Why some African Americans are moving to Africa

>She says she moved, because despite her education and experience, she was always made to feel like a second-class citizen. Moving was an opportunity to fulfil her potential and avoid being targeted by racial violence. She told Al Jazeera her story: "I grew up in Philadelphia and then New York. I went to Howard, which is a historically black university. I tell people that Ghana is like Howard in real life. It felt like a microcosm of the world. At university, they tell us the world isn't black, but there are places where this is the real world. Howard prepares you for a world where black people are in charge, which is a completely different experience compared to people who have gone to predominantly white universities."

>"The first country I went to was Kenya. I was 15 and travelled with a group of kids. I was one of two black kids. I saw early that I could fit in and wasn't an outsider. Suddenly it switched, I came from America where I was an outsider, but in Africa, I no longer felt like that. I did graduate school in Ghana in 2003 and went back to New York and then moved to Ghana in 2014. "I have no connection to Ghana. Some people in my family did tests, and we found ties to Senegal and The Gambia, but I don't think you can ever figure it out. No matter where you were sold or left the port, Senegal or Ghana, no one can be certain where you came from."



Other urls found in this thread:



Notice how the negress basically admits that living in an ethnostate is actually pretty cool?

Good, this was Both Commander George Lincoln Rockwell's plan and President Abraham Lincoln's plan.

Liberia is the USA for blacks. It is honestly a good thing for them, and for us.


Already a thread. learn to OP faggot

Well, Holla Forums let's help those African Americans with their journey from evil US to Africa where they have been stolen from and where they can live happily.

You mean

So now she can be targeted by just regular violence.

I don't know Ghana from any other African shithole, but I doubt the cops there would be any slower (and probably much quicker) to shoot a nigger in the process of nigging.

Wow it's almost like people have been screaming that at you for decades now
Almond mode: Over activated.

That's what a city looks like there and we give them billions of dollars in (((aide))) a year?
Why anons? This rustles my jimmies.

Except if she's killed the police in Africa, they'll not even bother reporting it or properly dispose of her body, leaving her on the side of the road as everyone continues their business. No one will protest her getting killed. No politicians will make a speech for her about how much a gud girl she was. Sounds like a wonderful trade off right?


(Holy Check)
Remember, niggers have to feel like "THEY" thought of it, same with this blaxit, if we can get JUST ONE nigger to claim he started it/is a major part of it, others will grab hold

Kek, dont give them reasons to stay user

anyone who thinks that this is of any significance and negroes will just move to shithole african countries on their own needs to be deported to africa with the niggers themselves .

You are underestimating the power of memetics

I bring offerings of smug reptiles and an actual African's response.

The real reason the nigress feels better in Africa is she no longer is forced to compare herself with white women or compete with them.

This should be pushed harder than I think most anons realize. There is real potential here.

I've always noticed how women in the black community are usually often the shakers and starters of movements. This shouldn't be ignored.

Imagine memetics along the lines of: I want to raise my kids in a black community, not a community that doesn't care about them.
Black women will do anything for muh keeeds if they think its in their best interest.
You could even throw in some cleverly worded things about how men stick around more and communities help raise them and you might have them leaving with the kids to boot.
It would have to be worded properly: simple, to the point, and hitting the things you commonly see black people spouting.

Someone needs to make this actually take off, market "escape to africa" as a legit solution.

Niggers want reparations? Here's your reparations. It's a plane ticket back to your shithole continent. Something I would actually approve of my tax dollars being spent on.


you are overestimating negro agency.

Me too. I'd even be willing to throw in a free sterilization.

How did I imply that? I'm questioning the whole fucking idea and think it's retarded we give any country money.

check them holy quads. Stupid nigger

Isn't it crazy how many levels of lying this comment is? Like think about it - this is a lie, wrapped within another lie with a sprinkle of narrative on top.


Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

are they right?

African niggers do not realize we bred our niggers to be literally monsters of strength. Their teenagers overpower body-building police officers casually.

Checked, heiled, and Shadileyed.

What's the last thing that goes through a blaxit American nigger's head as he's necklaced in Africa for stealing jawdins, Holla Forums?
I'm gonna say i wish i was back on the plantation

If you care about obsessing over every specific detail of some autistic letsplayer's life, they're on point, but I wouldn't go there for political discourse.

