Nostalrius Begins
The whole thing:
So Blizz sucks dick and never intended to realease Legacy server.
Nost and Elysium will work together and once they finish release the source code to the public.
Nostalrius Begins
The whole thing:
So Blizz sucks dick and never intended to realease Legacy server.
Nost and Elysium will work together and once they finish release the source code to the public.
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe they'll fix glaring holes in some class functionality then.
So are they building a new server or what?
Well this is disappointing.
So instead of having nostalrius back, which would bring a lot of players with it.
They are going to work with a group that had a server with barely above 1000 players? I hope Elysium gets more players through this.
But whats going to stop blizzard shutting Elysium down?
Certainly not the Blizzcucks who gave them money for Legion and Overcuck.
So they're transferring old accounts and characters from both nostalrius realms to two new realms running the core, PvP and PvE. But wait, there's more. Elysium characters will also be end up on the PvP realm, with nerfed gear - and probably some missing, because of the fucked progression on Elysium. But wait, there's more! They're also going to test interest for additonal "fresh" realms. In summary, that's at least three servers that are probably going to instantly die when better vanilla and TBC projects developed by superior American coders come out in the first half of next year.
Sounds like the "legacy community" is in good hands :^)
they gave their flawed code to an even more flawed server
crestfall is probably gonna be better, depends on population
releasing the source code is good. If you found a private server with better NPC pathing code (or, rather, more accurate to the original), please tell me.
I don't have the time to level another character but my Nost time was good times.
It seems like they are planning to transfer data from Nost into Elysium.
They won't be able to handle the numbers of players, but its nice we can still get our characters back.
these people don't understand, the new blizzard devs want the old IPs to die because they don't have the foggiest idea what to do with them, nor do they want to work on them, they want to make new IPs, just like they are doing with Overwatch, or something smaller in scope like heroes and heartstone.
It's the same shit that happen with nintendo, the people that did some of the series aren't working there/are fucking dead, they don't know what the hell they need to do with it, that's why they don't make a new f-zero, they know it will go as well as the metroid games did.
Just let it go. Let the series die and maybe in 10~15 year someone there will have a good idea that will actually translate into a good game, right now, nothing good will come from it.
Dude fuck that, I wouldn't mind starting all over again if we can get a better fresh server.
Where should I play then right now? I remember how many fucking players Nostalrius had when I tried it for a few minutes way back.
Fresh start sounds more fun, honestly. I don't remember what the fuck I was doing on my mage.
While I don't care much about making a new character myself.
This means the server will be heavily populated.
Personally the quality of the server never botherd me, I just liked seeing a lively community, even if it was just retarded shit you'd expect in barrens chat.
I sure remember, I quit because of how cucked the horde was in addition to the massive number of gooks.
Probably wait around Elysium, I'm guessing its going to have a huge wave of people jumping in it.
Yeah, the massive flood of chinamen was a huge pain in the ass. I guarantee they won't do anything about it, either.
It's going to have to prove itself in a big way at launch to retain players I think, corecraft's failure is still pretty fresh and there isn't much confidence for new projects. If it keeps 1500-2000 stable I'm moving there and never looking back, fuck the russians and FUCK THE CHINKS. CF has plans to block them.
Elysium's already taken the snapshot of the characters that are going to get transferred, so it's a realm with no future. Just wait.
Literally the only reason people played on Nost was the playerbase which they bled away by not dealing with the chink infestation.
Wait world of corecraft is a never ever? When did this happen?
Developer died/went silent, didn't bother bringing the site back when it went down a little while ago
Except they are not restarting the service, so all the progress is lost.
Why the fuck are companies like this?
It's Blizz"you think you want that but you don't"ard.
If they re-opened Nost wouldn't they be in legal trouble? Blizzard already shut them down once. Releasing the source is the next best thing since now anyone can run the server in their place.
So I should hop of Kronos then?
Apparently private servers have ignored blizz warnings before without consequences in the past. Also Elysium is hosted in Russia I think, so they're much harder to touch.
Blizzard literally doesn't give a fuck unless they're getting paid.
Wait, doesnt Kronos II have a heavy population already, why are people even considering a new server.
Why not use something like IPFS or Zero net to host a private server that can't be taken down?
this is illegal, its blizzard's property and i'll not allow them to steal it.
Shit im sorry mr blizzard I wont play on an illegal server I swear
Wait, so if I start a Ely character now, will it still be here after the 13th?
Wondering as well
Is this a master troll or is he telling the truth?
No idea, we will find out after the reset. I just want to know if I should even wait to make a new character or not.
So I should wait to start a new charater then?
Yeah, dog. Go for the fresh start server once it's out.
How invested are you in kronos, by the way? What level?
Three 60's, but fuck those servers. They have a boring ass community. I just want new people to kill, so I guess I will wait until the new server is up.
who's gonna lead ?
