The patch is live and so is the Relic. 50 Singing Clusters to hit 260. 150 lore tomes each, 10 from a weekly quest, 1 from a daily. Even the most lazy will be done by Tuesday.
New palace of the dead is fun on paper but shit MCH/BRD's are wipe monsters as of late.
REMINDER: Minfilia is the Lightning of XIV, yes i'm talking to you Minfilifag. Your taste is schwarbage.
Reminder: They stopped demolishing houses due to the Japanese earthquake in April, now they have grown accustomed to the wall eyes in Morioh town the demolitions will recommence as of patch 3.4!
I've only seen one ninja use silhouette, and goad is a rarity.
Jayden Johnson
You say that like theres a hume alive that doesnt want paizuru service from those huge, pale matrony titties.
Kayden Diaz
user…… have you been paying attention?
Kevin Brooks
Landon Morris
Fucking how? I even got eight hours of sleep.
Henry Ross
Ryan Cruz
Angel Fisher
How can one person luck with these be so bad?
Joseph Jones
Liam Green
I did it, i double HQ mooched. Thats it. All gathering quests done till Stormblood. I'm free!
Julian Murphy
Now catch all the big fish.
Adam Taylor
Why is fire meme looked down upon?
Camden Williams
Charles Parker
i no longer care if we wipie at all on the next two sets
i am done
Easton Ortiz
Explain yourself without using the word "meme." I have no idea what you're trying to ask about.
Levi Hall
Austin Young
Grayson Phillips
Daniel Jenkins
I've got one day left before the free trial ends and I still can't decide if I want to play any of these classes. THM was pretty boring with spamming fire until I needed to transpose, and tossing in a lightning whenever I could. CNJ is pretty stressful if the DPS is slow, or if the tank pulls in a whole room without letting me know. ACN was pretty boring so far just DOTs while the carbunghole does it's thing, and maybe toss a physic if the healer isn't paying attention. Didn't play GLD in a dungeon yet, but I got a bad feeling about tanking.
Do you guys have any recommended classes?
Nicholas Nguyen
pretty much none of the classes are going to be very interesting until later
David Anderson
Try rogue. It was added in a patch so has a bit more stuff at lower levels than the launch jobs.
Parker Watson
Monk. The class actually builds itself up well, giving you small tastes of the full rotation every step of the way instead of suddenly having to piece it all together at level 40-something when you get one skill. It's fast and fluid.
Jonathan Foster
MRD or WAR is a fun class to tank with.
Ayden Long
PGL at least gets you moving around more, sadly as cliched as the saying is, none of the jobs really do get any fun until much later. Most jobs play totally differently 50+
whatever you do, don't play GLD it's dull as fuck for the longest time - if you do attempt tanking go with MRD
Nathaniel Rogers
Liam Rogers
this is wonderful
Jaxson Rodriguez
If theres one good side to DD all the easy gil makes it obscenely easy to go full HQ ironworks for gatherers and crafters.
Dylan James
Christopher Carter
Jayden Perez
Minfilifag pls.
Brayden Wilson
Hunter Johnson
I fucking hate this job so much. i just need it at 60 for the completionist in me so i have all 25 jobs at lvl.60 but fuck this is the most boring by far.
Nathaniel Clark
It's way better starting at 54. Goring blade and Sheltron make a big difference.
Zachary Martinez
I don't care. Thats 54 levels of suffering. I hate this so, so much.
Andrew Sanders
gorilla fishing at the nWo house
James Bailey
Also a side question: what's the deal with Lalafells? Did I fug up my race selection? I thought they looked cute in wizard gear.
Jose Mitchell
lalafells are the worst race lore wise and the people who play them are insufferable faggots 75% of the time.
Mason Cox
What should I roll if I want to play a big girl.
Ian Martin
Roe, just beware of clipping.
It's worse when people swear they're the best.
Zachary Ross
Jayden Nelson
Blake Jones
Sebastian Hall
you picked the best race, the only downsides are dealing with jealour and/or hungry roegadyns.
Looks like even the weebs who name themselves after anime characters are getting fed up with the french. Wonder if SE will do anything about them? I, for one, support blocking all of france.
Adam Richardson
I hear Paris is pretty much a shithole now
Thomas Clark
Quit playing after HW was such a disappointment. Have all the updates finally made it feel like a finished expansion yet? Is it worth paying for a sub now?