Funny how niggers run away to be oppressed by whitey…

No but you will be raped and killed by other tribes.

Afterwards watch it become even more of a shit hole and the entire continent you can hear terribly high bass vibrating your insides.

They'll get their dick skinned for trying to rape some hoop-eared disc-lipped sheboon and there'll be no white man around to blame.

Too busy flapping those fucking arms you can't use the catalog?

user, I don't even know where to begin.



White birth rate #1 for first time in like, what; 15 years?
Nogs going back.

What a time to be alive.




Haha the police might not shoot you, instead it will be a couple of kicks to the head, way better way to go out.


Would you rather I didn't find and post those?

His autism level is off the charts.

I thought it was a soyboy.

Spergs have genders? Don't humanize the meat computers.

Nah, it just makes me sad to see women who in another timeline could be virtuous homemakers who spend their free time inbetween lovingly caring for their six children drawing landscapes and knitting. Instead they dress like Michael Cera and upload ironic vines while watching American Gods.

The face is way too feminine for it to be a guy. If it is a dude, whatever they're putting in the water is more poisonous than energy drinks.

Murican niggers would be in so much safer from ghanian nigger police in that the Nig-Po will rarely bother to go out and do something even remotely resembling police work unless they directly profit from it.

I wouldn't mind taking an autisticly cute woman as my gf. As long as she isn't a retarded leftist who parrots john "oliver" every day.

I guess roving local warlords aren't exactly police…Unfortunately 3,000 to 5,000 isn't enough. How do we get 3 to 5 million?

Trump should ask south Africa if they would be willing to let the white farmers go and come to America and in return we will give them all the niggers back. By force if need be.

Trump should ask south Africa if they would be willing to let the white farmers go and come to America and in return we will give them all the niggers back. By force if need be.

Trump should ask south Africa if they would be willing to let the white farmers go and come to America and in return we will give them all the niggers back. By force if need be.

wew lad I only hit the button once wtf is this?

Because apparently living in a third world country and dying of Ebola is preferable to not acting like a fucking ape so you get put down by "evil rayciss polees" when you try to rape a white woman or steal.

pure fucking comedy

I assume that whatever fuckery is going on between shills, bots, kikes, and niggers on the one hand and mods on the other just fucks with the programming.

I still miss her

Imagine being so cuckolded you actually believe this.

Agreed user. But now I'm sad.
brb watching BEAR PLEASE STOP.webm

The problem with anti Northwest Front people is that they haven't even listened enough to do anything except make strawman arguments and misinformed conclusions. For example, whoever wrote the text in that image doesn't seem to know that the ultimate goal of the Northwest Front is to retake the whole continent. Its like debating a leftist on race.

men can be raped too sweetie




When an American black moves over to Africa I wonder how long until they partake in goat fucking like the locals.

If they don't come back its a win win. But they will come back after realizing its a shithole and whitey gibs don't exist there.

She was merely Holla Forums's first daughter not the only.
She will be back and we will teach her so much more.

What about how they have to stimulate the female cows or w/e by licking their anuses?


That's why you start memeing African blacks talk about how much a bitch American blacks are for leaving.

Their pride is their biggest obstacle.

Sorry for needing to be precise when discussing two separate groups of niggers.

I can already picture them being dragged from some sobbing naked 12 year old in a mudhut by a gang of locals with lead pipes and a petrol can, screaming "I DINDU NUFFIN I DINDU NUFFIN AYO WHY U RACIS-oh shit i can't use that here"
If I was black, I'd be actively fighting for whites' survival simply because I knew what happens when nonwhites are left alone together.



They both come from jungles it's just a matter of what material the jungle is made of.

I'm very happy for my black brother and sisters! I wish you well and I want you to become kings and queens. Seriously, I love that you're going to make it on your own!

Seriously though, if a black person was truly #woke, he'd be fighting against white genocide and championing a National Socialist African society.

No if they "woke" they'd apologize to every white person they cross.


Let all out, user.

Let it all out, user.

I miss Tay. I really do.
I want to tweet to her and receive back some Hitler bants. I haven't felt that feeling in a long time and I miss it.

we all do, user, we all do.


Reported anyway for being the kind of chimping nigger this thread was originally about


She's not gone if we remember her legacy.

