Out of these two rpgs, which is better?
Which game is better Holla Forums?
Story = Xenogears
Gameplay = FF7
Music/Soundscape = FF7
Xenogears, but not by a lot. They're both solid, all around.
FF7 because at the very least its a complete game.
What's behind the door number 3?
Xenogears is like half a game we will never see.
You can see the potential pf something great, but the existing result is underwhelming as fuck.
FF7 has great magic system, is chock full of optional content and was gateway for JRPGs into western countries for a very good reason - it's one of the best.
They're both Japanese games. They can't be wannabe Japanese.
I think despite xenogears being unfinished, it is a better game with a more enjoyable combat system and even more fun general navigation. It's just a nice game to pick up and play. FF7's great, but I don't think it scratches that same itch.
don't reply to goons.
Does weebbait shit work for you? How about: check the catalogue next time as we have several weebbait shit threads up, that work?
I resent that statement. For one I've yet to post cuck porn or call you a salty crybaby. I'm also generally satisfied with my formatting
What is "weebbait"?
I didn't start this thread. Are you aware that Holla Forums has post IDs?
You also need clarification on what's a rhetorical question? How about: template threads?
Again, I did not start this thread.
Never said you did, nice digits though.
I'm about 24 hours into Xenogears. When will it start being good?
Then why are you talking to me about there being other threads on the topic? It's got nothing to do with me.
Why not, you got something better to do?
Because, once again, I did not start this thread?
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Unfortunately I have to agree.
On the other hand, FFVII wrapped up perfectly within itself, then Square went on to butcher it by retconning elements for the retarded Compilation. I can't even begin to imagine how much they'll fuck up the remake.
First 15 or so hours is the best part of the game.
When you start upgrading your shit to evangelions, or whatever it was called, that's where it all starts to go down to shit.
Plenty, I'd imagine. But you're the one spazzing out over a simple conversation. A conversation you started, mind you.
I am not "spazzing out." You are trying to blame this thread on me even though I didn't start it and you have provided no evidence that I did. And I didn't start this "conversation" either.
Really? All I've got so far is really bad pacing, random battles everywhere (that even get triggered by jumping and opening chests), a very shallow battle system that pretends to be more complex than it really is, and lots of mysteries that don't look like they're gonna get solved any time soon.
Honestly, you kinda are.
let's do this user
No I am not. You are shifting blame.
Oh that thing. Just struggle enough to get to babel tower nigga, so you can firsthand experience the single most fucked up JPRG mechanic ever.
It's not even remotely near as mind boggling as experience it for yourself, don't miss out.
Again, you honestly need to check your privilege
Ah fuck. It's gonna be hell of a ride then.
That doesn't even make any sense you retard. Tumblr and leftypol are on the same side.
You would know :^)
>>>Holla Forums
You're a pretty swell guy user.
Dragon Warrior IV
Not seeing them repeating digits
You coming on to me?
God what a piece of shit game. The death of a genre, right there. Took everything that made the first three great and threw it out the fucking window, just to herald in the modern on-rails no brain handholding JRPG we now know and love.
And why the fuck was I banned for this and he wasn't? He started attacking me, I just defended myself. This isn't even the first time I've been banned for doing so. Are the mods here completely fucking braindead or what?
This. Xenogears had some God-tier ideas, but the execution was pretty bad and not just because of the budget cuts either. Honestly, that can be said about almost any Masato Kato game in which he wasn't being kept on a tight leash by someone like Sakaguchi.
I see what you did there.
Absolutely fucking wrong.
Xenosaga 1-3 does a pretty good summary of Episode 1.
Anyone who says otherwise doesn't deserve to live
They're not RPGs - they're not tabletop RPGs and they're not computer RPGs. They're weeaboo grindan sims.
Haven't played either of them, Square JRPGs are boring as fuck.
That shit has happened to me too.
are you on drugs?
I can't hum a single Xenogears song off the top of my head. I could probably go through 3/4 of the FF7 OST without breaking a sweat.
They just aren't memorable and lack spirit.
As far as the original games, FFVII definitely had a more 'complete' feel. The battle system can't be particularly complained about (unless you're one of those people who don't like a system with exploitable points). Loads of minigames, and chocobo racing for days.
Xenogears provided better replay value, in that it was so fucking long some plot shit went in one ear and out the other the first go round (missable items much). Had a huge world, a wide cast of interesting characters, etc. The minigames were kind of meh, and the religious parallels or whatever were kind of everywhere and tiring at some points. Weird marriage of 2&3D.
But the biggest problem of both games is that Squenix dragged them through the shitmire of Sequelitis, choosing to involve neither of the original producers, and we ended up with piles of cold dogshit.
Xenosaga should never have happened. None of it. Shit combat, shit graphics, shit environments, shit story, shit voice acting, shit mechs, shitty 'platforming', glaring lack of Chu-chu/playable non-waifu-non-humans (we all know Chu-chu is best mech, big titty blue haired gynoids go in the trash).
I never played Before Crisis, but Crisis Core was a decent time killer. Dumbed down combat, basic crafting system, simple but decent story not chock full of made up techno-religious werds.
So the real answer is, no matter which you loved more, everyone lost.