Turkish invasion 2: kurdish boogaloo

Turkey has begun the operation Olive Branch in the Afrin region (the western kurd pocket between Latakia and Al-Bab, above Idlib)
Turkey aims to neutralise kurd militias.
No serious action yet taken against the western SDF areas (where the US is present) along the Euphrates.

Southfront article (no video yet)

Active map:

Russia warned Turkey it will condemn its actions at the UN SC

SDF militia statement

Other urls found in this thread:

fort-russ.com/2018/01/arab-group-defects-from-kurdish-led.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed: FortRuss (Fort Russ)&m=1


Good if true. But Endrogan is such a flip flopper it's hard to tell.

Hear me, i will say simple words - Never trust a turk.

This. That little fucker is getting on my last nereve.

Given kebab invaded first, is this a valid excuse for Russia and Syria to destroy their whole country without NATO involvement?


I feel like It was quite predictable.

here goes a 5min analyzes that pop out of my mind while being high:

Due to the fall of ISIS, the syrian republic was able to send more efficient attack on the FSA. In order for Ankara to secure it's ally(FSA) in the region it can't directly send missile to the syrian republic and must relly on the soldier of the FSA.

Since the FSA has already lost a huge amount of his personal( and Aleppo), man power is getting limited as oppose to the syrian republic who was able to recover some part of it. If turkey want his ally to succed, it has the obligation to directly confront the syrian republic. In order to bypass this possibility, destroying the weaker syrian republic ally(kurds in afrin) is the easiest path. Considering that most of the strongest syrian allies aren't to alarmist about that, the best outcome the FSA can get is a peace treaty + the afrin region. Another good outcome for the FSA can be a smoother north/south korea thing.

also, Assad is more worried about reconstructing aleppo more than anything. This will make sure that the capital has full support on him.

Tanks in 30

turkey and Russia are bros now. I'm sure Syria through rusia has oked the invasion and cleasning of the kurds. Russia can mediate peace talks if need be to make a show but I am pretty sure all powers are fine with killing the kurds.
International realpolitik sucks. The freedom fighter is always played for the sucker.

ofcourse not. thats just on paper (dejure). the US would probably jump at such an opportunity and go for a full scale invasion of syria and a witchunt against russia at the UN.

the whole thing reads like one of those tragedy sope operas that get so absurd its hilarious

pretty good short analasys.
also i dont know if youre saying "syrian republic" because its a french thing or not, but you should just call it "Syria". it implies that the damascus govt and the SAA are the only true legitimate representatives of syria, and it pisses off anyone from the FSA to the SDF

Completely off-topic but this is the first time I've seen a french guy on an imageboard. Why don't french into imageboards? You'd think with your love of japan and anime there would be hordes of french weebs on here.

actually no. turkey thinks that in all the mess they can get some free gibs. they know the US wont act against them because they dont want them to leave NATO, which is inturn exactly what russia wants and would love to have better relations with turkey (its still a very important geopolitical ally).
syria is again just mad to see other countries invading its land, and is pressuring russia to tell them to fuck off.
the kurds think they can ask both russia and the US for help but ironically none of the two want to go against turkey.
So the only ones that would help the kurds is the SAA, which would mean the kurds would have to give some land back

they got their own, because francosphere is pretty big. similar to how russia has its own facebook, google etc

Russia should have taken care of them long ago and the Balkans should have kicked out every turk living there already. Mistakes were made. Mistakes are still being made. History is almost entirely a book of them.

Apparently the YPG declined the proposal by RU and the syrian gov to cede some territory in return for protection from King Roach and his mercenaries.
How long can they realistically hold out against TFSA goons and the TAF(assuming the Turkish army itself does not enter the canton)?

the FSA tier militias no problem. Thats why turks are putting in thier airforce, artillery and specops

I think Trump realized it can't be repaid without stealing land. If Afrimerica goes down, nothing of value will be lost. Nuke mercilessly, BRIC.

well fug, if twatter is any indication turkish armor has already crossed into Afrin.

