Now that the (((king))) has fallen, what other fighting game should be seen as the face of the genre? I nominate Tekken 7 or King Of Fighters, seen as anything else is aimed at weebs (Guilty Gear), pedos (Blazblue, Dead or Alive), normalfags (Mortal Kombat), and autistic manchildren (Smash).
SFV sold less than 100k copies since May
Other urls found in this thread:
Tekken 7's probably gonna blow Street Fighter out of the spotlight for a couple months.
They are not interchangeable but they do it to disguise the real sales figures. The number of copies actually sold to people is far lower.
Tekken 7 is going to sell like shit relative to the former games in the series. It will better than Tag 2 but noticeably less than Tekken 6. Maybe the worst selling numbered entry in the series.
Also the game does not compete in the esports market because nobody wants to watch 3D fighters since you need to have an understanding of the game to spectate rather than "combo->special finishers=goodjob".
Tekken 7 is depending on normalfags coming out and spending 60 dollarydoos on something they know they've had no interest in after the last time and with the addition of online play showing them Tekken is an ugly game to play and a 2D fighter pretending to be 3D.
KoFXIV sold like garbage as expected.
Akuma will carry Tekken 7 to glory. That and Bamco not being stupid with marketing.
All non Smash fighting games sell like garbage now.
Fine. Smash isn't a fighting game, whatever. Now that means that ALL fighting games sell like shit and will continue to sell like shit.
Meanwhile in NeoGeo Land;
Nigga just because something doesn't sell SF numbers, doesn't mean it sold like garbage. It sold enough for SNK to be happy with the sales.
Not a fan of KoF, but good on them. Hope they can get back on their feet.
Not that much in fightan games.
What exactly happened for people to hate is so much?
Game needed at least 1 more year of development, and the botched DLC pisses people off even more.
I want more broken ass Vs. games
Don't forget the updates that censored the characters that are problematic.
If marketed right it could become one of the dominate fighting games in the market again instead of being an after thought. Core gameplay looks super slick along with an interesting roster. I just hope it isn't one of those "dead on every platform except ps4" things.
I think Tekken vs Streetfighter will be the new face of the genre.
It was an early access game sold as full price game. People knew it was gonna be missing shit at launch, but it was rushed out to capcom could get that EVO hype money.
It was missing the basic essentials, game got more censorsed, patch fixes cause more problems then they fixed, never fixed the problems with survival mode, introduced exclusive DLC that would only be available for a limited time, blatantly took modders' work and added it to the game and the best of all; they installed a fucking rootkit in a god damn update
That pissed people off, but everyone just moved on.
promptly forgotten about
they forgot who they were trying to sell to and it serves them right
It's like every other fighting game that came out this year is better than SFV.
Are there any other fighting games that came out in 2016 that are better than SFV?
Honestly all the SFfags i know stopped playing SFV and just play Overwatch instead.
This is the world i live in now.
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel
and If you're including ports;
Under Night In-Birth ExeLate
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code although the netcode is still shit
Last Blade 2
possibly Garou: Mark of the Wolves
also is Blazblue: Central Fiction good? I haven't touched the series since CSII so I've got no clue where the series headed
This is what you get when you screw your customers around trying to gouge them for money instead of releasing a finished product. Fuck this 'staggered release', episodic content, season pass, integral content dressed up as DLC bullshit, if the game isn't done FINISH THE FUCKING GAME *then* release it.
This shouldn't be rocket science yet they try their worst to make it so.
I'm glad no-one is buying, maybe if it wasn't an shoddy A-frame on release and shit anyway people might have cared a jot.
Tekken 7 will make fighting games great again.
oh that is new, got any caps about that?
No Soul Calibur no buy.
Oh it was just stuff modders taking certain things out on dlc costumes like hats and overshirts, then capcom said "hey we should take that idea" and they threw it in as secret Easter eggs for the costumes.
I am laughing at the drones on the FGG
This is the slowfighter in his natural habitat.
I won't be getting it unless they do this. The bare bones and large fragmented content puts me off from buying it as I feel I won't be getting value for my money. Capcom should have held off releasing the game until a year later.
Holla Forums, can you handle an actual, serious discussion about fighting games?
Can we actually talk about why SFV flopped without FGC wannabee stream monsters screaming MUH PRO SCENE and the horde of mustards that pick up a fighting game, play it in singleplayer for 5 minutes and then drop it and declare on the internet "yep, i sure love fighting games"?
Can everyone else fuck off and only people that are experienced with the genre, and genuinely want to talk about what a fighting game needs in order to survive and thrive actually talk about this shit?
Because to those who actually care, you might remember that this already happened in the past, at least 3 times, and in a different industry landscape this killed the entire genre of fighting games THREE TIMES (aside MK, MK doesn't give a shit and always survives).
If SF was the only thing pushing fighting games right now and we didn't have Tekken and (even if you hate to admit it), GGXrd, this would've been a fucking massive blow.
Do you understand how much the landscape has changed, and how this is a huge possibility by other series, if they approach this with the correct timing from the right angle?
Reminder that Eventscrubs made a counter bingo to this one. I'll see if I can find it.
if anything wants to survive and thrive it needs cute girls
After Super IV they said there wouldn't be another version.
Ultra came not long after that statement.
Believing anything Crapcom says is equal to admiting to having brain damage.
Found it.
Well, it was half a game.
Meanwhile, KoF XIV is a full game by a developer that at least is pretending to care.
SNK might make vidya great again.
Onlt if Bamco shills Tekken 7 like theres no tomorrow so they catch the casual crowd that once played Street Fighter.
But sincerely I dont think its happening.
It all going to be more or less niche in the fightan genre much like RTS.
Its all about them Narutos and One Pieces 3D fightan nowadays.
Akuma is a huge selling point for the SF fans. Hopefully he gets nerfed to shit when the game is released.
I Think Tekken has a healthy casual crowd, it has been in decline, but still relatively stable ever since Tekken 3.
