japan.

King of Fighters is SNK's best series and '98 is the best game they've ever made. Prove me wrong.

KoF '98 UM is better than KoF '98

I hope SNK makes it, they actually seem to be doing good things and I hope it pays off for them.

Spiritual successor to Crystalis when.

I recall seeing some assets for just that years ago, didn't look too bad at the time

Bullshit, KOF13 sold 900k copies on PC+PS3+360 combined, and I doubt 14 sold more

Here's hoping they release a big Neo-Geo collection game like Namco Museum

new Metal Slug would be fucking insane