Also: PTR patch when? Edition.
Overwatch: Hacking all the things Edition
Blizzdrones will defend this.
I'd rather not.
Overwatch: Death Of The Art Form Edition
She will break the game a little too much, a normal ability + an ult that disables all other abilities is stupidly redundant.
I also expect Sombra mains to keep complaining about Mei because guess what? she will still freeze the fuck out of them without walls or cube.
I would have thought it would be the other way around, with Mei's complaining about Sombra but you're probably right considering the skill level of most Overwatch players.
I expect with allmost 100% certainty that she will get a nerf, before she hits live servers. No way she´s going through like that.
I am a Mei player, I think I know what to expect of Sombra, actually Mei will probably be a spy checker from now on since her cold stream can disable Sombra's cloaking better by virtue of not needing to aim, if you see Sombra trying to cloak away then you just spread ice around and it will be automatically disabled, then you can proceed to freeze her while she spends her 3 seconds trying to disable your other skills or using her ult.
Speaking of which, it better not disable deployed ultimates or it will be way more OP than it should, imagine if EMP completely negated nukes, blizzards and pulse bombs among other things.
overwatch is so fucking good
i dont like games where i dont get aim assist to help me show how much better i am then all the common shitters
The future of videogames is looking bright
Actually everyone with a huge weapon spread will be considered a sombra counter, since you just need to hit her once to uncloak her., Roadhog and Reaper for example would be great for this.
So, any PC shooter I assume? you know, because aim assist is a console thing.
I remember hearing in a video posted last thread that it disables Roadhogs ult but not D.Vas ult.
So I think it might be that it disables only channelled ultimates, e.g. Genji, Roadhog, Mccree, and even then you need to be within a certain range and need line of sight.
I think what will be key to doing well as Sombra is getting behind players, hacking and dealing damage, then tele-grenading out and not standing in the line of fire like a retard.
Who knows how that would go on koth maps, I don't think there's much place there for Sombra aside from her ultimate.
How can she hack Roadhog, when Roadhog is just a very fat pigman with a gun?
That's another thing, I don't expect realism but maybe the developers just tried to rush her and forgot about the glimpse of logic we need sometimes.
Her hacking ability doesn´t really make sense for many heroes honestly. Or why would hacking prevent Junkrat to throw a mechanical trap?
Suck nano dicks cyborg-fag !
Yeah Sombra's probably going to need some kind of teleport ability which lets her escape Mei's freeze range… that way she can then use her cloak and speed-boost while Mei is stuck firing icicles as a fast moving invisible target.
Not sure how her teleport mine will work with that, but then, if she is forced to teleport back then Mei's job was done.
She has a teleport like the sniper bitch from Paladins.
Supposedly Tuesday.
It is the classic that never changes, Shit is overpowered when it is brand spanking new to encourage people to play it (or rather PAY IT), then it is nerfed down to make way for even newer shit.
Well, she has the Teleport grenade., but it might come with its own flaws, if it you need to use it before being able to place new one and you use it primarily as a emergency retreat tool then if a enemy sees it lying around they will probably get ready to bum rush when it is activated, or in the case of a Junkrat, Sombra will do what is fitting to the character design and get TRIGGERED when porting back right onto a trap since it basically guarantees that Sombra will be at that spot at some moment, likely weakened.
r/ing this with sombra's face plastered on his face
The answer is Blizzard's excuse of "The gameplay isn't canon"
It clearly works quickly enough to be a viable escape against Mei.
So basically you've got a hero who can shut down Mei's wall and cryofreeze, which Mei can only counter against by firing off said abilities putting them on cooldown (and from what I gather Sombra's hack only goes on cooldown when the hack is successful so she'll still have her hack ready anyway) and if Mei trys to engage Sombra she has an easy escape via telegrenade+speedcloak, or just telegrenade + superior dps against a ability-dependant hero without her abilities.
Oh yeah I'm sure Mei is going to be giving Sombra real trouble.
I think most people are going to use it as a makeshift blink (one that can get you onto higher levels like Genji's dash). Keeping it up as a long-range retreat is only going to be a smart decision when in defense with it being in your team's turtle area.
Sombra seems like she has way too much utility for one character. I'm betting on a nerf.
I really didn't think about it till you said that, but you're right. That's retarded.
If heal abilities work on Omnics why can't they be used to heal Torb's turret?
Mercy main here, an addition of a flanker that will 100% go unnoticed by the team before magdumping into my swiss ass worries me quite a bit.
Hell, half the teams in comp just ignore the flanking Tracers because lol they're not the ones getting damaged.
I wonder, what "class" will Sombra be? offensive? defensive? support?
Already confirmed offensive
I see, maybe is just me but she should have 150 HP instead of 200.
Yeah I can imagine that buff to Mercy's health regen from 3 seconds delay to 1 second that's currently in PTR actually being more or less balanced now.