Tekken as a series understands the balance between core and casuals and caters to both, however in high level play the gap between them is IMMENSE, so fucking huge only games like VF are worse in that regard.
I really wouldn't mind Bamco sitting down with the Tekken pro scene and asking them "we need to shorten the gap between casuals and pros in this game, how do we do it without dumbing the game down?).
Tekken has some of the chilliest pro players out of any scene, i'm sure they would come up with something to solve this situation.
Oh boy…
Yeah, Tekken had an immense casual crowd during the PS1 and PS2 days.
They could get some of them back if they play their cards right, even now I have casual friends that still ask themselves where did Tekken go.
Seriously, Marketing is everything for these people.
Im one of those mustards thats casual as fuck at fightan btw
It's weird, ever since SNK Playmore got bought up by the chinese, they've dropped the pachinko shit and started making games again as just plain old SNK.
He was nerfed when the Japanese, Koreans, and US pros whined about him.
The irony with the Tekken ass-kissing here is 7 is probably the second worst Tekken followed by 4 (I don't count Revolution as a real Tekken game).
I have them too.
Sit them down with Tekken Tag 2 and make them play some friendly matches and they'll have fun.
Tekken might have an incredibly wide gap at high level play vs casual play, but on an even casual level, it's a completely enjoyable fighting game for anyone to pick up and play as is.
That's the biggest strength of this series, on a casual level all you need to do is sit someone in front of the screen, hand them a controller and make them play, it's pretty intuitive, no matter who they are they'll get some enjoyment out of it.
and yes, i know, 90% of 8ch Holla Forums falls under that cathegory thus why FGC really isn't a thing here and will never be
If you could rank the mainline Tekken games from best to worst, what would that list look like? If you want, you could add The Tekken Tag Tournament games.
What does that even mean?
No crazy tech like option selects, vortexes, unblockables, etc like USF4 did.
Problem is that makes the game boring and lowers the skill ceiling to the point pro players are beaten by scrubs entirely by luck through basic mix-ups from time to time.
The final version isn't even fucking out yet. Harada has mentioned before that the arcades are meant to balance the game and fix problems. I've heard the pros and casuals are enjoying the game.
I had no idea it was out even.
I hope you're just making a joke.
All of those are true though.
Actually they still only did Pachinko for the first few years of owning SNK. What changed is that in the last 2 years the Chinese government has pushed this huge "China Pride" culture thing to assert that China and all it's industries are the best, not just in Asia, but in the world. So, when it comes to video games their game developers are now focusing on becoming better than the Japanese. King of Fighters is just one title that is being used as a tool to push this China Pride thing.
Another example is that here in the US a lot of our film studios are being bought by the Chinese. They have slowly begun preparing and releasing films that are intended to take away the prestige and glory from American owned studios so they can assert that even American films made by the Chinese are better than American films made by the Americans. The next step is they plan to bring all these film students who have been studying for years and screen writers from Hong Kong and Luo Yang to replace all of the American Screen writers. The Screenwriters Guild/Union already had a huge meeting with it's members about this and many people are scared because these new writers will not play by guild rules and will not even make an effort to join the guild/union
I'm not entirely opposed to this and the Chinese firms have already said they plan to make films not propaganda. I'm curious to see if it will revive the industry to something along the lines of what we had in the 1950s to 1970s.
What's Holla Forums's beef with Guilty Gear?
It seems to have everything anyone would want in a fighting game.
Is it just the crazy character designs?
I've only play XX ΛC+R btw
I didn't think a majority of Holla Forums hated GG. I've only played XXAC+R as well. Who do you main?
5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 4
Tag: 1>2
Tag 2 is too bloated (and most of the dlc characters suck). 5 and 2 will always be my favorites. 3 was hit and miss for me (The PSX version was so much better than the Arcade version).
Bob was all kinds of bullshit good in 6, and the console version was really bad. 4 will always be the worst Tekken game. I want to like FR, but I really hate the music and roster (No Kuma, no interest). I'm a Kuma main for life 7 is also boring as fuck to watch.
Vanilla 7 was really bad, fam, and despite the announcements for Miguel, Lee, and Master Raven, Harada hasn't done jack shit since release Fat Faggot Bob.
I've got no problems with it personally, I just enjoy other fighters more.
Jam and Baiken
GG is loved, the GG FGC has a problem with Xrd.
Thus Holla Forums also has a problem with it because they don't really understand much about fighting games and just parrot what the pros say.
I don't think the GG FGC will ever accept Xrd, even if it improves massively in future iterations, there's a number of factors at play when it comes to the rejection, the GG community is it's own thing that has it's own rules, much more strict than other FGCs (also not really loved at tournaments, it has a long history of starting shit and ruining multiple events)
Not a bad choice for mains. I main Ky. I've been wanting to branch out, but I don't think there's anything wrong with playing Ky.
Blazblue is nu-anime garbage. Guilty Gear is the good shit.
Arcsys is a pretty shitty company when it comes to releasing their stuff out of Japan, and has a bad rep with dlc being in future updates for free on seperate $40-60 discs.
GG isn't very friendly either.
Why does Holla Forums hate Xrd? It's so much better to look at than Blazblue, which is a piece of trash series.
Honestly, BlazBlue is fucking terrible.
There have been multiple updates on the arcades with balance issues and other fixes. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about son. Your ranking for Tekken games are also shit.
I see a lot of hate for it purely because how Arc System Works handles the PC version; PC version comes out a year after a new version gets announced.
Harada hasn't added a new character since that patch came out let alone done anything with 7: FR. There hasn't been a good Tekken since 5, and Bob's bullshit damn near killed Vanilla 6 in Japanese arcades (Hence why Harada updated it with Lars and Alisa).
this is fucking disgusting
Like BlazBlue that hardly even gets an updated pc version.
Provided China doesn't just buy out everyone that dares to make a better product than china it very well could create enough competition to revive the industry, yes.
Personally, IIRC, the devs seem to be focused on overly detailed sprites and shit more than making a fighting game.
