No Right political rallies?

So Holla Forums, why are Right rallies so rare? The Left is having TONS of rallies in 2018 and what are we doing? Nothing. How do we change the tide?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because the piece of shit cops and local governments fuck us over every time.

We’re better than that. The Lefties have Cop trouble too. If we could stage a huge rally in DC or somewhere down in the Southern US, then we could make a big impact.

Statistically, people who are activists are less likely to vote. Why do we need rallies? We vote who we want in, we don't need to protest and throw a tantrum to get what we want.

we work for a living faggot. when the right finally decides to rally, it will be glorious. because it means that almost all hope is lost and we fight to win.

test post
somebody said that the chan burausa app won't let you browse Holla Forums and I want to see if they're right (this is being sent from chan barausa)

wa wa fucking wa. everything is the governments fault.. and the cops too. fuck that. kikefull first post.

What happens if none of the canadates are good?

Because when we hold political rally's, we take our political opponents out.

we're at work

How does that boot taste?

lets see what happens when every cop in America publicly declares that they are done. Not working any more. our country would devolve into a 3rd world hell hole overnight. Honestly, I'd encourage it.

I hope you got shot during a routine traffic stop faggot.

What drives old white women to do this bullshit. I sincerely don't get the point to that entire thing.

come and ask me. i'll literally head butt you until you stop breathing. cops have an i issue with their unconstitutional behavior. the unconstitutional ones should hang with their lefty brethren. However, the thin blue line is a real thing. this country would devolve into a third world hell hole without them. check out a /cpd/ thread every once in a while.

its like how a woman who hit the wall can't accept the fact she's not attractive anymore. lack of self-reflection.

What do rallies gain?

What's the major demographic that attends faggot pussy rallies?
What's the major demographic of "stay at home"/unemployed/part-time?
Gee, user, I wonder why (((Right))) wingers don't protest. Only protest that Holla Forums should be a part of are cullings, lynchings, and for subterfuge. Everything else is just going to be infiltrated, used as a false flag, or full of faggots and niggers. Not to mention all of the millions or billions of dollars being put into these public cry walks.
Let's just throw in the fact that, if you lean left, you're using your emotions and Harry Potter, and how they can brag on their (((social media))) about how they won't to protest #LiterallyHitler, to dictate what they do. Let's say all of those protest signs in OP pic are actually homemade, they're using outdated memetics and not Soros funded. Nobody cares what their sign says, it won't make them laugh, it won't make them think, it isn't "edgy" or autistic enough to stay in their mind.
You think "Love Trumps Hate" is an effective meme? I still don't know if they actually mean love trumps over hate, or they Love Trump's Hate. None of these protests the left do will amount to anything.

tl;dr Right leaners want to kill, but are docile until provoked. Until provoked they prefer to stay inside with their families and protest through online methods.


Well I saw it.


I dunno, I feel pretty murderous rn

untrue, I can do it

Pfft. You have too much faith in the cops. The best thing that could happen to this country is them just not doing their job ironically. They protect white suburbs from the urban violence that keeps white people oblivious 2 1/2 decades long overdue. They crush people they know they should be backing because "muh orders". They do nothing to protect said people and instead actively give commies (fuck cares if they have political support?) a free pass.

I'm an authoritarian and I respect a cop for the service he provides to a civilized nation. But we are no longer civilized and there are no longer any respected cops. There are good people wearing the badge, but a good cop? Doesn't exist. The good acts listed above actually contribute to worsening effects now where it's better just to beat the fuck out of everyone equally like european police do.

You are FBI for suggesting such a thing.

It would be nice to but between what this user says>>11171610 and (((antifa))) and other leftist groups always showing up to counter protest it's extremely difficult to do. Take Charlottesville for example, people showed up and then the left shows up with counter protests and creates a cluster fuck out of it. Also another issue is the constant autistic disagreements within the right over minor things that constantly keeps the right from organizing as one.

i actually agree with you. there are a few good cops. Most of them are unconstitutional jack boots. This country would fall into fucking third world chaos without them. BUT… is that such a bad thing? I think this country needs a reset. Those people would be dead withing a month. 2 tops. Let the 8% of good cops that exists come and ally with us.

Besides what has already mentioned, you need to remember that these rallies are not really organic in nature. There are likely a shitload of paid protesters at these events.