Probably some drama tranny faggot
You mean Rtas?
Damn, only got my alliance leveling guide to lvl 30 before they froze the data, I shouldn't have been so distracted by this election, but it's been hell on wheels.
Sure, that thing. We should just rename the build to something else. Like "RedEight" or something. Fuck the "HUR DUR WE ARE Holla Forums GUILD" shit.
Yeah, best is they haven't said when anything will be done and everyone on line is "WAT IS GOING ON"
was picked specifically because it blends in, though. Most guild names are nonsensical single words like that.
Called it from the start.
Old guild will still be dead even after the transfer. Our only hope is going on the fresh start server.
Yeah, I want gank squads. The sad fucking thing is that all the faggots are on Horde now and now Alliance are full of the pissed off old horde players. Either way, if we hit up the new PVP server, I am down to fuck shit up.
Yeah, obviously. There's no reason NOT to roll on the fresh start server. A large amount of cucks didn't know about nost until after it shut down, so we've got a fuckton of fresh meat to gank for hours on end in STV on the fresh server.
Kinda cant make a decision until more info is released.
If we play on the fresh server do we know which faction we'll be playing as? Experience says Horde, but after making this Alliance guide the disparities between the two faction's leveling routes and opportunities to gank keep piling up ever more in the Alliance's favor.
there's lots of people who don't feel like starting from scratch AGAIN, what with k1, k2 and elysium and all.
Zelgarath is currently guild leader of Nostalrius's , and unwilling to give it up even though everyone wants him to.
We're rolling horde, a friend of mine and I rolled on it and I ended up getting Troll Priest and he ended up getting UD Mage.
Go for it, but with the new server we are going Alliance Dwarves and a new guild. Fuck the old attention whoring players.
I'm usually a hardcore horde fag, but I already did the vanilla horde experience again, so I honestly wouldn't mind going faggy alliance.
Yeah, because the last alliance guild went SOOOOO well, right?
Wasn't apart of it.
I mean I am not appose to Horde, but seems to want a change and one one else in the thread seems to give a shhhiiittttt.
I think everyone knew that.
Except for this guy
Glad that once the source code is released all private servers will be less shit from now on though, and it will make creating other servers faster. What happened to that one server that let you multi-class?
dwarfs greattest race
Yeah, I think a dwarf guild would be hilarious. But we don't get some of the funner classes though and only one of the hybrids.
And the last couple times it was "hur dur do what you want" when I think we should all focus on playing a class we have never played before.
We ought to just hop in (whatever chat client) right before/during launch and throw a vote then on faction then, IMO, no point giving cucks too many opportunities to influence or try and rig it.
Highly suspect this will result in a horde guild but there are class combos I like on both sides so whatever.
I only can stand hybrid classes now.
we already have a discord and a steam group.
Yeah, we should scrap those and just have a TS n use the online guild function. Steam is fucking cancer and Discord is Facebook chat equivalent.
We need new shit, not old drama fags.
Axa can still come back though, right?
Brick and Petpriest go and stay go
That, and I might stick to Kronos II cause this whole thing seems fucking sketch at the same time. I don't care about bugs but the player base is still larger and growing.
we already made dorf fort on elysium as well. it was pretty fun but its probably dead. I haven't played in a long ass time so I might be wrong on that.
"were totally going to release the source code goys!" "Oh by release, we mean teaming up with a shit server so we can grow our e-peen while having someone else shoulder the risk. we're not actually going to release it to the public ever"
What, no way
I personally think multi-classing would be cool if they did it in an FF11 way where you could only pick 1 main class at a time, just so you didn't need to make another char if your raid needs priests or something.
Yeah, The Secret World currently does the best multiclass system, your "class" is based on your weapons, so changing your weapon layout immediately changes your skills.
The only system that did it better than that was The Matrix Online, but RIP.
Get on Elysium you niggers. I'm in the Horde guild and I have invite permissions.
Thank you, I wanted a blurb from a horde player saying exactly that. As to the second assertion, fuck off.
Anyway, humans have their weapon skill adjusts which effectively reduces the level of raid bosses by -1, as does dwarfs with hammers. That's a pretty handy benefit, as it changes the amount of hit you need to hit cap.
Dorfs don't have hammers, they have guns and fear ward.
Maybe it would have changed in an expansion but blizzard went bankrupt after 1.12.1 and stopped making games, unfortunately
Every time.
Yeah, alliance is great. If you like Blizzard's training wheels and having them hold your hand 24/7. Also the most boring races.
Imagine being a race where your racials are all about avoiding combat and getting back to your body when you die.
fear ward was really good. Made doing certain raid bosses a joke, and is pretty useful in pvp. Stoneform is also good.
Orc racial is really good for PvP but too unreliable to be useful in PvE, troll racials are pretty garbage since weapon skills are broken on most servers
Tauren are amazing for PvP, as are undead. Gnomes are annoying in PvP due to size + escape artist shit, and their engineering bonus is really nice in terms of reducing grind.