And the Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code netcode they promised to fix and never did.
I play accent core too. I have a good time playing it. I'm debating on whether to get a copy of accent core for console or get ac+r on pc.
I hate xrd because no anji mito and I hate the art style. Plus I know it won't be the finished version so why play it when it isn't even done yet.
If there was a definitive edition, I'd get into GG like you said.
I kind of agreed with this, I'm not very found in how everything looks so "animesque" and the new characters look like rejects from BlazBlue but still, it's a fun game. Wish that we get Revelator or atleast the newest version of Xrd in PC tho.
Also, who do you guys main in fighting games anyway? Do you have an overall favorite fighting game?
This sounds absolutely fantastic. Jews have completely ruined hollywood with forgettable hot garbage and flooding the market with worthless remakes. Maybe we will finally see movies that pander to men again instead of faggots. Their fight scene choreography is unmatched and has been for decades, they shit all over hollywood so hard.
Also when are we going to get a fighting game that has complex gameplay on par with a Chinese Kung Fu flick?
Each game in Xrd is it's own game, and every new version is a sequel. It's different than how Capcom does it with each Street Fighter being it's own sub series. You won't ever get a definite edition with GG because each one build off the last. BB is sort of the same. CT-CS-CP-CF are new games/sequel that build off each other. Extends would be the actual "definite" edition of that particular game.
Leave fighting games to us.
Can't wait for GV to kick the shit out of everyone in the west the same way it does in Japan.
And I bet that casuals are going to jump right into it because it's almost built for them. Super simple controls, team based, no cringeworthy anime aesthetic (specially GV, which has the lighting director from the FOX Engine).
Oh you poor soul.
Do you want me to show you what's popular in china, right now?
Take a look.
I know this is completely irrelevant but the Jews in Hollywood and in general responsible for fucking up the world, are not real Jews. The vast majority of them are cultists that use a very loosely/fake interpretation of Kaballah as their guide. These people are only Jewish for the supposed benefits that it brings and networking potential. They are no more Jewish than Hillary Clinton is a Southern Baptists.
Sorry to divert, but you're point is still right.
What? The acquisition hapenned in August 2015 more than a year after KOFXIV started its development in mid 2014 and they shutted down the pachinko division in October 2015. SNK is going mobile (Metal Slug Defense/Attack) and regular games (KOFXIV).
What hapenned is that the japanese government is fucking up companies with new pachislot regulations in Japan. Basically, yakuza is pressuring the government to slowly regulate gambling.
But I can't say anything about that statement about movies.
Depends on the game. Usually anyone with tons of Guard Points or can Parry/Counter.
Top 5;
1. The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match
2. Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
3. Samurai Shodown II
4. Vampire Savior
5. Art of Fighting 3
The game was cenosred multiple times, the devs lied multiple times about DLC and censorship, the PR agents kept telling people to fuck off and accused people of being bigots, there were many bugs, the gameplay is unbalanced and lacks a lot of high skill techniques, treid to stroke of kotaku, etc. The game tried to please SJWs, casuals, and hardcore people without pleasing anyone. Big people responsible for this are some of the huge e-celeb faggots like Maximilian, those big name commentators talking aboiut hwy games should be censored, and the pr at capcom.
It ain't gonna do shit unless there is a money pot for the games and manages to get a tournament spot in the major tournaments.
Hmm, for some reason I remember it happening in 2013.
I'm not familiar with the pachislot regulations, but thank you for providing it. However, I stand by my point regarding the China Pride push
EVO 2018/EVO Japan 2018 guaranteed spot. Really, the most important thing that it'll need is a proper LAN mode and good local play options.
not sure evo japan will go down, you cant win actual prize money due to gambling laws.
Some foreign smash player won a tourney over there recently and won a 60kg bag of rice.
It wasn't announced for next year so they can properly work out the details, but it should be ready for 2018.
That trailer actually made me laugh. Even their shitty comedy movies put hollywood to shame. I welcome our new Chinese film overlords.
I wish but hoping for a LAN mode in *current year*
Pokken had an equivalent. Splatoon too, but it was harder to set up.
Thats very respectable for a dev, not many big companies seem to be like that nowadays. I can only hope they get more sales, especially because of how inept and poorly handled Street Fighter 5 was handled. Makes me worried for future Capcom games, not just fighters.
Nigga it's a Stephen Chow film. This is like pointing to Adam Sandler
I don't remember the name of the film, but several years ago the Chinese made a knock off version of Harold and Kumar go to White Castle that was 100 times funnier that the original.
The plot involved a guy who fell in love with a girl who was giving up city life to live and work as a Monk. He seeks out help from his play boy friend who tells him to look inside and find his heavenly guide. That guide will then guide him to her. After having trouble getting in touch with his spirit guide on his own his friend takes him to a former Buddhist monk friend his that was kicked out of the monastery because of his obsession with anime. The former monk does some hypnotic voodoo thing on the two of them which unlocks the MCs spirit guide who ends up being Cao Cao. What happens though is all three of them end up seeing Cao Cao and it becomes some crazy wild misadventure with Cao Cao dicking them around while the MC is trying to find this girl he met once but fell in love with at first sight. Spoiler: In the end when he finds her she rejects him, but Cao Cao intervenes and changes her min, but only because she's obsessed with Three Kingdom's history.
I'm really bad at summarizing but it was a really fun movie and a hell of a lot better than Harold and Kumar
Meanwhile, SNK only censors their games where the government says they have to censor them.
Glad to help. I know Capcom and SNK took a huge hit recently in the pachislot department with a steady yearly decrease in that area. Makes me wonder why the hell Konami went in that direction along with mobile.
No shit, it's fucking PS4 exclusive right now.
It was always like that, the only exceptions were Shit Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Fighting games are niche because they're complex as fuck and normalfags can't get into them for this reason.
The OP is one of those casuals who jumped from Shit Fighter to Tekken 7. Too bad people who know how to play will kick his ass hard because Tekken is a complex game.