Shit game
If we nixed the Undertale threads after a while, we should nix these as well. Take this cancer elsewhere.
I think that's too much, I mean, OW is supposed to be about counter picks, but what happens when there is one pick to null them all? she would be literally on every team all the time.
I can tell you, these are dying, don't be upset, after a while you may be lucky if you see one of these when an update kicks in.
Fairly sure we nixed the undertale threads because it had only goat porn and genesis posting with almost zero game discussion for nearly two months straight.
I don't think it's close to being that bad here.
you just have one person on your team sacrificing their ult so others can use theirs immediately after she wastes her ult-disable on the sacrifice
He wouldnt if that was case
Why are you fucking faggots still discussing this trash, its a fucking ASSFAGGOTS in FPS form which somehow manages to be even more shallow than it and Call of Duty.
150 HP can be a kiss of death. The only hero in the game with 150 hp is Tracer and it's absolutely necessary due to her both being the most mobile hero in the game and having a self-heal.
I really don't think it's going to be necessary with Sombra, she's probably going to be pretty week against heroes who aren't ability-dependant. Also while it's been confirmed that she can use her hack to interrupt transform ults like Roadhog's. I doubt it'll work on non-player targets like D.Va's mech-bomb.
What might be possible thought to hacking D.Va herself after she fires the ult so that she becomes unable to get into her new mech for a short while, which would be hilarious.
Hey guys, what about buying me a copy so i can play very badly as mei?
e-mail is [email protected]/* */
I also accept dolphin porn.
Why isn't there any porn of Sombrero yet?
just search for laura_matsuda
Why do you want porn of that? look at that face, look at that dike hair.
Do you know what thread this is?
well, i think i probably put my expectations higher that i should have.
I think what concerns people so much about Sombra's potential permanence in gameplay is not just her hacking abilities, but also the fact that she has a full moveset while characters like Winston, Tracer, and Pharah are missing an altfire. Winston's gonna get the worst of it since his DPS is shit, has almost no armor, his barrier has a long cooldown, and his ult can be cancelled by hers.
Because even D.Va has a more ample body than hers. Then again people focused so much on Widow and Tracer's asses even though their main charms are clearly their legs
There already is, check r34
You think?
Pretty sure there has been pron since the leaks, also Tumblr is just too dumbfounded to flood their channels as they usually do after
made their preemptive D.Va ship into "Paedophillia".
Also, im getting IT'S A MAN BABY vibes from "her", probably got snibbety-snabb'd when getting cybernetic upgrading, and if "she" really was orphan with no family and friends, would erasing the identity really be necessary? no, the erasing was to be able to pass as a woman and avoid being "deadnamed" and "misgendered".
Yes, and?
Please don't turn this into tumblr's "[x] is a tranny/boy/girl"
I'm asking what your point is.
Yeah Winston was already a debatable choice with the likes of Reinhardt around, even moreso now, seeing as his shield has far more staying power and can block people from charging their ults far better than Winston can.
He's just shitposting because he doesn't like Overwatch, because Blizzard & twitch shooters is bad. I assume it's a recent refugee who thinks having a contrarian opinion means you must shitpost on everything you don't like.
Nothing wrong there no
Theres that word again
The irony is lost to you I presume
I wouldnt even care too much about the game, I initially came here for people to sell me the game and saw just how cancerous the community is inside and outside this board and how its seaping to other threads.
Sorry, but i had to get it out of my system to people who won't go STUNNING AND BRAVE.
And look at Sombra and tell me the design and personality isn't directed directly at the crowd that would oh so much love that kind of development.
Oh I know full well that feminist love this shit I just don't people bringing that crap here
I am asking why you are posting all of this. What is your point with this? Education? Entertainment? Elaborate your stance already.
Holy shit are you the autist that was around during the cycle thread, who spent 100s of post complaining about a game he didn't play?
Is it true Sombra has some way of breaking Torb's turret? If so that's fucking dumb. Torb's turret is already borderline useless.
Swedes love getting dominated and cucked by tumblr.
The only transcendent thing here is my rage.
I went to the top ranked players on console and its all genji and one junkrat at like 9th
Yeah the turret can be hacked so it doesn't fire, although if Sombra takes damage it interrupts her hack so she needs a body to block the damage for her whilst she hacks it.
Torb suffers hard currently and is probably amongst Widow in terms of usefulness. Who knows how bad it'll be once Sombra releases.
Accidentally wrote sage in subject field for the wrong thread just shoot me tbh
Ana was actually kinda underwhelming when she was first released. Just after one week or so, she was buffed to her current state and then nerfed again.
It's possible that they are going to make it so Torb's turret can detect Sombra when she is cloaked though. That could make Torb a Sombra counter instead of the other way round.
Fuck off, retard.
