Will Nikki Haley be America's first female president?


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Doesn't this bitch already have some pretty bad dirty laundry. In that she fucked a couple of her donors during a campaign, while running said campaign as a "family values conservative".

huffington post says so for what its worth

No. No more elections. We shut it down after Trump.

another one claiming she was fucking the competition.

fucking beta males

No, flappy. OUT

It's not hard to believe in all honesty, no woman has ever reached a postilion of power among men without doing a few handjobs, giving head, or opening her legs.


It's like they don't even want a chance at winning. Not that they would have a chance with any candidate.

shit makes me feel sick

That is, being an obedient servant of the jews.

Can't these people see that women are pushed becouse they can be led like poodles?

This, what a gay.

They really haven't learned anything and absolutely nothing has changed.
The Republican Party has to go.
They're too tainted, too corrupted, they just have to go.

Untrustworthy face, is probably a crypto-kike. Ugly.

This woman's stupudity is on a whole new level.

don't worry, the good goy mods on here will have you backing what ever kikservative they run in 2024. shilling nonstop of sucking kike dick is a 32423D chess move and how they're /ourguy-gal/.

Lol, stupid soyboy. Go back to your proud shithole.

in 2024 things wont go wrong "again". they're already going wrong thanks to you neo-con civnat, alt-kike fags.

She's actually 100% pure pajeet believe it or not. By poo in the loo standards she's Aphrodite.

Are you retarded or just so deprived of pussy that you'd fuck a dog? poo in the loo standard or not she's fucking hideous.

Women in politics are a bad news. No exceptions. They act like Jews on steroid and avoid any criticisms by simply being born as a female.

I don't think you have any reading comprehension. He's saying by poo standards she's a 10, implying that poo women are hideous if even this woman is a 10 in their eyes. Seriously go pick up a book you fucking moron.

Take you're own advice you faggot. I'm saying even by poo in the loo standards she's fucking hideous. She doesn't even get on the scale for white people, but even for pajeets she's a 1 at best.
But don't let me stop you from fapping to your new kikeservative queen.

I legitimately think you are a nigger since your ability to read words and follow sentences is so poor. Pick up a book dumb nigger.

t.insecure sub-human

What's the last book you read and how long ago was it?

t.desperate brainlet
I'm cringing for you hard right now kiddo.

I never said it had to be a pretentious book, but the fact that you couldn't grasp what he said, or what I said, leads me to believe you're in urgent need to sharpen your brain on something other than Holla Forums memes.

All me

This is bizarre, wtf are you talking about dumb nigger? If you're me, make the next post with this ID about Oscar Wilde.

fag just take the L and move on. You didn't understand my post, put on a cringey try-hard act, got corrected like a bitch and now you're too embarrassed to let it go.

fucking hell. You just outed yourself hard. Just go back to reddit.


Honestly I'm about to go read myself, just would recommend it since you clearly missed what both I and the other user meant with our posts. That or you got emotional and missed it because of that, but it's obvious you misunderstood those posts.

nupol, everybody

back to trs

Glad you're taking my advice and fucking off. Today's been a tough day for a redditfag like you. Lurk 2 years and maybe next time you post you wont get raped this hard.

You’re an autistic faggot and you’ve admitted it. Run along back to woman worshipping central.

Very interesting indeed

Oh you're that autistic namefag, its all coming together

What's my name exactly? :^)

And reported!

Sasuga, nupol

I don’t give a fuck about your kikery. Reported.

Didn't we have a rule about not posting if you haven't been here for at least two years? You wouldn't know about that since you came from The_Donald however

TRS, everyone. Reported.

Let me guess, you have no idea about the TRS shenanigans from that time. Here's a primer:

I don’t give a shit. It has nothing to do with Holla Forums or our message.

What is 'our' message then exactly? Curious to hear your take on it.

Lurk two years before posting to learn Holla Forums‘s message.

I know what I think Holla Forums's message is, I want to hear what you think.

Sure you do, TRSodomite.

Sure ya do, redditor-kun

TRS, everyone.

Trump will remain for eternity.

Truly Holla Forums has become a shithole.

Yep, thanks to you.



Most definitely. This is why she was made israeli Ambassador to the UN. 100% crypto-jew

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Nikki Haley took down the flag.
Never Forget

It has been that wa since 2015.