What? No. I'm sure the yakuzas actually profit from it.
It's because they want to cleam the place for the 2020 olympics. Pachinko is a real problem in japan, way bigger than we think, almost every adult person and some kids are addicted to this shit and it's fucking expensive and dirty as fuck. Have you ever seen a pachinko parlor? It's a living hell.
What do Holla Forums?
Play old games like everyone was doing before SFIV.
Its okay. Once UNIELst comes out, fighting games will be saved.
What. Pachinko has been declining for the past 5 years because younger people barely play the games, they turn to mobile shit instead. I went to japan in 2013 and went to Big Apple Pachinko Parlor in akihabara. The only person younger than me in the whole building was some chick that worked there and I was 23. It's a sea of middle age and old people, and there is nobody replacing them as they die off. That's why there is so many parlors campaigning to swindle younger folks in and why the parlors keep panicking that japan is getting real close to legalize gambling.
Guess you didn't play the October balance patch.
That's because Xrd = BlazBlue
You wouldn't like it if your favorite game got turned into a derivative either. You don't want to see Quake turn into CoD. That's what happened and that's why nobody will ever accept it. And all those new characters look like fucking cancer. Just listen to Mike Faggot back in 2013 before it was released. He's not a cool guy, but it gives you at least a little perspective into the thought process if you don't understand it.
And seriously, they really do need to trash all the new characters. No matter how "waifu" they are.
I don't recall Combofiend telling anyone to fuck off during all of the SFV drama. He's been Capcom's PR, but unless I missed something, he tried to keep his cool unlike Chris "I'm a piece of shit" Svennson. Now Svennson was a fucking ass-hole PR when people called Capcom out on SFxT.
Most of those FGC faggots have their homes in California. In San Fransisco. Enough said.
How does this help my post about not recalling nor knowing about a SFV PR being an ass-hole over the backlash? Combofiend was really trying to stay professional unlike Svennson years ago.
Also, Max is a piece of shit sjw cuck. Fuck that Pewdiepie-wannabe.
I was just pointing out the last part of your post. i.e. they're a bunch of cucked slaves to the SJWs.
Apparently, Harada did release Master Raven in the arcades.
I have to look around for some Lee footage, since he's probably out now.
Akuma will save SFV
2:20 to 8:00. It's nice to say where it is in the video so people don't watch the whole thing.
At Least Pokken is getting DLC that looks fucking dope
Sorry I forgot.
Why can't Skullgirls be the face of the genre?
Because it fucking sucks. Fuck off, Mike Z.
its a piece of shit run by a narc trying to act sincere
Mike Z please stop shilling your game.
Do you know how fucking big Tekken is? Who gives a flying fuck about your FGC nonsense my dude? Who?!
That's actually the idea with 7.
They simplified throw breaks so that normal throws can be broken with either 1 or 2 instead of having to look for whatever arm grabbed you. Special throws still have special breaks though.
They also added power crush, moves that armor through mid/highs. It will give the casuals some breathing room.
Also rage arts which are armored supers (you can still die absorbing damage).
Why exactly do you think it's the second-worst?
Because MikeZ sold out to SJW's, and he's kind of an ass in real life.
It's big…in Korea and Japan. Scene is almost non-existent out of SoCal and Ny in the US.
The American Tekken scene is a joke.
Because there's a superior fighting game out.
Oh, ok. I just got into fighting games and Skullgirls is the only one that feels like I can do anything in. In Street Fighters V I feel like I just get perma-stunlocked and then BTFO by much more experienced players no matter what I Q into.
Also everything is really confusing and weird.
Croagunk is definitely main material. Hopefully Empoleon turns out cool too.
Shit's going to be Switch exclusive. Would like to be proven wrong, however.
Holy shit are people still butthurt over a small handful of animations?
I would like to shill you Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.
Poongko is happy with KoFXIV so that's okay with me
Poongko is objectively the best fighting game player.
Platform brawler.
"Please don't call it a fighting game because it hurts my feelings knowing Nintendo crushed Street Fighter."
you just described my Skullgirls experience.
Smaller roster at launch.
Connection issues despite multiple beta releases.
No arcade mode, which the majority of people play in Street Fighter.
Game still unfinished when it released, promised features like characters having special animations for each level if finished near the walls.
Censoring the game before release despite positive press at the start.
No punishment for rage quitters, most of the highest ranking players are those that quit every game and no punishment was handed out.
Connecting to you're friends who have you're user name is a pain in the ass, compared to SF4.
I just got back from a training session with a friend. He was teaching me how to play SFV. Number 1# thing he said was that the game was all predictive and mind games.
Are there any more reactive fight games that depend on reaction? That are active?
Streets of Rage is about fighting yet it is not a fighting game. You may as well bitch about Contra not being considered an FPS despite being about shooting.
All of them. "Anime" games just have proportionally more setplay.
Now there's the question…
Look up Fightcade if you're interested in mucking about with old games.
Looks like Capcom is gonna be taking those fans back and it's gonna be tokido vs. Infiltration at grand finals for the next few tourneys
Is that real? Looks cheap af.
>started spectating every USF4 tournament and really worked at getting good with Juri
I've lost the fighting spirit lads. It's gone.
Join the club with Alex players.
Shitty trailer.
I can't imagine how Alex players must feel.
the backgrounds in SFV look awful, its like when you set a game to its lowest settings on pc.
Terrible b8.
Funniest thing about this thread is that MKX is the best selling fighting game out at the moment, well behind Smash I guess.
Remember when Akuma got nerfed in Tekken 7: FR? Well, according to a Korean player, he might be back in the tops with Steve, Law, Heihachi, and Dragunov in the newest version that has Master Raven playable.
Good taste in main, Robo-Ky a best.
As for XRD it's still enjoyable but all around worse if you started with Plus R. The gameplay in +R along with the designs is like a cheesy metal album art whereas XRD is like a weird shite Halloween aesthetic.
It's okay at best. Skullgirls 2 could be good if it took a page from better games.