Angel Reyes
The problem is reality is racist. Any city that's full of (sand)niggers turns into a shithole.
Asher Anderson
FR are the BR of europe. Hicks/white trash that sit on the ruins of their once great empire chugging potato moonshine out of jam jars, chain smoking and complaining how English language cucked them and "one day enfrance shall rise again a HWONHWONHWONHWONHWON"
They are trash. I feel sorry for the few none trash FR that have to live in that shithole.
Jose Bailey
FR pls.
Bentley Gonzalez
With all the good things happening, something terrible must be about to rear its ugly head.
Robert Edwards
Go do deep dungeon, restore the balance before it does it by itself.
Ryder Martin
Anyone else think that'd be fun as fuck?
Cameron Martin
if it worked like weaver's ult in dota, that would be pretty cool. would put the tank's health, mana, and buffs/debuffs back to how they were 5 seconds prior
Angel Adams
I rejoined last week after nearly a year away (was focusing on senior year engineering shit). Still fun. Glad to be back. I'm still not doing any fucking relic quest tho.
Jacob Edwards
I farmed DD for Kinna.
Carson Phillips
Jaxon Perez
Kevin Hernandez
cant handle the bants
Adrian White
If by bants, you mean: "LOL CRINGE KYS LOL CRINGE LOL CRINGE" Ya sure, ok, couldn't handle it.
Asher Parker
going to miss you sweet succulent pepe
Angel Martin
I really hate this webm
More info on the expansioon when? i want to know the new classes already
Noah Brown
You're fucking autistic
Adrian Scott
wow cringe :^)
Joseph Robinson
Does anybody have some general hotbar/macro advice for somebody completely new to healer and scholar? I've been doing Palace of the Dead, and just hit 55 so far as actual dungeons go. I think I sort of have the hang of it, but I feel like I shouldn't just be leaving my pet on auto, and I feel like there's better arrangements and tricks I could learn to be best healer.
Note I've never actually played a non-dps role before and I'm trying to do the others so I can get good and learn mechanics better.
Matthew Roberts
Don't do SMN.
Isaac Morgan
is there any support class outside of heals?
Jace James
Carter Stewart
this is my layout; might help
Lucas Parker
They will but they will call it Exorcist like they did in Bravely Second :^)
Eli Rodriguez
right now bard range and looks like RDM melee in 4.0
Logan Jones
I need a good hotbar layout for Dark Knight. Any anons got a decent layout they use?
Jackson Carter
Man i can't imagine hotbars after using a DS4 with the crossbar, how anyone could go back i dont know.
Colton Green
Kevin Gray
Thank God, I'm finally done with this shite-class and can toss it in the fucking garbage.
Alexander Kelly
Juan Lee
I'm so rustled by shitters im contemplating starting up Minecraft for the first time in like 4 years.
William Parker
Purge when?
Anthony Robinson
posting best dad
Brayden Harris
what are you doing nigger
Jordan Green
nice fake story faggot.
Tyler Bailey
taken from one of these very threads back in 2.0 from shortly after the cuckening
so not mah shit nigga.
Matthew Reed
pic related it's u
Jaxson Wright
We probably won't get told shit until the Japanese Fanfest in December. They'll reveal Red Mage properly and confirm another class, possibly hint at a third if they do end up doing three classes again.
Then another long as fuck wait until Feburary for the Yurop Fanfest when they'll shower us with whatever else they've got planned.
And then over fourth months of fucking nothing…
I hope they add something interesting in 3.5 like weeping city savage or alex creator savage++ or theres really no reason to stay subbed, creator was such a shit tier raid to end the expac on. You're supposed to have the easy raid first and end with the hard one yoshi you twat.
Jeremiah Phillips
Jaxson Cooper
But thank god its over again so soon. PLEASE NOT BAD DRAGON DAGGERS YOSHI!
Seriously just make them different models for mh and off hand or something, mix it up.
Jason Butler
>Was the second NIN to get Relic after a [email protected]/* */
Bet the fucker got 3 tita hm or something.
Kayden Fisher
Evan Hill
Tanking is so lax in this game that there's times where the DPS have it harder mechanically.
Joseph Murphy
It will come for you next, don't worry.
