A new poster campaign is underway called #MyBordersMyChoice that twists feminist slogans into nationalism. Here is the game plan:

1. Posters go up THIS SUNDAY NIGHT (Jan 21) on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster from the main website: voat.co/v/mybordersmychoice/2342909




The campaign has tons of momentum & has been promoted by many big names:

LA Werewolf


It is entirely realistic now to expect many hundreds, if not thousands of people to be outside tomorrow night putting up posters across the West. If we can keep the message and the reminders on full broadcast for the next 48 hours on every right wing corner of the internet, we may be able to mobilize tens of thousands of participants. Any assistance with promotion is greatly appreciated, you are doing God's work:

>reddit: the official account u/MyBordersMyChoice has been shadowbanned on The_Donald and several other subreddits after successful promotion efforts showed up on someone's radar: reminders on reddit are greatly appreciated, >especially The_Donald who is eagerly ready to participate and has had MBMC on their front page 4 times already, stickied by mods once. Here is a reddit copy pasta for quick & easy posting: pastebin.com/cwjghDjB

Support greatly appreciated, Godspeed brothers!

Other urls found in this thread:


oh and David Duke tweeted the hashtag over some girl's ass


Sticky Request please mods

If we can keep the message and the reminders on full broadcast for the next 48 hours on every right wing corner of the internet, we may be able to mobilize tens of thousands of participants


don't like it don't participate
don't get in the way

Bump, seems like a nice idea. Akin to IOTBW, very innocent in nature, and people who argue it are obviously showing their true colors.

Newsweek.com has smeared all campaign participants as "Nazis" and astonishingly, linked to the antifa terrorist website itsgoingdown.org as their source


made an infographic

Kill yourself with that shit.

It’s physically and neurologically impossible for a jew to create something of its own, isn’t it? Just like Satan can only pervert, not create, the jew takes “It’s Happening!” and simply changes the words to be synonyms, repackaging it for leftist puppets.

.02 cents faggot
get lost

How do I do this without getting in trouble?

it's a harmless poster, with a childish cartoon on it, that has no swearing, no racism, no slurs, no obscenity, no threats (even though it carries an anti-immigration message)

and many hundreds, maybe thousands will be participating, "investigating" each poster for a non-crime is logistically impossible, and retarded to begin with

opsec is good but don't scare yourself out of participating

just print them with cash somewhere and don't show them in an SJW's face on the way out, carry them in a bag

Learn how to read, you filthy yid.

Only post them in the US, since it’s illegal in all other countries.


any non color versions?

absolutely, the main website has grayscale PDFs for all countries:


all posters in color & grayscale for all countries & translations available here:


Did nobody suggest a black hand or what the christ

yeah, leftypol did to sabotage the campaign so the message wouldn't spread or shift the overton window at all

check it out in their sabotage threads:

only use the official versions from the website in order to avoid shills from sabotaging this op:

Explain how using a black hand would sabotage the campaign and not shift the overton window.

Because then the left can shift the message from "a preference for your own" to "a hate for others". It basically lets them deflect the core of the message (a country has the right to preserve its identity) into instead being perceived as "fuck minorities because they're brown".

Ok, but it's not going to help. You're still going to get called ebil raycissts however nicely you package the message because you're against immigration. Why not double down?

To prove a point they're for open borders.
IOTBW was to prove they hate whites.

Because of the conversion margin. If 40% already agree with us, and 40% will call us ebil racists by default, then the 20% in the middle is where elections are decided, policies are formed, and cultural consensus rolls one way or the other.

PR actually is important. It got a bad rap in the GG days because it translated to 'cuck out' in a lot of cases.

Ok. Well answered. I like this idea, will see what I can do to help.


Remove the Holla Forums mod

Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?


Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

White Nationalists are the cause of "White Genocide".

Except we’re fine with whites moving around in white nations but not fine with nonwhites moving to white nations. It’s literally the entire fucking point.

This is about securing our borders against invaders, user. Wait until we've got the fire out before worrying about redecorating.

kys torfag

Alright I got two places in mind I'm planning on hitting up: The local community college and a mosque. The CC should be the easiest. The mosque however might be harder since its on a main road and I'm worried about getting caught. Which will cause more rage?

My idea will be to go out when its dark and put them up quickly, then get out.

Don't worry at all. Listen faggot, you are going out to to your DUTY as a free man. If any pos immigrants try to stop you, show them what happens to invaders, knock the fuck out of them if they try to assault you. Same goes for cucks. You think they would let some white man tell them what to do in their homeland!? They'd fucking cut your head off and no one would bat an eye, and you are worried about putting up a fucking flyer in your home town!

I'm not worried, I just need to make sure I plan this out well enough that shit doesn't hit the fan. The CC like I said is easy enough. Also there's two mosques near by, so I might hit both of them up. If I somehow make the news in New Jersey, you'll know it was me


nearly 2 fucking months for an 'operation'
you faggots will never be Holla Forums, even if our mongrel mods tolerate you.
you fucking faggots won't even name the jew in private, no wonder reddit and the alt-lite e-celebs love you

ps: and it ain't just imkikey


Name the jew or get out.

any more fear you want to put on display for us?

I recall the first thread or two they had, back at the beginning of December, ffs. There is maybe one in their group who even incidentally will say anything bad about jews. The others claim anyone saying that are trying to bring their movement or whatever bad PR. On what used to be fucking h8chan, the dregs of the internet.

It's like how 'sharejews' became 'shariablues'. Censor yourself, goyim.

you still don't have any arguments either, just insinuate everyone is a shill.
IOKTBW was meh, but after pointing out weaknesses of the idea and being called a shill by you discord fags, I dropped it because it at least had potential. This doesn't, and your topdown control ruined it of anything it could have had. Besides the folly of not striking while the iron is hot.