Are you that same retard that comes in every thread to defend these retards and how mike Z censored multiple characters and animations himself as admitted on twitter? How about how the artists are SJWs?
Are you really defending skullgirls and the SJW devs? All I mentioned is how they complained that anyone who had a problem with their game they accused of being dirty bigot gamergators. Why try so hard to defend censorship and a shit game like skull girls?
Yes, laowai, you can trust the Chinese. They aren't like those nasty Jews.
I believe you are being baited, my friend. It seems to work as you keep replying to it.
The problem I see with china in general, is that they're imitator's, not innovator's. With the whole communist thing and generally being just another cog in the machine, chinese people generally don't have the same drive as westerners.
Basically this means that they would rather just steal whatever someone else has done and put their own spin on it (rip it off). The government even basically condones this shit, what with all the western companies forced to give up their IP's in exchange for being able to operate in china. Of course the government gives this tech to china run companies.
Basically I wouldn't hold my breath for the chinks to do any better than the jews.
Back to cuckchan.
That's cool and all, but we're talking about modern china. Communism has stifled that country. I'm sure they still invent stuff, but not to the degree that a free society does.
Last time I checked streets of rage was a beat 'em up… You know, a completely different and clearly defined genre, which all it takes is three seconds to look at to tell.
You may as well be trying to argue that Mario Kart isn't a real racing game.
"but if we can make the majority happy, then I'm confident in Street Fighter's future"
Come on, Ono, don't tell me you have been trying to pander to the "majority" all this time.
So what you're saying is a game that is about fighting isn't actually a fighting game? Wow what a hypocrite.
The differences between Smash and actual fighting games is far greater than that of Mario Kart and other Racing games. Even so, Kart Racer is a seperate genre for a reason.
Dudes, not even the creator of Smash Bros considers it a fighting game. It's useless to continue discussing that.
"I like to think of Smash as a four-player battle royal action game. You'll notice that's a lot longer than saying it's a fighting game, because 'fighting game' is a completely different label."
Masahiro Sakurai
Look they desperately need validation. I mean shit they're considered the hands down worst community, that has an absurd amount of corruption even factoring in things like Marn.
That and EVO's money whoring 6 mainstage timeslots to smash players didn't help.
I genuinely do think it's strange that smash is some weird anomaly which shouldn't ever be classified under the very broad term such as a "fighting game" I can't recall another game being such a splitting issue. I'm not saying that smash is close to things like Street fighter, as obviously it has it's distinguishing differences. But some of the core elements which all fighting games as a genre has, are shared in it's base. I don't see how knocking opponents out of the stage, with platforming elements mixed in. Is enough of a difference to try and insulate it's a completely different genre that is not comparable at all.
Calling smash a "party brawler" or whatever term Sakurai used is fine. But all come off as some sort of sub-genre of a fighting game anyway. Much how Mario Kart isn't a normal racing game. The amount of differences are larger with smash, of course. But it's (Again.) not like Streets of rage, which is straight up something completely different. I can't really tell if you're trying to make a straw man with that example or not.
In the end I don't necessarily see the issue with others referring to smash as a fighting game. Because ultimately it doesn't effect anything. whether it is or isn't, it won't stop people from playing it or hating on it. The "validation" argument comes off as just being on the other side of the spectrum, where there are people who don't want be associated with the smash community. And will push them away. For me it's not even about that… It's more so confusion over why it's even such a divisive topic.
If it really just boils down to the overloaded "well awckshally it's not a fiten game" than I don't believe none of this is really warranted.
So imagine you like something, and then a ton of MLP fans start invading the fanbase being stupid as fuck and constantly demanding events change to suit them.
That's how bad smash players are. They want to be a part of something but refuse to change what they're doing to fit in.
The PS4 version actually has lower settings than the PC version, including only putting texture filtering on the characters. Even for an early Unreal 4 game it's a fucking technical wreck.
Is Smash isn't a fighter, then Gundam EXVS isn't either despite being the same fucking thing but in 3D.
To games that aren't shit
[citation needed]
Get the fuck out of here Kotaku.
And you seriously believe that?
No, they are real Jews. Do a DNA test on any Ashkenazi and the results will show they are descendants of the original Judean Jews from the times of the Roman empire. Jews back then were just as evil and sick as they are now. Christians are fucking stupid for believing the Jews ever were some kind of normal people.
He's wrong about Britain conquering China, but he's right about the fact that the Chinese are shit inventors. In fact, all nonwhite races are.
Statistically about 97% of all scientific and technological innovations in history have come from European people.
Does anyone know how much kof 14 sold?
I really hope it did well
Gee, i wonder why people are still mad.
Dammit, when is that PC port for KOF going to come along? I'll put money aside for it right now, just tell me when I can give it to SNK.
I even enjoy SFV from time to time, but there is no argument that KOF is the more fully featured game and superior in everyway but graphics (and even then SFV has a few characters that just look fucked up).
Wait… do people care about Oro?
I think a huge part of why the game was fucked and people didn't stay around was the lack of missions until recently. Rewards for winning matches were so small, the wait between matches was too long (just enough to be annoying) and early network issues made it useless to play the game at all at times because you just wouldn't get fight money unless the servers were up. Now that a lot of that bullshit is fixed up, people have just moved on. But it's nice to unlock more characters with just mission fight money.
You're not wrong, but it won't stop it from becoming the face of fighting games.
All nintendo needs to do is release melee HD or have the new smash be melee 2.0. Neither of which will happen with sakurai on the job though.
Well, SFV proved that going out of your way to appeal to the FGC is a huge waste of fucking time. If Nintendo wants to keep making money, they'll keep the focus of Smash on wowing casuals and fans with their rosters.
Thats the beauty of smash, they can make it as hardcore as they want because the roster and simple controls will bring in casuals anyway
Will SF5 ever add hard knockdown back?