Jonathan Flores
sauce on music?
Ethan Hall
Accuracy was a mistake.
Kevin Barnes
Levi Robinson
Henry Hernandez
Thanks user
Bentley Turner
Yeah man, I'm half a faggot too.
Benjamin Thompson
i had a giggle, heres ur upboat
Benjamin Ramirez
>that comfy feel when that song is about a normalfag waking up
David Williams
[email protected]/* */
Julian Thomas
Christ, it's like all the worst parts of western realism and eastern caricature art. I'm so gay..
Ryan Lopez
Good stay out fagboi
Aaron Stewart
DPS defence force pls go.
The game is not too difficult for people who have experience in videogames in general, there are always only a few things you need to keep in mind at once. The Raids are a lot more overwhelming though, and if you want a bigger challenge you can do the big big raids.
Except you'll have to grind item levels first by doing hours of boring bullshit with weekly caps.
Cooper Hughes
I'm not complaining about having a healing stick that doesn't look gay, but does anyone else get the feeling they mixed up the BLM and WHM kinna weapons and just went with it afterwards?
Ryder Phillips
But healers are the new dps, didn't you hear? :^)
Kayden Hall
Are you one of those healers that complains about having to do dps?
Adrian Nguyen
Nathaniel Parker
Nicholas Reyes
But I already have drk and pld to 60 and war to 55. Dragoons look cool as fuck in the game to me.
Lincoln Murphy
drg does look cool, but not that glamour
Christian Bell
glamour tips pls.
John Morales
What the fuck happened?
Is it worth transferring to a new server by the by? I was gonna make a character on exodus, but there was a new character restriction or something at the time so I just went to faerie since I didn't think I'd keep playing after the free period.
Grayson Powell
this is what im using atm, but any semi-plate sorta lookin set looks decent. im not sure about big male characters though.
Josiah Wilson
Time to trigger some GAFers TRUMP 2016
Alexander Murphy
lern2jew faggot.
Jack Williams
Fucking everyone thinking undercutting means an instant sale like retards crashing every market after a day.
Juan Lewis
You are doing god's work my friend!
Thomas Walker
So when do the red scripts reset? i have an inventory full of collectibles to unload.
Brayden Parker
either of you here?
Logan Green
Luis Edwards
Parker Diaz
dunno, dont ask me
Jaxson Martin
We are the new 4ch. Get ready lad, this shit hasn't even begun.
goddamn conventions are expensive, you think FFXV still fucking them over in dev costs?
Ryder Peterson
The EU events are never worth it for some reason. Just get a stream ticket if you want the costume and minion that badly.
Julian Baker
can't wait for stormblood so we can finally MAMGA too
Jason Rogers
But the Garleans already did that. :^)
David Fisher
I don't even care anymore, if it's not that it's HBH and I'm sick of both of them. I hope Stormblood doesn't have shit dungeons.
Jack Adams
Jeremiah Myers
Hullbreaker Hard
Aaron Long
aetherochemical is a good dungeon though.
Leo Evans
The artificial difficulty item level sync kinda fucks it.
Logan Cooper
The ilvl sync and having to run it hundreds of times for the relic sucks, and it's boring as hell. The spoiler was more in reference to the disappointment that's HBH.
Daniel Anderson
what? even with the ilvl sync, stuff dies faster than expert roulette mobs.
Wyatt Johnson
Sebastian Wright
Hey guys, dropping by with a friendly reminder, birbs are for eating that is all
Henry Walker
Fucking cunt wasting my time.
Alexander Stewart
Alexander Powell
Caleb Moore
kill yourselves
Dylan Hill
Jacob Anderson
People actually do that? Thank god i play on the JP servers
Isaac Thomas
thats romantic :3
Robert Long
Jobs are boring.
Lucas Wood
Owen Harris
Yup. A11 story mode some faggot comes in with a macro thats an emoji cat saying 'i'm gay.' I reply 'good for you' and spend the rest of that run being accused of homophobia, despite being bisexual and with another man.
People fail to realize there's a difference between being gay/bisexual and being a fucking faggot.
Josiah Miller
Now this is smug racing!
Adam Garcia
FF trading card game?
do tell
Henry Morris
They just released a trading card game, it is fun and nice. strangely its selling like mad in the eu and us but not many english media are talking about it.
