• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later; • Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted; • Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags; • Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers); • Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest); • Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); • Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage); • Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption); • Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating); • Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker); • Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page); • An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).
Youtube Heroes being the heroes we need. Also reminder right now you can find sex on youtube that will never ever be taken down.
Actually doubt it's Heroes since I'm not sure if that has been implemented yet, probably some faggot flagging because he's asshurt, Censordgaming made a lot of enemies
Michael Young
You know you can post multiple of the same images here, right? You don't have to use a 1x1 pixel pic.
Most underrated -tan. Any last minute curve balls you're expecting? Like the powers that be ramping up their censorship like in:
to insane degrees either in victory or defeat?
Matthew Morris
This shit is infuriating because there is genuinely nothing to do to defeat it. The best bet for CG is to have contacts with bigger youtubers. Has TB ever mentioned his work ?
Also, OP, seriously, 72h ? Is that exactly how long there is left for the elections to end and the riots to start ?
Blake Nelson
Dear god those proportions are great her head is wonky though.
Isaiah Wright
Remember the guy that was apprehended after someone shouted "gun" in the Trump rally? Well guess what coincidences he has in store for you
Connor Williams
Pretty much, results should come in the early morning of Nov 9th.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Did said guy actually have a gun or any other weapon? I'm getting mixed signals here.
Joseph Brooks
Most likely not, the reaction that happened was as a result of one guy shouting that he had a gun and not the presence of one. It is possible he had a buddy of his to shout it in the hopes of agitating supporters into attacking him, it would be very strange for someone to act like he had a gun without seeing it or at least seeing motions similar to that of someone trying to pull one out.
Nathan Garcia
I dunno man. The closer election day comes, the more riled up the people are. Skimming through Holla Forums, one guy said that the supposed gunman wanted to pull out a pro-Hillary sign he had in his jacket, and that the guy who shouted about the gun thought he'd pull a gun out of said jacket
That being said, the last pic in sure makes this look sketchy.
Parker Rodriguez
There's stil that childcare building at that location. That's kinda sketchy, seeing as how it's too small to hold kids. Unless…
Angel Sullivan
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Being on the wrong side of history ☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise ☑ Molesting people in VR ☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon ☑ Safeguards vagina bones ☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han ☑ Told God check my quads ☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history ☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare ☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster ☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn ☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE ☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker ☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain ☑ Called a jew a nazi ☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter ☑ Memed life into Liru ☑ Refusing to ban Liru ☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic ☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy ☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting ☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail ☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3 ☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone ☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers ☑ Gave a toddler meningitis ☑ Made it rain in London ☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU ☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men ☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up ☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla ☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion ☑ Not watching Grillbusters ☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go ☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones ☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again. ☑ Leveled up on the DNC ☑ Barbecued worst Korea ☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku ☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists ☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group ☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers ☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd ☑ Surviving for 2 years ☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire ☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood ☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy ☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday ☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online ☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone ☑ Owned some bitch ☑ Caught the Arby's killer ☑ Became a verb ☑ Made Pepe great again ☑ Inspired Trump's campaign ☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder ☑ Hacked the DNC ☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum ☑ Bought 4chan ☑ Defended Devin Faraci ☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs ☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch ☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee ☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets ☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442 ☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election ☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt ☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter ☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon ☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press ☑ Triggering Blizzcon
Henry Clark
That 'child care shed' reminds me of this:
>>>/x/26895 >>>/x/22351
Anyone else remember?
Lucas Hughes
Did anything ever come out of this?
Michael Evans
If some guy just so happens to show up again after a 2013 leak regarding a shill company then it is more than just "sketchy". Just look at what nice things Wikileaks has to say about Stratfor.
There are Anons on Holla Forums trying to confirm whether or not that is just an ordinary child care. One user speculates that the mural of the globe states "Little Stars on Earth", with little stars being a term that refers to the anal sphincter. The issue is that, since right now the only thing to go by is a limited number of blurred Google Maps images, there is no way to know unless someone decides to go there.
Brody Morris
Plz do emails plz
Nolan Collins
Jackson Sullivan
[We're reaching cuckery like we're never seen before!]
