The very first character that had his artwork done out of all of them

Star wars "fans" deserve TLJ and everything else Disney has in store for them.

well to be fair you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand The Last Jedi

This, but unironically.


Shut the fuck up soyboy. I wasn't being ironic.

Jar Jar wasn't even that bad. There's maybe one or two scenes where he's kind of obnoxious.

If we don't get Darth Jar Jar in Episode 9 or the new trilogy i'm gonna be pissed. It's bad enough we got throwaway villains Dooku and Grievious.


This, but unironically.

Pleb tier.

It's amusing how so many of the common complaints about the prequels could have been fixed if Jar Jar had played a larger role.
Almost like there's a comic relief character missing from the equation.
Almost like they had another central villain set up from the first movie, who needed to be quickly dropped and replaced.
Almost like a central plot twist was dropped.

Reminder that only disney shills are still prequelposting

When you pay 4 billion dollars for Jar Jar Binks you would shill too.

Dumb meme. Disney's whole marketing angle is that they were bringing back the "true Star Wars". They need people to hate the prequels so they can say "at least it isn't the prequels".

That's fucking stupid. You're stupid, Disney.

Yeah, if you beg for preqels enough then they'll be happy to sell them to you again.

Which is what prequelposting makes. 'At least I'm not a loser like this guy who actually likes jar jar binks'.

If you're a pleb.

So the only way to win is just to let go and admit that Star Wars sucks now.

I don't want the prequels again. I've got my DVDs. If there are to be new movies, I want them not shit, and not Disney.

You're absolutely right, OP.

All I wanted was the Vong War
Maybe a bit better, give Jacen something to do, introduce Jag earlier with Soontir, shit like that. Last rumor I heard was Didney didn't want to do the Vong war because Chewbacca dies, all the faggots had to do was shuffle the pieces around, but noooooo.

Darth Jar Jar would have redeemed the prequels.


You can still like the prequels without being a 9gag refugee. They do compare favorably to the sequels, in most ways too.

If I had to guess, I'd day they opted out, because they'd rather have a story about "fighting facism" than fighting an outside invader.

The biotechnology theme in the vong books didn't fit into star wars at all. But it could have been downplayed and fix.

upvoted xD

I wish the vong war got a graphic novel adaptation


The really funny part is that your average originalfag nerd will openly acknowledge that he would have liked the prequels a lot better if Darth Jar Jar had been a thing. That fuck up falls largely on George's shoulders for dropping the character to improve marketability.

Yes, they deserve the evil that is Disney. True fans like me however liked Jar Jar and thought he would play an important role

Stah wahs is shit, and any attempt to elevate beyond being shit is met with scorn and any rehash is met with mindless clapping and horking.

Fun fact: Disney Greenlit Rian Johnson to interpret the Vong.

All this means is that George is a spineless cuckboy whos big ego couldn't handle a little criticism and didn't have the balls to go through with his original idea.