If I knock someone on their ass I should have them having to think around me now as they try to get their bitch ass back up you know like in most other fighting games (surely one doesn't have hard knockdown or something), not me having to guess if they're doing recovery A or B every time with a wrong guess putting me more at risk then them.
It's like their only person in the focus testing room was a laptop playing a low tier god salt compilation going on and on about how he can't block on wake up after a hard knockdown.
as someone who played melee competitively for 4 years I'd say melee is more of an arena fighter on the "skilled" level.
No I don't think it's like dissidia because I think games like dissidia were labeled improperly for what they are.
melee is an arena fighter when compared to traditional fighters
much like how quake is an arena fps when compared to traditional fps's.
And melee's biggest problem is how it wasn't designed with competitive intentions.
characters like peach, puff, and sheik would've been trimmed down because of how annoying they are to play against.
think back to CvS2 where sagat, blanka, and bison were arguably the best characters in the game and they had their most annoying iterations of moves in their history
sagat had his d.h punch
bison had his crazy scissor setups
blanka had his crossups and busted roll
Everybody hated playing against them but the game was so much fun that people continued to play it.
I think melee follows CvS2 in a very similar way,
where if at your local tourney its a shit ton of fox's, falco's, and falcon's it'll be a blast and eveyone will love their matchups
but if your locals have a shit ton of puffs, peachs, and shieks the game will appear to be shit.
So it really comes down to luck on whether or not your locals will be fun or not.
And 3rd strike followed this pattern very similarly as well where the game is fun until everybody play chun-li and yun
More like fucking 6 of them. That's about how long it took them to implement the features they promised the game would have at launch, not to mention the rootkit incident, the extreme jewery and the fact the netcode is still complete garbage.
Aside from some minor complaints like YRC and danger time pretty much all of the anime FGC loves Xrd and it's the leading game for a reason. The only people I've seen bitch are +r hipsters who just want to lock theirselves in an echo chamber and aren't even that good at the game to begin with. Kinda like 3S tryhards who turn out to be Chun/Ken mains and still go 2-10 in a set. That's not saying +R isn't a genuinely great entry, but some of the people playing it can be serious cunts.
There's also the number of people that are angry that their main isn't in Baiken mains , won't play the game until their main is in Baiken mains , will insult the game until their main is in Baiken mains , but will sing its praises and play it the moment that they can play their main in a current game Baiken mains .
Gonna be that guy
The main selling point was supposed to be being a less stupid marvel, but being a panty fighter largely subverted that by attracting a bunch of people who don't like fighting games but just want to wack off to character designs, and christ, during the character poll this number of these types fucking exploded. I'd argue that one of the biggest problems with the game is the fact that it went for the tits and ass waifu fighter route, as a large portion of the target demographic, fighting game players(and ones that like marvel at that), just aren't going to touch it, just like Arcana Heart or other stuff in that vein.
They changed 3 (three) early development panty frames that by their admission they thought were just poorly made and didn't make much sense in retrospect (even then, panty was not entirely removed in any of them), and with the recent new batch of intros that they have been able to make due to the mobile game, they have added more pantyshots.
Misquote. The 'our standards have evolved' statement, while not worded as clearly as it could have, plays into the above. They didn't suddenly say 'fuck pantyshots,' they said 'we should show panty where it makes sense, which is often, and not force it,' and in what they thought would be the final pass for art assets in the game, they went back to some of the earliest sprites they made and touched them up, a few of which got touched in the pantyshot regard.
and the 'this is not up for discussion' is just them stating that the decision is final, and no bitching and moaning from assmad Holla Forumsirgins half a year after the fact is going to make them back out of their decision.
You can call me a cuck/shill now
CAPCOM should be teaching at universities on how to fuck up game launches. Alongside professors EA and Konami.
Haha fuck off
That list is pretty pathetic for a country of 1.5 billion and which was at one point in time 60% of the worlds GDP.
Scotland has way more inventions.
People just hate Xrd because it's new and "casual friendly"
The problem with GG is that the playerbase in the west is hostile and died because no new blood. In the east, it had an insane entry barrier that most new blood couldn't get past, so they opted for other games. As a person who's played GG games for a long time, the western GG fans are quite possibly some of the biggest faggots to ever exist.
And also because the eastern FGC actually bothers to properly train up newcomers and young blood in a variety of games. They have workshops and beginner only tournaments too.
But KoF14 is great, the only things wrong with it is that the PC port isn't out yet and that you can't disable combo rush (but it gives you an easy win whenever you fight someone that relies on it)
This won't be covered by the season pass either, is it?
Xrd is GGXXAC at half speed.
I think youre highly exaggerating, it's pretty much the same, just slightly slower. And it's still the fastest paced fighting game in 2016 by far when compared to all the others.
Fuck off.
My nigger, we are of the same soul.
There's nothing wrong with Ky. I think it's the mark of a good design team when you can make a girly looking man in a pseudo-crusader uniform as badass and fun to play as Ky. His animations are top notch and despite his simple moveset, you've still got a very high ceiling with him. Plus it's fun to RAIDO ZA LIGHTNINGU every once in a while.
I don't see how it isn't. The only bad thing about Xrd is danger time, game could do without it.
Fuck off.
it's comparable to #R if anything. even the game itself tells you that Xrd is based off of that game in the glossary section.
Its comparable to BlazBlue if anything.
You don't "touch up" frame shots three years into the games life, you either do it during development or a week/month after the game came out.
Around the time that SG's development ended, the game's publisher got caught up in an unrelated lawsuit over some other game, and the dev team was laid off, and by the time they got back together under a new studio, they were working on the campaign for the DLC characters, and chances are they had probably been putting some preliminary work into Squigly even before that went public.
Their given reason for the changes being made when there were is that the art team simply had other, more important, stuff to do until then, and since the were finalizing the game's art assets for the PS4/Vita version, they decided its now or never.
On different note, I don't see why
would be the case anyhow. The SG devs have been pretty liberal with fiddling with the game post-release, especially with the existence of the endless beta. I don't see why the gameplay team is able to fuck with the game to their heart's content but the art team isn't.