>Hindsight is 20/20 but fuck every single person who knew jews had been expelled several times and just added another mere eviction to the list.

quoted twice, fuck me too I guess

Nuke. Mercilessly. Please.

What is it, and how big is it? I've heard of krautchan, ylilauta, the russian 2ch, and some others, but never a french one.

wouldnt know. and i dont think its a chan type imageboard, it is probably something else

cockroach news stream

Azeri here, can partially translate. They were saying three rockets hit Turkey from Syria

lol, this gonna be a shitstorm

They said America didn't keep a single word to Turkey

I'm going to take note of that

I wrote frenchfag, but i'm kinda of a quebecer. But, we're flooded with french migrant and atleast 1/3 of the people I talk to are from france. I'm also a little bit of a weeb and know most of the relevant weebs that make sure anime survive here. I can give you an answer on that.

Just like: pointed
The francosphere is one big world and there's a common culture(France being the most influencial for obvious reason). Consider that alot of people in Québec will stream the general french election. Same goes for the maghreb.

should be true. France is the second largest weeb nation after japan. three major reason why they ain't here:
1.they can't speak english
2.why would you need a weeb forum when everyone in real life can talk about anime?
3. they don't watch anime like you do(no one own a waifu in france)
4.it's not just anime that the francosphere love, it's any kind of animation really(or comic)

Erdogan said they will "choke the terrorists before the can grow further"


Any kind of animation
Mein neger

Now they're discussing what weaponry the YPG have, shown on the screen

Kurd subhumans BTFO. Noice.

sober up degenerate scum

Great isn't it, Mehmet?

Sounds like a win-win scenario for Syria and friends to me OP

I want to see jews genociding each other.

I want to see you gone from my imageboard.

Thanks for responding.
This is kinda what I assumed. Even in Japan you can't openly admit to liking anime the way french do, it gives us a reason to go "underground" that you don't have to worry about.
Also makes sense. If you never have to take your interest in animation underground, you will never feel ostracized or develop more socially unacceptable interests.

What about right wing forums? Is there some kind of Holla Forums equivalent? I imagine in france and quebec it's hard to express far right opinions like most of the west.

Your english is better than the taconiggers here.

Better English than the spics living around me have.

you couldnt glow any brighter if you tried, nigger


Awesome. More refugees.

Wasn't there a part in the Rensburg prophecies about Turkey pissing off Russia & getting steamrolled "in a single night" or some shit?

An accurate, non kike first post.
Syria is all good with turkroaches taking kurdniggers out, so the air defence stuff is posturing to keep cianiggers out.

Actually this will allow Turkey to move refugees back to Syria in the captured areas

You keep pushing that afri meme, JIDF, and its fucking gay

So basically nothing will happen I guess. The best way to stop a roach infestation is extermination

It was a leftist journalist who made this statement IIRC, what Russia actually does at the UNSC remains to be seen

Turkey and Syria should just stop fighting and genocide the Kurds together. friends who kill together, stay together.

There is/was /1825/ here if I recall


i'm not aware of their existance
not really. Holla Forums culture to my perspective exist due to the lack of identity for the average american since corporate pop culture(if I can call it that way) doesn't bring anything constructive or unique but rather a sexualisation on 4 note music that sells.

There is people who go on Holla Forums in quebec, but it feels like a "right-wing globalist". Most debate they bring comes from modified american problem. In the case of france, it really don't exist. I think I've only seen one french guy who was actively aware of chan culture.

Nope, nope and nope.
Francosphere is quite expressive about anything. People are intense about everything. Protesting is a national sport for french people. Conservative, liberal or socialist, it ain't stop. Everyone writes about anything and everyone gets blackmailed, that's just tradition. The only time in france someone got persecuted by the gov. for one what said was Dieudonné M'bala M'bala (go in wikipedia, it's entretaining.)