Night elf racials are pretty dumb.
Das raciss!
You mean that racial trinket that doesn't work on pretty much anything?
in pvp every trinket you have is an advantage. Gnome mages have a huge advantage over every race except undead in pvp due to it.
Why the fuck would you want to play Alliance?
9/10th of the WoW community are horde, you see Blizzard constantly rallying FOR THE HORDE, every WoW video is DA HORDE. Despite all this, you always hear horde players get violently defensive when they are in the presence of an alliance player, "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO PLAY THE ALLIANCE?"
Why do you want to play a nigger?
on any given vanilla server the Alliance outnumbers the horde anywhere from 5% to as much as like 30% of the total population. I never understood why considering the horde have it better in just about every aspect.
Zelgarath will reign again!
Harde are the literal nigger dindunuffins of the universe.
it takes like a minute to find this stuff dude. Alliance has always outnumbered horde in vanilla but that changed after TBC.
Using one server as an example does not prove the rule. Majority of vanilla servers are horde dominant, with horde always crying being the underdogs because it makes them feel like badasses and like heroes.
perhaps you could prove this instead of whining like a faggot?
Join the official guild Discord-server. We're preparing for a comeback as soon as this goes live.
Strength and Autism.
Nost will go to shit because the admins are cucks and won't deal with the Yellow Peril.
That server towards the end easily became 70% Chinese during North American hours and anyone who criticized the invasion got banned/forum locked for being a racist.
Americans tend to prefer horde, Eurofags tend to prefer alliance.
t. American Alliance player
i just want a good shadowbane emu server
And chinks don't roll horde because muh forsaken are spooky [ ] 1 / 10 !
Toomy will lead Infinity like god intended.
Over my cold, meme ridden body!
Zel or go home, that faggot was at least funny.
Zel is the funniest when he's trying to usurp Toomy, though.
Listen you stupid goyim, we don't want to bring back vanilla because it's time for WoW to move into a multicultural mode. Azeroth is no longer going to be the monolithic societies it once was. The orcs and the humans are going to have to integrate and breed with each other so that Azeroth can progress. Naturally we at Blizzard will be resented for our leading role in this.
You know, I get the joke but fuck you.
You like Spectre?
Quite the opposite. Any other immigration joke, and I'd be all for it, but not that one.
The Horde actually do have it harder though, Alliance get many questing areas that are in places the Horde never has any reason to go. The Alliance also has many quests that take them on routes through Horde questing grounds where they would be a much lower level. Still within honorable kill range though :^)
The only thing the Horde have over the Alliance is racials, and even then it's not that big of a gap. In fact some could say that Alliance has the better racials considering stone form helps so much against rogues which are the bane of everything in PvP.
These images show the Alliance has the definitive advantage in not only aggressive ganking, but also defensive questing. There are more, but I'll just leave it with these.
Do you actually play the game to raid and progress, or is your game time spent purely on ganking and fucking with people? Cause that's a shit tier game experience.
Surely you can have a giggle at this.
I want you to post the others.
Oh my god. I have to admit, that is pretty good.
Even when making the game back then they knew the Alliance would be full of fedoras and children that needed easy kills handed to them.
The devs with Blizzard are probably just confused as to how to keep the new and smooth feel of WoW and integrate it into the same UI as old WoW.
It shouldn't be difficult, but they're confused as to what to do with it.
Can't help that they kept cutting back on tech support that people can barely ever get in contact with a GM now. So including the older game probably seems like it'd be a nightmare from a logistics stand point as they'd be wondering what to do with complaints about the game's stability (especially since they probably view current WoW to be wonderfully stable even if it has to go offline once a week).
It also can't help that Blizz has been doing fake server separations for a while. Fact is, most of the servers have been connected for ages with only the local time being shown differently for different realms. Which made doing cross realms to make up for low population servers seem like a nice solution for Blizzard. If they have a legacy server crash, that is really on the same server as current WoW, then what happens with current WoW? Finding a solution to that is also a puzzler for the dumbasses at current Blizz.
Can you even "politely decline" a C&D? I don't think that's how copyright laws work.
Doesn't that mean Blizzard's only other alternative is to sue? How the fuck do these retards think they're going to win against a multi-billion dollar company?
You're also underestimating perception and shadowmeld. Pom pyro or charge from stealth is a hell of a wake up call while you're farming.
Politely decline is to simply say "no" and not post about it in a mocking way, it's the exact opposite of what The Bay used to do when they got DMCAs and C&Ds.
Also if they're going to politely decline, I think their basic reaction is "we do not give a fuck" and they will post the source and then when every server on the internet has said source, it won't mean a bit of difference. Try as hard as they might, Blizzard can never stop the private servers, like anything else, once something is posted on the internet and someone else has saved it, it's THERE FOREVER.