In retrospect probably because the only time mainstream media talks about tcgs nowadays is crybullying shit like transgender wizards into magic the gathering and they cant pull that shit easily on foreign stuff.
Mason Foster
pretty sure someone already made triple triad as an online flash game
Nathan Sullivan
fuck me i want this now. what's the projected entry price to make a not-shit deck?
Jose Jackson
There is just 3 starter decks and one booster set, theres no 'i win' deck bullshit so far. The only 'mandatory' i hear is Red Mage for decks using its element type and some cards -even higher rarity ones- can be a bit crap so for a quick paced game theres no real way to make a super shit deck right now since the cards say what goes with what in a more obvious way than yugioh does.
Logan Green
Mason Peterson
good to know. hope its not too pricey. i have shit for cash right now.
you be real fucking careful with that meme magic user.
Ayden Murphy
You keep that shit away from me.
Benjamin Campbell
Lulu outfit, card exclusive, that increases bust past slider limits
David Myers
Julian Barnes
only because it will cannibalize the mogshop's shekels.
Julian Clark
Trance when?
Carson Taylor
Stormblood level 1 solo LB soon.
Connor Ward
Just started playing again
I had a 60 AST on Excalibur and a 50 BRD on Marlboro that I played with different friends. Excal friends are gone but Marlboro isn't, so I'm doing 2.1-2.5 story quests again. Haven't played since early Heavensward.
I'm torn between if I should play AST some more or if I should go ahead and run BRD up to 60. I want to be a good DPS but I also really enjoy healing, so I don't know what I want more. What do you guys think, since I'll be approaching 3.0 content sometime tonight?
Jace Morgan
If you choose to play AST then please just be one of the four ASTs that know what the fuck to do.
Leo Cox
What an awful time to finally get a house in-game but I'll have over 45 to get back on my feet.
I'd say go AST.
Gavin Anderson
I think I was really good at AST at launch, before they got some of their buffs. I don't know if they've improved the cards or the DPS situation, though, because AST is really lacking in DPS - so much that there was a Heavensward quest I couldn't complete without failing several times because I had no DPS.
My Excal group was doing Savage and we broke apart on A3S, but most of our problems came down to the DPS, rarely the tanks/healers.
I'm also slightly biased towards Noct Sect, even though it's dumb that those shields don't stack with SCH shields, forcing me to play Diurnal if there's a SCH around.
Angel Sullivan
You know I had a guy in my guild who said he liked AST better before the buffs. I dont know if thats crazy or not but most people I see love AST right now. SCH is still the DPS healer though.
Hunter Smith
The only buff I explicitly know of is that they made Collective Unconsciousness apply both effects, which.. Honestly, I wanted to see them swapped. I think it would have been cool if it were a source of regen for Noct Sect and a source of shield/mit for Diurnal Sect, and I think just giving both to both sects was a bit much.
I think they did something with either Lightspeed or their MP skill (Aetherial something? Or is that SCH?) to make MP management easier, but honestly as Noct Sect I usually did okay if I didn't have to DPS. Definitely easier as WHM or SCH, but I never had to ask our MCH for MP as the solo person who needed it
Any other notable buffs I should know about?
Gavin Morales
lowered some CD's on redraw/hold abilities. some direct buffs to cards (balance/bole are 20% base now) with i think a nerf to arrow (10% now).
Wyatt Cook
All rise for the Ul'Dahn national anthem.
Joseph Gutierrez
Ryan Gonzalez
Server why
Thomas Ortiz
It's crazy, nearly everything was a straight numbers buff. The one thing hes probably caught up on is how they changed improved benefic to guaranteed crits instead of instant cast heals, which to a shitter probably seems like a nerf when it isn't.
Hope you are not on Tonberry data center because I had one of these faggots about a week ago. Hyur dressed in gimp attire loads in to bismarck ex floods my chat window with his obnoxious special snowflake macro, does awful dps, floods chat log again with GOOD JOB KUPO and a massive picture of a moogle on leaving.
Bet he was from Melbourne as well.
Samuel Carter
David Nguyen
Noah Reed
what anime is that from?
Kayden Edwards
I think I can kind of understand. The primary appeal of Nocturnal Sect, for me, is having an instant cast of burst heal+shield. I used it to mitigate a lot of damage.