Leftist white women are used up whores that are desperate for attention. That, and they are really stupid enough to believe their shit.

I'm ready. Are you, user?

Same here, user. Yet, here you are on a Ugandan Knuckles Crypto Trading forum.

We're just waiting…..

You can but omnichan is better anyway

OP is a faggot and needs to lurkmoar

Charlottesville, VA last August, and it was a kiked up false flag, like ALL rallies

Easy answer: Leftists have no jobs. They're breeding a lot less as well. While the right has employment and kids to look after thus can't be bothered with rallies.

The lefties have far less than we do, for the simple fact that the mayors order them to stand down.

because right-wing white men have a job making the society work, they are too busy to go to a social wankfest until it will be needed
because nu-males, feminists and niggers are herd creatures who get their oxytocin fix by up-voting each other on their protest selfies, and they also have the time and the diversity-friendly bosses to be able to do that
the "tide" doesn't need to be changed, when the time is right, the only right-wing rally that will matter will be the Day of the Rope

It wouldn't be a bad thing is my point. It is long overdue. For those of us that remember the LA riots the WORST thing that happened was the cops doing nothing and along with the National Guard, protecting white suburbs. They should have gone all out and showed their true jack booted nature right then and there on LA. They should have left the white suburbs WIDE OPEN to the savages so they learn the hard way.

What was to be gained protecting white enclaves? So what, a few dozen, hundred, or thousand white people realize, "Wow they actually are third world savages." I mean the whole thing was ludicrous. All it did was give what could have been a massive red pill to hundreds of thousands of whites 25 years ago a sense of that feeling while allowing them to go right back to sleep again until the Internet era could revive those memories thanks to niggers and their WorldStarHipHop nonsense. It was counter-productive to white people in every way possible. Nobody gives a shit about niggers and spics burning down their own neighborhoods and cities. It was the white people getting the shit kicked out of them that caused LA to blow the fuck up and that opportunity was missed thanks to the protection of white enclaves.

Until white consciousness gets to that tipping point I will always stand by the notion that it's better to either A) Do you job and crack skulls or B) Stand down completely including the protection of any nearby white areas from obviously surrounded and outnumbered hordes.

Population density. Libshits live in libshit hives and don't have real jobs anyway, so it's easy for them to amass in numbers. White people live in lower population density areas because they always have preferable conditions, which incidentally makes it harder to assemble and also makes any assemblies that do happen less impressive shows of numbers or centralized in areas the (((media))) doesn't give a fuck about.

I was young when the LA riots happened (and i'm old in my world). they mean nothing to me. but i get what you're getting at. However, Cali is much different than east Texas. I don't believe in any way that we are gaining ground. Which, to be honest, is making me tighten up even further. Things are so much different than they were 10 years ago, much less 25. It is what it is user. get ready. that's the state that we are in at this point. Good luck brother.

Muh demokracy

Fuck off shill, democracy is a jewish game

let me clarify, when I say that the LA riots mean nothing to me. I mean who gives a fuck 25 years later. Seeing that innocent trucker (whatever his name is) get beat by literal fucking savages who deserve no life, it instilled in me an idea that ME is the only one who can protect me. Come at me bro.

Either you throw a tantrum like you are a leftist, or you figure out who will do the least harm and find someone better next time.

Not having children, so they feel like they have no purpose.

you're right. The United States is a Constitutional Republic. but what the fuck would you know about that. Please die in a fire, while awake.

I miss the Trump rallies. I wish Hitler would come back already and show everyone how it's done.



Reginald Denny

Pick one, and only one, faggot ass torpedo

Shit, that's right. Ty user. Those niggers were.. ARE..fucking savages.

It's difficult to get on a podium in front of thousands or millions on camera and start bitching. You have to be born with a no shame gene or dropped a lot while a baby.

is that an argument against OP? Why the right doesn't rally?
not an argument


I've already said it all in these posts:

Social media corporations are putting the squeeze on right-wing political views with staunch suppression algorithms, weakening our networks so that we don't feel invigorated enough to rally. Meanwhile, leftist political views are promoted. Today, Twitter promoted the Women's March. This is in addition to all the other leftist promotion they're doing.

We don't stand a chance in November unless we can stop the leftist control of nearly all forms of relevant media. Not going to happen.