In quebec, there's more of a "chill" attitude about everything. The far-right and far-left is smaller. There is as much far-left or far-right people as there are furries. Nationnalism isn't directly associated to far-right or racism here(thanks to the FLQ). far-right has no real purpose here since most migrant will eventually assimilate/integrate(except for these immigrant: anglo-canadian and pajeet)…we still protest far more than anyone in north america.

no worry, there is. more than you think.

anyway, time to sleep

Good. Fuck those muslim sand niggers.

America will save syria from Religion of Cuck™!

Hey, lads. My company has a shipment for this region. It's a completed shipment of manufacturing inspection equipment. High speed image inspection for mass beverage production. It's paid for by a European bottling company. I think this stuff with the Turks might be blowing it for these European investors I mentioned.

Wait, Turkey is invading Syria? Quick rundown, please.

Stupid Kurds
Kurd kebab for 50 TL!!

kurds are jew money recipients right now, funny enough, I think that this action will actually stabilize the region more. With one less pocket of insurgents being able to get jew money there. Since the Turk king got saved by the russians in the coup he has been on a warpath against the jew more or less. Still a flip flopper, but at least hes not a kike. I hope he sticks on this path this time. So he got my blessing.

is about it, so what he is doing is a fairly good thing. More stable region = bigger chance of jews getting murdered in the ME

Isn't this kinda like a declaration of war from turkey towards syria? I doubt that syria will be fine with turkey taking syrian clay.

Can any mudshit tell me who is currently winning?

The jew

What fucking kind of braindead newfag are you, read the fucking thread
Syria and Russia basically said the Kurds deserve what they get after they were offered protection from a Turkish invasion if the submitted to the SAA and territory was managed by the Syrian government, they rejected and they brought what is coming to them.


They can't into English.

This is what the northern syria "safe zone" is all about, also they kill the eternal kurd jew puppet and america gets BTFO, fuck are the turks unironically /our guys/?

Please Turkey do one thing right, I beg of you. Cleanse these fucking savages from Syria.

There are a lot of crypto-francophones around. You might be unaware because it never comes up. That said, there are multiple /fr/ threads in the catalog right now. Perhaps you're just new or inattentive
t. pic related
sage for off-topic

Do you guys think Russia is still mad at Turkey for shooting down one of their fighters?

is erdogan an innocent victim who did nothing wrong?

I don't know they did have a call after vladdy himself hackt that drone attack, and that coup attempt against the Turkroach was glowing on all sides.

no, they sold them a batch of S400s a year ago. russia is trying to lure turkey away from the US.

no, hes just an opportunist who happens to be the roach king

are you denying the US is cucked beyong saving?

thanks america.

>>>Holla Forums

Really activates the almonds.

Babby's first (((redpill))) innit.

you're actually retarded.

>the western media isnt hyping the masses to support (((wars))) in the middle east

one turk dead, several injured from a missile attack launched from Syria by the kurds.
turks are getting RAIDed.

post sauce

>>the western media isnt hyping the masses to support (((wars))) in the middle east
Where were you in the last 5 years leftyshit?
The Western media are basically licking muslim feet.


fort-russ.com/2018/01/arab-group-defects-from-kurdish-led.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed: FortRuss (Fort Russ)&m=1


i was watching the US attack syria and circlejerk in iraq and afganistan

if you burgers have schizophrenic media dont blame me, blame yourself for not doing shit about it.


i dont see any penetration or serious damage. they must have used some old ATGM. Leopard 2s have the same armor and gun as abrams so theyd need a kornet or something to kill that

also pic related, turk MoD releases infograph on kurd gear

Can confirm. Friends with a Parisian Nazi and he only read Holla Forums

If anyone is wondering whatever any turkish documents they see are saying quote this post and I will translate them for you.

Well I guess having a turk mod is good for something.