That's some salt.
Good argument.
Fuck off shill.
I'd go for KoF 02 but it's a heck of learning curve and you have to learn 3 characters pretty well just to be somewhat passable at it.
So many characters in SFV got the OHO Capcom fucked this character up! Now that people are putting more work into things characters like Birdie, and Gief are thought to be much better than originally though. I don't remember what the initial impressions of Cammy were but I didn't see any hype or results over her until recently.
It's a game, people are playing it, the meta's developing. It appears dominant because there's little vying against at the moment with the same weight. KoF is cool, Tekken is cool, hell, damn near everything is cooler than Street Fighter on a lot of levels but SF is a lot easier to pick up and not have the skill gulf between new and older players seem completely insurmountable all the fucking time.
Also capcom's still able to shill harder than everyone. Even without the game selling somehow.
Why? Wasn't Garou supposed to be the conclusion of the Fatal Fury series? Let it just remain finished and make something new.
I almost never see mention of the SFV censorship anymore, but the moment Skullgirls is brought up some faggot has some weak ass opinion on the matter that they're just parroting from someone else.
Thinking about it all makes me think about how heavily censored Darkstalkers would be if it ever does come back. Current year can't handle Lilith's young body.
You don't want to play as old man Andy? Story ended cliffhanger as fuck too.
satan trips confirms I do believe. Wasn't the bigger issue that the initial release was kind of shitty and it wasn't until the DLC came out that it really got going from a gameplay standpoint but only a typical anime fighter scene was left for it?
Oh I can punish this DP with a sweep for the chance to get damage or just do the full confirm ensuring my damage that only gets them on a softknock.
If I knock them on their ass in any other fighting game it's on them to get their ass back up, it shouldn't be on me to guess how they'll get up.
Because the first one was great and can easily be continued/improved upon. It also has one of the bigger fan bases out of SNK fighters
That was never the case, it was just a start of a new branch of the Fatal Fury series. Garou 2 was in development before eventually getting put on the shelf and Garou ended in a cliffhanger.
Nah, I want the T.O.P Mode to come back.
maybe the game would sell more if it actually worked on pc
Yeah, the initial release left a LOT to be desired. Which would have been fine… if everyone hadn't been laid off due to that lawsuit over some rap game (which is also probably why Konami was extra salty about dealings with Skullgirls' former publisher, and later actually got the game delisted for a short while). Skullgirls launched with some serious, but easily fixable balance issues, no in game movelist and 8 fucking characters for a TEAM BASED GAME. In that regard, it was a release that was pretty lackluster at the time (but still outclassed day one SFV in terms of modes and such). Everyone expected a quick patch to fix the initial problems, and DLC characters to fill out the roster (game was only $15, so it's not like it was a bad price for the START of a fighting game). Then a month came without a patch. Then another. Then all the news dropped later that Konami was pissed at Reverge and was refusing to pay the cost to patch the game… oh, and everyone was fired anyway despite the game selling well.
There's no denying that nearly everything that could go wrong with the launch of Skullgirls did go wrong. Luckily the indiegogo brought a lot of hype back for the game, otherwise all those initial problems would have just been the end of it all (though I guess it had to still have a fair amount of hype to even get that indiegogo money at all).
Fun fact: Mike Z once worked a few weeks on a patch for the 360 version, and finally got it done and gave it to Konami to pass along. Konami then gave Microsoft the previous ALREADY REJECTED patch again, instead of the new one that would have been approved.
Garou 2 would be amazing. Despite how much people disliked the graphics of KOFVIX when it was first shown off, SNK improved a lot over the course of development (mostly because the entire game was them learning on the job how to make a good 3D game). So I hope they keep improving at a steady pace, and Garou 2 really ends up impressing the casuals with its looks.
Capcom also promised a linux version. Or as I've been calling it lately Never+Ever.
That is too fucking good.
I don't know much about Mike Z but I think his ~2 hour stream of shilling his RPG-Vania thing was pretty telling of what kind of autist he is, and that he's able to wrangle it in to do what he wants to do.
With a potential Garou 2 I'd like to see them try to differentiate the art style from KoF XIV as much as possible within reason.
Yeah, I'm surprised how much they turned it around. In the end the only things that really bugged me with the change to 3D is the lighting felt a bit off and some stages felt really lifeless compared to past 2D stages. Well they'll probably have a few more games before Garou 2 to perfect everything, so I'm not worried at all.
Looks like Samurai Shodown is the next fighting game they'll revive based on interviews, fan polls they been monitoring and Nakoruru. Personally I'm hoping they do an Art of Fighting 4 eventually.
Nigga, I've been through this particular rodeo enough to know that this leads nowhere.
Everyone has already decided what they believe and no debating is going convince anyone anything otherwise.
Vanilla was pretty mediocre, and it didn't really find its identity until way later, but I still think its art and character design are still one of the larger reasons why the game has trouble attracting players.
And I mean that both on the 'doomed to niche waifu fighter that a bunch of potential players aren't going to touch' aspects as well as the fact that the fancy traditional animation was time consuming as hell and pricey as hell, and if they scaled it back some they could have had a bigger roster, which god knows the game needed at launch, and hell, still would be nice to see now.
Mike Z is a programmer. Autism is practically part of the job.
Then I'll tell you one thing that always stuck out in my mind. There were times after the PC release of Skullgirls where Mike Z would stream while he fixed bugs. Then, when he had a moment, he'd go through chat and ask if there were any immediate bugs that people noticed. And then he'd fix them, right on the spot. So can get why people might not like his personality or his opinions on things, but he's exactly the type of dev I'd like to see more of. Because anytime he was legally able to answer a question from the fans, he'd give as straight an answer as he could, minimal bullshit.
You are correct, but I like typing stuff anyway.