What a beautiful and unexpected quote from Adolf Hitler


This. We are done with elections after Trump.

Fucking spoiler that shit.



The fact that no one notices or cares that a supposedly non-nation, non-governmental entity has an ambassador is extremely disheartening.

Not much doesn't make me cry user.

The red light is somewhat comfy.

It's Trumpberg giving this cunt a platform.

It would be like if he made Evan McMullin part of his administration.

Red makes you hungry and angry.
Blue makes you calm and sleepy.
Black makes you yearn for DOtR.

You know the way your face feels when you’re done crying hard? That’s how my face feels basically all the time, but I haven’t cried in seven years. It’s strange.

I have been angry for so long it has become comfy.

maybe you should read a book :^)

How low must one stoop to build your entire campaign on virtue-signalling?

That's the feels trying to escape.

Nah, democrats learned their lesson with Trump the first time. Next time they will do a better job rigging the vote.

Who? This the first time I've heard of this broad?

You should try doing something about it. Dunno what works for you, but pretending to be happy works really well for me. Maybe do some chores, "clean up your room and save your father from the abyss bucko", or watch moeblob escapism.

There shouldn't be female voters let alone a female president.

Let's you and her fight
Women don't like being told what to do by other women and hate each other's guts more than anything else, let's force a divide among the Dem women by convincing some of them to run independent and split votes.

Don't think anyone commented on it, but the poster has 2024.

Even they are admitting Trump is a two term President.

>posturing faggotry after the (((wymyn's march))) autism this weekend
>illiterate shills like (((8eceaf))) flood to screech semitically

I read merchant on first instance too.

Release your inner aryan, user. Be the man Hitler wanted you to be and the man you race needs you to be right now.

Isn't that a cuckservative paper though? Of course they'd want Trump in, the cuckservatives just want to survive and suck Israel cock. So far Trump's letting them do both.
If at any point Trump initiates the Long Knives, they'll truly turn on him.

If the economy keeps booming and trump makes good on a few of his promises (wall, getting rid of chain migration, etc) then he could get two terms.
Got to see how the 2020 democratic primaries turn out though.

I always knew they would run nicki haly after trump, or a woman, or some sort of mud person.

Trump probably had to giver her that job at the UN for some sort of deal. But that UN job gives her way more experience.

The cuckservitives were always cucks, waiting to sit on the cuck stool as king nigger handed off the baton to queen white feminism cunt.

Then trump won.

Haley comes off as confident, moderate, (pro kike), and would be the first female president. (i admit it would be funny if the first female president was a woman of color and a republican, the libs wouldnt know what to do, they would hate it so much that the GOP stole their "historical" thunder)

I imagine if trump is successful, gets to terms, leaves, then they will run haley and try to frame her as some sort of alt light civic nationalist

She is the cuckservatives wet dream candidate the checks off all the marks.

After 16 years of Trump/Pence, we'll see.

why would you possibly want a zionist jew lover in office forever??

it's the usual jew tricks – convince everyone he's the best option because 'it's better than hillary' then once he's in shill to keep him there forever… trump was never a good choice, he's still not a good choice, and he'll never be a good choice. to condone his continued presidency is actively supporting the zionist takeover of america you fucking faggot.

all 44 US presidents have had european royal blood. 34 have descended from one person (charlamagne) and 14 have directly descended from king edward III - including president trump and nominee hillary clinton - ya, they are cousins

in fact - the candidate with the most royal blood has won every single election… but it's just dumb luck right, because you faggots got him elected didn't you, he wasn't chosen by the jews (ya right)

top lel

That DUMB broad's chances equal that of Fiorina. You don't remember who Fiorina is? Exactly.

Not as improbable as you claim. Due to nobles fucking peasant girls, most Europeans have at least a drop of royal blood somewhere in their lineage. You only have to go back far enough.

One of the most rabid, most extreme neo-cons and israel firsters in America.

Two completely different profiles, so no.

Anti-White tear down White history poo.

Never vote the women in. Women are follower by nature so USA will become a puppet to someone who is leading Nikki.

t. Autocratic woman

Reported for autistic genealogy bullshit.

This pic is triggering the fuck out of me. She's getting it on the couch!

t. upholstery master.

That also means you are the BO of /polk/ which means you are a anti Trump shareblue D&C shill