Alternatively, it could be just that AST has become so popular with the buffs. I liked being a rare healer when everyone else gave up on the job, especially because pugs would compliment me for being the only competent AST they've ever seen, for what little that was worth.
Hudson Thomas
Shitty Assholes online: cuck edition.
Tyler Murphy
Oliver Nguyen
Liam Lee
Tangen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Leo Lewis
Fuck my shit up fam
David Robinson
You're overgearing the shit out of these people, right?
Dylan Thompson
I'm all 250 with a sophia wep :(
Jayden Anderson
253 with shire wep good enough to apply to statics? my secondaries are about perfect too.
Levi Roberts
none of the fights are gear intensive
A9S is ez pz A10S is like 2 patters of dodge A11S gear helps with skipping stuff, but the fight is 99% staying alive and not messing up
What is going to be hard is finding a group of people who aren't retarded
Mason Evans
yeah ive read up on 9 and 10. I was more asking if people would accept that gear since you could really clear 12 with 245 ilvl.
Jayden Watson
Depends on the kind of people you gather for the static, although that's probably fine. The problem is when you get the static that you actually have people show up on time and learn the fights.
Leo Adams
People are shit and want to be carried, so the better your ilvl epeen is the better. But if they give you shit for a low ilvl just tell them to 1v1 you at the SSS dummy.
Elijah Allen
I've only seen A10S to 45% and we fucked up with all the Preys.
Nicholas James
thats my favorite shit to do with people that think they're hot stuff. what should I be parsing (3 min) with this gear?
gotta tell me what class you play user, I'm not a L337 Haxor who can see your character
Luis Lewis
I would say 2000 is a decent spot to aim for on a dummy over like 4-5 mins
Angel Ortiz
Is there anyplace to directly download the expansion files? The launcher keeps fucking up and failing to update them and the VPN trick doesn't work for me anymore for whatever raisin.
Nathaniel Martin
I think I had that problem too, is it telling you some bullshit like "failed to connect to server" or something like that? if it is you're just gonna have to restart teh client until its gotten all the files down.
Xavier Gomez
No, it's the launcher stopping during the download and saying "unable to download patch files". Always at the same place. The first time I installed the game it did the same thing too, but I used a VPN to circumvent the problem. But now that work-around doesn't seem to work and it still gives that error at the same exact place in the download.
What I want to know is if I can just get the Heavensward files and download them from somewhere else instead of having to put up with the launcher's bullshit.
Andrew Green
have you tried fucking around with IE? cause the launcher is based off of internet explorer, so if you haven't updated that in awhile you may be getting errors from there.
Parker Hernandez
Jordan King
Glad to see Steps of Faith is still cancer to pug
Gabriel Allen
gud enuf?
Jack Harris
Congrats you are ready for Savage user!
Daniel Hall
I did a1s the first week it was out so I cant be THAT bad.. but havent done any savage since then
Jose Flores
Nevermind, managed to download all the files with the VPN AFTER deleting all the ex1 files and starting fresh.
Asher Morgan
ANOTHER QUESTION How do I make it so that I can use Mouse4 & Mouse5 as key modifiers like how Shift and CTRL are?
Logan Brooks
You can't sadly, the modifiers are set. Anons are welcome to prove me wrong, though.
Matthew Taylor
Savage is kinda nice.
Brayden Long
It could be due to windows security shit. Move FFXIV install out of program files and see if that helps.
Angel Hill
Jaxson Hill
Been levelling up summoner lately and I gotta say, I'm of mixed feelings about it. On one hand, you get to enslave weak boss monsters to do your bidding like stands, but on the other, you have to give up carbuncles, you don't do quite as much damage as the other DPS, and it's a lot of micromanaging compared to other DPS classes. I started levelling it up originally because I heard rumors that you'd be able to glamor your summons back to carbuncles; Does anyone have any idea when that patch is gonna hit? Has Yoshi talked about it at all?
why is tri-bind so useless? why is ruin II the same as ruin I but with blind and no cast time I have so many questions
Brody Butler
egi glamour in 3.5
you are the king of aoe damage and your single target isn't terrible at all
only used in pvp
only use it if you need to cast ruin on the go, or when a monster might die soon
Thomas Gomez
any idea when 3.5 is going to hit? I want my carbuncles back goddammit.
got any good guides on summoner? As far as I can figure out, it's basically pop tri-disaster, fester, use bane to spread it to nearby enemies, hit him with energy sap, enter dreadwyrm, then throw ruin 4 at it till you hit like 2 seconds, ending with deathflare?
summoner is about on par with the rest of dps for single target, and the undisputed king of aoe. they're pretty much a better blm on any fight that has a medium amount of movement since they're so mobile compared to blm
Lincoln Phillips
there's no way in hell anything in this game is worthy of a guide that long
Julian Hill
thanks mate. I'll give it a once-over later on.