I'll be laughing my ass off if this is like those postering campaigns intended to coincide with an alt-right thing like they tried for dicky or kike enoch.

stop spreading defeatism and being a massive faggot
either participate, or leave
stand in the way and you will be rightfully called out as a shill and told to fuck off

and I could tell you to stop spreading retarded alt-lite/4cuck/discord PR faggotry, but you never listen
I'm not remotely standing in the way, you faggots will spam your repeated messages regardless of what I say. What I'm saying, is that you don't belong here well you do on WINNING! q-larping sunshine nu/pol/

ackshually, you people are shills by the definition of the word

I still dare you to name the jew, like I did OVER A FUCKING MONTH AGO. C'mon, there are swastikas on the page you are posting on. Everytime you don't, and everytime the mods allow your nonsense, it further proves your cancerousness and the current state of this board.

That's a C.I.A. agent:

There's that Rachel Maddow poster again:

Name the jew or get out.


Some suggestions on which sabotaged, or less effective versions and elements to avoid using if possible. The hashtag translation size and lightness is probably the only part still politely contested and it looks OK in the smaller size but still black version too in my opinion.

You can put posters into the books/stacks in the school library(think feminist study/literature) discreet and easy. Imagine the triggering

forgot to add

hey, how does the discord look? I'll keep promoting it with MBMC general all through today

Fuck off back to reddit.

.02 cents faggot
fuck off

You already have a thread that isn't close to full yet. Also you might want to change your post depending on where you are shilling. A bunch of namefags supporting this and it hitting the front of reddit a few times before anything even happens is lees likely to make anons want to follow like some sort of sheep. No one cares what a bunch of namefags and jews like Tara "4th generation holohoax survivor" McCarthy have to say

Sorry, I am somewhat new to 8ch and also wanted to update the info in the OP so it has the correct website

what about this?


optics matter, kill yourself, nobody will miss you, especially your parents

none of /ourguys/ are dumb enough not to understand this, the only ones pushing to ruin optics are shills doing it deliberately

This is a very instructive lesson here.
Any time the left has any success with a meme or campaign slogan, we should immediately hijack it like this.
It is funny, gets the message across well and the potential salt is biblical in proportion.
Whichever user thought this up, you will be canonized and have a feast day named in your honor.

thank you user, but I cannot accept such praise until the operation is actually successful - and even then, it was a mass movement of tens of thousands, I merely lit the spark and provided the ammo

You are maybe. I don't want Spaniards in my country. Brits constantly bitch about Poles along with shitskins. Even within a country. Southerners hate northerners in the US.
Just because we want no more brother's wars doesn't mean we all have to tolera rootless faggots moving from country to country for "economic opportunoty"


Global report. Commit suicide.

report all you want faggot you won't stop these posters from going up
stay scared

stay scared


Then lurk moar faggot
In the last thread you were caught posting the stuff to Holla Forums and the antifa reddit yourself. YOu are gathering a bunch of hype and trying to make sure there is going to be some sort of conflict that happens which would leave a trail back here. On Voat for instance you are claiming that this is being organized and has the full backing of this site
This is what I mean, something doesn't smell right. Anyone pointing things out gets called a shill or dismissed, and you pretend to be from here when you are an obvious outsider. IOTBW had a point, get the media to report on it which will expose their anti White hatred, this one does what, exposes that the liberals are open borders? Everyone already knows this, the maximum effect of this "operation" has already been reached, and it does nothing to redpill anyone new.


it states that citizens own the public land in their countries, and therefore have a RIGHT (a basic property right) to deny anyone else entry, without having to justify it - just like you can deny someone entry to other property you own like your home or your body

it is already exposing the fact that liberals believe we DON'T own our countries, and that property rights are evil - exposing their insanity, discrediting the left, discrediting the media

Kill yourself, honeypot.

no, there will be no conflict:

how will they know WHEN you will be going out? and WHERE? all they know is "on campuses and public spaces" (really narrows it down huh?) and "some time roughly around Jan 21 at night" (7pm? 11pm? 2 am? 6:30 am the next morning before classes?)

and we outnumber them more than 100 to 1, immense promotional work went into this, they've only just begun reacting, they absolutely will not be able to mobilize even a fraction of our numbers

the hashtag alone is already going to let people trace it back to every corner of the internet (here, half chan, reddit, voat, facebook, youtube, pinterest, Instagram, tumblr, etc etc)
if you were always that concerned with someone doing a search and finding something, you would never be able to operate or do anything

never said that MBMC has "the full backing of 8ch", I only requested people to promote it on various places including 8ch

Yeah, you sure paid a lot for it.
By which you mean “did it immediately after the first thread months ago.”
Keep deluding yourself.
Great, more newfags.

This does nothing to discredit them more than they already are doing themselves. Not everyone knew about how they have an anti White agenda, everyone knows about them wanting open borders. Besides the hand being White is worse optics than it being brown. It paints the Whites as the bad guys, and will be called racist either way. There is also no reason for an operation to take several months, and this much shilling. When you tell a liberal "my borders my choice" they will respond with saying it is their choice to open the borders then, just like my body my choice sluts open their legs

then why are they so fucking scared?
it's an empty outline, it has no skin

okay: say one POSITIVE thing about the campaign, you must be able to think of one


Why? Holla Forums is not your personal army. You come here not only asking anons to do your work for you, but you demand your ego to be stroked

Because you’re making it up, you fucking kike.
On white paper. So it’s white. Make the hand brown, you subversive kike.

and that's how I know you're a shill. You can't say one positive thing about a viral poster campaign with a border control, anti - immigration message that is reaching normies

you say NYPA as if this is a personal cause, when in fact it's about protecting the lives of almost a billion people, and nobody is making any profit off of it

fuck off and kill yourself antifa faggot

Every argument you present is you just calling anons shills, while admitting to sending people to Holla Forums from places like reddit to shill your campaign. The entire thing is an incredibly forced meme
No one mentioned anything of the sort, but now you are making it seem like you have some merchandise lined up and ready to go afterwards

Bump, get out there tonight anons

thanks, half chan is going nuts which is good, still trying to get a reminder to the top of Voat & T_D

some big names might tweet out reminders any time today, hoping to recruit their audiences



This isn't the time to name to jew numbnuts. That comes later, once our people have warmed up to the idea of actually having a border.