Everyone on Alliance underestimates the Night Elf Warrior
Copyrights aren't universal and it's difficult to say whether you could even apply it here.
Blizzard doesn't do legacy servers and shows no sign that they're going to employ one given they didn't even talk about it at their own conference.
Also keep in mind, this is a Russian server. They'd need to handle this in a Russian court that may not really give a shit.
Given the source code is going to be made public, it'd be impossible for Blizzard to stop other servers from popping up.
It's pretty stupid of Blizz to not try at least paying lip service to these people, but they're so far up their own asses they probably didn't think it'd matter.
They should've called them something less faggy. Maybe a mohawk:^) or something. Otherwise it's just muh gnome shit or muh slut rogue.
You know that nost was the only place I saw druids in any significant numbers, and in balance or feral specs too? That shit was laughed at in vanilla.
I loved that Tarren Mill area so much, I'd spend most of my time there chilling with people and fighting against Alliance skirmishes even after getting to a higher level.
Back in Vanilla hardly anyone even understood the value of stats.
Was only when we progressed into BC that we started seeing how things like dodge and armor could seriously be stacked on druids to get them to a point of such ridiculousness that they'd be wearing blues that acted better than epics due to bonus armor.
The various addons that helped people to realize how to value stats changed WoW dramatically.
Doesn't this split the community though?
Regardless of if Nost ignores the C&D or not, Blizzard probably has the power to shut them down if they really wanted to throw enough money at it.
Will they? Probably not, but it's still easily within their power as a multi-billion dollar company.
Just look at the Kronos vs Elysium vs Crestfall vs Whatever shit that happened after Nost got taken down.
Everyone scattered and no one could reach a consensus on which server was better.
If Nostalrius goes down, it's likely the playerbase will be fractured in an already niche area of gaming.
I'm just thinking it's odd that their only plan is "lol just ignore it lmao". It's like they're going into the project asking for trouble.
The one thing Blizzard doesn't have in this is power. It's why they tried to work with them in the first place. Blizzard thought of how they could fuck it up and when they couldn't figure a way they just decided to not bother doing anything at all and ignore the Nost team.
Never been an issue before, will continue to not be an issue going forward.
A consensus that will never be reached. Period.
Quite literally impossible once the source gets posted.
I am kinda confused how we will be able to log onto our old nostalrius accounts with Elysium.
Like, do we use our old passwords and username?
What if both accounts from nostalrius and Elysium have the same login? Would they just both merge? How will they able to give out their Nost data out towards players in the Elysium server?
Sure I may've been a highschooler back when muh method was a thing but I spent the better part of 18 months on nost and I've yet to stop laughing at dps warriors or tank druids outside of a few very specific fights and or endgame builds. And even then I'd still go for alternatives.
What helped hybrids was that hybrid boner blizzard had for them come tbc.
They could just force a reset to the email tied to the account.
Fucking dropped. I want a new start for everyone or I won't play tbh.
They'll have a server for new chars only.
alliance has the pve racials and horde has the pvp racials
and alliance has paladins while the horde has shamans
on a pvp server the there might be a good alliance:horde ratio but on a pve server the alliance is gonna outnumber the horde because they get paladins and the humans' and dwarves' weapon skill raicals
orcs just get axe spec, which gives less minmaxing options for doing damage than allianceand rogues can't use axes, and after KT dies axes are no longer the best weapons, but before that axes are the good weapons from ony to mid-naxx, and in some cases are the best weapons
orcs get windfury totem+SoE, but they don't get kings+might, though really kings might just be an extra ~150-200 ap and a few crit at the very, very, very, most with consumables/buffs in post-naxx content, which imo isn't much compared to WINDFURY totem+SoE
for pve alliance gets paladins
not only can they use plate WITH a shield, but they can also HEAL PEOPLE and use blessing of freedom AND remove magic debuffs and get RECKONING, which is still OP when capped at 5 hits
at least shamans get purge earthbind windfury earth shock and lightning, but they're stuck with mail armor which isn't as good
id imagine that when everyones in naxx gear holy paladins are absurd in WSG compared to everyone else who isn't also a paladin
t. horde player
they are making a fresh start server.
just wait for crestfall; you'll probably drop elysium for it anyway if its as good as its hyped up to be so far
I guess we'll have to wait and see how it unfolds.
You may be right, but I'm still skeptical. I'll confess I don't know much about the history of people declining C&Ds and the consequences.
All I know is the alternative is legal action. To what extent, I do not know.
Fair, except the part where you thought I meant Blizzard could shut down all of the servers.
You are right that it's impossible to take them all down once the source code is out. TPB is a good example.
My main argument was just the splitting of the community, which I suppose isn't an issue.
Oh nice. Thanks for letting me know.