Jacob Jones
sure, you could play any class with a 1 page summary and opener but getting the absolute 100% max out of some of them need more explanation
Jaxson Carter
Considering getting the free trial to see if the game will be to my liking.
How to I spend my time wisely during?
Cooper Howard
What you can do is very limited, I'd suggest taking the time to roll a few lowbie characters in different cities to see what you like.
Jonathan King
do main story quests at your own pace. Do some research on what class you wanna be, I recommend MRD.
Jacob Powell
Any tips for getting gud at MCH? I have gotten to level 40 mostly by doing deep dungeon and I really dont like using gauss barrel, I asked a guy in my group and apparently you are supposed to use it all the time unless you have tons of skill speed. Do I need ACC as well?
Blake Wright
Elijah Wilson
also use ruin 2 if you need to get some ogcds in to prevent clipping
Austin Lee
its a dps increase to stance dance barrel on and off, it takes a while to learn when its worth it though
generally if you have no off GCDs left and have enough time before they come back up to sneak in a couple of auto attacks its worth it to take it off quickly
staying out of gauss barrel forever is a big dps loss though and i hope you get laughed at if you do it
accuracy is really only important for savage/extreme content, you need at least 700 for tanks, 680 for physical dps and 600 for casters to never miss, to keep it simple
Aaron James
Surprise, surprise. Two out of three of them look like shit- Guess I'm sticking with the Zodiac Weapons.
Mason Mitchell
you know you can look them up first right
Ryder Brown
Nicholas Bailey
Help me anons, does anyone know a group looking for a NIN/WAR for A11/12S? I do not want to wipe on the same thing for the rest of my life.
Matthew Martin
are people being critical? what problems are you having and are they being addressed?
Levi Jones
user, there is no saving this group. 3 weeks and people still die in phase 1. I am not going to explain the whole thing, lets just say I have gotten further in PF groups.
Justin Wood
user is right to want out
Kevin Collins
Wyatt Baker
Is this drama queen who I think it is?
Hudson Miller
It feels good. Definitely want to try for the 250 gear, since we still have so much time between now and Stormblood.
Jayden Wright
nigga, 250 takes zero effort to get. run creator normal every week, buy scrip gear. congrats, you're a casual
Jaxson Smith
So what do you suggest I should do to not be a casual? I'm still finding my way through Heavensward since I quit shortly after it came out.
Adam Jenkins
keep gearing up and then go unlock Savage raiding if you dont want to be casual.
Chase Sanders
I still have to unlock Duty Level 60 Roulette and Expert Roulette. I have all the dungeons required, it just gives me "???" for the last two I have to do, so now I have to guess which ones I have left. Kind of irritating actually.
Carson Carter
you done all the story yet? that or you're missing some sidequest to unlock the last 2 dungeons.
Kevin Morgan
I'm still catching up on the story. Last dungeon I just unlocked last night was Xelphatol.
Thomas Hughes
yeah that is the last story dungeon so far, so then it must be a side quest you're missing. Try looking just outside of idyllshire, I think there is a guy there, also there is gubal library hard mode which is unlocked in idyllshire.
Ian Collins
Okay cool, I'll do that tonight, thanks user. I saw a guy running around with full 270 gear, how'd he manage to do that?
Leo Long
He raids.
Samuel Martin
It finally just occurred to me there are 8 player raids, and not just 24 player raids. I'm a retard.
James Sullivan
Ultros is the best server for Salt gathering, Gaf-faggots everywhere, I wish I took screenshots.
Asher Moore
you can't just not tell us the name user.
Christopher Sullivan
It's the only good thing we have left on the server.