Rolling for permanent kebab removal. May Kek rain hell on them.

little to no gains made by the turks and their proxies.
i'm calling this an autistic screeching operation against the americans.




this is the first phase to soften the kurd defenses with air and artiellery strikes and to make the US think twice about giving turkey what it wants.

non ironically I would say: Good luck turkish people, remove those fucking CIA/jew loving faggots from this planet.



Nobody younger than 40 watches that shit anyway. They take their money from interest groups that want them to push an agenda. Basically if you have millions of dollars to waste you can make them say just about anything. They went from kike owned to kike whores.

Was Obama the biggest fuckup with staffing and policy? Bush may have bankrupted the country with titanium and jew warring but he made a bunch of people rich, bingobangobongo's goons were upstaged by Putin's staff in to solving any foreign policy. He doesn't even know what Article 6 fucking is.

Kurd feminists from Holla Forums or turkroaches. Don't know who I want to be killed more.

The debt dannot be paid, period. If you knew anything about the FED and how debt-slavery works, you would know that.

It doesn't need to be paid. It's mostly artificial just numbers in a computer with no relevance to reality. Can be written off the govt can just write a check and literally buy all that debt back from the fed at cost and then cancel all interest. They don't because Jewish bankers control the world.


How do you know roachgrunts?


What will the Pope say about this intervention against the Kurds? He will meet Erdogan at the Vatican on February 5.

The usual peace and love dialogue which everyone will ignore.

Kike debt is indeed just a "construct". If kikes don't have the force to collect debt, what will they do about it? Kike debt was never meant to be paid back, it's a ploy of control through deception and they will try to keep that running as long as they can, until we stop it by force. Anything else was never an option.

I read that the Turks will turn their attention to Manbij after the completion of the olive branch operation.

Ironically I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss have pretty much the healthiest perception of nationalism, one based on culture and genetics instead of ever (((divisive))) and to an extent superficial ethnic labels between sister homoglossous nations like Croatians vs Serbians, Russians vs Ukrainians, Greeks vs Cypriots, Bulgarians vs Fyromians etc.

Kikes have managed to demonize the concept of nationalism due to historical petty localist conflicts and powermongering and propagandize that all conflict is bad thanks to the populous tiredness of brother vs brother onslaught.

Extra irony due to context of the post.


Is it time to retake Constantinople?

By force of the Russian military? да.
I'm less concerned about Russian doings and more concerned about helping the Afrikaners and Boers in their time of need though.

The Ottomans are back?



Typical coal burner.

Holla Forums Kurdish subhuman communist scum BTFO by Turkroaches. Like pottery.
Long live al-Assad!

we use the term FSA as a label for all the terrorists that arent either IS or Kurd militias.
and we use it because we dont want to call said terrorists "rebels", and the term "terrorist" is too broad in this war

not aslong youre doing (((their))) bidding, no

thats just plain wrong.

a deafult would collapse the economy in the US and the world. the US would go to the stone age while china and russia with their gold backed currency take over the global economy and market like picking up a nickle

i know right. anyone got the list of all the word filters on here?

no, someone just thinks he can LARP like them

Trump needs to BTFO both of these Mudslime shitholes


Tell us more, Mossad.

They have 20 German Dingos from 2014 that are not listed.


There is some truth to the idea that kike debt is intangible. It's largely part of the "service based economy" scheme where they force the general population to pay outrageous amounts for Healthcare both in insurance premiums and on the way out of the hospital. Also included are bizzaro "service fees" tacked on to online transactions. Unlike debt on a home or care, you can't repossess a service. It is far easier to pull "fees" out of your ass and force people to pay them than manufacture a durable good.

Leftypol is JIDF's largest victim.

none of that disproves the image. the US and its media is still just a ZOG tool

Using acronyms should be banned in this site

They are actually fucking doing it?

Wow. WOW.

why? because youre too stupid to know what they mean and too lazy to find out?