KYS torpedo


EVERY WHITE MAN should be ready to protect their selves and their family at this point. Be ready brothers. It could be years before it actually happens. But,, be ready.


The local media Chicago said 300k retards marched in downtown today for this shit. Can someone remind me what rights women don't have in CY+3?



the only rights they have are the ones we give them

Because most of those people actually have jobs.


I didnt green light any of this shit like voting rights, no fault divorce, or driving.

you are a gift user



exactly, its a long hard road. but we are the only ones of taking shit away.

Because left rallies are a good way to get pussy, right rallies not so much. At least that's how it works in my country, you join the left if you wanna get laid.

Rallies, especially with our views will achieve little but datamine us…

There is a point here. Lefty women are absolute sluts. You don't have to do much more than say white males are the worst.

kys soy fag

That's pretty funny.
But seriously if you wanna take away democracy you gotta go thru me and my rifle first.

as a person who appreciates liberty, I can tell that you're a complete faggot.

You dumb shit, its gonna fall apart because subhumans exploit the fuck out of it. When the ass end of the bell curve has a voice in things, shit goes to hell. Its not complicated.


It's mostly for people who wouldn't get laid by their own means.

I never said I participated nor condoned them retard. I've lost a lot of good friends due to this.


What the fuck has happened to this board. What the fuck has democracy actually achieved besides le 56%?

The jews completely control the voting systems and would never let a fascist or natsoc in power. The only way is to seperate and bleed the system. Create your own white societies.

Either you guys are from reddit or your Kike shills now fuck off from this board.

Every time there's a right wing or white nationalist political rally Holla Forumstards clamber all over each other to call it a controlled op.

The ass end of the bell curve is responsible for like less than 1% of the vote. Do a search.

Because it typically is. If not controlled op, its infiltrated to hell and then used by the (((media))) as ammunition.

Literal 1766. Fuck every one of you.

That the best you got?

Stupid Americans. Your dumb ass republic was subverted from the start now fuck off.


I thought it was not needed to be said around here that democracy is shit. Apparently with all the newfags flooding in and shitting up the place, this easily observable truth is seen as blasphemous and not kosher.

.>never let a natsoc in power
I may be wrong, but didn't we fight a world war because some fascists got into power?

Yeah I only speak of that era as a youth. As an adult you're probably already too jaded at that point to realize how big of an eye opener it was for a kid who already have much less tinted blinders than their adult counter-parts. They see things for what they are until conditioned otherwise.

I will say this though. The 90's were far less pozzed compared to now and there was still a chance of getting a much bigger start in momentum prior to the internet coming and going full mainstream had things played out differently. People were far more aware of race issues only feigning to go along to get along, they didn't fully accept the nonsense that's now been preached from the 90's to now indoctrinating the youth full swing. Plus the militia movement was probably far bigger than your silly Oath Keeper/3% movement is now before the feds sinisterly nipped that in the bud.

That was when things were less shit and less subverted and more white. We are almost a hundreds years past that, things are much more darker and severe now therefore more radical approaches are needed.

It's the Honeypot poster again.
Saged and reported.

Ya, and the US aided the communists in taking over half of Europe. "Brilliant" strategy by FDR and Churchill, kike puppets.

No one believes you, yid.

Reminder trump is a zionist shill just like every other candidate. He is literally a meme. Fuck off donald fags.

No. You're wrong. We got in the war for (((reasons))) when the majority - vast - of America wanted nothing to do with it.

Ok but what does that have to do with the thread's topic?

ITT newfags argue like faggots when they should be lurking moar. KYS immediately. Democracy has failed, and has all ways failed, because subhumans and their subhuman urges. Its not very complex to grasp, unless you're a newfag normie.
youre a dumbfuck

You think that's bad? See embed related.
It's hooknosetube'd. This is how JEWED this shit is.

Fuck off.

Even thernovich's kosher "not even MAGA hats allowed" event got attacked tonight.


Nothing but the thread is full of donald fags that need to go

don't you mean 1776?

Triggered by a meme

They won't be going anytime soon, believe me.

My God this could not be any more true. Seriously, the stench of newfag normies is beyond belief in here rn.


Man fucking tell me about it


Hes right. Democracy has been and always will be a fuckin shame. Democracy relies upon the meme of equality to be real, which any non-newfag know to be a dismal lie.

yes retards are cute

Dubs confirm.