I will look into it, thanks. Nost is releasing the source code to the public later on anyways, so I'm confident that the best server might come out on top after a while.
apparently because the nost data is set in stone, any Elysium data will probably be renamed/displaced during the merge. If you want to keep your shit from Elysium I suggest keeping a close tab on their help & support discord/forum.
I dont care much for my Elysium stuff.
I just hope I dont have any problems getting my nostalrius character back.
you're welcome
If you're American and you decline a C&D, it means a lawsuit in court and you could end up paying ridiculous damages. Like a woman ended up with I think it was a judgement of $40,000,000 against her for running a WoW server because she was taking money.
Money she could never possibly pay, mind you, and is quite high compared to anything she ever would have gotten. American legal system is retarded like this.
But Nost isn't on American soil, none of the people on the team are Americans. So Blizz can't pursue them unless their governments agree to extradite for the lawsuit. Unless they live in a cuckold state like Sweden (remember KimDotCom?) it won't hold up.
I will be fucking around on Kronos II Alliance if anyone is interested until we decided what to setup on the new Elysium PVP server. See you nerds then.
Just came in here to tell Zel to kill himself.
Holy shit guys, what am i reading here about Alliance and Anti zelg bullshit.
For once we will only meme as alliance, this is written in the stars and nobody can change that also
Zelg will also never be replaced, he will remain as Head Oldfag, doesnt mean hes leading the guild.
And again the only way works is by playing Horde, theres a reason the Infinity Oldfags do it this way, we experienced it many times and we know what happens if we start alliance, so horde it is get your shit straight.
fucking jews gnomes.
a server admin and dev whos been in private servers for a long time says this is meme lie
A cease and desist can generally come in two shapes. One is when a party (say blizzard) presents you one where they basically warn you that they're prepared to take this to court over you hurting their legitimate interests/futabeinggay/whatever.
The second case is when they go straight to court and the actual court orders you to stop the activity in question stops until such time they manage to discern whether that activity is illegal or not.
And they're both generally worth piss if you're outside of the US jurisdiction.
The real threat is not jail time or extradition or whatever, it's simply go away or we'll drown you in legal fees.
im just saying gummy from scriptcraft is hosting his new tbc server in united states and states its just as safe as europe. but thats just in his case, he doesnt make millions selling gear
Could be that he's just too small to be made an example of
lol no
Don't bother playing with 8ch, the namefag regs are literally 4/vg/-tier. The only benefits are the liberty to use racial epithets and the trading of futa fan art (there are some very dedicated collectors).
That's because some of them are straight up /vg/. speaking off, didn't see tyranofag and his inbred family for awhile But you should differentiate /nost/ cancer from /vg/ one.
speaking of cuckchan.
Since we are getting nostalrius data, does that mean we still get our guild?
If so that means they will still have that cuckchan guild that we can stomp on.
Elysium is getting all the player data from Nostalrius, so if you played on Nost before the shutdown then all your character data will be there.
spoken like a retard that has never had a team of jew lawyers breathing down his neck.
he can be an internet lawyer all he wants, it doesn't change the fact that there's no DMCA exemption for games that still have their authentication servers up and are still active.
is he going to get a fucking lawyer to explain the finer points of "World of Warcraft" and the fact that the game currently running as world of warcraft is quite different from the old expensions? no? then it's not safe in any country that takes US copyright law dick.
Mad respect.
I was in the old guild and don't completely disagree.
But there was also a sense of justice and lots of opportunities to kill cucks. Not a lot of guilds are willing to do what's right.
I will make a new discord and get some people playing alliance, I will also be the leader.
There, problem solve. Dont like playing with Zelg and his 4cuck faggots, play with other people. It isn't hard.
10/10 would harass the Chinese.
So guys is futa gay?
fuck off rtard
Will I continue to be shit on if I remake my troll warrior?
I'm actually not Rtas
Clue, I was once the GM of infinity and I fucking hated Rtas and was super autistic about kicking him out.
Follow your dreams m8
You're even worse than rtas then dolvak.
Wrong again
I do have him on steam though but he has been offline for weeks
This video has reignited my hatred for black people.
fucking monkey speak.
categorically, but there will always be exceptions
Who are you m8
Futa is always gay. In fact, it is the most gay thing in existence. Degenerates will be purged.
But how is it gay if the dick is feminine?
It's not a case of Zel being selfish, it's more he's holding onto it because memes.
Also this is a meme server again.
Why do you want to play as uppity wood elves? generic humans, faggots who nuked their own lands or dwarves?
Horde is more interesting because the Human-dwarf-elf thing is pretty standard in most generic fantasy settings.
Typical frogs
Actually Rtas started Yeee, Toomy added the train thing. IIRC Rtas was answering a whole bunch of questions at the time with Yee, then he jsut started spamming it, then someone added the yell, and Toomy added the /train emote
He won't name himself because he's a massive cuck with no spine
FUCK. Is Pottu still working for them or did our complaints do nothing at all?
