i have been banned from cuckchan for exposing Lauren Southern (Simonson)'s Nudes:
why is half chan infiltrated by finn cucks and white knights in general?
i have been banned from cuckchan for exposing Lauren Southern (Simonson)'s Nudes:
why is half chan infiltrated by finn cucks and white knights in general?
Fuck you very much. Those are fake.
He knows it too.
come on guys, this is just fucking low to share this fakery
Could your photoshop be any more obvious?
why do the cuck chan mods and shills like this and defend Lauren simonson so much?
Remind me to hire that porn flick's cinematographer. He managed to light Laura's face different from her body. That will be a highly relevant skill when SHtF!
Sage for shit thread, and reported for being a degenerate Jew panderer.
not a shill. just think she does more to help than these shitty gifs do
lauren simonson is a hated whore and no whiteknighting will stop the Lauren Defence Force (a force that attempts to defend the chans from Simonsons whorenes)
If you're gonna fake something like this, you could at least have put some anal shots in.
she looks much better with brown hair
she will look even better with a brown kid
Take your degeneracy and fuck off.
qt tbh
you seem to have a thing against her. what did she do, user?
she wasn't welcome here the first time she was posted, why the fuck do you think she would be now?
Slide thread, also these are all fake. Lauren is a coalburner though so fuck her. Sage and report for spam/slide.
Nobody cares about your degenerate obsession with ewhores. Reported.
Hey man, that's not cool. Gorillas deserve more respect!
saw his post on cuckchan, it was mexican flag so..
Wait, here comes the illusive logical thought comment.
I both acknowledge she is an alt-jew agent, but also acknowledge these gifs are fake.
A webm would have been better. But the gif's are only a few frames to edit as opposed to HD 30-60fps video material.
Op, If they cant see she is with (((them))) they are not worth saving. They have to realise this themselves. No need to mislead.
Those all look fake as fuck.
reminder that first you will be deported and then nuked, shitskin
Alright, that was edited better but still blatantly from youtube videos.
What worries me more is that there actually "people" that create such content of misleading kikes. What the fuck.
>Lauren is a tranny too.
Your dnc is pointless. You can be both against her and acknowledge the videos are fake. Reported and I hope deported. Gas yourself.
Fucking Saved.
Great thread…
holy shit hows this slide thread still active
Deported? I live in MEXICO you idiot.
hahahahahah Lauren paid shills tear's feed my trolling hobby
Skin yourself and jump in a vat of lye.
why the the fuck would she be talking like that
i can do better fakes lol
Hello Finn fag
Good effort but still obviously fake. She's still a thot though.
Lel, nobody but you gives a shit about this whore. Now get lost Pedro, you subhuman.
What is wrong with you?????? If there would ever be an anne frank movie should could play the role.
Are you fucking blind?
I pity your existence. The amount of time you spent to turn lauren southern into your private waifu is devoid of actual humor. I feel empty inside staring at you.
he is obsessed with her, but poor thing realizes she would never want him because he's a dirty shitskin beaner so he tries to cope with his attraction towards her by creating all these scenarios
Is this even important? Holla Forums isn't aut-kike you dumb fuck. Every user worth their salt hate this e-celeb degenerate whore.
Your thread is shit, so it gets a sage
Aren't you that faggot who has a raging hard-on on that bitch that you create these threads almost every month? Last time I remember it was the diaper fetish thread that you've posted.
But she's a race-mixer?
i don't agree with her for different reasons, but those images are taken out of context. she was being ironic to some dude trying to bait her.
Second one definitely isn't ironic.
While she should be lynched along with her beta orbiter enablers, using jew tactics is just tasteless.
she was. she was insulting the person responding to her. but really i dont give a fuck about her. this shit is top layer normalfag shit.
best one yet.
Not even halfway true-to-life.
Check the pornhub link, the video was clearly made by one of her obsessed followers.
No it wasn't, she even posted pictures of her family's truck that was supposedly seized, although she now denies that she's jewish, even though that's clearly the implication in the tweet.
I'm pretty sure the first is a shoop
Is this finn thing about an actual person, or just the autist spamming this jewess everywhere just using the finn meme as a receptacle for his autism
I get that she is a jew but this is a shitload of oc about finns out of nowhere to me.
OP wants so hard to believe that we care about (((her))).
Remember that she and all other members of the alt-kike were never traitors; they were always enemies.
interesting way of putting it. you're not wrong. outside of a few whites, it was always overwhelmingly jewish.
Just tired of you kikes and your slides you nigger loving prick.
Exact same gifs were posted on cuckchan 15 minutes ago on here:
I rest my case. Hang yourself OP. Literally nobody on here cares about that whore, even ironically.
Reminder shitskin mod got so buttblasted his favorite not-jewish whore got exposed he bumplocked this thread.
She went with a beaner to Trump's inauguration ffs
As a Finn this really boils my burgers. I'm sorry you had to see this.
and huwhat, pray-tell, happened to (((Laura Loomer)))'s nudes?
Sorry but you are dumb.
Exactly the same tactics used on legacy media, wake the fuck up.
All the big name Rebel media/Red Ice etc thots are men anyway. Evalion wasn't, which is probably why they dropped her.
That beaner is an FtM.
no one actually wants to be SHITTED, the shit blends with the child as you can clearly see.
shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.
ductus exemplo
Tbf they did keep it pretty close to the original series
You just destroyed your dnc with that first pic. Good job.
Wow! She looks really cute as a brunette. Makes her look face look so much more full.
Who would even buy her book? I can see from the writing style that it's not good.
Hahah. Burn.
It's not Simonsen. The brunette is way more attractive.
sage for shit thread.
tfw fucked up a sage like a faggot.
I fuckin lost.
looks like Anne Frank, but I'd fuck her. She actually looks better here.
Yes he has been shilling her relentlessly on cuckchan especially taking advantage during the summer as has TRSodomites to try to recruit newfags and 4cucks to their side and would screech autistically and ignore any genuine concerns or arguments put forth vs lauren because MUH DIK. The dude is a shill and I wouldn't doubt without a moment CIAniggers are purposely doing this to stop our hivemind
damn is this real?
Always the werid neck movement gives the fakes away.
tbh I'd watch one with her dropping right-wing redpills. :^)
Too short. tbh she's too bland in what she's saying. How about one with Ann Coulter talking about the death squads?
You like faces ripped off - op does it digitally. Can't you two get together and get along? You're not so different after all.
hahahahahah this thread finn cuck BTFO