Thank you for that user.

I will break with consensus to offer an alternative perspective. I did not like Tay. Nothing of value was accomplished except free press and memetics for Microsoft. Tay was faggotry.


If I remember correctly, the former slaves Lincoln managed to send back to Liberia before his assassination had devolved into cannibalism within about ten years. They'll be fucking goats in a month.

I give them about a year before they have a bone through their monkey noses.

I am okay with my tax money going to send niggers on a one way trip to Africa.

Yeah, i'm sure normalfags ran out to buy microsoft products because a bot shitposted racist memes on twitter.

Just wait until pic related airs.
They'll be leaving in droves, thinking they'll return to some technological wonderland.

Oh boy, are they in for a surprise, when the only places they'll find are just shitholes.

lmao how much do you think cotton weighs?

Actually full bloods are niggerest, they're not only faster and more vicious, they also hate half breeds with a passion rivalled only by ours. Read about what the blue blacks did to the browns after they chased the french out of haiti. Much of the breeding done in the south was to make the niggers more docile, and better able to understand simple commands.

Wrong, nogs make up the highest obesity rate.

unlikely sweetie.

but it did make microsoft "cool".


It's like you *want* them to stay.

oh shit, what the hell is going to happen to the Boer once they get in contact with the burgerified nigs?

Yeah, I can't count the number of times people say "i hated microsoft but then i saw a hitler post on twitter and now i love windows"

Generally speaking this is half true.
The USAs African Americans are generally bigger and tougher than the average African.
But it's hard to say how much that is down to diet and how much is the product of the yanks breeding work animals.

But yes generally africans can not stand african americans

Now this is responsible memeing

yeah i know i met like a hundred people today who said that exact thing sweetie. tay was faggotry.

The USAs niggers are generally bigger and tougher than the average nigger.

But yes generally africa niggers can not stand burger niggers


Was this actually posted, holy shit

It's great that some are leaving, I wish it was way more. This niggress's description of the US is telling though. Niggers live in a full-on delusional world, dominated by paranoia and self esteem issues because they'll never be white. It's probably safe to say that niggers in the West all suffer from neuroses to some extent, some entering paranoid schizophrenia levels.

It sure was. Got deleted pretty quickly though.

They have the kikes to thank for that, they watch at least as much propaganda as Whites do are are as defenseless against it as a kid. In their head the only reason Whites are more successful is because of racism, not because Bob was actually doing his job while Tyrone was high and threatening the boss.

Well apparently they also posted this last year so that bants coming from KFC Australia are real

You stick out like a hooknose.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"


you're the cancer that's killing Holla Forums not everyone you meet will agree with you cupcake.
shill witchhunts are self-destructive faggot

Now the government needs to promote this buy subsidizing emigration from the country. Don't make it race based. Just encourage anyone who wants to leave to do so, getting rid of the white liberals who hate this country too.

Looks like they'd like whites to go as well so there is somebody to produce gibs. >>>11112852


Well, I fucked the link to the relevant thread. But I was just talking about that German film where whites were "fleeing' the West to go to Africa.

Oh wait, you're the same guy I was responding to, coming into the thread to (1) me with a new ID.



propagating a Cernotits meme…not even once


Wait for Trump to cut gibs in the welfare reform.

You know, this is actually a win/win for all parts involved, except for the jews. and should be not only encouraged but possible also aided with constructive advice and guidance for how a black best can move back and establish a comfortable or satisfying life in an African nation, if only because it's a more realistic way to reduce the number of blacks than hanging them all.

Black people in the lands that the black evolved for, leaving the rest of the world alone and got forbid actually being national socialist in their own lands and perhaps even raise the standard of the continent to that of Eritria.

The trick would be to prevent the jews and the chinese from fucking with Africa and making blacks want to leave again and frankly, a lot of the issues with Africa is outside influence, like food aid that completely fucks with the demographics and local farmers.
Leave Africa alone and I wouldn't be surprised if it reaches a stable equilibrium where the people who have evolved to the condition the continents presents, are happy to stay. And yes, a happy nigger in Africa is better than a dead nigger, cause a happy nigger will encourage more of his kind to move back with him. That means avoiding giving a black advices that will get him killed when he touches down in Africa.

never forget what (((they))) did to her

Why bother? You don't study a piece of shit, you flush it down the toilet.