Isn't it the same group of e-celeb faggots that tried to take credit for IOKTBW?

It seems to be relatively harmless and there's guaranteed shill salt over this. Let's see what happens.

Yes it is. OP of this thread posted in the other thread, and on all social media platforms that he started IOTBW

Twitter suddenly stopped censoring the hashtag
now it's fucking exploding on Twitter

look what hashtag it's currently ahead of


This is aimed at normies. We are doing the slow boil in reverse. You can't crank the heat up to 6 million degrees right at the start, you take gradual steps which end in something that didn't happen but should have. Can't believe I have to explain this.

thanks user, you get it


someone has started shopping MBMC onto women's march pics and tweeting them out

Way to completely ignore anons point. OP will not name the jew under any circumstances, even if it means it would prove he is not a complete faggot OP is still an admitted shill under any circumstances though, he has admitted to sending reddit here to shill

oh fuck, unlimited salt works incoming

the timing of this is fucking unreal:

and this wasn't even planned, it just turned out this way because Jan 21 is the earliest Sunday night when most US students are back from holidays & sunday night is good for putting up posters because it's quiet & minimal time before Monday morning

The purpose is to never give them anything "real" to kvetch about. The moment OP names the jew just to give an anonymous stranger enough of a power trip to blow his load is the moment the news links this to "real" antisemitism. The whole fucking purpose is to expose the media as cocksucking liars. Are you stupid or just jewish?

he's gone berserk, he's following me on voat too and probably other platforms, spamming his BS under every post I make

Just ignore, eventually some new shiny bauble will attract his autism and this project is too big now for this chosen man to do anything about.

photoshopped pictures should have nigger hands

probably for the best, although it might be good just to reply with something so other people who see it don't get the wrong impression
not sure if he's a dimwit, or a shill purposefully trying to sabotage, or even a malicious journalist trying to get a "damning quote"

someone who is followed by Marine Le Pen on twitter just tweeted out the meme:


1. Reported for admitting to not being from here.
Kill self now.

So no, you admit to being a jewish paid shill.


to be fair you should stop posting twitter stuff here, the tweets might get deleted

They’ll be deleted anyway; it’s fine.


Kek mit uns.

This is an anonymous slav squatting aficionado forum, OP showing he is not a faggot doesn't tie back to him specifically unless he is openly admitting to being a namefag. If OP is completely bluepilled and asking anons to be a personal army, then OP needs to fellate a shotgun
Like the one OP has been on when he spams every place he can claiming that every other group is on board with this in order to peer pressure them into seeing him as some sort of leader. If you can't handle any criticism, or take redpills then you don't belong on Holla Forums
The MSM is openly open borders, this exposes nothing

kk sorry
I admit I'm new to 8ch - is there a way to delete my post?


what about reporting it? or would that get me banned


To be fair, I have been outing this faggot on Voat. He thinks his account is “official.” It’s adorable.

just forget about it

wtf is going on now
anyone else getting this?
Twitter went from suddenly un-shadow banning the hashtag, to banning it completely
anyone else get zero results when they search it?


it's shadowbanned by twitter


too little too late
hordes of anons already have piles of printed posters ready to go

German user ready to go


Jerseyfag here, good shit mein neger. I'll be putting up these flyers at one of the most SJW campuses at my former CC. I wish you the best user.



8 images, here are the first 4. all from the discord crew

someones printer fucked up but the message is still clear

that doesn't even make sense, that's worse than kekistani shit

reported for being a LITERAL shill

Anyone have the source for that "She Had Dreams Too" poster? I can't find it anywhere.

yeah, that steinle one had infinitely more potential at waking up whites

lol, you used to say that about me when this borders op was first spread here, just because I tried to get you to name the jew. not everyone who calls you a faggot is the same person

once again, there are fucking swastikas on this page. but everytime you sperg like a redditor about pr, more people can see how fake and gay you are

one of these is the redbubble sticker autopic

The German ones will net you prison time, so be careful putting them up, you fucking shills.

Name the jew, yid. You’ll be reported otherwise.

mods condone this faggotry though, you gotta find something they may not check more history for to report

I plan on heading out sometime in the next few hours to put up flyers. I'm in South Jersey. Will provide timestamps

godspeed user

Which CC?

The piece is not a all-in-one tool, or a screed that encapsulates Holla Forums's entire world view. It's just about perfect the way it is. I would however use the full color-saturation versions when ink cost or print speeds are not issues.

Sticky Request Please Mods

this op is going to be big

here's the ukrainian one btw

You got your sticky two fucking months ago you when first spammed this shit here. How about you explain why you set the “do” date so far ahead in time, hmm? Particularly when we’re seeing a government shutdown right now.


The lead time seems about ideal for maximum world wide participation. It would be interesting to hear your reasoning If you disagree.

Pics related comparing light vs full colors.

the PNGs were left with brighter colors, but the PDFs were toned down a bit to save ink, and it shows the face better too

Thank you, user. Great work.