Winston's barrier is also the easiest to destroy. D.Va's Defense Matrix is limited by a meter rather than health, Roadhog has a self-heal, Zarya's barriers have a total 400hp combined and a shorter cooldown each on top of her 200 shields, and Reinhardt's shield regenerates much faster than Winston can place a second barrier. His ult is also not so great when you take into account that it trades his lightning gun's already limited range for a smaller-ranged punch which knocks back enemies when most maps have very few points where you can be knocked off, and his leap's cooldown is offset by its damage being unreliable to land, and his air control being limited.
Torbjorn would be a lot better if he could place a second turret. Could balance that out by having only one of them upgrade when he ults, and that could be as simple as Torbjorn having to look at one of his turrets if two are up.
Sombra gives me a lot of SJW-friendly vibes. Ana had some buildup to her release, but it's offset by everyone thinking that she was Sombra, and she was released in a more ho-hum manner than Sombra will be. Neither of the two are as plot-critical either, but while Ana is just a brown old lady missing an eye, Sombra is a super leet boopy hacker with several augmentations and that one hairstyle that leftists are addicted to. She doesn't have assets like Widow and Tracer's legs, Mei's thickness and ass, or Mercy's everything(mainly the chest and thighs, especially when her legs are bent), and while there are people here and there who are into women with smaller and more squarish hips, booties, tits, SJWs are the sort who like women for their lack of sexy parts as opposed to finding what they do have to be sexy itself.
From my perspective characters like Genji have been the most threatening, since he doesn't have as many artificial(cooldowns) limits as other characters do, while having the most mobility. His shuriken also lack falloff, so he's guaranteed to deal some decent damage no matter how far away he hits you. The only reason why Ana's an issue for me is because you can't interrupt an attempt to nanoboost someone.
I dont know, I am fairly certain though that you are the autist that cant play good games due to an extreme case of absolute shit taste in vidya.
And yet another cuckchanner joins the Blizzcuck Overbotch defense force on the hugbox thread.
Hi cuckchan
Welcome to Support, enjoy carrying basically everyone forever since people are to retarded to remember basics like how having at least one person pushing the payload is actually more important then then spawn camping, or that Health Packs are a thing and if one is nearby it is probably better to go for it then yelling at the Healer across the map to leave other teammates and get to heal YOUR 2 bars of damage when a 5 person pain train is incoming at the objective.
If that's how it would be, then Symmetra would be a complete shut down, since you could basically close off up to 6 doors and even if Sombra could hack one, another turret could interrupt, as well as alerting Symmetra where the action is.
Don't forget the "beauty mark".
Can you hack your way into Sombras pants?
Look Mr.Dubs, people were asking for porn of the brand new worst girl, not acceptable ones, though you still get a A for effort, and A++ for effort with dubs.
how abotu some cancer now?
You know what sombra looks like?
It looks like they fired the artists that did the main cast when the game released and them hired someone cheaper to do her.
Her clothes lack detail, her weapons is completely generic, her face and hair looks like they ripped it right off Paladins.
In any screenshot you see of her and the rest of the chars, the contrast is so high it make me wonder if they did any design QA on her.
I think she looks awful, and her entire color pallet is so one note my eyes bleed. But my blizzdrone friend thinks she's extremely hot, so maybe other blizzdrones think the same.
you talk as if blizzdrones had good taste.
How does Ana shoot sleeping darts into Bastion or Genji?
I hope we get a alt outfit for her to fix that hair.
I'm not saying they have good taste, I'm saying the bad taste is most likely prevalent among blizzdrones. Meaning the design team at least knew their audience. Also I feel like massive amounts of furry porn is gonna get made of sombra because she already has sparkledog coloring.
I hope PTR never comes.
Hero Stacking was the only interesting mechanic left in OW.
Might be that she is just 100% Blizzard designed characters. Most of the cast was made with the studio that makes the animated shorts, and they have a very good design style that works and blends the tech and personality of the characters together. If you check the concept arts, she is by far one of the most different characters from her original concept, most likely they just started making designs 100% on their own. If you check the colors and how the details on Sombra work in the animated short, it's very different from the actual in-game model details.
Isnt this thread enough?
Says the one who is begging people to buy him the game since like 50 threads.
Nanomachines, son.
Old quickplay still exists. It´s just called differently. So everyone wins.
Hmmm that explains a lot actually, as the biggest draw of overwatch (at least for me) is the character design, they are really well made.
I thought blizzard was getting better, it was actually just a fluke, sad.
You sound smart
Actually only 4, and i do have taste, enough to not waste money on the game.
Are you playing in plat/gold? Once you get into diamond/master, you never have that issue at all. Any flanker is usually dealt with by a competent McCree or Roadhog
As far as I can recall, Arcade has an even worse matchmaking than regular quickplay, and probably will be as dead as regular arcade in no time. "No limits" will turn into a "lol who careas" with retards stacking anas and perma-sleeping one guy.