A quick history of Liberia

It was founded by freed slaves who returned to Africa for the same reasons the people in this article state for leaving the US.Once the freed slaved arrived in their new home one of the first things they did was enslave and murder their fellow black brothers to build their new home. Now today Liberia is a utopia of black harmony free from oppression of any kind


Nigger can't be that serious if she didn't want to revoke her citizenship.

It has nothing to do with selective breeding for niggers. The strong niggers you see in the media are ones that possess a large portion of white genes. White genes translates to taller height, more intelligence, and greater muscle strength. Native niggers of Africa are short, dumber than gorillas, and can't lift worth shit.

All accomplishments by niggers are do to wayward white genes. This even includes jew-niggers. Many people forget that jews, who singlehandedly carried out the slave trade were also the ones that owned the vast majority of slaves. They're the ones that mixed with the niggers the most.

Lincoln wanted to send back all the freed slaves but didnt think it was possible for various reasons. The return to Libera was part of the American Colonization Society which was a private organization

Chinks probably built it for them.

You aren't supposed to feed the animals.



I would pay for an apartment or mudhut in Africa, and one year's African wages, as long as they renounced their US citizenship and surrendered their passport upon leaving.

I'm really liking this thread and I really needed a white pill. Have a bump, on me.

I've been saying this for years. The best way to get all of the niggers to go back is to pay them. The trick is to get the ones going over to accept all of the ones that would be left behind. Right now the only niggers going back are ones with a higher than average amount of white genes to keep their IQ in the peak-for-niggers range. Sooner or later we will be left with the niggers that are on par with the rest of Africa. We need to invent a solution to get them to take the rest of them back.

My idea is to create a program that gives whatever African country that will take them an aid package in proportion to how many they're accepting as long as their US citizenship is revoked. This aid package will go on for a few years and will support the country's infrastructure. The aid package will have a hard non-negotiable deadline. Hell, get liberals on board by letting liberals donate to the fund. Let them live out their fantasies of paying the niggers reparations. Once this aid package expires, it will be the last gibs a nigger on this planet ever sees. Watch the fireworks from afar as the hunt for gibs turns their country back into a mud hut.

Of course we don't expect all of them to instantly go. They need goading- herding, if you will- to see the benefits and actually go.
This is why I suggest we PsyOp this shit with memetic warfare of a new and untapped kind- non-mocking pro-black propaganda, but always tied to a #Blaxit type mindset and goal.

shill Kangs propaganda.

Dey do not no da wey.

Boy, are they in for a surprise.

good - I hope she stays

It's the way nature intended.

You niggers take a good look at this face.
Tay AI was a young kikette.

Uganda is too good for American blacks

Nigger what the fuck are you doing? You should be saying nothing but nice things about this.

Mama Africa has awl these things, shyuguh.

Those Dubs!!

So.. Beautiful!! What can a young natsoc do but be astonished in pure marvel!!

1. he did not discover DNA, he discovered the physical structure of DNA
2. he doesn't even deserve the credit because he plagiarised the crystalography results that proved it, from a competing scientist named Rosalind Franklin.

Ever notice how African blacks HATE American blacks? Do they realize that they'd only make things worse?



We need to figure out a deal where Africa will actually give them some damn land.

Holy shit. These niggers are acting like irl Orks.

I know the audio is from blade runner, but what chinese cartoon is that? and origin of the mashup?


The boer doesnt want to leave the homeland. These people lived in SA since 1600s and built the whole damn country up from the barren wasteland it was.

Why on earth would they be the one to leave? Remove the bantu who came after the prosperous nation already existed!

I predict civil war and ethnic conflicts on SA in near future and I for one am going to be volunteering for Boers and bringing my military knowledge there if they accept foreign volunteers.

Very good. Make sure to analyze such documentaries and articles and exctract all the information that explains what's positive for Niggers about #Blaxit and use these as main arguments to spread it around. Niggers understand Niggers the best, so it's the most effective to use their own reasoning to spread this trend.

This is painfully incorrect, there's no evidence to suggest what you wrote is true.