So you want some fake right wing rallies to go along with the fake left wing rallies? One Charlottesville wasn't enough for you, eh?

Democracy: most people are normal.

Sorry, I forgot where was tonight's meeting again rabbi?

Democracy: how elites buy votes/loyalty thru raiding the taxpayer funded coffers

Plato and Socrates both abhorred democracy in any form
read The Republic

nice sockpuppet

says the torpedo

Be gone shill

Dont you have some CP to be fapping to?

Rallies, as an actual political tool, are pointless.
Their only use is for the media to use to inflate the feeling that there is a concrete popular push towards a certain reform, and, as we know, the media has no interest in portraying us in a positive light.

Wow, I sure got signed on to my other VPN pretty fast, huh torpedo?

My gun


Sit tight, Shareblue. Your ban is coming as soon as the mods wake up.

The very liberals who have a voice thanks to your democracy want to ban your gun

There are only two possible outcomes:

which is unlikely

The amount of fucking absolutely plebs that I know that are getting wise to the kikes is entering quantum-wew

This is true as long as, as you said, the media does not work in your favor, but combined with the media's blessing it can be a useful. You need to infiltrate/subvert the media first, rally second.

Because the left is willing to go to jail, has the police, the judges, and the media on their side to prevent going to jail, and has the jewish lawyers to take care of things if all else fails. The right on the other hand has more to lose, almost zero support, seriously you're pretty much on your own, and faces an enormous cultural/political bias. Couple this with the fact the generally speaking the right lacks the same fanaticism and conviction of the left, and you won't see many taking to the streets.

The kikes exploit that rather well too, they make an example out of one poor driver, or use a plant for a false flag, and it scares off the few who were willing to come out in the first place. Since whites aren't willing to tantrum like shitskins to get what they want, the police are more inclined to use excessive force on them as well, knowing there won't be any kind of backlash, as well as reinforcing the idea that the right should just stay home. Solving any of this shit would take a revolutionary movement, which would require an organised party, which would require a charismatic leader, which would require resurrecting Rockwell. So instead, everyone sits and home and shitposts, while patting themselves on the back and loudly proclaiming that it accomplishes something.

*a useful tool

this. Completely useless.
Power /aquired through/ Violence

So youre glad women and Jamal can vote. Im sure Jose and Lupe will vote for your interests, next election.

Redpilling Democracyfags is not D&C idiot

Newfags are fuckin out in force ITT. Its like their sacred cow of democracy is being slaughtered, and they're sperging out.

You have not heard of RAM, have you?

That has nothing to do with anything I said. Are you b2ffe3 under another ID?

Then why don't you stop doing d&c and redpill some democracy fags? Oh right, your job is d&c :^)

Forgot to add, wants wrong showing the wall? Trump is a zionist mate, he's not playing fucking 2462462D chess. Look at his cabinet for fucks sake, full of kikes.

shareblue thread.

They're not new, they're bots. They only reply to each other.

don't forget funding

Soros funded BLM protests all thru 2014 & 2015. Through dummy accounts or non-profits of course Open Society Foundation

Yes, Im shareblue and VPN jumping because I so deeply care to enlighten faggots like you about how democracy is shit, and you have bought into one giant lie pushed by kikes over and over.

Not because all the threads in the catalog are shit and this is least shitty of a sea of shit threads, for me shitpost in.

I just dropped a redpill here
but no one has a retort

Oh no forgot to sage im a shareblue shill woops a daisy.

You forgot to say IM a RUSSIAN bot user. Come on, try harder faggot

He was talking to me

Of course they dont. They would rather sperg about how democracy is BASED and how anyone who doesnt thinks so is a bot/shill/VPN jumping etc…

reported thread
2. report anyone bumping thread the thread

We must develop
a simple system which we all follow.

shareblue is increasingly desperately insufferable.

That is because you are correct.

There is no retort to that tbh. A democracy is only as good as the people who compose it so if you have a democracy, it needs rigorous maintenance to ensure the goodness of its people.

:^)>but no one has a retort

Yeah, billions in funding certainly doesn't hurt, when you need to get a few thousand twenty somethings out in the streets. They've got this entire machine behind them, countless managers and organisers, bussing, deals with the businesses they torch, it's really nuts how they kept all this stuff in working order since the 60s.

