How do you balance your budget between videogames and anime figurines?
How do you balance your budget between videogames and anime figurines?
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>buying weebs toys
I don't buy anime anything.
I take the 100% off sale and buy nothing. Freedom is more important than merchandise.
How do you balance your budget between videogames and wrestling cute chinese girls?
The only figurine I have is of Yotsuba. Webm related.
I own a few 2hu fumos though.
i prefer gunpla
Great generalization, dumbass.
Watch how fast obnoxious reverse weeaboo retards shit up the thread.
I dont buy useless shit
aside from vidya
Who is this semen demon?
all my shekels goes to the cartoons figurines like a good gaijin.
I have no idea
That's right. All budgets and debts will sort itself out.
What a damn shame
I don't buy anime figs.
I pirate all the games, I buy all the figurines. Is no brainers, user. Also, all those legos and yugioh cards don't buy themselves either.
Apparently the character's name is "Al"
I pirate the figurines
Feels good, doesn't it? I want to see how much I can stuff it.
Rent figurines
100% vidya, 0% weebshit.
Oh shit, thanks a bunch user
Can someone explain to me the point of having a figurine? Is it the collectable aspect that gets people to buy them? Or do people really just enjoy looking at figurines of their favorite cartoons?
obviously ignoring the reasons why this guy bought one
I only buy vidya I really want to support and pirate everything else. I only buy figs I really love, ie I don't buy everything little thing I like.
I like looking at them, kind of like making your desktop wallpaper something you like, I get figurines to look at.
end my life.
Someone post those webms already. You know the ones.
Why do people do this?
better yet, someone post the monhun figure hotglue
To show just how much they like [Thing] than you do!.
Why would you give away money for pathetic stuff when you can steal it for free from weak numales?
It may be crude, but it does the job. You steal the components, concepts and ideas, but put them together your own way, like Orcs or the Chinese.
Thats 50 dollars
Any way to order it?
The one where a Volcano is created?
Still expensive as fuck.
Because I'm not a nigger.
If I want something enough to want to own that shit instead of just borrowing a copy, I'll buy it.
Other than hotgluing, they're pleasant to look at and have around the room. I like to sit Yotsuba on my computer desk or the tower itself.
[CURRENT YEAR] vidya is pure shit, so it's easy to spend money elsewhere. That being said figure prices and a garbage exchange rate have caused me to cut back on my figure habit. I've got a cute Miyu figure coming next month though.
Yeah there are ways to order them, but you have to wait for wonfes and talk to a third party seller, on top of knowing what you want as soon as they are available.Also my living conditions are stable right now, and I want to wait until I have my own place until I starting making degenerate decorations.
Both are at 0.
meant to say aren't stable
You should all be hung.
It's a knickknack. No utility value but it's nice to look at
I know that feel, user
actually that one in the middle is mass produced I think
By pirating games and pirating figs with my crew. Yo ho ho he took a bite of gum gum
Do Amiibos count as anime figurines yet
If so, I just buy everything I want
Extremely well.
You are worse than artists that make any degenerate shit for shekels.
I'm not really supporting the DLC meme if I never opened any of my 40
No articulation, no buy.
that's not how it works user, you still gave them money.
I suppose you think Smart cars qualify as cars too.
it's a shit practice, but honestly for ~13 dollars per amiibo the quality is what you pay for.
Hi me
That's easy, I just don't buy plastic crap to begin with.
Right back at you big guy
1:0, Vidya:Anime Figs.
Collectibles are a waste of space, unless they are being used as an investment. If you want physical toys, get something like Lego where you can build shit instead of something that will just collect dust on a shelf.
But it's Nintendo
Why wouldn't I be giving them my money
I already have most of the 3DS and WiiU games
Great advice.
Buy enough Lego and you have absolutely zero need to buy another figure again.
1v1 me
Well, shouldn't be a problem if you have a job?
All my vitrines are full and I barely play any vidya anymore so I almost completely stopped buying them as well.
No budget left after rent, bills, and guns.
too many raifu to have waifu
That Misaka a cute.
what game is that?
Dengeki Bunko
I hate Amiibos for the same reason I hate the concept for the Switch: i'd much rather have two high priced, high quality things than some bullshit amalgamation of the two that's worse in both fields. That, and tying DLC to a physical object allows them to justify bumping the price up because "muh material costs".
I am not homosexual, therefore I don't buy anime anything.
100% vidya
2% milk
No surprise there.
It's a self solving problem, mate. Stop buying stupid shit. But I'll humor you.
You want both right? But let's assume you can only afford the weebthrash figurines or the weebthrash games. So that leaves you with two options: Either you pirate the games or you mail order fraud the figurines. Now you need to think, which option has the best risk-reward ratio, and which is more illegal in your country? Usually piracy has way more severe consequences than fraud, but you are less likely to get caught. Then you carefully balance your budget around the chosen method and you're good.
But then you remember that mail order fraud hurts the figure artists and the companies that sell them, while piracy hurts no one. Now both of your options suck.
So in conclusion, better stop buying weeb shit, OP. It will make your life choices way easier.
pirate vidya buy figurine