Reply to this post with your blogs on how it went and how many you put up

Did my part. Also yes I did hit the mosque up. Sadly i had to make my move quickly so I couldn't snap a pic

One more. Also put one in front of the student lounge area.

Then start your own op. Find the poster or make better ones, pick a day and start promoting it

not everything is about you, it's not a zero sum thing where every comment must suck your dick.

Piss off newfag. You obviously don't understand about IDs or you'd know I am not the same person you were talking to.

So you're basically telling us even after someone came up with a good idea for you, you still could deliver? No excuses, faggot. Bump.

Is it too early to post them around at 10/11? I don't want to be up too late but I also don't want them taken down by students

God speed anons


What are you smoking.

Kill yourself, it's the only way to be sure.

You can do that when representing yourself, since the message itself is not attached to any one person or group. You can even complain about the poster not representing you because it's not specifically anti-shitskin enough; in fact I encourage that, it only helps distinguish the message from us.

The campaign is good the way it is, but naming the jew is a duty we must all perform, whether in secret or overtly at all times.

big dump coming from the discord

oops sorry double posted ones from here.



I would just recommend not to take pictures of where you post them. After all, that gives people knowledge of where they are in order to remove them. Leave the taking the pictures part to the faggots who find them and cry out in distress upon seeing them (or, release the pictures after tomorrow so that they aren't immediately removed before they're seen).

normies aren't aware of us. Just watch Twitter when people start crying

Bump. Heard about this on halfchan and just finished doing my part, don't forget to do your parts Anons, together we can make this big.

I luv you frend.

Dump. Look closer at the first image.



why not write her name under her picture? the only normies that would know about her are T_D and they only constitute a very tiny percentage of normies.

y-you too fren

Hey guys, DACA and the wall are part of the Jewish plan to drive to divide and conquer. The Jews want to drive a wedge between whites and Mexicans, don't fall for it. Concede DACA, it's such an insignificant amount of people. Trump's Jewish owners (Stephen Miller on immigration) may be bluffing but if not it'll be a PR nightmare. you'll get an enormous amount of hate and perma enemies for next to nothing. The army corps of engineers has been planning a wall for years. They know climate change make the equatorial regions to hot to grow enough food to support everyone. If i knew how to post webm's i'd prove it. Remember Dr Stephen Steinlight, Dr Pierce did a video on his immigration paper and he discussed the plan to D&C the Goy. It's still available, you should read it. Here's a quote I found interesting " It was recently reported in the Tennessean that Buchanan's Reform Party has, unsurprisingly enough, made all-out anti-immigration a central plank of its platform, calling for a 10-year moratorium on all immigration. It must be admitted that this attitude clearly resonates with a majority of Americans. Every time representative samples of Americans are presented this option on opinion surveys of all sorts they support it." Today Dr Steinlight is labeled as a white supremacist by the SPLC and giving over the top anti Mexican immigration speeches. Don't be a fool and follow that lead. It's way to late for a white ethnostate, enter an alliance with the Mexicans to halt black and Muslim immigration, avoid cruel deportations of mexicans. Here's a link to a shitload of the latest charts and graphs on immigration. Fact 1.8 Million Immigrants Likely Arrived in 2016, Matching Highest Level in U.S. History, that's about 4500 a day.

nice usage of practically all Holla Forums triggerwords and memes within a single body of text ya spic.

Will be doing mine tomorrow night. Can't get access to a printer until then.

Think this thread can get pinned?


I originally thought the exact same thing but settled for these. A quick search of "she had dreams too" brings up news articles pertaining to the Kate Steinle posters. Should have no problem getting out.

This shit is lame.
IOTBW was better, and you should have stuck with that and gone with the "White People Are Great" idea.

Cuckchanners are already warning about the possibility of participants getting (((doxxed))).

Doxxed? Anyone really afraid to tell their boss that they put this poster up? My boss (a woman), and owner (a woman) would probably put one up in our office

Pic very related lads. Didn't get to do as much as I wanted because campus security was out and about do to some recent drama, but I nailed one of the biggest and best JC's in the SF Bay Area. Here's hoping it causes some triggering and salt!

>not knowing the (((cuckchanners))) will be the ones doing the doxxing
>not knowing (((who))) runs cuckchan anymore

Good job. This is fucking fun. Like laying a snare and waiting for something to take the bait. The after math should be fun.

Also lump in leftycucks and goons working for SJW organizations there.

>>>not knowing (((who))) runs cuckchan anymore

Looks a lot better now. Dickbags

Did your wife give you permission to be up this late?

lol, we'll just post more on top.

Yes I like that you're highlighting black violence. Someone needs to put up posters of blacks attacking latinos too. It's our border but not our choice. We need to win some elections. They have the women and men divided as the march will demonstrate and all they need is the whites and latinos divided and we'll never win an election. Drop the Nazi stuff. Make posters that drive a wedge between blacks and latinos. We need to win elections without corporate donations. The R and D party will never deliver for this reason. We need to let people know we'll lead in good faith. Oh and while the MSM and trump had everyone focused on shithole Haiti. Here's the black country they don't want you to know about. jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20180108/38-murders-first-six-days-2018
The violence in Jaimaica is off the charts and there's no war. Trump's not on your team, he's there to help them with their misdirection. Spread the word about Jamaica.

I can smell the stench of soy from all the way over here.

==LOL== You really don't have two brain cells to rub together huh?

Stay mad. Faggot

Good job, you found 1 of them. Have fun waisting your time kek




Its amusing how innocent and warm hearted the Holla Forums posters are.

The leftypol ones show some dude kicking some other dudes head in. Way to get the public on your side.