Same thing happened to me, but it makes sense. Most new blizz employees are fans, and most old staff has the same old "style", so using a third party to help with the ideas and later taking over sounds pretty good, until you realize they can't even do that straight without fucking up.
boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop
So it basically will be standard quickplay?
How the fuck do you want to know that? Arcade isn´t even released, yet.
how many of these are left there? 2 or 3? the real problem is the deviant art level college dropouts that bobby kotick is hiring.
As long as you keep funding them they will never leave.
i don't even buy their games user, hell even if i did i don't have money to buy their Overpriced products.
Sure they will, the term "revolving door" exists for a reason, pump and dump son, deviant art are just as plentiful as the snowflakes they proclaim themselves to be, and just as ephemeral as them when hired too.
Thats why it will never end as long as you keep funding these shit companies.
The Arcade will probably use the "Brawl of the week" matchmaking that gives even less priority to skill relations between teams. I got used to call it "arcade" that I forgot it wasn't the old name.
Without the guys who are there to just play the game without hassle, the tryhards that for some reason they don't want to play competitive, everyone who is unhappy with their placement matches (with or without reason) and lastly, the stacks of people that can't play comp because they differ too much in rating. Unless you specifically want to hero stack, you will go to quickplay.
Seriously, Blizzard?
Feel free to name FPS games that are better than this. I could understand your argument if there were other alternatives, but the fact is there isn't.
Your the only angry faggot here famalam
Im sure your friends wont leave it to go back to ASSFAGGOTS though
It should have been obvious from the context that I wanted multiplayer FPS that are still active
All of those are still active
Go play DoD and DoD Source
Its still top tier
Heres the chemo
checked their steam stats
DoD Source has at least 1K and plenty of servers
what's so great about DoD?
Its not Overwatch
It's easier to call things shit but harder to actually defending your opinions. Come back with compelling reasons or kindly fuck off.
so is she going to be piss weak in combat? i remember buzzard saying the idea of a high damage stealth assassin wasnt something they wanted to do for overdog.
Stay buttflustered your faggotry was removed.
She seems to have a bit weaker dps than Tracer but not by much.
You wouldnt play any of those games because you're a skinnerbox addict Blizzcuck who plays ASSFAGGOTS because your friends do, you only made that post so you could have an excuse as to why you play that game and consequently try to fit in.
My efforts at even pointing out good games are pointless, most cunts on this thread are pure casuals with shit taste, including you dicksponge.
Your alternatives was either single player or deadgames and you couldn't come up with redeemable qualities other than
Kindly leave or actually post something constructive. you can't
8ch is dead.
Overwatch is shit but you're still a faggot.
Wow, you sure showed them
>Cant Google about one of the best Class and Skill based games ever to exist with two nuanced factions, a high skill ceiling and top tier map design with some exceptions
Id call you a retard, but its already implicit considering you're unironically trying to discuss this trash.
Shouldnt have done it,but the edit was alright.
He is thought
No need to point out the obvious
Its ok user, at least Mark isnt being a fag about dissent now
Actually, you can dislike it as much as you want, but coming here and complaining won't make us dislike it as well, that's the thing.
are you mark
With 1200 players only
>Giving at least $40 to Blizzard and by proxy Tencent.
You dont need to dislike it, you just need to fuckoff.
Yes, give me cake
Its also 10 years old and population doesnt mean shit about quality.
Especially when this shitty fucking game matchmakes you with the same people dpeending on the rank and skill.
And thats all you get goy
I want to fuck that Soni
Yeah, it's also a game with pretty generic classes, standard fps multiplayer that looks and sounds old. If that's the best alternative you've got it speaks volumes about the actual industry.
Face it DoD doesn't hold a candle to overwatch.
The difference between you and me is that Ive played both.
Kill yourself asthetic fag
They're also two completely different games you dense retard.
If you think graphics are the only thing that's different between the games, you need to get your eyes checked.
That won't happen either, unless you become the owner of the site.
Consider suicide Overcuck
You dont need a ban, you just need to fuckoff
It won't happen, you can't make me leave, you'll have to deal with it.
I wonder how far he'll go.
Yeah, you really need to get your eyes checked. At no point did I say it looked like shit.
I cant, but you will
As long as light still shines on this board
That explains the butthurt I'm reading
Paragon of intelligence right here
Is the bait really that delicious?
Are your delusions really that bad?
Visuals and audio is important. I don't want to be playing a mediocre shoot that also LOOKS LIKE SHIT.
Again, making shit up or putting words into my mouth
Son, if the best you "alternative" you can come up with is a 10 year old game; you really need to rethink your perspectives/argument. DoD is just the land standing survivor of a standard of games that were released around that time.