Pottu is still GM on ely
most of nost's staff is on ely, why else would they willingly give up their code they originally copped out of giving back to the git repo because REASONS
I know Alliance has a lot of faggots, but so do the Horde. I have played both sides. I just prefer the alliance areas. That is all really. Most of the horde is flame button up shirt fedora edgy bullshit. Maybe I will see you NERDS on the battlefield. That and the Alliance are the good guys. So suck it losers.
Hes got the right idea about chinks though.
i didnt care much for the guys running nostalrius
although, iirc their shit was pretty buggy but finally someone in the pserver community isn't a total nigger (assuming they actually publicly release it after Elysium does its thing)
I'm holding out for Crestfall since they're blocking slants and cykas.
You know trump had gay experiences in college right?
just wait for crestfall
it should come out in under 6 months if not a little more
isnt Crestfall a meme server?
Yeah, and Hitler was a Jew who injected bull semen and was on meth all the time. Thanks for Collapsing the Rectum.
I'm sure after this announcement from Nostalrius those numbers will go up. There is going to be a yuuuuge population on the fresh start server for Elysium guaranteed though, so it's definitely something that will be fun. Plenty of world PvP, and server crashes to go around.
meme server
they're all meme servers
I met a Muslim manlet once who was 100% for the Alliance
Also forgot to post this
"Aim for the little tree!"
Remember when nost put more mines on that corner so you'd have to go the long way as horde?
It's shit like that, the "anti-griefing" goblin guards and the shutting down of Barrens chat that makes me really want them to just release their code so someone will do a better job than them.
Only true oldfags remember YIEEE
When did they do that?
Pottu would hang around barrens everyday and do it for free.
Just do it the old fashion way.
Pottu muted entire barrens chat for hours because it triggered him
link doesn't work
Yeah, but he's right about Chinks though. It was good for a laugh.
95% of our guild are from Holla Forums my friend.
We've talked about allying with the cuckchan guild time and time again during member leaks and we still have NEVER affiliated ourselves or our guild with them. Quite the opposite actually.
You get ganked a lot.
I get ganked once or twice every couple lvls.
kill your mobs behind a tree or in a ditch like a normal person fearing for his life. buy some invis pots in case you get camped.
Raiding is easy, on mythic its too fucking easy.
was fun when it was a new thing.
Why the fuck wouldn't they? People have been begging for WoW vanilla servers since the first day of BC. It would literally cost blizzard 0 dollars to put up 3 or 4 vanilla servers and still charge a monthly fee. They only have profit to gain, like runescape did. I don't understand what goes on inside these companies.
because it would take away the dying playerbase from their current game. Right now most of the playerbase is battered housewives. Imagine the falloff if eveyr non-bot player jumped onto a legacy server
None of the people who play WoW nowadays played vanilla back in the day. They'd quit after after a few days tops, once they realize that there are no flying mounts or welfare epics, and that leveling actually requires you to grind mobs.
Those who enjoy vanilla WoW do not enjoy Legion and vice versa, they're completely different groups
Just wondering, which ones were /vg/? There were some cool people who played and some less cool and I wouldn't want to judge just based on that.
There are people who have been subbed since day 1 playing.
Basically everyone from cuckchan's /vg/ is one group and the 8ch Holla Forums group is another one.
So when is this shit playable?Specifically when does the Nost player base will accept Elysium ? Because I don`t want to start a character in a dead server
I mean I never was part of /vg/ personally, so I don't know who was. By namefags I guess are you talking about rtas/toomy/zelg? Or do you also mean people like axa/brick/pet/kalma/trollop/karoon/darknut/catteist/felinn/etc?
It's because those three are usually at the center of some meme. They aren't bad as so much as prevalent. Even when they namefag, it's not as bad as the cuckchan /vg/ namefags. I think one of them is even an actual pedo, like grooms kids
i mean dont misunderstand me, i love runescape, my OSRS character has quest cape and 99 cooking even, but daamn…
do they even have any idea how much money people would throw at them if they LISTENED to their userbase? i sure as hell would pay to go back to FFXI like it was before Wings of the Goddess.
There's the argument of course that it'll sap away playerbase from the main game, but at this point, with the subscriptions bleeding out the way they are, this'd likely be a way to pump numbers up more than anything else. I don't even like MMOs but I'd be tempted to dive back into vanilla WoW just for nostalgia's sake.
At this point it's pride, remember that 'You think you want legacy servers but you really don't" Line? The devs hate the idea of bowing down to fan demands, it stings at their pride, they'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the idea because modern day developers are essentially whiny children.
It's amazing how so many people managing such a huge project can be so damn childlike. To the point where they KNOW it'll be successful, but they'd still rather not do it.
someone post the webm please
I've got an embed if that's good enough, it's pretty cringeworthy.
Can you do the multiple summoned demon bug on Elysium? I might come back to drop some Doomguards…
I kinda like the idea of people just laying down strong NPCs. Feels like having to quest in a low level area as a 60 just to help low levels out.