Sebastian Howard
Just put a billiard ball in a sock and you will have all the weapons you will need
Hunter Williams
never EVER buy shoes for your doggie its super gay
Leo Baker
Nigger who the fuck has billiard balls lying around? if I could afford a pool table I'd have an apocalypse plan ready to go
Luis Garcia
You really can not make this shit up.
Cooper Ross
I may be a 24 year old kissless virgin, but at least I'm not some desperate thirsty ass mother fucker who gets cucked and thanks them for it goddamn.
Juan Peterson
It's a nofuns meme. Also if you want a good weapon from household objects then it would be a good idea to look for something blunt rather than something sharp unless you have a fucking axe lying around, you are bound to have at least SOMETHING heavy you can hit people with like a pan. In the event of an absolute emergency, you can always rip off one of the legs of a wodden table and use that as a club.
Caleb Cruz
us poor folk would just use a rock.
if you use them right, sticks and rocks are all the weapons you need.
Camden Diaz
Oh fuck me.
Thomas Reed
Afraid not. Some user was confronted and had his camera confiscated and told not to return.
Apparently it attracted quite a bit of media attention and they probably have shut the place down and moved elsewhere. Don't know how things would have proceeded regardless considering how dangerous it sounded, but what are the odds that it ties into all of this, somehow? Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. I'm eager to see them finally having to answer to the people like what's happening in South Korea one day.
For morale's sake, if any of you anons have done emails, feel free to screencap them and link to you warning others about the collusions of sjw journalists and their dirty secrets as shown in the ZachAttack and ConLeaks.
Juan Gonzalez
Meanwhile, at Marvel
Charles Bennett
Daniel Peterson
reposting for fresh bread
Looks like Blizzard wants to tango with gamers. Well if anyone out there is interested in responding to that shitshow attempt at politicizing a gaming convention, here is a list of contact info for bigwigs at Blizzard.
Bobby Kotick (Ceo of ActivisionBlizzard):
[email protected]/* */
Brian Hodous Chief Customer Officer of Activision Blizzard:
[email protected]/* */
Mike Morhaime (CEO of Blizzard):
[email protected]/* */
http:[email protected]/* */
Rob Hilburger
VP, Global Communications
[email protected]/* */
Andrew Reynolds
Public Relations Director
[email protected]/* */
David Gordon
Public Relations Manager
[email protected]/* */
e-mail these execs and let them know how disappointed you are in the company for playing host to such comments, and that you do not appreciate the attempts the Blizzcon hosts are making at politicizing the convention, and by extent, the games, and the company as a whole.
Grayson Hall
That's old I remember reading it years ago.
Bentley Fisher
And they actually wonder why people "harass" their writers?
Andrew Scott
I actually have a garage full of dangerous shit to club people with that would work fine without modification but I think there's something in intimidation factor. A baseball bat with a bunch of nails and barbed wire is way more scary than just a bat. You come at somebody swinging this fucker and they'll think twice.
Isaiah Cox
Did they actually do anything this Blizzcon? All I remember was the episode with the Dorito Pope last year, and judging by the look of Mike Morhaime, he was about to strangle him for it.
Logan Sanders
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is gilda but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00mvotes!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch gamer gate w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite consumer show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMMVVVVOOOOOTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ←- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!
love and upvotes,
t3h PeNgU1N oF d00mv00tes
Ryder Long
Effectiveness > Intimidation factor
Noah White
I think it could have been a gun but i also think its the left trying desperately to make trump/his supporters look bad after obongo couldn't even get the crowd under control when they almost attacked a black veteran trump supporter, made him look weak and illary look like she's encouraging this shit (which she is)
Gavin Wood
That was in 2014 user
Dominic Williams
Some shitty skit where assange is a nazi somehow? It doesn't even make sense and i don't see how it had anything to do with blizz let alone vidya
Gavin Jones
…time flies…
Jaxson White
Here's your (you), now kill yourself for ironically shitposting.
From what I've seen, it appears that even non-GG Blizz fans are unhappy with the Blizzcon politicisation bullshit. This is good, as it means these people are less likely to dismiss what we have to say as "just those damned gumbygrapplers being misogynerds inthe current year".