Checked. That is because most people just want to get on with their lives in a safe environment with not too much oversight. (((Commies))) want to upend it all and desecrate all that society holds.

Just saw some of these on my campus. Good work, guys.

take pics

I would leave his faggot poster there and just write on it: see how violent these antifa are?
Then post your normal posters next to it. It gives a good juxtaposition.

There was me thinking people here were smart enough to realize that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

MFW all the Soros funding in the world wont help leftypol make good propaganda because they lack self awareness

Because the left are rabid animals. They don't truly stand for anything, they just riot and destroy for every excuse they get.

4chins is down, you can't post images or make new threads. they think it's targeting mbmc

wtf is going on, the top threads all have +500 replies, this never happens
any idea what / who could be doing the attack, or details of how the attack works?

Image upload is down so you cant make new threads that why old thread dont get deleted.

heard this story a lot also i heard its about CP

there is apparently an ongoing massive DDOS attack going on.
now you can't even reply half the time.

have you ever seen the shills this scared?

Tay's Law holds

first fake news article trying to slander the campaign, made an infographic disproving it

worth replying to the tweet with the info


You glorious bastards!
Twitter AI is KILL!
maxi-kek.jpg (pun intended)


I'm not hearing anything on Facebook about the posters I put up at my Community College

and none of the sabotage & demoralization attempts worked

checked for
Tay In the Shell



I love you Tay.

kek more examples of BS from shills:

I sincerely hope that most messages like the ones above were from shills and not /ourguys/. Otherwise, they really need to understand the mind of the enemy better. You don't need a sledgehammer to break something as fragile as a marxist mind when a gentle flick will do.

You can't take down all the posters.
You can't stop us all.

Just go home and stay mad at home, you will be more productive there.

ooga booga
dey nazis
we fite cuz we scured
ooga booga

The shills always stand out like pylons in a soccer field. IP hopping and astroturfing is their only strategy.

Do you even know why you're pro-open borders or are you just mindlessly paroting your masters?



It's working.

Normies are starting to react positively to the posters and view the media / campus overreaction as ridiculous, pic related

I love you too, faggot.

official salt

A country should have the right to choose which immigrants enter, #MyBorderMyChoice

it really is working, another positive reaction from a normie, check it out

unofficial plaque of meme battle
fresh OC

how did Tay pull it off?

Ghost in the shell user, ghost in the shell.


Anons, do not be discouraged if there seems to be a lack of media coverage so far. There are two reasons for this, both with good solutions:

1. The memo leak is huge, it's blocking out all other info right now.
use the memo leak as media cover to continue plastering these up fucking EVERYWHERE before the media can alert people en masse, that way when the dust settle on the current hot stories, there will be a metric fuckton of posters up - and the reactions will be even bigger

2. Stories about MBMC fail to mention it directly by name to try and stop the spread of the information.
Create your own tweets / links to these stories, and attach the hashtag #MyBordersMyChoice yourself. Example:

slanderous, inaccurate statement published by AUSG (didn't mention MBMC directly):
retweeted with the hashtag #MyBordersMyChoice here:

Carry on lads! GODSPEED

pretty low-energy campaign tbh. sage


stay scared
this has only just begun

You guys need to STOP the flyer campaigns. Do you realize that if the media ignores them, and yet you keep doing them, you assholes could potentially cripple the system?

Though it's still early, I think you should expect a concerted effort from the media to avoid reporting on MBMC, mainly because they realized with IOTBW that the whole point was to provoke a reaction from them. So if the media is changing their strategy, it would be disastrous if you guys adapted. Worst of all, you trolls could even work this to your advantage over the long run. You’ve now developed an infrastructure to coordinate flyer postings en masse across the West, with little to no pushback from the media whatsoever.

That basically means you could coordinate a push for a certain narrative without having anyone there to argue against it or condemn it. People see your flyers, and afterwards, there's no one there to say, "Those flyers are bad. You shouldn't sympathize with them." Knowing you freaks, you guys would probably make the flyers more and more redpilled each time, leaving many to question the MSM narrative or start searching for their own answers. All the while, the media would be crippled. They can attack the flyers—but then they’re just spreading your message. They can stay quiet—but then millions are absorbing your message without anyone there to push back against it.

I’m replying to this post with some math for you all to think long and hard about before you do something like this.

Let's say you got a mere 1000 anons to each put up 50 flyers, and each flyer is seen, on average, by 25 people before being removed. That’s 1.25 million impressions each time. These estimates are not only reasonable, but are arguably conservative.

1000 anons? More than 100,000 pol/lacks consistently visit 4/pol/, and that number nearly doubled during the period surrounding IOTBW. Infinitechan always joins, and even places like Holla Forums or T_D get wind of it and many join in. Getting 1000 anons requires only one out of every several hundred anons to put up flyers.

50 flyers? Many anons have already been putting up that many, if not more.

25 views? I think this is very conservative. Many people are simply in too much of a rush to remove them—think of all the joggers, people heading to work, etc. Many people don’t want to be the actual person to remove them—think of the confrontation one may face for removing someone else’s flyer. Many people won’t even consider taking them down—think of all the people who sympathize or don’t disagree enough to actually take action. Even if a flyer is only up for an hour, that’s often more than enough time for 25 people to see it. What if a flyer, on average, stayed up for several hours, or even a whole day? I just checked, and the MBMC flyers some troll put up in my neighborhood are still up on a highly-travelled footpath. What if your flyers got an average of 100, 500, or even 1000 views? That’s anywhere between 5 and 50 million impressions. What if you got 2000 anons to put up flyers?