Without so much as a common cause or figurehead to rally around, the right really has it's work cut out. I had hope the glowinthedark faggots in the alt-kike would at least keep boots on the ground this year, but it isn't looking good. With no one out in the street, there's no real reason to stay interested in what's going on our side. Even faggot yuppies with tiki torches was a morale boost because you could see our people were out there in the real world, and it felt like we might finally be getting something done, which in and of itself would help with going on to actually do something.


the stop defending democracy

A democratic system can only work in two scenarios.
1. A high trust society, where the media is truly unbiased, and every citizen is informed.
2. more realistic where only a select group have voting rights, whether it be land owners or IQ tests or military service (actual combat not pogs filing paperwork)

It allows the untermensch to subvert it, democracy is only a recent meme in European history largely being encouraged and enabled by kike bankers.

Its never worked user it just gets used against us.

Ever since last year the newfaggots that have been coming here are absolutely disgusting. Being 'redpilled' isnt merely about knowing of the kike problem, you need to fucking be researching and fact checking everything. When the Brits gave up and signed to end the war right after it was signed the Brit liaison told Washington "you think this is a victory? We will destroy you and reign you back in over the long run, we will make an example out of you". And about 2 years immigrant ships started arriving on Americas shores loaded for bear with exiled socialist agitators.

It started to be a real problem and dissidence over the immigration of communists, catholics and kikes started to rise eventually culminating in the establishment of the Know Nothing Party which was so named because it was an anonymous group that met in secret with no member roster namefagging They eventually grew large enough to try to win elections, and they did, but… the fucking morons… the majority of the leaders that emerged once they went public were based kikes and they never really got anything accomplished, and then the civil war happened.

Democracy only works in an all white society with zero jews alive anywhere in the world.


Democracy is only feasible in an enthnostate to begin with, though it's certainly debatable as to just how desirable it would be even then. IQ tests are propably the best option, ideally we're going to sort things out to such a point that the cities are burned down and everyone will own their homestead, and military service isn't feasible these days unless their sole purpose is to sit around as a wellfare class as we wouldn't be playing around in the sand box anymore, and any real threat to our people would be handled with every weapon at our disposal up to and including NBC warfare.

save it!
1. If you find the thread suspect, report it

2. once consensus is reached report OP and people still bumping the thread

REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us.

This is our immune system and we have just developed an effective systemic response to the infection


Do you wish to be the King, user?

I'd say it's the CIA considering OP wants us to do rallies patterned after the utterly artificial Women's March and is trying to pitch it as an actual necessity, but you're right, it doesn't particularly matter


no I don't


trump made you feel like you'd 'won' when all he ever was is a stepping stone. good job electing another ziocuck and falling for his propaganda so hard you now have 'right wing' groups spouting reagan zombie conservitard bullshit

get fucked.



1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it aftrr
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us.

We have a great moderaton team but we have to have a standard in which lessens their work load
This is our immune system and we have just developed an effective systemic response to the infection


But you want to be part of the aristocracy.

This thread sucks. Those rallies do nothing, they're just for show. They only happen because the left has big money organizing these things, like Soros. They are paper tigers, they mean nothing.

I'll let user be a noble, if it means I don't have niggers and kikes in my country anymore.

Yes but they can fool people into believing they achieve something. That's what paper tigers are for.

Because they're ineffectual, draconian and might even make your cause less popular.

That's why Hitler had massive rallies right?

Rallies are a show of force. They say look at us. We out number you. If you want the women (The majority of the vote) you have to have rallies.

Women just jump on whatever is popular. We can manufacture it, just like the jews.

Use the meme of missing out on children because immigrants are crowding the place up.

I have a 130 IQ, vast amount of skillsets I taught myself, but most importantly - I'm smart enough to NOT want the crown

and to realize you're retarded

Rallies are good but they dont matter if they are controlled OP like what the alt kike is.

having dealt with enough niggers and knowing the JQ because I've been on Holla Forums since 2011 (limited experience prior before we even called it Holla Forums)

but I am truthful enough to admit I was once a liberal
if this forfeited me being in the meritocracy so be it

I know Trump completely outmaneuvering the democucks and baiting them into blowing their own foot off with a government shutdown has you rattled, but please Shareblue, try to maintain your composure

You can still come in I guess, but you can't vote/be a noble anymore. Join a RWDS or something and maybe you can earn it back.