I can understand if overwatch is not to your test, but don't pretend that there are "better" options.
last standing survivor*
test = taste*
I really should end this and go to bed.
just stop replying to him and report him
Not sure if the reports work on that kind of shitposting, but at least we can filter the ID until he gets a new one.
already got his last set of 20 shitposts deleted just report every post and it'll happen again
Do I go solo again?
I don't get the hate on Sombra's haircut. I can just assume she has that side shaven because of neural augmentations or some shit. My problem is that her design is too monochromatic for my taste and it's counterintuitive to the concept of a stealth offensive.
I think they should've redesigned her more like a character from Shadowrun, or as a homage to the "raver hacker" archetype from the Hackers movie.
Hell, if they were feeling lazy they could've just done r63 Matt Miller from Saints Row and the result would be better.
There is always a risk, BTW, draws count as wins for your 50% win ratio, so the system may tip the scale against you after a while (you know how it goes)
We lost, but barely. I'm 2 points from losing my rating landmark. I'm gonna roll the dice one more time, and if I lose, I'm stuffing my face with chink food and going to sleep.
Is this what the life of a NEET is like?
ive just never been a fan of shaved heads. its no more attractive than an entirely bald woman
What about a skin head woman with black lipstick and hipster glasses? I still don't know the logic behind such a hideous aspect.
no you silly bastard. if you were a neet you wouldnt be worrying about having to do something tomorrow.
Get out
that's dedication right there
No thanks, I would prefer skipping her than getting her in the game
because bullshit muh stronk womyn that's why
I need more
im still new-ish to this game
for you
5/10 half effort.
would you
Ur nanomachines is rubbish
I hope Sombra can shut down Mei's blizzard. That thing is literally impossible to stop
I killed that bitch before she even finished her first word and it still activated. It pisses me off to no end.
"Sombra, hack Roadhog! His hook is slaughtering us!"
"You don't understand what hacking is, do you?"
To be honest that makes me think Ana and Sombra were originally the same character, at least in concept and then they decided to split them up and develop them differently. Kinda like how Genji was spun off of the original Hanzo concept that had him using a sword.
So she is Mistral little sister?
How is that allowed here?
Whatever that haircut is called, it is the most ugly thing in existence. I have no idea why it's become so popular lately.
combover mohawk
It's the new mohawk. It's popular with dumb kids who think that having an "atypical"(So many of them have jumped on the bandwagon it's not even "special" anymore) haircut makes them a punk.
It's also appropriated from an ancient warrior culture, and is often worn by the same kind of people who'd complain about "cultural appropriation" because irony is lost on these people.
In short: Sombra is going to a repeat of Zarya's Summer Games skin. Which if you don't remember, there was a huge rush to get that because guess what? No one who plays this game likes Tumblr-Dyke hairstyles.
At least I got all the halloween skins r-right?
That shit better be available again later.
You disgrace me.
Genji I could at least understand, but Bastion is basically a walking gun. He has no concept of intercourse and you'd basically be molesting him.
So? He's just a robot, it's not as if he'd mind.
all i see is female antimage
All Isee is a shit game
Holy shit, how is nobody checking these quads?
I know that feel, the Tumblr just makes me kinda unable to play TELEPHONE-TOGNASTY enitrely, and Mei already fills the Eskimo quota.
Moenbryda was at least kinda enjoyable in personality and she was just introduced to be killed off.
refer to and fuck off
Go to bed
Go to bed faggot
This time forever
Keep at it user.
Go back to wok faggot
Are we going full circle?
>battleshit22142 is good
Fucking hell, it's the definition of "has been"
It's DOA sadly
a p2w shit tier grinder with performance issues even on high end rigs it works on my machine™
Ain't gonna bother responding to your spergy bf2 comment.
Keep deluding yourself you contrarian fuck.
You're not even shitting on it, you're just saying it's shit and
Shill confirmed.
Prove it
So like literally everygame on the list you mentioned previously?
prove it
Valid point
Need to update your intel m8, those were fixed months ago.
You've demonstrated you don't know what a skill ceiling is with a comment lkike that
Don't care, they don't affect gameplay
What's this got to do with the gameplay?
one character main ability and two main weapons on completly different playstyles.
Pretty sure that's what triggers you
You've literally said fucking nothing bad about the game.
When you insist a game is shit while acting like an absolute retard you actually make the game look as a result.
So is sombra patch coming tomorrow? pls
Aside from Battlefield you're full of shit
Working as intended
Especially Hanzo
By listing games with an actual skill ceiling with the exception of maybe Battlefield?
You sure got me
Sure doesnt, CS:GO skins and TF2 hats also changed nothing
t.not a cuckchanner
On a charcter focused on shooting shit
Not a crutch though :^)
Should be called FPSMMO to be honest or CRAPCUNTS
Sweet sweet denial
Its coming after all your faggot friends stop playing this trend.
Literally what.
You mentioned other class based shooters previously including DoD.
Your answer to my point clearly shows you haven't a clue.