When someone is presented a new, subversive idea, but “the system” (media, politicians, etc.) isn’t there to tell them how to feel, then people circumvent the system to find answers. They’ll look elsewhere. Inside their own head, on the internet, and so on.

If tens of millions of people started looking outside of mainstream media and politicians for answers, do you know how disastrous it would be? So stop it.


Thoughts on Round 3
Build up CIVILization, don't tear it down.
-Emphasizes Western Civilization and it's achievements
-Plainly true, short phrase.
-Hard to dispute.
-Anyone disagrees is outing (((themselves)))
Wut say guise?

it has potential and it's impossible to disagree with
good to keep it separate from MBMC though so it doesn't get confused

some more official salt

If you are freaking out over a single person who was supposedly not part of your group making a single positive comment with no likes or retweets then you are showing your desperation

No, this was round one, and OP shouldn't spam Holla Forums for the next few months for the next one. Just because OP claims to have invented IOTBW doesn't mean it is true, especially when OP admits to being such a newfag that he asks how to delete his own messages, and doesn't understand any of the basic points around IOTBW

Maybe they'll dox you for pro-speed limit sentiments next.

This is ripe. The left can't meme or into irony. And there homos actually think the threat of *continued violence* is going to stop what's happening. We can smell the fear, faggot.

This and,

more importantly, did his wife's boyfriend give him permission to post that picture of him assaulting someone.


Awesome work, anons. Both getting these out and getting shots in many cases. This is all so very fukkin awesome. TOTAL VICTORY and the night's not even over yet. My respect and complements.

Literally no meaning to these words.


Based leafanon, and those who helped with this deserve a medal. Whoever originally developed, well done, user. The lack of personal bragging is seemingly lending the campaign itself even more potency, along with an air of chivalry and mystery.


Allow me to share my story and thoughts, Holla Forums. Please forgive the unfocused and lengthy text, I've had very little sleep.

I'm a senior at a New England university studying a life sciences field. I enrolled with the intention of pursuing a career in research and possibly starting my own biotech start-up, but by now I've been extremely demoralized by what I see as a broken and completely ideologically-dominated "scientific community". Beyond that, I have serious problems with the way research is conducted, information is distributed, "scientific authority" is recognized and made use of, and the epistemic perspective that underlies it all. This, along with what some folks have called "redpill overdose" and my own personal issues, have left me mostly indifferent to my academic future and social standing.

My university is arguably among the top 10 most troublesome in the country; it's massive, public, let's anyone and everyone in, and the faculty is completely dominated by openly Marxist, Feminist muds. Despite being a public university it has multiple lawsuits against it for free speech violations (not to mention false-rape allegation suits, etc). All this being said, my intention was to plaster the whole fucking campus with IOTBW propaganda as soon as I got back, but a few weeks ago I was reminded of MBMC and the upcoming op date. To be honest I find it kind of gay, and I was reluctant to do it since I wanted IOTBW to be my unis first op experience (so far they've apparently remained untouched). But since it was happening anyway, and since this would be my first foray into Right Wing Poster Squads, I figured I'd do my part and use MBMC as a dry run.

I started at 3 am, which meant that while I wouldn't be able to get inside any buildings what I did put up would definitely be there in the morning. I was shocked to find a handful of posters already put up on the Women's/Gender studies building and the faculty research building (and a few other places), which was fantastic to find; I didn't expect anyone else at this God forsaken school to risk it. Definitely put a spring in my step.

I was glad to participate, but this was honestly just a dry run for me. I intend to cover the campus with IOTBW stuff this semester, and when I do it's going to be unavoidable. I have a stamp, and I plan to put up shit tons of posters and stickers, leave laminated business cards all over the place, and anything else I can come up with. In front of a certain residential area there's a graffiti wall that anyone is entitled to use, and if I can pull it off I'm going to carve a large cardboard stencil and spray-paint "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" in the center of that space. I'm not sure if what myself and that one other guy had much of an impact, and I won't know until tomorrow. But I'll make damn sure that they won't be able to ignore my next op.

So when should I do it Holla Forums? I'm thinking a month, but if I see a big enough reaction in the paper and an ongoing shitstorm ensues than I might make strategic MBMC drops to keep it going.

Also, to the other guy that was out there last night with the masking tape: you beat me to it, you glorious bastard! Good on you.


NBC reporting on a false flag - they have fallen into a trap

multiple news articles are now all reporting on this one false flag even though hundreds of thousands of posters went up

this makes it very easy to expose
an open letter can be placed on the official website asking every article that does this to correct their falsely reported information

and if they don't, this generates ammo to use against them - proof that they are willfully promoting false information, which many right wing media outlets would be happy to report on

they've fallen right into the trap

lol they named they chile like dey favrit purple drank

That looks tasty. Damn you.
At least the can's not frosted.




This is apparently considered subversive enough to be banned by 4/poo/ mods. Plenty of dick-threads though. Mostly White now. Gov shutdown to blame?

I love watching the snake eat its own tail, these people lack the smallest amount of self awareness. It would be beautiful if it weren't so damn sad.

The kikes kvetching in NorCal, they had some chink up on the news a few minutes ago.
Followed by a kike at a synagogue in the capital with a sanctuary synagogue for spics.
I love you guys.
archive.fo/RTTgQ - Archive of above


Love you bloody faggots.

let's find out why




Outstanding work lads keep it up.


For fuck's sake, these jews are going to kill human progress altogether. We need to put an end to this.

Round 3?
You are multi-cultural. Why isn't Israel?
-Simple message.
-Non threatening question.
-Guaranteed kvetching
-(((Anyone))) expose themselves as racist to defend it
-In effect, they will have to justify racism is OK

*Why not Israel?

