(((Edgy))) College Textbook Disc

No traction because cuckchan is too ADHD and shilled.

This is the absolute state of what American public universities are using as instructional material.

Dumbed-down pop-culture references to appeal to “the average student.” Reddit-tier political activism. Anti-Capitalist messages. Blatant bias in Palestine-Israel conflict. Outright promotion of atheism. Support of Affirmative Action. And then it’s juxtaposed with irrelevant scientific and astronomic facts to give the illusion of Ethos.

Notice (((anything)))?

Other urls found in this thread:



Is it just me or are we getting absolutely flooded with newfags from outside? Have we been linked to reddit or something? Is cuckchan down?

Try /polk/

I've been lurking for years.

Don't make claims you can't prove. More importantly, what the hell is happening right now?


There's a thread up on cuckchan regarding pizzagate mod corruption here. That's why.

I understand you are venting OP
We've all known how bullshit college was for years

If you have to go to college, take CLEP / AP exams. They save you time, money, and you don't have to deal with sjw teachers / peers

cuckchan cares about pizzagate?

el oh el

I'm already in college and I'm graduating early (thank God) because I got over a year worth of credits in High School. I just thought it would be interesting to post here.

At quality hours they do.

How truly blessed we are they we're receiving them at top quality then.
What are those pages in the OP supposed to be teaching anyway? It seems like a bunch of disjointed and untrue statements.

Well it’s a set of exercises meant to teach you how to form and take arguments apart logically. The actual text of the chapters is pure theory and method. It's just awful how Jewish conditioning is baked into the most monotonous and labor intensive part.

Whatever course that's meant to be, I doubt I could pass it. Probably for the best. Jewish language leads to jewish thinking, and thus a shabbos is born.

Think like the Jew to defeat the Jew.

But we'd have to purge all these anti-jews once their work is done, otherwise their ideas might live on.

>shills flood thread about (((common core)))-tier shit
Gee, I wonder why that could be.

man that thread stinks to high heaven.

we REALLY need to make gamergate history lesson threads there though. so many of them think gamergate was a laugh riot.

Being gassed or targeted by politically-motivated killing by the next generation for being too liberal and progressive is my goal.

It's your own fault OP. You took the faggot course for faggot people (maybe it's required for you, I don't know). In the real world of mathematical logic you deal with cool shit like building logical systems, Lowenheim-Skolem, the Compactness theorem, and Ehrenfeucht Fraisse games.


2 and 3 make no sense


Just take a bullet and fuck off.






The only people who are going to fall for this have no idea what cuckchan was like before 2015, and dont matter. They probably have never been here, and the worst thing about it is that they are mentioning us at all, not that they are suggesting our mods are covering up pizzagate. The fucking irony, pizza threads arent allowed on cuckchan at all, we have a dedicated sticky.


You're supposed to take all my info collectively, goy. If I say 2+2=4 then everything else I say is right. If you ask any questions then surely it means you're stupid.

OP, consider yourself lucky that you're almost done with (((school))). younger kids are having their data mined extensively by corporations and (((special interest groups))), and namely Bill Gates, who is buying up education companies left and right.
Big Data is being used to track children throughout their schooling. This data will be integrated into the cloud and used in "smart cities", presumably to track kids once they graduate and begin life as adults. This is essentially laying the foundation for the full surveillance state.
Common core is a cancer that is forcing Marxism en masse by further limiting what teachers are allowed to teach in their own classrooms, forcing them to teach to a test that is implemented from (((higher education authorities)))

original site links:

this is boomer-tier Wordpress cancer, but the message is extremely important. In the future, kids will have close to 0 choice what they get to learn or study. Any bad behavior is saved for eternity in their "file" to be used to disqualify them from certain careers later in life, or to pipeline them towards prison.

To be honest, that text book is a lot better than what I was expecting.

That's funny. Nobody talks how kids who're trump supporters are harrased,but it's suddenly a problem when kids are trump supporters.

shoo shoo, dirty jew

There's some mod on 4ch banning everyone for nothing.


logic course

This must be what Qanon read in college

I want to wear one of those hoodies, run around at an Antifa rally, and shout racial epithets and crime statistics. This insanity of all this warrants it.