All I see is "I'm too retarded to recognise shit"
No idea what the fuck you're on about
Those actually modified the game.
Probably explains the salt levels I'm seeing.
I don't even get what point you're trying to make.
You've mentioned a few hero abilities and old shitposts that were patched out.
Keep trying.
It plays like one
Your response to every single argument was: what?
Tired of being put into teams that are uncarryable after winning 3 games.
fuuuck ooooffff
yeah, your entire argument was a video that a) showed a high level of skill or b) high skill and a bit of luck in placements and proclaimed it was
sombra ptr is set for today or tomorrow apparently. this is blizzard so who the fuck knows when it will actually go live
Are you underage?
Thats the whole ASSFAGGOTS experience
Placement and pressing X
Maybe you should watch some low end and high end video's and get learned son.
I wouldn't imagine those they were playing against were decent. Stacking up as they did was just asking for it.
Are you trying to insinuate that that compilation is the average game?
You never cease to amaze. We've went from "games that are better" to "this is a totally accurate representation of the game" complete with images ranging from moeshit to shecklestein.
I hope that 0.25$ is really worth it.
Hi shill, changed your IP again to shill some more? You don't fit in here on Holla Forums, maybe try reddit?
Come up with a compelling case.
Shill confirmed again. Only a shill would go through this much trouble.
Anna is a shit character though.
Why do you retards keep taking the bait?
You've not. You've said stuff you disagree with (aiming), hitboxes that were fixed ages ago (roadhog nonwithstanding) and linked a shitty youtube video of good ultimates with zero fucking context of how they came around.
You cannot argue for fucking shit.
Ironic coming from a shill
Stop replying to shitposters you faggots
no u
If you're gonna nuke the thread take other posts with it. Shit is unsightly.
Is Paladins just Overwatch for BRs?
When is there going to be PvE modes
All I've wanted since they put this shit out there is to fight korean robo-kaijus
Paladins is Overwatch for people who want Overwatch to be more like the ASSFAGGOTS people keep shitposting about it being like. It's got items you buy between lives and rounds and much more emphasis on using abilities to deal damage instead of as supplements to a weapon.
That's what I want to know.
Can we implement a rule where you get banned for taking the bait so fucking hard?
Cuckchan seems more like your kind of board
Tell me faggot, where is the difference?
I laughed harder than I should have
In other games you dont press a button or you actually have to aim.
Your arguments are weak.
Theres more than one offensive charcter and support classes are just as bad even if its not direct damage.
Ok. So two short range autoaim guns trigger you?
What the fuck does diva have to do with autoaim guns?
Are we still arguing over this? At least shitpost about Ana's gratuitous aim assist when scoped in.
That's at least a casualised mechanic that isn't outperformed by other abilities in the game.
Soldier's 6 second duration auto aim that he gets to use 2 or 3 times per game is useless 90% of games because it gets countered by a multitude of heroes.
Alrighty, have fun with that.
Yes, so fucking this please. People who respond to obvious shitposters make me more mad than the shitposters themselves.
Go back to Tumblr you thin skinned cut
This isnt your hugbox
This is Marks hugbox
Also there are 30.000 players in the queue for the test server? What the hell.
People want to play Sombra.
Yeah, i know. Still, it´s a bit crazy.
There are valid criticisms to be made against Overwatch, but I'm convinced "Q to Win" is spouted by people who have either only played the game long enough to be sorted with the other inexperienced players where ultimates will be much more effective because players don't know what counters what, or only watched those fucking "epic killstreak" videos showing instances where one team was incompetent enough to let themselves all get killed by a single ult.
Is this how Sisyphos feels like? Maybe i should just wait until tomorrow.
Oh, is Sombra finally on the PTR?
Yes, and the new map and gamemodes too. But you won´t probably be able to acess the ptr server right now. The server is way too overloaded.
Europe isn't so bad, only 2k people in queue.
Guess I'll play on my ds whilst I wait.
Didn't people think Sombra was a robot originally?
They even drew R34 and everything.
And the new map is?
It doesn´t really matter how many people are shown in the queue. The server crashes all the time anyway. at least for me. That´s now my fifth try.
Oh yeah you're right, I just got booted out of the queue and it's jumped to 3k
Now the PTR seems to work.
I like playing Genji and I'm barely decent at best and yet I can't count the people insulting me, especially Hanzos and other Genjis or Widowmakers. There's something about these characters that attracts the worst autists. On the other hands it does feel rewarding when you make other people sperg out.
Seconding this, people fall to this shit way too much and it's just validating and feeding the shitposting. We all know they just do it for the attention and "le salt XD", banning people that answer to them should cut off any enjoyment they have from this shit and help everyone else learn some fucking discipline.
I ask because I fall for this shit way too much as well
I have no idea what goes in the head of such shit players.