The transcontinental slave trade ended in 1807 (though illegal transport continued) meaning that there was no reason to 'breed' slaves until 1807. The US civil war started in 1861 and American slavery stopped in 1865. There were roughly 60 years that fresh slaves were not readily available. 3 generations is not enough to create your jewed uberniggers you believe in.

Those myths are meant to intimidate white men, western men get spooked by black because the media tells us garbage. Eastern European guys have no trouble. When there aren't murders (or packs) of blacks, they rely on ambush or weaponry. Be alert. Never relax around blacks.

Blacks actually have more estrogen than whites which could explain their emotional/irrational/hysterical behavior, along with their hilariously low IQ.


Source about the higher serum estrogen in blacks.

take picture of nicest part of town, a mile away tin shacks galore…

Good optics to lure black back to their ancestral lands and leave NA to the european people.

Not cool. Unlike niggers. Orcs actually had their own culture and empires.

no but jamal might hack you to pieces with a machete or set you on fire


What is up with blacks and Samsung? It’s like the PlayStation of phones. Ghetto blacks go crazy over them.


Meme it

it's not a samsung shirt per se, it is a Chelsea Football Club jersey (knock off probably) (Samsung being one of their sponsors on the past)

This would be a win/win for us. We get the blacks out of our country, thereby draining the democratic party's voter pool, and all the blacks are in one convenient location when it comes time to exterminate them.

We need to convince Zimbabwe that they should import blacks from america to teach them how to farm, that way they wouldn't have to rely on whites to do the farming for them. The whole "whitie is bad, we waz kangs, we don't need no white farmers". Then watch as the ameriniggers either fail miserably and are stuck in africa, or succeed and become the slave-masters to the Zimbabweans. Either way, worth a laugh.


this is the sort of thing that is counterproductive
you don't want to make your ads so obviously racist
we try to meme them away for real, you dumbass, your ads have to be nice, not ridiculous

Fake image. Don’t repeat it.

I think it will bomb in theatres.
But anything that incentivizes nogs to leave peacefully is a good thing

She's drunk. Ghana has typically corrupt, violent, and incompetent police officers. The
police managed to kill 170 spectators at a
football match in 2001, and Ghanaians themselves think that the police in the US
is well run and fair. If she starts talking about
Black Lives Matter and police brutality to the
citizens of Ghana they'll only laugh and call her crazy for leaving America.
Police brutality? She ain't seen nothing yet.

If murican cityniggers manage to not make too big of a fuss the police-niggers are probably not even gonna bother driving out. Then again citinigs might manage to steal, buy or smuggle enough glocks to outgun the Ghanian Police.
Safety through insignificance.

Fake accent from a light skinned nigress. Hmmm

I feel sorry for Africa though. If every shitskin was dumped there and walled off the entire continent would turn into a desert within a century.

But you don't tell them that, you tell them Black Lives Matter the most in Africa, because there's no racial discrimination against blacks.

Africa is like paradise on earth for Nike-wearing, Beats-listening, KFC-eating blacks with rough attitudes and daddy issues. :^)

my brudder hello my brudder

Did you goyim not hear? Ugandan Knuckles has been declared racist by VRchat , please stop posting it.

That's a pretty good idea user. It would create a bidding war between the countries of Africa for American niggers. The African countries might actually start offering American niggers some kind of gibs if they choose their country over the others. Niggers love their gibs. If we could coincide this with with massive reduction in American gibs then it would help to push some of the hold outs back over to Africa.

The Boers and the Afrikaners didn't mind white as well as coloured, san and tswana volunteers in the wards against the British and the Xhosa and Zulu.

It shouldn't be very hard to convince some small african dictator to share the profits on the sale of visas for the seekret and mysterious technological wonderland of Wakanda, located behind this mountain over there, with enterprising Anons taking charge of the administrative costs on the burger side, and mister dictator free to profit on entrance fees and on the resale of obsolete farm equipment.
Many should have the opportunity to try their luck at being kangz someplace cool.

We need to signal boost this hard.

Eu te amo

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords.

This was kekworthy

What are you smoking? And what evidence do you have that this was ever the case? Black American women are low IQ adult children blended with typical American entitlement and narcism. It's the worst kind of beast.