Hudson Anderson
Trump's win alone has generated some fantastic salt, especially when it's a healer that hates Trump and everyone else lets them die.
Ian Richardson
You should know better.
Zachary Reed
I am still shocked about all the friend invites I got for sending tells about how "concerned" you are about their attitude and how it's not the end of the world that a child sex trafficker didn't win the election. :^)
Benjamin Stewart
It was glorious.
Jose Taylor
It's literally just
that's it, that's all there is.
Gabriel Cook
Thomas Powell
Cameron Roberts
Election night was a hoot, revealed to me how poz'd my FC really was. The resident gay was also a hardcore Trump man and spent the whole night triggering the shit out of the rest of the FC, up until the leader threatened to kick the poor guy for being on the wrong side of history.
Nathan Johnson
Did you point out that's oppression of gay rights?
Asher Kelly
Benjamin Brown
You will go kpop, femroe or potato dont even lie to yourself.
Carter King
I'm currently a catgirl, but as much as I like the look of a cute catgirl in full plate armor, I'm tempted to either go Lalafell because it'd be funny, or Roegadyn because why not?
Jordan Russell
It's scientifically proven that life is much funner as a lalafell.
Bentley Rivera
Only because the smug takes up greater total space percentage wise.
Cameron Smith
if you enjoy being a football, sure.
Jayden Howard
You have that backwards, and kind of wrong.
It's actually scientifically proven, that life is much funner when FUCKING a lalafell
Nathaniel Rivera
I would rather turn it into booze. :^)
Jordan Perry
the salt mines itself
Lincoln Kelly
Fucking Irish, gb2 your Lightning and Minfillia discussion.
Lucas Thompson
or maybe you're just an obnoxious memer that other people don't want to deal with?
Austin Brooks
fuck off Hillary you lost.
Ayden Jones
Ethan Russell
i mean, if youre fucking about with idiots in the shire, sure. but wiping city has enough shitters in it man. if i was in there and someone was spouting crap in that fashion, regardless of whether i agreed with it, id kick them too.
Tyler Jones
Fuck, I meant she iswas on my friend list.
Liam Kelly
Brayden Taylor
wew lad, we got ourselves a live one over here
Lincoln Martin
nah dawg, i just like to finish my shit when i get home from work. you got 23 other people in there trying to get their shit done and you sperg out with MAGA-lite for no reason, then come here to brag about it like one of the big kids.
no one likes a shitter who goes into a dungeon or raid and then starts dropping spaghetti all over the damn place because they think they're hardcore.
now, if some cunt said something first and you were responding to them, then sure, that's different. but i don't see that anywhere in the screenies you've provided
Jason Brown
Get bent wageslave
Kayden Morris
Logan Mitchell
I bet your pts are full of fun discussion.
Daniel Johnson
Thanks for killing MMORPGs. Fuck you and this attitude, if you're so pressed for time peggle and bejeweled are where you're going to want to look.
Connor Ward
M8 after how right Holla Forums has been these past six months they have the right to do whatever they want.
Xavier Martin
Come to Diabolos some time. We've got redditors to bully.
Nathaniel Harris
Yeah that's me who got kicked. They were seething in party chat. Shitposting is the only thing that makes weeping city okay.
Cameron Morales
Guess you could say they were weeping.
Ayden Perez
Everyone who argues with you is a troll. That's right before I got dismissed for being said troll.
Aaron Cook
Holla Forums is always right user. always has been and always will be. it's just this last 6 months, people are finally awake.
Jackson Hernandez
Of course, I just meant how over the course of the past 6 months, it's been revealed just how right Holla Forums has been all this time. I should have worded it better, my bad.
Mason Hall
Hah, I thought they kicked you but you were too far away to tell for certain. For all the huffing and puffing they did about putting us on their ignore lists, they sure did bitch a lot about our continued shitposting
Evan Lopez
I've already been banned once so I kinda keep to myself most times. There are 2 people coming from our IP so if they IP Ban me they take him too. That's the only reason I kinda shut up after a while. Lefties can't ignore shit for some reason and it's funny as all hell.
Luis Stewart
It's their martyr complex. Lefties will always see their selves as the little guys fighting the evil machine, even if their paragon candidate is anti-thesis to everything they supposedly stand for. Hence why if you disagree with their views, you must be some sort of agent of evil and must be stopped at any cost