They also have countless G3s, Mg3s, PzF3s that are all not listed. Oh, and an officer corps trained in Germany, lmao



Do keep in mind that it is currently just artilery and airstrikes clearing shit and the forces walking in to keep the kurds from coming back in.
There are no active ground engagements at this point.

The debt as it was in 2000, right before th Bush tax cuts, was payable. Never cut taxes, never go to Iraq, never expand Medicare/Medicaid, and it would have been payable. But thanks to Obama and Bush working together, its unfucking doable, the interest is too fucking high now.

I don't see a problem here actually. This is just fine.

Wonder why they used a finnish BTR 60 in that image.

almost all the pictures are sample images.

Which would mean war with Turkey, something I don't think the Syrians probably aren't willing to do unless absolutely necessary. Kurds are a problem for everyone in some way, I suspect Syria and Russia will use political pressure to ensure Turkey's kurd removal is controlled. Turkey will enjoy this window of time to curb Syrian kurds from being able to bolster kurds in Turkey.

not neccessarily. turkey would be forced to back down in face of syrian, russian and UN demands, as the area they would be invading would be controlled by the legitimate soveregein goverment of syria, not a rouge non-state actor that they classify a s a terrorist organisation. Thats why SAA bufferzones worked around al-bab.
Its also why the kurds are given a "join us or die" offer by damascus

I would agree if the kurds took the agreement before Turkey decided to start taking more ground. There will definitely be pressure from Syria and Russia to keep Turkey in check, but stepping in militarily to help kurds actively fighting Turkey just doesn't sound like it's worth the mess. It will probably be easier to reclaim that land from Turkey than the kurds.

Reclaim politically, not militarily.

The debt cannot be paid, because the currency (dollar) is MADE by the banks you pay the debt to. When the country has 1 trillion dollars, for example, that 1 trillion in currency already has been made WITH interest. So every time you phisically make currency, you also create the same ammount of debt PLUS interest.
When a country like USA has, let's say, a million dollars, it gets this million dollars from a bank plus interest. When it has 2 million dollars, it has a 2 million debt plus interest. It cannot be paid because the currency itself already is "in debt". That's why it's always going up. When you have unfeasible ammounts of money, when you cut on everything, you CANNOT PAY THE DEBT, because the currency is based on the value of debt.
Doing what said, however, is the only thing that will work. Or just getting rid of all the bankers and starting from scratch I.E a land, or work-based currency - like NS Germany did. It's even in the very name - DEBT-BASED CURRENCY. That's why it's called debt-slavery, that's why we need to gas the kikes, that's why 2nd WW was fought. Sorry for the autism, but it bothers me greatly how anyone on Holla Forums doesn't have the basic knowledge of how the kikes and other bankers control us.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

Get a load of this brainlet.

Having low IQ should also be banable.

Seriously can't tell if these are joking or not.

Votre anglais n'est mal pas.

You know you can call them by the name they use right?

I've been wondering if they invaded because the US govt is shutdown

Would explain the dems changing their mind

theres more groups than nusra front. and we call nusra front alqeada to poke fun of america that "fought" them in iraq but funded them across the border

This is true for a few groups and has to do with arming and funding and US and Mossad involvement both. They also shared information, supposedly, with both Assad and various other groups.

WHY the powers that be want to keep the death going endlessly is hard to say, because it's not accomplished anything strategically in addition to being evil. It's the deep state of the US assisting Israel to hike body count in a region endlessly. It's insane.

aslong as theres war in syria and theres a faction openly fighting against Assad the US has some form of ligitimacy for occupying syria, same goes for turkey. When the FSA will be gone and the SAA will be restructured and repositioned things will heat up with the SDF. Untill then the SAA cant afford a war on two fronts

theres a lot of french on imageboards. you can damn near always tell when they are typing english because for some reason (probably has a lot to do with apostrophes, elisions and other symbols, being a major part of the language), they ALWAYS put a space after the sentence, before a question mark. that is unless they are trying to hide it (which they DO on here).

back when i was a cuckchanner i used to hang on /int/ a lot. the /fr/ancophile thread was always one of the biggest of the general threads. i think a lot of them are somewhat embarrassed at their english (unnecessarily so imo, normally its simply some spelling mistakes and grammer fuckups) and tend to keep to other french speakers on the web.