The point of this campaign is to be called racist. We expect and want to be called racist for something that is NOT racist. This will make the left look ridiculous, which is what we want.

If I didnt know better I would say that letter was written by a very subtle troll.

In the letter they say 'immigrant students'. I dont really know what that means but the foreign students from Europe and China who are paying all that money would have applied for a VISA to study here legally and are expected to go back home after their studies.
They are not the target of MBMC because they havent illegally violated the nations borders.

more media & salt

massive butthurt from antifa:


Loving your optics

You think you faggots don’t stick out like sore thumbs?


righto schlomo

It's as if none of them have studied applied memetics. Don't they know it's only a shutitdown.gif if you don't tweet a fucking picture of the forbidden thought, you fucking morons!!!!

every attack ends up helping us
everything they do backfires
every time they shilled, made a threat, etc I broadcast that and it inspired more people to join
they are the ultimate useful idiots, without them I doubt MBMC could have got this far
and this is just the beginning


Sure is fucking gamergate in here. Any oldfag on Holla Forums knows that fucking to the enemy and softening your views leads only to failure and assimilation. The reason we’ve gotten so far as it is is because we refuse to capitulate. I don’t intend to start now.

gefilte as fuck chaim back to >>>Holla Forums with you

Fuck you and your piss-poor prcuck attempts, you rat. You are not white and never will be.

fuck off moshie, why don't you go close the pool or stand out the front of a scientology building you useless cunt.

An open letter to media outlets that are misrepresenting the #MyBordersMyChoice poster campaign

this can only end well:

1. the media outlets change their articles, now they become good exposure (or at the very least they delete them and remove the bad exposure)

2. they refuse to change the articles - this might be the better option as now they are deliberately, consciously spreading fake news: we now have ammo to use against them that we can hand off to right wing media so they can open fire


checked and kek'd!
I've seen lefty's use that when they can't come up with anything intelligent or factual to say. (like most of the time) typical emotional outburst

Anything promoted by White Nationalists is s


Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

They just have to be the weak arm of Isis where they send those who can't even hold a rifle.

have you seen any good black and white versions of the steinle poster?


this is the part when I report you

Good job boys. Plenty of quality salt being mined.

Report it to ICE

This is by far the best salt yet, a city council meeting at Turlock dedicated to SJWs berating police about the posters and asking them to switch their budgets & attention towards them


there were clueless old white guys enthusiastically declaring that they are Africans in an unscientific display of solidarity with the "victims" of the posters

so many memes came out of this so quickly

Turlock news about MBMC:

Turlock reporter getting crucified on twitter for calling MBMC "racially insensitive":


analysis & memes from half chan while they were watching it live:

If I were anyone in that room who has to listen to what these people say, I couldn't do it. I would have to leave the room I mentally couldn't endure listening to these retards.


The butthurt is palpable in this.

"The police are searching for suspects who spread anti-immigration hate speech flyers in the Social Justice Wing of American University."
Wew. The local NBC news station in my area is getting pretty salty over this. At one point they tried to compare it to an unrelated bixnood style comic that they "found" in a different county and claimed that hate crimes were spreading.

Aren't you guys putting razors and shit behind them?

Douse the paper with highly flammable substances and give the antifa a taste of their own medicine when they try and take it down.

I'm in the same situation as STEM user. I got so demoralized and so demotivated from swallowing the redpill so fast that I fucked up my first semester in university. But now I'm coming for everyone and everything with newfound determination.

Reported for gaslighting and promoting self-sabotage. I will get all of you kike leftyfaggots eventually.


kill yourself my man, you and every sabotage suggesting faggot in here.
You deserve to hang with the rest of the traitors

Can you imagine being a cop, forced to find suspects for a non-crime, it would be maddening.

This is glorious, the more stupid shit like this happens, the more it takes any sting out of their parroted buzzwords. Turlock is primed and ready for memes, make it a laughingstock of a place to live.

Reminder to always paste a new poster on top of any defaced ones.

it's a good thing they like standing around barrel fires, practice for the communism they preach.

the dangerous faggot got a lot of likes

A sad little pride parade of antifa twitter accounts are crying about MBMC on twitter, feel free to shit them up



I kek'd

Maybe they do want a fight

they don't have the slightest clue
the right is growing more connected and powerful, especially when they come together in a big tent for ops like this

This kind of pro-law speech is becoming a real problem and these people sound serious about persecuting those who practice it. They are not mentally ill.

Spotted it a mile away.

Let's think about this. No blacks speaking at the hearings. Two white boomers aping blacks, pretending blacks would feel threatened by functional borders. What are they afraid of, Holla Forums?

it really is working on normies, pic related

holy shit it's really working

11/10, the memes will destroy them all!

I'm not saying you should leave redpills on their doorsteps…


go to 36:05
note the t-shirt


Redpill fortune cookies.

This is a very counterproductive idea, user. In fact it's so counterproductive that they will likely do it to themselves, or someone high up might try to arrange it. This is about over-reacting to non-threatening stickers and posters.

Looks like a bl*ck power fist, a "Q" on some kind of striped background?

She literally says,



this, and it's fucking working so no reason to change the current plan

This town's been dealing with mouthy crackers for a while. It's a big problem. Unlike actual violent crime.


this user is a hero, he is systematically going through all of the content about MBMC that the media tried to keep the hashtag off of and adding the hashtag himself

look through his feed for tons of MBMC media reactions

Now I'm not familiar with california law, but I can't imagine leaving a printout of FBI crime statistics on someone's stoop rises to the level of a crime.

…okay, maybe in california.