Darkstalkers for psp censored a picture of Felicias ass and tits with a jumping cat.
nigga shes ALL tits and ass
this shit triggers me so hard that i want to forget capcom ever existed.
seriously what is the fucking point of retroactively censoring art for a nearly 20 year old game? who is this for? anyone who was offended by felicia before this point isn't gonna turn around and go 'oh shit i'm fine with vsav and totally gonna buy it now!'
capcom doesn't want to spend money on darkstalkers anymore except to make game assets marginally worse for the the people who actually liked and supported their product.
Why defend a shitty SJW company so much? Are you really this retarded?
Catered to the FGC, and in turn had fuck all content as a consequence. People expect a game, even a fighting game, to have some resemblance of being completed. Imagine that.
And it was exactly what a lot of the "fuck the casuals" types in the FGC said they wanted from a fighting game: skip all the single player stuff and just focus on online and tournament play. I don't know why anyone actually thought that was an idea what would actually sell games though. Fucking Street Fighter came back hard because SFIV, which had things like arcade mode on day one for people.
Oh well, I see the core game going for $15 from time to time. I figure they'll release a discounted SFV+Season 1 bundle soon to bring new players in (Maybe call it a "Super Bundle" so it triggers the part of people's brain that makes them think about it as a new edition). I don't know if the one character at a time season idea is working though. A big season 2 update that lumped several or all the characters in at once would probably do a lot more to build hype among casuals, and be a lot more interesting for everyone involved.
capcom had plans to have sf4 go into 2016, you can tell that sfv was released a year to early.
capcom have niggers from the fgc working for them so its not surprising it was all focused on online and tournament play.
I'm more surprised that 1.4 million people actually bought it.
More people bought Lost Planet 2. And the 1.4 is SHIPPED, not sold. They need to do something big to bring casual hype back.
All fighting games are about prediction. If the game was about reaction, then that would mean that your opponent can react to your attacks more often than not as well, and that leads to a stale game where both players stand at max distance and use only their safest pokes because they know that their opponent can react to anything else appropriately. See: Street Fighter IV and Brawl. If you wanna play fightans, you have to get good at reading your opponents and getting inside their heads.
Instead of Garou, give me something like Samurai Shodown. Weapons make the game stand out more and gives it a different niche. Garou is cool and all, but I don't want SNK to compete against itself.
If you pay attention to what SNK and their employees have been saying in interviews a twitter; Samurai Shodown or Metal Slug are mostly likely gonna be their next games unless someone convinces the higher ups otherwise, but Garou will happen too eventually.
Also a Samurai Shodown game is 90 percent going to be the next PS4/Vita port after Garou.
Not gonna lie, I have no interest in buying a handheld or a console. I play a little Shodown on fightcade, but really just want a new iteration of it.
What does capcom even have left anyways other than Monster Hunter, Nu-Megaman done by Deviantart rejects? Slender EVIIL? Hell, even ace attorney seems like it's run it's course, if these fuckers can't come up with anything soon they're pretty much fucked.
Resident Evil and MonHun sell enough to keep them afloat alone. Ace Attorney also sells decently I think and will be milked as far as it can. The Megaman thing is just a cartoon that nobody will ever care about.
So yeah they have those two left for major sales. Ace Attorney being the third they make. Rest is probably pachinko right now. Rumours of a DMC5 has been going for a long time which is also a big seller believe it or not, but we've seen nothing and its really just a rumour. Dead Rising 4 is also coming out which I guess normalfags might still buy.
That should be about it. Unless they bring back Onimusha or Dino Crisis. Which would be great, but unlikely to say the least.
I would say games with parrying or reflect attack mechanic. You can't rely on just chipping the opponent down in the corner or else they can parry and go on the offensive. You can't just throw out punches and when you hit you have to make sure your combo is right making your gameplay much cleaner.
The Last Blade
I've brought it up every time people ask how street fighter could have been so shit. But after a non-existant PR team and a rootkit they clearly aren't giving a fuck about what anyone says and relying on their drone fanbase to give them microtransactions forever.
Holla Forums has been saying that about a lot of shitty companies but their constant rehashing has kept them afloat
Man, if they made a new Dino Crisis that played like an even more action oriented RE5 (complete with co-op dino hunting) it would be be amazing. Everytime RE made a bigger leap towards pure action game, I wondered why it just wasn't a Dino Crisis game instead. Hell, they could even make that jetpack shit work in a game that didn't have fixed camera angles all over the place.
Not gonna lie I loved RE6 gameplay and if they're going to go back to the roots of RE and make it the kids meal of horror franchises then I wish for a new Dino Crisis to take over where RE6 left off.
So if nobody is playing SF5 then what are the fighting fags playing right now?
They still play SF5 (because Capcom tournies pay big league)
It's the bloated prize pools and the sponsorships that keep dragging these players back to the game.
I never played GG before Xrd and I think Danger Time and that misleading life gauge bullshit. May is a cute tho
Well, there's still hope, I guess. But I rather have milf Kasumi and Mr. Karate II on Garou2.
The only thing really keeping them afloat right now is Madden Hunter 20XX, honestly. Street fighter 5 is doing mediocre, if not outright terrible, and there's no guarantee a new rehash is going to do any better, RE 6 fucked them hard, so hard that 7 had to be retooled into a youtube meme game, among other things. They've been trying to cash in on CoD with the Operation racoon city/Umbrella corps shit, and both times they sold like Fried dog shit. Also the guys doing the ace attorney games that aren't the lackluster Ye Olde Nippon prequels may or may not be completely burnt out from what i hear(Dual Destinies kinda drained them from what i hear) so who knows what's going to happen with that.
Never conquered, but they tried like hell to destroy it with opium so they could get tea at a deflated price
Maybe those Niggers at Capcom should have released it on more platforms. Maybe Capcom should have released a complete game. Maybe Capcom should have released it as a $40 budget title.
It may be time for Virtua Fighter to make a strong comeback. King of Fighters or Guilty Gear are choices if I had to pick though.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Chun Li looks disgusting in 5. Same with the other girls.
Fucking weird how that one just sort of went away, 5 was pretty popular from what i remember.