I'm struggling to think what those two chucklefucks hoped to attain with their sloppy, out-of-place "joke". It really makes no fucking sense.
Ian Kelly
So what did they do this time
Xavier Moore
stop wasting your money on stupid shit, you furfag
She has foot infection she needs to keep off grass Its more easy to put doggie shoes on her
Charles Johnson
Every damn time I fall asleep, a bread gets posted and the OD barely gets any updates. Hopefully the next bread will get updated, with or without my baking.
I used to listen to Comedy Bang Bang and it was funny, then when GG started and Patton Oswald started taking jabs at ant-PC shit they took his side and when Trump became a serious contender in the election they went full Hillary and it went to shit. seeing this does not surprise me at all
Jace Morris
Cooper Myers
Connor Roberts
its so low energy it hurts me
Adrian Reed
That kokosec guy who drew Vivian drew Asuka
Ryder Myers
He draws just about anything. Even drew pepe without getting shit, like he did for vivian.
The hilarious part is I bet a big name artist could draw Gilda, and get 0 reaction at all.
Kevin Lee
"That's a cute OC you got there! What inspired you to make her?" Fucking slow ass computer taking a long time to crop ten minutes of video.
Zachary Howard
this. He's drawn Asuka several times user.
Landon Evans
he will never ever draw Miranda
Grayson Ward
2 days till D-day i really want Trump to win because of the saltmining on twitter and the mass media as they cry tears of impotent rage at being wrong
Alexander Lewis
People keep posting that cap did the game finally get updated?
Carson Thomas
I also realize there is a chance Hillary would win and evrything goes to complete shit
David Roberts
If hillary wins, I'm prepping to help some anons draft dodge and I'm gonna start learning Russian.
Levi Mitchell
I wan 2 fug this
Jayden Thompson
She's already fucked in the head user.
David Torres
That makes you a furry user just like marche
Jace Martinez
Cropping at 20%.
Carter Peterson
The dick wants what the dick wants. No sense in overcomplicating matters by assigning labels.
Hunter Robinson
Joshua Torres
Pardon me, I'd like to comment that I am a very important person in this thread. You see, I have a online nick. Please pay attention to this nick. It is a very important one, just like I am very important. That is because I have crafted a name for myself on the internet to make myself very important. Please listen to this message sent by Me(Val(TM(Copyright))), it is important as I am important: I'm gay
She deleted her entire damn Twitter. Or maybe hotpockets are doing overtime.
Liam Morales
Asher Wood
wait don't you know that all major magazines have 2 issues of election news? 1 for each major canidate. Like how ESPN has 2 issues for major sports events.
Alexander Perez
I don't get it. There's probably a version for Trump too. They print both so they'll have a book for sale for whoever wins.
Kevin Ward
Jaxson Johnson
They do, but its a question of if they bothered to make the other one.
Xavier James
No, there wouldn't be.
Ian Hall
I'm willing to bet they did, there'd be hundreds of people questioning why they didn't even make a first print of the Trump issue with backup from the factory workers. I know you want to hedge your bets because you're nervous trump is going to lose, but calm down early magazines isn't some grand conspiracy.
Christian Ortiz
Cooper Edwards
You're a good man. You know and understand.
That was just a joke, user.
Xavier Wood
Are you gay, Val? Some of your posts make me wonder.
Ethan Hernandez
Only if they aren't rigging it in her favor.
Sounds like it, but if Wiki had a nuke, you'd think they'd drop it already.
Connor Reyes
Sadly no, I'm merely French
Kevin Sanders
Nothing against you or your posts, but when I picture what you might look like, I see someone effeminate with a high voice, possibly with a limp wrist and lisp to boot.
Caleb Brooks
Expect AGG to go
My own personal answer: I already called Gavin a fag when he said that adults shouldn't play videogames, and he has a paid podcast, and contributes to a youtube channel. Kind of different from Gawker.
Carson Rogers
… that's a bit accurate. Fuck. And I didn't take it any wrong way, I don't mind, it's fun in a way.
Luke Martin
Julian Stewart
there will be a
Christopher Butler
Lies. So many lies. Her supporters went high? REALLY?? They attacked children, firebombed offices, the list goes on and on! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??