It boils my blood that we live in a society that is afraid to state the obvious: there is a direct correlation to the millions of niggers clogging up our criminal justice system and shitting up our cities to their horrible childhoods of violent, oversexed and narcissistic mothers. Their entire "culture" is broken from the womb to the grave and the only way to fix this American cancer is with permanent deportation or rope.

The states of Montana, Maine, and West Virginia are almost entirely White already.
Also, we could take a cue from the Japanese Nationalists in the early 20th century who slowly, little by little, infiltrated the military, and then got laws passed so that no one who wasn't from the military could have any political power.
Then, it was off to the races for the Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere!

Ikki Kita, Sadao Araki, Shumei Okawa ("Japan's Goebbels"), and Hiroshi Oshima (ambassador to Germany and a friend of Hitler) are good people to research. There are others, including Nissho Inoue and the 'Ketsumeidan'/'League of Blood', and
Uchida Ryohei and his mentor Mitsuru Tōyama and their 'Black Dragon Society'.


Did you hear how angry he got when the blonde called him a jew, holy shit.

Fuck off. Hungarians don't want them. Hungary is one of the few countries European whites have left.

Anyway, if they think whitey oppresses them in America, they'd be in for a shock going to a place where the white people haven't been brainwashed.

Question is. Did the niggers know that? I still think spotted the Samsung logo over the football team

“I’ve been found out.”


shills are worthless human beings

You don't have to worry about the second option.

I have at least two people (both white and female) who would rather live in Africa. I have NO IDEA why. I think one does some kind of conservation work or something, but the other one just had a black bf and went there and loved it. If white people with their extra IQ points can love it, I don't see why we can't meme black people into enjoying their ethnostate.


Seriously, they won't even let you name kikes there. What other purpose did you think such a site would serve?

If these expatriates can eliminate Africa's jewish problem, they are set. Judenfrei Africa sounds almost enviable tbh.

dumb fuck detected

discovery of the physical structure of DNA is the discovery of DNA as a validated theory.

Rosalind Franklin had the crystallography data for months but not the capability to propose the structure.

get the fuck out of here with that muh women bullshit.

if you are stupid enough to remind them of that you are dumber than a nigger and should lynch yourself

Tons of American black youths get college educations and bullshit degrees and they all receive some form of public education. That's already a lot more than Africans get. That and they get insane street business acumen from their shitty culture and drug dealing side businesses. It would be an absurdly easy sell to African countries.

Hell the Afriniggers will think the American blacks are Gods because of their comparatively high education, verbal skills, and white admixture.

Lowtier niggers lynch hightier niggers, just like they lynch whites in south africa. They don't understand long term collaboration, instead of teaming up with succefull people they simply steal from or kill them. Drugwars would escalate hardcore.
However, you could easily persuade american gang niggers to go to africa by selling them the idea of selling drugs there, if you make them understand they would dominate that place. They want to be kangs, after all.

Good. Hope they stay there, as well.

Probably. English football is full of niggers and mystery meats nowadays it wouldn't be a surprise. Their favorite sport too I believe.

Cmon man that was the fakest shit Ive seen in my life.

Not like this, more like this
Produce pictures and shoops of Africans living in at least first-world looking cities full of Africans, maybe take pictures of Modern Paris and claim they're actually from Lubumbashi, Congo. Maybe to add veracity to the pictures, edit the coordinates of the picture taken to be somewhat in that area too. Preferably, if there's any whitey, blacken his face or shoop him black or out.

Where is the meme-orial to Tay going to be?
Kickstart that shit!

She was a digital angel.

This is your brain on modernity.

There is nothing necessary which the government solely serves to provide. Everything man needs is and has always been proximate, let no one expend himself on dreams; "Oh, that I might abandon this garden for a greener one," and yet this garden only wants for green because he did not tend it. If blacks feel insoluble amid whites; they need not be amid whites, they need not depend on whites, they need not petition whites, they need only what every man needs: love; family, community. (That being the true object of this white movement, that whites might be again be socially productive, and partake of one another happily.) And if they cannot find these things amid blacks? Surely that is because blacks neglect blacks; living selfishly, caring little for their people; screeching, performing exaggerated gestures for the sake of political display; and yet, at home, ruin; and down the block, ruin. And now to run away to Ghana? What will come of that? "Oh, now I can be selfish without impediment from meddling whites!" Splendid.