Why would you keep playing the exact same way and failing when it's clearly not working? Why not try something different, or change character? Maybe even read a bit on the character you like if you really want to play with him?
Next game I tried to Attack with Bastion and I still think it can be done, but it wasn't working and I switched to Soldier instead for a much better result.
When shit don't work, you don't keep repeating it until it does, that's just autism
It's a bit hard to do when you're restricted in roles and no one else is willing to switch. If I'm using a tank and it's not working I switch to another tank but almost never to another class, because the team will immediately bitch about how we still need a hero of the class I'm covering in particular.
I only do it when I'm playing support and no one even tries to defend me from being harassed by the opposing team. I just stop healing and switch to another class.
But usually you have a hero in the same class that can work in a situation your current one isn't. If a Mei is giving problems as Reinhart, pick Zarya, if it's Snipers, pick Harambe, etc.
Bad Genji's for instance could pick Soldier instead since they like to shoot things from the front. They'd have more accuracy, survive longer and help more.
Pick Zenyatta instead. You can still heal but you'll also be a murder machine. It's what I do when I'm on heal duty and everyone else is slacking off on the killing.
Kinda surprising, really. You'd think that Offense heroes and eliminations would be more frequent but you can find a good Tank\Support\Defense more often than a good Offense player.
So a friend and I broke the game in PTR by setting cooldowns as low as they can go then spamming her teleport. We got really far outside the map on ilios, and they are all connected. Gonna try nepal next.
You can also get out of spawn early but it teleports you back in once you are out.
Games already broken though
here's nepal
At least there was the witch Mercy in the meanwhile, but that was clearly a seasonal thing.
You dont like a real woman?
You could sorta already do that with Junkrat and his mine or Genji and his Dash.
I see 2 maps from Nepal there, isn't there a 3rd one?
Also, it's neat that they are all on the side of a giant mountain. Wish we had a fly by with the ships before the round starts so we could apreciate the view.
I honestly have no idea why people have a problem with that haircut.
Yes, it looks fucking retarded, but it's the standard fair for cyberpunk shit, especially for punks. Hell, it's even pretty tame compared to Tomahawk haircuts with neon green and other weird shit.
The funny thing is, this is actually Blizzard trying to keep a certain theme (Sombra is a punk in an average cyberpunk world) instead of pandering to waifu fags.
We still have Athena in the future :3
Is overwatch good?
are you serious?
Yeah, it´s a fun game.
Nope it's not and if i haven't gotten it for free i wouldn't play it.
she's a she and she has both legs
that's a shame really
look closely user, they are all there. Look for the ships on each side you will see three pairs.
His whole post smells like Tumblr, down to the :3
It's alright, but TF2 is similar enough that it's not worth outright buying unless you have friends that play.
NuDoom multi looks alright compared to this garbage.
Can you repeat the question?
Spanish ain't popular for waifufags, and neither is the haircut. Too old for loli, too flat for everyone else.
Oh right, it's covered in that fog\cloud. Shit, there is even a small walkpath that connects each map by the mountain.
If I had a choice between playing this and LoL, i'd choose this any day of the week. It's a shame that those are the only multiplayer games my normalfag friends are willing to play.
There are plenty of groups out there with a fairly good amount of taste, go find them instead of settling for shit.
Better yet, tell your friends to install some size light game that you all can play together like The Hidden.
user, I said this way earlier in the thread, but sombra is popular with my blizzdrone friend, so if he is anything to go by, she will be popular with other blizzdrones.
Also in eichenwalde sombra can get inside the castle and shoot/hack those below her.
Anecdotal evidence. Who's your friend anyway?
Also, she will be popular due to her kit, it sounds quite fun to teleport around and played right, she can be a great counter to a lot of people, especially Reinhart.
Same shit as Reaper then. Expect several hotfixes to the maps to prevent that kind of exploit, just like Reaper had.
anecdotal evidence is all we have to go by isn't it? And my friend is pretty cancerous but a nice guy.
Give him a chance user you know he wont find someone else so easily
Nigger fuck off. What is with all the gays on Holla Forums anyway? Is /cuteboys/ that popular?
Its a joke nigger
This could be a banner…
Maybe is the PTR craze, but I have gotten too many idiots on competitive as teammates, they can't even push Dorado's payload to the first chokepoint.
sombra can also get into the enemy spawn on last on numbani
You should probably post this on the official forums so they can fix this before it goes live.
true, but you can only do it with no cooldowns as far as I can tell, so it is a bit of a non-issue.
Q times are horrendous right now.
How is Sombra affecting ultimates and abilities so far?
Immensely annoying, but not totally crippling except against characters who rely heavily on their abilities, like Tracer.
I've been reading winston is the anti-sombra right now. Mei is a close second in my mind. I'm not putting much thought into it though as I'm expecting Sombra to have some aspects nerfed within the next month
This explains why my aim with her is 60+ but >40 on every other character.