These so called Antifa "patrols" were nowhere to be seen while we were putting up posters, which continued well past 9:00 pm. They waited for us to leave before taking any action since they apparently saw incidents of our group postering. It's important to note that no Vanguard America posters were present on any of the kiosks we tagged (notice on the picture they took the poster is held up with only two pieces of scotch tape). That was staged entirely. Also, to the other user who put up pic related, we took notice when tearing their nigger posters down. Keep up the good work.

So it begins

kek. Missed this!
Some kind of leaking between similar sounding hashtags?



MBMC is one degree of separation away from a major European political leader. One of the FN youth tweeted it with warm reception, Le Pen follows her on Twitter (maybe knows her personally, who knows).

That's not the point, if Le Pen retweeted MBMC it would raise its profile to a new level. She has 2 million followers. Media coverage would explode, Euro-anons would be massively energized to participate.

Fire up the twatter cannons lads.

bump for Euro anons & raising the profile

stop forcing shit you faggots, this shit is steam rolling organically, as it fucking should.

MBMC sticker in the middle of a billboard in the most SJW-infested rathole of my rainbow-encrusted shithole of a city. All leftist propaganda torn down.
You beautiful person user! totally no homo

TBF a better final response would have been

< so you're saying that resisting rape is hate?

two hysterical shills are spamming against MBMC on voat, accusing people involved of ridiculous crimes.. typical stuff that shows this campaign is still terrifying the shills

fucking awesome, did you take a pic?

it is but what's wrong with a major European political leader with 2 million followers retweeting it?

wouldn't hurt either to coordinate a big twitter push to get Trump to see it

Question. How the fuck is it hate speech?

Because it goes against sjw/kike narratives.

Hate speech means speech they hate.

If you don't want white genocide then its hate speech.

Yeah pretty sure only antifa calls it medicine, Holla Forums just calls it domestic terrorism

this guy has the right idea, more tweets like this could get a major European political leader with 2 million followers to retweet MBMC, raising the profile of the meme to new levels

MBMC has now gone quintuple-platinum with the SPLC, pic related


user, get pics!!!

This should do nicely to further spread the message. Or you could just spread some yourself, faggot.


Does anyone else the memetic potential in this webm? Honestly just edit it a little bit with some music and the literal burning of America only reinforces our message, especially considering how fucking innocent and simple it is and how it is being treated.

Shouldn't we allow this type of attempted defacing? It only show hoe much hate this unsuspecting poster attracts.
We must obviously replace those that are unreadable but otherwise let anyone willing to look, see the kind of bile these people spew.


Rifles are heavier than they look, user.

You can take a picture before replacing the poster with a fresh one.

is this operation dead

slow af here and there's not even a thread about it on halfchan

These potent images will never go away. This could pop back up at anytime, anywhere. The salt already collected was substantial. Show us what you've done, user.

Here's a fantastic video report on the atrocity by a local news crew in the N.E. US.


I can't find a more linkable video anywhere after searching for a free minutes. If anyone can find another format, or is able to WEBM this, it would be well appreciated.

An mp4 would be even more handy actually.

not dead, new salt is coming out every day

Marine Le Pen RT op is underway:

Open letter to fake news outlets misreporting on the posters is being circulated:

a bunch of new MBMC poster pics from Germany came out last night on Twitter, one example:

ongoing media coverage tracked here:

Fuck off Buzzfeed.

new article from the ADL:

webmanon here - I have converted your 2:17 video to a 4 mb webm with audio. Keep in mind you can only use this video on 8pol, not on halfpol because audio is not allowed.

Thanks, user.
Whoa what? Is that a recent rule?


no. 4pol never allowed audio. it's fine on 4/wsg/ though

also, webm limit on 4 is 3mb, looks like it's higher here.

Lmao, the usa really does fit the 56% may may.
And those subhumans talking seem to be borderline retarded.
Also, post webm or hooktube next time, my nig nog.

Fucking Plaster UMass Amherst with all of that shit. It's ground zero for everything awful in the world.

there will be another big MBMC poster date in the mid future
until then feel free to put them up wherever and whenever you feel like
I don't want to interfere with #120dB right now
also gives some time to build even more links (emailing various people who reacted to MBMC) so that for the next poster date, the broadcast will be even louder therefore more feet in the ground
I'd encourage everyone to check out #120dB right now, it looks promising

another fake news article with MBMC posters containing links to websites, adding it to the open letter:


all of these media outlets have walked into a trap by lying about the campaign, now we have PR ammo against them

A group in the US called Resist Marxism held a public rally that they called My Borders My Choice (and they posted the meme on their site), in support of ICE officers and for justice for Kate Steinle, looks like it took place on January 27 from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm at the US Immigration Courts at JFK Federal Building, Boston MA (15 Sudbury Street):


user from ASU who put up MBMC posters made another YouTube video vowing to stand his ground and keep spreading the message despite antifa trying to take down posters, good man:


Cool T shirt design from some German company, they put the MBMC hashtag in over 20 different languages on a graphic tee:


Triggered blog post written in German, baselessly accusing the posters of racism:


here is the youtube link:

new Duke tweet:

read again, faggot.

You've been awarded top prize by the comity. Please accept this year's Salty award with our complement.

Wrong envelope.
Please, please don't blame the ladies.

Hah! Funny thing those idiots never realize is the moment they put it on their site it will take off like wild fire.



new video about the retard exec vic president from university of Virginia telling students to call 911 about the posters:

Nice. Check out the ad I got also.

top kek

check this out, I think she meant this in reference to #MyBordersMyChoice (posted one day before the official postering date and she retweeted MBMC after):

4.6K likes and 12K retweets, it's the biggest MBMC tweet

the only bigger MBMC post was Milo on Instagram (37K likes):

also RTd by Lauren Southern