No I just want to be a shit eating peasant my entire life. What the fuck do you think?

Read some Nietzsche. Anyone who wants a monarchy wants to be ruled by someone "CAPABLE OF RULING WITHOUT FUCKING IT UP."

This type of person is extremely rare.

Monarchists generally want some sort of meritocratic non-familial monarchy. Dispose of the king when he is no longer fit to rule.


Would you like to take that back?


Would you like to take that back?

There isn't any good reason to hold a right wing rally until a whole lot of things change.

lol look at the bot malfunctioning

So why would I take it back?

I think a dictatorship is generally the better way to handle it than an electoral monarchy of some kind. Ban all political parties, and only appoint successors from high level government or military ranks and you'd fix the worst problems we have now, well assuming the racial problems have been handled.

Because you're an idiot user. Anyone who talks about IQ is an smug, self-righteous idiot.
Your extinguishing from the gene pool will be a blessing to humanity.

Service guarantees citizenship, if you're White and of good moral character.

you're so cucked you won't even say JIDF anymore.
then again, JIDF would support Trump, so carry on.

reminder that america was founded by freemasons and up until 2016 Holla Forums was thoroughly anti-ZOG and therefore anti-american.

fuck right off, cadrecuck.


shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us

this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption

We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.

Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.



until you get a Robert Mugabe


The whole point is absolute accountability. If he can't hack it, swear the next guy in under his swinging corpse.


what a shitty meme

When the fuck has any alt-right identified as all that? You referring to his tags? Is that what those even mean or are you fabricating that as well?


Some.Anons who.can into graphix.should make a simple picture which includes this.text.

We then use the picture along with text as board wide standardized procedure

See but that last part has to be codified into law.

Otherwise the leader builds himself a small army of loyalists who will never see him purged.

We have IDs here, trumpnigger

Not only do you codify it into law. You pound it into the heads of new recruiting several times a year during mandatory militia training, so even when he has his bodyguards you'll outnumber them 5000 to 1 and already have the ideological justification to see them all hang with him.

Kampfy leave this up for a little while so as many people can see

shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.


And above all
the right to bear arms, shall not be infringed

Arms are the only way to keep the state in check.
Any populace dumb enough to hand over their weapons deserves their fate (see Britain)


I'm afraid you're out of your league here.

shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.

yeah, I know you cadreniggers bought the board during the election - complete with direct link ads to trump campaign's donation page.

fuck off ziocuck.


I understand that you are upset.
You're out of job btw.

I don't get paid to post here unlike cadrecucks and trumpniggers

i did it for free, JIDF. i did it all for free

Hi again, Shareblue. Still mad? That can't be good for your health.

It was fun while it lasted.
Bring greetings to your people upon return


shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.


Nah, predictable would be throwing around the the "trumpnigger", "ziocuck", and "le mods are bad" memes all while getting increasingly butthurt that I'm calling you Shareblue. That's actually as predictable as you could possibly get.


shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.




That's funny, I could've sworn I was actually just sitting here laughing at an increasingly frustrated member of the Shareblue jew crew


lol you support the most openly zionist president ever.

shareblues / ShillKILLER:
1. If you find the thread suspect with usual played out attack vectors sage, inspect and report it if your suspicion is confirmed
2. once wider consensus is reached report OP for the second time and the first user bumping it after
REASON: is always Shareblue
It doesn't matter which group it factually is, what matters is they are the most funded group paid to attack us
this is an
IS09001 certificate Holla Forums standard for disposing profesional hostile disruption
We have a great moderation team but we need to both lessen their work load and make it easier for them to do it.
Standardization ensures more efficient use of resources with minimalizing attack vector uptime.


We get false flagged

Because we work for a living.

Its funny. Ever since that one thread that pointed out the cuckface, I see it all over. Its like these faggots write up their own memes subconsciously.

They're rare because the state doesn't support their views so its more likely they get shut down, there is also a lot more division between right wing groups. This is another point, pigs are slaves to the system.

Also reminder rallies are pretty fucking pointless, its not gonna shift anyones opinion and we'd be better off training people or something.