Isn't her aim assist only for team mates? Why would anyone care about that then?
Yes, her shoots have bigger hitboxes for allies.
Honestly the haircut is pretty hot on certain chicks, doesn't work for everyone though and you gotta have a dark hair color otherwise it looks like shit.
90% of the time I ask about it's "oh it's easier to take care of". On the same level of "its comfortable" for wearing tights.
So basically that haircut is for whores with poor hygiene.
You guys do realize winter clothing; especially eskimo fur clothes are really thick, right?
Makes shots aimed at enemies get bodyblocked by teammates a whole lot.
b-b-b-b-but that's just fanart in the game user!
Finally an user with some sense.
Look at that shit.
You'd have to believe every "curvy" you see on a dating site to fall for that.
I'll just drop this here
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but MUH MEMES AND MY PROJECTION user!!
Nigger that's a fucking drawing. We're talking about the actual character model.
Actually I was just doing the ironic stuttering devil's advocate thing I usually do, I think Mei is curvy as proved by the official art and stuff, but you can't stop those people from thinking otherwise.
This is what actual Antarctica gear looks like. It adds thickness, but it does not add chub like that on Mei's disgusting belly.
I mean I could care less what Satan looks like, but the ingame sprays are legit and so is heavy winter clothing that is designed to protect the wearer from the harsh cold of the Antarctic. That shit has hit -100 degrees farenheit/ -73 degrees celcius and that is just in reality.
Her outfit was heavily influenced by Eskimo/Inuit wear.
Even THAT doesn't add the midbody bloat that Mei has.
I don't know what I expected.
But I agree with you. Maybe if 90% of girls irl with Mei's body type weren't disgusting porcine blobs, she'd get a pass.
If anything Mei's belly is one of the few things people keep thinking is fat, I could concede she may have thunder thighs and big boobs, but the coat in your picture proves that she can be pudgy at most, otherwise her figure with the coat would resemble an old wooden barrel, not a straight cylinder.
Pics related, more or less the average scale in which Mei can fit, give or take some hip centimeters.
Also, if Mei's clothes are designed to protect from antarctic cold, how can she be frozen by another Mei?
is clearly right that the legs are spandex. She's not in Antarctica, she doesn't need to be wearing actual thick clothing (she'd die of heat exhaustion), it's just a fashion thing. It's probably thin layers, too. She's nothing more than a short, bloated lardass, with a BMI higher than the average ranking in this thread.
Gameplay stuff, I mean, how can Torb get frozen during Molten Core? as for your other argument, when she is in Numbani or Route 66 she will complain about being overdressed.
If Widowmaker's gun killed an Omnic religious guy how come Zenyatta still respawns after getting shot by it?
How does Mercy's biohealing beam work on Bastion and Zen?
I like this game, please continue.
If Ana's sleep dart can sleep Zenyatta, Bastion and Dva's mech why can't it sleep torbjorn's turret?
Mei can freeze the turret but Ana can't "disable" it with a dart, certainly stupid.
Also, is Sombra barefoot or what?
Why has no one mentioned the big issue of Zenyatta getting stuck in a junkrat trap?
it bites his groincloth
pic related
Old screenshot? How is it old? It is more current than your picture.
How do you hack someone's legs?
so sombra shits quiet a few heroes the biggest one is the DJ nigger
Apparenlty so, I was afraid she would be able to EMP Snowball.
can sombra hack the game to give herself a better hairdo and be a loli?
surely you meant to post another image applauding my righteous heart
Stream that movie if you're so great!
You know, when I think about it her "hacking" ability should be called "jamming" instead, it makes more sense.
Latinas shitting on niggers is highly appropriate given the porn that's popular in Brazil.
Truly, this is suffering, I don't want to go back to mercy, and I want to heal more than zen
fuck this shit and fuck you blizzard you jew bastards
Play Ana, she's objectively the best support character in the game.
Problem with Ana is that you really can't carry a team solo she is a dope ass sup healer, but still falls behind Mercy and Zen who can carry teams like there is no tomorrow.
Why did they give Sombra so much shit?
Nobody else has this much shit in their arsenal, They could seriously split her into 2 separate characters and they would still be totally fine.
for a full minute nonetheless.
Don't forget that she grants the team the ability to see when the enemy team's ultimates are available.
Overcucks when will they learn?
Why do you post the picture where is clear she has wide hips but tiny waist then?
With arms double the size of a normal person.
I wonder why?
So, cartoony I guess, still.
huh, what? yeah
Forgot your sage.
He thinks Im baiting or something, doesnt realize how cancerous his fanbase and game are
how much does blizzard pay you?
they should of kept the original design instead of making a little ice gun and have her run around with her hand behind her back
The assumption is the old design would have a silhouette easy to confuse with Zarya's.
I think they decided to use the big cannon for Zarya.
Hot new bread.