Robert Morales
Blake Richardson
Logan Kelly
Didn't Newsweek end print in 2012? That's what I've been hearing in other talk about it.
Caleb Reyes
Jose Roberts
And they paid them to do it.
Ayden Flores
I'm beyond done. Fuck this shit. If Hillary wins I plan to kill myself anyway. So when the militias start forming, I'll be signing up.
Cooper Wilson
Before or after you turn yourself into a demon?
Evan Reyes
Gilda are offensive now
adl confirmed it
Hi Acid. Don't forget to put your stat points into agility so you have enough action points to have two attacks per turn, and tag a combat-related skill to help you survive early combat situations before you've leveled up.
Easton Flores
Maybe if people didn't have such shit taste on meat you wouldn't be so fried up.
Carson Scott
Kevin Gonzalez
Nicholas Bailey
Reminder Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts. Contact Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy. Contact Boston PD to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds through deception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider
Colton Gutierrez
Well, they are publishing constant fucking lies there, and if you pay someone enough, or push the level of "hey, you can't feed your family if you talk about this" then it might get people to keep quiet.
Then there is this and Assange going on record to say that pretty much everyone at the top will do their best to keep Trump out of office. So yeah, I think they would do something that stupid. Plus, a lot of her supporters are scum of the Earth, attacking people even children.
Jackson Edwards
Brody Thomas
Jonathan Adams
Trust in meme magic and praise kek. We made anime real in a fucked up monkey paw kind of way, we can finish the job and make waifus real too.
Benjamin Lewis
Holy shit.
Samuel Bailey
I thought I was getting sex-crazed kitsune waifus, instead all I got was titans destroying everything.
I don't give a shit about the moe, but I am deeply disappointed with no mecha.
Liam White
Fucked up thing is we could have power armor during the cold war but the soviets would have gone to war over it
Chase Williams
It's like Temkin is trying to become the avatar of cuck. You just know it's a matter of time until he becomes a literal cuck.
Noah Jones
Cultists operating at government level. Pedophile rings. Imminent WW3.
I just wanted to play video games.
Jace Gomez
So who is looking forward to getting these threads back to 'normal' after the election? Since Sunday's thread is likely going to be the last 'quiet' thread before the election is over, now might be a good time to discuss how to reorient discussion away from national politics on the 9th and beyond.
If Trump wins, I'm sure the thread will be busy with massive salt harvesting. If HRC wins or once the salt harvest shifts into low gear, then it's going to be time to focus on vidya again.
Levi Sanchez
I'm legit terrified of Hillary winning. Not because I care about either her or Trump, but the idea of the lowest scum of the earth celebrating her victory makes me feel physically ill.
Joshua Robinson
Luis Bennett
You'll have to wait a few days, if not weeks, after the election, to really get it fully "back on topic", though. Especially if Hillary wins.
Ian Hernandez
Would he have a women to get cuked BY tho?
Ian Allen
That one thing that /monster/ found about someone thinking demons wanted to enter the world to learn about love seems a bit relevant right now.
Aiden Collins
Yeah, I'm not trying to be super specific on the time period or anything. But since right now is going to be the last calm before the storm, it's good to start talking about expectations and long term plans.
Dominic Cox
I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.
Oliver Hughes
If there is too much evidence of vote rigging, do burgers need to revote?
Angel Morales
life is too
Aiden Brown
Only other youtuber I can think of that would speak out on this (as it would also affect them) is Fine Game Bitches (but the account is under "Fine Game Girls").
Other youtubers that have been pro Free Speech might say something tho.
Blake Kelly
well, there would have to be certifiable evidence first. You know things that aren't tweets and anecdotal evidence. In which case the president would ideally be impeached for it.
In reality nothing would happen because as the US isn't a third world country so a lot of people are worried about losing what they have. In addition to that the US election system is designed in such a way that you can't tell who actually won or lost.
Elijah Nelson
It will take a while. I'll be glad when this looks Vidya related again though.
Camden Sanders
Even on the scale that is expected (ie multiple states using corruptible electronic voting machines, ballot papers that go missing, etc)?
Eli Lewis
Whatever happened to that guy who made that game?