He's right though.
That one bug from that one patch pissed a lot of people off.
I did and do enjoy Vanilla WoW and i still enjoy Legion. They are 2 different games. Im sure you have 2 different games that you both enjoy, do you.
Saying anyone who likes legion doesnt like vanilla and vice versa is without basis and honestly just outright dumb.
go to sleep silroth
Anyone have that screenshot of the mail grok sent someone?
I saved these from an older thread, think Rtas posted them. They make good desktop backgrounds honestly
Oh hey an actual picture with me in the group this time.
yes, i remember nostalrius and the guild
You have no one to blame but yourself.
Whats the point if you don't do that?
There's being social and then there's being a social case.
tfw present for ganksquads but never made it into a screenshot
If that's the case, why stay in the guild at all? Why would you filter guild chat when you could just leave the guild? Are you spineless or what?
wow was never good, get over it
Good or not, I liked it and still have fun with it, so why would that matter?
Because he's a faggot? Me? I'm a terminal memer already.
Ah my mistake I quoted the wrong person. I thought your post was his follow up.
Then just add stuff to the guild thats not dumbshit.
They're like the fucking Soviet Union. They titled themselves the leaders of the "Legacy community", they act like they speak on behalf of everyone playing WoW, they act like they were the first private server ever and the only reason other servers exist now is because Nostalrius was shut down, they don't care about any other servers, they just want to destroy everyone else and "reunify" everybody on their one and only server.
This is jewing taken to a whole new level.
B-but they said they would release their code to the public after Elysium was done with it!
It's not like they've promised to release the code but didn't in the past or anything!
You know why I liked Zel? I played some four different characters (to a higher level) in the span of like two years. I was a latecomer in the initial wave and I had two more post revival. In that time he was one of the few "old fags" to concurrently not act like a stuck up elitist shit.
He didn't treat the guild as his alt bank, he didn't shut down random lowbee anons and in fact he was one of the few fags that tried to integrate them.
Me? I'm not leaderfag material. I did what and when I could for the esprit de corps but ultimately I'm in it for the elf removal meme.
Don't talk to me or my board's guild ever again.
Holy shit, these guys are really fucking scared that everybody will jump ship to the fresh server.
Nothing is gonna stop Blizzard from sueing their ass into the ground, just like how people thought voodoo frog magic would prevent Nostalrius from ever being taken down. the good news is though that with the server core being public property 99.9% blizzlike could become the new standard for vanilla private servers now. Which in turn means people could start focusing on porting the expansions in a blizzlike manner. Everybody still wins but Elysium will probably be taken down before it launches
Will they start all servers simultaneously? Because if they have a bias towards the non-fresh servers, I won't bother playing at all.
I was under the impression that everything is starting up at the same time.
Yea probably. Would be Blizzard tier if they didn't.
so when will we be able to play on their servers again?
Their servers? Never. Russians servers hosting their code and character database will probably arrive in a month or more.
Did you even play on Nostalrius? Everyone knew they could get shut down in frog land, they just thought they would move the server after the first letter instead of shutting down.
Elysium will be stable and have a HUGE playerbase when they launch their new servers. I agree that having the code be public is a good thing, but it seems to me you're trying to get people to not play on Elysium for whatever reason.
Nah m8, I'd probably play there myself. Nothing against them. It's just that now they're in the mainstream they're likely to meet the same fate as every private server before them (sued, and lost the case) I don't really see what Elysium appears to be doing others haven't before.
My fellow Memers, We gather here today to look back on the past months with a small pinch of solace and an even bigger pinch of skepticism.
Today the majority of you will witness two of the most influential people in America butt heads in the polls to try and change the government of our nation as a whole.
But take a moment and pull yourselves away from your red or blue colored goggles and think of a more current and pressing matter that needs attention.
We need a head…
Our guild is not just a petty inside joke to be thrown to the side when the next shiny meme comes along, NO! We are a guild that exists for the sake of the People!
For the sake of our love for our vidya!
For the sake of our hatred for elves!
Now take these words into consideration when you go to the polling booths today…
Who was always there for you when you were outta' luck?
When you got home from a long day of work and you needed some dank memes in your life?
So vote ZELGARATH this election day for four more years of glory and wondrous memes!
shit poll shit options.
Making a video shows his dedication, what have the others on the list done to prove their dedication to the cause? How do we know they won't simply leave after they get the keys to the guild bank, or access to our meme depositories?
you two need to kill yourselves
What a massive faggot.
Come shitpost with us. We've got memes and stupid bots. Also we're channeling our autism for upcoming servers, setting up votes for server preference etc.
What are you faggots up too?
So, when is this fresh realm supposed to launch?
November 28th is what's being said so far.
Don't you want to play with the best guild ever? I mean being ganked by Infinity is an honor, we'll meme on you hard
I believe the best course of action is to roll on the "fresh" PvP server, as Horde.