(very cool digits user)
by the way, you say you are a quebecois? if you are still in this thread, i have some questions for you.

first off, you say that there has been a massive influx of french immigrants fleeing their country for quebec. do you believe that this is a result of the refugees being flooded into every corner of france? personally i wish they would just take their own country back. buts its good to hear that many of them have escaped further brutality at the hands of the migrant hordes.

secondly, if you get enough (ethnically) french immigrants, do you think that this will tip the balance in your favor for a vote to secede from canada? i know in the 90s it was a huge thing. i remember people were burning canadian flags when i was there last. will this new influx of recently redpilled french allow for you guys to break free from the tyrannical rule of faggot trudeau? or can they not vote (being recent immigrants themselves) on such reform?

also, your english aint so bad, bud. dont be embarrassed about it. we all gotta start somewhere. you should hear my fucking french. c'est tres terrible tabarnak

cut him some slack. its the middle of january in fucking quebec. there is like 8 hours of daylight a day, and its fucking BITCHING cold up there until like april.

Ejga modela :D

scev obveščevavc ajga


what the fuck, I hate kek now.

Took you long enough.



The kekistani shit would be less cringy if it was a psyop


Top Kek

It absolutely is a psyop though. The Sargon/'skeptic' crowd intentionally started the Kekistan shit to associate Kek with cringey redditfags, in order to 'take back' Pepe from the 'Alt Right'

user, you've never seen/heard of bla bla /1825/ ans before?

I sincerely hope the turks get their arses kicked.

What's her LoveMe profile number?

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"


top kek

>(((america))) dindunuffin

So exactly what are T*rks accomplishing? Are they there to stay or are they just fighting through the hordes of "moderate rebels" just to get to Turdistan and forcibly remove more semite muslims before they infect their country the same way they've done with Germany?

Y'know, this Palestinian situation has always left me wondering: it's a known fact that military and technologically the (((US-Coalition))) is much stronger, but right now the population gap between Israel and Palestine is immense. What's stopping Palestinian to illegally cross the borders and reach the inner cities just to STAY there rather than fight? I realize that if the wall was torn down, the Israelites would be basically flooded by the rest of the region, but what's stopping Palestinians from taking the long way around the various obstacles?

see 1st post

because in israel they would literally be treated as 2nd class citizens and would immediatly be deported.
in case you didnt know israel deports palestinians to gaza and the west bank. most of the palestinians in israel are there illegaly

And don't forget the kikes are pushing for war by gassing women and children, blaming Assad, and getting the (((US))) to blame Russia.
Trump can settle this with a phone call to Putin, lets hope he does. Once they share notes on Israeli movement it will become pretty obvious what is going on yet again.


Bullets imbued with dubs no less.

I thought you were supposed to execute them first so they don't continue their heretical existence after you denounce them.


>>needing to get high
Just starve yourself and get no sleep my dude. I once stayed up for 90 hours eating nothing straight and saw some weird shit.

Lurk moar you civnat scum. These "modified american problems" will soon be yours when your country becomes another 56% shithole.

Didn't actually see this before now, but it looks like they are going for Manbij too.
It is really expected, they have formerly stated this. That the Kurds should withdraw to the other side of euphrates. Which also makes this shit in line with fucking greater israel plans….

Well blimey, guess what third world shithole this brawl occurred in.



Should show this to that lefty Kraut who interviewed Spencer and insisted they were all well integrated. He'd relativize it somewhow, I'm sure.