Didn't he advertise it on here?
Owen Bell
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a spoon
Blake Edwards
Send him pictures of articles crying about "sexist games"
Matthew Wood
He is such a disingenuous piece of shit. That's how they do it, make himself seem like the peaceful "do what you want" type, but then turns around and demands that games get censored when they don't conform to his worldview.
They are really going all out on the Feds for doing their job.
Matthew Ortiz
IIRC, he threw a shitfit because we were bullying him and his shit game and made a thread to ask us for an apology, can't remember exactly. I think it was long ago, back when we used the /gamergate/ board.
Adrian Nguyen
Next step: Dismantle the Republican party and create a one party state.
Everything is infected. Everything is rotten. Oh god almighty, creator of heaven and earth, forgive me for being a fedora tipper, but if you bring me another crusade I'll the the first to sign for your holy army.
Just a little rant after seeing something painfully ridiculous on tv.
Jaxon Hughes
Matthew Roberts
Are feminists trying to "retake" her or something?
Jaxon Walker
Which was?
Jose Brown
You know you'll have to post it now, right?
Charles Collins
Verbal abuse is fine, but please don't get Gilda involved with free bleeding.
Alexander Barnes
James Hall
Juan Torres
Well… you are making it hard for me, mostly because it was just an spanish advertisement about some 'cool tv youth channel' with hypsters, ugly versions of classic songs, gamer gurls and wannabe celebrities from my country.
Jason Ramirez
Now you did it, knuckle head.
Lincoln Collins
It's my fetish.
Noah Scott
That's ok, but don't share your fetish with us ever again.
Dylan Ramirez
Not the article, you dumbass, the fedora. I want to relish in the autistic euphoria that you used to have.
But yeah, post the video as well.
Ryan Turner
Should I email them all in the same singular email, CC others, or individually?
We need to make a big push for DisNod again. We've got this:
And some others. Contact ??? Over Fem-Freq being involved with politics- against charity status.
Contact ??? over S.Korea before a false narrative is made to disassociate what happened to them with any comparison with the west.
Lets give them all a Christmas present they won't forget. With the new year telling them: You Can't Get Away With It Anymore.
William Cruz
Jacob Martin
I said fedora tipper because that's the usual way to call someone an atheist. I might be a nerd and maybe a retard, but I am not stupid enouth to wear shit like that in public.
Besides, my head is too big.
And well, I'll see if I can find the video on youtube.
John Sanchez
In way I almost admire this little shit. He's been proven wrong so many times, has been caught trying to dox people, is a nasty person all around. And yet everyday he's pulling his goon shit, virtue signaling and talking about how great he is and how bad dem goobers are.
He's persistent.
Ryder Garcia
We really do. Vox and Vice are just sitting there.
Henry Gutierrez
I blame disability checks and depression.
I'd go along with everything but since I don't know what to say, since I'm not Korean.
Colton Long
What we need are celebrities like Hogan with a grudge, so we can start chipping away for a knockout blow.
Matthew Smith
I want that little shit to fucking die. I want to wrap my fucking fingers around his little goon throat and squeeze until the life leaves his fucking eyes.
Samuel Peterson
We're all he has.
Let that sink in for a moment.
William Walker
look, you're listening to Holla Forums here, they think that 12 men in the woods will somehow cause a revolution. Also ballot papers going missing makes no sense, do you really think they have time to compare a giant list of addresses of who's likely to vote for who? Then pay the counters to go through each ballot and "miss" the ones that are trump? I mean hell that makes as much sense as that guy who posted "I am a mailman and I throw out trump ballots".
And if they have the voting machines hacked into, why the fuck would they show it on the summary screen as opposed to just convert say "40% of X votes instead go to Y candidate" after the fact. If there was some massive conspiracy they wouldn't get to a point where they can just be freely stupid like that.
Jason Mitchell
I dunno. Right now there's fuck-all vidya to discuss so a lot of Holla Forums posters moved to Holla Forums for the time being since this election and the world is fucking bananas right now.
Noah Collins
Sorry for the doublepost - I think all should be emailed, personally.