PvP for obvious reasons.
Fresh for higher population and resistance to 60 police ruining gank squads.
Horde because that's what the guild originally was and forever will be in my heart, and the fact that Alliance have dwarves does not make up for the fact that every other ally race is shit.
What does everyone else think? I have a pre-raid BiS'd rogue and leveled Warrior and Mage, but I'd give them up to experience the leveling process again with everyone. Infinity was never raid ready anyway (we got, what, one partial MC run in through merging with another guild?), so I don't see why people who want to join the guild again care about staying on their old characters.
60 police rarely shows up for horde, it'd mainly be alliance and their anti-fun police
60 police rarely shows up for horde, it'd mainly be alliance and their anti-fun police
I don't see the logic in this.
Posting, Remember the best memes come from 8ch
I'd pretty much go into horde with or without
I already had my Alliance experience with dorf fort.
Dorf Fort was a nice meme, and we always wanted to do it since we first went on nost.
Hey, we memed our way through ZG too. Our main druid healer showed up in moonkin form and we still downed like 5 bosses in a night.
The MC runs were shit because half of our raid was from a guild that was complete trash.
don't remind me, didn't Rtas lose a piece of gear to one of their guys who was pretty much in just greens?
Rtas was in SrtO when we raided because he was triggered by all the futa talk. Trollop randomly kicked him from the raid because it was funny and because he was afk half the raid anyway.
The main problem with MC was getting non-retarded tanks. The ones from the other guild had shit stats and ours were all trannyfuckers.
I wonder if this user has killed himself yet.
Reminder that Holla Forums will never have a real raiding guild.
Enjoy playing with normalfags you fucking losers.
The joke is even if members are undergeared or have no idea how shit works we still pull through, the meme of "raid ready" is our ace in the hole
Originally I was ready to become RAID READY but then you fags stopped playing after the whole tranny drama. Then the guild didn't revive for a while, the first time it revived, and I had shit to do by then.
I don't think I could stomach vanilla warrior anymore unless I got an arms off-set for memeing on nerds.
I'm planning to level a mage on the fresh server first for easy money to fund my other character's leveling. They can farm those mobs in DM for grays that sell for a good chunk of change from vendors consistently.
Actually, since it's a fresh server, does that mean DM won't be out? If that's true then I might roll priest.
Wasn't Rtas doing something with a warrior alt on it's own account that was meant to be used for tanking shit if we didn't have a prot warrior
People were using the trannyfucker's account until he sold it or something. I forget if that was before or after the first ded guild and revival.
They should have started to work on the server as soon as blizzard said they wouldn't have any announcements for blizzcon. Now I will have to wait for 3 weeks with nothing to play.
PvP only or will it have a PvE realm? Nost was kinda shitty with the overpopulation when it came to world PvP. Trying to get into Dire Maul/BRS was a fucking headache.
Not only that, I remember that. But after Rtas came back he made a spare account ontop of all those bank alts for the guild, and IIRC he made it with the intent that we'd always have a prot warrior ready to tank
Rtas made an account that other guild memers had access to. Had a prot warrior for raids but I don't think he got to 60 because Rtas seemed to be the only one who bothered leveling him
Didn't help that he wouldn't give the credentials to anyone. I understand the need to keep it between trusted individuals, so I hope we can get more communication going and figure out who deserves the keys to the account.
IIRC 4 other people in the guild had the login info, and last I checked someone booted it from the bguild because "LOL RTAS MADE THIS WE DONT WANT IT"
pretty sure at least 4 people had them
He couldn't just give it to the whole guild, someone might have just fucked off with all it's shit
pretty much this, he gave the alt bank info to a few people even before he left the 2nd time. It's less an issue of people don't have the password and user and more of he wanted to try and keep it to people he knew weren't going to cut and run with it. I mean seeing how the /vg/ cucks came here and got us to play ToD should tell you something, now imagine if /vg/ had access to say our tank alt
RIDF pls go
I thought Rtas was back in the guild when he made the tank
By this I mean I don't think he was booted any time after making it, should've been more clear
he was, when he left I saw the guild tank online like a few times, someone else was using it and then someone booted it. Also looking at everything, Rtas has always left of his own volition and when he left the 2nd time he had created the back up bank system because pornmod had disappeared. Instead of taking everything with him he turned over everything to git
Yeah, WoW has and will always be shit. This was boring as fuck and a mistake.
Maybe if you're autistic and refuse to communicate, in which case you might like retail better.
No, the game is shit, kill yourself.
Probably a /vg/ reject trying to lead 8ch
There is a poll in the discord in the announcement channel to vote on the future of the guild, make sure to vote everyone. Might want to add other polls once we're done with this one.
3 weeks?
I thought something was supposed to happen on the 13th this month.
ded thread? dump old nost memories.