Casuals on Holla Forums

Why are there so many causals on Holla Forums?
Shouldn't you be on reddit or somewhere else that caters to you instead?
Just wondering.

I just really like Lego games.



Holla Forums has always had casuals since Freddit Breddit brought Reddit to Holla Forums.

This thread will be deleted because Mark and his goon squad mods are no fun allowed faggots so let me tell you quickly. Holla Forums as it is right now is flooded with 4cuckers and redditors. 4Cuck is dying and all the 12 year olds and neckbeards who come from there because le 4Chan is le edgy xd, are going to come here because gookmoot threw them under the bus, which was predictable. That's why you see people here now, defending garbage like Bad Company, Halo, Cod, WoW and so forth.


Thank you for the honest explanation user.


Which is the truth?

This, there is even a fucking unpopular opinions thread still up after a day

user the vast vast majority of people are casuals, regardless of whether they call themselves otherwise.

The only real non casuals are speedrunners and professional players.

Liking Holla Forums only has to do with anonymity, that's it. Taste in games has nothing to do with anything.

implying you aren't a casual

Let me add to this. Look at the FF X vs X2 thread right now. Look at how many people are shitting on x2 because muh story instead of addressing the gameplay which is objectively better than x. Fuck, you even have faggots saying x had a good story. No one thinks that except for brain dead redditors who only watch tv and play games to get stories.

゚  ゚   ゝ '、_,ノ

Yeah they are. You remember the childhood games thread where the posters childhood games where halo 3, queers of war, and cod4? That was me making a bait thread. Know what happened? I got banned for a day and the thread for slid. Only shitty Shitposting is allowed, as soon as you create some good bait, uh oh, your banned. Fuck these mods.


You can bitch about muh meta but don't throw shit labels

I blame

You sound like an open borders cuck


Hentai Ouji To Warawanai Neko I guess.

So, will you rangeban IP addresses? Even Holla Forums doesn't that, to my knowledge. Actually, I'd try to post there from some African proxy.

called frustration reaching a boiling point

How about I slap your shit for not being useful, OP? Instead of bitching about newfags, you should be among those that reeducate them into something worthy of this place.

Show us how it's done, then? Here's your designated one.