However, I'm not in charge of anyone. Just offering my two cents on the matter.
Luke Murphy
…i guess i should draw some more gildas, huh?
Ayden Cox
I hate this attitude so much. They talk about how "our games can coexist" and then complain about every other game for not being like the ones they like. Not to mention all the censorship and games they try to get outright banned.
Well, it smells like fucking shit. One of my gf threw me an used menstrual pad, it was closed, so I didn't get stained or anything, but holy shit, the smell. I still have nightmares about it.
Ryder Murphy
I think with most fetishes, the less exposure you have to it the hotter the idea is.
Look at that retarded pokemon guy who thinks eating moltress shit would be hot.
Evan Clark
You'd be asking that person to cover the story, as it's interesting and in their wheelhouse (journos who write on corruption, rebelions, and anti SJW/Femnazi and anti government corruption)
Or, you're upset they didn't cover all the facts (an innocent party who only has half the story), or infuriated that outlet wrote a biased piece (for advertisers working with people who KNOW they are lying/pushing an agenda).
Wanting to hear the truth has no bounds- no matter how foreign, or even if it flies in the face of what you believe. The truth is the world.
Carson Johnson
I just ate, why did you have to remind me of this?
Thomas Long
Landon Rodriguez
I think I loath 9volt the most out of all the goons. He's vile. Disgusting. He's a proven harasser. He lies, he cheats. He does nothing but project.
This is the worst of Reagan years just disguised as socialism. That is what the Frankfurt School does to you?
I guess the fat fuck blocked everyone telling him how retarded he is.
Grayson Phillips
God I hate that pompous blob so much.
Adam Lewis
Gee Bob we only spent several decades living in fear trying NOT to go to direct war with the russians. But hey, let's revive that because you want to be an attention seeking contradictory fat nu-male shit.
Christian Davis
He's another one I would kill without a moment of hesitation. I'd slit his fucking throat and make him gargle his own blood as he died.
Jackson Evans
Tyler Morris
Jack Adams
I'm sorry but I hate the fucker THAT much. I'd gladly go full Coldsteel the Hedgeheg over his fat ass.
Wyatt Sanchez
It's textbook narcissism. They don't even understand our criticisms. I don't give a shit if these people want to play shitty games, but then they come and demand we play said shitty games to understand some "truth" about the world and how it will broaden our perspectives, not realizing that political bullshit isn't why people play games - but that people play games to have fun.
Anthony Morgan
O-Oy vey?
Dominic Rivera
Maybe he lurks Holla Forums and buys into 'the jews control everything' shit?
Adam Gray
didn't he get the memo?
William Davis
Yeah, they don't understand them so they boil them down. See the DMC "ur just mad about his hair" arguments.
Caleb Edwards
The hair was legitimately the least bothersome aspect of the game, too.
Jose Brooks
I don't see him going on Holla Forums, or even 4chan for that matter.
Grayson Phillips
I want him to an hero.
Bentley White
Turbo Button did a video on dmc4 boss design that also covered why the reboot has bad bosses. Interesting video
Wyatt James
Its a sarcastic comment He's saying Bernie's pretending Anti-Globalism isn't Anti-Semitism.
Kevin Green
I know it was sarcastic but it actually looks like he's saying that anti-globalism is antisemitism, that or I read it completely wrong.
Ryan Sullivan
That was amazing
Jayden Rodriguez
"If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."
Ryan Hill
They really do.
Adam Parker
I loved how Shakespearean it was.
Cooper Smith
Considering how deep Hillary is in Wall Street's pocket, don't be surprised if that will be a thing she pushes if she gets elected.
Leo Brooks
Ryan Parker
Who ?
Sebastian Lewis
Lucas Flores
Just some minor twitter fronter/sad puppies guy. I just agree with the sentiment.
Still funny.
Elijah Williams
The actual media is running with this. Krugman posted a Happy Merchant today and said he should make it his avatar. (((they))) are all going nuts this week.
Liam Bell
Alexander Parker
I guess they figured 'you can't criticize a woman because misogyny' worked so well they'd run with it.
Why are these people imagining Putin is going to invade europe are they literal retards do they think our military equipment is, like a hundred years old